Search results for ""author anne"
Duke University Press Chinese Surplus: Biopolitical Aesthetics and the Medically Commodified Body
What happens when the body becomes art in the age of biotechnological reproduction? In Chinese Surplus Ari Larissa Heinrich examines transnational Chinese aesthetic production to demonstrate how representations of the medically commodified body can illuminate the effects of biopolitical violence and postcolonialism in contemporary life. From the earliest appearance of Frankenstein in China to the more recent phenomenon of "cadaver art," he shows how vivid images of a blood transfusion as performance art or a plastinated corpse without its skin—however upsetting to witness—constitute the new "realism" of our times. Adapting Foucauldian biopolitics to better account for race, Heinrich provides a means to theorize the relationship between the development of new medical technologies and the representation of the human body as a site of annexation, extraction, art, and meaning-making.
Terra Uitgeverij The Joy of Roses
The rose is generally seen as the most romantic flower. No other plant blooms for so long and profusely, and comes in so many different shapes, scents and colours. Roses deserve a place in everyone''s home, outside - in the garden or on the balcony - but certainly also indoors on the table. The Joy of Roses answers every question you may have about roses: from the history of the rose to applications in the home. The different types of roses are discussed in detail with descriptions of the flower, the scent, the thorns, the inflorescence and information about the best place for this specific species. The book also provides information about cultivators, which flowers go well with roses and their care. Anneke Beemer''s beautiful photos complete the book.
American Society of Overseas Research Tel Tanninim: Excavations at Krokodeilon Polis, 1996-1999
Includes 168 b/w figures and 10 tables. Following the annexation of Samaria by Sargon II, around 700 BC, a new settlement was established just south of the urban center at Tel Dor. The site, known as Krokodeilon Polis "Crocodile City" to the Greeks (modern Tel Tanninim), was excavated from 1996 to 1999 by the Tanninim Archaeological Project, revealing significant Persian and Hellenistic period remains. Located on the Crocodile River in the Sharon Plain in Israel, this fishing village experienced something of a renaissance in the Late Byzantine period (450-640 AD), boasting several fresh water fishponds supplied by the Caesarea Maritima aqueduct and a large basilica church atop its mound. The site continued to be occupied sporadically through the Ottoman period. This volume is a final report of the excavations at this important site.
The University of Chicago Press American School Reform: What Works, What Fails, and Why
Dissecting twenty years of educational politics in our nation's largest cities, American School Reform offers one of the clearest assessments of school reform as it has played out in our recent history. Joseph P. McDonald and his colleagues evaluate the half-billion-dollar Annenberg Challenge - launched in 1994 - alongside many other large-scale reform efforts that have taken place in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and the San Francisco Bay Area. They look deeply at what school reform really is, how it works, how it fails, and what differences it can make nonetheless. McDonald and his colleagues lay out several interrelated ideas in what they call a theory of action space. Frequently education policy gets so ambitious that implementing it becomes a near impossibility. Action space, however, is what takes shape when talented educators, leaders, and reformers guide the social capital of civic leaders and the financial capital of governments, foundations, corporations, and other backers toward true results.
Cornell University Press Love and Conquest: Personal Correspondence of Catherine the Great and Prince Grigory Potemkin
Of all of history's great romances, few can compare with that of Catherine the Great and Prince Grigory Potemkin. Their turbulent and complicated relationship shocked their contemporaries and continues to intrigue observers of Russia centuries later. Lovers, companions, and, most likely, husband and wife, Catherine and Potemkin were also close political partners, and for a time Potemkin served as Catherine's de facto co-ruler of the Russian Empire. Their letters offer an intimate glimpse into the lovers' unguarded moments, revealing both ecstatic expressions of love and candid insights on eighteenth-century politics. In February 1774, the Russian empress took Grigory Potemkin for her lover and, it is now believed, secretly married him a few months later. Particularly in the first two years of their relationship, Catherine was consumed by her passion for Potemkin. The hundreds of letters and notes she dashed off to him between assignations in the Winter Palace during this time attest to the giddy exuberance of the new love that so fully embraced her. Love and Conquest contains the most historically significant and personally revealing of these letters, only a few of which have ever before been translated into English. Beginning with Potemkin's letter to Catherine written while off fighting the Turks in 1769 and concluding with his farewell note scribbled the day before his death in 1791, the correspondence spans most of Catherine's reign. The letters are at once personal and political, private and public. Many of Catherine's love letters to Potemkin written during their stormy affair reveal the empress' passionate personality. Potemkin's letters provide rare insight into his arrogant and mercurial character, while serving to dispel the myth of Potemkin as little more than a corrupt sycophant. Love and Conquest reveals the complexity of Catherine and Potemkin's personal relationship in light of dramatic changes in matters of state, foreign relations, and military engagements. After their love cooled, Catherine and Potemkin continued to discuss and debate a wide range of state affairs in their letters, including the annexation of the Crimea, court politics, wars against the Ottoman Empire and Sweden, and the colonization of southern Russia. Together they carried out the most dramatic territorial expansion in the history of imperial Russia, transforming Catherine into a powerful world leader and creating a bond of affection that would never fully fade. Readers will find in the letters new insights on Russia's most famous empress, her passions, and her world.
La pira al port
Després de la Primera Guerra Mundial, Trieste deixa de pertànyer a l?Imperi austrohongarès i passa a ser annexada a Itàlia, i ben aviat és sotmesa a la virulència del feixisme més belligerant. Aquest recull ens mostra, des de la perspectiva d?un nen, com la cultura eslovena, injustament anorreada, va saber contrarestar la pressió assimiladora.A través de la seva experiència, Boris Pahor, l?últim gran supervivent dels camps nazis, narra un dels episodis més oblidats de la història contemporània, alhora que fa una declaració d?amor a la geografia, humana i física, d?aquesta ciutat del Mediterrani.
Thames and Hudson Ltd Asian Lives
Ishu Patel is an acclaimed animation film director/producer and educator whose films have received theatrical and television distribution worldwide. His many international awards include two Oscar nominations, the Silver Bear at the Berlin Film Festival, the British Academy Award, and the Grand Prix at both Annecy and the Montreal World Film Festival. Photography has been a parallel passion. His experience as Cartier-Bresson's guide' in mid-1960s India shaped much of Patel's own approach toward teaching and seeing through the viewfinder.
