Search results for ""SPCK Publishing""
SPCK Publishing The Power of Pictures in Christian Thought: The Use and Abuse of Images in the Bible and Theology
Part One considers key philosophical and aesthetic evaluations of literary images and symbols. The power of pictures is widely appreciated, as in the adage 'a picture is worth a thousand words'. Sometimes Christian discourse can be smothered by endless prose, which demands much inferential reasoning. There is, however, a contrary argument. An isolated visual representation can be misleading if it is improperly interpreted. For example, some mystical visions are interpreted as direct instructions from the Holy Spirit, as happened with the Radical Reformers, who advocated the Peasants’ Revolt. Hence theories of symbol, metaphor, and visual representation must be examined Part Two discusses visual representation in the Old Testament, the teaching of Jesus, pictures and analogies in Paul, and the Book of Revelation. This shows the range of authentic visual representations. In contrast to biblical material, we find throughout Christian history abundant examples of misleading imagery which is often passed off as Christian. A notorious example is found in the visual representation and metaphors used by Gnostic writers. Almost as bad are some visual representations used by the medieval mystics, Radical Reformers, and extreme charismatics – all of which lack valid criteria of interpretation, relying instead on subjective conviction. Similarly, sermons and prayers today can be enriched with pictorial images, but some can be misleading and unhelpful for the life of the Church.
SPCK Publishing Fearfully Made
You weren’t born to live scared. You were fearfully and wonderfully made. So why are so many of us afraid? From failure and ridicule, to rejection, loneliness and death – today’s society is plagued with anxiety, doubt and fear. Into our social-media dominated, comparison-rife age, Jesus promises the solution. Attacking each of these fears in turn, Hillsong Youth x Young Adults London along with LA, NYC, Sydney, Paris and many more, unite to share real-life stories encouraging youth the world over to better understand how the Fear of God has the power to conquer all other fears. Featuring interviews with Fleur East, Guvna B, Leah McFall, Ashley John Baptise, Marcel, Rich Wilkerson JR, Cheryl Fagan, Chelsea Smith, Erwin McManus, William Adoasi Lucile Houston, original articles by Dan & Jo Watson, Phil Kyei, Ashley John Baptise, Elizabeth Neep and Group Discussion Questions for each fear, this full-colour, powerfully design-driven mag-book gives you the tools to positively shape society today.
SPCK Publishing The Day the Revolution Began: Rethinking the Meaning of Jesus' Crucifixion
In The Day the Revolution Began Tom Wright invites you to consider the full meaning of the event at the heart of the Christian faith - Jesus' crucifixion. As he did in his acclaimed Surprised by Hope, Wright once again challenges commonly held beliefs, this time arguing that the Protestant Reformation did not go far enough in reshaping our understanding of the Cross. With his characteristic rigour and incisiveness, he goes back to the New Testament to show that Jesus' death not only releases us from the guilt and power of sin, but is nothing less than the beginning of a world-wide revolution that continues to this day – a revolution that creates and energizes a movement responsible for restoring and reconciling the whole of God's creation. The Day the Revolution Began will take you to a new level in your appreciation of the meaning of Jesus' sacrifice: opening up its powerful and amazing implications, inspiring you with a renewed sense of purpose and hope, and reminding you of the crucial role you can play in the world-transforming movement that Jesus started.
SPCK Publishing Self-supporting Ministry: A Practical Guide
The distinctive contribution of volunteer clergy has never been more important to the church than it is today. SSMs are wonderfully non-standard. They have a range of motivations, working patterns and training needs, and are deployed in a wide variety of ways. Sometimes under-used, sometimes overworked, they are often offered few opportunities for role development after their ministry begins. They may feel unrecognized and under-supported, with church leaders making wrong assumptions about their ability and willingness to be involved. But as the church turns increasingly to its volunteer minsters, there are encouraging signs of more creative deployment of this great resource. John Lees’ lively, authoritative guide – featuring many stories and case studies – will be welcomed by those already involved in, and those considering, this ministry. Celebrating the gradual reinvention of SSM, it offers strategies to greatly improve working practice for those in an associate role.
