Search results for ""author manus"
John Wiley & Sons Inc Geoscience Laboratory Manual
This inquiry-based lab manual offers real-world case studies of topical events with activities and Google Earth images appropriate for an introductory geology or physical geology course. Instructors can select individual lab activities from this text in Wiley Custom Select, an online platform that allows you to tailor Wiley lab manuals to your course, and save students money. Visit us online at
McGraw-Hill Education / Australia Westmead Anaesthetic Manual
The Westmead Anaesthetic Manual has been assisting anaesthetists,and perioperative nurses to provide safe anaesthetic care and appropriatemanagement of emergency situations for more than 20 years. This compact,comprehensive and user-friendly manual is an essential and powerful tool tohelp you manage any difficult and unanticipated situations that may confrontyou in your anaesthetic practice.Thoroughly updated and revised, this fifth edition features: Alphabetically ordered content, enabling topics to be accessed in seconds Step-by-step management of more than 120 emergency situations More than 250 drugs of importance to anaesthetists, descriptions of over30 core anaesthetic procedures and more than 20 ultrasound-guided blocks Anaesthetic management of special medical and surgical conditions such asmediastinal mass syndrome, placenta accreta spectrum and quadriplegia Important physiological concepts like clotting pathways Investigations of prime importance to anaesthetists includingthro
Austin Macauley Publishers Manuals of Life
Haynes Publishing Holley Carburetor Manual
Charisma House Prophet's Manual, The
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Reeds Superyacht Manual
Reeds Superyacht Manual, published in association with Bluewater Training, is the first and the best reference manual for everyone involved with yachts large and small, under sail or power, from deckhands to skippers and owners. There is extensive coverage for leisure and professional yachtsmen including: - key information for all required courses at all levels from STCW crew basic training through RYA Yachtmaster™ Offshore to MCA Officer of the Watch (Yacht) - comprehensive treatment of: safety, sea survival, first aid, fire fighting, navigation, seamanship, meteorology, marine radio and general ship knowledge - additional section on marine law including international and flag state requirements - easy guide to the Collision Regulations as well as their full text Well illustrated and user-friendly, this is the complete reference for all those involved with private or commercial yachts worldwide.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Counter Insurgency Manual
World-renowned expert in the fields of counter-terrorism, hostage rescue and VIP protection, Leroy Thompson has produced a comprehensive guide to counter-insurgency. His experiences both in the field and in training showcase the latest methods and technologies available and this fully illustrated book reveals many of the secrets of his trade. Counter-insurgency is fast becoming one of the most important aspects of police and military work around the world, with forces often deployed at short notice to fight against an ill-defined enemy. With this in mind, Leroy Thompson describes the techniques best employed in a variety of situations, all illustrated with pictures and explained with examples of their use. He stresses that the primary concern in every situation ought to be a 'Hearts and Minds' style operation comprising an attempt to achieve objectives without the use of force - it is only after all such possibilities have failed that the use of force should be considered, and then only by highly trained special forces operatives. The very political nature of counter-insurgency operations means that operatives are often working under extremely tense and delicate circumstances.The operations are often violent and short-lived, but Thompson emphasises that they must be part of a wider political, social or economic goal for success to be achieved. This well-informed and accessible account will have significance for anyone with an interest in world security and special operations.