Association pour l'Avancement des Etudes Iraniennes Cinq cours sur les Yasts de l'Avesta
Ce volume comporte 'cinq cours' consacrés aux Yasts que Jean Kellens a tenus au Collège de France. Ils se distribuent en deux ensembles qui correspondent chacun à une époque particulière. Les trois premiers se sont succédés de 1997 à 2000: «De la naissance des montagnes à la fin du temps: le Yast 19» et les deux «Promenade dans les Yasts à la lumière de travaux récents», qui paraissent ici sous les titres «La maintenance du monde» et «Le catalogue des sacrifiants». Les deux derniers titres, «La notion d'âme préexistante» et «Le panthéon mazdéen», écrits dans les années 2008-2011, sont les témoins d'une réflexion plus récente. S'y ajoutent trois autres contributions qui complètent ou expliquent plus en détails certaines réflexions exprimées dans les 'cinq cours': «Caractères différentiels du Mihr Yast», «Les saisons des rivières» et «Les Fravasi». This volume includes "five courses" devoted to the Yasts, that Jean Kellens held at the Collège de France. They are divided into two series, each corresponding to a special period. The first three took place between 1997 and 2000: De la naissance des montagnes à la fin du temps: le Yast 19 and the two Promenade dans les Yasts à la lumière de travaux récents, who appear here under the new titles La maintenance du monde and Le catalogue des sacrifiants. The two last titles, La notion d'âme préexistante et Le panthéon mazdéen, written in the years 2008-2011, represent a more recent reflection. Three other contributions have been added, which complete or explain in details some reflections of the "five courses": Caractères différentiels du Mihr Yast, Les saisons des rivières and Les Fravasi.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Les anciens répertoires de plain-chant
The differences between Old-Roman, Ambrosian, Aquileian, Gallican, and Hispanic chant, and their interconnections with each other and the Gregorian chant occupied Michel Huglo in his early career, although he returned to these questions in the 1980s and 1990s. The present volume, the second in the set of four to be published in the Variorum series, brings all this work together. Huglo's 1954 article, the first to describe the sources for Old Roman chant, recognized as distinct from Gregorian chant, is of primary significance for the historiography of Western plainchant, because it opened the debate on the relationship between Old Roman and Gregorian chant. The final section presents articles on the Latin version of the Akathistos hymn and on Byzantine chants translated into Latin that became part of the Western plainchant repertory. Les différences entre les répertoires Vieux-romain, Ambrosien, Aquiléien, Gallican et Hispanique, leurs influences réciproques et leurs relations avec le chant grégorien ont occupé Michel Huglo au début de sa carrière: il revint sur ces questions dans les années 1980 et 1990. Ce volume, le deuxième d'une série de quatre dans la collection Variorum, réunit toutes ces études. L'article de 1954 de Michel Huglo sur les sources du chant Vieux-romain, considéré comme distinct du grégorien, est de première importance pour l'historiographie du plain-chant occidental, car il a ouvert les débats sur le rapport entre Vieux-romain et grégorien. Les articles sur la version latine de l'Hymne Acathiste et sur les pièces de chant byzantin traduites en latin dans les répertoires occidentaux du plain-chant achèvent ce volume.
Duke University Press A Forgetful Nation: On Immigration and Cultural Identity in the United States
In A Forgetful Nation, the renowned postcolonialism scholar Ali Behdad turns his attention to the United States. Offering a timely critique of immigration and nationalism, Behdad takes on an idea central to American national mythology: that the United States is “a nation of immigrants,” welcoming and generous to foreigners. He argues that Americans’ treatment of immigrants and foreigners has long fluctuated between hospitality and hostility, and that this deep-seated ambivalence is fundamental to the construction of national identity. Building on the insights of Freud, Nietzsche, Foucault, and Derrida, he develops a theory of the historical amnesia that enables the United States to disavow a past and present built on the exclusion of others.Behdad shows how political, cultural, and legal texts have articulated American anxiety about immigration from the Federalist period to the present day. He reads texts both well-known—J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur’s Letters from an American Farmer, Alexis de Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, and Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass—and lesser-known—such as the writings of nineteenth-century nativists and of public health officials at Ellis Island. In the process, he highlights what is obscured by narratives and texts celebrating the United States as an open-armed haven for everyone: the country’s violent beginnings, including its conquest of Native Americans, brutal exploitation of enslaved Africans, and colonialist annexation of French and Mexican territories; a recurring and fierce strand of nativism; the need for a docile labor force; and the harsh discipline meted out to immigrant “aliens” today, particularly along the Mexican border.
University of Notre Dame Press Trust of People, Words, and God: A Route for Philosophy of Religion
In this philosophical tour de force, Joseph J. Godfrey argues that trusting is a matter of what a person does—well or badly—and not at heart a matter of beliefs about someone. And believing someone’s words is a manner of trusting. Trusting is central to the practice of theistic religion. And when trusting is analyzed and recognized as receptivity to enhancement, we uncover important links between ethics, social theory, epistemology, ontological modeling, fiducial argumentation regarding God, and modes of religious faith, and thus realize an expanded philosophy of religion. Godfrey develops four dimensions of trusting (reliance trust, I-thou trust, security trust, and openness trust) in the context of other philosophical approaches. The book engages, among others, Marcel Sarot, Paul Helm, and Richard Swinburne on ways of conceiving trust, James Ross and Mark Johnson on analogical meaning, Annette Baier on ethics, Russell Hardin on social and political theory, A. J. Coady and Richard Foley on epistemology, Dorothy Emmet and Gabriel Marcel on ontological modeling, and Richard Taylor, Donald Evans, Hans Küng, and Alvin Plantinga on arguments regarding God. The book then considers trust in religion, particularly in Christian theism. It delivers questions from a philosopher of religion to theologians, especially Christian theologians. Its conclusion offers a brief look at trust and evil. Employing tools of analytic, Continental, and Thomistic philosophy, Godfrey offers a wide-ranging reflection on the nature of trust. By proposing that trust directed towards people and reliance on language and the word of others connect with the fiducial core of religion, the book is a sustained exercise in trust seeking understanding.
McGill-Queen's University Press À tout prendre et Il était une fois dans l’Est
Si la devise du Québec sombre parfois dans l’oubli, ce livre s’impose tel un véritable devoir de mémoire envers les pionniers du cinéma de fiction LGBTQ+ québécois : « Je me souviens » de ce premier et courageux aveu queer de Claude Jutra dans À tout prendre, ainsi que de l’exploration par André Brassard et Michel Tremblay dans Il était une fois dans l’Est d’une faune colorée affirmant son existence dans un quartier modeste de l’est de Montréal. Ce livre commémore et conjugue ces deux fleurons de la cinématographie québécoise qui mettent en scène des représentations gaies, lesbiennes et trans pionnières dans les années 1960 et 1970.Malgré une réception critique empreinte parfois d’homophobie au Québec et un relatif silence à l’intérieur d’un Canada majoritairement anglophone, ce cinéma francophone fera néanmoins entendre sa voix à l’international, en Europe comme aux États-Unis, impressionnant des cinéastes comme Truffaut et Cassavetes. Ces films passent ainsi à l’histoire. Sous la loupe de la sociologie, Julie Vaillancourt analyse ces films au rythme d’événements sociopolitiques marquants, de la Révolution tranquille à la révolution sexuelle, des mouvements de libération homosexuels à ceux des femmes, sans oublier la question identitaire nationale. L’ouvrage présente également un état des lieux plus de cinquante ans après la décriminalisation de l’homosexualité au Canada. Vu l’influence de ces cinéastes auprès de la jeune génération, dont Xavier Dolan, les legs sont nombreux et invitent les comparaisons réaffirmant le caractère novateur de ces deux films pionniers. Ce livre revisite À tout prendre et Il était une fois dans l’Est pour démontrer leur importance artistique et sociale au moment de leur création ainsi que leur héritage durable dans le contexte du cinéma queer mondial.
