Search results for ""vandenhoeck ruprecht gmbh""
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Evangelische Kirche Und AntiAkwBewegung Das Beispiel der Hamburger Initiative Kirchlicher Mitarbeiter Und Gewaltfreie Aktion Im Konflikt Um das Akw Zeitgeschichte Reihe B Darstellun
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gestickte Pracht - Gemalte Welt
The Torah pennants are an expression of individual creativity and personal belief as well as documentation of a deep connection to the community. A great feature of the Göttingen collection is the ability to assign almost all Torah pennants to specific people and families. With their expressive design, the 28 Torah pennants in the collection of the Göttingen Municipal Museum act as important evidence of Jewish culture in Germany far beyond the region. This inventory catalog has deliberately decided against purely scientific documentation of the collection. The focus is on conveying the information contained in the picture program on Jewish traditions and beliefs and showing the conditions of Jewish life over three centuries in a Christian society. In addition to this outlined context in which this collection must be viewed, the peculiarity and beauty of each individual pennant are equally important. The embroidery and paintings impressively convey not only the joy of the newborn child, but also the parental wishes and hopes for a happy life in the tradition of the community.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Handbook of Dutch Church History
Herman Selderhuis as editor of this volume has brought together a team of experts, resulting in a unique approach since each chapter is co-written by a catholic and a protestant author, who have all integrated the latest research results. Each section begins with a brief historiographical overview. The same time, ecclesiastical events are always set within a greater framework of political, social, and cultural developments for which reason each author has taken the liberty to describe its own method. The user will find in this book tables, diagrams, and illustrations. Also many source texts are integrated in the narration. Theses texts are intended to bring the described events and people closer to the reader and, as it were, to let them speak the words.The name of the book as "Handbook of the church history of the Netherlands" immediately brings to mind three problematic complexes which are relevant to its user. First, there is the nature of a handbook, that is intended to be a good tool but also has its limitations: it stimulates and necessitates the use of further books. Second, the area. The Netherlands is a plurality and that is also noticeable in its church history, for each region, town, and village has its own church history. Third, the history of the church for sure is the most important aspect, but this history can only be understood if it is described in the context of political and social developments.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Konfliktgemeinschaft Kirche: Aufsatze zur Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland
The Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) as a federation of Lutheran, United and Reformed regional churches has been a community since 1945. From its prehistory during the Church struggle to the present day, it has always been shaped by internal conflicts. This volume focuses on the disputes surrounding the Barmen Theological Declaration of 1934, its interpretation and history of impact, the founding of the EKD and the controversy over the parallel founding of the United Evangelical Lutheran Church in Germany (VELKD) 1945-1948. An introductory essay deals in detail with "Basic problems of contemporary church history".
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Arbeiten zur Kirchlichen Zeitgeschichte: Der Weg zur VELKD als lutherischer Bekenntniskirche
Die Vereinigte Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche Deutschlands (VELKD), der Zusammenschlusses lutherischer Landeskirchen innerhalb der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) ging im Jahr 1948 aus dem sogenannten Lutherrat hervor. Thomas Martin Schneider untersucht auf Grundlage bisher weitgehend unerschlossenen Archivmaterials erstmals die komplexe Entstehungs- und Vorgeschichte der VELKD. Dabei rÃ"ckt insbesondere der lutherische FlÃ"gel der seit 1936 gespaltenen Bekennenden Kirche in den Blick, der sogenannte Lutherrat und seine diversen Vorläufer. Dies geschieht im Kontext der bis weit ins 19. Jahrhundert zurÃ"ckreichenden, auch internationalen lutherischen Einigungsbestrebungen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Selbstermächtigung am Lebensende: Eine religionswissenschaftliche Untersuchung alternativer Sterbebegleitung in der Schweiz
More and more people in Switzerland practice yoga, believe in rebirth and seek complementary medical treatment. Barbara Zeugin examines how this religious change affects the accompaniment at the end of life. Insofar as alternative forms of religion are increasing in Switzerland, it is not surprising if alternative religious practices and alternative healing methods are also used in accompaniment at the end of life the corresponding rationalizations are becoming more and more important. The reconstruction of such a dying care practice, conceived as an alternative, led the religious scholar first to a hospice for the seriously ill and dying and second to an anthroposophic medical hospital, where she observed and asked the following questions: What alternative religious forms of action and rationalizations are at play in the End of life support a role? What is the importance of alternative healing practices? What does the specific support practice look like? And what is the alternative to this practice or How does this relate to palliative care's claim to provide spiritual support for the seriously ill and dying?
