Search results for ""Author Don""
University of Notre Dame Press Black Domers: African-American Students at Notre Dame in Their Own Words
Black Domers tells the compelling story of racial integration at the University of Notre Dame in the post–World War II era. In a series of seventy-five essays, beginning with the first African-American to graduate from Notre Dame in 1947 to a member of the class of 2017 who also served as student body president, we can trace the trials, tribulations, and triumphs of the African-American experience at Notre Dame through seven decades. Don Wycliff and David Krashna’s book is a revised edition of a 2014 publication. With a few exceptions, the stories of these graduates are told in their own words, in the form of essays on their experiences at Notre Dame. The range of these experiences is broad; joys and opportunities, but also hardships and obstacles, are recounted. Notable among several themes emerging from these essays is the importance of leadership from the top in successfully bringing African-Americans into the student body and enabling them to become fully accepted, fully contributing members of the Notre Dame community. The late Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, president of the university from 1952 to 1987, played an indispensable role in this regard and also wrote the foreword to the book. This book will be an invaluable resource for Notre Dame graduates, especially those belonging to African-American and other minority groups, specialists in race and diversity in higher education, civil rights historians, and specialists in race relations.
Dancing Foxes Press SIREN (Some Poetics)
Poetics as artistic practice and world-making: practitioners from Bernadette Mayer and Sky Hopinka to Liliane Lijn and Shanzhai Lyric explore the wilder, parapoetic shores of language Through work by artists and poets of various generations and geographies, as well as additional thinkers and artistic contributors, SIREN considers the ways in which language is increasingly employed by artists in works that trouble the line between language as a literary practice and language as a visual one. Both human and nonhuman forms of language-making and poetics are insisted upon, from precolonial myth to scientific speculation, fungal networks to gut bacteria, text to textile, poem to algorithm. Contributors include: Ruth Estévez, Hana Noorali and Lynton Talbot, Don Mee Choi, Anaïs Duplan, Katja Aufleger, Patricia L. Boyd, Bia Davou, Sky Hopinka, Liliane Lijn, Bernadette Mayer, Rosemary Mayer, Nour Mobarak, Senga Nengudi, Rivane Neuenschwander, Mayra A. Rodríguez Castro, Aura Satz, Ser Serpas, Shanzhai Lyric, Jenna Sutela, Iris Touliatou, Christa Wolf and Dena Yago.
Open University Press Applied Systems Thinking for Health Systems Research: A Methodological Handbook
Patient safety in health systems has become more and more important as a theme in health research, and so it is not surprising to see a growing interest in applying systems thinking to healthcare. However there is a difficulty – health systems are very complex and constantly adapting to respond to core drivers and fit needs. How do you apply systems thinking in this situation, and what methods are available? National health authorities, international donors and research practitioners need to know the “how-to” of conducting health systems research from a systems thinking perspective. This book will fill this gap and provide a range of tools that give clear guidance of ways to carry out systems thinking in health, with real-world examples. These methodologies include:• System dynamics and causal loops• Network analysis• Outcome mapping• Soft systems methodologyAnd many more.Written by an international team of experts in health research, this handbook will be essential reading for those working in or researching public health, health policy, health systems, global health, service improvement and innovation in practice..“With this new book, health researchers have a detailed guide for applying system thinking tools in day-to-day operations to identify and solve issues related to health policy and systems.”Ghaffar Abdul, Executive Director of the Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research, Switzerland“This book is the first to present practical options for applying systems thinking to understand complexity in health systems. The editors compile an essential collection of practical tools for understanding complex problems and framing research questions, as well as for determining and managing related solutions.” Ligia Paina, PhD, Assistant Professor, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University, USA“This keenly-awaited book offers a lucid and comprehensive discussion on how to research complex health systems. The book provides invaluable help in navigating this complexity and applying rigorous as well as pragmatic approaches to capturing dynamic interactions between system elements and causal loops.” Dina Balabanova, PhD, Associate Professor, Health Systems/Policy, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK“This book is timely to help equip individuals or researchers with practical tools that are expected to empower the field and facilitate greater and more relevant evidence production for better policy making in health.”George Gotsadze, Director, Curatio International Foundation“This methodological handbook includes variety of essential tools and provides excellent guidance for health system researchers and managers when investigating and resolving complex health systems problems.”Fadi El-Jardali, Professor of Health Policy and Systems, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
University of Illinois Press A Cole Porter Companion
