Search results for ""author anne"
University of Pennsylvania Press The Economy of Hope
Hope is an integral part of social life. Yet, hope has not been studied systematically in the social sciences. Editors Hirokazu Miyazaki and Richard Swedberg have collected essays that investigate hope in a broad range of socioeconomic situations and phenomena across time and space and from a variety of disciplinary vantage points. Contributors survey the resilience of hope, and the methodological implications of studying hope, in such experiences as farm collectivization in mid-twentieth-century communist Romania, changing employment relations under Japan's neoliberal reform during the first decade of the twenty-first century, the dynamics of innovation and replication in a West African niche economy, and Barack Obama's 2008 political campaign of hope in the midst of the unfolding global financial crisis. The Economy of Hope shifts the analytic of anthropological and sociological investigations from knowledge to hope, presents case studies on the loss of collective hope, and concludes by offering techniques for replicating hope. In the hands of Miyazaki and Swedberg and their distinguished contributors, hope becomes not only a method of knowledge but also an essential framework for the sociocultural analysis of economic phenomena. Contributors: Yuji Genda, Jane Guyer, Hirokazu Miyazaki, Annelise Riles, Richard Swedberg, Katherine Verdery.
Michelin Editions des Voyages Le Guide Vert Alpes du Nord, Savoie, Dauphiné
Laissez-vous guider par nos auteurs ! Au cours de leurs innombrables tournées, ils ont déniché pour vous des lieux inoubliables ou insolites : - Les incontournables (classés 1, 2 ou 3 étoiles) : Massif de la Vanoise ***, Col du Galibier ***, Yvoire ** ... - Les coups de coeur : Grimper avec le téléphérique iconique de Grenoble jusqu’au fort de la Bastille ; S’offrir un vol en parapente et survoler le splendide massif de la Chartreuse ... - Les bonnes adresses pour tous les budgets : se restaurer, prendre un verre, shopping, sortir, se loger - Les meilleurs spots en famille (activités pour les 6-14 ans) : Loisirs nautiques sur le lac du Bourget ; Ateliers du musée de la Préhistoire du Vercors ; Le goût des sciences à la Turbine ... - Des suggestions d’itinéraires : Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, coeur des Alpes en 4 jours ; le tour du lac d’Annecy à vélo en 2 étapes ... - De nombreux cartes et plans pour retrouver les principaux sites étoilés de la destination. - Les plus : + de 150 propositions de randonnées- Toutes les infos mises à jour dans cette nouvelle édition Ce guide est divisé en 9 micro-régions : Annecy, le lac et le massif des Aravis ; Évian et le Chablais ; Le Mont- Blanc et le Faucigny ; Chambéry, Aix-les-Bains,les Bauges et le Beaufortain ; La Tarentaise et la Vanoise ; La Maurienne ; Grenoble et la Chartreuse ; Le Vercors, le Trièveset la Matheysine ; L’Oisans et les Écrins. Pensez à utiliser en complément notre Guide Vert Alpes du Sud, notre Carte Régional Rhône-Alpes n°523.MICHELIN vous GuideVert la France de vos rêves !
Oxford University Press Inc Politics of Uncertainty: The United States, the Baltic Question, and the Collapse of the Soviet Union
In March 1990, Lithuania became the first Soviet Republic to declare its independence. Within weeks, the two other Baltic states, Estonia and Latvia, announced the beginning of a transition period toward full sovereignty. The Soviet Union, which considered the Baltic declarations illegal, harshly condemned them and imposed an economic blockade against Lithuania. Fearing an outbreak of violence in the region, the United States tried to de-escalate the crisis, pressuring all sides to engage in dialogue. Thirty years after the Soviet collapse Politics of Uncertainty investigates the interplay between international and domestic dynamics in the Soviet disintegration process. Based on extensive multilingual archival research, this book recovers the voices of local actors in Riga, Tallinn, and Vilnius in its examination of the triangular relations between Washington, Moscow, and Baltic independence movements. Occupied and annexed by the USSR in 1940, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania were the first Soviet republics to push the limits of Perestroika. The Baltic problem, at first seemingly minor, increasingly gained international visibility and by 1990 risked derailing issues that mattered in the eyes of both Soviet and American leaders--the transformation of the Soviet state and transformation of the European order. The United States, which had never recognized the annexation of the Baltic states, tried to perform a highly challenging balancing act of supporting Baltic independence without jeopardizing relations with the Kremlin. Meanwhile Mikhail Gorbachev, who saw the Baltics as an integral part of the USSR, was frustrated that their secessionist tendencies distracted from the monumental opportunity for change that the Perestroika project offered to his country and the world. Meanwhile, George Bush, François Mitterrand, and Helmut Kohl were exasperated that events at the margins of the Soviet empire risked destabilizing Gorbachev and souring East-West relations during negotiations over German reunification. By focusing on the relations between those at the top of global power hierarchies and those situated at their margins, Una Bergmane underscores how the Soviet collapse was driven much more by uncertainty, domestic pressures, and last-minute decisions than by long-term strategy--while warning about the tenuous geopolitical positions of these three states that joined NATO and the European Union after breaking out of the Soviet empire.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd A Companion to the Early Printed Book in Britain, 1476-1558
