Search results for ""Author Scott""
Random House USA Inc 100 Years, 100 Moments
Warner Bros. Publications Inc.,U.S. Ragtime Favorites for Strings 2nd Violin
Rowman & Littlefield Naturalist's Guide to the Atlantic Seashore: Beach Ecology From The Gulf Of Maine To Cape Hatteras
From the North Carolina's Outer Banks to Maine’s rocky coast, this comprehensive guidebook covers the ecology, wildlife, plants and ocean creatures in full-color photographs and vivid detail. No other book includes all of the plants, animals, and terrain along this stretch of coastline, making this a must-have for anyone who lives or recreates near the Atlantic. The diverse habitats of the seashore, from the Rocky Shores to Sandy Beaches, Estuaries, Tidal Flats, Salt Marshes, Seagrass Meadows, and the Open Ocean are explored in detail in this user-friendly guide and natural history. The easy-to-use layout, comprehensive index, water-resistant cover and guaranteed binding make this a beautiful volume of natural history and biodiversity.Scott W. Shumway is a professor of biology at Wheaton College. He lives in Westborough, Massachusetts.
DK Eat Your Way to a Six Pack: The Ultimate 75 Day Transformation Plan: THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER
Let Scott Harrison, founder of The Six Pack Revolution, guide you on your journey to a healthier body and mind – no calorie counters or weighing scales in sight, just visible results in 75 days.Scott’s life-changing program The Six Pack Revolution has helped a community of tens of thousands of people across 57 countries gain confidence and achieve the best shape of their lives. Make It Happen takes this program and puts it in a book, with tailored recipes and meal planning, fitness challenges that are fun and empowering, and transformative mindset coaching. 75 vegan-friendly recipes that are simple to follow, packed with flavor, and fine-tuned for optimum nutrition meal planning 101 to help plot your daily routine of 6 carefully timed and nutrient-rich meals and snacks a series of daily workouts and weekly active challenges that anyone can do at home and adaptable to everyone’s level of fitness, building into a full fitness program that can increase in challenge inspiring tips and tricks to tackle your fears, embrace change, and achieve a positive mindset – train the mind and the body will follow all backed by easy-to-understand body science and nutritional know-how Forget the fads and bogus health hacks of the diet industry, only you can Make It Happen, and Scott will show you how.
Rowman & Littlefield Understanding Commodity Cultures: Explorations in Economic Anthropology with Case Studies from Mexico
For the past century, the anthropological study of the Mexican economy has accentuated the cultural and historical distinctiveness of its subjects, a majority of whom share Amerindian or mestizo identity. By selectively reviewing this record and critically examining specific foundational and later empirical studies in several of Mexico's key regions, as well as the U.S.-Mexico borderlands and the new trans-border space in the U.S. and Canada for Mexican-origin migrant labor, this book encourages readers to critically rethink their views of economic otherness in Mexico (and, by extension, elsewhere in Latin America and the Third World), and presents a new framework for understanding the Mexican/Mesoamerican economy in world-historical terms. Among other things, this involves reconciling the continuing attraction of concepts like 'penny capitalism' with the realities of a world ever more subjected to continental and global market projects of 'DOLLAR CAPITALISM.' It also involves concentrating on the production and consumption of commodity value.The key concept 'commodity culture(s)' serves as a thread to loosely integrate the separate chapters of this book. It is conceived as a way to operationally immobilize two contradictory tendencies: first, the tendency to understand an economy like Mexico's as a separate reality from its sociocultural matrix thus distorting its influence; and, second, the tendency to submerge 'economy' in its sociocultural matrix thereby diffusing its influence. This double immobilization promotes a focus on the interconnectedness of economy, society, and culture, but also makes it possible methodologically to approach themes like cultural survival, subsistence/livelihood security, use value, ecological degradation, human rights, or the sociocultural connectedness of the economy from the perspective of a commodity-focused analysis that privileges