Search results for ""Author Anne"
Peeters Publishers Les jésuites et le mouvement flamand: Histoire d'un engagement tardif mais virulent
Les jésuites, contrairement au clergé séculier, se tinrent pendant tout le dix-neuvième siècle en général loin du mouvement flamand: ce ne fut qu’à la veille de la Première Guerre mondiale que naquit un courant flamingant au sein de la Compagnie de Jésus. Ce courant, qui profita de la situation politique en Belgique et atteignit son apogée dans les années 1920 et 1930, visa avant tout la néerlandisation de la vie jésuite en Flandre. Mais plutôt que de mener leur combat dans les limites de leurs communautés et de leurs collèges, les jésuites flamingants l’étendirent à la société flamande tout entière. Dès avant 1914, quelques membres de la Compagnie œuvrèrent à la constitution d’une idéologie catholique du flamingantisme. Cette idéologie présentait la lutte en faveur de la langue, de la culture et de la nation flamandes comme faisant partie d’une autre lutte: celle pour la sauvegarde de la foi catholique en Flandre. Les jésuites flamingants en vinrent finalement à lier si étroitement le catholicisme au nationalisme, que leurs adversaires leur reprochèrent de faire passer le politique avant le religieux, à la manière de Charles Maurras et de son mouvement d’Action française. Tel ne fut pas le cas: leur objectif premier était bien de restituer la Flandre au Christ. Il n’en est pas moins vrai que cet objectif dont l’accomplissement, à leur avis, nécessitait la disparition de l’État belge, les poussa ipso facto à l’activité politique, activité politique qu’ils menèrent principalement par la voie des fidèles. Ceux-ci, avance la conclusion de cette étude, en furent rapprochés du national-socialisme, de la collaboration et de la sécularisation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Metaheuristics: From Design to Implementation
A unified view of metaheuristics This book provides a complete background on metaheuristics and shows readers how to design and implement efficient algorithms to solve complex optimization problems across a diverse range of applications, from networking and bioinformatics to engineering design, routing, and scheduling. It presents the main design questions for all families of metaheuristics and clearly illustrates how to implement the algorithms under a software framework to reuse both the design and code. Throughout the book, the key search components of metaheuristics are considered as a toolbox for: Designing efficient metaheuristics (e.g. local search, tabu search, simulated annealing, evolutionary algorithms, particle swarm optimization, scatter search, ant colonies, bee colonies, artificial immune systems) for optimization problems Designing efficient metaheuristics for multi-objective optimization problems Designing hybrid, parallel, and distributed metaheuristics Implementing metaheuristics on sequential and parallel machines Using many case studies and treating design and implementation independently, this book gives readers the skills necessary to solve large-scale optimization problems quickly and efficiently. It is a valuable reference for practicing engineers and researchers from diverse areas dealing with optimization or machine learning; and graduate students in computer science, operations research, control, engineering, business and management, and applied mathematics.
Ediciones Espuela de Plata La campaña de Rusia
El autor del presente libro, Philippe Paul de Ségur, nació y murió en París (1780-1873). Su vida y su obra se hallan estrechamente ligadas al mundo napoleónico. De orígenes aristocráticos, perteneció a una familia muy distinguida de militares, diplomáticos y hombres de letras.Tras participar en la campaña de Rusia, extraordinario fue el éxito que obtuvo con la publicación de su Histoire de Napoléon et de la Grande-Armée pendant l?année 1812, aparecida en 1824, que adquirió un pronto y prolongado reconocimiento. Sólo en tres años se publicaron diez ediciones. Al tiempo que fuera de Francia, conoció también un gran impacto con numerosas traducciones a otras lenguas que le convirtieron en un autor reconocido universalmente.En el momento de su aparición, el libro del conde de Ségur presentaba todos los requisitos necesarios para convertirse en un éxito seguro: la amenidad de su lectura, la intensidad dramática del relato, la magnitud del acontecimiento, la grandiosidad de su protag
University of California Press The Rise of Islam and the Bengal Frontier, 1204-1760
In all of the South Asian subcontinent, Bengal was the region most receptive to the Islamic faith. This area today is home to the world's second-largest Muslim ethnic population. How and why did such a large Muslim population emerge there? And how does such a religious conversion take place? Richard Eaton uses archaeological evidence, monuments, narrative histories, poetry, and Mughal administrative documents to trace the long historical encounter between Islamic and Indic civilizations. Moving from the year 1204, when Persianized Turks from North India annexed the former Hindu states of the lower Ganges delta, to 1760, when the British East India Company rose to political dominance there, Eaton explores these moving frontiers, focusing especially on agrarian growth and religious change.
Oxford University Press Inc Ukraine and the Art of Strategy
One of the most serious crises since the end of the Cold War began with Russia's seizure and annexation of Crimea in March 2014 and subsequent 'secret' war in Eastern Ukraine. As more territory was taken from Eastern Ukraine, Western countries countered with economic sanctions directed against Russia. While the conflict did not escalate to the levels originally feared, over time, it became apparent that President Putin had failed to affect the regime change intended in Ukraine, and Russia's economy had been damaged. In Ukraine and the Art of Strategy, Sir Lawrence Freedman provides an account of the origins and course of the Russia-Ukraine conflict through the lens of the theory and practice of strategy. That is, he explores Putin's near, medium, and long-term strategies when he decided to initiate the conflict. How successful has he been? In contrast to many who see Putin as a master operator who has resuscitated a supine Russia against all odds, Freedman is less impressed with his strategic acumen in terms of the long-term fallout. By exploring concepts such as coercive diplomacy, limited war, escalation and information operations, Freedman brings the story up to the present, where a low-level conflict between Ukrainian and breakaway rebel forces in the east grinds on, and illuminates the external challenges faced by the governments' involved. Freedman's application of his unique strategic perspective to this supremely important conflict has the potential to reshape our understanding of it, and his analysis of the likely outcomes will force readers to reconsider the idea that Vladimir Putin is unmatched as a strategic mastermind.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Ukraine after Maidan – Revisiting Domestic and Regional Security
When public protests first began in Ukraine at the end of 2013, the failed promise of the Orange Revolution was still fresh in the minds of many Ukrainians. However, unlike in the aftermath of 2004/2005, the political and military crises ignited by the Euromaidan brought profound changes not only for Ukraine, but also for neighboring states and Europe more generally. The annexation of Crimea by Russia in March 2014, along with the outbreak of fighting in the Donets Basin, has resulted in a profound shift in how domestic and regional security is perceived. More broadly, these events have also called into question the durability of the post-Cold War world order, which had been based upon peaceful coexistence between states, the integrity of sovereign borders, and an acceptance of the legitimacy of international law. While the effects of the Euromaidan have already been analyzed in terms of Ukrainian politics and relations between Ukraine, Russia, and the EU, what has not yet taken place is a sustained analysis of how its legacies have reverberated throughout the post-communist region and wider Europe (and how these altered international perceptions have, in turn, affected the subsequent course of Ukraines domestic politics). Writing from a variety of viewpoints and backgrounds, this volumes contributors seek to address these lacunae. Among other topics, they focus on Russias dissatisfaction with the post-Cold War international order, examine issues of ontological insecurity in an increasingly networked world, assess the limits of Western leverage, evaluate Ukrainian public opinion concerning NATO and the EU, consider the broader security implications of the Euromaidan for Eastern Europe, explore the role of migration and demographic factors for Ukrainian security, and assess how contentious pasts are being utilized as tools of statecraft by both Ukrainian actors and outside forces.
Amberley Publishing Celtic Queen: The World of Cartimandua
Queens Cartimandua and Boudica were both Celtic noblewomen, recorded by classical writers as part of a tradition of women who showed particular courage, ambition and political skill, and who were just as formidable in war as their husbands. They took on the status of Celtic goddesses and were central players in the struggle against the Roman annexation of Britain. Boudica led the rebellion against the Romans but her reputation may be largely symbolic. Using historical and archaeological evidence, Celtic Queen uncovers the arguably more impressive story of Queen Cartimandua, the independent ruler of the powerful Brigante tribe whose territory was the single largest Celtic kingdom in Britain. Cartimandua’s leadership in battle and political influence were probably much greater than Boudica’s. Unlike Boudica, wife of King Prasutagus of the Iceni tribe, Cartimandua was the regent of the Brigante tribe in her own right. Her tribe prospered in the new Imperial world because she cooperated with the invaders and she held her position as queen until AD69. Cartimandua's territory was considerable, covering most of modern Cheshire, South and North Yorkshire, Lancashire, North Humberside, Cumbria, County Durham and Tyne and Wear. But she was seen as a shameless adulteress after an open affair with her husband’s armour bearer. Such sexual liberation was normal for powerful Celtic women but it scandalised Roman society. With many references to popular Celtic culture, their gods, beliefs, art and symbolism, as well as living conditions and the hillforts that would have been Cartimandua’s headquarters, Celtic Queen offers an insight into the life of this fascinating woman and the Romano/Celtic world in which she lived.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Resistance Heroines in Nazi- and Russian-Occupied Austria: Anschluss and After
Austria's Anschluss - its 'annexation' - saw no gunfire, no blood-curdling screams of Stukas overhead or the rumble of heavy artillery when German troops marched in on 12 March 1938\. It was no 'Blitzkrieg': on the contrary, some Austrians even welcomed the 'invaders' and the opportunity to unite the ethnic German peoples under the rule of Austria's most infamous son, Adolf Hitler. Austria's wealth of natural and mineral resources were especially useful to support the Third Reich's aggression in Europe. The Nazis were keen to exploit these assets and many Austrians benefited from increased employment. However, any initial euphoria was soon replaced by fear and anxiety as the brutal reality of the new regime became apparent. Here is the remarkable story of Herti Bryan who, as a young child, witnessed the totalitarian nightmare of Hitler's dream for world domination. Standing up for what she believed to be right, Herti acted courageously to frustrate the occupying Nazis. In addition to Herti's story, we learn of the experiences of Milly Keller and Hilde Schubert who shared contempt for the Nazi occupiers. The three girls vividly describe their different experiences during the war, although there is a striking similarity in the even greater terror they were subjected to under the Russian 'liberators'. In this volume the lives of Herti, Milly and Hilde come together to reveal an astonishing picture of life in occupied Austria. Drawing on unimaginable fortitude, these girls defied domination and fought fearlessly, risking their own lives, to carry out their moral obligation to humanity. This is their story, in their own words and told for the first time.