First full-scale guide to the origins and development of the early printed book, and the issues associated with it. The history of the book is now recognized as a field of central importance for understanding the cultural changes that swept through Tudor England. This companion aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the issues relevant to theearly printed book, covering the significant cultural, social and technological developments from 1476 (the introduction of printing to England) to 1558 (the death of Mary Tudor). Divided into thematic sections (the printed booktrade; the book as artefact; patrons, purchasers and producers; and the cultural capital of print), it considers the social, historical, and cultural context of the rise of print, with the problems as well as advantages of the transmission from manuscript to print. the printers of the period; the significant Latin trade and its effect on the English market; paper, types, bindings, and woodcuts and other decorative features which create the packaged book; and the main sponsors and consumers of the printed book: merchants, the lay clientele, secular and religious clergy, and the two Universities, as well as secular colleges and chantries. Further topics addressed include humanism, women translators, and the role of censorship and the continuity of Catholic publishing from that time. The book is completed with a chronology and detailed indices. Vincent Gillespie is J.R.R. Tolkien Professor of English Literature and Language at the University of Oxford; Susan Powell held a Chair in Medieval Texts and Culture at the University of Salford, and is currently affiliated to the Universities of London and York. Contributors: Tamara Atkin, Alan Coates, Thomas Betteridge, Julia Boffey, James Clark, A.S.G. Edwards, Martha W. Driver, Mary Erler, Alexandra Gillespie, Vincent Gillespie, Andrew Hope, Brenda Hosington, Susan Powell, Pamela Robinson, AnneF. Sutton, Daniel Wakelin, James Willoughby, Lucy Wooding
Rowman & Littlefield Crisis in the Southwest: The United States, Mexico, and the Struggle over Texas
The war between the United States and Mexico was decades in the making. Although Texas was an independent republic from 1836 to 1845, Texans retained an affiliation with the United States that virtually assured annexation at some point. Mexico's reluctance to give up Texas put it on a collision course with the United States. The Mexican War receives scant treatment in books. Most historians approach the conflict as if it were a mere prelude to the Civil War. The Mexican cession of 1848, however, rivaled the Louisiana Purchase in importance for the sheer amount of territory acquired by the United States. The dispute over slavery-which had been rendered largely academic by the Missouri Compromise-burst forth anew as Americans now faced the realization that they must make a decision over the institution's future. The political battle over the status of slavery in these new territories was the direct cause of the Crisis of 1850 and ignited sectional differences in the decade that followed. In Crisis in the Southwest: The United States, Mexico, and the Struggle over Texas, Richard Bruce Winders provides a concise, accessible overview of the Mexican War and argues that the Mexican War led directly to the Civil War by creating a political and societal crisis that drove a wedge between the North and the South. While on the surface the enemy was Mexico, in reality Americans were at odds with one another over the future of the nation, as the issue of annexation threatened to upset the balance between free and slave states. Winders also explains the military connections between the Mexican War and Civil War, since virtually every important commander in the Civil War-including Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Grant, McClellan, and Longstreet-gained his introduction to combat in Mexico. These connections are enormously significant to the way in which these generals waged war, since it was in the Mexican War that they learned their trade. Crisis in the Southwest provides readers with a clear understanding of the Mexican War and its relationship to the chain of events that ultimately led to the Civil War.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Hans-Georg Gadamer - Eine Biographie
Aus Rezensionen zur 1. Auflage: "Die gründliche Gadamer-Biographie von Jean Grondin ist [...] frei von hagiographischen Zügen. Um so überzeugender entwirft sie das Porträt eines zunächst zögernden und unsicheren, eines unpolitischen und anpassungsfähigen, aber stets liberalen und selbstkritischen, vom gutbürgerlichen Elternhaus mit Klugheit, Sensibilität und sicherem Blick ausgestatteten, humanistisch gebildeten und unabhängig urteilenden Geistes." Jürgen Habermas in Neue Zürcher Zeitung vom 12./13.2.2000, S. 49 "Jean Grondin […] hat es übernommen, das Jahrhundertleben Hans-Georg Gadamers zu beschreiben, und es ist ihm gelungen, ein hundertjähriges Leben […] mit Detailtreue und eindrücklicher Sprache in einer Weise erlebbar zu machen, die das Lesen dieser Biographie zu einem Erlebnis werden lässt." KVS-Mitteilungen, Nr. 2 (2000), S. 22 "Meisterhaft geschrieben, mit subtilem Einfühlungsvermögen und Feingefühl […]. Grondins feinsinniger Witz, rhetorischer Charme und sprachlicher Schliff machen die Lektüre auch zu einem literarischen Genuß." Annemarie C. Mayer in Theologische Revue, 97. Jahrgang, 6 (2001), S. 508-510
Duke University Press Chinese Surplus: Biopolitical Aesthetics and the Medically Commodified Body
What happens when the body becomes art in the age of biotechnological reproduction? In Chinese Surplus Ari Larissa Heinrich examines transnational Chinese aesthetic production to demonstrate how representations of the medically commodified body can illuminate the effects of biopolitical violence and postcolonialism in contemporary life. From the earliest appearance of Frankenstein in China to the more recent phenomenon of "cadaver art," he shows how vivid images of a blood transfusion as performance art or a plastinated corpse without its skin—however upsetting to witness—constitute the new "realism" of our times. Adapting Foucauldian biopolitics to better account for race, Heinrich provides a means to theorize the relationship between the development of new medical technologies and the representation of the human body as a site of annexation, extraction, art, and meaning-making.