The History Press Ltd Private Inquiries: The Secret History of Female Sleuths
‘Private Inquiries is a must-read – a riveting mythbuster, with its revelations of the real histories of women PIs.’ – Val McDermidThe female private detective has been a staple of popular culture for over 150 years, from Victorian lady sleuths to ‘busy-body spinsters’ and gun-toting modern PIs. But what about the real-life women behind these fictional tales?Dismissed as ‘Mrs Sherlock Holmes’ or amateurish Miss Marples, mocked as private dicks or honey trappers, they have been investigating crime since the mid-nineteenth century – everything from theft and fraud to romance scams and murder.In Private Inquiries, Caitlin Davies traces the history of the UK’s female investigators, uncovering the truth about their lives and careers from the 1850s to the present day. Women like Victorian private inquiry agent Antonia Moser, the first woman to open her own agency; Annette Kerner, who ran the Mayfair Detective Agency on Baker Street in the 1940s; and Liverpool sleuth Zena Scott-Archer, who became the first woman president of the World Association of Detectives. Caitlin also follows in the footsteps of her subjects, undertaking a professional qualification to become a Private Investigator, and meeting modern PIs to find out the reality behind the fictional image.Female investigators are on the rise in the UK – and despite the industry’s sleazy reputation, nearly a third of new trainees are women. After a century of undercover work, it’s time to reveal the secrets of their trailblazing forebears.
Princeton University Press Camille Saint-Saëns and His World
Camille Saint-Saens--perhaps the foremost French musical figure of the late nineteenth century and a composer who wrote in nearly every musical genre, from opera and the symphony to film music--is now being rediscovered after a century of modernism overshadowed his earlier importance. In a wide-ranging and trenchant series of essays, articles, and documents, Camille Saint-Saens and His World deconstructs the multiple realities behind the man and his music. Topics range from intimate glimpses of the private and playful Saint-Saens, to the composer's interest in astronomy and republican politics, his performances of Mozart and Rameau over eight decades, and his extensive travels around the world. This collection also analyzes the role he played in various musical societies and his complicated relationship with such composers as Liszt, Massenet, Wagner, and Ravel. Featuring the best contemporary scholarship on this crucial, formative period in French music, Camille Saint-Saens and His World restores the composer to his vital role as innovator and curator of Western music. The contributors are Byron Adams, Leon Botstein, Jean-Christophe Branger, Michel Duchesneau, Katharine Ellis, Annegret Fauser, Yves Gerard, Dana Gooley, Carolyn Guzski, Carol Hess, D. Kern Holoman, Leo Houziaux, Florence Launay, Stephane Leteure, Martin Marks, Mitchell Morris, Jann Pasler, William Peterson, Michael Puri, Sabina Teller Ratner, Laure Schnapper, Marie-Gabrielle Soret, Michael Stegemann, and Michael Strasser.
Troubador Publishing Wheel and Steal
The Cohen family live in Austria at the time of its annexation by the Nazis. It’s a time of despair and terror. Wealthy and Jewish, they face both financial ruin and imprisonment if they don’t form a plan. In an underhanded move, they agree to hand over their extensive and much prized art collection in return for a free passage to neutral Switzerland. Underhanded because the paintings are actually fakes, painted by Anna Cohen’s talented boyfriend… Some seventy-five years later, one of the original Gauguin’s Tahitian Princess, is discovered in an old lock up in Tuscany. This presents a real problem for the art dealer who had knowingly sold the fake to a Ukrainian businessman of ill repute; particularly as his painting was now very much on display at an Impressionist exhibition. What can he do about that? Insurance investigator Roger Kirtley is present when the exhibited painting is stolen. His suspicions are raised when he notes another purported theft of the Tahitian Princess in separate location but within days of the first. Joining forces with his Italian colleague Pina, they set about investigating further. Unfortunately, this investigation is not welcomed by any involved and soon attempts are made to silence both Roger and Pina. Having previously been paralysed in an accident and now confined to a wheelchair, Roger recognises that they're extremely vulnerable if they continue to investigate blind. If they have any hope of surviving this, they’ll have to follow the clues to drag the culprits into the light – before he and Pina are confined to the permanent dark.
Peeters Publishers Origeniana Sexta: Origen and the Bible. Origene Et La Bible
Les etudes sur Origene, le grand theologien alexandrin de la premiere moitie du IIIe siecle, offraient une lacune: aucun ouvrage recent ne traite du sujet "Origene et la Bible" dans tous ses aspects. Le Sixieme Colloque consacre a Origene a voulu combler ce manque: le present livre resulte des travaux menes par les specialistes qui se sont reunis pendant cinq jours durant l'ete 1993 a Chantilly (France). Il aborde successivement huit grands themes: la situation de l'hermeneutique d'Origene par rapport aux traditions classique, juive, gnostique et patristique; Origene devant le texte de la Bible (le probleme des Hexaples); l'argumentation scriptuaire d'Origene; les rapports entre l'exegese d'Origene et sa theologie; Origene exegete de la Bible, avec une insistance particuliere sur l'Evangile de Jean et les Lettres de Paul; la posterite de l'hermeneutique d'Origene d'abord chez les Peres grecs (Didyme, Gregoire de Nysse, Cyrille d'Alexandrie, Maxime le Confesseur); ensuite chez les Peres latins (en particulier Hilaire de Poitiers) et au Moyen Age; enfin les debats autour de l'hermeneutique d'Origene aux epoques moderne (Erasme, Luther, Beze) et contemporaine. Les soixante articles de ce volume sont rediges en allemand, anglais, espagnol, francais, italien. Plusieurs Index (notamment un Index scriptuaire) facilitent la consultation de ce livre, que ses editeurs ont concu a la fois comme un ouvrage de reference pour de longues annees et comme un instrument de travail permettant d'entreprendre d'autres recherches.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon NATO′s Enlargement and Russia – A Strategic Challenge in the Past and Future
The Kremlin has sought to establish an exclusive Russian sphere of influence in the nations lying between Russia and the EU, from Georgia in 2008 to Ukraine in 2014 and Belarus in 2020. It has extended its control by means of military intervention, territorial annexation, economic pressure and covert activities. Moscow seeks to justify this behaviour by referring to an alleged threat from NATO and the Alliances eastward enlargement. In the rhetoric of the Kremlin, NATO expansion is the main source for Moscows stand-off with the West. This collection of essays and analyses by prominent politicians, diplomats, and scholars from the US, Russia, and Europe provides personal perspectives on the sources of the Russian-Western estrangement. They draw on historical experience, including the Russian-Western controversies that intensified with NATO's eastward expansion in the 1990s, and reflect on possible perspectives of reconciliation within the renewed transatlantic relationship. The volume touches upon alleged and real security guarantees for the countries of Eastern and Central Europe as well as past and current deficits in the Western strategy for dealing with an increasingly hostile Russia. Thus, it contributes to the ongoing Western debate on which policies towards Russia can help to overcome the deep current divisions and to best meet Europes future challenges.
Leuven University Press Quaestiones de divinis praedicamentis XXVIII-XXXII: Quaestiones de divinis praedicamentis XXVIII-XXIX et Quaestiones de potentia et actu volendi I-III
Critical edition of James of Viterbo’s final questions De divinis praedicamentis and his De potentia et actu volendiJames of Viterbo (ca. 1255–1307), Augustinian friar, master of theology at the University of Paris, and archbishop of Naples, was one of the leading philosophers and theologians of the later thirteenth century. This volume completes the critical edition of his academic works and presents his last two questions De divinis praedicamentis and his three annexed questions on the will (De potentia et actu volendi). These questions, deriving from disputations James held as Augustinian regent master of theology at the University of Paris (1293–1297), offer rich discussions of important topics: whether the plurality of divine persons and attributes entails an order of priority within God and how causality may be attributed to God. The questions on the will cover issues at the core of later medieval debates on human freedom: on the unity of the will as a power of the soul, whether the will is the primary agent in human action, and whether the will is free with respect to all its acts.This publication is GPRC-labeled (Guaranteed Peer-Reviewed Content).