Peeters Publishers La Religion Et La Pensee Prises Au Piege De L'Autocratie: Voyage Au Coeur De La Pensee Politique Des Musulmans Pendant L'essor Et Au Declin De La Civilisation Islamique
Jamais avant ces quelques dernieres annees on n'avait autant publie de livres, d'articles, d'enquetes sur l'Islam et les societes qui s'en reclament. Peu de veritables specialistes ont participe a cette agitation febrile, representee pour l'essentiel par une foule d'ideologues et de gens des medias. Une bonne part de ces ecrits de circonstance s'alimente, on le sait, aux evenements tragiques qu'ont connus, et connaissent encore, les pays islamiques et leurs prolongements de par le monde. Une avalanche d'essais, car c'est bien le terme, masquant, aux yeux du lecteur presse, les trop rares etudes de qualite, c'est-a-dire proposees par des auteurs authentiquement informes de l'Islam d'hier et d'aujourd'hui. Le livre de Mohammad Khatami n'est pas seulement l'oeuvre du President de la Republique Islamique d'Iran, mais aussi de celui qui fut Professeur de Philosophie Islamique avant d'etre investi de la charge presidentielle. Aussi, a l'experience theorique du philosophe qu'il n'a cesse d'etre, joint-il celle, politique, de l'exercice du pouvoir. Ce livre constitue donc tout d'abord le temoignage interne d'un veritable connaisseur de l'Islam et de l'une des societes islamiques contemporaines. Mais il s'agit egalement de la tentative d'un specialiste de la philosophie politique, et notamment du philosophe du Xe siecle al-Farabi, pour rendre accessible un domaine historique fort complexe, non seulement a ses pairs academiques, mais aussi au grand public cultive, d'Orient et d'Occident.
Fonthill Media LLc Allston Brighton Through Time
Brighton and Allston Through Time outlines a neighborhood of the city of Boston which was once known as Little Cambridge before it became an independent town from Cambridge in 1807. With contemporary photographs by Peter B. Kingman, Anthony M. Sammarco has created a fascinating book of 19th- and 20th-century images that chronicles the history and development over the last hundred years. Once renowned throughout New England for its cattle industry as well as its horticultural gardens, Brighton and Allston became a well-known town. With prosperity, an ever-increasing population and proximity to the city of Boston, Brighton and Allston was annexed to the city in 1874 and henceforth became known as Ward 25. Over the century that followed, the neighborhood saw new places of worship, public and parochial schools, and housing ranging from one-family and two-family houses which were quickly augmented by three deckers and the largescale building of apartment buildings. During the first three decades of the 20th century, Brighton and Allston saw its population double, from 27,000 residents in 1910 to 47,000 residents by 1925 and today, with a population of 75,000 people, Brighton and Allston has a rich and ever evolving history, with demographics which are constantly in flux.
Liverpool University Press L’amateur à l’époque des Lumières
Obéissant à la logique d’une spécialisation toujours plus grande, les sociétés contemporaines ne tiennent pas l’amateur en grande estime. Or, s’il est vrai que le 18e siècle consacre le triomphe de cette figure, c’est aussi l’époque où s’amorce son irréversible déclin. Couvrant un large spectre de disciplines et d’aires culturelles au sein de l’Europe, les contributions de spécialistes réunies dans ce volume permettent de mieux cerner ce moment-pivot de l’histoire culturelle.Sans se limiter aux formes institutionnalisées de l’amateurship étudiées par les historiens de l’art ou des sciences, l’ouvrage examine ainsi les relations que le non-professionnel entretient avec les gens de métier (dans la presse, le milieu musical ou littéraire) ; la spécificité des œuvres qu’il produit et sa contribution au progrès des arts et des sciences ; l’émergence, à l’âge de l’esthétique naissante, d’un amateur compris comme instance de jugement ; la manière dont il est investi par les discours et annexé à leurs logiques propres (en tant que fiction littéraire, idéal ou ethos). Observer le phénomène dans ses manifestations plurielles, confronter l’ordre des réalités et celui des représentations, articuler les diverses approches sur la question: l’enjeu, on l’aura compris, est moins de définir une quelconque identité de l’amateur, que d’interroger sa raison d’être.---Amateurs are not particularly appreciated in our ever specialising contemporary societies. Yet the figure of the amateur was highly celebrated in the eighteenth century, even though its irremediable decline began at the same time. The articles collected in this book allow a better understanding of this turning point in cultural history as they cover a wide spectrum of academic disciplines and European cultural areas.This book does not only deal with the institutionalised forms of amateurship that have been studied by art historians and historians of science. This work considers the relationships that non-professionals had with professionals (working in periodicals, in the musical world, or in the book trade) ; the specificity of the works that amateurs produced and their contribution to the progress of arts and sciences ; the rise of the amateur as a judging instance in a period that saw the development of aesthetics ; and the way this figure was handled in different discourses and subjected to their own logics (whether as a literary fiction, an ideal or an ethos). Since this collective work focuses on the phenomenon of amateurship in its diverse manifestations, confronts the real to its representations, and articulates different perspectives on the subject, it obviously does not aim at defining any identity for the amateur, but rather intends to question its raison d'être.
Peeters Publishers Les chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les Psaumes. Contribution à l'étude d'une forme littéraire. Tome 5
Voici le cinquième et dernier tome de l’étude consacrée aux chaînes exégétiques grecques sur les Psaumes. Les quatre premiers tomes, parus entre 1986 et 1995, étaient consacrés aux modèles palestiniens (chaînes primaires, chaînes-scholies, chaînes mixtes) et aux modèles constantinopolitains (chaînes primaires, chaînes mixtes, chaînes secondaires). Le tome final a pour objet les chaînes secondaires de type variable et les chaînes fragmentaires, refaites ou juxtaposées. Il propose des conclusions, qui récapitulent les analyses antérieures, dégagent la postérité littéraire des chaînes, situent ces dernières dans l’histoire de la religion et de la culture byzantines, tracent des pistes à poursuivre, notamment la question de la récriture. En annexe, il donne un tableau de correspondance avec la contribution classique de Karo-Lietzmann, publie et commente les cinq listes d’auteurs présentes dans les chaînes, et consacre une notice à chacun des quatre-vingt-cinq auteurs auxquels les chaînes ont eu recours. Il se termine par un index des quelques 270 manuscrits analysés au cours de l’étude, dont la plupart offrent des chaînes sur les Psaumes.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Mystery of Yew Tree House
''Always a treat reading Lesley Thomson.'' Ian Rankin''Lesley Thomson at her considerable best'' Elly GriffithsEighty years of secrets. A body that reveals them all.1941. Rupert and Adelaide Stride are raising their two daughters, Clare and Rosa, in the midst of war. When Rupert is called to fight, he dies on the beaches of Dunkirk, leaving his family to fend for themselves.2023. Decades later, Clare and Rosa have retreated to the annex, trapped in the place where they were raised: Yew Tree House.When the rooms are put up for rent, Jack Harmon sees the perfect spot for a family holiday with his twins and detective Stella Darnell. But then the children discover a skeleton with a hole in its skull hidden in the brambles of a decommissioned WWII pill box.This home has always been a complicated one, but Stella and Jack will need to confront a history of revenge, desperation, and wartime tragedy to unco
Peeters Publishers Les Maasai Et Le Christianisme: Le Temps Du Grand Refus
Ces dernieres annees le christianisme a commence a gagner un nombre croissant d'adeptes parmi certaines sections des Maasai, societe guerriere de pasteurs semi-nomades occupant un territoire s'etendant au sud du Kenya et au nord de la Tanzanie. Cette expansion recente constitue un fait nouveau qui attend description et explication. Entretemps aucune science n'est encore parvenue a donner une reponse satisfaisante a une question beaucoup plus vieille: pourquoi, pendant plus d'un siecle, l'histoire religieuse de ce peuple, entoure d'ethnies qui ont toutes repondu positivement a l'action missionnaire, a-t-elle ete caracterisee par un refus categorique, oppose avec une constance remarquable, aux efforts des missionnaires occidentaux pour l'attirer vers la religion du Christ?Le livre presente une analyse critique des diverses solutions que sociologues, anthropologues, historiens et missiologues ont proposees pour resoudre une question qu'ils ont ete habitues a considerer comme une enigme et a ressentir comme une croix. La discussion des differentes hypotheses conduit l'auteur a relater divers aspects de l'ecologie, de l'histoire, de l'economie, de la structure sociale, du monde des valeurs, de l'univers symbolique et des methodes de socialisation d'une des societes les plus fascinantes d'Afrique Noire. Au bout du periple il propose sa propre lecture des origines de la resistance maasai, une interpretation dont l'originalite consiste tant dans le rejet de toute "monoculture theorique" que dans le refus des schemes de causalite deterministe. Dans la mesure ou la socialisation des membres d'une societe implique l'interiorisation de normes et de valeurs, il est clair que son impact ne peut etre analyse exclusivement en termes de causes au sens strict du mot, mais aussi en termes d'intentions, d'objectifs, de motifs et de raisons; en d'autres mots il est indiscernable de l'activite par laquelle le sujet octroie a son comportement sens et signification.Avant tout contribution originale a l'anthropologie est-africaine, cet essai interessera egalement les specialistes de l'univers culturel des pasteurs nomades et les etudiants du changement social. Il constitue aussi un echantillon de ce que pourrait etre une missiologie vraiment scientifique.
