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Nomos Verlags GmbH Der Kunstsachverstandige
FISCHER Taschenbuch Die Berliner Mauer fr die Hosentasche Was Reisefhrer verschweigen
Echter Verlag GmbH Corona und andere Lebensfragen
C.H. Beck Kriminologie
C.H. Beck Gold
Aufbau Verlage GmbH Nischd wie hin
John Wiley & Sons Inc Relativistic Effects in Heavy-Element Chemistry and Physics
Heavy atoms and their compounds are important in many areas ofmodern technology. Their versatility in the reactions they undergois the reason that they can be found in most homogeneous andheterogeneous catalysts. Their magnetism is the decisive propertythat qualifies them as materials for modern storage devices. The phenomena observed in compounds of heavy atoms such asphosphorescence, magnetism or the tendency for high valency inchemical reactions can to a large extent be traced back torelativistic effects in their electronic structure. Thus, in manyaspects relativistic effects dominate the physics and chemistry ofheavy atoms and their compounds. Chemists are usually aware of these phenomena, however, the theorybehind them is not part of the standard chemistry curriculum andthus not widely known among experimentalists. Whilst therelativistic quantum theory of electronic structure is wellestablished in physics, applications of the theory to chemicalsystems and materials have been feasible only in the last decadeand their practical applications in connection with chemicalexperiment is somewhat out of sight of modern theoretical physics. Relativistic Effects in Heavy Element Chemistry and Physicsintends to bridge the gap between chemistry and physics on the onehand and between theory and experiment on the other. Topics covered include: A broad range from quantum electrodynamics to the phenomenology ofthe compounds of heavy and superheavy elements A state-of-the-art survey of the most important theoreticaldevelopments and applications in the field of relativistic effectsin heavy-element chemistry and physics in the last decade Special emphasis on the work of researchers in Europe and Germanyin the framework of research programmes of the European ScienceFoundation and the German Science Foundation
Dundurn Group Ltd The Wrecking Crew: Operation Colossus, 10 February 1941
The incredible details of the bold, near-disastrous first Allied airborne commando raid. Audacious to the extreme, Operation Colossus was a raid in the early, dark days of the Second World War, when Britain stood seemingly alone. After the country's defeats in western Europe in 1940, Prime Minister Winston Churchill insisted on an aggressive raiding campaign. Conducted on February 10, 1941, Operation Colossus was one such raid, meant to steal back the initiative and create as much chaos for the Axis powers as possible. However, bad luck stalked the mission, as one mishap after another seemed to foredoom the operation. In the aftermath, there were recriminations as well as accolades. Few military operations have proven as controversial.
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG Grundsatze Des Philosophierens
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Die Deutschen Konigspfalzen. Band 5: Bayern: Teilband 1.1: Altbayern
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Die Schrift Des Alexander Monachus Uber Die Kreuzauffindung ('de Inventione Sanctae Crucis'): Einleitung, Ubersetzung Und Kommentar
Kane/Miller Book Publishers Good as New
MIT Press Ltd Framework Houses
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Das Innovationsökosystem: Erfolgreiche Methoden und Instrumente am Beispiel des Münsterlandes
Das Buch zeigt am Beispiel der mittelständisch geprägten Region des Münsterlands auf, wie sich das komplexe Feld regionaler Innovationsförderung theoretisch und praktisch erfassen lässt. Die Autoren beschreiben die Ergebnisse und Erkenntnisse aus dem Projekt Enabling Innovation Münsterland, einem Verbundprojekt unter Leitung des Münsterland e.V. mit acht beteiligten Partnerorganisationen aus der regionalen Technologie- und Wirtschaftsförderung und den regionalen Hochschulen. Die Einschätzungen und Erfahrungsberichte werden anschaulich und praxisnah vorgestellt, um die im Projekt erarbeiteten Ergebnisse anderen Regionen mit ähnlichen Strukturen und (v.a. mittelständischen) Unternehmen, Hochschulen und Wirtschaftsförderungen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Es werden zahlreiche Best Practices für Methoden und Instrumente vorgestellt mit dem Ziel, die regionale Innovationsentwicklung voranzutreiben und den „Entrepreneurial Spirit“ auf die Herausforderungen der Gegenwart auszurichten.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Kommentar zum Handbuch Eurocode 7 - Geotechnische Bemessung: Allgemeine Regeln
The commentary provides detailed foundations and explanations for a better understanding of the new terminology, regulations and definitions. The examples show how the new definitions can be put into practice in concrete situations. The book illustrates how the standard stability analyses in soil engineering, e.g. for flat footings, pile foundations, retaining structures, construction pit supports, anchorages or slopes, as well as checks against uplift and hydraulic ground failure can be performed based on Eurocode?s partial safety concept.