Peeters Publishers L'eventail Des Competences Linguistiques Et La (de)valorisation Des Performances
Il y a pres d'un demi-siecle, N. Chomsky a propose de distinguer entre la Competence linguistique comme faculte abstraite des locuteurs et la Performance langagiere comme realisation de cette competence a travers les discours, et il a considere en outre que seules les formes phonologique et syntaxique de la competence sont justiciables d'une analyse scientifique. Cette dichotomie, qui semblait remettre a jour et synthetiser celles de F. de Saussure entre Langue et Parole et de L. Hjelmslev entre Forme et Substance, a ete admise par de tres nombreux linguistes jusqu'a ce que les representants de nouveaux courants fonctionnalistes et cognitivistes la remettent en cause a partir des annees 1990. Avec ses sept contributions de specialistes francais, americain, suisse, suedois et allemand, le Memoire 21 tente de faire le point en offrant un large eventail de jugements sur la pertinence effective de cette "coupure epistemologique" en syntaxe, en phonologie, en prosodie, en acquisition bilingue et en pragmatique.
Peeters Publishers Alexandre Le Grand, Heros Chretien En Ethiopie: Histoire D'Alexandre ("Zena Eskender")
A vingt ans, Alexandre le Grand accede au trone et, en quelques annees, cree un empire de trois millions de kilometres carres que l'hellenisme eclairera de sa lumiere pendant un millenaire. L'evenement prodigieux engendre toute une litterature dont le fleuron, le A"Roman d'AlexandreA" du Pseudo-Callisthene, connait un immense succes au Moyen-Age. L'Ethiopie accueillera ce texte et conservera aussi un ecrit dont l'original, arabe, est perdu : l'A"Histoire des actes et du regne d'Alexandre, le roi aime de DieuA" fait du Conquerant le champion du Christ au pays des negus oA' il pourfend sans treve idolatres et mecreants - dans une atmosphere oA' la parenese va de pair avec l'exaltation du Macedonien. Le texte ethiopien n'avait encore jamais ete traduit en francais, la seule version existante remontant au 19eme siecle. La nature de l'expose a par ailleurs engage a donner A"in extensoA" les tres nombreux paralleles bibliques qui nourrissent la pensee de l'auteur.
Peeters Publishers Etudes De Linguistique Generale II: La Linguistique Pure
Ce volume reunit une serie d'articles publies au cours des dernieres annees. Sous le nom de "linguistique pure", tous traitent d'une forme de structuralisme que se fonde sur la definition de la langue posee par Ferdinand de Saussure et sur l'interpretation lumineuse qu'en a donnee l'epistemologue Gilles Gaston Granger. Elle s'est nourrie, d'autre part, d'une certaine insatisfaction inspiree par l'etat actuel des etudes de linguistique generale. Vers le milieu du XXe siecle regnait le structuralisme. Il a un temps prete a la linguistique la figure d'un modele pour d'autres sciences humaines, puis il s'est trouve eclipse par les tentatives de formalisation de type logico-algebrique inaugurees par Chomsky. Celles-ci ont aujourd'hui perdu beaucoup de leur prestige. La typologie, en revanche, est en plein essor et ouvre des perspectives prometteuses. Son objectif, la decouverte des invariants de la structuration des langues, est proprement scientifique. Cependant, l'absence d'un soubassement theorique fragilise sa demarche. On soutient qu'un structuralisme renove d'inspiration saussurienne peut lui offrir la base theorique necessaire pour assurer son progres et la rapprocher du statut d'une science authentique. Cette ambition converge avec des tendances qui se font jour actuellement dans la recherche linguistique a l'echelle internationale.