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Martin Bucer 14911551
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Faces of Torah: Studies in the Texts and Contexts of Ancient Judaism in Honor of Steven Fraade
This volume is a festschrift in honor of Steven Fraade, the Mark Taper Professor of the History of Judaism at Yale University. The contributions to the volume, written by colleagues and former students of Professor Fraade, reflect many of his scholarly interests. The scholarly credentials of the contributors are exceedingly high. The volume is divided into three sections, one on Second Temple literature and its afterlife, a second on rabbinic literature and rabbinic history, and a third on prayer and the ancient synagogue. Contributors are Alan Applebaum, Joshua Burns, Elizabeth Shanks Alexander, Chaya Halberstam, John J. Collins, Marc Bregman, Aharon Shemesh, Ishay Rosen-Zvi, Vered Noam, Robert Brody, Albert Baumgarten, Marc Hirshman, Moshe Bar-Asher, Aaron Amit, Yose Yahalom, Lee Levine, Jan Joosten, Daniel Boyarin, Charlotte Hempel, David Stern, Beth Berkowitz, Azzan Yadin, Joshua Levinson, Elitzur Bar-Asher Siegal, Michal Bar-Asher Siegal, Tzvi Novick, Devora Diamant, Richard Kalmin, Carol Bakhos, Judith Hauptman, Jeff Rubenstein, Martha Himmelfarb, Stuart Miller, Esther Chazon, James Kugel, Chaim Milikowsky, Maren Niehoff, Peter Schaefer, and Adiel Schremer.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Das Schonste Gut: Der Menschliche Wille Bei Nemesius Von Emesa Und Gregor Von Nyssa
This thesis compares two ways of early Christian anthropology. Nemesius has connected the neoplatonic view of mankind and the thinking of Aristotle, Gregory is more systematic, his thinking of human will has to be characterized as Christian.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Petrus Martyr Vermigli in Zeurich 15561562
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Calvin and the Book: The Evolution of the Printed Word in Reformed Protestantism
The Protestant Reformation has long had the reputation as being a movement of the Book, led by reformers like John Calvin who were men of the Book. The essays in this volume reveal many of the underlying complexities of these terms. Building on research and scholarly discussions of recent decades, these authors delve into a variety of topics related to John Calvin and the printed word, ranging from the physical changes in printed texts in the first decades of the Reformation to Calvins thinking about the relationship of two books the Bible and his own Institutes to Christian doctrine. Calvin remains a towering figure in the Protestant Reformation, whose theology and religious views are still often cast as rigid and unchanging. These essays emphasize, in contrast, the evolutions and transitions that were fundamental to Calvins own participation in the Reformation and to the ways that his leadership influenced developments in Reformed Christianity in the following centuries. The contributors, international experts on the history of Calvin and Reformed Protestantantism and on Calvins theology, bring a wide variety of historical and theological approaches to bear on the question of Calvins relationship to the printed word. Taken all together, these essays will push specialists and general readers to rethink standard assumptions about Calvins influence on Reformed Christianity and, in particular, about the interplay among theology, Reformed discipline, religious education efforts, and the printed word in early modern Europe.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Heinrich Bullinger on Prophecy and the Prophetic Office (1523-1538)
It has often been noted that the Protestant Reformation of the early sixteenth century witnessed a revived interest in the scriptural notions of prophets and prophecy. Drawing from both late medieval apocalyptic expectations of the immanent end of the world and from a humanist revival of biblical studies, the prophet appeared to many as a suitable role model for the Protestant preacher. A prominent proponent of this prophetic model was the Swiss theologian and church leader Heinrich Bullinger (15041575). This study by Daniël Timmerman presents the first in-depth investigation of Bullingers concept of prophecy and his understanding of the prophetic office. It also engages with the history of the Zurich institute for the study of the Scriptures, which has become widely known as the "Prophezei". It has often been noted that the Protestant Reformation of the early sixteenth century witnessed a revived interest in the scriptural notions of prophets and prophecy. Drawing from both late medieval apocalyptic expectations of the immanent end of the world and from a humanist revival of biblical studies, the prophet appeared to many as a suitable role model for the Protestant preacher. A prominent proponent of this prophetic model was the Swiss theologian and church leader Heinrich Bullinger (15041575). This study by Daniël Timmerman presents the first in-depth investigation of Bullingers concept of prophecy and his understanding of the prophetic office. It also engages with the history of the Zurich institute for the study of the Scriptures, which has become widely known as the "Prophezei"
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Religious Competition in the Third Century CE: Jews, Christians, and the Greco-Roman World