Peeters Publishers Jean Potocki - Oeuvres III: Theatre - Histoire - Chronologie - Ecrits Politiques
Jean Potocki est un homme de lettres, au sens etendu du XVIIIe siecle qui reunissait aussi bien le theatre, l'histoire, le roman que les relations de voyage, la politique ou les sciences, sans que les limites entre ces domaines fussent exactement tracees.Son oeuvre theatrale est reduite, mais etroitement liee aux formes francaises du theatre de societe: six parades, une comedie a ariettes, "Les Bohemiens d'Andalousie", et un proverbe, "L'aveugle". L'histoire des peuples slaves, a laquelle Potocki travaille jusqu'en 1805, occupe une place considerable dans sa production; comme il s'agit le plus souvent de compilations, nous avons choisi de n'editer que des extraits theoriques.Meme choix pour la chronologie ancienne: ses recherches, fondees sur une erudition peu commune, etaient remarquables pour l'epoque, mais les travaux menes par Champollion a Turin une dizaine d'annees apres la mort de Potocki apporterent dans cette discipline de profonds bouleversements.La politique attira Potocki a deux reprises: de 1788 a 1792, dans les annees fievreuses de la Grande Diete polonaise quand le pays cherchait a s'affranchir de la tutelle russe et se donnait une constitution, et de 1804 a 1807, au service de l'empereur de Russie, avant Tilsit. Chaque periode s'acheva dans l'amertume. En ecrivant la biographie de son beau-pere, Stanislas-Felix Potocki, il put jeter sur cette activite un dernier regard, lucide et detache.Ce troisieme volume des "Oeuvres" de Jean Potocki a ete prepare par Dominique Triaire, professeur a l'universite Paul-Valery Montpellier III, avec la collaboration de Sydney H. Aufrere, directeur de recherches au CNRS, pour la presentation des "Principes de chronologie".
Edition Axel Menges Opus 87: Egon Eiermann, Haus Eiermann, Baden- Baden
Even though he had made a name for himself in the 1930s with his Berlin single-family homes, Eiermann later on found it difficult to accept commissions for this building type when, during the period of the 'economic miracle', he was approached by numerous people interested to get a design by him. Only the Hardenberg House in Baden-Baden satisfied him, but above all his own house, which he also built in Baden-Baden in 195962. This house in particular, built after his success with the German Pavilion at the 1958 Brussels Worlds Fair and at the same time as the Berlin Gedächtniskirche and the German Embassy in Washington, was to become one of the main works of his post-war creative output. As a builder in his own right, he was able here to uncompromisingly realise his ideal image of living for himself and his family in architecture. Eiermann himself tried to explain the house, which only crystallised in a longer planning genesis, primarily from the functional side: main house and annexe, the latter for garage, studio and guest apartment, the elongated main house in bulkhead construction under a flat sloping roof. In fact, the house is convincing in its sophisticated functionality. But it does not stop there. The complex group of buildings on a steep hillside site with its stagelike terraces, the staged interplay of views from the inside to the outside and, at night, also from the outside to the inside, is an extremely artificial structure even from its basic disposition. The Eiermanntypical façade, with its exterior walkway and white linkage as well as the corrugated Eternit roof provide a ponderous contrast. Together with echoes of traditional Japanese houses and gardens, but above all with the adoption of motifs from sailing- ship building give this house an unmistakable character. Since 2020, the house has new owners, on whose behalf the Stuttgart architects 'no where' (Henning Volpp and Karl Amann) have undertaken an extremely careful renovation. Eiermann's estate, which is kept at saai, the Archive for Architecture and Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), provided the historical drawings and photographs for this volume. The photographs were primarily taken by Horstheinz Neuendorff, an architectural photographer who was on friendly terms with the architect. Since the early sixties, Neuendorff had been commissioned by Eiermann to capture his new buildings in black-and-white photographs of a high artistic standard. Color photographs of the current condition were newly made by Olaf Becker from Munich. Gerhard Kabierske is an art historian specialising in architectural history and monument preservation. 19932020 he worked at the saai in Karlsruhe where he was responsible, among other things, for the Eiermann archive.
Princeton University Press 1898: Visual Culture and U.S. Imperialism in the Caribbean and the Pacific
A revealing look at U.S. imperialism through the lens of visual culture and portraitureIn 1898, the United States seized territories overseas, ushering in an era of expansion that was at odds with the nation’s founding promise of freedom and democracy for all. This book draws on portraiture and visual culture to provide fresh perspectives on this crucial yet underappreciated period in history.Taína Caragol and Kate Clarke Lemay tell the story of 1898 by bringing together portraits of U.S. figures who favored overseas expansion, such as William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt, with those of leading figures who resisted colonization, including Eugenio María de Hostos of Puerto Rico; José Martí of Cuba; Felipe Agoncillo of the Philippines; Padre Jose Bernardo Palomo of Guam; and Queen Lili‘uokalani of Hawai‘i. Throughout the book, Caragol and Lemay also look at landscapes, naval scenes, and ephemera. They consider works of art by important period artists Winslow Homer and Armando Menocal as well as contemporary artists such as Maia Cruz Palileo, Stephanie Syjuco, and Miguel Luciano. Paul A. Kramer’s essay addresses the role of the Smithsonian Institution in supporting imperialism, and texts by Jorge Duany, Theodore S. Gonzalves, Kristin L. Hoganson, Healoha Johnston, and Neil Weare offer critical perspectives by experts with close personal or scholarly relations to the island regions.Beautifully illustrated, 1898: Visual Culture and U.S. Imperialism in the Caribbean and the Pacific challenges us to reconsider the Spanish-American War, the Philippine-American War, and the annexation of Hawai‘i while shedding needed light on the lasting impacts of U.S. imperialism.Published in association with the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DCExhibition ScheduleNational Portrait Gallery, Washington, DCApril 28, 2023–February 25, 2024
Biblioteca Nueva Leer bien al alcance de todos Read well to everyone El Metodo Dolman Adaptado a La Escuela the Dolman Method Adapted to School
Es preciso revisar a fondo la enseñanza de la lectura puesto que gran número de estudiantes no alcanzan la capacidad necesaria para comprender bien que leen y para aficionarse a la lectura. Los autores, fundadores de Vegakids, Instituto para el Desarrollo Infantil, y especializados en estimulación en Filadelfia (EEUU) y en Annecy (Francia), son expertos en el desarrollo de las capacidades básicas, sobre todo, en la necesaria para una buena comprensión del lenguaje oral y escrito
Arnoldsche Fashion: Out of Order: Disruption as a Principle
Is fashion that is out of order and doesn't seem to follow any obvious rules truly accidental? Or has dissonance in fashion always been a guiding principle? Can coincidence therefore be predictable and controllable? A publication which defies all boundaries of categorisation has been created out of the workings of fashion that almost inevitably has to be out of order, so as to increase its attractive power and generate attention with its interruptions of the ordinary. The contributions, on the border between art and fashion and residing within the realms of literary theory, design theory, cultural history and technology, demonstrate in manifold ways processes, images and ideas that are striving for innovation and transgressing established parameters. The publication is dedicated to the constructive side of the development of fashion, whereby the theme of Out of Order is combined with the concept of dissonance as a creative formula. If one starts from the premise that fashion is no longer fashion when it can be generalised, categorised, repeated and described, then the process of dissonance constitutes the significant impulse for everything new. With contributions from: Pamela Church Gibson, Annette Geiger, Judith Gerdsen, Hanna Heilmann on Vibskov & Emenius, Iris Maria vom Hof in conversation with Oliver Sieber, Verena Kuni, Isabell Lizardi & Matt Johnson, Thomas Oláh, Andrea Sick, Bitten Stetter & Daniel Späi, Terre Thaemlitz, Barbara Vinken, Harry Walter and Gundula Wolter.