The Pragmatic Programmers Genetic Algorithms and Machine Learning for Programmers
Self-driving cars, natural language recognition, and online recommendation engines are all possible thanks to Machine Learning. Now you can create your own genetic algorithms, nature-inspired swarms, Monte Carlo simulations, cellular automata, and clusters. Learn how to test your ML code and dive into even more advanced topics. If you are a beginner-to-intermediate programmer keen to understand machine learning, this book is for you. Discover machine learning algorithms using a handful of self-contained recipes. Build a repertoire of algorithms, discovering terms and approaches that apply generally. Bake intelligence into your algorithms, guiding them to discover good solutions to problems. In this book, you will: Use heuristics and design fitness functions. Build genetic algorithms. Make nature-inspired swarms with ants, bees and particles. Create Monte Carlo simulations. Investigate cellular automata. Find minima and maxima, using hill climbing and simulated annealing. Try selection methods, including tournament and roulette wheels. Learn about heuristics, fitness functions, metrics, and clusters. Test your code and get inspired to try new problems. Work through scenarios to code your way out of a paper bag; an important skill for any competent programmer. See how the algorithms explore and learn by creating visualizations of each problem. Get inspired to design your own machine learning projects and become familiar with the jargon. What You Need: Code in C++ (>= C++11), Python (2.x or 3.x) and JavaScript (using the HTML5 canvas). Also uses matplotlib and some open source libraries, including SFML, Catch and Cosmic-Ray. These plotting and testing libraries are not required but their use will give you a fuller experience. Armed with just a text editor and compiler/interpreter for your language of choice you can still code along from the general algorithm descriptions.
Mandel Vilar Press The City of Light
Indie Awards Silver Medal Winner (Children's Nonfiction) The Skipping Stone Magazine Honor Award (one of the best multicultural books for children in 2019)When legendary and beloved actor, singer and activist Theo Bikel wrote a short story, shortly before his passing in 2015, about his happy childhood as a Jewish boy in Vienna—confused by rising anti-Semitism, and ultimately forced to flee after the Nazi takeover—he never could have imagined that Jewish children in the US, at the start of 2020, would have to ask their parents the same questions he had asked his own parents: Why are we hated? Why must I be afraid to be who I am?In The City of Light , Theodore poignantly recounts moments from his childhood in Vienna— at first the happy memories of family, sweet cakes, and holidays; and then darker times, when he experienced and witnessed brutal and violent anti-Semitism as Nazi influence grew. Set in Vienna in 1937-38 during Nazi Germany’s annexation of Austria, a young Jewish boy witnesses Kristallnacht, “The Night of Broken Glass,” and elderly Jews being spat upon and forced to clean the sidewalks with their coats. Once at home in the city, he is ostracized and beaten. One night, the boy dreams that his favorite Jewish superhero, Judah Maccabee, has arrived to save Vienna’s Jews. But when he awakens, there has been no Maccabean rescue. Years pass and the boy, now an old man, returns to Vienna and finds its Jewish community and Temple have been restored. He looks for the eternal light in the Temple and can’t find it. Then suddenly it becomes clear to him: “The light was there all the time; it was in my own heart.” This special book, gentle and bittersweet in its tone, also includes a three-page Yiddish glossary, a recipe for Honey Cake from Bikel's grandmother, and sheet music of a little-known Hanukkah song "Little Candle Fires" with a link to a website where you can hear Theo singing it.Theodore Bikel’s The City of Light is receiving critical acclaim, loved by adults who have followed Bikel for decades, as well as young people struggling to make sense of the acts of hatred and bigotry they are now exposed to daily. Aimee Ginsburg Bikel, Theo’s widow and veteran journalist, has added a backstory, several glossaries, and an afterword about an event in Bikel’s life with stunning historic significance. Noah Phillips’ moving illustrations bring the story to life.
Peeters Publishers Inscriptions nabatéennes datées de la fin du IIe siècle avant notre ère au milieu du IVe siècle
L’ouvrage explore l’histoire et la société nabatéenne dans son évolution à travers presque cent cinquante inscriptions et papyri datés. Le plan en cinq parties présente les documents provenant du royaume nabatéen, puis les grandes inscriptions funéraires de Hégra, ensuite celles trouvées en dehors des limites du royaume, enfin celles datant de l’époque romaine; un dernier chapitre fait le point sur les aspects paléographiques. D’importantes annexes présentent les listes selon l’ordre du catalogue et selon leurs datation, leur répartition régionale, leur typologie, les éléments de datation utilisés, les nombres et les chiffres, les concordances épigraphiques, les lieux de conservation, une chronologie, des index et une bibliographie. À travers les formules juridiques redondantes et les épithètes royales très développées, souvent négligées par la recherche, on discerne le rôle des archives du palais royal de Pétra ou des temples comme celui de la Mesure à Hégra au Ier siècle de notre ère.
Peeters Publishers De la généalogie des langues à la génétique du langage: Une documentation interdisciplinaire raisonnée
Depuis la fin du 18e siècle, les philologues, puis les linguistes, notamment allemands tout au long du 19e siècle, ont parcouru la généalogie de toutes les langues des familles indo-européenne et sémitique. Dans le même temps, l’orientation «naturaliste» de la linguistique propagée par August Schleicher a été rejetée par la plupart de ses pairs, notamment Bréal et Saussure. À partir des années 1950 les linguistes généalogistes ont testé des méthodes de regroupement par familles et superfamilles applicables aux langues sans tradition écrite avec la lexicostatistique, la glottochronologie, la comparaison multilatérale et leurs développements informatiques récents. Quant à l’exploration génétique du langage, elle a disparu de l’agenda des linguistes pendant un siècle entier avant de se renouveler à partir de 1990. L’objectif central de cet ouvrage est de chercher le «lien manquant» entre la généalogie des langues et la génétique du langage comme faculté universelle de l’espèce humaine. La version de la théorie de la grammaticalisation développée par l’africaniste et typologue allemand Bernd Heine peut fournir une connexion entre les deux approches, car elle vise à dégager un catalogue d’universaux cognitifs lexicalisés dans toutes les langues et qui sont à la source de mots grammaticaux et de morphèmes dérivationnels et flexionnels qui permettent de s’imaginer la genèse de la grammaire générale et des grammaires particulières. S’adressant aux linguistes, l’ouvrage documente abondamment les travaux de chercheurs d’autres disciplines (psychologues et anthropologues évolutionnistes, archéologues préhistoriens, épistémologues) désireux de fournir des «preuves indirectes» de l’émergence d’un protolangage lexical, puis d’un langage grammaticalisé. Au contact de ces chercheurs, une nouvelle discipline est apparue, la «linguistique évolutionnaire», qui cherche à évaluer la plausibilité de ces preuves indirectes.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Die Geburt des Judentums aus dem Geist des Christentums: Fünf Vorlesungen zur Entstehung des rabbinischen Judentums
Peter Schäfer befasst sich mit den Rückwirkungen des sich herauskristallisierenden Christentums auf das zeitgenössische rabbinische Judentum, d.h. den Einflüssen, die das zu sich selbst findende Christentum auf das Judentum ausübte.Nach der viel diskutierten Erzählung vom verschwundenen Messiasbaby im Jerusalemer Talmud werden Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Rabbinen und diversen Häretikern bezüglich der Frage des einen Gottes oder einer möglichen Vielzahl von Göttern untersucht. Vor allem die im Christentum allmählich konkrete Gestalt annehmende Idee einer göttlichen Zweiheit (Vater und Sohn) bzw. Dreiheit (Vater, Sohn und Heiliger Geist) hat im rabbinischen Judentum deutlichere Spuren hinterlassen als bisher meist angenommen. Daneben spielen Vorstellungen eine wichtige Rolle, die sich aus dem Menschensohn des Danielbuches im Judentum und im Christentum entwickelten; im babylonischen Talmud und in der frühen jüdischen Mystik tritt uns dann die Gestalt eines höchsten Engels mit Namen Metatron entgegen, der sogar den Beinamen "Kleiner Gott" erhält. Abschliessend wird ein klassischer rabbinischer Midrasch vorgestellt, der ganz unbefangen den Gedanken des stellvertretenden Sühneleidens des Messias (wieder) in das Judentum einführt.Die Grenzen zwischen "Rechtgläubigkeit" und "Häresie" erweisen sich auch im Judentum als fließend, und mehr als einmal drängt sich die häretische Überlegung auf, ob man nicht nur von der "Geburt des Christentums aus dem Geist des Judentums" sprechen sollte, sondern umgekehrt auch von der "Geburt des Judentums aus dem Geist des Christentums".