The essays in this work examine issues related to authority, identity, or change in religious and philosophical traditions of the third century CE. This century is of particular interest because of the political and cultural developments and conflicts that occurred during this period, which in turn drastically changed the social and religious landscape of the Roman world. The specific focus of this volume edited by Jordan D. Rosenblum, Lily Vuong, and Nathaniel DesRosiers is to explore these major creative movements and to examine their strategies for developing and designating orthodoxies and orthopraxies. Contributors were encouraged to analyze or construct the intersections between parallel religious and philosophical communities of the third century, including points of contact either between or among Jews, Christians, pagans, and philosophers. As a result, the discussions of the material contained within this volume are both comparative in nature and interdisciplinary in approach, engaging participants who work in the fields of Religious Studies, Philosophy, History and Archaeology. The overall goal was to explore dialogues between individuals or groups that illuminate the mutual competition and influence that was extant among them, and to put forth a general methodological framework for the study of these ancient dialogues. These religious and philosophical dialogues are not only of great interest and import in their own right, but they also can help us to understand how later cultural and religious developments unfolded.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Refo500 Academic Studies (R5AS): Genese, Entwicklung und Bestand eines protestantischen Erinnerungsortes
Silvio Reichelts Arbeit untersucht den in Wittenberg gepflegten Umgang mit dem reformationsgeschichtlichen Erbe der Stadt unter den Bedingungen von fÃ"nf verschiedenen politischen Systemen. Die analytische Tiefenbohrung im "historisch langen Bogen" von 1883 bis 2011 zeigt, wie der Erlebnisraum Lutherstadt Wittenberg als historischer Raum des Wissens, politischer Raum der Ideologie und sakraler Raum des Glaubens Erinnerung leiten, kanalisieren und kodieren konnte. Deutlich wird dabei, dass historische Erinnerung die Vergangenheit nicht einfach rekonstruiert, sondern sich vielmehr als permanenter Ãberschreibungsprozess charakterisieren lässt. Bewohner und Besucher machen sich mittels Erinnerung ein "Bild" von der Vergangenheit, ein Prozess, der stets an den Raum gebunden ist. Deshalb ist die Geschichte der in Wittenberg betriebenen Reformationserinnerung nicht nur eine des Schutzes und der Erhaltung eines historischen Stadtraums, sondern sie ist auch eine Folge von räumlichen Operationen, die der Formierung eines gewÃ"nschten Vorstellungshorizonts dienten. Wittenberg war seit dem 19. Jahrhundert einem ständigen Formenwandel unterworfen, der sich zwischen den Polen Authentizitätsanspruch, Geschichtswert und Vergegenwärtigungszweck bewegt hat. Dieser Prozess war mit einer grundsätzlichen Bedeutungsverschiebung der Reformation verbunden: Während ihre sinnstiftende Bedeutung als religiöses Moment tendenziell schwand, nahm ihre erlebnisorientierte Wahrnehmung als beschauliches historisches Ambiente zu. Reichelts historischer RÃ"ckblick liefert wichtige Erkenntnisse fÃ"r die gegenwärtig praktizierte Reformationserinnerung. Dies gilt sowohl fÃ"r den Umgang mit den materiellen Zeugnissen der Vergangenheit als auch fÃ"r die Kommemoration im Fest und die Ausgestaltung des Luthertourismus.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Between Cooperation and Hostility: Multiple Identities in Ancient Judaism and the Interaction with Foreign Powers
The question of why the cooperation of Jews with the Persian and Ptolemaic empires achieved some success and why it failed with regard to the Seleucids and the Romans, even turning into military hostility against them, has not been sufficiently answered. The present volume intends to show, from the perspectives of Hebrew Bible, Judaic, and Ancient History Studies, that the contrasting Jewish attitudes towards foreign powers were not only dependent on specific political circumstances. They were also interrelated with the emergence of multiple early Jewish identities, which all found a basis in the Torah, the prophets, or the psalms. The question of why the cooperation of Jews with the Persian and Ptolemaic empires achieved some success and why it failed with regard to the Seleucids and the Romans, even turning into military hostility against them, has not been sufficiently answered. The present volume intends to show, from the perspectives of Hebrew Bible, Judaic, and Ancient History Studies, that the contrasting Jewish attitudes towards foreign powers were not only dependent on specific political circumstances. They were also interrelated with the emergence of multiple early Jewish identities, which all found a basis in the Torah, the prophets, or the psalms.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Glauben heute mit dem Heidelberger Katechismus
Understanding my own faith: a desire which many people have. But at the same time a lot of Christians are not able to explain their faith because there is a lack of understanding. The Heidelberg catechism from 1563 was relevant for a lot of Christians in earlier times, but today it seems to have lost its significance. Georg Plasger combines both things: The understanding of faith for people of the 21st Century with the help of the Catechism of the 16th Century. The Catechism itself is constructed in dialogue - as well is the book. Plasger reflects basic questions and issues of Christian faith in fourteen chapters. He thereby shows that the Heidelberg Catechism is helpful to understanding ones faith. Questions like "How can we really speak of God? " and "Is man bad? " as well as key issues (including creation, Jesus Christ, Church, Holy Spirit, sacraments, hope and prayer) are considered. The result is a modern doctrine of faith.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Ways of a King: Legal and Political Ideas in the Bible
