Search results for ""Nova Science Publishers Inc""
Nova Science Publishers Inc An Essential Guide to Astaxanthin: Dietary Sources, Properties and Health Benefits
Nova Science Publishers Inc Dating Violence: Prevalence, Risk Factors and Perspectives
Nova Science Publishers Inc Colonization and Christianity: A Popular History of the Treatment of the Natives by the Europeans in All Their Colonies
Nova Science Publishers Inc Psychology of Religion, Violence, and Conflict Resolution
Psychology of religion, violence, and conflict resolution highlights the causes of intrareligious and interreligious violence, and proposes dual models for understanding the latter, for facilitating moral regeneration, universal peaceful coexistence, and holistic individual and collective flourishing. Religious violence, especially and paradoxically perpetrated by persons identifying with specific religious movements, has made religion an enigma, with a progressively controversial status. In other words, intrareligious and interreligious violence is associated with some of the bloodiest episodes of humankind's tragic history, and it is on this basis that understanding the fundamental causes of religious strife becomes a vital preoccupation of researchers, decision makers and the general public, beyond and above religious obeisance, or total absence of any. Furthermore, and more preoccupying, there is no space, time, or people of the world today, that are free of the modern day scourge of religious violence. Humankind all over the earth finds itself having to confront this modern day gorgon, which is faceless, non-discriminatory, and brutally ruthless, a far cry from the myth and deontology of religion as the "link between humankind and a higher source of being and goodwill." Psychology of religion, violence, and conflict resolution unveils the psychological mind-set lurking in the bloody shadows of intrareligious and interreligious violence, activated through the prisms of exclusivism, sectarianism, fundamentalism, intolerance, extremism, hate speech, virulent condemnation of heresy, all culminating in self-righteous "murders in God's Name." The work is not fatalistic and pessimistic though because it highlights the possibility of individual and collective moral regeneration via the Greater and Lesser Jihad, or self-sacrifice and selfless service, grounded in the realization of the inalienable unity of being, for the preservation and unlimited flourishing of all creation. The climax of the work is the projection of a non-mythical but highly probable and limitlessly sustainable "golden age," to be actualized when the preconditions of goodwill, peaceful coexistence, mental illumination, and selfless service become cornerstones of a holistic, universalistic, communalistic, and humanistic ethic of being, knowing, and doing. The book represents a unique and most timely contribution to research and literature on religion, violence, and conflict resolution, and is intended to become a vital resource and reference material for students, researchers, professionals, national and international decision makers, non-governmental organizations, religious and non-denominational bodies, which advocate for intrareligious and interreligious dialogue, reconciliation, peaceful coexistence, and individual and collective flourishing.
Nova Science Publishers Inc America Imperiled, Trump and the Restoration of National Values
This book is a partial review of the shift in American politics to a more radical, ultraconservative, far-right posture, among both the people and Republican congressional leadership during the Trump era. There is also a corresponding shift to the left among Democrats, and a dramatic rise, as high as 40% among Independent voters. My theme is simple. The Trump presidency and the 115th Congress was an updated Confederate government enabled by Russia. Trump and ultraconservatives allowed themselves to be sponsored and endorsed by an autocratic dictator, Putin, because Putin and his obedient oligarchs gave Trump money and power to flourish and demolish at least two pillars of democracy-the role of government and the idea of an inclusive society, while also perverting our global alliances. Additionally, and apart from Russia, the ultraconservative and Libertarian aim has always been to reduce any new legislation sponsoring social services and to attempt to disassemble existing social legislation. Other major goals are anti-government regulations and the lessening of taxes. I will describe this tension throughout this book, demonstrate some of this history, and show how it is the central element in our political dysfunction. This book is also partially a chronicle exposing Trump and the Republication-controlled Congress for willful damage to the democracy, and, in the second part, a recipe for restoring lost or mislaid values and ethics to government and its citizen constituents following the exit of Trump.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Short History of the Royal Navy, 1217-1815: Volume 1
Nova Science Publishers Inc Top 10 Reports and Testimonies in January 2019
This book is a compilation of significant reports and testimonies issued in January 2019.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Next Generation Newton-Type Methods
Nova Science Publishers Inc Poverty: Background, Issues and Programs
Nova Science Publishers Inc Eugenol: Biosynthesis, Toxicity and Uses
Nova Science Publishers Inc New Developments in Psychology Research