Transworld Publishers Ltd Killer in the Kremlin: The instant bestseller - a gripping and explosive account of Vladimir Putin's tyranny
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER - NOW UPDATED WITH FOUR NEW CHAPTERS'This swashbuckling book is a furious attack on the Russian president. Killer in the Kremlin traces Putin's bloody career... a life littered with corpses.' - THE TIMESA gripping and explosive account of Vladimir Putin's tyranny, charting his rise from spy to tsar, exposing the events that led to his invasion of Ukraine and his assault on Europe.In Killer in the Kremlin, award-winning journalist John Sweeney takes readers from the heart of Putin's Russia to the killing fields of Chechnya, to the embattled cities of an invaded Ukraine.In a disturbing exposé of Putin's sinister ambition, Sweeney draws on thirty years of his own reporting - from the Moscow apartment bombings to the atrocities committed by the Russian Army in Chechnya, to the annexation of Crimea and a confrontation with Putin over the shooting down of flight MH17 - to understand the true extent of Putin's long war.Drawing on eyewitness accounts and compelling testimony from those who have suffered at Putin's hand, we see the heroism of the Russian opposition, the bravery of the Ukrainian resistance, and the brutality with which the Kremlin responds to such acts of defiance, assassinating or locking away its critics, and stopping at nothing to achieve its imperialist aims.In the midst of one of the darkest acts of aggression in modern history - Russia's invasion of Ukraine - this book shines a light on Putin's rule and poses urgent questions about how the world must respond.'An extraordinarily prescient and fascinating book.' - NIHAL ARTHANAYAKEInstant Sunday Times bestseller, March 2023
Tuttle Publishing Korea at War: Conflicts That Shaped the World
An engaging history covering a century of conflict on the Korean PeninsulaKorea at War recounts how two separate nations emerged on the Korean peninsula as the result of devastating conflicts involving provocative personalities and superpower intrigues. The topics covered in this fascinating book include: The brutal years of Japanese colonial rule which began with Japan's annexation of Korea and ended with its defeat in World War II—and which still dominate Japanese-Korean relations today The division of the country into a totalitarian North and a prosperous, democratic South North Korea's invasion of the South, motivated by Stalin, which led to the bloody Korean War—a conflict that is still not settled to this day The irascible General Douglas MacArthur, who was relieved of his command by President Truman when he disobeyed a direct order and attempted to expand the war into China The rise of the Kim regime in North Korea and the continuing threat of nuclear war today Historian Michael J. Seth explores these and other themes including the complete story of North Korea—a nation and a people who for three generations have lived under the world's most repressive regime. He also discusses how South Korea has made the incredible leap from one of the world's poorest nations to one its richest and most dynamic.Korea at War is the story of two nations with a shared past that could hardly be more different today. With over 50 color photographs and maps, this book is a must-read for anyone wanting to understand contemporary Asian politics and current affairs.
Harvard University Press Survival on the Margins: Polish Jewish Refugees in the Wartime Soviet Union
Co-winner of the Yad Vashem International Book Prize for Holocaust ResearchThe forgotten story of 200,000 Polish Jews who escaped the Holocaust as refugees stranded in remote corners of the USSR.Between 1940 and 1946, about 200,000 Jewish refugees from Poland lived and toiled in the harsh Soviet interior. They endured hard labor, bitter cold, and extreme deprivation. But out of reach of the Nazis, they escaped the fate of millions of their coreligionists in the Holocaust.Survival on the Margins is the first comprehensive account in English of their experiences. The refugees fled Poland after the German invasion in 1939 and settled in the Soviet territories newly annexed under the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Facing hardship, and trusting little in Stalin, most spurned the offer of Soviet citizenship and were deported to labor camps in unoccupied areas of the east. They were on their own, in a forbidding wilderness thousands of miles from home. But they inadvertently escaped Hitler’s 1941 advance into the Soviet Union. While war raged and Europe’s Jews faced genocide, the refugees were permitted to leave their settlements after the Soviet government agreed to an amnesty. Most spent the remainder of the war coping with hunger and disease in Soviet Central Asia. When they were finally allowed to return to Poland in 1946, they encountered the devastation of the Holocaust, and many stopped talking about their own ordeals, their stories eventually subsumed within the central Holocaust narrative.Drawing on untapped memoirs and testimonies of the survivors, Eliyana Adler rescues these important stories of determination and suffering on behalf of new generations.
New Island Books The New Frontier: Reflections From the Irish Border
The New Frontier is a landmark publication of writing from the Irish Border, composed of non-fiction, fiction and poetry – it is a chorus of voices from some of the island’s greatest writers, that conveys in its multiplicity the true meaning of our border. At a time when the division of our shared island has once again become an international concern, the Border now a threshold between Europe and the United Kingdom, The New Frontier seeks to explore the meaning of this partition in the 21st century for those people that inhabit that divide. This collection of writing ultimately poses the question: What does it mean to be Irish, Northern Irish, or British in the modern age, and what does it mean to live on a threshold between a kingdom and a republic? The New Frontier will undoubtedly become a key cultural and literary touchstone. This anthology considers the border, and our historical divisions, through literature, by inviting writers from border areas to respond imaginatively and instinctively. By writing the land, writing the body, writing the lived experiences of this complex and misunderstood part of Ireland, The New Frontier looks to reclaim the border region from decades of misinterpretation and misunderstanding. Featuring writing from: Conor O’Callaghan, Darran Anderson, Garrett Carr, Luke Cassidy, Nidhi Zak, Kerri ní Dochartaigh, Michael Hughes, Séamas O’Reilly, Pat McCabe, Lias Saoudi, Maureen Boyle, Emily Cooper, Dean Fee, Jill Crawford, Annemarie ní Chuirrean, Peter Hollywood, John Kelly, Michelle Gallen, Marcel Krueger, Eoghan Walls, Orla McAlinden, Bronagh McAtasney, Mícheál McCann, Jess McKinney and Maria McManus
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook on Mega-Projects
This is an invaluable volume for all those engaged in megaproject work. It is presented by two leading academics in the field of transport infrastructure who have managed to pull together a very interesting set of contributions prepared by numerous highly qualified academics from across the globe specializing in the planning, appraisal and evaluation of megaprojects. The art and science of decision-making and assessing the impacts of such projects are thoroughly discussed with a view to offering future decision-makers a better steer on the development of such projects. Likely to be of immense importance to practicing professionals, bureaucrats and academics alike concerned with megaproject development, this book examines with great skill and clarity key issues associated with strategic decision-making, public-private partnership arrangements and the application of cost benefit analysis to megaprojects. Spurred-on by globalization and increasing in their number, size and complexity, the challenges that megaprojects pose are likely to grow paradoxically both in times of economic growth and austerity. Given these circumstances, the publication of this book is very timely, much needed and highly recommended.'- Harry T. Dimitriou, University College London, UKThis comprehensive and accessible Handbook presents state-of-the-art research on the decision-making processes in the deliverance of mega-projects - large infrastructure projects for the transportation of people and/or goods.The expert contributors explore how decisions are made at different stages in mega-projects and the multi-actor relationships between public and private partners. They evaluate the perspectives and pitfalls in determining the costs and benefits of a mega-project ex ante, and examine the wider impacts of mega-projects, including issues such as regional growth, energy transition and climate change. Although the focus is on the advanced economies of North America, Europe, and Australia, much of the material is useful for other parts of the world where large transport infrastructure projects are currently underway or will be developed in the coming years.Providing crucial background information for those who want to understand decision-making processes on large transport infrastructure projects, this fascinating Handbook will prove an important source of information for academics, researchers and students in the fields of transport, infrastructure, project management, management science, economic analysis (cost benefit analysis), public policy, environmental policy and ethics. Practitioners, politicians and policymakers involved in large transport infrastructure projects will also find this book to be an invaluable reference tool.Contributors: J.A. Annema, M. Bosch-Rekveldt, C.C. Cantarelli, K. Dwarka, E. Feitelson, B. Flyvbjerg, M. Giezen, R. Gilbert, C. Greve, G. Hodge, R. Konings, C. Koopmans, M. Leijten, D.R. Lessard, C. Macharis, R. Miller, P. Nijkamp, H. Priemus, P. Rietveld, K. Samset, M. Siemiatycki, L. Tavasszy, E. ten Heuvelhof, A. van Binsbergen, R. van Duin, B. van Wee, R. Vickerman
Peeters Publishers "Ceci N'est Pas Un Roman": L'evolution Du Statut De La Fiction En Angleterre De 1652 a 1754
Cette etude porte sur les discours theoriques et les dispositifs rhetoriques auxquels la fiction de langue anglaise a recours pour se legitimer, dans un contexte de ferme condamnation morale et de mepris de la part des doctes. Ces discours et ces dispositifs se deploient dans des titres, des prefaces et au coeur meme des recits. Les auteurs les mobilisent pour affirmer que leur recit contient une verite morale ou, le plus souvent, pour presenter ce dernier comme un compte rendu factuel. Cette revendication de l'historicite fait intervenir la figure du narrateur temoin, garant de la veracite des faits relates, ainsi que celle de l'editeur de manuscrit, qui s'impose a partir des annees 1700. Avec la parution de "Joseph Andrews" (1742) de Henry Fielding la fiction se met a exhiber sa propre fictionalite: elle devient auto-reflexive.This study explores the theoretical discourses and rhetorical devices used by writers to legitimate fiction at a time when it was considered immoral by theologians and despised by scholars. The use of such discourses and devices is found in titles, prefaces and throughout the narratives themselves; they are employed to assert that the narratives contain moral truths or to assert their status as fact, thus rendering the narratives acceptable to the readership. The claim to factuality is asserted by the figure of the narrator-as-witness, who guarantees the veracity of the facts relayed, and, from 1700 onwards, by that of the manuscript editor. Following the publication of Henry Fielding's "Joseph Andrews" in 1742, the fiction of the period begins to flaunt its own fictionality, marking the emergence of self-reflexive fiction.