Geoffrey P Miller argues that the narratives from Genesis to Second Kings present a sophisticated argument for political obligation and for limited monarchy as the best form of government. The Hebrew Bible, in this sense, can be considered as one of the earliest political philosopies of the western world.The Garden of Eden story identifies revelation, consent, utopia, natural law, ownership, power, patriarchy, and justice as bases for political obligation. The stories of life after the expulsion from Eden argue that government and law are essential for a decent life. The Genesis narratives recognise patriarchal authority but also identifies limits based on kinship, higher authority and power. The book of Exodus introduces the topic of political authority, arguing that nationhood strictly dominates over other forms of political organization. The Sinai narratives explore two important sources of authority: revelation and consent of the governed. The book of Joshua presents a theory of sovereignty conceived of as the exclusive and absolute control over territory. The book of Judges examines two types of national government: military rule and confederacy. It argues that military rule is inappropriate for peacetime conditions and that the confederate form is not strong enough to deliver the benefits of nationhood. The books of Samuel and Kings consider theocracy and monarchy. The bible endorses monarchy as the best available form of government provided that the king is constrained by appropriate checks and balances. Contrary to the view of some scholars, no text from Genesis to Second Kings disapproves of monarchy as a form of government.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Der literarische Befund vom Altaramäischen bis zu den späten Midrasch- und Haggada-Werken in Auseinandersetzung mit den Thesen von Joachim Jeremias
Die Botschaft von Gott als Vater ist ein zentrales Element der Verkëndigung Jesu. Sie bestimmt Jesu Verständnis von Gottes Herrschaft und Reich, dessen Anbruch er proklamierte. Vor allem seit den Forschungen des bedeutenden Exegeten Joachim Jeremias (1904-1979) gewann die singuläre, in der jëdischen Gebetsliteratur fehlende Anrede und Bezeichnung Gottes als Abba in der Jesusëberlieferung besondere Bedeutung.Er erklärte sie als aus der Kindersprache stammende, familiäre und kindliche Anrede und Bezeichnung und deshalb fër jëdische Fromme bzw. fër das Judentum anstößig und ungebëhrlich. Abba wurde geradezu Schlësselwort fër das Gottesverständnis Jesu. Diese Deutung fand breite Anerkennung und weiteste Verbreitung bis heute. Zweifel an dieser Erklärung fëhrten zur Untersuchung des Sprachgebrauches fër das Wort "Vater" im gesamten relevanten aramäischen und hebräischen Sprachmaterial. Das vorliegende Werk legt ihre Ergebnisse vor, angefangen von altaramäischen Inschriften ëber die Targume bis zu späten jëdischen hebräisch-aramäischen Werken.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: "Neutestamentliche Grenzgänge" im Dialog
In this book the author confronts the critical comments written on his works published in the anthology entitled "New Testament Border Crossings." TheiÃen outlines his previous works in a summary of his thoughts, discussing his "Theory of Early Christian Religion," research on Jesus, the social history of Early Christianity, the literary history of the New Testament, the psychology of religion, and practical theology. He also introduces a project of an evolutionary interpretation of Christianity. This volume offers a broad and exemplary insight into modern New Testament exegesis.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Monotheistische Formeln im Urchristentum und ihre Vorgeschichte bei Griechen und Juden
The author presents the tradition of monotheistic ideas and formulas in three parts, beginning with non-Jewish world, then turning to the Old Testament and finally to the New Testament. She studies the to date little known beginnings of non-Jewish monotheistic thinking, for example, among the Greek Presocratics, Plato and the Stoics up to the beginnings of the Roman Empire. The second chapter is devoted to the use of monotheistic formulas in the Old Testament and in the Jewish writings of Greek and Roman times. In the third chapter the author asks how it was possible that early Chistianity, having received the monotheistic creed of God the Father, could have accepted Jesus Christ as a divine figure - as the "son" next to the "father."
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Retrograde Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary
This Dictionary provides scholars with a singular device for the reconstruction and decipherment of Jewish ancient and rabbinic manuscripts, as well as inscriptions. How to reconstruct what broke away? Which word was once attested where only few characters are left? Questions like these emerge from working on ancient texts, for example the scrolls of Qumran, and can be solved with the dictionary presented.All the words of the retrograde dictionary are arranged alphabetically, beginning with the last letter up to the first. The dictionary does not add translations or meanings of words in any language. This retrograde dictionary takes into account all the ancient Hebrew and Aramaic texts in form of scriptures, scrolls, seals, ossuaries and documents reported in Palestine and dating up to 135 A.D, as well as the Words of Ahikar and other texts from the island of Elephantine.Karl Georg Kuhn was the first to compile the vocabulary of ancient Hebrew in reversed form in 1958. But Kuhn knew only a small part of the Dead Sea Scrolls and did not recognize any other Hebrew or Aramaic texts except for the Qumran manuscripts and the texts of the Hebrew Bible. Therefore, Kuhns retrograde dictionary is limited in its extent and outdated by the many texts published in the last 50 years. Now the Retrograde Hebrew and Aramaic Dictionary offers an updated list of Kuhn's Hebrew Lemmata, and in addition an independent Aramaic section as well as an appendix, presenting the Elephantine Papyri, including the Words of Ahikar. It does not only contain the vocabulary of manuscripts and scrolls, but also of various inscriptions from the mentioned period.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Mon Dieu QuaiJe Fait Les DigirSaDab5Ba Et La Privee En Mesopotamie 273 Orbis Biblicus Et Orientalis