Peeters Publishers Detroner Le Sultan: Deux Conjurations a L'epoque Des Reformes Ottomanes: Kuleli (1859) Et Meslek (1867)
Ce livre a pour objet l'etude de deux conjurations (Kuleli en 1859 et Meslek en 1867), fomentees dans la capitale de l'Empire ottoman, Istanbul, et revelees au moment ou les conjures s'appretaient a passer a l'action en vue de detroner le sultan - premieres tentatives de detronement depuis la suppression en 1826 des janissaires, qui etaient auparavant les principaux "defaiseurs" de sultans. Cet ouvrage analyse ce nouveau type de revoltes et de revoltes qui ont envisage de "defaire" le sultan ottoman. Il s'attache a reecrire l'histoire de ces deux conjurations, a examiner leur structure, leur fonctionnement et leurs strategies, tout en eclairant les motivations, les revendications politiques et les profils sociaux des conjures. Il s'interroge sur les specificites de ces deux tentatives dans le contexte des transformations sociales et politiques des annees 1850 et 1860, et contribue ainsi a une meilleure comprehension des changements de l'espace politique ottoman a cette epoque. Quelle etait la place des "sujets" et du sultan dans la structure du pouvoir politique durant les premieres decennies des Tanzimat, alors que les mentalites et les "techniques" de gouvernement de l'administration centrale etaient en train d'etre reformulees et que l'opinion publique devenait un acteur politique de plus en plus influent? Telle est la question fondamentale qui est abordee tout au long ce livre.
Peeters Publishers "You Will Be Called Repairer of the Breach": The Diary of J.G.M. Willebrands, 1958-1961
In the spring of 2005, almost by chance, the Diary of Johannes Cardinal Willebrands, which depicts events from the international ecumenical scene on the eve of the Second Vatican Council, was discovered. The Diary consists of three Notebooks that were written during the period 1958-1961. During this time, Willebrands was also appointed the Secretary of the newly established Secretariat for Christian Unity (1960). As Cardinal Augustin Bea's right-hand man, he played an important role in establishing contacts with the World Council of Churches and with other Christian churches. On the occasion of what would have been Cardinal Willebrands' onehundredth birthday (2009), his Diary has been translated and published into English, with almost one thousand critical annotations. The original Dutch text is included in the annex. The study of the diaries, in the context of the international and national ecumenical movement, can provide new insights, especially into the dialogue between the Catholic Church and the World Council of Churches in the period shortly before the Second Vatican Council. Furthermore, it provides fascinating information about the faction forming within the Vatican in preparation of the Council.
Cornell University Press Is Russia Fascist?: Unraveling Propaganda East and West
In Is Russia Fascist?, Marlene Laruelle argues that the charge of "fascism" has become a strategic narrative of the current world order. Vladimir Putin's regime has increasingly been accused of embracing fascism, supposedly evidenced by Russia's annexation of Crimea, its historical revisionism, attacks on liberal democratic values, and its support for far-right movements in Europe. But at the same time Russia has branded itself as the world's preeminent antifascist power because of its sacrifices during the Second World War while it has also emphasized how opponents to the Soviet Union in Central and Eastern Europe collaborated with Nazi Germany. Laruelle closely analyzes accusations of fascism toward Russia, soberly assessing both their origins and their accuracy. By labeling ideological opponents as fascist, regardless of their actual values or actions, geopolitical rivals are able to frame their own vision of the world and claim the moral high ground. Through a detailed examination of the Russian domestic scene and the Kremlin's foreign policy rationales, Laruelle disentangles the foundation for, meaning, and validity of accusations of fascism in and around Russia. Is Russia Fascist? shows that the efforts to label opponents as fascist is ultimately an attempt to determine the role of Russia in Europe's future.
University of Toronto Press Prison Elite: How Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg Survived Nazi Captivity
After the Anschluss (annexation) in 1938, the Nazis forced Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg to resign and kept him imprisoned for seven years, until his rescue by the Allies in 1945. Schuschnigg’s privileged position within the concentration camp system allowed him to keep a diary and to write letters which were smuggled out to family members. Drawing on these records, Prison Elite paints a picture of a little-known aspect of concentration camp history: the life of a VIP prisoner. Schuschnigg, who was a devout Catholic, presents his memoirs as a "confession," expecting absolution for any political missteps and, more specifically, for his dictatorial regime in the 1930s. As Erika Rummel reveals in fascinating detail, his autobiographical writings are frequently unreliable. Prison Elite describes the strategies Schuschnigg used to survive his captivity emotionally and intellectually. Religion, memory of better days, friendship, books and music, and maintaining a sense of humour allowed him to cope. A comparison with the memoirs of fellow captives reveals these tactics to be universal. Studying Schuschnigg’s writing in the context of contemporary prison memoirs, Prison Elite provides unique insight into the life of a VIP prisoner.