Greenhill Books Brandenburger: Wartime Photographs of Wilhelm Walther
In March 1940, Oberleutnant Wilhelm Walther transferred from Aufkl rungs-Abteilung 5, an armoured reconnaissance unit, to Bau-Lehr-Bataillon z.b.V. 800 - forerunner of what would soon be known as the Brandenburger'. Two months later, he led a commando action in the Netherlands and became the first of his unit to be awarded the Ritterkreuz (Knight's Cross). By May 1944, Walther was an Oberstleutnant and an experienced regimental commander in what had evolved as the Division Brandenburg'. He would eventually join Obersturmbannfuhrer Otto Skorzeny's SS-Jagdverb nde as Chief of Staff, before seeing out the last days of the war with the short-lived Schutzkorps Alpenland. More than 200 images, together with the original German captions and English translations, portray the life and times of this career officer, from the German annexation of the Sudetenland in 1938, to operations in Russia, Greece and the Balkans during 1941-44. In comparison with other units of the Second World War, relatively little has been published about Germany's commando forces. This is hardly surprising, considering the paucity of source material available and the air of mystery and intrigue still surrounding this specialist formation. This unique collection of rare images was sourced from the photograph album of Wilhelm Walther and is sure to appeal to all with an interest in the war in the West and on the Eastern Front, as well as to militaria collectors, modellers and re-enactment groups.
Editions Heimdal L’Inexorable DéFaite: Mai-Juin 1940
11 novembre 1918. La victoire inachevée… La France croit avoir gagné la guerre, elle n’a gagné qu’une paix précaire. Ce constat dramatique est le point de départ d’un long chemin de croix qui va mener inexorablement le pays, vers le dénouement de juin 1940. Au fil des stations de ce chemin de croix, la France, en totale contradiction entre sa politique étrangère et sa politique de défense, va aller de désillusions en démissions, sans jamais prendre conscience qu’elle n’avait pas ou ne s’est pas donné les moyens de ses ambitions. La déception du Traité de Versailles, l’arrogance des années d’occupation en Rhénanie, l’illusion du pacte de Locarno, le choix de la défensive alors qu’elle a accordé sa garantie à de nombreux pays avec lesquels elle n’a aucune frontière commune, la passivité face à la montée en puissance allemande, le manque de réaction suite à la neutralité belge, la démission de Munich, tout cela ne pouvait que conduire à une entrée en guerre mal préparée et mal gérée. Lorsque le 10 mai 1940, l’Allemagne donne le coup d’envoi des opérations à l’ouest, l’armée française va accumuler les maladresses, amplifiant malgré elle les succès allemands. Pris dans le tourbillon de la fulgurante percée allemande, le commandement n’aura à aucun moment la possibilité d’inverser le cours des événements et les nouvelles calamiteuses vont s’enchaîner telle une tragédie grecque. Après quarante-cinq jours de combat au cours desquels l’héroïsme le dispute à la lâcheté, le courage aux défaillances, la France arrive au terme de son calvaire. Ce sont les causes de cette inexorable défaite, des plus évidentes aux plus insoupçonnées, que ce livre se propose d’analyser point par point.
Baraka Books A Distinct Alien Race: The Untold Story of Franco-Americans: Industrialization, Immigration, Religious Strife
In the later 19th century, French-Canadian Roman Catholic immigrants from Quebec were deemed a threat to the United States, potential terrorists in service of the Pope. Books and newspapers floated the conspiracy theory that the immigrants seeking work in New England's burgeoning textile industry were actually plotting to annex parts of the United States to a newly independent Quebec. Vermette’s groundbreaking study sets this neglected and poignant tale in the broader context of North American history. He traces individuals and families, from the textile barons who created a new industry to the poor farmers and laborers of Quebec who crowded into the mills in the post-Civil War period. Vermette discusses the murky reception these cross-border immigrants met in the USA, including dehumanizing conditions in mill towns and early-20th-century campaigns led by the Ku Klux Klan and the Eugenics movement. Vermette also discusses what occurred when the textile industry moved to the Deep South and brings the story of emigrants up to the present day. Vermette shows how this little-known episode in U.S. history prefigures events as recent as yesterday’s news. His well documented narrative touches on the issues of cross-border immigration; the Nativists fear of the Other; the rise and fall of manufacturing in the U.S.; and the construction of race and ethnicity.
Temple University Press,U.S. The Palestinian Idea: Film, Media, and the Radical Imagination
Is there a link between the colonization of Palestinian lands and the enclosing of Palestinian minds? The Palestinian Idea argues that it is precisely through film and media that hope can occasionally emerge amidst hopelessness, emancipation amidst oppression, freedom amidst apartheid. Greg Burris employs the work of Edward W. Said, Jacques Rancière, and Cedric J. Robinson in order to locate Palestinian utopia in the heart of the Zionist present.He analyzes the films of prominent directors Annemarie Jacir (Salt of This Sea, When I Saw You) and Hany Abu-Assad (Paradise Now) to investigate the emergence and formation of Palestinian identity. Looking at Mais Darwazah’s documentary My Love Awaits Me By the Sea, Burris considers the counterhistories that make up the Palestinian experience—stories and memories that have otherwise been obscured or denied. He also examines Palestinian (in)visibility in the global media landscape, and how issues of Black-Palestinian transnational solidarity are illustrated through social media, staged news spectacles, and hip hop music.