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Recherches sur la formation et la diffusion dâun thème littéraire au Proche-Orient ancien
The international conference organized by the College of France on April 6-7, 2009, addressed a major theme within Near Eastern ideology: the "Young Hero." Different from those "elders" who were given power by traditionalistic Near Eastern civilizations and whose anthroponymy proudly underlined their eldership, the young hero nonetheless succeeds most of the time, or at least for a time, through his personal gifts as much as the inconstancy of gods who do not always favor the same men. Illustrations are multiform. We chose to show that the theme's typology matched precise criteria within time periods. Over a millennium and a half, each of the different ways of apprehending this figure corresponds to a specific attestation type. It was not possible, even at a regional level, to establish a complete "young hero" typology. Various forms pertaining to romanced myth, most often through epic form, but also to historical discourse, have been studied by our contributors.After a general introduction, the first part deals with historical and literary accounts of the young hero's (un)successful rise to kingship: Samsî-Ãrah, Idrimi, David, Saul and Esarhaddon. The authors then find a section on non-royal young heroes yet depicted by means of royal categories: Samson, Moses and Daniel. Two contributions on Athaliah and Esther deal with the theme of feminine heroism, and a last section focuses on heroic friendships: GilgameÅ and Enkidu, David and Jonathan, Achilles and Patroclus.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Wortschopfung: Die Memphitische Theologie Und Die Siegesstele Des Pije - Zwei Zeugen Kultureller Reprasentation in Der 25. Dynastie
English summary: How to date an idea? How to locate it in time and space without limiting its vital dynamic? Which possibilities do exist to communicate with old, foreign cultures without being tempted to discover ones own self? The task of this book is to answer these questions in a commensurable way, by a comprehensive study of the prominent but also controversial document of the Memphite Theology. The research took advantage of both, the theoretical concerns of the cultural studies as well as the traditional egyptological methods. The Memphite Theology was over and over again the object of philological research, but never before was it documented in total and studied in a way to answer the questions of the human sciences today. The aim of the thick description of this document, which is crucial for scholars of Egyptology and comparative religion, is to fill this gap. For instance, new insights of literary studies about the text-context-divide are applied to get a broadened perspective. Therefore the triumphal Stela of Piye, which is the best-known and most comprehensive textual source of the Kushite era, and which dates to the same period as the Memphite Theology, will be analyzed for the first time as a textualized context of the Memphite Theology. The circulation of power, hegemony, and cultural representations in the ancient Egyptian 25th Dynasty are illustrated to the reader in a dynamic manner by this pluralistic approach. German text. German description: Wie kann man eine Idee datieren? In Zeit und Raum einordnen, ohne dass ihre lebende Dynamik eingeschrankt wird? Welche Moglichkeiten gibt es, mit alten, fremden Kulturen in Kontakt zu treten, ohne in Versuchung zu geraten nur sich selbst zu finden? Dieses Buch nimmt sich zur Aufgabe exemplarisch anhand der Untersuchung des prominenten aber auch umstrittenen Denkmals Memphitischer Theologie auf theoretisch-methodischer und kulturwissenschaftlicher Ebene sowie auf traditioneller agyptologischer Basis die vor genannten Fragen angemessen zu beantworten. Das Denkmal Memphitischer Theologie wurde zwar immer wieder Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen, niemals aber insgesamt dokumentiert und auf die Fragestellungen unseres heutigen Wissens hin bearbeitet. Ziel dieser dichten Beschreibung des in agyptologischen und religionswissenschaftlichen Kreisen herausragenden Dokuments ist es, diese Lucke zu fullen. Neue Erkenntnisse aus der Literaturwissenschaft, z. B. uber das Text-Kontext Gefalle, werden angewandt, um zu einem erweiterten Blickwinkel zu gelangen. So wird die bekannte und umfangreichste Textquelle der kuschitischen Epoche, aus der gleichen Entstehungszeit der Memphitischen Theologie, die Siegesstele des Pije, erstmals als dessen vertexteter Kontext gleichfalls analysiert. Herrschaft, Deutungsmacht und Reprasentationsprozesse jener kuschitischen Epoche werden dem Leser durch diese pluralistische Analyse in dynamischer Weise veranschaulicht.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Gilgamesch: Ikonographie Eines Helden
English summary: This collection of articles has two aims: The first is to create a comprehensive compendium of iconography on GilgameU. It includes reprints of three formerly published articles by Ruth Opificius (1970), Wilfred G. Lambert (1987) and Dominique Collon (2002). The second aim is to publish some objects of Near Eastern art from the Bible+Orient Collection in Fribourg, which relate to GilgameU. Seven new papers deal with the visual representation of GilgameU. Two of them discuss terracotta plaques and cylinder seals from the Bible+Orient Collection. The terms iconography and iconology have often been used loosely. In order to understand which method the authors of this book apply, an introductory article connects them to the history of the academic disciplines of archaeology and of art history. German description: Dieser Sammelband verfolgt zwei Ziele: Einerseits will er ein Kompendium zur GilgameU-Ikonographie bieten. Zu diesem Zweck werden drei Untersuchungen nachgedruckt und durch neue Forschungsbeitrage erganzt. Andererseits