Balancing sophisticated melodies and irresistible rhythms with lyrics by turns cynical and passionate, Cole Porter sent American song soaring on gossamer wings. Timeless works like "I Get a Kick Out of You" and "At Long Last Love" made him an essential figure in the soundtrack of a century and earned him adoration from generations of music lovers. In A Cole Porter Companion, a parade of performers and scholars offers essays on little-known aspects of the master tunesmith's life and art. Here are Porter's days as a Yale wunderkind and his nights as the exemplar of louche living; the triumph of Kiss Me Kate and shocking failure of You Never Know; and his spinning rhythmic genius and a turkey dinner into "You're the Top" while cultural and economic forces take "Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye" in unforeseen directions. Other entries explore notes on ongoing Porter scholarship and delve into his formative works, performing career, and long-overlooked contributions to media as varied as film and ballet.Prepared with the cooperation of the Porter archives, A Cole Porter Companion is an invaluable guide for the fans and scholars of this beloved American genius.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mechanics of Materials
In the 6th edition of Mechanics of Materials, author team Riley, Sturges, and Morris continue to provide students with the latest information in the field, as well as realistic and motivating problems. This updated revision of Mechanics of Materials (formerly Higdon, Olsen and Stiles) features thorough treatment of stress, strain, and the stress-strain relationships. These topics are covered before the customary treatments of axial loading, torsion, flexure, and buckling, allowing for earlier introduction of more realistic problems, such as those associated with combined loadings. Riley, Sturges, and Morris continue to write in a student-friendly style that includes new illustrations throughout each chapter. The text stresses the use of fundamental principles and the concepts of mechanics to solve all problems. As a result, students must apply the information presented in each chapter to answer realistic problems instead of simply using formulas. This problem solving method motivates students to learn the material because they see how it is used in the real world.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Internet, Phone, Mail, and Mixed-Mode Surveys: The Tailored Design Method
The classic survey design reference, updated for the digital age For over two decades, Dillman's classic text on survey design has aided both students and professionals in effectively planning and conducting mail, telephone, and, more recently, Internet surveys. The new edition is thoroughly updated and revised, and covers all aspects of survey research. It features expanded coverage of mobile phones, tablets, and the use of do-it-yourself surveys, and Dillman's unique Tailored Design Method is also thoroughly explained. This invaluable resource is crucial for any researcher seeking to increase response rates and obtain high-quality feedback from survey questions. Consistent with current emphasis on the visual and aural, the new edition is complemented by copious examples within the text and accompanying website. This heavily revised Fourth Edition includes: Strategies and tactics for determining the needs of a given survey, how to design it, and how to effectively administer it How and when to use mail, telephone, and Internet surveys to maximum advantage Proven techniques to increase response rates Guidance on how to obtain high-quality feedback from mail, electronic, and other self-administered surveys Direction on how to construct effective questionnaires, including considerations of layout The effects of sponsorship on the response rates of surveys Use of capabilities provided by newly mass-used media: interactivity, presentation of aural and visual stimuli. The Fourth Edition reintroduces the telephone—including coordinating land and mobile. Grounded in the best research, the book offers practical how-to guidelines and detailed examples for practitioners and students alike.
Indiana University Press Face to Face with Orchestra and Chorus, Second, Expanded Edition: A Handbook for Choral Conductors
Face to Face with Orchestra and Chorus is a crucial guide for choral conductors who are presented with the daunting task of conducting a full-size orchestra. This book provides a survival kit for both novice and experienced choral conductors, with an overview of the orchestral instruments and their particular needs, tips for rehearsing an orchestra effectively, and guidelines for proper baton technique. Conductors are walked through six case studies from the Baroque and Classical periods, including Handel's Messiah, Bach's Magnificat in D Major, Vivaldi's Gloria, and Beethoven's "Choral" Fantasia.
Indiana University Press Crossroads of a Continent: Missouri Railroads, 1851-1921
Crossroads of a Continent: Missouri Railroads, 1851-1921 tells the story of the state's railroads and their vital role in American history. Missouri and St. Louis, its largest city, are strategically located within the American Heartland. On July 4, 1851, when the Pacific Railroad of Missouri began construction in St. Louis, the city took its first step to becoming a major hub for railroads. By the 1920s, the state was crisscrossed with railways reaching toward all points of the compass.Authors Peter A. Hansen, Don L. Hofsommer, and Carlos Arnaldo Schwantes explore the history of Missouri railroads through personal, absorbing tales of the cutthroat competition between cities and between railroads that meant the difference between prosperity and obscurity, the ambitions and dreams of visionaries Fred Harvey and Arthur Stilwell, and the country's excitement over the St. Louis World's Fair of 1904.Beautifully illustrated with over 100 color images of historical railway ephemera, Crossroads of a Continent is an engaging history of key American railroads and of Missouri's critical contribution to the American story.