The Conrad Press My Neighbour over the Border: Tales of towns and cities separated by borders and how they get along
How do towns and cities divided by the harsh reality of an international border manage to get on with each other when their closest neighbour lives just next door, but in another country? Are they thriving or surviving? Utterly dependent on each other or with backs turned, socially and economically? We visit towns and cities that you may not have heard of or know little about. Places like distant Blagoveshchensk and Heihe, Narva and Ivangorod and Gorlitz and Zgorzelec. But also the better known Nicosia, Europe’s only divided capital, Detroit with its Canadian neighbour Windsor, Geneva and its French suburb Annemasse and the cities of Sarajevo and Mostar, divided not by international borders but ethnic divisions baked into everyday life. This is a fascinating and well-researched study of thirty-_six towns and cities from across the world that are separated by borders. Paul Doe delves into the way in which these divisions came about and how the separated towns and cities manage to get along, or not, buffeted as they are by geopolitics, ethnic differences and historical animosities.
Indiana University Press Dystopia's Provocateurs: Peasants, State, and Informality in the Polish-German Borderlands
Toward the end of the Second World War, Poland's annexation of eastern German lands precipitated one of the largest demographic upheavals in European history. Edyta Materka travels to her native village in these "Recovered Territories," where she listens carefully to rich oral histories told by original postwar Slavic settlers and remaining ethnic Germans who witnessed the metamorphosis of eastern Germany into western Poland. She discovers that peasants, workers, and elites adapted war-honed informal strategies they called "kombinacja" to preserve a modicum of local agency while surviving the vicissitudes of policy formulated elsewhere, from Stalinist collectivization to the shock doctrine of neoliberalism. Informality has taken many forms: as a way of life, a world view, an alternate historical text, a border memory, and a means of magical transformation during times of crisis. Materka ventures beyond conventional ethnography to trace the diverse historical, literary, and psychological dimensions of kombinacja. Grappling with the legacies of informality in her own transnational family, Materka searches for the "kombinator within" on the borderlands and shares her own memories of how the Polish diaspora found new uses for kombinacja in America.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Putin Takes Crimea 2014: Grey-zone warfare opens the Russia-Ukraine conflict
An authoritative analysis of how Putin's Russia conquered the Crimea in 2014 using 'grey zone' warfare techniques, blending operations by anonymous special forces with cyber, sabotage, and propaganda. Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 was almost bloodless – fought as much through propaganda, cyberattacks and subversion as by force of arms – but it is crucial for our understanding of both modern warfare and recent Russian history. Ironically, this slick triumph eventually led to the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the largest and costliest conventional war in Europe since 1945. This is a fascinating account of the Crimea conquest from a supremely qualified expert on modern Russian forces. Illustrated throughout, it explores how Russia developed its new model of ‘hybrid’ or ‘grey zone’ warfare, and planned and deployed it against Crimea, from the choreographed appearance of ‘spontaneous’ protesters through to the deployment of unbadged Russian elite forces. In this book Mark Galeotti explores the lessons that Russia, Ukraine, and the West took from it – correctly and mistakenly – and how this apparently textbook operation sowed the seeds that would erupt so catastrophically in 2022.
Peeters Publishers Amo Te, Sacer Ordo Carthusiensis: Jan De Grauwe, Passionne De L'Ordre Des Chartreux
Le present livre est le premier numero de la nouvelle serie Studia Cartusiana qui paraitra comme sous-serie de la serie bien connue Miscellanea Neerlandica. Pour la premiere publication dans cette serie, les editeurs en chef Frans Hendrickx et Tom Gaens ont opte pour une reedition de certains articles extraits des actes publies - a titre personnel - a l'occasion de deux congres cartusiens et qui ne sont jamais parus dans les Analecta Cartusiana, serie dans laquelle sont publies regulierement depuis quatre decennies les articles presentes lors de congres internationaux traitant de l'histoire et de la spiritualite des chartreux. Cela concerne, d'une part, le congres qui s'est tenu du 16 au 19 septembre 1982 dans les trois villes flamandes Gand, Anvers et Bruges et, d'autre part, celui qui fut organise dans l'ancienne chartreuse de Zelem pres de Diest du 1 au 3 octobre 2001. La ou ce fut possible, les editeurs ont soumis aux auteurs les articles repris dans cet ouvrage afin de leur permettre d'y apporter des corrections ou des ajouts. De plus ils ont ajoute de nouvelles contributions, entre autres sur le chartreux diestois Pierre Dorlant a qui on a attribue la moralite Elckerlijc; cette attribution constitue, depuis la fin du 19e siecle, un des problemes les plus irritants de l'histoire de la litterature dramatique flamande medievale. Les deux congres precites ont un lien direct avec Jan De Grauwe. Il a su garder l'Ordre vivant a l'esprit de beaucoup et l'a sortit de l'anonymat, grace a ses innombrables etudes et conferences sur l'existence historique des chartreux dans les anciens Pays-Bas et par ses contacts personnels avec l'Ordre. Cette publication est pour nous l'occasion de reiterer toutes nos marques d'estime pour Jan De Grauwe, le grand connaisseur de l'histoire des chartreux dans nos contrees depuis les annees soixante-dix du 20e siecle. Il a trace le chemin a suivre et poser les jalons pour la recherche future, fondamentale et approfondie, dans les differents domaines de la science cartusienne.