sollen Bildzeugnisse der Sammlung Bibel+Orient in Freiburg publiziert werden, die einen Bezug zu Themen der GilgameU-Legenden aufweisen. Die Begriffe Ikonographie und Ikonologie werden oft recht frei gebraucht. Um zu verstehen, welche Methode die Autoren dieses Bandes anwenden, ordnet sie ein einfuhrender Artikel in die Wissenschaftsgeschichte der Archaologie und Kunstgeschichte ein. Ausgehend von Humbaba-Masken identifiziert R. Opificius im ersten nachgedruckten Artikel den Typus einer Dreiergruppe, in der zwei Helden den in der Mitte befindlichen Gegner besiegen, mit der Uberwindung Humbabas durch GilgameU und Enkidu. W.G. Lambert vergleicht in seinem Artikel systematisch unterschiedliche Versionen des Epos mit bildlichen Darstellungen. D. Collon hat ihren Aufsatz fur diesen Band aktualisiert und erganzt. Der grosste Teil des ikonographischen Materials, das den Kampf von GilgameU und Enkidu gegen Humbaba darstellt, findet sich auf Rollsiegeln und greift eine haufig auf Siegeln abgebildete Konstellation auf, namlich den Dreifiguren-Kampf. Die beiden nachsten Beitrage stammen von Philologen. C. Mittermayer wirft ein Schlaglicht auf die Literaturgeschichte des GilgameU-Epos. D. Frayne untersucht, ob Keilschrifttexte und Rollsiegel des 3. Jahrtausends v. Chr. einen Bezug zu GilgameU aufweisen. U. Seidl beschreibt verschiedene altbabylonische Terrakotta-Reliefs, von denen einige aus der Sammlung Bibel+Orient stammen. Sie benennt zunachst vor-ikonographisch die Gegenstande und Figuren. Dann unternimmt sie eine ikonographische Analyse des Themas der Terrakotta-Releifes, welches sie als GilgameU's Zug zum Zedernwald bestimmt. T. Ornan stellt schriftliche Versionen des Epos und Bilder nebeneinander. Mit Hilfe bildlicher Darstellungen, die alter sind als die schriftlichen Zeugnisse, kann sie die Entwicklungsgeschichte der Erzahlungen und verloren gegangene Versionen rekonstruieren. M.-A. Atac fragt nach der tieferen Bedeutung von Zeichen, Symbolen und Figurentypen mit Bezug zu GilgameU in der neuassyrischen Kunst. H.U. Steymans stellt das Material uber GilgameU in der Levante zusammen. Seine Liste umfasst die Keilschrifttafeln, die Handlungssequenzen der auf ihnen erhaltenen Texte und das Bildmaterial.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis: Ein ungleicher Wettstreit
Die sumerische Erzählung von Enmerkara und dem Herrn von Arata ist Teil des thematisch orientierten Uruk-Zyklus, der die Vormacht Sumers Ã"ber den fernen, an Rohstoffen reichen Osten beschreibt und zelebriert. Den Kern der Geschichte bildet ein intellektueller Wettstreit, durch welchen Enmerkara, der mächtige Herr von Uruk, und sein östlicher Widerpart, der namenlose Herr der legendären Statt Arata, um die Gunst der ihnen gemeinsamen Göttin Innana buhlen. Das rhetorische Meisterwerk besticht durch seinen Unterhaltungswert. Die subtil gezeichneten Charaktere der beiden Kontrahenten und die wortgewandten Dialoge lassen fÃ"r den Adressaten des Textes in keinem Moment Zweifel an der Ãbermacht Enmerkaras aufkommen, und die unbeholfenen, bisweilen gar komisch anmutenden Reaktionen des Herrn von Arata tragen nicht minder zu diesem Bild bei. Die insgesamt 637 Zeilen von Enmerkara und der Herr von Arata sind in 23 Manuskripten der altbabylonischen Zeit Ã"berliefert. Sie werden hier in Form einer Partitur mit rekonstruiertem Text, Ãbersetzung, Kommentar und zum Teil auch in Kopie vorgelegt. Die Einleitung bietet eine Textanalyse, in der neben der Struktur und dem Inhalt der Erzählung auch die Protagonisten und der geographische Rahmen des Geschehens untersucht werden.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Devianz Und Dynamik Festschrift Fur Hubert Seiwert Zum 65 Geburtstag Critical Studies in ReligionReligionswissenschaft Csrrw
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Das Markusevangelium Als Kollektives Gedeachtnis 253 Forschungen Zur Religion Und Literatur Des Alten Und Neuen T
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Vying for Truth -- Theology and the Natural Sciences: From the 17th Century to the Present
The emancipation of the natural sciences from religion was a gradual affair during the last four centuries. Initially many of the leading scientists were churchmen indicating a symbiosis between faith and reason. Due to the increasing specialisation in the sciences this close connection came to an end often leading to antagonism and mutual suspicion. This book traces this historical development with its twists and turns in both Europe and North America. It depicts the major players in this story and outlines their specific contributions. The main focus is on the 19th and 20th centuries with figures such as Darwin and Hodge, but also Beecher and Abbott in the 19th century. In the 20th century the narrative starts with Karl Barth and moves all the way to Hawking and Tipler. Special attention is given to representatives from North America, Great Britain, and Germany. In conclusion important issues are presented in the present-day dialogue between theology and the natural sciences. The issue of design and fine-tuning is picked up, and advances in brain research. Finally technological issues are assessed and the status of medicine as a helpmate for life is discussed. An informative and thought-provoking book. The emancipation of the natural sciences from religion was a gradual affair during the last four centuries. Initially many of the leading scientists were churchmen indicating a symbiosis between faith and reason. Due to the increasing specialization in the sciences this close connection came to an end often leading to antagonism and mutual suspicion. This book traces this historical development with its twists and turns in both Europe and North America. It depicts the major players in this story and outlines their specific contributions. The main focus is on the 19th and 20th centuries with figures such as Darwin and Hodge, but also Beecher and Abbott in the 19th century. In the 20th century the narrative starts with Karl Barth and moves all the way to Hawking and Tipler. Special attention is given to representatives from North America, Great Britain, and Germany. In conclusion important issues are presented in the present-day dialogue between theology and the natural sciences. The issue of design and fine-tuning is picked up, and advances in brain research. Finally technological issues are assessed and the status of medicine as a helpmate for life is discussed. An informative and thought-provoking book.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Hebrew Bible / Old Testament -- The History of Its Interpretation: Part III / 2: The Twentieth Century