University of Nebraska Press A Missionary Nation: Race, Religion, and Spain's Age of Liberal Imperialism, 1841–1881
A Missionary Nation focuses on Spain’s crusade to resurrect its empire, beginning with the so-called War of Africa. Fought in Morocco between 1859 and 1860, the campaign involved more than forty-five thousand troops and led to a long-lasting Spanish engagement in North Africa. With popular support, the government backed French invasions of Indochina and Mexico, and many veteran soldiers from the African war were reenlisted in the brutal and protracted conflict following the reannexation of the Dominican Republic in 1861. In addition, expeditions to West Africa built a colonial presence in and around the island of Fernando Po. Few works in English have examined the impact of these nineteenth-century imperial ventures on Spanish identity, notions of race, and culture. Agents of empire—from journalists and diplomats to soldiers, spies, and clerics—took up the mantle of the “civilizing mission” and pushed back against those who resisted militarized occupations. In turn, a gendered, racialized rhetoric became a linchpin of Spain’s growing involvement in North Africa and the Caribbean in the 1850s and 1860s.A Missionary Nation interrogates the legacy of Hispanic identities from multiple axes, as former colonies were annexed and others were occupied, tying together strands of European, Mediterranean, and Atlantic histories in the second age of global imperialism. It challenges the prevailing notion that secular ideologies alone informed imperial narratives in Europe. Liberal Spain attempted to reconstruct its great empire of old, but the entangled issues of nationalism, race, and religion frustrated its efforts.
Indiana University Press The Polish Catholic Church under German Occupation: The Reichsgau Wartheland, 1939-1945
When Nazi Germany invaded Poland in 1939, it aimed to destroy Polish national consciousness. As a symbol of Polish national identity and the religious faith of approximately two-thirds of Poland's population, the Roman Catholic Church was an obvious target of the Nazi regime's policies of ethnic, racial, and cultural Germanization. Jonathan Huener reveals in The Polish Catholic Church under German Occupation that the persecution of the church was most severe in the Reichsgau Wartheland, a region of Poland annexed to Nazi Germany. Here Catholics witnessed the execution of priests, the incarceration of hundreds of clergymen and nuns in prisons and concentration camps, the closure of churches, the destruction and confiscation of church property, and countless restrictions on public expression of the Catholic faith. Huener also illustrates how some among the Nazi elite viewed this area as a testing ground for anti-church policies to be launched in the Reich after the successful completion of the war. Based on largely untapped sources from state and church archives, punctuated by vivid archival photographs, and marked by nuance and balance, The Polish Catholic Church under German Occupation exposes both the brutalities and the limitations of Nazi church policy. The first English-language investigation of German policy toward the Catholic Church in occupied Poland, this compelling story also offers insight into the varied ways in which Catholics—from Pope Pius XII, to members of the Polish episcopate, to the Polish laity at the parish level—responded to the Nazi regime's repressive measures.
Octopus Publishing Group Climbers: Pain, panache and polka dots in cycling's greatest arenas
'Impeccably researched' - London Cyclist'The climbing fan's bible' - The Washing Machine Post 'A deep dive into and a celebration of mountain climbing' - Cyclist MagazineWhen, during the Pyrenean stages of the 1998 Tour de France, a journalist asked Marco Pantani why he rode so fast in the mountains, the elfin Italian, unmistakeable in the bandanna and hooped ear-rings that played up to his "Pirate" nickname, replied: "To shorten my agony."Drawing on the fervour for these men of the mountains, Climbers looks at what sets these athletes apart within the world of bike racing, about why we love and cherish them, how they make cycling beautiful, and how they see themselves and the feats they achieve.Working chronologically, Peter Cossins explores the evolution of mountain-climbing. He offers a comprehensive view of the sport, combining contemporary reports with fresh one-to-one interviews with high-profile riders from the last 50 years, such as Cyrille Guimard, Hennie Kuiper and Andy Schleck. And, unlike many other cycling books, Climbers also includes the stories of female racers across the world, from Ashleigh Moolman-Pasio and Annemiek van Vleuten to Fabiana Luperini and Amanda Spratt.Climbers analyses the personalities of these racers, highlighting the individuality of climbing as an exercise and the fundamental fact that it's a solitary challenge undertaken in relentlessly unforgiving terrain that requires unremitting effort.Captivating and iconic, Climbers is the ultimate cycling book to understand what it takes both physically and mentally to take on the sport's hardest stages.
Intellect Books Performance Art in Practice: Pedagogical Approaches
Performance Art in practice – pedagogical approaches opens up a variety of philosophies that explore, explain and challenge Performance art and introduces a range of practices used in higher level education. The book is a collection of nine independent essays. All the writers have several years of practice as artists, curators, teachers, professors, researchers and in establishing performance art education in Finland. The essays explain, challenge and deconstruct performance art from various angles: the body as a tool and a base of identity, self as material, pedagogic acts of dissidence, challenging societal questions without politicing art, building sustainable artwork based on emotions, intuition and research, using Fluxus scores in contemporary practices etc. are all topics dealt by the writers of Performance Art in practice – pedagogical approaches. The essays are written from a practical point of view: how do we concretely teach performance art, why have we chosen these ways and what are the outcomes. Teaching the experimental art form, that doesn’t wear a uniform and relies on ever changing time and space isn’t all evident. Deconstructing performance art and reconstructing pedagogy springs out ideas that are relevant also elsewhere in the contemporary society. The book challenges art school institutions: Individuality bound to collegiality, fruitful dialogue that bases on trust and sharing with a sociologically and politically challenging curricula come out in texts written by Aapo Korkeaoja, Eero Yli-Vakkuri, Jussi Matilainen, Pia Lindy and Tuomas Laitinen that refer to the remote countryside campus of SAMK Kankaanpää school of art. More urban perspective with philosophies, research interests and pedagogic practices at The University of Arts Helsinki are opened up by Tero Nauha, Annette Arlander, Pilvi Porkola and Leena Kela in their essays.
Peeters Publishers Education Et Instruction En Chine 1. L'education Elementaire
Les etudes regroupees dans ce volume, premier de trois ouvrages traitant de l'education en Chine, portent sur la periode de l'enfance. Si toutes les epoques ne sont pas traitees, l'espace de temps couvert, de l'Antiquite au XXe siecle, est suffisamment etendu pour rendre compte des evolutions ou des constantes dans la maniere d'aborder l'education enfantine, que ce soit en matiere d'apprentissage, de pedagogie ou de contenu de l'enseignement. L'ouvrage s'ouvre sur un tableau des premieres annees telles qu'elles furent concues et traitees entre les XIe et XVIIe siecles. L'homme de bien se distinguait du vulgaire par une bonne education basee sur une morale de comportement et la connaissance des rites. Pour de nombreux auteurs, l'education et l'instruction avaient un role capital a jouer soit pour favoriser le plein epanouissement des bons cotes de la nature, soit pour corriger les mauvais penchants. Reprise et developpee au fil des siecles, cette idee a pour corollaire celle de l'extraordinaire receptivite de l'enfant. Pour une certaine categorie de la population, l'education commence des les origines de la vie, au moment de la conception; elle s'adresse tout d'abord a la mere avant de prendre en consideration la grossesse dans son ensemble. Quant a l'acquisition des connaissances, a l'apprentissage de l'ecriture et de la lecture, ces themes sont abordes dans plusieurs articles qui permettent d'aller des premiers manuels de caracteres sous les Han, aux manuels scolaires modernes de la fin du XIXe siecle, en passant par les exercises d'ecriture decouverts a Dunhuang et datant des IXe et Xe siecles, pour aboutir a la vogue actuelle (au moins editoriale) du fameux "Classique en trois caracteres". Si ces divers "manuels" semble de prime abord destines a maitriser l'ecriture, le public vise n'est pas forcement le meme au fil des siecles, et il est parfois difficile voire impossible de tracer une ligne de demarcation nette entre le contenu et son support, entre acquisition de connaissances generales et formation morale. Enfin, au debut du XXe siecle, a travers l'apparition d'une litterature enfantine, nous pouvons suivre la transformation de l'idee d'enfance.