SPCK Publishing Reformation Myths: Five Centuries of Misconceptions and (Some) Misfortunes
What has the Reformation ever done for us? A lot less than you might think, as Rodney Stark shows in this enlightening and entertaining antidote to recent books about the rise of Protestantism and its legacy. ‘Rodney Stark takes no prisoners as he charges through five hundred years of history, upsetting apple carts left and right. Almost everything you thought you knew about the Reformation turns out to be a false narrative. . . In future, anyone who makes sweeping claims about the benefits of Protestantism ought to check their assumptions against Stark’s research first.’ Clifford Longley, author and journalist ‘Stark brings the insights of a distinguished sociologist of religion to bear on a range of inherited assumptions about the impact of the Reformation . . . The result makes for salutary reading in this year of commemoration and (not always justified) celebration.’ Peter Marshall, Professor of History, University of Warwick ‘Stark changed the way we think about the early Church and this book may change the way you think about Protestantism . . . Reformation Myths cuts through pious certainties and challenges us to think again about our cultural history.’ Linda Woodhead MBE DD, Professor of Sociology of Religion, Lancaster University
SPCK Publishing Days of Awe and Wonder: How To Be A Christian In The Twenty-First Century
Distilled into a single volume, here is the essence of Marcus J. Borg, one of the most widely respected and influential theologians of our time. In his many critically acclaimed books, Borg pioneered a new kind of Christianity – one that resonates with progressive, socially engaged Christians throughout the world. Now, two years after his death, comes Days of Awe and Wonder, a selection of his most important works, some of them hitherto unpublished, in which he explores what it means to be a Christian in the twenty-first century. Provocative and uplifting, this anthology will enlighten all who are meeting Borg for the first time and amply reward those who would like to renew their acquaintance with one of the world’s finest theological writers.
SPCK Publishing See, Love, Be: Mindfulness and the Spiritual Life: A Practical Eight-Week Guide with Audio Meditations
Many have been hugely helped by mindfulness practice. But how do we move beyond our initial goal of functioning well to live a life marked by deep awareness, genuine compassion and ease of being? Tim Stead is an accredited mindfulness teacher who seeks to explore this very question. Offering new versions of familiar practices, he meditates on three key themes – see, love, be – that connect strongly with the concerns of many great spiritual traditions. This warm-hearted book will resonate as much with those who do not have a faith commitment as with those who do. `Thoughtful and intensely practical, See, Love, Be offers a fascinating insight into the human condition. I particularly enjoyed the use of the well-judged poems at the end of each chapter.’ Michael Mosley, science journalist, TV presenter and producer
SPCK Publishing Songs of the Spirit: A Psalm a Day for Lent and Easter
Songs of the Spirit give readers of all kinds a new, emotional response to the period of Lent by holding to its heart the Psalms, rather than sticking firmly within the pages of the Gospels. Freshly translated by Rev. Megan Daffern herself, these Psalms and readings are an insightful door to appreciate the countless varieties of ways we can respond to God over the course of just 40 days. Each re-translated Psalm opens up the resonate life their lines. From celebration to mourning, from simplicity to intricacy, Songs of the Spirit offers to a wide range of believers a way to hold the message and truths of Lent close to heart. No matter whether you've never considered faith before, or know the ins-and-outs of faith like rooms of your very own home, there is a rich vein of life to be found in these Psalms. Moving through the problems of the world during Week 1, to injustice in Week 2, and then exploring the complexity and scope of creation in Week 3, its beauty in Week 4, pilgrimage and its effects in Week 5, and then holiness and redemption in Weeks 6 and 7 - this Lent Devotional renews how you approach the world and its maker. Emotive and beautiful, Songs of the Spirit nourishes the spirit and opens your eyes to the ceaseless wonders of God in all things. A Lent devotional filled with life.
SPCK Publishing Unbelievable?: Why After Ten Years of Talking with Atheists, I'm Still a Christian
Conversations matter. Yet, recently, good conversations about faith have been increasingly squeezed out of the public sphere. Seeking to reopen the debate, Justin Brierley began to invite atheists and sceptics on to Premier Christian Radio to air arguments for and against the Christian faith. But how has ten years of discussion with atheists affected the presenter's faith? Reflecting on conversations with Richard Dawkins, Derren Brown and many more, Justin explains why he still finds Christianity the most compelling explanation for life, the universe and everything. And why, regardless of belief or background, we should all welcome the conversation. 'Beautifully written, brilliantly argued, Justin's book will thrill Christians and challenge atheists.' R. T. Kendall, author and pastor 'Justin has that happy knack of being able to get people of diametrically opposed opinions debating the big issues.' John Lennox, Professor of Mathematics, University of Oxford
SPCK Publishing Discovering Isaiah: Content, interpretation, reception
Discovering Isaiah is the perfect introduction to the interpretation of Isaiah Through a critical assessment of key interpreters and interpretative debates, this is an Old Testament commentary that encourages in-depth study of the text and a genuine grappling with the theological and historical questions raised. As part of the Discovering Biblical Texts series, Discovering Isaiah draws on a range of author-, text- and reader-centred methodological approaches as complementary rather than mutually exclusive ways of understanding the text. It also focuses on the reception history of the book of Isaiah, increasingly viewed by Biblical scholars as a vital aspect of interpretation rather than an optional extra. Discovering Isaiah is an ideal Bible commentary for students and those looking to dig deeper into this key prophetic book of the Old Testament. You will gain a solid grasp of the structure and content of Isaiah, and a thorough understanding of a wide range of interpretative approaches and theological concerns that will enhance your own reading of the text.