The long and complex history of reception and interpretation of the Hebrew Bible / Old Testament through the ages, described in the HBOT Project, focuses in this concluding volume III, Part 2 on the multifarious research and the different methods used in the last century. Even this volume is written by Christion and Jewish scholars and takes its wider cultural and philosophical context into consideration. The perspective is worldwide and ecumenical. Its references to modern biblical scholarship, on which it is based, are extensive and updated.The indexes (names, topics, references to biblical sources and a broad body of literature beyond) are the key to the wealth of information provided.Contributors are J. Barton, H.L. Bosman, A.F. Campbell, SJ, D.M. Carr, D.J.A. Clines, W. Dietrich, St.E. Fassberg, D. Føllesdal, A.C. Hagedorn, K.M. Heim, J. Høgenhaven, B. Janowski, D.A. Knight, C. Körting, A. Laato, P. Machinist, M.A.O'Brien, M. Oeming, D. Olson, E. Otto, M. Sæbø, J. Schaper, S. Sekine, J.L. Ska, SJ, M.A. Sweeney, and J. de Waard.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG männlich und weiblich schuf Er sie: Studien zur Genderkonstruktion und zum Eherecht in den Mittelmeerreligionen
Gott schuf den Menschen "männlich und weiblich" (Gen 1,27). Religionswissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen aus acht Ländern der Europäischen Union und rings um das Mittelmeer gehen der Wirkungsgeschichte dieser Juden, Christen und Muslimen gemeinsamen Vorstellung nach. Die Aufsätze behandeln die Auslegung und Wirkungsgeschichte dieser Vorstellung in den heiligen Schriften der drei Religionen - von der Hebräischen Bibel ëber das Neue Testament, den Talmud und Koran bis zum kabbalistischen Schrifttum - sowie in den religiösen und außerreligiösen Rechtstraditionen, der Halacha, der Scharia, dem Kirchenrecht sowie dem Codex Theodosianus und Justinianus.An markanten Beispielen wie etwa dem spätantiken Mönchtum, der Sklavengesetzgebung nach jëdischen Texten der Kairenser Genisa, der Heiratspolitik der Mamluken in Ägypten, der islamischen Kleidungsvorschriften oder dem frëhen christlichen Feminismus werden einige rechtliche und soziale Kontexte dieser Auslegung und die ihr entsprechende Praxis vorgestellt.Es stellt sich heraus, dass die Frauen- und Männerbilder ëberraschende inhaltliche und formale Übereinstimmungen und Parallelen, zugleich aber auch Divergenzen aufweisen, die vor allem mit den Wandlungsprozessen zusammenhängen, die Judentum, Christentum und Islam im Laufe ihrer Geschichte durchlaufen haben. Das letzte Kapitel des Bandes versammelt Beiträge zu diesen Transformationen der Genderkonstruktion und zum religiösen Eherecht.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Schriftverständnis - Ekklesiologie - Geschichte: 65
Das Christentum entsteht in der sich dem Ende zuneigenden Epoche des Hellenismus und es war von seinen Anfängen her nie unberÃ"hrt von ihm. Im Zuge der Ausbreitung des frÃ"hen Christentums im Imperium Romanum werden die christlichen Gemeinden Teil der hellenistischen Kultur. Das lässt sich an Sprache und Gemeindestruktur, an Urbanität und Migration, an geradezu selbstverständlicher Ãbernahme ethischer Konventionen, vor allem aber innerhalb der Theologiebildung erkennen. Es ist daher angezeigt, den Begriff des hellenistischen Christentums in der Zeit des frÃ"hen Christentums vor allem mit den paulinischen Gemeinden zu verbinden.Dietrich-Alex Koch hat in den vergangenen Jahren etliche Studien vorgelegt, die das Verständnis des hellenistischen Christentums und seiner Geschichte an grundlegenden Schaltstellen erhellen. Dies betrifft einerseits den Schriftgebrauch und das Schriftverständnis des hellenistischen Christentums, andererseits ekklesiologische Studien sowohl im Blick auf die Organisation als auch hinsichtlich der konkreten Gestalt christlichen Lebens im paganen Raum.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Eine Untersuchung zur jesuanischen Synthese von traditioneller und apokalyptischer Weisheit
The question of Jesus of Nazareth's wisdom as found in Mark 6:2 is discussed by the author as part of the traditional Jewish conceptions of wisdom, situated in the Greek-Roman times of the first century AD, and as part of New Testament studies of the past few decades.Through both his preaching and his actions Jesus of Nazareth opened up new paths to healing and being healed. This is contrary to the traditional restraint of history toward wisdom, and the apocalyptic drama is transformed from the backrooms of earthly events into an instrumental and dynamic force of history. Human actions experience a provocation that challenges us to revise the present according to the power of God's reign. We begin anew, though fragmentary and doomed to fail, but full of hope in the wisdom of God's reign.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus / Studien zur Umwelt des Neuen Testaments: Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Gerd LÃ"demann