Herder Editorial Manual para libreros
En la larga nómina de manuales orientados al marketing y venta de diversos productos, hasta ahora no era posible encontrar un texto dirigido a librerías, con su actual perfil de empresa comercial.Es el primer Manual para libreros que da real cuenta del cambio sustancial que ha experimentado la estructura de funcionamiento de las librerías. Mientras antes en la profesión del librero confluían las labores de editor, venta de libros de producción externa y distribución; hoy, hasta las librerías más pequeñas se ven obligadas a aplicar sistemas de organización y comercialización similares a cualquier empresa comercial.Fruto de las experiencias recogidas durante casi 30 años de actividad en la Librería Gandhi de México y en otras empresas vinculadas al libro en distintos países, la autora presenta un completo manual orientado principalmente a la formación de libreros profesionales, entregando una serie de claves y reglas básicas para la eficacia y productividad de cada librería.Esta gu
Wartberg Verlag Nordhessen Hofläden Manufakturen
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Laser in Manufacturing
Generally a laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) is defined as “a device which uses a quantum mechanical effect, stimulated emission, to generate a coherent beam of light from a lasing medium of controlled purity, size, and shape”. Laser material processing represents a great number of methods, which are rapidly growing in current and different industrial applications as new alternatives to traditional manufacturing processes. Nowadays, the use of lasers in manufacturing is an emerging area with a wide variety of applications, for example, in electronics, molds and dies, and biomedical applications. The purpose of this book is to present a collection of examples illustrating the state of the art and research developments to lasers in manufacturing, covering laser rapid manufacturing, lasers in metal forming applications, laser forming of metal foams, mathematical modeling of laser drilling, thermal stress analysis, modeling and simulation of laser welding, and the use of lasers in surface engineering. This book can be used as a research book for a final undergraduate engineering course or as a subject on lasers in manufacturing at the postgraduate level. Also, this book can serve as a useful reference for academics, laser researchers, mechanical, manufacturing, materials or physics engineers, or professionals in any related modern manufacturing technology. Contents 1. Laser Rapid Manufacturing: Technology, Applications, Modeling and Future Prospects, Christ P. Paul, Pankaj Bhargava, Atul Kumar, Ayukt K. Pathak and Lalit M. Kukreja. 2. Lasers in Metal Forming Applications, Stephen A. Akinlabi, Mukul Shukla, Esther T. Akinlabi and Tshilidzi Marwala. 3. Laser Forming of Metal Foams, Fabrizio Quadrini, Denise Bellisario, Erica A. Squeo and Loredana Santo. 4. Mathematical Modeling of Laser Drilling, Maturose Suchatawat and Mohammad Sheikh. 5. Laser Cutting a Small Diameter Hole: Thermal Stress Analysis, Bekir S. Yilbas, Syed S. Akhtar and Omer Keles. 6. Modeling and Simulation of Laser Welding, Karuppudaiyar R. Balasabramanian, Krishnasamy Sankaranarayanasamy and Gangusami N. Buvanashekaran. 7. Lasers in Surface Engineering, Alberto H. Garrido, Rubén González, Modesto Cadenas, Chin-Pei Wang and Farshid Sadeghi.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Concorde Pocket Manual
First flown in 1969, Concorde was the first supersonic aircraft to go into commercial service in 1976 and made her final flight in 2003. She was operated primarily by British Airways and Air France. British Airways’ Concordes made just under 50,000 flights and flew more than 2.5m passengers supersonically. A typical London to New York crossing would take a little less than three and a half hours compared to around eight hours for a ‘subsonic flight’. In November 1986 a Concorde flew around the world, covering 28,238 miles in 29 hours, 59 minutes. Today, Concordes can be viewed at museums across the UK and in France, including at IWM Duxford, Brooklands and Fleet Air Arm Museum, as well as at Heathrow, Manchester and Paris-Orly airports. However, there have been recent reports suggesting that Concorde may start operating commercially again. Through a series of key documents the book tells the story of how the aircraft was designed and developed as well as ground-breaking moments in her commercial history.
Wolters Kluwer Health Manual of Orthopaedics
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Now in vibrant full color, Manual of Orthopaedics, Eighth Edition, provides the must-know information you need to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal injuries and diseases with confidence. This quick-reference manual has been completely updated and revised to include content particularly valuable for orthopaedic physician assistants, while retaining key information for orthopaedic residents and nurse practitioners, primary care physicians, and orthopaedic providers in all practice environments. Written and edited by orthopaedic surgeons, orthopaedic physician assistants, and primary care physicians practicing in orthopaedic settings. User-friendly outline format provides fast access to essential facts on a variety of acute and chronic orthopaedic disorders. Comprehensive, concise coverage includes diagnosis, non-operative treatment, and brief descriptions of operative treatment. Full-color format increases visual appeal and facilitates quick navigation. Illustrations offer visual guidance on common techniques, including placement of splints, use of casts, and injections. Treatment algorithms provide a convenient overview of initial approach to all musculoskeletal problems. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd American Jewelry Manufacturers
The identification and dating of American jewelry heretofore has been difficult because few pieces bear standard markings and the references have been diverse, hard to find, and incomplete. Using old trade journals and their related directories as her primary sources, the eminent silver historian Dorothy Rainwater has exhaustively compiled here for the first time a comprehensive reference of jewelry trademarks and manufacturers in alphabetical order. She has also written a history of jewelry making in the United States which explains the framework upon which this enormous industry was built. The large scale manufacturers which began in the 1840s form a major portion of this directory. it is surprising to learn that only in 1961, after years of effort by the Jeweler's Vigilance Committee and the backing of trade journals, did American law require makers' marks on new jewelry. Therefore, this reference should become an important sourcebook for every jeweler, collector, antique jewelry dealer and manufacturing historian for the foreseeable future.