Werner Reinisch (*1930) is the oldest active German painter in France, where he has lived and worked for around 60 years. This makes him a living symbol of Franco-German friendship. In 2023, the Élysée Treaty, which laid the foundation for Franco-German reconciliation and cooperation between the states, will celebrate its 60th anniversary. This provides an occasion to show paintings and drawings by Reinisch from the current series of works on black canvas. The catalogue, published by the Werner Reinisch Institute together with Montgelas Society for the Promotion of Bavarian-French Cooperation, shows drawings and oil paintings from the past years revealing the full diversity of the artist's work. In addition, the publication includes an autobiographical text by Reinisch and new aphorisms. 60 years of Werner Reinisch in France and 60 years of the Élysée Treaty Including the artist’s own aphorisms and biographical memories Exhibition Münchner Künstlerhaus am LenbachplatzDecember 8, 2022-January 14, 2023 Werner Reinisch (*1930) est le peintre allemand le plus âgé encore en activité en France, sa nouvelle patrie depuis environ 60 ans. Il est ainsi le symbole vivant de l’amitié franco-allemande. En 2023, le Traité de l’Élysée qui a jeté les bases de la réconciliation franco-allemande et de la coopération entre les deux états, fêtera son 60e anniversaire. C’est l’occasion de montrer des tableaux et des dessins de Reinisch issus de sa série d’oeuvres actuelles sur toile noire. Le catalogue, publié par l’Institut Werner Reinisch avec la Société Montgelas pour la promotion de la coopération franco-bavaroise, présente des dessins et des peintures à l’huile de ces dernières années qui révèlent la diversité de l’artiste. On y trouve également, outre de nouveaux aphorismes, un texte autobiographique de Reinisch...
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Sculpting in Copper
A practical introduction to the art of sculpting in copper with five exciting projects for beginner metalworkers and sculptors. Metalworking in copper is an ancient and rewarding art. Used by human beings for more than 4,000 years, this long-lasting, widely available and very forgiving material lends itself to the creation of beautiful figurative sculptures, as well as abstract forms. In Sculpting in Copper, lifelong sculptor Sue White-Oakes and writer Jim Pratt explain the craft of working in copper with novice metalworkers in mind. First covering basic tools and techniques, from cutting and truing to annealing and soldering, they go on to demonstrate five exciting sculpture projects - a bowl, a leaf cluster, a dragonfly, a fish and an owl - each increasing in complexity, with the aim of building your confidence as your skills progress. Providing clear, practical instruction for beginners, accompanied by helpful how-to images, this book is the essential resource for anyone wishing to explore the potential of sculpting in copper.
Rutgers University Press Aloha Compadre: Latinxs in Hawai'i
Aloha Compadre: Latinxs in Hawaiʻi is the first book to examine the collective history and contemporary experiences of the Latinx population of Hawaiʻi. This study reveals that contrary to popular discourse, Latinx migration to Hawaiʻi is not a recent event. In the national memory of the United States, for example, the Latinx population of Hawaiʻi is often portrayed as recent arrivals and not as long-term historical communities with a presence that precedes the formation of statehood itself. Historically speaking, Latinxs have been voyaging to the Hawaiian Islands for over one hundred and ninety years. From the early 1830s to the present, they continue to help shape Hawaiʻi’s history, yet their contributions are often overlooked. Latinxs have been a part of the cultural landscape of Hawaiʻi prior to annexation, territorial status, and statehood in 1959. Aloha Compadre also explores the expanding boundaries of Latinx migration beyond the western hemisphere and into Oceania.
Casa de Velázquez Sedrata histoire et archéologie dun carrefour du Sahara médiéval à la lumière des archives inédites de Marguerite van Berchem
Sedrata est une ville médiévale enfouie sous les sables près de Ouargla (Algérie). L?essor de ce carrefour du commerce transsaharien et de la traite d?esclaves est lié aux Berbères ibadites, une minorité musulmane dont les membres effectuent chaque année un pèlerinage sur le site. Les sources arabes et les archives archéologiques inédites de l?époque coloniale éclairent l?histoire de ce centre saharien, son organisation économique et religieuse, la décoration singulière de ses demeures.