Duke University Press Frontiers of Capital: Ethnographic Reflections on the New Economy
With the NASDAQ having lost 70 percent of its value, the giddy, optimistic belief in perpetual growth that accompanied the economic boom of the 1990s had fizzled by 2002. Yet the advances in information and communication technology, management and production techniques, and global integration that spurred the “New Economy” of the 1990s had triggered profound and lasting changes. Frontiers of Capital brings together ethnographies exploring how cultural practices and social relations have been altered by the radical economic and technological innovations of the New Economy. The contributors, most of whom are anthropologists, investigate changes in the practices and interactions of futures traders, Chinese entrepreneurs, residents of French housing projects, women working on Wall Street, cable television programmers, and others.Some contributors highlight how expedited flows of information allow business professionals to develop new knowledge practices. They analyze dynamics ranging from the decision-making processes of the Federal Reserve Board to the legal maneuvering necessary to buttress a nascent Japanese market in over-the-counter derivatives. Others focus on the social consequences of globalization and new modes of communication, evaluating the introduction of new information technologies into African communities and the collaborative practices of open-source computer programmers. Together the essays suggest that social relations, rather than becoming less relevant in the high-tech age, have become more important than ever. This finding dovetails with the thinking of many corporations, which increasingly employ anthropologists to study and explain the “local” cultural practices of their own workers and consumers. Frontiers of Capital signals the wide-ranging role of anthropology in explaining the social and cultural contours of the New Economy.Contributors. Jean Comaroff, John L. Comaroff, Greg Downey, Melissa S. Fisher, Douglas R. Holmes, George E. Marcus, Siobhán O’Mahony, Aihwa Ong, Annelise Riles, Saskia Sassen, Paul A. Silverstein, AbdouMaliq Simone, Neil Smith, Caitlin Zaloom
Peeters Publishers Du Miel au Cafe, de L'ivoire a L'acajou
Peuple legendaire, les pygmees ont longtemps ete percus comme confines dans un cocon forestier et traversant les siecles en marge de l'Histoire. L'etude des chasseurs-collecteurs Aka d'Afrique centrale montre a quel point cette societe est en fait inseree de longue date dans un vaste complexe socioculturel et economique regional. Cet ouvrage analyse les relations entretenues par les Aka avec un ensemble de populations aux economies diversifiees et permet de mieux saisir des processus d'anthropisation de la foret equatoriale. Mais il ouvre aussi sur un cadre bien plus large avec la prise en consideration de la traite atlantique et de la penetration europeenne au coeur du bassin congolais. C'est ainsi que ce travail eclaire l'histoire meconnue de l'epoque coloniale dans l'immense interfluve Sangha-Oubangui (compagnies concessionnaires, conquete militaire, expansion de la maladie du sommeil, etc.) et l'evolution sociale et economique de certaines regions jusque dans les annees 1980. Au terme d'un siecle de mutations, les Pygmees Aka, aureoles de representations archaiques, nous introduisent en realite au coeur d'enjeux tres contemporains lies au devenir des milieux forestiers tropicaux.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Evidenzbasierte Jurisprudenz: Methoden empirischer Forschung und ihr Erkenntniswert für das Recht am Beispiel des Gesellschaftsrechts
Wie gewinnen Juristen ihr Wissen über die Lebenswelt, die sie regeln? Erfahrung ist eine wichtige Erkenntnisquelle, aber die komplex vernetzte Wissensgesellschaft erfordert zunehmend auch empirische Rechtsforschung. Dabei sind die Methoden empirischer Forschung gar nicht so leicht zu handhaben und ihre Ergebnisse nicht so einfach zu interpretieren, wie man annehmen möchte. Hanjo Hamann erörtert deshalb die Grundlagen quantitativ-empirischen Forschens und verbindet die kritische Reflexion empirischer Erkenntnismöglichkeiten mit spezifisch juristischen Erkenntnisinteressen. Daraus entsteht eine pragmatische Rezeptionslehre, die nach dem Vorbild der "evidenzbasierten Medizin" besonderen Wert auf sogenannten Metastudien legt. Deren praktischen Nutzen erprobt der Autor vor allem an den empirischen Grundannahmen des gesellschaftsrechtlichen "Kollegialprinzips", die sich aus dessen dogmatischer und rechtsvergleichender Analyse ergeben.Hanjo Hamann erhielt für seine Dissertation den Dissertationspreis der Esche Schümann Commichau Stiftung, den Telekom-Preis für Zivilrecht der Universität Bonn sowie die Otto-Hahn-Medaille der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft.
The University of Chicago Press Edge of Irony Modernism in the Shadow of the Habsburg Empire
Among the brilliant writers and thinkers who emerged from the multicultural and multilingual world of the Austro-Hungarian Empire were Joseph Roth, Robert Musil, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. For them, the trauma of World War I included the sudden loss of the geographical entity into which they had been born: in 1918, the empire was dissolved overnight, leaving Austria a small, fragile republic that would last only twenty years before being annexed by Hitler's Third Reich. In this major reconsideration of European modernism, Marjorie Perloff identifies and explores the aesthetic world that emerged from the rubble of Vienna and other former Habsburg territories-an Austro-Modernism that produced a major body of drama, fiction, poetry, and autobiography. Perloff explores works ranging from Karl Kraus's drama The Last Days of Mankind and Elias Canetti's memoir The Tongue Set Free to Ludwig Wittgenstein's notebooks and Paul Celan's lyric poetry. Throughout, she shows that Austro-Modernist lit
Verso Books Towards the Abyss: Ukraine from Maidan to War
Towards the Abyss presents searching analysis of a decade of war and upheaval in Ukraine. Volodymyr Ishchenko has been among the left's most significant commentators on Ukraine since 2014, when pro-EU protestors toppled the government in Kiev, Russia annexed Crimea and pro-Russian separatists seized parts of the Donbass. One of his first thoughts when he read the news of the full-scale Russian invasion on 24 February 2022 was that no matter how the war ends, he will no longer have a homeland.What has happened in Ukraine ever since the Soviet collapse is a drawn-out process of de-modernization, and the downward spiral is getting faster. Ishchenko argues that the conflict being fought in Ukraine with tanks, artillery and rockets is the same conflict suppressed by police batons in Belarus and in Russia itself. The intensification of the post-Soviet crisis - the incapacity of an oligarchic ruling class in the territories of the former USSR to sustain political or moral leadership - is the root cause of the escalating violence.
Histria LLC The Formation of the Albanian National Consciousness
As the multi-national Ottoman Empire began to fall apart in the aftermath of the Russo-Turkish war of 1878, the Albanian people faced the peril of being absorbed into the surrounding newly formed nation-states of Southeastern Europe. Albanian leaders met at Prizren in 1878 to devise a strategy to defend their national rights. The Formation of the Albanian National Consciousness explores the origins of the movement that ultimately led to the creation of the modern-day Albanian nation-state.Had a national consciousness failed to develop prior to the crisis of 1878, the creation of a national movement, which not only sought to protect Albanian lands against foreign annexation but also strove to unite the four Albanian vilayets into a single autonomous administrative unit, would not have been possible. The development of a national consciousness during the decades preceding 1878 built the foundation for the national movement that culminated in the creation of the League of Prizren and ultimately led to the formation of an independent Albanian nation-state in 1912.
British Museum Press Nero: the man behind the myth
One of the best known figures from Roman history, Nero (r. AD 54–68) is most often characterised as a tyrannical and ineffectual ruler, who fiddled while Rome burnt. Such a reputation has, however, been shaped by ancient literary sources written by his adversaries and enemies and, in light of new research, can be considered crudely reductive. This publication, and the exhibition it accompanies, redresses the balance and provides a more nuanced interpretation of Nero’s reign and Roman society of the time, reflecting on the traditional perceptions of his rule and revealing the challenges with which the young heir to Claudius’ empire had to contend. The period during which Nero ruled over Roman society was one of profound change. The extent of the empire at the time was vast, having grown significantly during the previous century through conquest and annexation, and peace and prosperity followed years of bloody war. The role of Nero’s mother Agrippina in his accession to the throne is well-documented, but her expectations of great influence once Nero was in post were not met and the role of women, and family more widely, is considered in detail in this book. In addition to familial conflict, Nero also had to confront the threat of rival powers and the assimilation of newly conquered territories, which provided him with the opportunity to prove himself as a strong military leader. Alongside military campaigns, he adopted ‘populist’ policies, was preoccupied with the beautification of the heart of his empire, which was subsequently devastated by fire, and enthusiastically engaged in theatre and entertainment. Nero’s rule was curtailed by military rebellion in AD 68 and the embattled emperor ultimately committed suicide. His death brought to an end the reign of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, and the subsequent vilification of his memory and the removal and desecration of his image are an enduring, but misleading, legacy.
British Museum Press Nero: the man behind the myth
One of the best known figures from Roman history, Nero (r. AD 54–68) is most often characterised as a tyrannical and ineffectual ruler, who fiddled while Rome burnt. Such a reputation has, however, been shaped by ancient literary sources written by his adversaries and enemies and, in light of new research, can be considered crudely reductive. This publication, and the exhibition it accompanies, redresses the balance and provides a more nuanced interpretation of Nero’s reign and Roman society of the time, reflecting on the traditional perceptions of his rule and revealing the challenges with which the young heir to Claudius’ empire had to contend. The period during which Nero ruled over Roman society was one of profound change. The extent of the empire at the time was vast, having grown significantly during the previous century through conquest and annexation, and peace and prosperity followed years of bloody war. The role of Nero’s mother Agrippina in his accession to the throne is well-documented, but her expectations of great influence once Nero was in post were not met and the role of women, and family more widely, is considered in detail in this book. In addition to familial conflict, Nero also had to confront the threat of rival powers and the assimilation of newly conquered territories, which provided him with the opportunity to prove himself as a strong military leader. Alongside military campaigns, he adopted ‘populist’ policies, was preoccupied with the beautification of the heart of his empire, which was subsequently devastated by fire, and enthusiastically engaged in theatre and entertainment. Nero’s rule was curtailed by military rebellion in AD 68 and the embattled emperor ultimately committed suicide. His death brought to an end the reign of the Julio-Claudian dynasty, and the subsequent vilification of his memory and the removal and desecration of his image are an enduring, but misleading, legacy.
