Search results for ""SPCK Publishing""
SPCK Publishing Exodus and Leviticus for Everyone
The second release in a major new series of guides to the books of the Old Testament written in an accessible and anecdotal style. The series is suitable for personal or group use and the format is also appropriate for daily study.
SPCK Publishing The Things He Carried: A Journey to the Cross: Meditations for Lent and Holy Week
Stephen Cottrell brings home, vividly and poignantly, the physical reality of the passion story. The narrative of Holy Week is powerful and painful, and because we know how the story ends it's easy to gloss over the difficult details, and stay in the comfort zone of our understanding. The Things He Carried is a book to stimulate thought, provoke discussion and create space for contemplation. 'In order to understand the cross you need to stand under it . . . with the imagination as well as the mind... This book aims to help in that process... But however you use it – on your own or with others - I hope you will receive some small appreciation of just how much the cross weighs, and maybe even pick it up yourself.' From the Introduction
SPCK Publishing Just John: The Authorized Biography of John Habgood, Archbishop of York, 1983-1995
John Habgood (1927-2019) was Archbishop of York from 1983-1995, and prior to that had served ten years as Bishop of Durham. ‘Just John’, the biography written at Lord Habgood’s request and with his full cooperation while alive, is warm, witty and affectionate. Nonetheless, as its title implies, it is a truthful portrayal of the man that John Habgood was – guileless, flawed, just. ‘Just John’ is the authorised biography of the former Archbishop of York, John Habgood, by one of the people who knew him best, author and Bishop, David Wilbourne. Published on the first anniversary of John Habgood's death on 6 March 2019, this Christian biography by David Wilbourne offers an honest and insightful look into Lord Habgood’s life as an Anglican theologian and former Archbishop of York. John Habdood’s ability to mediate and solve what seemed impossible problems, both in the Church and modern society, is legendary. However, his formidable intellect and shy manner could make him seem a distant, enigmatic figure. ‘Just John’ is a biography written with meticulous detail and full of interesting personal history and anecdotes. This biography by David Wilbourne also features extracts from John Habgood’s personal diary that he kept, reveals the story behind the issue of the fateful Crockford Preface and analyses Habgood’s friendships with Bishops Peter and Michael Ball. Through reading this book about John Habgood, the reader will feel as if they know Habgood and have a greater understanding of the interesting yet guarded life he lived.
SPCK Publishing Growing Spiritually with the Myers-Briggs Model
Though Christians share a common faith, we also represent a glorious and diverse range of personalities. The way we grow spiritually will reflect these differences. Knowing ourselves better can save us frustration as we seek ways forward in company with those who may be rather different from ourselves. Many people have found the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Model - the most widely used psychological instrument of its kind worldwide - a valuable aid to spiritual growth. This book sets out the essentials of the model, and presents profiles of the sixteen personality types to enable us to discover our own. An experienced practitioner of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Model, Julia McGuinness explains how the elements of our individual personalities interact, and helps us identify our own potential blind spots, imbalances and areas for growth. She then provides practical suggestions for devotional and everyday activities, so we may develop whatever aspect of our personality needs nurturing, in order to become fully the unique individuals God has created us to be.
SPCK Publishing The Rhythm of Life
Life has its rhythms, and so should prayer. Drawing on the traditions of Celtic Christianity, The Rhythm of Life is a beautiful daily prayer book that provides offices for each day of the week. With canticles following the Common Worship Lectionary as well as original prayers, David Adam offers an easy-to-use guide that shows us how a cycle of prayer helps us to open our hearts and minds and deepen our relationship with God. Each day is centred around a different liturgical theme, and there are prayers for morning, midday, afternoon and night, with stunning Celtic illustrations throughout. This book offers an accessible framework that is ideal for use in small-group prayer, but is also suited for individual use to keep you on track with prayer or help you refresh your prayer life.
SPCK Publishing The Courage to Connect: Becoming All We Can Be
God can act in and through you in a way that God cannot act in and through anyone else.' - From Chapter 5.To live deliberately rather than by accident requires great honesty. It means looking human experience fully in the face without glossing over the difficult bits. It means realizing that while God is not unconcerned with the intimate detail of our lives, we are expected to use our God-given gifts to get on with the day-to-day stuff like grown ups.Only by living deliberately will we fully explore who and what we really are.Drawing on her own experience and the stories of other individuals and communities, Rosemary Lain-Priestly vividly communicates in this stirring, often witty, book, the importance of honesty, freedom and the courage to 'be real'.
SPCK Publishing ISG 38 A Guide to Preaching
Preaching can be an extremely daunting experience for many but is an essential part of any service or Christian occasion. It is so important for the preacher to engage with their listeners and present their message clearly. A Guide to Preaching will do just that - an authoritative, comprehensive yet immensely readable book containing a treasure chest of facts, styles, inspiration and lively examples from around the world for old hands or those new to preaching. A Guide to Preaching covers every aspect of the task of preaching, from planning a sermon that takes account of biblical, personal, church and liturgical background through to using stories, imagination, dialogue, drama, news bulletins and much more. An entire chapter is devoted to developing the skills of rhetoric, and it includes plenty of practical advice and examples to help you understand, develop and review your own style. Roger Bowen has edited this guide with contributions from David Edwards, David Gitari, Simea Meldrum, Esther Mombo and Vinoth Ramachandra. ""This is a helpful book from which most preachers will learn something."" Stella Mills, Rural Theology (vol. 5, issue 68)
SPCK Publishing Praying Like a Woman
Imaginative and passionate, these prayers bring the full range of women's experience before God. Blessings, laments, celebrations and creeds, they use a variety of forms and can be used by individuals and in a liturgical setting.
SPCK Publishing Theology After Wittgenstein
The philosopher Wittgenstein is considered by many to be the most influential and significant of the 20th century. This book introduces him to students of theology and focuses on his writings dealing with theological issues such as the inner life, immortality of the soul, and the relationship of the believer to church and tradition.
SPCK Publishing Biblical Hebrew Made Easy
Have you ever wondered what Adam really said to Eve? Or what God said to Job? Learning Hebrew can be easy - and fun. This book shows you how to master the essentials of the language in clear, simple steps - starting right from scratch with the Hebrew alphabet on how to read passages from the Bible itself. There are simple exercises (including answers), a word list, and plenty of examples throughout. Whether you are studying in a group or by yourself, this book will make the words of the Bible come alive in a way you never imagined before. 'For learning Hebrew, the best way is to have an expert by your side. Here is the next best thing - Hebrew without such an aid and without tears! I commend the book warmly.' Lord Coggan (formerly Archbishop of Canterbury).