Peeters Publishers La Partie Et Le Tout: La Composition Du Roman, De L'age Baroque Au Tournant Des Lumieres (Actes Des Colloques De Paris, Bruxelles Et Venise, Automne 2008)
Consacre aux relations que les parties d'un roman entretiennent avec son tout a l'age classique (XVIIe-XVIIIe siecles), le present volume vient reunir les actes d'un colloque international qui s'est d'abord deroule " par parties separees ", en trois " livraisons " successives, a l'automne 2008, et qui areuni une soixantaine de specialistes de l'age classique, venus du Royaume-Uni, des Etats-Unis, du Canada, de la Suisse, de Belgique, d'Italie et de France.Une premiere manifestation s'est deroulee a Paris, les 11, 12 et 13 septembre 2008, ou elle venait constituer le point d'orgue du seminaire " Fictions classiques " anime plusieurs annees durant a l'Ecole Normale Superieure par Jean-Paul Sermain et Marc Escola. Accueillie successivement par l'Universite Paris 3 en Sorbonne, par l'Ecole Normale Superieure, et par l'Universite Paris 8 a Saint-Denis, elle a traite du statut des " episodes ", de la discontinuite epistolaire, et des " moments de la lecture " du roman d'Ancien Regime, et plus generalement des modalites de la composition romanesque.Le second volet, bruxellois, a ete heberge le mois suivant par l'Academie Royale des Science et des Arts et la Fondation Universitaire, les 10 et 11 octobre, a l'initiative de Jan Herman et Paul Pelckmans : une serie " d'etudes de cas " y ont ete presentees, pour envisager dans des ? uvres isolees les differentes formes de la coherence narrative tout au long de la periode.C'est l'Universite Ca' Foscari de Venise qui a accueillie un mois plus tard, les 27 et 28 novembre, le troisieme moment du triptyque supervise par Lucia Omacini, pour une serie de contributions sur " l'atelier du roman de l'age baroque au tournant des Lumieres ".L'ensemble des interventions ont ete redistribuees dans les six " parties " qui composent le " tout " de cet ouvrage pleinement collectif ; chaque section fait l'objet d'une introduction specifique confie a tel ou tel des organisateurs, qui signent ensemble la presentation generale.
Michelin Editions des Voyages French Alps - Michelin Green Guide: The Green Guide
Expand your holiday horizons with Michelin Green Guide French Alps. This travel guide features detailed mapping, colour photos and insider coverage of skiing areas, hiking retreats, shopping, accommodation and restaurants. Explore Lake Annecy and the underrated Aravis mountains, La Tarentaise's legendary ski resorts, and the Verdon canyon with its vertiginous views and pretty villages. Experience this breathtaking region even further with suggested excursions, driving and walking tours, and hikes. Whatever you choose, Michelin's celebrated star-rating system makes sure you see the best of the French Alps Perfect for travellers seeking enriching experiences and in-depth information on their destination. * Star-rated activities and detailed visitor information * Unique driving & walking tours * Colourful, easy-to-read maps throughout * Lively introductions to the area, its people & culture * Restaurant & hotel tips * Family friendly advice * Walk-through of major museums, galleries, churches and attractions
Peeters Publishers Le Darwinisme
Charles Darwin marque profondement la culture occidentale, bien au-dela des sciences de la vie. Son ouvrage L'origine des especes non seulement revolutionne le monde scientifique en proposant une theorie coherente de l'evolution biologique, mais il bouscule les grands systemes de pensee qui dominent son epoque. Ses ouvrages posterieurs concernent le comportement humain et elargissent encore considerablement la portee philosophique de ses positions. Comment comprendre le personnage de Darwin lui-meme? Quelles sont les idees centrales de son apport scientifique? Comment interpreter l'evolution de sa pensee tout au long de son ouvre gigantesque? Comment analyser les enjeux philosophiques et societaux de tels apports? Michael Ruse, historien et philosophe des sciences, est un des meilleurs connaisseurs mondiaux du darwinisme. Il propose ici un ouvrage de grande ampleur. Dans un style dynamique, qui preserve toute sa faconde et son humour, Michael Ruse nous confie les reflexions d'un chercheur chevronne qui integre dans une synthese magistrale les conclusions de trente annees de recherche nourries par une culture scientifique et historique impressionnante.