SPCK Publishing Introduction to the Devout Life
What was revolutionary, in Francis, was his belief that one could remain in the world and yet be holy.' Piers Paul Read, from the Introduction Francis de Sales was born in France and became Bishop of Geneva in the early seventeenth century. Famed for his patience, he was known as a preacher, evangelist and spiritual director. Together with Jane de Chantal, he founded the congregation of the Visitation of Holy Mary. Written to help lay people to live in the world without being influenced by its spirit, Introduction to the Devout Life is a timeless classic on spiritual growth. It provides a series of practical meditations that can enrich the reader's prayer life. In short, pithy chapters, Francis de Sales gives advice on such topics as humility, patience and poverty of spirit. His aim is to guide anyone with courage and determination to live a life of true devotion.
SPCK Publishing Mere Spirituality: The Spiritual Life According To Henri Nouwen
Henri Nouwen’s compelling spirituality of the heart is at once simple and complex, accessible but deeply profound. For this Catholic theologian, whose ecumenical writings continue to inspire Christians of all denominations and levels of involvement, spirituality is, at its most basic, simply ‘attention to the life of the spirit in us’. Wil Hernandez’s sensitive distillation of Nouwen’s vast literary legacy invites us to take courage and be still, creating space for God and our true selves. It is in this place of trust and solitude that we discover our belovedness and our capacity to love God and others. A scholar and spiritual director intimately acquainted with Nouwen’s understanding of the spiritual life, Wil Hernandez offers an elegant synthesis of Nouwen’s main themes, inspiring us to embrace the power and vulnerability of mere spirituality.
SPCK Publishing The Beauty and the Horror: Searching For God In A Suffering World
'For anyone who is fascinated by the phenomenon of religion, this is a deeply interesting book.' Mary Warnock Although we can all give meaning to our lives by trying to live well, is there some given meaning to be discovered? Science cannot answer this question, and philosophical arguments leave the issue open. The monotheistic religions claim that the meaning has been revealed to us, and Christians see this is above all in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Described by Rowan Williams as 'that rarity, a Christian public intellectual', Richard Harries considers the Christian claim in the context of an in-depth discussion of the nature of evil and how this is to be reconciled with a just and loving God. Drawing on a wide range of modern literature, he argues that belief in the resurrection and hope in the face of death is fundamental to faith, and suggests that while there is no final intellectual answer to the problem of evil, we must all, believer and nonbeliever alike, protest against the world and seek to change it, rather than accept it as it is.
SPCK Publishing The Shepherd Who Couldn't Sing
Jake the boy shepherd lacks the X-factor! He's not afraid of dark shadows, strange noises or wild animals. The only thing that frightens Jake is singing - that is until an unexpected meeting with an angel choir helps him to discover his voice ... and the infant Christ! A delightful re-telling of the Christmas story for children aged 4-6.
SPCK Publishing Florence Nightingale: A Very Brief History
Part One: The History (What do we know?) This brief historical introduction to Florence Nightingale explores the social, political and religious factors that formed the original context of her life and writings, and considers how those factors affected the way she was initially received. What was her impact on the world at the time and what were the key ideas and values connected with her? Part Two: The Legacy (Why does it matter?) This second part explores the intellectual and cultural ‘afterlife’ of Florence Nightingale, and considers the ways in which her impact has lasted and been developed in different contexts by later generations. Why is she still considered important today? In what ways is her legacy contested or resisted? And what aspects of her legacy are likely to continue to influence the world in the future? The book has a brief chronology at the front plus a list of further reading at the back.
SPCK Publishing Disappointment, Doubt and Other Spiritual Gifts: Reflections On Life And Ministry
Disappointment, Doubt and Other Spiritual Gifts is an honest, heartfelt and ultimately deeply hopeful collection of stories and reflections on Mark Yaconelli's own woeful inability to be the perfect Christian. As an acclaimed Christian writer and speaker Mark Yaconelli talks of his own failures and disappointments in Christian life and ministry, in order to offer others, hope for the future. This is a book for any Christian that has ever felt that they've fallen short as a follower of Christ or has felt disappointed when they feel that the Church or other Christians have let them down or acted in a way that was unexpected. Mark's stories in this part memoir, all inspirational collection, reveal how no matter how mature a Christian you are, no matter how firm you feel your faith is, everyone has doubts and feels disappointment from time to time. But the wonderful news the Mark shares through the stories in Disappointment, Doubt and Other Spiritual Gifts is that as Christians the hope we have is far bigger than any of those doubts and disappointments. Taken from the preface of Disappointment, Doubt and Other Spiritual Gifts: 'We fall in holes. Plans fall apart. Dreams die. Faith disappears. Suffering is real. We need help to recalibrate our lives back to our compassionate, God-trusting selves. Often, we need safe, creative space and trusted companions in order to move through painful and disorienting experiences. My hope is that the chapters in this book might provide that same creative companionship ... What I'm offering are stories, personal experiences, honest reflections and practices that might help you move out of the hurt and disappointment for a moment and remember your deeper capacities for love and generosity. These are the same stories and practices that have helped me to receive my own failings and sufferings as spiritual gifts.'
