Search results for ""author bernd"
Aufbau Taschenbuch Verlag Magermilch und lange Strmpfe
Nova Science Publishers Inc Nuclear Time Travel and The Alien Mind
Stadtwandel Botschaft Der Republik Sudafrika Berlin
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Psalmen (Ps 36): 3. Lieferung
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Kirche Und Welt - Neu Entgrenzt: Auf Dem Weg Mit Einer Angewandten Ekklesiologie
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Mahler-Handbuch
Einflussreiches Schaffen Gustav Mahlers. Im Zentrum des Handbuches steht die detaillierte Darstellung sämtlicher Werke Gustav Mahlers. Neben einem biografischen Porträt werden die geistige Welt des Künstlers, seine kompositorische Herkunft aus dem 19. Jahrhundert und sein spezifischer Ton thematisiert. Auch die vielfältige Rezeptionsgeschichte wird ausführlich dargestellt. Umfangreiches und aktuelles Porträt des weltweit bekannten Komponisten für Experten und Interessierte ein Muss!
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Hermeneutik der frühchristlichen Wundererzählungen: Geschichtliche, literarische und rezeptionsorientierte Perspektiven
Der vorliegende Sammelband zur Hermeneutik der frühchristlichen Wundererzählungen bündelt den aktuellen Forschungsstand und führt die Diskussion weiter. Neben der Erörterung von Grundfragen werden die frühchristlichen Wundergeschichten vor dem Hintergrund ihres antiken Umfelds beleuchtet. Dabei kommen auch religionsgeschichtliche Aspekte (Wunder im Kaiserkult; Verhältnis der frühchristlichen Wundergeschichten zur hellenistischen Medizin; Beziehung Jesu zu anderen Wundertätern der Antike) in den Blick. Es schließen sich Erwägungen zur sprachlichen Gestalt, narratologischen Struktur und literarischen Form der Wundergeschichten an. Den Abschluss bildet eine Reihe von Beiträgen, die sich gezielt mit der Gegenwartsbedeutung der frühchristlichen Wundergeschichten beschäftigen. Neben tiefenpsychologischen, feministischen und kulturanthropologischen Zugängen kommt dabei auch die Bedeutung der Wundergeschichten für die Praxisfelder Schule und Diakonie zur Sprache.
Kane/Miller Book Publishers Kisses, Cuddles, and Good Night!
Rheinwerk Publishing Inc. Docker: Practical Guide for Developers and DevOps Teams
Learn the ins and outs of containerization in Docker with this practical guide! Begin by installing and setting up the platform. Then master the basics: get to know important terminology, understand how to run containers, and set up port redirecting and communication. You’ll learn to create custom images, work with commands, and use key containerization tools. Gain essential skills by following exercises that cover common tasks from packaging new applications and modernizing existing applications to handling security and operations. Get hands-on practice with Docker, from setup to orchestration Work with Dockerfiles, the docker compose command, GitLab, and Docker Hub Learn about project migration, security, Kubernetes, and more Consult and download practical code examples
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ecotoxicology: Ecological Fundamentals, Chemical Exposure, and Biological Effects
A fresh and comprehensive overview of ecotoxicology today This book provides comprehensive single-source coverage of the entire field of ecotoxicology, from the ecological basics to the effects of chemicals on the environment and the latest test strategies. Contributions by leading figures in ecotoxicology from around the world reflect the broad scope of current thinking and research, making this volume essential reading for informed professionals and students. Areas covered include: * Ecosystem sensitivity, principles for analysis, and other fundamentals * Fate, distribution, and speciation of chemicals in the environment * Bioaccumulation and effects of chemicals * Ecotoxicological test systems * Concepts of ecological risk assessment Incorporating numerous examples and case studies, this cutting-edge reference is an invaluable resource for those working in environmental toxicology, chemistry, ecology, medicine, engineering, and other related disciplines.