Jacana Media (Pty) Ltd The rise of the securocrats
The South African government stands accused of having fallen under the sway of the securocrats. Who are they? Securocrats are officials located in the security establishment—the police, intelligence services, or the military—that have the power to influence government policy in their favor. The ANC has become dominated increasingly by the securocrats who have politicized the state, including the security services, to the advantage of Zuma and those around him. The Rise of the Securocrats illustrates how when securocrats dominate government decision-making, the democratic life of a country can be threatened. Annexing the power to subvert democratic processes to entrench their own power or the power of their favored leaders, they also use the armed might of the state to suppress their political opponents. Duncan argues for the importance of keeping the security cluster under democratic, civilian control, and broadly accountable to the society they claim to serve.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Wives Like Us
''Outrageous Jilly Cooperesque'' Sunday Times Style *Take a grand English country house, one (heartbroken) American divorcée, three rich wives, two tycoons, and one (bereaved) butler; put them all into the blender and out comes the impossibly funny Wives Like Us.Welcome to the rose-strewn county of Oxfordshire and the Cotswold villages of Little Bottom, Middle Bottom, Great Bottom, and Monkton Bottom, recently annexed by a glittering new breed of female: the Country Princess.Following a ghastly row about a missing suite of diamonds, Tata Hawkins has flounced out of Monkton Bottom Manor with her daughter, Minty, and Executive Butler Ian Palmer in tow, decamping to the Old Coach House to teach her husband, Bryan, a lesson.But things don't go to plan: Bryan disappears to Venice with a bikini designer; Selby Fairfax, the glamorous American divorcée who has inherited the beautiful estate next door, refuses Tata's neighborly overtures; and Tata's very be
United Nations ATP handbook 2020: to be used with the Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for such Carriage (ATP) as amended on 6 July 2020
The ATP Handbook comprises the ATP Agreement itself and its Annexes with comments added where appropriate for clarification or additional explanation of the text. Comments contained in the ATP Handbook are not legally binding for Contracting Parties of the ATP. They are, however, important for the interpretation, harmonization and application of the Agreement as they reflect the opinion of the Working Party on the Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs of the Inland Transport Committee of the Economic Commission for Europe
Peeters Publishers "Paroles D'hommes Honorables". Essai D'anthropologie Poetique Des Bedja Du Soudan
Les Bedja, au mode de vie agropastoral, sont les habitants autochtones d'une vaste zone qui, s'etendant du sud de l'Egypte jusqu'a l'ouest de l'Erythree, est delimitee au Soudan d'un cote par les rives est du Nil et de l'Atbara, et de l'autre par la mer Rouge.Cet ouvrage etudie leurs traditions orales au travers d'une anthropologie de la poesie, sujet jamais aborde auparavant. La poesie et le chant marquent tous les aspects de la vie quotidienne et sociale de ces Bedouins. La poesie recitee par les hommes est la plus frequente et la plus valorisee, celle qui est consideree comme la plus noble, la plus esthetique et la plus serieuse, celle qui reflete le mieux leur ame. Selon eux, seule leur poesie, et particulierement celle qu'on appelle habait 'poeme', exprime leur particularite par rapport aux autres groupes arabophones ou tigrephones. Elle derive notamment de principes de creation differents de ceux de la poesie arabe et exprime une realite originelle propre a la societe bedouine bedja, leur vision du monde, qui se caracterise par la notion du mouvement.L'analyse proposee, inspiree de la methode du "scheme narratif" etablie par S. Camara repose sur un vaste corpus oral recueilli recemment par l'auteur et complete celui, recueilli en 1970 mais reste inedit, par un autre chercheur bedja, Mohamed Adarob Ohaj. Un echantillon de 19 poemes avec leur traduction est fourni en annexe, en plus de ceux cites dans le corps de l'ouvrage.
Peeters Publishers Le Siecle Des Grands Hommes: Les Recueils De Vies D'hommes Illustres Avec Portraits Du XVIeme Siecle
La gloire est l'ombre de la vertu: la Renaissance aime cette idee, et l'on comprend, des lors, qu'elle se soit passionnee pour les personnages historiques, ces hommes qui sont passes a la posterite pour avoir marque leur epoque, en bien ou en mal. Aussi voit-on fleurir, a partir des annees 1550, les traductions de Plutarque dans les principales langues europeennes, et renaitre le genre antique de la biographie, avec les Vies d'hommes illustres. A partir des Elogia, ce recueil fondateur du au collectionneur de portraits historiques, Paul Jove, le genre des receuils illustres se diffuse en Italie, avec l'historien d'art Giogio Vasari, et en France avec le geographe Andre Thevet et le reformateur Theodore de Beze, entre autres. Constituees en series, ornees de portraits graves, ces Vies nous font penetrer dans l'esprit de la Renaissance heroique, qui apparait tiraille entre la transmission des valeurs et l'interet pour la singularite individuelle.
New York University Press Virtue: Nomos XXXIV
In the United States, there exists increasing uneasiness about the predominance of self-interest in both public and private life, growing fear about the fragmentation and privatization of American society, mounting concerns about the effects of institutionsranging from families to schools to the mediaon the character of young people, and a renewed tendency to believe that without certain traditional virtues neither public leaders nor public policies are likely to succeed. In this thirty-fourth volume in The American Society of Legal and Political Philosophy, a distinguished group of international scholars from a range of disciplines examines what is meant by virtue, analyzing various historical and analytical meanings of virtue, notions of liberal virtue, civic virtue, and judicial virtue, and the nature of secular and theological virtue. The contributors include: Jean Baechler (University of Paris-Sorbonne), Annette C. Baier (University of Pittsburgh), Ronald Beiner (University of Toronto), Christopher J. Berry (University of Glasgow), J. Budziszweski (University of Texas), Charles Larmore (Columbia University), David Luban (University of Maryland), Stephen Macedo (Harvard University), Michael J. Perry (Northwestern University), Terry Pinkard (Georgetown University), Jonathan Riley (Tulane University), George Sher (University of Vermont), Judith N. Shklar (Harvard University), Rogers M. Smith (Yale University), David A. Strauss (University of Chicago), and Joan C. Williams (American University).
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Frontline Ukraine: Crisis in the Borderlands
The unfolding crisis in Ukraine has brought the world to the brink of a new Cold War. As Russia and Ukraine tussle for Crimea and the eastern regions, relations between Putin and the West have reached an all-time low. How did we get here? Richard Sakwa here unpicks the context of conflicted Ukrainian identity and of Russo-Ukrainian relations and traces the path to the recent disturbances through the events which have forced Ukraine, a country internally divided between East and West, to choose between closer union with Europe or its historic ties with Russia. In providing the first full account of the ongoing crisis, Sakwa analyses the origins and significance of the Euromaidan Protests, examines the controversial Russian military intervention and annexation of Crimea, reveals the extent of the catastrophe of the MH17 disaster and looks at possible ways forward following the October 2014 parliamentary elections. In doing so, he explains the origins, developments and global significance of the internal and external battle for Ukraine.With all eyes focused on the region, Sakwa unravels the myths and misunderstandings of the situation, providing an essential and highly readable account of the struggle for Europe's contested borderlands.
British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara Tille Höyük 3.1. The Iron Age: Introduction, Stratification and Architecture
This book presents the structures and stratigraphy of the important Iron Age sequence at Tille Höyuek, a mound at a crossing of the Euphrates in eastern Turkey. The site, which was excavated between 1979 and 1990 by the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, revealed ten major structural levels of the Iron Age, spanning the period from the 11th century to the 6th-4th centuries BC, as well as earlier and later remains, and the wide exposure of architecture provides a sequence of intelligible and impressive building plans. After the initial discussion of the background and methodology of their excavation, the successive levels are carefully described and fully illustrated. The earliest Iron Age occupation, simple buildings among the ruins of the Late Bronze Age, was followed by a major settlement of the Middle Iron Age, when the Neo-Hittite kingdom of Kummuh was at its height. Most impressive architecturally are a large palatial building centred on a courtyard paved with a pebble mosaic, which was probably built after the Assyrian annexation of Kummuh in 708 BC and continued in use through the seventh, and the excellently preserved Level X with many distinctively Persian architectural features (built in the latter half of the 6th or the early 5th century and probably lasting for a substantial time). The structures and stratigraphy are also important as the context for the first rigorously established ceramic sequence in this part of Turkey, which will be presented, together with the other materials and artefacts, in the companion to this volume (already complete in draft). Lying on the fringes of the Mesopotamian world, and with contacts with North Syria, North Mesopotamia, and the Levant rather than with Anatolia or the Mediterranean, Tille casts vivid new light on the cultural and political history of the region in the Iron Age.