SPCK Publishing The Things He Did: The Story Of Holy Week
Meditations on the story of Holy Week and the things Jesus did, from his entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday until his arrest on Maunday Thursday. One extraordinary week. Jesus rides a colt into Jerusalem. He shows righteous rage in the temple. He eats with the wrong sort of people. He lets a woman anoint him with oil. He washes his disciples' feet. He breaks bread and shares wine. He prays passionately in the garden. He allows himself to be arrested. Jesus stands in the prophetic tradition of those who embody what they teach. The things he did were carefully planned. And in this riveting book, Stephen Cottrell draws out their political and religious significance as Jesus moves towards his greatest and final act - his death and resurrection.
SPCK Publishing I Thought There Would Be Cake
EVER THOUGHT LIFE ISN’T TURNING OUT QUITE AS YOU EXPECTED? Growing up, Katharine Welby-Roberts imagined that being an adult was one big party. But depression, anxiety and crippling self-doubt led her to alienate herself from others. To replay events and encounters as nightmares. Occasionally, to be unable to leave the house. Aware of the cacophony of voices in her head, Katharine invites us to join her as she journeys to the depths of her soul. Here, with instinctive honesty and humour, she confronts the parts of her story that hinder her most. As she charts a course that offers ways of coping with everyday issues, we are encouraged to embrace our own self-worth. To recognize the value of our existence. To let ourselves be loved. Exactly as we are. ‘Brilliantly honest, often funny and wonderfully readable’ Martin Saunders, Youthscape ‘Wholly authentic in the face of suffering and struggle’ Will van der Hart, The Mind and Soul Foundation
SPCK Publishing Sensing God: Learning To Meditate During Lent
'Those who want to save their life will lose it; and those who lose their life for my sake will find it' (Matthew 16.25). We often associate Lent with 'giving something up', but it is also a good time to begin or to deepen the practice of meditation. Through this ascetic discipline, we enter into the tradition of the Desert Fathers and, as we learn to nurture the silence within, come to experience joy and well-being in every area of our lives. This book is a practical introduction and guide to Christian meditation as taught by Fr John Main and continued through the World Community for Christian Meditation (WCCM). It contains meditation instructions, guidance and support as well as 46 enriching daily reflections on the Gospels, highlighting an aspect of their meaning and their continued relevance for modern living.
SPCK Publishing Discovering Luke: Content, Interpretation, Reception
Discovering Luke is the perfect introduction to the interpretation of Luke’s gospel. Through a critical assessment of key interpreters and interpretative debates, this is a New Testament commentary that encourages in-depth study of the text and a genuine grappling with the theological and historical questions raised. As part of the Discovering Biblical Texts series, Discovering Luke draws on a range of author-, text- and reader-centred methodological approaches as complementary rather than mutually exclusive ways of understanding the text. It also focuses on the reception history of Luke’s gospel, increasingly viewed by Biblical scholars as a vital aspect of interpretation rather than an optional extra. Discovering Luke is an ideal Bible commentary for students and those looking to dig deeper into this key book of the New Testament. You will gain a solid grasp of the structure and content of Luke’s gospel, and a thorough understanding of a wide range of interpretative approaches and theological concerns that will enhance your own reading of the text.
SPCK Publishing The Way of Ignatius: A prayer journey through Lent
This is a popular introduction, aimed at general readers, to prayer and the spiritual life in the tradition of Ignatius Loyola. A deep prayer life is not just something for mystics or religious specialists. It’s for everyone, and everyone has a capacity for it. There is a great thirst for spiritual depth among Christians and seekers. This is a popular introduction to prayer and the spiritual life – a guide for Lent and the rest of the year – in the tradition of Ignatius Loyola. Simmonds also explores Ignatian influence on the life of the seventeenth-century Yorkshire woman, Mary Ward. The Ignatian tradition is hugely adaptable to different approaches. At its heart is personal encounter with Jesus, so The Way of Ignatius will help people to pray with the Scriptures in an imaginative way. It includes questions to aid reflection and discussion at the end of each chapter, and also looks at the way in which the Passion and resurrection of Jesus are woven into the patterns of human life.