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Exploring Woodworking
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Exploring Woodworking
Taylor & Francis Ltd Working Postures and Movements
In most industries, musculoskeletal injuries are the most common work-related reason for employee absences. These injuries are often caused by static postures or repetitive movements that have to be maintained for many hours a day, such as intensive use of data entry devices, assembly work, parts inspection, equipment maintenance, manual materials handling, machinery operations, and vehicle operation, among others. The book addresses seating concepts, hand tool and pedal designs, foot-floor interfaces, digital human models for computer-aided design and engineering, and work organization (task duration, breaks, handling frequency) as they affect human performance and musculoskeletal injury reduction. Professionals responsible for identifying and improving conditions in the industries where such workplace injuries occur will find this volume to be a handy sourcebook, while teachers and students will find it to be a valuable reference.
University of Utah Press,U.S. Cultural Resource Management in the Great Basin 1986–2016
Cultural Resource Management (CRM) refers to the discovery, evaluation, and preservation of culturally significant sites, focusing on but not limited to archaeological and historical sites of significance. CRM stems from the National Historic Preservation Act, passed in 1966. In 1986, archaeologists reviewed the practice of CRM in the Great Basin. They concluded that it was mainly a system of finding, flagging, and avoiding— a means of keeping sites and artifacts safe. Success was measured by counting the number of sites recorded and acres surveyed.This volume provides an updated review some thirty years later. The product of a 2016 symposium, its measures are the increase in knowledge obtained through CRM projects and the inclusion of tribes, the general public, industry, and others in the discovery and interpretation of Great Basin prehistory and history. Revealing both successes and shortcomings, it considers how CRM can face the challenges of the future. Chapters offer a variety of perspectives, covering highway archaeology, inclusion of Native American tribes, and the legacy of the NHPA, among other topics.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Fundamentals of Geobiology
2012 PROSE Award, Earth Science: Honorable Mention For more than fifty years scientists have been concerned with the interrelationships of Earth and life. Over the past decade, however, geobiology, the name given to this interdisciplinary endeavour, has emerged as an exciting and rapidly expanding field, fuelled by advances in molecular phylogeny, a new microbial ecology made possible by the molecular revolution, increasingly sophisticated new techniques for imaging and determining chemical compositions of solids on nanometer scales, the development of non-traditional stable isotope analyses, Earth systems science and Earth system history, and accelerating exploration of other planets within and beyond our solar system. Geobiology has many faces: there is the microbial weathering of minerals, bacterial and skeletal biomineralization, the roles of autotrophic and heterotrophic metabolisms in elemental cycling, the redox history in the oceans and its relationship to evolution and the origin of life itself.. This book is the first to set out a coherent set of principles that underpin geobiology, and will act as a foundational text that will speed the dissemination of those principles. The chapters have been carefully chosen to provide intellectually rich but concise summaries of key topics, and each has been written by one or more of the leading scientists in that field.. Fundamentals of Geobiology is aimed at advanced undergraduates and graduates in the Earth and biological sciences, and to the growing number of scientists worldwide who have an interest in this burgeoning new discipline. Additional resources for this book can be found at:
Bambu El Conde Lucanor
Rowman & Littlefield Environmental Philosophy and Environmental Activism
This collection of new essays by eleven distinguished environmental philosophers addresses two main questions: first, whether environmental philosophy and ethics should be seen as a form of applied philosophy or as something else, perhaps best called practical philosophy; and second, how environmental philosophy is practiced in human life, especially in the lives of academics.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Targeted Therapy for Solid Tumors & Hematologic Malignancies
St Martin's Press Never Quit: From Alaskan Wilderness Rescues to Afghanistan Firefights as an Elite Special Ops PJ
“That Others May Live” is a mantra that defines the fearless men of Alaska’s 212th Pararescue Unit, the PJs, one of the most elite military forces on the planet. Whether they are rescuing citizens injured and freezing in the Alaskan wilderness or saving wounded Rangers and SEALS in blazing firefights at war, the PJs are the least known and most highly trained of America’s warriors. Never Quit is the true story of how Jimmy Settle, an Alaskan shoe store clerk, became a Special Forces Operator and war hero. After being shot in the head during a dangerous high mountain operation in the rugged Watapur Valley in Afghanistan, Jimmy returns to battle with his teammates for a heroic rescue, the bullet fragments stitched over and still in his skull. In a cross between a suicide rescue mission and an against-all-odds mountain battle, his team of PJs risk their lives again in an epic firefight. When his helicopter is hit and begins leaking fuel, Jimmy finds himself in the worst possible position as a rescue specialist - forced to leave members from his own team behind. Jimmy will have to risk everything to get back into the battle and bring back his brothers. From death-defying Alaskan wilderness training, wild rescues, and vicious battles against the Taliban and Al Qaeda, this is an explosive special operations memoir unlike any that has come before, and the true story of a man from humble beginnings who became an American hero.