Aschendorff Verlag Munster Auf Alten Postkarten: Vom Domplatz Zum Prinzipalmarkt
Taylor & Francis Ltd Women's Work and Pensions: What is Good, What is Best?: Designing Gender-Sensitive Arrangements
How different are fe/male life courses, and why? What is good, bad, or best for women under these or probable future circumstances? This ground-breaking book explores the difficulties women face in working life and retirement - and asks what can be done to achieve more gender equality and fairness for women and men alike. Leading pension experts from across Europe analyse the basic challenges through single and comparative country studies. The editors provide facts and figures on women's lives, work and pensions and draw theoretical lessons and practical policy conclusions from the studies and gendered statistical indicators.
Seltmann Publishers GmbH The Art of Soundtrack Covers
Transcript Verlag On Desire – Positions of Time–Based and Immersive Arts
Desire indicates phenomena that are implicated in a productive ambiguity. These phenomena associate basic elements of human coexistence, while also referencing complex social processes and institutions. With today's new media we experience an assemblage of desire that maps out new relationships to the social body, to sexuality and gender questions, to ownership, and to the production, perception, and appropriation of moving images.This book brings together a broad spectrum of international positions relating to the time-based, immersive arts presented at the third B3 - the Biennial of the Moving Image Frankfurt/Main 2017 - which focuses on desire in the contemporary world. An extensive essay by Marc Ries develops a theoretical framework relating the moving image to desire.Contributions by Candice Breitz, Douglas Gordon, Johan Grimonprez, Jonas Mekas, Larissa Sansour, Igor Simic, and Frederico Solmi.Desire/Begehren benennt Phänomene, die in eine produktive Ambivalenz eingeschrieben sind. Sie assoziieren Grundelemente menschlichen Zusammenlebens, verweisen aber zugleich auf komplexe gesellschaftliche Prozesse und Institutionen. Mit den gegenwärtigen Medien erleben und erfahren wir ein Gefüge des Begehrens, das neue Verhältnisse zum sozialen Körper, zur Sexualität und Geschlechterfrage, zum Eigentum und auch zur Produktion, Wahrnehmung und Aneignung von Bewegtbildern entwirft.Der Band versammelt ein Spektrum an internationalen Positionen zeitbasierter und immersiver Künste der dritten B3 - Biennale des Bewegten Bildes Frankfurt/Main 2017 - zum Begehren in der Gegenwart. Ein umfassender Essay von Marc Ries entwickelt einen theoretischen Rahmen der Beziehung des bewegten Bildes zum Begehren.Beiträge von Candice Breitz, Douglas Gordon, Johan Grimonprez, Jonas Mekas, Larissa Sansour, Igor Simic und Frederico Solmi.
Peter Lang AG Mission Und Interreligioeser Dialog: Historische Und Religionstheologische Perspektiven Fuer Den Schulischen Kontext
Island Press What Should a Clever Moose Eat?: Natural History, Ecology, and the North Woods
How long should a leaf live? When should blueberries ripen? And what should a clever moose eat? Questions like these may seem simple or downright strange, yet they form the backbone of natural history, a discipline that fostered some of our most important scientific theories, from natural selection to glaciation. Through careful, patient observations of the organisms that live in an area, their distributions, and how they interact with other species, we gain a more complete picture of the world around us, and our place in it. In What Should a Clever Moose Eat?, John Pastor explores the natural history of the North Woods, an immense and complex forest that stretches from the western shore of Lake Superior to the far coast of Newfoundland. The North Woods is one of the most ecologically and geologically interesting places on the planet, with a host of natural history questions arising from each spruce or sugar maple. From the geological history of the region to the shapes of leaves and the relationship between aspens, caterpillars, and predators, Pastor delves into a captivating range of topics as diverse as the North Woods themselves. Through his meticulous observations of the natural world, scientists and non-scientists alike learn to ask natural history questions and form their own theories, gaining a greater understanding of and love for the North Woods, and other natural places precious to them. In the tradition of Charles Darwin and Henry David Thoreau, John Pastor is a joyful observer of nature who makes sharp connections and moves deftly from observation to theory. Take a walk in John Pastor's North Woods, you'll come away with a new appreciation for details, for the game trails, beaver ponds, and patterns of growth around you, and won't look at the natural world in the same way again.