SPCK Publishing God and Churchill: How The Great Leader’s Sense Of Divine Destiny Changed His Troubled World And Offers Hope For Ours
When Winston Churchill was a boy of sixteen, he already had a vision for his purpose in life. "This country will be subjected somehow to a tremendous invasion . . . I shall be in command of the defences of London . . . it will fall to me to save the Capital, to save the Empire." It was a most unlikely prediction. Perceived as a failure for much of his life, Churchill was the last person anyone would have expected to rise to national prominence as prime minister and influence the fate of the world during World War II. But Churchill persevered, on a mission to achieve his purpose. God and Churchill tells the remarkable story of how one man, armed with belief in his divine destiny, embarked on a course to save Christian civilization when Adolf Hitler and the forces of evil stood opposed. It traces the personal, political, and spiritual path of one of history’s greatest leaders and offers hope for our own violent and troubled times.
SPCK Publishing Mission at Nuremberg
November, 1945. The war is over, Hitler is dead, and Allied Army Chaplain Henry Gerecke receives his most challenging assignment: to go to Nuremberg and minister to the twenty-one imprisoned Nazi leaders awaiting trial for crimes against humanity. Mission at Nuremberg takes us deep inside the Nuremberg Palace of Justice, into the cells of the accused and the courtroom where they faced trial. These twenty-one Nazis had sat at Hitler's right hand: Hermann Goering, Albert Speer, Wilhelm Keitel, Hans Frank, and Ernst Kaltenbrunner were the orchestrators, and in some cases the direct perpetrators, of the most methodical genocide in history. As the drama leading to the court's final judgments unfolds, Tim Townsend brings Henry Gerecke's impossible moral quandary to life. Gerecke had visited Dachau and had seen the consequences of the choices these men had made, the orders they had given and carried out. How could he preach a gospel of mercy, knowing full well the nature of the atrocities they had committed? As execution day drew near, what comfort could he offer, and what promises of salvation could he make? Detailed, harrowing, and emotionally charged, Mission at Nuremberg is a compelling new history of the Nuremberg trials, and an incisive investigation into the nature of sin, the price of empathy, and the limits of forgiveness.
SPCK Publishing Why Go to Church?
John Pritchard takes an honest look at what the church is really for and how it works. A book for all who wonder what it must be like to be part of a community of people who are trying to follow the life and teaching of Jesus.
SPCK Publishing The Old Testament and God: Old Testament Origins and the Question of God, Volume 1
In The Old Testament and God, Craig G. Bartholomew offers an innovative, compelling new introduction that takes a critical realist approach to our understanding of the history, literature and theology of the Old Testament. Opening up a distinctly theological interpretation, he explores the key questions that arise from reading the Old Testament against its environment and pays close attention to intertextuality – both within the Old Testament itself and between the Old and New Testaments. Packed full of brilliant insight, this is a fresh, illuminating account of the question of God in the context of Old Testament interpretation today. The Old Testament and God is the first volume in a ground-breaking new series, Old Testament Origins and the Question of God, which acts as a companion series to N. T. Wright’s Christian Origins and the Question of God. Thorough and eye-opening, it is ideal for both students and professors of Old Testament studies who are looking for a big-picture, holistic narrative approach to the Old Testament that still takes into account its own unique challenges. A paradigm-shifting study, The Old Testament and God will leave you with a deeper, comprehensive understanding of the literary, historical and theological dimensions of the Old Testament, its interpretation, and its function as part of Christian scripture. Its cutting-edge approach has far-reaching implications for all areas of theological enquiry, making it essential reading for all serious students of the Bible and theology today.
SPCK Publishing The Challenge of Jesus
The Challenge of Jesus makes the arguments laid out in Jesus and the Victory of God accessible to lay readers. Bestselling author and theologian N.T.Wright does more than just rehash these arguments: he adds a discussion of the resurrection, and addresses the prickly problem of relevance. In the first six chapters of The Challenge of Jesus, Wright tackles many of the questions of the historical Jesus debate. He then moves on to address how all these historical-cum-theological issues are significant for Christians living in a postmodern world. The Challenge of Jesus is ideal for those beginning academic studies or just wanting to go deeper with their Christology and understanding of the person and work of Christ.