Nova Science Publishers Inc General National Security: Background, Issues and Legislation
Nova Science Publishers Inc Valorising Seaweed By-Products
This is a book that has been divided into 9 chapters, including information on the recovery of highly valuable compounds for microalgae. The authors of this volume discuss seaweed as a renewable and globally available feedstock with potential applications in the food and feed industries, as well as the agricultural, chemical, or pharmaceutical fields. The chapters include discussions on a wide range of topics including an overview of seaweed by-products, Algae and microalgae biorefineries, the potential use of seaweed by-products in various products and materials, colour stability, and pigment contents of powdered laver (Pyropia yezoensis). The text also includes the interactions of the algae Sargassum muticum with metals as a starting point for the valorisation of invasive seaweed species, as well as new insights into the nutrition and functionality of seaweed. Microalgae biomass as an ingredient to design added value in food products, as well as seaweed biomass for bioremediation or Ethanol creation are additional topics.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Plant Dormancy: Mechanisms, Causes and Effects
Dormancy is a mechanism found in several plant species developed through evolution, which allows plants to survive in adverse conditions and ensure their perpetuation. This mechanism, however, can represent a barrier that can compromise the development of the species of interest, and therefore, the success of its cultivation. It is important to understand the causes, effects, and mechanisms, as well as the technologies for overcoming dormancy of buds, seeds, and plant propagules. In this context, this publication has as a main objective of offering an in-depth view of the dormancy process in cultivated plants, based on a survey of more recent international research on the subject. Written by several researchers from different institutions of education and research, this book presents information on the most diverse species of plants of agronomic and forestry interest. In addition to the physiological, biochemical, and genetic aspects, the chapters also address the possible causes of dormancy, as well as technological issues that are essential for the successful cultivation of several economically important species. The focus of this publication is on temperate fruit species. Classical examples of temperate plants that present dormancy are fruit trees such as apple, pear, quince, apricot, and cherry. These pome and stone fruits are typical representatives of a deciduous temperate climate, wherein trees drop their leaves at the end of the reproductive cycle, consequently entering dormancy. Dormancy has its control effected by factors of a hormonal nature, where the hormone promoters and growth inhibitors are balanced. Edaphoclimatic conditions also affect plant dormancy periods, for the most part through temperature changes. Other chapters in this book are dedicated especially to potatoes, vegetables, as well as forest and forage species, which makes this text a complete and comprehensive work on the subject.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Business Education's Future: A Transformative Approach
The world of business education is large and profitable - with over 150,000 students enrolled in graduate business education programs alone each year. This book traces the historical roots of business education, covering seven important time periods which have each contributed key insights into business effectiveness. Despite the apparent tremendous successes suggested by the substantial growth in educating business students, a strong case could be made for the need to make important changes in the curriculum of business programs and the process by which business education is delivered. This book identifies opportunities for business faculties, administrators, deans, and department chairs to reassess their roles in delivering a better product to the students that they teach. We suggest that in today's "transformative era," business education must materially change to increase the quality of teaching for tomorrow's business students. Throughout the world business leaders have been called into account for their ineffectiveness in earning and retaining the trust of employees and customers. Unfortunately, business schools are often out of focus in their emphasis on achieving bottom line corporate profits without acknowledging the accompanying responsibility of companies to become full partners in serving society and in resolving the long-term issues for which business must become increasingly committed. The world of tomorrow desperately needs business leaders who combine character and competence as they guide their employees in the pursuit of excellence. Business education and those who provide it to those employees who will work for major corporations and small businesses can contribute substantially to the credibility of the business community and in the development of solutions that will fully serve future generations. The current path of business education can benefit mightily from a thoughtful reanalysis of today's business education model. The challenge to those who work in business education is to carefully assess how they can make the delivery of their product, its accompanying values, and its commitment to tomorrow's quality of life more meaningful and effective.