MIT Press Ltd Cooling Towers
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Examinatorium Strafprozessrecht
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Notfallmanagement: Ein Praxishandbuch Fur Schuler- Und Jugendgruppen
Taylor & Francis Ltd Transforming Disability Welfare Policies: Towards Work and Equal Opportunities
Bringing together contributions from institutions such as the OECD, the WHO, the World Bank and the European Disability Forum, as well as policy makers and researchers, this volume focuses on disability and work. The contributors address a wide range of issues including what it means to be disabled, what rights and responsibilities society has for people with disabilities, how disability benefits should be structured, and what role employers should play. Fundamental reading for specialists in disability, social protection and public economics, and for social policy academics, researchers and students generally, Transforming Disability Welfare Policies makes an enormous contribution to the literature.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Invertebrate Zoology: A Tree of Life Approach
Invertebrate Zoology: A Tree of Life Approach is a comprehensive and authoritative textbook adopting an explicitly phylogenetic organization. Most of the classical anatomical and morphological work has not been changed – it established the foundation of Invertebrate Zoology. With the explosion of Next-Generation Sequencing approaches, there has been a sea-change in the recognized phylogenetic relationships among and between invertebrate lineages. In addition, the merger of evolutionary and developmental biology (evo-devo) has dramatically contributed to changes in the understanding of invertebrate biology. Synthesizing these three approaches (classical morphology, sequencing data, and evo-devo studies) offers students an entirely unique perspective of invertebrate diversity.Key Features One of the first textbooks to combine classical morphological approaches and newer evo-devo and Next-Generation Sequencing approaches to address Invertebrate Zoology Organized along taxonomic lines in accord with the latest understanding of invertebrate phylogeny Will provide background in basic systematic analysis useful within any study of biodiversity A wealth of ancillary materials for students and teachers, including downloadable figures, lecture slides, web links, and phylogenetic data matrices
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Geschichte der Reformation
Taylor & Francis Ltd Introduction to AutoCAD 2017: 2D and 3D Design
Master the complexities of the world's bestselling 2D and 3D software with Introduction to AutoCAD 2017. Ideally suited to new users of AutoCAD, this book will be a useful resource for drawing modules in both vocational and introductory undergraduate courses in engineering and construction.A comprehensive, step-by-step introduction to the latest release of AutoCAD. Covering all the basic principles and acting as an introduction to 2D drawing, it also contains extensive coverage of all 3D topics, including 3D solid modelling and rendering. Written by a member of the Autodesk Developer Network. Hundreds of colour pictures, screenshots and diagrams illustrate every stage of the design process. Worked examples and exercises provide plenty of practice material to build proficiency with the software. Further education students will find this an invaluable textbook for City & Guilds AutoCAD qualifications as well as the relevant Computer Aided Drawing units of BTEC National Engineering, Higher National Engineering and Construction courses from Edexcel. Students enrolled in Foundation Degree courses containing CAD modules will also find this a very useful reference and learning aid.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig Paul Thek: from Cross to Crib
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Biblisch-Theologische Studien: Altes Israel / FrÃ"hjudentum, griechische Antike, Neues Testament / Alte Kirche - Studien aus Deutschland und Frankreich
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Forum der psychoanalytischen Psychosentherapie.
Tvz - Theologischer Verlag Zurich Karl Barth Gesamtausgabe: Band 1: Karl Barth - Rudolf Bultmann Briefwechsel 1911-1966
Walter de Gruyter Mathematik, Physik, Chemie
John Wiley & Sons Inc Vehicular Networking: Automotive Applications and Beyond
During the last 15 years, the interest in vehicular communication has grown, especially in the automotive industry. Due to the envisioned mass market, projects focusing on Car-to-X communication experience high public visibility. This book presents vehicular communication in a broader perspective that includes more than just its application to the automotive industry. It provides, researchers, engineers, decision makers and graduate students in wireless communications with an introduction to vehicular communication focussing on car-to-x and train-based systems. Emphasizes important perspectives of vehicular communication including market area, application areas, and standardization issues as well as selected topics featuring aspects of developing, prototyping, and testing vehicular communication systems. Supports the reader in understanding common characteristics and differences between the various application areas of vehicular communication. Offers both an overview of the application area and an in-depth discussion of key technologies in these areas. Written by a wide range of experts in the field.
Schnell & Steiner Geschichte Des Augustinerchorherrenstifts Gross-Frankenthal
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Körpermanagement: Handbuch für Trainer und Experten in der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung
Gegen den inneren Schweinehund ...von Patienten, Kunden oder Mitarbeiter sind gute Argumente ebenso gefragt wie Strategien zur Verhaltensänderung und erfolgreiche Trainingskonzepte. Dieses Praxisbuch gibt Physiotherapeuten, Fitnesstrainern, (Sport-)Medizinern sowie Experten der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung das Wissen aus der Sport- und Ernährungsphysiologie und Trainingsmethoden an die Hand und unterstützt sie dabei, den 'inneren Schweinehund' nachhaltig und wertschätzend an die Leine zu nehmen.Es vermittelt Fitness- und Gesundheitsprofis aller Bereiche Praxisnahe Instrumente zur Leistungsdiagnostk, Planung und Durchführung von individualisierten Trainings Grundlagen einer leistungsfördernden Ernährung für Kopf- und Körper Psychologische Grundlagen zur Motivationssteigerung Fragebögen, Messinstrumente und zahlreiche Zusatzmaterialien zum Herunterladen unterstützen bei der Entwicklung maßgeschneiderter Trainings und persönlicher Gesundheitskonzepte - zur Steigerung der Leistungsfähigkeit von Kunden und Mitarbeitern.