SPCK Publishing Jesus and the Violence of Scripture
Which is the true Messiah – the peace-loving preacher of the Sermon on the Mount, or the sword-wielding warrior of the book of Revelation? And how can both be in the same Bible? In what is perhaps his most provocative book yet, John Dominic Crossan investigates two conflicting visions of God to be found in the Bible: one that offers unconditional love and grace to all humanity; the other working to domesticate that radical vision by threatening punishment and retribution, and by propping up the status quo. People often assume that the second vision applies to the God of the Old Testament, while the first was revealed later, in the teaching and example of Jesus. But, as Crossan shows, the same contradiction appears in the Gospels and other writings of the New Testament. One thing is clear, argues Crossan: if you want to discover the Bible's best and purest revelation of God, then you must measure the Bible by Jesus. And to find the best and purest revelation of Jesus, he concludes, you must learn how to distinguish the words and actions of the original, historical Jesus from the teachings of those who came after him, but who did not fully understand his radical message. Only then will you understand how to read the Bible and still be a Christian.
SPCK Publishing Contemplative Youth Ministry: Practising the Presence of Jesus with Young People
Contemplative Youth Ministry is rooted in Mark Yaconelli's experience of co-directing the acclaimed Youth Ministry and Spirituality Project. Through this project, churches and youth ministers have explored contemplative prayer, discernment, spiritual direction, covenant community, spiritual practice and Sabbath-living as a way of resourcing ministries with youth. The results have been transformative, and this engaging book, richly illustrated with personal stories, provides refreshment and new ways of thinking for anyone who has grown weary or disillusioned with the vital tasks of working with and caring for young people.
SPCK Publishing The Meal Jesus Gave Us: Understanding Holy Communion
A short, simple and thoroughly biblical explanation of the meaning and purpose of Holy Communion, designed to appeal to all ages. Explains its biblical origins, the different ways in which Christians have understood it over the centuries, and its crucial place in the Christian life today, with questions for reflection or discussion at the end of each chapter. Ideal for complete beginners, and anyone wanting a quick and easy refresher course.
SPCK Publishing The Teenage Prayer Experiment Notebook
Interactive and experiential journal introducing prayer practices to teenagers. Space for teenagers to record their own thoughts on the practice and to read what other people have said Ideal confirmation gift Fresh, contemporary design. This book is based on a blog run by Revd Miranda Threlfall-Holmes and her teenage son, Noah, Miranda and Noah developed the blog and book as they could find nothing on the market to introduce teenagers to different ways of praying. Each chapter of the book introduces a prayer practice, e.g using labyrinths, Lego Bible modelling, prayer beads, prayer walking. It also includes comments by teenagers who have tried it out and plenty of space for the young person to record their own thoughts. Each experiment is divided into 4 parts: 1. An introduction to the prayer idea being suggested and the context of the tradition 2. The experiment - how to do it and what you need 3. Space for notes on how it went/ what you thought 4. Notes from other teens who have tried out the experiment and their thoughts about it Packed full of experiments in prayer this is a resource to get stuck into and try for yourself.
SPCK Publishing Meeting God in Mark
A fresh look at the message and meaning of Marks Gospel by one of the worlds greatest living theologians. Rowan Williams explores the essential meaning and purpose of St Marks Gospel for complete beginners as well as for those who've read the Gospel many times before and want to see it in a fresh light. Written at a highly accessible level and packed with illuminating spiritual insights, this book would make a perfect gift for anyone thinking about confirmation, while also appealing to people who may simply be curious about Jesus and the Gospels and want to learn more about his significance.
SPCK Publishing John for Everyone: Part 2
Making use of his true scholar's understanding, yet writing in an approachable and anecdotal style, Tom Wright manages to unravel the great complexity of this extraordinary gospel. He describes it as 'one of the great books in the literature of the world; and part of its greatness is the way it reveals its secrets not just to high-flown learning, but to those who come to it with humility and hope'. Wright's stimulating comments are combined with his own translation of the Bible text. Tom Wright has undertaken a tremendous task: to provide guides to all the books of the New Testament, and to furnish them with his own fresh translation of the entire text. Each short passage is followed by a highly readable discussion with background information. The series is suitable for personal or group use. The format makes it appropriate also for daily study.
SPCK Publishing Early Christian Letters for Everyone: James, Peter, John And Judah
Writing in an accessible and anecdotal style, Tom Wright opens up to us the wisdom of the letters of James, Peter, John and Judah (Jude). A vital resource for every church and every Christian, these letters are full of clear practical advice for Christians. Written for those new to the faith, they warn of the dangers and difficulties a young Christian community would face both within and without, while revelling in the delight of budding faith, hope and life. Today, these letters are just as relevant as they were two thousand years ago. They continue to help Christians to live with genuine faith in a complex modern age.
SPCK Publishing Readings for Funerals
Readings for Funerals is a perceptive collection of Bible quotations, poems, hymns and prose, offering consolation and comfort to those bereaved. Featuring the writing of, amongst others, W. H. Auden, Simon Armitage, Wendy Cope, T. S. Eliot and Joyce Grenfell, it is suitable for use at secular funerals, celebrations of a life and church services. This book follows the style of the highly successful Readings for Weddings which has sold over 7,000 copies.
