Search results for ""author reid"
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Rawls's Law of Peoples: A Realistic Utopia?
John Rawlsis considered the most important theorist of justice in much of western Europe and the English-speaking world more generally. This volume examines Rawls’s theory of international justice as worked out in his last and perhaps most controversial book, The Law of Peoples. It contains new and stimulating essays, some sympathetic, others critical, written by pre-eminent theorists in the field. These essays situate Rawls’s The Law of Peoples historically and methodologically, and examine all its key ingredients: its thin cosmopolitanism, its doctrine of human rights, its principles of global economic justice, and its normative theory of liberal foreign policy. The book will set the terms of the debate on The Law of Peoples for years to come, thereby shaping the broader debates about global justice.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Church and Its Mission in the New Testament and Early Christianity: Essays in Memory of Hans Kvalbein
The present volume consists of fifteen essays by colleagues and friends of the late Professor Hans Kvalbein focusing on various aspects of the theme of the church and mission in the New Testament and early Christianity. It also includes a survey of Hans Kvalbein's academic career and scholarship as well as a bibliography of his books and articles. Among the contributions are several related to the question of mission in Acts, while others focus on various texts and topics in the gospels, in Paul, in 1 Peter and Revelation. Some of the contributors interact with Kvalbein's views on aspects of the mission of the early church, for example the understanding of mission in Matthew and the proclamation of the Kingdom of God. Others deal with questions such as mission and love of enemies, mass conversions and persecutions, infant baptism and the geographical horizon of early Christian mission.
Gmeiner Verlag Nordfriesische Inseln und Halligen
Loewe Verlag GmbH Voll gemein sagt das Schwein
Loewe Verlag GmbH Kommissar Pfote Band 3 SchnüffelEinsatz auf dem Schulhof
Loewe Verlag GmbH Du bist einfach wundervoll Dein Babyalbum
Loewe Verlag GmbH Leselwen 2 Klasse Mutgeschichten
Coppenrath F Für Opa scheint jetzt immer die Sonne
Coppenrath F Das kleine ICH ist auch mal dran
Naumann & Göbel Verlagsg. Lieblingsstcke aus Jersey Mode fr Erwachsene in den Gren XSXL Mit Schnittmusterbogen
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag In Schnffeln eine 1
Esslinger Verlag Ida Igel kann das schon
Carl Hanser Verlag Vertragt euch
Carl Hanser Verlag Ab ins Bett Ferkel
Carl Hanser Verlag Ab in die Wanne Ferkel
Penguin junior Penguin JUNIOR Einfach selbst lesen Eine Klasse mit Wuff Joschis erster Schulausflug Lesestufe 2
Penguin junior Juhu ich bin jetzt große Schwester
Dedalus Press Drifting Under the Moon
Red Sea Press,U.S. To Be Or Not To Be Developed
Modern development had its hesitant beginnings less than 300 years ago, and historians still debate the forces behind this ongoing event. It clearly is related to the organization of human efforts and the use of natural sources, but arrangements in relation to trade and access to resources are equally significant. There is no society or country that does not want to take part in what we call economic development, but without degrading people to becoming just producing automata. Still we occasionally divide the word into the developed and the less developed (or even underdeveloped) parts of the world. It is not easy to point exactly to causes for the rapid development of some countries and why others linger behind. Many theories have been put forward to explain development and the lack of it. In this book, an attempt has been made to point to some of the factors that may have had a decisive influence on development and what has hindered such development. Both historical factors and soci
Ig Publishing Captive Audience
Atheneum Books Sylvie
Lehmstedt Verlag Limburg an einem Tag
Lehmstedt Verlag Heidelberg in One Day A City Tour
Pilger Verlag 1027 Grndung des Speyerer Doms Sonne Orientierung Achsknick Grndungsdatum Erzengel Michael
Verlag am Sipbach HERR KAINZ UND ICH
ebersbach & simon Pariser Amouren
Gmeiner Verlag Sylt Atem holen Ruhe tanken
Droste Verlag Glücksorte in Mittelhessen
Droste Verlag Glücksorte in der Provence
Loewe Verlag GmbH Leselwen 2 Klasse Mutgeschichten Grobuchstabenausgabe
FISCHER Sauerländer Zauberfrei für Hermeline. Miniausgabe
Magellan GmbH Rosalie Trffelchen Zusammensein ist schn
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Weltbeste kleine Schwester
Columbia University Press Love in Motion: Erotic Relationships in Film
This is a book about how film encountered love in the course of its history. It is also a book about the philosophy of love. Since Plato, erotic love has been praised for leading the soul to knowledge. The vast tradition of poetry devoted to love has emphasized that love is a feeling. Love in Motion presents a new metaphysics and ontology of love as a reciprocal erotic relationship. The book argues that film has been particularly well suited for depicting love in this way, in virtue of its special narrative language. This is a language of expression that has developed in the course of film history. The book spans this history from early silent directors such as Joseph von Sternberg to contemporary filmmakers like Sophia Coppola. At the centre of this study is a comparison between Classical French and American love films of the forties and a series of modernist films by Luis Bunuel, Francois Truffaut and Wong Kar Wai.
Entredos Truman
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH The Ambiguity of Morphisms in Free Monoids and its Impact on Algorithmic Properties of Pattern Languages
Loewe Verlag GmbH Bildermaus Mit Bildern Englisch lernen Geschichten vom kleinen Eisbren Little Polar Bear Stories
GeraMond Verlag 101 Dinge die ein FahrradFan wissen muss
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Pia Propella und der rattenscharfe Mausklick Schulausgabe
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Der Tag an dem das Khushi kam. Schulausgabe
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Tom in der Tinte Level 1. Schulausgabe
Gmeiner Verlag Lieblingspltze Lahntal
Droste Verlag Glücksorte auf Korsika
Loewe Verlag GmbH Kommissar Pfote Band 5 Hier riecht doch was faul
Buchner, C.C. Verlag Schmidt Tell
Mildenberger Verlag GmbH Leserabe Polizeihund Bolle im Einsatz Lesestufe 1