Teton NewMedia Current Techniques in Small Animal Surgery
Current Techniques in Small Animal Surgery, Fifth Edition provides current information regarding surgical techniques from the perspective of clinicians who are performing specific procedures on a regular basis. It is intended to be concise, well illustrated, and reflective of the writer’s experience, both good and bad. The emphasis with this volume is technique. The pathophysiologic priniciples and applications are covered in the companion volume, Mechanisms of Disease in Small Animal Surgery, Third Edition. These two books are regarded by most practitioners and students as being a two-volume set.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Dipicolinic Acid, its Analogues & Derivatives: Aspects of their Coordination Chemistry
American Psychological Association The Complete Researcher: A Practical Guide for Graduate Students and Early Career Professionals
Learning how to do research well is not easy, and for newer scholars the process can feel overwhelming. Using clear and supportive language, this book is designed to help graduate students and early career professionals in psychology develop skills to effectively work through the research process. Chapters cover the essential character traits and skills that are necessary to become an effective researcher, walk through the main steps for completing a research project from start to finish, and discuss considerations when building a career and research program. Rather than the nitty-gritty of research methods, authors Joshua N. Hook, Don E. Davis, and Daryl R. Van Tongeren focus on the big picture of what is required in research. Chapters in the first section address overarching principles—the personal growth, attributes, and habits that are important to develop to become a successful researcher. The second section illustrates the key steps in completing a research project from start to finish, from formulating an idea for a project, to completing a literature review, collecting data, analyzing data, and writing up the results. The third section discusses developing a research program and transitioning from graduate student to professional—topics such as collaborating with others in research and mentoring students. This section is full of practical advice the authors learned from mentors and from personal experience. Written for people with a broad range of career goals, and with the mentoring relationship in mind, the book helps mentors and students form productive relationships that feel mutually beneficial and rewarding. Each chapter aims to help students and professionals along their research journey, and teaches them not just how to survive the process, but thrive.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Occupational Biomechanics
Praise for previous editions of Occupational Biomechanics "This book is a valuable resource for any advanced ergonomist interested in physical ergonomics . . . provides valuable research information." -Ergonomics in Design "[This book] represents a distillation of the authors' combined years of experience in applying biomechanicsin various industries and work situations . . . I recommend this book to anyone, regardless of discipline, who is interested in understanding the many biomechanical factors which must be considered when trying to effectthe prevention and reduction of musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace." -Journal of Biomechanics "Impressive descriptions of biomechanical concepts and worksite considerations . . . based not only on mechanical and mathematical principles, but on solid anatomical and physiologic constructs . . . a very valuablereference source." -Research Communications in Chemical Pathology and Pharmacology THE DEFINITIVE TEXT ON DESIGNING FOR THE DEMANDS OF TODAY'S WORKPLACE With critical applications in manufacturing, transportation, defense, security, environmental safety and occupational health, and other industries, the field of occupational biomechanics is more central to industrial design than ever before. This latest edition of the popular and widely adopted Occupational Biomechanics provides the foundations and tools to assemble and evaluate biomechanical processes as they apply to today's changing industries, with emphasis on improving overall work efficiency and preventing work-related injuries. The book expertly weaves engineering and medical information from diverse sources and provides a coherent treatment of the biomechanical principles underlying the well-designed and ergonomically sound workplace. NEW TO THIS THOROUGHLY REVISED AND UPDATED FOURTH EDITION: * 150 new references and many new illustrations * Major changes within each chapter that reflect recent and significant findings * Recent research in musculoskeletal disorders * New measurement techniques for biomechanical parameters and numerous international initiatives on the subject Presented in an easy-to-understand manner and supported by over 200 illustrations and numerous examples, Occupational Biomechanics, Fourth Edition remains the premier one-stop reference for students and professionals in the areas of industrial engineering, product and process design, medicine, and occupational health and safety.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Construction Funding: The Process of Real Estate Development, Appraisal, and Finance
The Fourth Edition of the classic Construction Funding acquaints professionals and students alike with the critical tools needed for developing any successful real estate venture. Using a case example of an actual apartment development, Construction Funding walks the reader through each phase of the project, offering invaluable guidance on selecting markets, rating sites, choosing construction professionals, raising capital, understanding financing options, and mastering cash flow management.