APA Publications The Mini Rough Guide to Athens: Travel Guide with Free eBook
This mini pocket Athens travel guidebook is perfect for travellers seeking basic information about Athens. It covers key places, main attractions and a short hotel and restaurant recommendations list. This book is printed on paper from responsible sources, verified to meet FSC's strict environmental and social standards.This Athens travel book covers: The Acropolis, Around the Acropolis, Monastiráki and Psyrrí, Omónia and environs, From Omónia to Sýndagma, Sýndagma Square and around.In this Athens guidebook, you will find:- Curated recommendations of places - main attractions, child-friendly family activities, chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas - Things not to miss in Athens - Acropolis Museum, Benaki Museum Pireos Annexe, The Goulandris Museum of Contemporary Art, The National Archaeological Museum, The Acropolis, Plaka, The Athens Epidaurus Festival, Delphi, Nafplio, The Byzantine and Christian Museum- Perfect Day - itinerary suggestions for those on a short break- Short Athens introduction - geographical location, cultural legacy, history with interesting key dates - What to do in Athens - recommendations for entertainment, shopping, sports, children's activities, events and nightlife- Food and drink - recommendations for local products and places to eat- Overview maps - handy maps on the inside cover flaps showing Athens and around- Practical information - how to get there and around, opening times, health and medical care, and tourist information- Greek section - basic vocabulary and phrases from the local language- Striking pictures - inspirational colour photography throughout- Free download of the eBook - available after purchase of the printed guidebook Athens - Fully updated post-COVID-19This guide is easy to use and quick to scan through when you need help on the go. It's the perfect companion both ahead of your trip and on the ground. It gives you the flavour of Athens without overwhelming you with too much information.
University of Minnesota Press Debates in the Digital Humanities 2023
A cutting-edge view of the digital humanities at a time of global pandemic, catastrophe, and uncertaintyWhere do the digital humanities stand in 2023? Debates in the Digital Humanities 2023 presents a state-of-the-field vision of digital humanities amid rising social, political, economic, and environmental crises; a global pandemic; and the deepening of austerity regimes in U.S. higher education. Providing a look not just at where DH stands but also where it is going, this fourth volume in the Debates in the Digital Humanities series features both established scholars and emerging voices pushing the field’s boundaries, asking thorny questions, and providing space for practitioners to bring to the fore their research and their hopes for future directions in the field. Carrying forward the themes of political and social engagement present in the series throughout, it includes crucial contributions to the field—from a vital forum centered on the voices of Black women scholars, manifestos from feminist and Latinx perspectives on data and DH, and a consideration of Indigenous data and artificial intelligence, to essays that range across topics such as the relation of DH to critical race theory, capital, and accessibility.Contributors: Harmony Bench, Ohio State U; Christina Boyles, Michigan State U; Megan R. Brett, George Mason U; Michelle Lee Brown, Washington State U; Patrick J. Burns, New York U; Kent K. Chang, U of California, Berkeley; Rico Devara Chapman, Clark Atlanta U; Marika Cifor, U of Washington; María Eugenia Cotera, U of Texas; T. L. Cowan, U of Toronto; Marlene L. Daut, U of Virginia; Quinn Dombrowski, Stanford U; Kate Elswit, U of London; Nishani Frazier, U of Kansas; Kim Gallon, Brown U; Patricia Garcia, U of Michigan; Lorena Gauthereau, U of Houston; Masoud Ghorbaninejad, University of Victoria; Abraham Gibson, U of Texas at San Antonio; Nathan P. Gibson, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich; Kaiama L. Glover, Barnard College; Hilary N. Green, Davidson College; Jo Guldi, Southern Methodist U; Matthew N. Hannah, Purdue U Libraries; Jeanelle Horcasitas, DigitalOcean; Christy Hyman, Mississippi State U; Arun Jacob, U of Toronto; Jessica Marie Johnson, Johns Hopkins U and Harvard U; Martha S. Jones, Johns Hopkins U; Annette K. Joseph-Gabriel, Duke U; Mills Kelly, George Mason U; Spencer D. C. Keralis, Digital Frontiers; Zoe LeBlanc, U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Jason Edward Lewis, Concordia U; James Malazita, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Alison Martin, Dartmouth College; Linda García Merchant, U of Houston Libraries; Rafia Mirza, Southern Methodist U; Mame-Fatou Niang, Carnegie Mellon U; Jessica Marie Otis, George Mason U; Marisa Parham, U of Maryland; Andrew Boyles Petersen, Michigan State U Libraries; Emily Pugh, Getty Research Institute; Olivia Quintanilla, UC Santa Barbara; Jasmine Rault, U of Toronto Scarborough; Anastasia Salter, U of Central Florida; Maura Seale, U of Michigan; Celeste Tường Vy Sharpe, Normandale Community College; Astrid J. Smith, Stanford U Libraries; Maboula Soumahoro, U of Tours; Mel Stanfill, U of Central Florida; Tonia Sutherland, U of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa; Gabriela Baeza Ventura, U of Houston; Carolina Villarroel, U of Houston; Melanie Walsh, U of Washington; Hēmi Whaanga, U of Waikato; Bridget Whearty, Binghamton U; Jeri Wieringa, U of Alabama; David Joseph Wrisley, NYU Abu Dhabi. Cover alt text: A text-based cover with the main title repeating right-side up and upside down. The leftmost iteration appears in black ink; all others are white.
Ebury Publishing The 1619 Project: A New American Origin Story
#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER A dramatic expansion of a groundbreaking work of journalism, The 1619 Project: A New American Origin Story offers a profoundly revealing vision of the American past and present.ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR: The Washington Post, NPR, Esquire, Marie Claire, Electric Lit, Ms. magazine, Kirkus Reviews, BooklistIn late August 1619, a ship arrived in the British colony of Virginia bearing a cargo of twenty to thirty enslaved people from Africa. Their arrival led to the barbaric and unprecedented system of American chattel slavery that would last for the next 250 years. This is sometimes referred to as the country's original sin, but it is more than that: It is the source of so much that still defines the United States.The New York Times Magazine's award-winning "1619 Project" issue reframed our understanding of American history by placing slavery and its continuing legacy at the center of our national narrative. This new book substantially expands on that work, weaving together eighteen essays that explore the legacy of slavery in present-day America with thirty-six poems and works of fiction that illuminate key moments of oppression, struggle, and resistance. The essays show how the inheritance of 1619 reaches into every part of contemporary American society, from politics, music, diet, traffic, and citizenship to capitalism, religion, and our democracy itself.This is a book that speaks directly to our current moment, contextualizing the systems of race and caste within which we operate today. It reveals long-glossed-over truths around our nation's founding and construction-and the way that the legacy of slavery did not end with emancipation, but continues to shape contemporary American life.Featuring contributions from: Leslie Alexander Michelle Alexander Carol Anderson Joshua Bennett Reginald Dwayne Betts Jamelle Bouie Anthea Butler Matthew Desmond Rita Dove Camille Dungy Cornelius Eady Eve L. Ewing Nikky Finney Vievee Francis Yaa Gyasi Forrest Hamer Terrance Hayes Kimberly Annece Henderson Jeneen Interlandi Honorée Fanonne Jeffers Barry Jenkins Tyehimba Jess Martha S. Jones Robert Jones, Jr. A. Van Jordan Ibram X. Kendi Eddie Kendricks Yusef Komunyakaa Kevin Kruse Kiese Laymon Trymaine Lee Jasmine Mans Terry McMillan Tiya Miles Wesley Morris Khalil Gibran Muhammad Lynn Nottage ZZ Packer Gregory Pardlo Darryl Pinckney Claudia Rankine Jason Reynolds Dorothy Roberts Sonia Sanchez Tim Seibles Evie Shockley Clint Smith Danez Smith Patricia Smith Tracy K. Smith Bryan Stevenson Nafissa Thompson-Spires Natasha Trethewey Linda Villarosa Jesmyn Ward
Taylor & Francis Inc Contemporary Phytomedicines
The term phytomedicine was coined by French physician Henri Leclerc in 1913. Till recently phytomedicine has remained in the background. But due to emerging challenges to the conventional pharmaceutical industry (cost effectiveness and potency of the drugs), phytomedicine has made a dramatic comeback. Phytomedicine has witnessed several changes and several new concepts have been introduced. Phytomedicine, although, a separate discipline, is strongly linked to Phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology.As the title suggests the book is an attempt to bridge the gap between fundamental and emerging concepts in this field of medicine. The book has been divided into two parts. Part A deals with core issues of the phyto-pharmaceutical drug industry. The book begins with an introductory chapter dealing with basic definitions with phytomedicine. Chapters 2-5 narrate emerging subjects such as Phytopharmacovigilance, Phytopharmacoeconomics, Phytopharmacoepidemiology and Phytopharmacogenomics. Chapter 6 discusses ethical issues in phytomedicine. Chapter 7 covers recent advances in drug delivery systems in phytomedicine whereas Chapter 8 is about application of nanotechnology in the field of phytomedicine. The further chapters cover metabolomics, regulatory and legal aspects of the phyto-pharmaceutical drug industry. The chapter on herbal bioavailability enhancing agents is the salient feature of Part-A. Part B is related to applied research in the field of phytomedicine. Experimental findings on phyto-bioactive agents such as withanolides, steroidal alkaloids, phytosteroids and phytocannabinoids have been elaborated.Nine annexures related to herbal drug registration are included.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Fantastically Great Women Who Worked Wonders
'Significantly more engaging and inspiring than the rival Rebel Girls' GUARDIAN 'It's hard to imagine any group of primary-aged children who wouldn't be inspired' BOOKSELLER 'An absolute must-have for every young person’s bookshelf' HUFFINGTON POST Kate Pankhurst, descendent of suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst, is back with a brand new wildly brilliant and accessible book about incredible women in the world of work. What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a BIG question that everyone is asked from an early age. Discover eye-opening facts about a collection of go-getting women who have pioneered careers in a kaleidoscope of different industries. · Climb to the top of Everest with fearless mountaineer Junko Tabei · Calculate mind-fizzing formulas with mathematician Katherine Johnson · Make brilliant scientific discoveries with Rosalind Franklin · Travel high up in the sky in a hot-air balloon with Sophie Blanchard Overflowing with beautiful illustrations and astounding facts, Fantastically Great Women Who Worked Wonders is the perfect introduction to just a few of the most incredible women who helped shaped the world we live in. A fantastic gift for girls and boys alike! List of women featured: Junko Tabei, Sophie Blanchard, Maria Merian, Elizabeth Magie, the London Matchgirls, Rosa May Billinghurst, Katherine Johnson, Annette Kellerman, Katia Krafft, Rosalind Franklin, James Barry, Madam C.J. Walker, Lotte Reiniger.
