Search results for ""Nova Science Publishers Inc""
Nova Science Publishers Inc Progress in Education: Volume 58
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
Nova Science Publishers Inc Leptons: Classes, Properties and Interactions
Nova Science Publishers Inc History of European Morals: Volume II -- From Augustus to Charlemagne
Nova Science Publishers Inc Vagabonding Through Changing Germany
Nova Science Publishers Inc Serbia: Current Issues and Challenges in the Areas of Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Nova Science Publishers Inc Revisiting Fibonacci Numbers through a Computational Experiment
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at Biodiesel Production
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature
Nova Science Publishers Inc Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy: Methods, Analysis and Research
In the last decade, we have seen spurring growth in academic and industrial interest in Raman spectroscopy and its modifications, in particular, Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (SERS). This is evident by the number of SERS publications in the last decade, from 580 in 2005 to almost 2000 in 2014. There are now companies worldwide that are dedicated to manufacturing SERS substrate, sensors, and other SERS-based products. The miniaturization of Raman instrumentation from bulky and expensive bench-top designs to inexpensive handheld spectrometers has allowed SERS to be employed as an in situ detection technique. Some examples of the industrial success of Raman and SERS are rapid raw material identification (RMID), Process Analytical Technology (PAT) and drug screening in pharma and biotech industries, continuous surveillance of food, water, and environmental safety, and the diagnosis and continuous monitoring of diseases like cancer, diabetes, etc. This progress in translating Raman and SERS techniques into commercial use and commercial products is possible because of the close collaboration between scientists and engineers. However, the weak signals of Raman spectroscopy is an inherent limitation of the spontaneous Raman spectroscopy technique. Therefore, several modifications have been made, including but not limited to, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS), spatially offset Raman spectroscopy (SORS), transmission Raman spectroscopy (TRS), coherent anti-Stoke's Raman spectroscopy (CARS), and tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (TERS). Spontaneous Raman spectroscopy has become a one-of-a kind, portable, and affordable technology for in-situ detection and continuous monitoring in resource-limited-settings. The primary focus of this textbook is to try to cover the fundamentals in SERS methods of preparing substrates and sensors, and efficient spectral analysis approaches like chemometrics for diverse applications, listed in the paragraph above. However, with a goal to give a true picture to the audience when assessing the scope of spontaneous Raman and Surface-enhanced Raman for specific applications, we have briefly introduced industrially successful examples of other types of Raman spectroscopy techniques, such as SORS, TRS, and CARS.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Service Leadership: Tools to Assess Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Materials Science Research: Volume 36
Nova Science Publishers Inc Molecular Evolution of Aquatic Organisms' Biomarkers
A biomarker is a biochemical, cellular, physiological or behavioral variation that can be measured in tissue or body fluid samples or at the level of whole organisms that provides evidence of exposure to and/or effects of one or more chemical pollutants or radiations. Based on the facts related to the existence of contaminant stressors, an understanding of chemical modes of toxicity can be incorporated with diagnostic markers of aquatic animal physiology to help understand the health status of aquatic organisms in the field. New approaches in functional genomics and bioinformatics can help discriminate individual chemicals, or groups of chemicals among complex mixtures that may contribute to adverse biological effects. By using these recent methodologies, it could be useful to shed light on the molecular evolution of the biomarkers, and which role and functionality can be better understood based on exploring the relative evolution pathways in several aquatic organisms. PhD students and scientists with interests on physiology, ecotoxicology, biochemistry, molecular biology, molecular evolution and aquatic science disciplines will find this book very useful, based on the concepts and the relative biomarkers study cases, analyzed from the evolutionary point of view.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Discourse on Economic Development
Nova Science Publishers Inc Reduction Cd in Soil-Rice by Si: Theory and Practice
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Clean Air Act and The Clean Power Plan
Nova Science Publishers Inc Medicare: Financing, Insolvency and Fraud
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Chemistry Research: Volume 50
Nova Science Publishers Inc Mechanical Design, Materials and Manufacturing
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Health and Disease: Volume 9
Nova Science Publishers Inc Concepts, Mathematical Modelling and Applications in Heart Failure
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Political Economy of National and Energy Security
Nova Science Publishers Inc Glutathione: Biosynthesis, Functions and Biological Implications
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Chemistry Research: Volume 48
Nova Science Publishers Inc Cellulose Acetate: Properties, Uses and Preparation
Nova Science Publishers Inc Convex Optimization: Theory, Methods and Applications
Nova Science Publishers Inc Obesity and Syndrome X: A Global Public Health Burden
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advancing Climate Change Research in West Africa: Trends, Impacts, Vulnerability, Resilience, Adaptation and Sustainability Issues
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution: Volume 6
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Diplomatic Correspondence of the American Revolution: Volume 5
Nova Science Publishers Inc Lampreys: Evolution, Distribution and Use in Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Health and Natural Sciences
Nova Science Publishers Inc Central Asia: Perspectives and Present Challenges
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave
Nova Science Publishers Inc Domestic Terrorism: Homegrown Violence
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Supreme Court: Justice Kennedy, Judge Kavanaugh and the Nomination Process
Nova Science Publishers Inc From My Cold Dead Hands: Why Americans Wont Give up Their Guns
Nova Science Publishers Inc Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2 Volume Set)
Nova Science Publishers Inc Progress in Education: Volume 55
Nova Science Publishers Inc Spintronics: A Review and Directions for Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nonideal Heterojunctions for Image Sensors
Nova Science Publishers Inc Properties and Application of Ultrathin Carbon and Silicon Films
Nova Science Publishers Inc Studies in the Evolutionary Psychology of Feeling
Nova Science Publishers Inc Geomatics and Conservation Biology
Nova Science Publishers Inc Exotic Algebraic and Geometric Structures in Theoretical Physics
Nova Science Publishers Inc Andalusia: History, Society and Diversity
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Pattern Recognition Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc Introduction to the Three-Plane Corpuscular-Wave Biology of Forest Tree Species