SPCK Publishing The Gospel in a Pluralist Society
How does the gospel relate to a pluralist society? What is the Christian message in a society marked by religious pluralism, ethnic diversity and cultural relativism? Should Christians concentrate on evangelism or dialogue? The Gospel in a Pluralist Society addresses these kinds of questions - providing an excellent analysis of contemporary culture and suggests how Christians can more confidently affirm their faith in such a context. While drawing on scholars such as Michael Polanyi, Alasdair MacIntyre, Hendrikus Berkof, Walter Wink and Robert Wuthnow, this heartfelt work by a missionary pastor and preacher is not only suited to an academic readership; it also offers to Christian leaders and lay people many thoughtful, helpful and provocative reflections. When Lesslie Newbigin died in 1998, The Times' obituary writer described him as 'one of the foremost missionary statesmen of his generation', and amongst 'the outstanding figures on the world Christian stage of the second half of the century'. The Gospel in a Pluralist Society has been widely influential and deserves to be reissued as an SPCK Classic.
SPCK Publishing Beyond the Edge: Spiritual Transitions For Adventurous Souls
Jesus calls his disciples to follow him, but where does he lead us? Responding to Jesus' summons, we find ourselves leaving familiar certainties and securities behind as we step out boldly in faith. Old boundaries dissolve as we are led into liminal spaces - exhilarating situations, new places of discovery and radical spiritual growth. In such experiences Christ reveals himself to us anew. The place of risk is the threshold of the divine. Beyond the Edge is for people who wish to go deeply into the spiritual life, for spiritual directors, and for those who walk with others on their prayer journey. It can be used individually or in groups.
SPCK Publishing Discovering Exodus
Discovering Exodus is the perfect introduction to the interpretation of the book of Exodus. Through a critical assessment of key interpreters and interpretative debates, it encourages in-depth study of the text and a genuine grappling with the theological and historical questions raised. As part of the Discovering Biblical Texts series, Discovering Exodus draws on a range of author-, text- and reader-centred methodological approaches as complementary rather than mutually exclusive ways of understanding the text. It also focuses on the reception history of the Biblical text, increasingly viewed by scholars as a vital aspect of interpretation rather than an optional extra. Discovering Exodus is an ideal commentary for students and those looking to dig deeper into the second book of the Bible. You will gain a solid grasp of the structure and content of Exodus, and a thorough understanding of a wide range of interpretive approaches and theological concerns that will enhance your own reading of the text.
SPCK Publishing Echoing the Word: The Bible In The Eucharist
This book is an exploration of the biblical and theological themes in the Common Worship Eucharistic texts. The theological formation of many Christians takes place during their weekly celebration of the Eucharist. The language of the Eucharist has a deep impact on the way that people think about God and about themselves. The problem today is that fewer and fewer Christians have any idea about the content and significance of many of the allusions that can be found in the liturgical texts.
SPCK Publishing Introducing Eastern Orthodox Theology
The author is a world authority on Orthodox thought. This introduction is written in lively, non-technical language for readers of all religious backgrounds.
SPCK Publishing The Anglican Understanding of the Church: An Introduction
A short guide to the origins, structure and values of the Churches of the worldwide Anglican Communion. Paul Avis explains and clarifies the history and theology involved, and introduces concepts in a structured way, making the book clear to those who may be coming to these issues for the first time. It is also an invaluable aide-mémoire and reference tool for the specialist, presenting a clear outline of the structure, form, function, disposition and beliefs of the Church. The 2nd edition is more up-to-date in its examples and refers to developments such as Fresh Expressions, women bishops and the Anglican Covenant, and is also more reader-friendly, with questions for reflection or discussion and suggestions for further reading.
SPCK Publishing The Lord and His Prayer
By looking in detail at the Lord's Prayer and its background, Tom Wright offers a really fresh and helpful way of looking at Jesus. Phrase by phrase, he demonstrates how understanding the prayer in its original setting can be the starting point for a rekindling of Christian spirituality and the life of prayer. This small masterpiece of a book contains a great deal to stimulate and refresh both the mind and the heart - and to show that, properly understood, they belong together.
SPCK Publishing Healing Wounded History: Reconciling Peoples And Healing Places
An exciting presentation of a fresh approach to healing by one of the UK's leading exponents of pastoral care and Christian healing Russ Parker explores the power of wounded group stories and reveals how they affect the people and places where they first occurred. He shows how history repeats itself until we find ways to listen to it, locate where it is happening, and find healing for its consequences. Healing Wounded History introduces the role of strategic prayer known as 'representional confession' and demonstrates how it makes reconciliation and renewal possible for families, churches, communities, tribes and nations.