Editorial Alma Manual de Vida
Vida Publishers Manuel del Ministro
Ediciones Aljibe, S.L. Manual del laringectomizado
En este libro los doctores Juan Carlos Casado y José Antonio Adrián, han puesto su conocimiento y su sensibilidad para paliar, dentro de las posibilidades actuales, el grave problema de la comunicación entre los laringectomizados. Este libro, va a constituir sin duda un instrumento muy útil tanto a los estudiantes, como a los profesionales y también a aquellos pacientes que sientan inquietud por su situación personal, a través de las asociaciones de afectados. Con este trabajo se pretende dar una visión integral y práctica de todos los aspectos relacionados con el laringectomizado, está dividido en diez capítulos: Qué es la laringe y qué es un laringectomizado?; Cáncer de laringe: causas, síntomas, diagnóstico y modalidades de tratamiento; Cirugía del cáncer de laringe; Cuidados de enfermería en el post-operatorio del laringectomizado; Métodos de recuperación de la voz del laringectomizado; Rehabilitación logopédica del laringectomizado; Aspectos psicológicos del laringectomizado; Aspe
Herder Editorial Manual de patrología
2 edición revisada y ampliadaCon una nueva parte dedicda a las literaturas del Oriente cristianoHubertus R. Drobner, catedrático de Patrología y de Historia de la Iglesia en la Facultad de Teología Católica de Paderborn, refleja en esta obra su experiencia docente y su profundo conocimiento de los Padres de la Iglesia. Realizado con rigurosa metodología científica, este manual presenta el estado actual de la investigación en los estudios patrísticos con la oportuna y selecta información bibliográfica, y ofrece una buena herramienta de iniciación a esta disciplina, dirigida a los alumnos de Teología.El estudio de los Padres ha adquirido en los últimos tiempos un auge notable, desvinculado muy frecuentemente del ámbito teológico o eclesiástico habitual en épocas pasadas. De ahí la utilidad de un manual de Patrología que estuviera plenamente actualizado tanto en la bibliografía como en el contenido.Este manual de iniciación en la Patrología sintetiza con acierto los datos
Ciberseguridad manual práctico
La ciberseguridad es uno de los desafíos;más importantes de la era digital;pues se trata de un punto crítico;en cualquier entorno tecnológico.;Debido a que los entornos son cada vez más dinámicos y cambiantes, es necesario estar actualizado ante nuevas amenazas y vulnerabilidades que aparecen cada día. Por ello, las organizaciones han empezado a destinar una parte de su presupuesto a protegerse frente a los principales riesgos que se pueden encontrar en internet. El objetivo de este libro es dar a conocer las técnicas y herramientas en diferentes campos de la ciberseguridad, aportando los conocimientos necesarios para desarrollar, evaluar y auditar la seguridad de los sistemas informáticos, en general, y aplicaciones, en particular.;Utilizando un enfoque teórico-práctico, se guía al lector para obtener una visión global del estado de la ciberseguridad en campos como la seguridad en la nube, la privacidad y seguridad en Internet, la seguridad en aplicaciones web, el desarrollo seguro de
Editorial CEP, S.L. rea jurdica. Manual
Encuadernación: Rústica.Colección: Formación especializada. FECHA DE PUBLICACIÓN miércoles, 25 de abril de 2012CONTENIDOEl presente manual contiene el material adecuado para la preparación eficaz de las pruebas de selección para Vigilantes de Seguridad y sus especialidades, cuyo calendario de convocatorias para el año 2012, ha sido publicado en el B.O.E. n 2 de 3 de enero de 2012./La materia correspondiente al módulo o área jurídica se presenta estructurada en los siguientes bloques temáticos: / - Derecho Constitucional/- Derecho Penal/- Derecho Procesal Penal/- Derecho Administrativo Especial/- Derecho Laboral. /El rigor de los contenidos, el carácter pedagógico en la estructura y exposición de la materia y la continua utilización de recursos didácticos hacen de este manual un texto de calidad y un excelente material formativo.