University of Texas Press The Native Americans of the Texas Edwards Plateau, 1582-1799
2003 – Texas Old Missions and Forts Restoration Association Book Award Winner – Texas Catholic Historical Society2004 – Finalist: Friends of the Dallas Public Library Award for Book Making the Most Significant Contribution to Knowledge – Texas Institute of LettersThe region that now encompasses Central Texas and northern Coahuila, Mexico, was once inhabited by numerous Native hunter-gather groups whose identities and lifeways we are only now learning through archaeological discoveries and painstaking research into Spanish and French colonial records. From these key sources, Maria F. Wade has compiled this first comprehensive ethnohistory of the Native groups that inhabited the Texas Edwards Plateau and surrounding areas during most of the Spanish colonial era.Much of the book deals with events that took place late in the seventeenth century, when Native groups and Europeans began to have their first sustained contact in the region. Wade identifies twenty-one Native groups, including the Jumano, who inhabited the Edwards Plateau at that time. She offers evidence that the groups had sophisticated social and cultural mechanisms, including extensive information networks, ladino cultural brokers, broad-based coalitions, and individuals with dual-ethnic status. She also tracks the eastern movement of Spanish colonizers into the Edwards Plateau region, explores the relationships among Native groups and between those groups and European colonizers, and develops a timeline that places isolated events and singular individuals within broad historical processes.
St Martin's Press The Last Man on the Moon
Eugene Cernan is a unique American who came of age as an astronaut during the most exciting and dangerous decade of spaceflight. His career spanned the entire Gemini and Apollo programs, from being the first person to spacewalk all the way around our world to commanding Apollo XVII, man's last mission to the moon. Between those two historic events lay more adventures than an ordinary person could imagine as Cernan repeatedly put his life, his family and everything he held dear on the altar of an obsessive desire. Written with "New York Times" bestselling author Don Davis, this is the astronaut story never before told - about the fear, love and sacrifice demanded of the few men who dared to reach beyond the heavens for the biggest prize of all: the Moon.
University of North Texas Press,U.S. Dictionary of Poetic Terms
Formerly ""The Longman Dictionary of Poetic Terms"", this updated version contains over 1600 entries on the devices, techniques, history, theory and terminology of poetry from the Classical period to the present. To bring it up to date, the authors have added 50 new entries and examples. The dictionary is compact enough for classroom use, but thorough enough to be a definitive reference handbook for poets and scholars, and the many writers who are both.
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc Apocalyptic Ruin and Everyday Wonder in Don DeLillo’s America
Apocalyptic Ruin and Everyday Wonder in Don DeLillo’s America is a fresh and engaging study of “last things” in Don DeLillo’s works—things like death, mourning, and the decline of the American empire, but then also the apocalypse, the last judgment, and the end of the world more generally. Michael Naas untangles complex themes in short, witty chapters that highlight and celebrate DeLillo’s inventive and playful writing, employing a novel approach to literary criticism. Making no use of secondary sources, the book is entirely a discussion of DeLillo's work, accessible to any level of readership while maintaining a firm grasp of the theory necessary to make this unique argument. And yet, this book is also about all the things that double or shadow those last things in the very same works, like the wonder of language or the radiance of everyday events. From Americana (1971) up through Zero K (2016) and The Silence (2020), and perhaps like no other American author, Don DeLillo has created meaning by contrasting, juxtaposing or, as Naas calls it here, “contrabanding” first and last things, conflicting or opposing forces such as life and death, creation and destruction, consumption and waste, everyday wonder and apocalyptic ruin, the origins of language and the end of the world. In his adept demonstration of how DeLillo has returned repeatedly to these “last things,” Naas shows how the works of Don DeLillo have been there for more than half a century to remind us of one simple and yet profound truth—nothing lasts forever.