SPCK Publishing Celebrating the Eucharist
This is a handbook to the Eucharist looking in detail at the principles of liturgical celebration as well as ritual instructions. This approach to the rite will show ministers how to enable the community to gather, encounter Christ in word and sacrament and be sent out in response to that encounter. This will help ministers to hold the liturgy together, with a sense of momentum which moves the community from the gathering to the dismissal, and which allows various members of the community to exercise individual ministries within the gathered setting.
SPCK Publishing The Intercessions Handbook
The bestselling Intercessions Handbook is designed for use in a wide range of formal and informal settings. In two introductory chapters, John Pritchard considers the importance and challenges of the vital task of intercession. He then offers practical examples of intercessions in traditional services, all-age worship, small groups and personal devotions. Material for seasons, major festivals and special events is also included.
SPCK Publishing Great Christian Thinkers: From Clement To Scotus
In 50 brief chapters, originally delivered as public audiences to the faithful in St Peter's Square, Benedict XVI offers absorbing, perceptive, and often edifying sketches of some of Christianity's greatest thinkers and writers. The book is divided in four parts: The Apostolic Fathers: Witnesses from the first generations after the New Testament; The Patristic Theologians: From councils and controversies, from Origen to Augustine; Early Medieval Thinkers: The beginnings of scholastic and monastic theologies; Later Medieval Thinkers: The flowering of Christian theology in the high Middle Ages. Benedict discusses the most notable theologians from East and West, along with figures whose primary witness was as ascetics, poets, mystics, and a number of popes, politicians, and missionaries. The historical circumstances and theological ideas of each are explained with the clarity of an experienced teacher. Benedict always has an eye to their deepest religious convictions and struggles as well as to their present importance to the church and Christian life today.
SPCK Publishing Julian of Norwich
Julian of Norwich, an anchoress of the fourteenth century has captured the imagination of our time in a remarkable way. She shares with her readers the deepest and most intimate experiences of her life through her writings, which are sustained reflections on the visions which appeared to her during a severe illness. Yet of her life and her world we know virtually nothing, not even how she came to be an anchoress. This detailed study of Julian attempts not only to penetrate her theological ideas but also bring to life her world and her life as an anchoress. This is a book not only for those who have a scholarly interest in Julian, but for anyone drawn to Christian mysticism and the place of women within that tradition. In the new introduction to this edition, Grace Jantzen explores what it might mean to be an anchoress in postmodernity, and how reflections on Julian of Norwich and her desire for God can enable us to become the space of divine transformation.
SPCK Publishing The Heart's Time: A Poem A Day For Lent And Easter
Packed with riches yet highly accessible, The Heart's Time is at its core a series of short, resonant poems for each weekday of Lent and Easter. It will appeal to existing poetry lovers as well as those who want to start exploring how poems can be a resource for our spiritual lives, whether or not they are written with a consciously Christian intent. Poets often address subjects our culture seeks to avoid, and poetry demands that we 'slow down to the heart's time' in order to discover deeper levels of meaning than at first appear. Janet Morley offers her own skilful and reflective commentaries on a fascinating themed sequence of both familiar and unexpected poems, including works by Margaret Atwood, St Augustine, Charles Causley, E. E. Cummings, Emily Dickinson, Carol Ann Duffy, Ruth Fainlight, U. A. Fanthorpe, Robert Frost, Seamus Heaney, George Herbert, Elizabeth Jennings, Denise Levertov, Roger McGough, Adrienne Rich, Christina Rossetti, R. S. Thomas and Rowan Williams.
SPCK Publishing The Wonder of the Beyond
Over fifty joyous years, David Adam has exercised a rich and profoundly influential ministry. From his earliest days, he was encouraged to use his eyes to absorb what was around him. He writes: 'I lived in a land of open fields, moorland, and beaches: a land of castles, of history, of heroes, saints and story . . . a radiant world . . . full of the mystery of existence.' Leaving school at 15 to work at the local coal mine, he became increasingly aware of the need to have a purpose in life. The Society of the Sacred Mission at Kelham (regarded as 'the Commando course of the Church of England') was his tough training ground, and thereafter he embarked on a 23 year ministry in Danby in the North York Moors. During this time The Edge of Glory: Prayers in the Celtic Tradition was published. Many more bestselling volumes were to follow during the exhilarating, exhausting and unforgettable thirteen years he served as Vicar of the Holy Island of Lindisfarne. Though autobiographical, the aim of The Wonder of the Beyond is primarily to help us enter a more wonder full world; to open our eyes, ears and hearts to what is about us; to become more truly aware of the glory of God in our midst.