Nova Science Publishers Inc New Developments in Oncology Research
In the opening chapter, authors discuss the current literature that describes the application of Palliative Medicine services in advanced cancer, models of Palliative Care delivery by site and mode of practice, cost-effectiveness of early Palliative Medicine referral patterns and national and international Palliative Medicine practice and referral guidelines. The chapter will also discuss the outcomes of Palliative Medicine in Oncology focusing on the improvements in patient clinical and quality of life outcomes. Next, a systematic chapter aims to better explain the mechanisms that underlie electrolyte disturbances in cancer patients, to stress on the serious prognostic implications involved and to provide practical and useful indications for the prompt diagnosis, management and therapy of electrolyte disorders. The authors discuss over thirty Pt{Î2-P(X)nP}Cl2 (n = 5,6,7,8) derivatives in which organodiphosphines create wide varieties of the metallocyclic rings: eight-membered (PC5P, PC2OC2P, PC2NC2P), nine-membered (PC6P, POC4OP), ten-membered (POC5OP, PC2OCOC2P, PC3OC3P), and eleven-membered (PC8P, PNC6NP, POC6OP). Another included study covers eighty five Pt(II) complexes with an inner coordination sphere of cis- PtP2Cl2. The P- donor ligands are organodiphosphines which create four- and five-membered metallocyclic rings with the PCP, PNP, PC-CP, PC=CP, PN2P and PCOP types. In the penultimate chapter, the authors examine over forty cis-Pt(Î2-PXXXP)Cl2 derivatives in which organodiphosphines create six-membered metallocyclic rings, and the concluding chapter examines over thirty cis-Pt(Î2-PXXXXP)Cl2 derivatives in which organodihosphines create seven-membered metallocyclic rings.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Progress in Education: Volume 59
Nova Science Publishers Inc An In Depth Look at Hungary
An In Depth Look at Hungary opens with a chapter suggesting that socio-economic inequalities are one of the most relevant barriers to healthcare access in Hungary. Some mechanisms for decision-making are studied using content-analysis according to the Hungarian health policy strategies and concepts. Next, this collection provides an overview of the Hungarian teacher education system, describing social and cultural features of the country as well the main parameters of the Hungarian education system. The authors investigate the development of irregular armed forces comprised of local citizens which were deployed in border protection. Border protection has received increased attention in modern times, particularly regarding the mountain ranges which serve as a natural defensive zone when entering the country. The concluding chapter demonstrates those instruments by which an excessively polarized society could be prevented in the near future.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Closer Look at Political Communication
Chapter one investigates how the local network media helps the key stakeholders to participate in the policy debate regarding a local low-income housing policy in Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A., drawing mainly on JÃ"rgen Habermas's theory of public sphere. The second chapter discusses how coffee-houses and public reading houses are places today where political communication is often established, and the neighborhood effect is most often felt. It can be described not only as tea-coffee drinking places where free time is passed, but also as places where voter behavior begins to form and democracy is created. The authors go on to focus on the past use of racialized language as one mechanism for evaluating political communication in the 21st century. Lastly, the phenomenon of politicians employing prayer in the church as a potent political tool to subtly campaign for election and reelection in Nigeria is explored.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Translucent Silica Aerogel: Properties, Preparation and Applications
Nova Science Publishers Inc Photoisomerization: Causes, Behavior and Effects
Different applications and uses of light energy have emerged over the last few years in many different fields such as in medicine, material science, energy and biochemistry. New and exciting applications of light-controlled processes have become practical in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, the preparation and use of functional materials, the storage of solar energy and the control of biological properties. Many of these applications are based on a very simple chemical step: a photoisomerization. The isomerization of a chemical double bond allows for the control with extreme spatial and temporal resolution of complex systems. Nature offers different examples of very complex functions that are initiated by this type of simple chemical. Upon photon absorption, the light energy can be used to induce a chemical (geometrical) change that influences the protein environment that triggers a specific signal or function. Inspired by these amazing and extremely efficient processes, many efforts have been devoted to the modification of natural systems and to the design of new applications, using simple and tunable photoisomerizations. Accordingly, the preparation of photoactive molecular devices based on photoisomerizations and the use of these species in different applications is now a very active scientific field, with profound implications in our everyday lives. In this book, the fundamental aspects of the photoisomerization of many different chemical structures containing C=C, N=N and C=N double bonds is covered. Different experimental and computational tools used to study these processes are discussed and some specific applications of different compounds are presented.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Social Security: Benefits and Special Programs
Nova Science Publishers Inc Teacher Development: Perspectives, Opportunities and Challenges
Nova Science Publishers Inc Phenomena and Theories in Corrosion Science, Methods of Prevention
Nova Science Publishers Inc Disciplines of the City: New Forms of Governance in Todays Postmetropolises