Soccer Books Ltd The Complete World Cup 2019-2022
A match-by-match statistical record of the FIFA World Cup from 2019 to 2022. Comprises complete match statistics for every game played in the qualifiers and Finals tournament of the 2022 World Cup competition including a number of qualifiers played during 2019.
teNeues Publishing UK Ltd Walter Knoll: The Furniture Brand of Modernity
A vivid company biography of leading furniture manufacturer Walter Knoll based on its formative figures Wilhelm, Hans, and Walter Knoll, and most recently, Markus Benz. Walter Knoll, the book, charts the one-and-a-half-century-old history of this remarkable furniture dynasty, tracing the evolution of its designs in relation to key cultural and historical developments. When the Thomas Mann House in Los Angeles was recently bought by the Federal Republic of Germany and transformed into a representative "transatlantic meeting place," it was Walter Knoll furnishings that defined its interior design and showcased German creativity and performance in arts and business. Based in Herrenberg, near Stuttgart, the 150-year-old furniture business is one of the most successful furniture companies of the modern era and a global leader in high-end furnishing manufacturing. Walter Knoll's impressively long history dates back to Wilhelm Knoll, the founding father of the Knoll dynasty, who first set up a leather shop in Stuttgart in 1865. Knoll rose from being a cobbler to the court purveyor to the House of Wurttemberg. When his sons, Willy and Walter, took over the company in 1907, they began producing chairs — introducing the first club armchair to Germany and becoming the industry's first exporter. Their advances marked a revolution in upholstered furniture. After founding his own company in the 1920s, Walter Knoll was a breakout sensation in the avant-garde interior design world with a landmark exhibition at the Weissenhof Estate in Stuttgart, under the direction of the Mies van der Rohe, in 1927. His son, Hans Knoll, went to the U.S. in the 1930s and himself founded his own company, Knoll Inc., and with it, re-wrote design history. In 1993, Markus Benz, the son of Rolf Benz, joined the Knoll ranks, continuing the successful cooperation with internationally-renowned architects and designers. This fascinating company story shows how the Stuttgart area, one of the strongest economic regions in the world, was also a wellspring of modern design and culture.
Appelhans Verlag Das Residenzschloss Braunschweig
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Vorstandshaftung Und Vorstandsermessen: Rechtliche Und Okonomische Grundlagen, Ihre Anwendung in Der Finanzkrise Sowie Der Selbstbehalt Bei Der D&o-Versicherung
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Machine Learning of Information Extraction Procedures - an Ilp Approach
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Beiträge zur Theologie des Alten Testaments
Tessloff Verlag Der kleine Major Tom Band 7 Auer Kontrolle
Verlag Bau+Technik ITRäume und Rechenzentren planen und betreiben
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die DDR im Blick der Stasi.: Die geheimen Berichte an die SED-FÃ"hrung
1965: Die Wirtschaftsreformen der SED, die im Schatten der Mauer eingeleitet worden waren, wurden von einer zaghaften Ãffnung hin zu einem vielfältigen "geistigen Leben" begleitet. Das Neue Ãkonomische System strebte nach mehr Dynamik und Eigenverantwortlichkeit. Die vom MfS gemeldeten Störungen und Havarien lieferten Munition fÃ"r den SED-Apparat, der um seine Macht fÃ"rchtete. Jugendliche wurden zum Protest provoziert, um reformorientierten Politikern Kontrollverlust vorzuwerfen. Am Ende des Jahres stand das 11. Plenum des ZK der SED, auch als "Kahlschlag- Plenum" bekannt, auf dem der neuen Generation Musik und Hoffnung, den KÃ"nstlern Freiheit und Filme und der Wirtschaftsreform das RÃ"ckgrat genommen wurden.
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Walter Benjamin Mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG English Linguistics: Essentials
This is the completely revised, updated and enlarged 2nd edition of a classic textbook used in many English and linguistics departments in Germany for more than 20 years. It serves both as an introduction for beginners and as a companion for more advanced undergraduate and graduate students, familiarizing its readers with the major and distinctive properties of English (Standard English as well major national, regional and social varieties), including an in-depth structural comparison with German. Written in an accessible style and with many reader-friendly features (including checklists with key terms and concepts, basic and advanced exercises with solutions), the book offers a state-of-the-art-survey of the core terminology and issues of the central branches of linguistics, including an account of the major current research traditions and methodologies.
C.H. Beck Die KubaKrise
Auer Verlag i.d.AAP LW Erzhlen und Schreiben mit Detektiv Pfiffig 12 Erst und Zweitklssler lernen mit Puzzlebildern Krimis frei zu schreiben 1 und 2 Klasse
Kohlhammer Inklusion
Kohlhammer Strafrecht Allgemeiner Teil
HarperCollins Publishers Inc White Feathers: The Nesting Lives of Tree Swallows
Heinrich is sparked one early spring day by a question: Why does a pair of swallows in a nest-box close to his Maine cabin show an unvarying preference for white feathers - not easily available nearby - as nest lining? He notices, too, the extreme aggressiveness of “his” swallows toward some other swallows of their own kind. And he wonders, given swallows’ reputation for feistiness, at the extraordinary tameness and close contact he experiences with his nesting birds.
Verlag Kettler Jürgen Köhler
ed. buchhaus loschwitz Systemtheorien
ed. buchhaus loschwitz Die letzten Europäer