The University of Chicago Press The Short Chronicle
Jeanne de Jussie (1503 - 61) experienced the Protestant Reformation from within the walls of the Convent of Saint Clare in Geneva. In her impassioned and engaging "Short Chronicle", she offers a singular account of the Reformation, reporting not only on the larger clashes between Protestants and Catholics but also on events in her convent - devious city councilmen who lied to trusting nuns, lecherous soldiers who tried to kiss them, and iconoclastic intruders who smashed statues and burned paintings. Throughout her tale, Jussie highlights women's roles on both sides of the conflict, from the Reformed women who came to her convent in an attempt to convert the nuns to the Catholic women who ransacked the shop of a Reformed apothecary. Above all, she stresses the Poor Clares' faithfulness and the good men and women who came to them in their time of need, ending her story with the nuns' arduous journey by foot from Reformed Geneva to Catholic Annecy. First published in French in 1611, Jussie's "Short Chronicle" is translated here for an English-speaking audience for the first time, providing a fresh perspective on struggles for religious and political power in sixteenth-century Geneva and a rare glimpse at early modern monastic life.
Penned in the Margins Marginalia
Tom Chivers (editor) was born in south London in 1983. His publications include How to Build a City (Salt, 2009), The Terrors (Nine Arches, 2009), Flood Drain (Annexe, 2014) and, as editor, the anthologies City State: New London Poetry and Adventures in Form (Penned in the Margins, 2009 & 2012). He has made site-specific, perambulatory and audio work for Southbank Centre, Bishopsgate Institute, the Eden Project and LIFT. An award-winning independent arts producer, he is former co-Director of London Word Festival and currently runs Penned in the Margins from a small office in East London.
Peeters Publishers Coptica - Gnostica - Manichaica: Melanges Offerts a Wolf-Peter Funk
Le 5 decembre 2001, nous lancions le projet de la publication d'une "Festschrift" destinee a honorer notre collegue et ami Wolf-Peter Funk. La parution de ce volume etait alors annoncee pour le 30 decembre 2003, date du 60e anniversaire du dedicataire. Mais diverses raisons, au premier rang desquelles figure la generosite avec laquelle on a repondu a notre invitation, ont fait que ces melanges paraissent avec deux annees de retard. Mais a quelque chose malheur est bon: les lecteurs apprecieront la richesse, la haute tenue scientifique et la diversite de ces quarante-sept contributions qui, redigees en francais, en anglais ou en allemand par cinquante auteurs provenant de treize pays, temoignent eloquemment de l'estime et de l'amitie dont jouit Wolf-Peter Funk.Les editeurs de ce volume ont voulu l'ouvrir aux domaines auxquels s'est particulierement consacre Wolf-Peter Funk: la philologie et la linguistique coptes, les etudes gnostiques et manicheennes. Les contributions qui composent cet hommage illustrent par ailleurs assez bien ce qu'a ete l'activite scientifique et universitaire de Wolf-Peter Funk depuis son arrivee a l'Universite Laval a l'ete 1986. S'il y a poursuivi des travaux entrepris a Berlin, il s'est de plus en plus engage, a partir de ce moment, dans l'edition et l'interpretation des textes de Nag Hammadi en meme temps qu'il ouvrait un vaste chantier manicheen en devenant l'editeur des manuscrits manicheens des Musees d'Etat de Berlin et en s'associant a l'equipe australienne chargee de la publication des fouilles de l'oasis de Dakhleh (Kellis).
Getty Trust Publications Artists and Their Books, Books and Their Artists
Ever innovative and predictably diverse in their physical formats, artists' books occupy a creative space between the familiar four-cornered object and challenging works of art that effectively question every preconception of what a book can be. Many artists specialize in producing self-contained art projects in the form of books, like Ken Campbell and Susan King, or they establish small presses, like Simon Cutts and Erica Van Horn's Coracle Press or Harry and Sandra Reese's Turkey Press. Countless others who are primarily known as sculptors, painters, or performance artists carry on a parallel practice in artists' books, including Anselm Kiefer, Annette Messager, Ed Ruscha, and Richard Tuttle. Artists and Their Books / Books and Their Artists includes eighty important examples selected from the Getty Research Institute's Special Collections of more than six thousand editions and unique artists' books. This elegant catalogue also presents precursors to the artist's book, such as Joris Hoefnagel's sixteenth-century calligraphy masterpiece; single-sheet episodes from Albrecht DuIA rer's Life of Mary, designed to be either broadsides or a book; early illustrated scientific works; and avant-garde publications. Twentieth-century works reveal the impact of artists' books on Pop art, Fluxus, Conceptual, feminist art, and postmodernism. The selection of books by an international range of artists who have chosen to work with texts and images on paper provokes new inquiry into the nature of art and books in contemporary culture.
University of Illinois Press Asian American Poetry: THE NEXT GENERATION
This book is the first in English to consider women's movements and feminist discourses in twentieth-century Taiwan. Doris T. Chang examines the way in which Taiwanese women in the twentieth century selectively appropriated Western feminist theories to meet their needs in a modernizing Confucian culture. She illustrates the rise and fall of women's movements against the historical backdrop of the island's contested national identities, first vis-à-vis imperial Japan (1895-1945) and later with postwar China (1945-2000). In particular, during periods of soft authoritarianism in the Japanese colonial era and late twentieth century, autonomous women's movements emerged and operated within the political perimeters set by the authoritarian regimes. Women strove to replace the "Good Wife, Wise Mother" ideal with an individualist feminism that meshed social, political, and economic gender equity with the prevailing Confucian family ideology. However, during periods of hard authoritarianism from the 1930s to the 1960s, the autonomous movements collapsed. The particular brand of Taiwanese feminism developed from numerous outside influences, including interactions among an East Asian sociopolitical milieu, various strands of Western feminism, and Marxist-Leninist women's liberation programs in Soviet Russia. Chinese communism appears not to have played a significant role, due to the Chinese Nationalists' restriction of communication with the mainland during their rule on post-World War II Taiwan. Notably, this study compares the perspectives of Madame Chiang Kai-shek, whose husband led as the president of the Republic of China on Taiwan from 1949 to 1975, and Hsiu-lien Annette Lu, Taiwan's vice president from 2000 to 2008. Delving into period sources such as the highly influential feminist monthly magazine Awakening as well as interviews with feminist leaders, Chang provides a comprehensive historical and cross-cultural analysis of the struggle for gender equality in Taiwan.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Russia's Military Revival
Russian annexation of Crimea and the subsequent air campaign over Syria took the world by surprise. The capabilities and efficiency of Moscow’s armed forces during both operations signalled to the world that Russia was back in business as a significant military actor on the international stage. In this cutting-edge study, Bettina Renz provides an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of Russia’s military revival under Putin’s leadership. Whilst the West must adjust to the reality of a modernised and increasingly powerful Russian military, she argues that the renaissance of Russian military might and its implications for the balance of global power can only be fully understood within a wider historical context. Assessing developments in Russian Great Power thinking, military capabilities, Russian strategic thought and views on the use of force throughout the post-Soviet era, the book shows that, rather than signifying a sudden Russian military resurgence, recent developments are consistent with longstanding trends in Russian military strategy and foreign policy.