Post Hill Press My Disappearing Mother: A Memoir of Magic and Loss in the Country of Dementia
To come to terms with her mother’s dementia, writer Suzanne Finnamore’s groundbreaking new memoir conceptualizes dementia as an actual, albeit rather magical, place, “like the Acropolis or Yonkers…a place where beloved and ancient queens and kings retire, where linear time doesn’t exist, and the rules of society are laid aside…. Whenever I go to my parents’ double-wide in Hayward, California, I am really traveling to Dementia.” “I love @sfinnamore’s new book, “My Disappearing Mother.” —@Annelamott on XMy Disappearing Mother: A Memoir of Magic and Loss is far more than a memoir on the devastation that comes with dementia, a cognitive impairment that affects 55 million people worldwide. Finnamore beautifully chronicles her mother’s rich and varied life journey, from her birth in Puerto Rico during the height of the Depression to ferrying to the United States, in hopes of a better life. On U.S. soil, her mother, Bunny, started working as a performer for enlisted men, then became a secretary, and eventually a professional clairvoyant. With unexpected humor, Suzanne explores the feeling of love, grief, family, and loss while celebrating the bonds between mothers and daughters. In Suzanne’s words, “I want a book that attests to the fact that in a world full of disease, there is an abiding and supernatural force of love. That because of this, the sadness and the horror can be borne. That laughter can live alongside grief. That it must.” When Suzanne’s guest essay “Dementia Is a Place Where My Mother Lives. It Is Not Who She Is” was published in the New York Times on Mother’s Day 2022, readers responded with an outpouring of empathy and love. And so this book was born, full of clues and guidance to help others feel less alone on the path that Finnamore has walked.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Understanding Probability Models
This book intends to highlight how the Theory of Probability supports, not only statistical modeling but how it allows describing different real life phenomena. It gives clues for understanding the philosophic roots of probability and how they are present in different areas of knowledge. The readers may use the book as a source for understanding the philosophical development of probability concepts and of the intents to obtain mathematical models. The chapters deal with the understanding of how probability models are usable for determining: A Probabilistic model of the best flight value for the design on paper of a helicopter How to model the improvement of the behavior of water heating systems and of the reliability of systems Models for determining the probability of non responses in inquiries and to evaluate the missing data. The modeling of various problems related with the behavior of ordering models of use in decision rules and of general properties of Order Statistics. A unified study of the probabilistic aspects of two Metaheuristics: Simulated Annealing and Tabu Search. How to obtain the identification of econometric techniques for dealing efficiently with the study of economic growth models under endogeneity. This book will be of interest for biometricians, statisticians, economists, engineers dealing with control and reliability, as well for informaticians.
Association pour l'Avancement des Etudes Iraniennes Samarcande Et Samarra: Elites D'Asie Centrale Dans L'empire Abbasside
L'integration de l'Asie centrale dans le monde musulman est ici analysee a travers le sort de ses elites nobiliaires et militaires, aussi bien iraniennes que turques, au VIIIe et au IXe siecle. Celles-ci parviennent au pouvoir en Iraq avec les califes Ma'mun et Mu'tasim. Elles transposent a Bagdad et Samarra leurs hierarchies centre-asiatiques et les elites abbassides sont pendant un demi-siecle sous leur influence. Mais la desagregation lente du systeme militaire organise autour d'elles a Samarra conduit aux troubles des annees 860. Le systeme mamelouk nait apres 870 de sa mutation afin de mieux maitriser les gardes turcs. The integration of Central Asia into the Islamic empire during the VIIIth and IXth c. is here analyzed through the history of its nobility and military elites. With the caliphs Ma'mun and Mu'tasim, these nobles and soldiers, both Iranian and Turkish, took part in the government of the Muslim Empire in Iraq. They brought to Baghdad and Samarra their Central Asian hierarchies and the Abbasid elites were under their influences for half a century. But the slow decay of this Central Asian military system in Samarra gave way to the political disorders of the 860's. The mamluk system was then created in the 870's to better manage the Turkish cavalrymen.
Amis du Centre d'histoire et de civilisation de Byzance Juifs et chrétiens en Arabie aux Ve et VIe siècles: Regards croisés sur les sources
Dans les années 520 de l'ère chrétienne, l'Arabie méridionale fut le théâtre d'un événement exceptionnel dans l'histoire universelle: le massacre d'une population chrétienne par un souverain juif. Depuis près de 150 ans, les rois de Himyar (le Yémen actuel et une grande partie de l'Arabie séoudite) accordaient leur soutien au judaïsme. Les Éthiopiens du royaume d'Aksûm avaient réussi, vers le début du VIe siècle, à faire de Himyar un royaume tributaire. Mais en 523, le prince qu'ils avaient peut-être installé sur le trône se rebella. Il entreprit d'éliminer les chrétiens de son royaume qu'il estimait alliés aux Aksûmites. L'épisode le plus célèbre de cette entreprise - le massacre des chrétiens de la grande oasis de Najrân (en Arabie séoudite aujourd'hui, près de la frontière du Yémen) - est connu par une multitude de sources; inscriptions sudarabiques et éthiopiennes, récits syriaques, textes grecs historiques ou hagiographiques. La plus importante de ces sources, le Martyre d'Aréthas, déjà publié dans les Monographies, existe aussi dans de nombreuses versions orientales, en arménien, en géorgien, en arabe et en éthiopien. Le colloque de novembre 2008 dont les actes sont publiés ici visait à comprendre le contexte dans lequel ces écrits ont été produits et à démêler leurs rapports: les versions arabes et éthiopiennes, par exemple, offrent quelque données absentes du grec. Le colloque a également permis des progrès dans la compréhension des récits syriaques, qu'il s'agisse de leur auteur supposé ou des rapports entre les différentes versions d'un même récit. Le colloque avait aussi pour but de replacer les événements de Najrân dans un contexte plus large, en étudiant la ville et son histoire, le développement du monothéisme en Arabie du Sud et le rôle, tant politique que religieux, joué par l'Éthiopie, pour qui le Yémen représentait une chasse gardée.
F&W Publications Inc English Arts & Crafts Furniture: Projects & Techniques for the Modern Maker
"Arts & Crafts" has come to be a name for a style of decorative arts, but just try to pin it down. It's a huge challenge, because it encompasses such a broad variety of work. Early pieces, such as some of those by William Morris, draw from more ornate Victorian artifacts. Contrast these with the simpler, medieval-inspired work of Morris, the austere elegance of chairs and built-in cabinetry by Voysey, or furniture produced by the Barnsleys--never mind the clear Art Nouveau influences in much of Mackintosh's work. It quickly becomes clear just how broad this period in design history really is.English Arts & Crafts Furniture explores the Arts & Crafts movement with a unique perspective on furniture designs inspired by English Arts & Crafts designers. Through examination of details and techniques as well as projects, you'll learn what sets English Arts & Crafts apart and gain a deeper understanding of the overall Arts & Crafts movement and its influences. In this book you'll find: Insight into the history and culture surrounding the Arts & Crafts movement An examination of influences that set English Arts & Crafts designers including William Morris, Charles Francis Annesley Voysey, Ernest Gimson, Ernest and Sidney Barnsley, and Charles Robert Ashbee apart from their American counterparts 3 complete furniture projects that illustrate traits representative of English Arts & Crafts: a Voysey chair, a hayrake table designed by Ernest Gimson and a sideboard design from the Harris Lebus company, England’s largest furniture maker at the time Equal parts design survey and project book, English Arts & Crafts Furniture is a must-read for any serious fan of Arts & Crafts furniture.