Taylor & Francis Inc Non-Invasive Ventilation and Weaning: Principles and Practice, Second Edition
Now in full-colour, this eagerly-anticipated second edition continues to be the most comprehensive resource available on non-invasive ventilation (NIV), both in the hospital and at home. Reflecting a global perspective with expert contributors from more than 15 countries, the book:• provides clinical examples of NIV in practice with insightful vignettes• covers home- and intensive care-based ventilation• details NIV use in acute and chronic respiratory failure, plus paediatric and other specialty applications. Disease-specific sections provide best practice in the science, diagnostics and management of conditions such as COPD, cardiac failure, neuromuscular disease and obesity, while features such as ‘Common Clinical Questions & Answers’, abundant tables and illustrations, chapter summaries and new clinical vignettes showcase the realities of NIV in practice. This is essential reading for pulmonologists, critical care physicians and intensive care medicine specialists.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Fluxional Organometallic and Coordination Compounds
This series offers leading contributions by well-known chemists reviewing the state of the art of this wide research area. Physical organometallic chemistry aims to develop new insights and to promote novel interest and investigations applicable to organometallic chemistry. This volume focuses on several important topics on fluxionality in organometallic and coordination chemistry, reviewed by experts in each of the respective fields. It is intended to provide both authoritative concepts and stimulating ideas in order to tackle dynamics from different angles, aiming at an interdisciplinary approach. The fascinating fluxionality of metal-ligand interactions has been in the centre of interest ever since modern coordination and organometallic chemistry started, and has expanded towards bioinorganic chemistry, catalysis and materials sciences. Provides information on some of the most relevant physical methods for studying dynamic processes Presents numerous examples of dynamic behavior, demonstrating the efficiency of the respective method and stimulating further applications Connects main group, transition metal and solid state chemistry in the question for dynamics
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematical Analysis: A Concise Introduction
A self-contained introduction to the fundamentals of mathematical analysis Mathematical Analysis: A Concise Introduction presents the foundations of analysis and illustrates its role in mathematics. By focusing on the essentials, reinforcing learning through exercises, and featuring a unique "learn by doing" approach, the book develops the reader's proof writing skills and establishes fundamental comprehension of analysis that is essential for further exploration of pure and applied mathematics. This book is directly applicable to areas such as differential equations, probability theory, numerical analysis, differential geometry, and functional analysis. Mathematical Analysis is composed of three parts: ?Part One presents the analysis of functions of one variable, including sequences, continuity, differentiation, Riemann integration, series, and the Lebesgue integral. A detailed explanation of proof writing is provided with specific attention devoted to standard proof techniques. To facilitate an efficient transition to more abstract settings, the results for single variable functions are proved using methods that translate to metric spaces. ?Part Two explores the more abstract counterparts of the concepts outlined earlier in the text. The reader is introduced to the fundamental spaces of analysis, including Lp spaces, and the book successfully details how appropriate definitions of integration, continuity, and differentiation lead to a powerful and widely applicable foundation for further study of applied mathematics. The interrelation between measure theory, topology, and differentiation is then examined in the proof of the Multidimensional Substitution Formula. Further areas of coverage in this section include manifolds, Stokes' Theorem, Hilbert spaces, the convergence of Fourier series, and Riesz' Representation Theorem. ?Part Three provides an overview of the motivations for analysis as well as its applications in various subjects. A special focus on ordinary and partial differential equations presents some theoretical and practical challenges that exist in these areas. Topical coverage includes Navier-Stokes equations and the finite element method. Mathematical Analysis: A Concise Introduction includes an extensive index and over 900 exercises ranging in level of difficulty, from conceptual questions and adaptations of proofs to proofs with and without hints. These opportunities for reinforcement, along with the overall concise and well-organized treatment of analysis, make this book essential for readers in upper-undergraduate or beginning graduate mathematics courses who would like to build a solid foundation in analysis for further work in all analysis-based branches of mathematics.