Octopus Publishing Group Whisky The Manual
Lenos Verlag Das Mädchen Manuela
Drawn and Quarterly The Envelope Manufacturer
The Envelope Manufacturer documents the hardships and gradual disintegration of the career of an independent small business owner. The book begins as the head of the manufacturing company is already deep in financial straights: he struggles to deal with a series of late payments and dwindling orders and he finds ways to keep his company running by perilously deferring certain invoices. Ultimately, the pressures of his role begin to have an effect on him psychologically; he begins to talk to himself and he occasionally cannot distinguish the difference between reality and his imaginings. Even his personal life suffers, as his wife becomes disillusioned with the detached, dispassionate man he has become. Set in the mid twentieth century, just before the end of the period when most goods were still produced domestically, The Envelope Manufacturer chronicles the gradual demise of a small company as it struggles to adapt to a changing economic landscape.
Sample Magic The Producers Manual
Heritage House Publishing Co Ltd Gold Panner's Manual
Elsevier Australia Dental Assistant's Manual
Nirali Prakashan Manufacturing Process - II
Ediciones Versátil, S.L. Se llamaba Manuel
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Co ,U.S. Chemistry Survival Manual
SKYHORSE PUB Preppers Medical Manual
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Manual of Cornea
Written for postgraduate students in ophthalmology, this reference book discusses the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cornea. With the help of numerous illustrations and images, students and practitioners are shown how immediate treatment can help avoid long term damage to the cornea and resulting vision defects.
Plural Publishing Inc Vestibular Lab Manual
Previously known as the ''Vestibular Learning Manual'', the ''Vestibular Lab Manual, Second Edition'' provides a review of all major of areas of basic and advanced vestibular evaluation. It is designed to be a systematic, practical application of theoretical knowledge commonly taught in vestibular curriculum of graduate audiology programs. The book is full of high-quality pictures of equipment, patient positioning, and outcome data. Key Features: *Case studies allow the reader to apply diagnostic results to develop and strengthen clinical problem solving and interpretation skills *"Guided Practice" and "Reflection and Review" exercises facilitate active learning of concepts *Spiral-bound workbook format allows for ease of use New to the Second Edition: *Three new chapters covering: **Video Head Impulse Test (vHIT) **Canolith Repositioning Techniques **Reporting Results Effectively *Updated references, oVEMP protocols, and images This easy-to-use manual is part of the ''Core Clinical Concepts in Audiology'' Series and is of great value to audiology students as well as an excellent refresher for practicing clinicians.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Marriage: Owner's Manual
Manual de resistencia
Nunca una moción de censura ha triunfado en España; es imposible ganarle unas primarias al aparato de un partido; aquí nadie dimite para ser fiel a su palabra? Uno tras otro, los lugares comunes de nuestra vida política han sido derribados por un hombre: Pedro Sánchez.Su llegada a la Secretaría General del PSOE en 2014, en plena crisis económica global, abrió una nueva época en la formación política. Transcurridos dos años, era expulsado del liderazgo de su partido, al que regresó, aupado por la militancia, para ser investido presidente del Gobierno un año después. En cuestión de meses ha situado a nuestro país en primera línea de la defensa de valores y políticas progresistas, la justicia, el europeísmo, el feminismo y el ecologismo.Ese recorrido vital lo narra el autor en este libro ?verdadero Manual de resistencia? como parte de un proceso personal de resiliencia, que no se entendería sin la fortaleza de sus convicciones. Ha sido un cuatrienio de aceleración en la polít
Editorial LIBSA, S.A. Manual de grafología
A través de un acto tan cotidiano e interiorizado como es escribir, de manera inconsciente cada persona está ofreciendo mucha información sobre sí misma. Los rasgos esenciales de la personalidad, la actitud, la conducta, las emociones, las aptitudes. quedan reflejados en la manera única en la que cada uno de nosotros escribimos. Se conocerá mejor a sí mismo y otras personas con la ayuda de la grafología, un método científico con varios siglos de antigüedad.
Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A Manual de albailera
Este manual es una recopilación de los conocimientos básicos sobre los trabajos de albañilería más habituales. Estos se tratan desde un punto de vista práctico y se explican con claridad y sencillez. Por ello, resulta útil para un amplio abanico de personas interesadas en la materia, desde un profesional del sector o un particular que pretenda llevar a cabo algún trabajo de albañilería en su domicilio, hasta estudiantes y profesores de módulos profesionales o de carreras técnicas. El ámbito de la albañilería abarca multitud de trabajos de mayor o menor envergadura y complejidad.;Los contenidos de este libro se centran principalmente en los trabajos de menor magnitud, como los que se llevan a cabo en obras de reforma o rehabilitación, aunque los principios desarrollados en el manual que pueden aplicar totalmente en otro tipo de obras, como las de nueva planta.;El contenido del libro se ha estructurado en siete capítulos. Comienza con un capítulo que desarrolla conceptos estructurales bá
Ediciones Paraninfo, S.A Manual de escritura académica
Manual de escritura académica es un libro pensado específicamente para guiar a los estudiantes universitarios en el desarrollo de sus textos. Su objetivo es ayudarles paso a paso en la correcta construcción de sus trabajos escritos en cualquiera de sus posibles variedades, desde exámenes hasta ensayos o artículos.;Su estructura está especialmente pensada para que la guía sea útil desde el momento de pensar el tema del trabajo hasta el de entregar el manuscrito, siguiendo el hilo conductor de sus capítulos el estudiante aprenderá, mejorará o afianzará sus habilidades para la recogida de información, elaboración del discurso, disposición de citas, notas o presentación de bibliografías.;Ofrece un extenso número de textos reales para la elaboración de ejemplos y ejercicios. Se trata de fragmentos que, por su publicación, tienen el estatus del estándar académico.;Asimismo, con este manual el estudiante universitario se familiarizará con los requisitos generales de las guías de estilo adopta
John Wiley & Sons Inc Project Management in Manufacturing and High Technology Operations
Project management is a system originally developed within the construction industry for controlling schedules, costs, and specifications of large multitask projects. In recent years, manufacturers have discovered that project management's time-tested techniques dovetail neatly with the current thinking on quality control and management in a highly competitive global marketplace. The system has been increasingly recognized for its suitability in the manufacturing process and is now applied in virtually every area of production. One of the foremost proponents of this trend is Adedeji Badiru, an internationally recognized authority on project management, whose books have helped thousands of companies adapt the system to their particular needs. This completely revised Second Edition of Badiru's breakthrough publication, Project Management in Manufacturing and High Technology Operations, focuses on the dramatic increase in the use of high-tech machinery in industrial operations, and seamlessly integrates high-tech themes into a general discussion of project management. An introductory chapter on manufacturing analysis investigates how the latest concepts and techniques of project management are applied to manufacturing. The main body of the book offers a wealth of new material, including discussions of learning curve analysis, basic models for forecasting and inventory control, economic analysis of manufacturing, techniques for data analysis, and the application of expert systems. The chapter on computer applications in project management is completely revised and updated to reflect the enormous strides taken in this area in recent years. This book presents an up-to-date, practical approach to project management in manufacturing. Written by a pioneer in the application of project management to the manufacturing industries, this revised and expanded Second Edition of Project Management in Manufacturing and High Technology Operations reflects the increased use of high-tech machinery in industrial operations and the trends of recent years to apply project management methods to every phase of production. Complete with numerous illustrations, as well as exercises to wrap up each chapter, this Second Edition features: An emphasis on practical examples, including many new case studies, and a full chapter on the lessons learned from the space shuttle Challenger disaster Many new project management concepts and techniques that focus on manufacturing but can be applied to any project A new chapter on manufacturing systems analysis that provides the backdrop for the project analysis that takes place throughout the book Expanded discussions of the latest quantitative and managerial approaches, including learning curve analysis, basic models for forecasting and inventory control, economic analysis of manufacturing, techniques for data analysis, and the application of expert systems A strong international perspective, useful for multinational companies and for academic purposes This book equips engineers and managers with the tools to effectively manage all aspects of a project, including quality control, schedules, and expenses. Used as a text in engineering or business courses, it offers absorbing supplemental reading for students at the upper undergraduate and graduate levels. Professor Badiru has been widely praised for his incisive and highly relevant case studies. In this Second Edition, the case-study approach is expanded so that chapters typically include two real-world examples of the project management techniques or issues in question. In the final chapter, Badiru takes a close and painful look at a high-tech disaster, the explosion of the space shuttle Challenger. He offers rare and instructive insight into the devastating failure of a high-tech project—still poignant, despite the passage of time. Communicative throughout, this volume provides a solid, up-to-date reference for engineers and managers in manufacturing, as well as for consultants and administrators in related fields. Professor Badiru's proven reputation for providing interesting lecture material also makes Project Management in Manufacturing and High Technology Operations especially useful as a technology management text in both engineering and business schools. Cover Design/Illustration: David Levy
Stipes Pub Llc Kinesiology Laboratory Manual
Taylor & Francis Inc Apparel Manufacturing Technology
This book aims to provide a broad conceptual and theoretical perspective of apparel manufacturing process starting from raw material selection to packaging and dispatch of goods. Further, engineering practices followed in an apparel industry for production planning and control, line balancing, implementation of industrial engineering concepts in apparel manufacturing, merchandising activities and garment costing have been included, and they will serve as a foundation for future apparel professionals. The book addresses the technical aspects in each section of garment manufacturing process with considered quality aspects. This book also covers the production planning process and production balancing activities.It addresses the technical aspects in each section of garment manufacturing process and quality aspects to be considered in each process. Garment engineering questions each process/operation of the total work content and can reduce the work content and increase profitability by using innovative methods of construction and technology. This book covers the production planning process, production balancing activities, and application of industrial engineering concepts in garment engineering. Further, the merchandising activities and garment costing procedures will deal with some practical examples. This book is primarily intended for textile technology and fashion technology students in universities and colleges, researchers, industrialists and academicians, as well as professionals in the apparel and textile industry.