This festschrift unites exegetical and research-historical studies on early Christianity and the religio-historical school written by colleagues, coworkers and former students of Gerd Lëdemann from Germany, Scandinavia, the United States and Japan. The spectrum of topics is broad, and they stem from the many fields of interests Lëdemann has written about - the exegesis of the New Testament, the reconstruction of the history of early Christianity as well as research on the influential religio-historical school of thought.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Fouilles de Khirbet Qumran Et de Ain Feshkha I Album de Photographies Repertoire Du Fonds Photographique Synthese Des Notes de Chantier Du Pere Et Orbis Antiquus Series Archaeologica
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Kriterienfrage in Der Jesusforschung Vom Differenzkriterium Zum Plausibilitatskriterium 34 Novum Testamentum Et Orbis Antiquus
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Liebesgebot Und Altruismusforschung Ein Exegetischer Beitrag Zum Dialog Zwischen Theologie Und Naturwissenschaft 33 Novum Testamentum Et Orbis AntiquusStudien Zur Umwelt Des Neuen Testaments
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Essays on the Jewish World of Early Christianity No 14 Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus NTOA S
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Tempel Und Tempelzerstorung 11 Novum Testamentum Et Orbis Antiquus
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kritische Theologie Ohne Ein Wort Vom Kreuz Zum Verhaltnis Von Joh 112 Und 1320 203 Forschungen Zur Religion Und Literatur Des Alten Und Neuen T
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Studies In The Iconography Of Northwest Semitic Inscribed Seals Proceedings Of A Symposium Held In Fribourg On April 1720 1991 Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis No 125
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Medieval Revision of the Ambrosian Hexateuch: Critical Editing between Septuaginta and Hebraica Veritas in Ms. Ambrosianus A 147 inf.
The uncial Hexateuch, Ms. Ambrosianus A 147 inf., produced at the beginning of the 5th century, shows an unusual attitude towards the biblical text on the part of those who restored the codex at the end of the 11th century: they not only retraced the ink throughout and replaced some lost sheets, but also revised the biblical text of the Septuagint in order to make it conform to the Masoretic text. Mariachiara Fincati provides a complete analysis of each individual modification introduced by the restorers; specifically, Fincati exemplifies this by giving comparisons with extant Jewish and Christian Greek translations of the Bible.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Portrayals of the Pharisees in the Gospels and Acts Forschungen Zur Religion Und Literatur Des Alten Und Neuen Testaments 254
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Divine Substitution: Humanity as the Manifestation of Deity in the Hebrew Bible and the Ancient Near East
Divine Substitution is an investigation of ancient conceptualizations of divine presence. Specifically, this thesis investigates the possibility that the ancient Mesopotamian conceptualization of cultic and royal statues, thought to actually manifest the presence of gods and kings, can likewise be found in ancient Israel. Despite the overly pessimistic view of the later biblical authors, material objects were almost certainly believed to extend and manifest the presence of God in pre-exilic Israel (e.g., standing stones). Likewise, the later polemics against such cultic concepts demonstrate Israel's familiarity with this type of conceptualization. These polemics engaged in the rhetoric of mutilation and destruction of cultic representations, the erasure and re-inscription of divine names, and the rhetorical deconstruction of the specific Mesopotamian rituals thought to transform the dead statue into a living god. Though the biblical reflection of these concepts is more often found in the negative commentary regarding "foreign" cultic practices, S. Herring demonstrates that these opinions were not universally held. At least three biblical texts (Gen 1:26f.; Ex 34:29-34; and Ezek 36-37) portray the conceptualization that material images could manifest the divine presence in positive terms. Yet, these positive attestations were limited to a certain type of material image humans.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Continuity and Discontinuity: Chronological and Thematic Development in Isaiah 40-66
This volume of collected essays focuses on the relationship between the different texts within Isaiah 40-66. It reinvestigates and challenges the traditional division between chapters 40-55 and 56-66 and explores new ways of reading the last 27 chapters of the book of Isaiah. Each article examines Isaiah 40-55 and/or Isaiah 56-66 and highlights continuity and discontinuity within this material.Some contributions belong to the tradition of historical-critical research. They examine existing models of textual development of Isa 40-66 and offer new suggestions. They also explore the interplay between the historical development of the text and its thematic continuity and discontinuity. Is the consistent use of a theme a sign of single authorship? Alternatively, are changes in the way a given issue is treated a sign of multiple authorship? Other contributions explore the final form of Isaiah 40-66 and suggest reading strategies that do justice to the message of the extant text. Yet other articles make case studies of specific elements of Isaiah 40-66. What is the significance of these texts for the theological development of the ancient Israelite religion? Further, how do they interact with and transform other texts in the Hebrew Bible?
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Egypt In The Eastern Mediterranean During The Old Kingdom An Archaeological Perspective Orbis Biblicus Et Orientalis 237
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Das Buch Vom Tage: Le Livre Du Jour
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Septuaginta Vetus Testamentum Graecum Band 84 Iudith