Orion Publishing Co In the Bunker with Hitler: The Last Witness Speaks
The last survivor of Hitler's bunker speaks for the first timeThe last survivor of the end days of Hitler's bunker tells his story publicly for the first time. Von Loringhoven was aide-de-camp to Hitler's last two chiefs of staff, Guderian and Krebs, and the link between the armies at the fronts and Hitler in his Berlin bunker. For the last nine months of the Third Reich he was present at the daily military briefings between Hitler and Marshals Keital and Goring, General Jodl and Admiral Donitz, along with Goebbels, Bormann, Ribbentrop, Himmler and Fegelein.Von Lorninghoven was witness to the ever-growing gap between the reality of reports outside the bunker and Hitler's misunderstanding of the calamity that was encircling the regime. As the Third Reich spiralled downwards, he watched and recorded Hitler's catastrophic strategic mistakes and the paralysis in which he held his generals. Hitler's reason was twisted by his need for vengeance after the assissination attempt; he was searching for an impossible theatrical victory from an empire in total ruin. The final week of the regime saw Loringhoven living wholly in the bunker, watching the deteriorating relations among the inmates, military and civilian, as the atmosphere poisoned to an inevitable end. When radio-telephone communications finally broke down on 29 April he escaped the bunker - amazingly with Hitler's blessing - crossed the Russian lines and was picked up and taken prisoner by the Americans. He was released in January 1948.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on Brand and Experience Management
This important Handbook explores new and emerging directions in both brand management research and practice. It encompasses a diverse set of approaches including the latest academic research offering new frameworks for understanding brand management, the researcher's perspective on current tools in practice by brand managers, new research and conceptual frameworks for understanding and managing customer experiences and recent empirical research and scale development in both brand and experience management. The book focuses on practical, managerial, and organizational best practices.The contributors comprise top marketing scholars and practitioners. They examine key topics such as brand attachment, brand permission, and brand meaning; new contextual factors such as digital convergence, target group multiplicity, and the rise of experience economies; and new research domains such as empirical tests of consumer experiences, incidental brand exposure, and brand naming. Researchers in the areas of marketing, business, management, sociology and psychology will find this an engaging read. For brand practitioners and libraries this volume will be a critical addition to their collections.
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Theodor Schneider: Biografische Skizzen. Mit Einem Personlichen Dank an Theodor Schneider Von Karl Kardinal Lehmann
University of Illinois Press The People's War: Responses to World War II in the Soviet Union
The People's War lifts the Stalinist veil of secrecy to probe an almost untold side of World War II: the experiences of the Soviet people themselves. Going beyond dry and faceless military accounts of the eastern front of the "Great Patriotic War" and the Soviet state's one-dimensional "heroic People," this volume explores how ordinary citizens responded to the war, Stalinist leadership, and Nazi invasion. Drawing on a wealth of archival and recently published material, contributors detail the calculated destruction of a Jewish town by the Germans and present a chilling picture of life in occupied Minsk. They look at the cultural developments of the war as well as the wartime experience of intellectuals, for whom the period was a time of relative freedom. They discuss women's myriad roles in combat and other spheres of activity. They also reassess the behavior and morale of ordinary Red Army troops and offer new conclusions about early crushing defeats at the hands of the Germans–-defeats that were officially explained as cowardice on the part of high officers. A frank investigation of civilian life behind the front lines, The People's War provides a detailed, balanced picture of the Stalinist USSR by describing not only the command structure and repressive power of the state but also how people reacted to them, cooperated with or opposed them, and adapted or ignored central policy in their own ways. By putting the Soviet people back in their war, this volume helps restore the range and complexity of human experience to one of history's most savage periods.
Transcript Verlag Buddhist Approaches to Human Rights: Dissonances and Resonances
The demonstrations of monks in Tibet and Myanmar (Burma) in recent times as well as the age-old conflict between a predominantly Buddhist population and a Hindu minority in Sri Lanka raise the question of how the issues of human rights and Buddhism are related. The question applies both to the violation of basic rights in Buddhist countries and to the defence of those rights which are well-grounded in Buddhist teachings. The volume provides academic essays that reflect this up to now rather neglected issue from the point of view of the three main Buddhist traditions, Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana. It provides multi-faceted and surprising insights into a rather unlikely relationship.
Sutton Verlag GmbH Stillgelegte Bahnstrecken im Bergischen Land
Walther Konig, Verlag Ulrike Ottinger Floating Flood
Quality Time Verlag Quality Time in der Ehe Die Zeit zu zweit genieen
Killroy Media Großes Rasenstück
Killroy Media Rebelln oder Künftige Hundsgesänge
Sax Verlag Dresdner LiteraturGeschichten
Ulmer Eugen Verlag Neue Stadtökologie im Klimawandel
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Geist-Los? Geist, Los!: Erfahrungen - Nachdenken - Gesprache. Mit Michael Albus Und Karl-Josef Kuschel
SCM Hänssler Moment ich lebe gerade
wbv Media GmbH Nachhaltige Professionalisierung fr Lehrerinnen und Lehrer Ideen Entwicklungen Konzepte