Nova Science Publishers Inc Beacon Lights of History: Volume XI -- American Founders
Nova Science Publishers Inc Beacon Lights of History: Volume XII -- American Leaders
Nova Science Publishers Inc Scientific Research and Manufacturing: Potential India Growth Story
Nova Science Publishers Inc Horizons in Cancer Research: Volume 71
Nova Science Publishers Inc Enter the World of Microbiology: Interviews about the Worlds Most Famous Microbiologists
Nova Science Publishers Inc Mosquitos: Species, Distribution and Disease
Nova Science Publishers Inc Beacon Lights of History: Volume III -- Ancient Achievements
Nova Science Publishers Inc The Vasculitides: Volume 1 -- General Considerations and Systemic Vasculitis
Nova Science Publishers Inc Humanitarianism: Global Issues, Challenges and Perspectives of the 21st Century
Nova Science Publishers Inc Disparities in K- 12 Education
Nova Science Publishers Inc Equal Opportunity: Key Issues and Considerations
Nova Science Publishers Inc Student Loans: Reports, Testimonies and Legal Decisions
Nova Science Publishers Inc Sensorineural Hearing Loss: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment
Hearing loss is one the commonest disabling diseases affecting populations of all ages worldwide. The impairment of hearing may be the cause of impaired language development in children, the cause of scholarly issues in adolescents, the cause of worsening of quality of life in the adults, and the cause of isolation of aged people. In this book, the authors present the hearing loss in all its facets, starting from the basis of pathophysiology and anatomy, passing through the clinical and instrumental diagnosis and, finally, describing the most important diseases causing hearing loss with reasonable treatment options. A section was dedicated to the imaging of the ear with about 100 original figures. The readers will find a complete classification of genetic hearing loss and all information related to congenital deafness as well. A wide section was reserved to the description and discussion of the most important pathology leading to hearing loss (Meniere's disease, otosclerosis, trauma and occupational hearing impairment, etc.). The treatment of hearing loss is continuously evolving with the progress of technology, and the authors gave a wide space to describe all treatment options available for the patients, providing all information useful to manage hearing disease correctly.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Poverty Alleviation and Conventional MFIs: Challenges and Prospects
Nova Science Publishers Inc Uterine Fibroids: Epidemiology, Symptoms and Management
Uterine myomas are the most common form of benign uterine tumors, occurring in 50-60% of women. Clinically, they are mostly asymptomatic, often incidentally found on pelvic examination or by routine gynecological ultrasonographic evaluation; otherwise, in 30-40% of cases, they cause a large variety of symptoms, depending on their location and size. Currently, the therapeutic options for myomas are medical, radiological, and surgical. The aim of this book is to summarize the evidence regarding epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of uterine myomas.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Senn's War Time Cooking Guide
This book, written by Charles Herman Senn (1864-1934) and originally published in 1915, brings the old recipes and techniques of cooking from during the war. It provides a unique window into peoples' lives and how they survived during the war. The book is broken down into the following sections: Recipes for Soups Fish Preparations Meat Dishes Vegetables Breakfast and Supper Dishes Sweets, Puddings Cakes and Pastries Invalid Dishes Sauces Management of Gas Stoves Inexpensive Family Meals Some Economy Hints (substitutes, for example, the can be used for Meat and Fish which were scare, how to avoid waste in food scraps and how to avoid waste in cooking, etc). Index of Recipes
Nova Science Publishers Inc Space Exploration: Development, Planning and Challenges
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Engineering Research: Volume 28
Nova Science Publishers Inc The American Revolution: Volume I
Nova Science Publishers Inc Across the Divide: Health and Wellbeing in Rural Australia
Nova Science Publishers Inc Advances in Psychology Research: Volume 136
Nova Science Publishers Inc Micropropagation: Methods and Effects
Plant micropropagation is one of the most classical and widespread biotechnological tools used around the world. Undoubtedly, this technique brought quite important advances to our knowledge about morphological, physiological and developmental patterns of plants, to the progress of genetic breeding and to the establishment of the genetic engineering, among others. This technique is based on the "in vitro farming" of plant fragments in an axenic environment, where all nutrients needed are kindly provided to the cultivated plant, which is maintained under controlled temperature and light-darkness periods. Although it can be considered an established technique, several advances have been integrated to the routines of micropropagation laboratories each year, incorporated to the productive sector and to the academy. In this book the authors aimed to shortly present some of these advances, as well as practical results of using this biotechnology towards the conservation of plant genetic resources. In seven chapters, methods employed for the micropropagation of different plant species, from agricultural cultures to tree species of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and advances in techniques for explants disinfection and for analysis of stomata complexes, as well as the progresses related to the micropropagation of apple and the use of bioreactors are presented. The seven chapters of this book will contribute towards incorporating new ideas to the daily effort of each reader, reaching the basic requests of students, professors, researchers and even non-specialised readers.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Caenorhabditis elegans: An Overview and Emerging Roles in Studying Disease