use- and exchange-value production and consumption. Such an approach provides a unique perspective in demonstrating how lived experience is informed by and shapes the diversifying funds of knowledge that enable Mexicans under economic stress to make culturally-informed choices in their material interest. The focus on deliberative decision-making, understood as involving utilitarian means-end reasoning necessarily influenced by social and moral considerations, promotes a balanced approach to the economy/culture relationship and to the role of agency in processes of economic transformation. The challenge to economic anthropology in seeking to understand processes of livelihood and accumulation in societies like Mexico with uneven development, persisting cultures of precapitalist origin, yet pervasive involvement in continental and global capitalist markets, is to deal with an unusually diverse array of capital/labor relations, as well as with significant sectors of the rural population with combined, if alternating, involvement in capitalist, petty commodity, and subsistence circuits of value production and consumption. The common denominator of this activity is deliberative choice by Mexicans regarding the acquisition, use, and/or accumulation of commodity value calculated in money terms. This market-responsive behavior, since the early 1980s, has been generated by conditions of subsistence and/or accumulation crisis in Mexico. There is an important message here that should be comforting to those in the United States who are threatened by or uneasy about the growing presence of Mexican migrants in our midst. It should also give pause to others who are quick to emphasize, even exoticize or romanticize, the cultural or ethnic differences between Mexicans and Americans. With regard to fundamental aspirations and considerations related to making and earning a living, including sociopolitical understandings, there is really very little difference between us. Too much has been made in the past of the concrete economic differences between our two countries represented in abstract, statistical terms (or in systemic terms regarding politics/political culture) as an asymmetrical First World-Third World divide. This notion of economic (and political) difference or 'otherness' has been reinforced by a conflictive and controversial history that has shaped the international border between the U.S. and Mexico, and reverberated in our respective national identities, since the middle of the 19th century. It has also been accentuated by the impersonal, instrumental discourse of international capitalist development which has made 'maquiladora,' 'indocumentado,' and 'cheap labor' household words in both countries. Against this litany of economic (and political) difference, the lesson to be gleaned from the record of study of Mexican/Mesoamerican commodity culture, from the highlands of Guatemala to the Valleys of Oaxaca or Guerrero to the coasts of Veracruz and along the Rio Bravo side of the border, is that its bearers and fashioners, the peoples of this vast region south of the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo, think and act about making and earning their livelihood just as we would in their space. It is this fundamental recognition of our common humanity that should be uppermost in all of our minds as we negotiate and struggle our respective ways together through NAFTAmerica in the twenty-first century.
Alfred Publishing Co Inc.,U.S. The Scott Henderson Guitar Book Authentic Guitar Transcription
Arcadia Publishing LeSourdsville Lake Amusement Park Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Arcadia Publishing All Aboard: The History of Mass Transportation in Rhode Island
Arcadia Publishing Laurens County
Simon & Schuster People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil
Houghton Mifflin The King's Fifth: A Newbery Honor Award Winner
Random House USA Inc Alive
Random House USA Inc Escaping Ordinary
Dover Publications Inc. How Things Work - Everyday Machines Coloring Book
Little, Brown & Company Personal Injuries
Little, Brown & Company Reversible Errors
St Martin's Press The Captured: A True Story of Abduction by Indians on the Texas Frontier
Random House USA Inc Infected: A Novel
Cengage Learning, Inc THE First Frontier
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Endless Love
Splitter Verlag Clear
Splitter Verlag Night of the Ghoul
Cross Cult Undiscovered Country 4
Cross Cult Star Trek Comicband 17 Der QKonflikt
Panini Verlags GmbH Batman Eternal 02 Kirche des Bsen