Pinter & Martin Ltd. The Agent
It’s all in a day’s work for high-flying literary agent Alexander; manuscripts to read, deals to be done, celebrity clients to be taken out to lunch… but first there is an author to deal with whose latest book the agent thinks is, frankly, not up to scratch. However he hadn't counted on the author's resourcefulness...
Pindar Press Pictures as Language: How the Byzantines Exploited Them
Christopher Walter, in his research on Byzantine art, has been particularly concerned by the significative value of iconography. The Byzantines, perhaps more than other cultural groups, were aware that pictures could "speak". The form and content of their "message" is explored here in a series of twenty-six articles, together with the use to which this "message" could be put. The first group of six articles is concerned with manuscript illustration. The second group of six articles shows how pictures could be used for ecclesiological purposes, not only to set out the universal mission of the Church. and its relations with political authorities, but also the relations of a local Church with the ensemble. A third group of three articles is concerned with the use of pictures in order to instruct the faithful on the raison d'être of the liturgy. The fourth group of seven articles studies the use of pictures to make better known to the populace the role of saints in the life of terrestrial men. Finally two articles document the use of iconography on apotropaic objects like amulets. In an epilogue the author brings up to date the bibliography of the subjects studied in these articles.
Editorial Trompa de Elefante Manual advaita
El advaita (o vedanta advaita) es una doctrina no dualista del hinduismo. Se atribuye su origen a Sankara, su gran sistematizador, si bien este cuerpo de enseñanzas hunde sus raíces en tiempos remotos.Para el advaita, entre la consciencia individual y la Conciencia cósmica no hay separación, ambas conforman una Unidad.No es este un manual al uso, en el que el lector pueda encontrar la historia del advaita, sus orígenes, influencias, autores, nociones generales, glosario, etc. Es un libro que tiene el propósito de facilitar, sin tecnicismos, la asimilación de las intuiciones advaita que, de entrada, suelen parecer oscuras a quienes se acercan a esta enseñanza. Expone y explica los conceptos claves de esta peculiar filosofía con el fin de abrir la puerta a su comprensión. Su vocación es fundamentalmente pedagógica y su punto de partida es la necesidad de deshacer, desde el inicio, los malos entendidos que se generan cuando el lector afronta una e
KVM-Der Medizinverlag Manuelle Therapie
Georg Thieme Verlag Manuelle Pferdetherapie
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Manuel Castells
First in-depth study of Manuell Castells pioneering work Traces Castells thought from his work on urban change in the 1970s to his recent theories of global social transformations Distills the central ideas in Castells work into an accessible and concise introduction for undergraduate students Explores Castells writings on the network society, informational capitalism and democracy in crisis Provides a critical analysis of Castells thought in relation to ongoing debates about globalization
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Manuel Castells
First in-depth study of Manuell Castells pioneering work Traces Castells thought from his work on urban change in the 1970s to his recent theories of global social transformations Distills the central ideas in Castells work into an accessible and concise introduction for undergraduate students Explores Castells writings on the network society, informational capitalism and democracy in crisis Provides a critical analysis of Castells thought in relation to ongoing debates about globalization
American Society for Microbiology Clinical Virology Manual