Disruption Books Dear Barack: The Extraordinary Partnership of Barack Obama and Angela Merkel
One of the great political friendships of the modern world, as told through key moments that shaped the twenty-first centuryToday, we know US President Barack Obama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel as two of the world’s most influential leaders, together at the center of some of the biggest controversies and most impressive advancements of our time. But while their friendship has been the subject of both scrutiny and admiration, few know the full story.Taking office at the height of the 2008 global recession, Obama was keenly aware of the fractured relationship between the US and Europe. And for her part, Merkel was suspicious of the charismatic newcomer who had captivated her country.Faced with the challenges of globalization, the two often clashed over policy, but—as the first Black president and first female chancellor—they shared a belief that democracy could uplift the world. United by this conviction, they would forge a complicated but inspiring partnership.Dear Barack is a thoroughly researched document of the parallel trajectories that led to Obama and Merkel meeting on the world stage and the trials, both personal and political, that they confronted in office. At times in the leaders’ own words, the book details such events as Merkel’s historic acceptance of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and the 2013 NSA spying scandal, demonstrating the highs and lows of this extraordinary alliance.A story of camaraderie at a global scale, Dear Barack shows that it is possible for political adversaries to establish bonds of respect—and even friendship—in the service of the free world.
Manning Publications Machine Learning Algorithms in Depth
Develop a mathematical intuition around machine learning algorithms to improve model performance and effectively troubleshoot complex ML problems. For intermediate machine learning practitioners familiar with linear algebra, probability, and basic calculus. Machine Learning Algorithms in Depth dives into the design and underlying principles of some of the most exciting machine learning (ML) algorithms in the world today. With a particular emphasis on probability-based algorithms, you will learn the fundamentals of Bayesian inference and deep learning. You will also explore the core data structures and algorithmic paradigms for machine learning. You will explore practical implementations of dozens of ML algorithms, including: Monte Carlo Stock Price Simulation Image Denoising using Mean-Field Variational Inference EM algorithm for Hidden Markov Models Imbalanced Learning, Active Learning and Ensemble Learning Bayesian Optimisation for Hyperparameter Tuning Dirichlet Process K-Means for Clustering Applications Stock Clusters based on Inverse Covariance Estimation Energy Minimisation using Simulated Annealing Image Search based on ResNet Convolutional Neural Network Anomaly Detection in Time-Series using Variational Autoencoders Each algorithm is fully explored with both math and practical implementations so you can see how they work and put into action. About the technology Fully understanding how machine learning algorithms function is essential for any serious ML engineer. This vital knowledge lets you modify algorithms to your specific needs, understand the trade-offs when picking an algorithm for a project, and better interpret and explain your results to your stakeholders. This unique guide will take you from relying on one-size-fits-all ML libraries to developing your own algorithms to solve your business needs.
Karnac Books Leading with Depth: The Impact of Emotions and Relationships on Leadership
Leadership goes well beyond efficient management, and the significance of emotions on the success of organisations is often underestimated. In Leading With Depth: The Impact of Emotions and Relationships, Claudia Nagel guides us through the emotional and relational fallacies of organisational leadership from both the personal and the systemic perspective. Nagel expertly weaves theory, including attachment, neuroscientific, psychodynamic, psychosocial, and psychoanalytic, with practical advice. She looks at the leader as an individual and leadership as a context within systems such as groups, organisations, and societies. The book is divided into two parts and contains thirty-eight figures to illustrate important aspects of leadership. The first chapter in each part is purely theoretical followed by more method-oriented and practical chapters, which are complemented by pertinent case studies from well-known experts in the field (coaches, consultants, or academics). Contributors include Gilles Amado, Birgitte Bonnerup, Phil Boxterk, Halina Brunning, Annemette Hasselager, Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, Olya Khaleelee, Fiona Martin, Ajit Menon, Rose Mersky, Mal O’Connor, Larissa Philatova, Martin Ringer, Rob Ryan, and Kalina Stamenova. Each chapter concludes with a brief overview of the key learnings for the reader to take away. In this way, Nagel encourages practical learning and application and engagement with the text. Nagel’s clear language spares the reader of academic jargon and is highly readable. The book successfully bridges the gap from theoretical concepts to real-life application and will be of value to incoming and experienced leaders alike, as well as organisational consultants and executive coaches looking to inform their practice.
Pagès Editors, S.L. Per comprendre la Catalunya Nord De la identitat desnaturalitzada a lesperança de futur
Aquest llibre va destinat als lectors que volen entendre el que és Catalunya Nord, és a dir les terres catalanes annexades per l'Estat francès en 1659. Més de 350 anys de separació política de la resta de Catalunya han creat unes problemàtiques i unes mentalitats distintes de les que hi ha al sud de la frontera. A través de la seva experiència personal l'autor ens mostra com, malgrat unes aparences de descatalanització, continua un sentiment de catalanitat que insensiblement va atenuant la frontera, tant sobre el terreny com dins les mentalitats. És una descripció sense concessions d'una realitat de vegades bastant dura però és també un llibre d'esperança.
The Baptistery with its near-perfectly preserved mosaic floor is undoubtedly the most famous of the monuments at Butrint. In this splendidly illustrated book, Mitchell analyses the narratives of salvation and rebirth inherent in its iconography and proposes interpretations for the ritual use of the building and its annexe. The study highlights the contextual relationships of the mosaics with the schools and artisans of the east Mediterranean and the ecclesiastic patronage of the commissioning, providing important insights for the rich body of mosaics found throughout Butrint. In English and Albanian.
Con qu suean los nios
Sandy apenas es una fobia. Como dice Lacan [?], es un inicio de fobia. Es un esbozo. Hubiera podido ser una fobia y luego, antes de fulgurar, desaparece, se apaga. Para emplear otra metáfora, es una fobia que no cristalizó. Podemos preguntarnos por qué. No hay que buscar la razón quizás en el hecho de que tiene a Anneliese, esa madre sustituta, siguiéndola de cerca? En cuanto una pesadilla la despierta y le da por llorar antes de volverse a dormir, [?] está ahí y empieza a anotar, día a día, todos los hechos.JACQUES-ALAIN MILLERSu experiencia clínica obligó a Freud a cambiar sus tesis iniciales sobre los sueños de los niños. Juanito y el Hombre de los lobos demostraron que constituyen hitos fundamentales en la compleja temporalidad de la relación del sujeto con el inconsciente. La última enseñanza de Lacan, con su puesta en valor del inconsciente real, nos permiten situar mejor qué está en juego en ese fulgor que emana del misterio del cuerpo hablante.
Penguin Books Ltd Circus of Mirrors
A Cabaret dancer falls in love as political tensions rise and the city becomes increasingly dangerous not only for herself, but also for her lover . . .Perfect for fans of Cabaret and The Whalebone Theatre''Julie Owen Moylan writes about mid-20th century women like no-one else'' Laura Price''Sexy, electrically stylish, and beautiful - a gorgeous story about sisterhood, and a glamorous, evocative passport to a period we all long to get lost in'' Daisy Buchanan----BERLIN, 1926: After the death of their parents, sisters Leni and Annette only have each other. Desperate, but dreaming of better days, Leni finds work at a notorious cabaret: the Babylon Circus. From the dancer's barely-there costumes, to the glimmering mirrors that cover the walls, the Babylon Circus is where reality and fantasy merge. For Leni, it's an overwhelming new world, and she's happiest hiding in the shado