Panini Verlags GmbH Batman Eternal 01 Verschwrung in Gotham
Redline Das DilbertPrinzip Die endgltige Wahrheit ber Chefs Konferenzen Manager und andere Martyrien
Dpunkt.Verlag GmbH PortrtRezepte mit natrlichem Licht ber 150 Anleitungen Tipps und Tricks fr das Fotografieren mit Tageslicht
Dpunkt.Verlag GmbH Landschaftsfotografie fr Einsteiger ber 190 Rezepte fr atemberaubende Landschaftsaufnahmen
Plassen Verlag Byebye USA
Panini Verlags GmbH Batman 02 Die Stadt der Eulen
Panini Verlags GmbH Batman 01 Der Rat der Eulen
Panini Verlags GmbH Five Nights at Freddys
Panini Verlags GmbH Five Nights at Freddys Durchgeknallt
Panini Verlags GmbH Justice League von Scott Snyder DeluxeEdition
Panini Verlags GmbH Justice League von Scott Snyder DeluxeEdition Bd 1
Panini Verlags GmbH Flash Forward Wally Wests Rckkehr
Panini Verlags GmbH Batman Detective Comics 1000 Deluxe Edition
Coppenrath F Echte Jungs wie du und ich
Carlsen Verlag GmbH Disney Dangerous Secrets 6 Das Dschungelbuch Die Stärke des Wolfs ist das Rudel
Heyne Taschenbuch Die Republik der Diebe Band 3 Band 3 Roman
Springer International Publishing AG Clinical Informatics Board Review and Self Assessment
The book offers an introduction to all the informatics concepts that are represented on the Clinical Informatics Board Examination The core and direction of this book is to mirror the model of clinical informatics which is used by the American Board of Preventive Medicine to create their exam. Unlike any other text on the market, the book includes simulated exam questions, to help the reader asses his knowledge and focus his study.Clinical Informatics Board Review and Self Assessment is a thorough practical assistant to refine the reader's knowledge regarding this youngest and possibly broadest fields of medicine.
Simon & Schuster Charlie Chaplin vs. America
The “shocking” (The Wall Street Journal), must-read story of Charlie Chaplin’s years of exile from the United States during the postwar Red Scare, and how it ruined his film career, from bestselling biographer Scott Eyman.Bestselling Hollywood biographer and film historian Scott Eyman tells the story of Charlie Chaplin’s fall from grace. In the aftermath of World War II, Chaplin was criticized for being politically liberal and internationalist in outlook. He had never become a US citizen, something that would be held against him as xenophobia set in when the postwar Red Scare took hold. Politics aside, Chaplin had another problem: his sexual interest in young women. He had been married three times and had had numerous affairs. In the 1940s, he was the subject of a paternity suit, which he lost, despite blood tests that proved he was not the father. His sexuality became a convenient way for those who opposed his politics to condemn h
Fayetteville Mafia Press The Last Decade of Cinema 25 films from the nineties
Ah, the nineties. Movies were something in those days. We're talking about a decade that began with GoodFellas and ended with Magnolia, with such films as Malcolm X, Before Sunrise, and Clueless arriving somewhere in between.
Cornell University Press The Bamboo Texts of Guodian: A Study and Complete Translation
The cache of bamboo texts unearthed in the village of Guodian, Hubei Province, in 1993 is a rare and unique find in the history of Chinese philosophy and literature. This study renders the complex corpus of the Guodian texts into a more easily manageable form, incorporating the past several years of scholarly activity on these texts and providing them with a comprehensive introduction along with a complete and well-annotated translation into English. As the only archaeologically excavated corpus of philosophical manuscripts to emerge from a Warring States–period tomb, the Guodian texts provide us with a wealth of reliable information for gaining new insights into the textual and intellectual history of pre-imperial China. Given the prominence of Confucian works in the corpus, they serve to fill out much of the intellectual historical picture for the doctrines of roughly three generations of Confucian disciples who fell between the times of Confucius (551–479 BC) and Mencius (c. 390–305 BC). The manuscripts also hold great significance for the study of early Chinese paleography and phonology. Volume II offers introductions to and annotated translations of the manuscripts "Cheng zhi," "Zun deyi," "Xing zi ming chu," "Liu de," and "Yucong" 1-4, along with various appendixes. These include collation tables of witnesses to the Guodian "Laozi" passages and a running translation of all the Guodian texts.