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, Wydawnictwo Crime Without Punishment – The Extermination and Suffering of Polish Children During the German Occupation, 1939–1945
This book is an exploration of the scope and methods used by Germany in its extermination and Germanization policy aimed at Polish children in the years 1939 to 1945. Children were sent to prisons and concentration camps, pseudomedical experiments were conducted on them, they were sent into forced labor, and planned mass abductions of them were conducted for the purpose of Germanization. The German leadership remained firmly convinced that the crimes they committed on children would never see the light of day; they erased all traces of the children’s origins, changing first and last names, and dates of birth. This extermination and Germanization of Polish children was part of a long-term plan to secure the ultimate end of annexing the Polish lands to Germany. By means of the Germanization and extermination of Polish children, an “age-old problem” was meant to be solved; it was to be a measure to prevent a future generation of Poles from striving to regain the pillaged lands of their fathers.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd General Wladyslaw Sikorski 18811943
General Wladyslaw Sikorski was the Head of the wartime Polish Government and Polish Commander-in-Chief, 1939-1943. Sikorski rose to prominence in Poland between 1910 and 1918 as part of the movement towards Polish independence, achieved in 1918. In 1920 Sikorski was largely responsible for the defeat of the Red Army. In 1926 he fell from favour following a military coup. During this fallow period, 1926-1939, Sikorski travelled, mainly in France. He also wrote influential military-science treatises. In September 1939 Germany and the Soviet Union invaded and annexed Poland. Sikorski, his military offices refused by the Polish Government, fled to Romania. There he was intercepted by the French ambassador to Poland and taken to Paris where he established a Polish Government-in-Exile and rebuilt the Polish Army. In May 1940 France was overrun by Germany. Sikorski removed himself and his government to London. There he began to re-build the Polish army largely lost in France. Following th
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Germany in the Great War - The Opening Year: Mobilisation, the Advance and Naval Warfare
Germany in the Great War Illustrated - Mobilisation and the Western Advance is the first volume of a projected six-part series that details, graphically, the Central Powers - Germany and Austro-Hungary - fighting to the west during the concluding months of 1914. This superbly illustrated and highly researched book covers the schema of a 'quick victory' on the WestFront (Western Front). From preparatory build-up, to mobilisation and to subsequent annexation and occupation, (90 per cent of northern France and the Kingdom of Belgium), this title manifest the 'German' perspective - a pictorial digest. Evincing German offense against the BEF (British Expeditionary Force), French and Belgium armies at the Battle of Mons, heralding the mass exodus of British troops from region, the siege of Antwerp and the breakthrough toward Paris. Each successive chapter includes a short, introductory narrative, documenting holistically events and is accompanied by a wealth of fully captioned and rarely before seen photographs: over 500 images.
ISTE Ltd and John Wiley & Sons Inc Concurrent, Real-Time and Distributed Programming in Java: Threads, RTSJ and RMI
This book provides an introduction to concurrent, real-time, distributed programming with Java object-oriented language support as an algorithm description tool. It describes in particular the mechanisms of synchronization (cooperative and competitive) and sharing of data (internal class, static variables) between threads in Java. He then discusses the use of Java for real-time applications. Consequently, a presentation of the RTSJ (Real Time Specification for Java) specification dedicated to the development of real-time applications in Java is also introduced in this book. Finally, a presentation of programming distributed in Java is presented in this book. We are particularly interested in communication using the TCP Sockets and high-level communication using Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI). The book also contains an annex which contains a practical set of application exercises in relation to the theme of the book. Knowledge of the Java language is a prerequisite for understanding the book.
Quart Publishers Architektur machen: Schweizer Architekturschaffende im Gespräch
Swiss architects discuss the design process in a total of eight interviews. The interviews focus on the importance of architecture for the designers, how a task is approached, the value of the image, how building laws are addressed and how the challenges of climate change are handled. The texts provide fascinating insights into the work of the architects. The interviews were conducted with Barbara Buser (Baubüro Insitu), Andreas Bründler (Buchner Bründler Architekten), Christian Kerez, Roger Boltshauser, Oliver Lütjens and Thomas Padmanabhan, Annette Gigon (Gigon Guyer), Steffen Hägele and Tina Küng (DU Studio) and Stefan Wülser. The different and sometimes contradictory attitudes of the architects reveal what architecture can be and how many different approaches there are. The eight interviews are supplemented by illustrations and plans that playfully refer to the architecture discussed. Text in German.
Floris Books Karl König: My Task: Autobiography and Biographies
Karl König: My Task is an inspiring introduction to König's remarkable life and work. This book combines König's autobiographical fragment and an essay by Peter Selg with two selected reminiscences written by König's colleagues Anke Weihs and Hans-Heinrich Engel.Born in 1902 into a Jewish family, Karl König grew up in Vienna in the last years of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He studied medicine and during this time came across the work of Rudolf Steiner. Soon after graduating he worked with Ita Wegman in Switzerland, where he also met his wife, Tilla.He was a pioneer in the early days of Pilgramshain, a home for children with special needs in Silesia, Germany. However, in 1936 under political pressure he left Germany for Austria. Here he had a large medical practice as well as being the focus of a group of young people interested in Steiner's work.Following the annexation of Austria by the Nazis, König and many of the young people around him came to Britain as refugees. The ideal of working together as a community was put into practice with the founding of Camphill in 1939. König was the driving force behind the expansion of the Camphill movement across the British Isles, into Europe, South Africa and North America. He died in 1966.
Scheidegger und Spiess AG, Verlag Georg Aerni – Silent Transition: New Works
Transformation processes are the focus of Georg Aerni’s new photographs. The Swiss photographer and artist shows plastic greenhouses that have annexed whole swathes of land for agricultural mass production, residential houses that have been built overnight on the city outskirts without construction machines and literally noiselessly. He points his lens at olive trees that have grown over centuries into figures full of character, at creepers that conquer leftover spaces between high-rises and motorways, and at mighty rock faces that are being gnawed by erosion. With the merging of art and documentation that is typical of Aerni’s work, Georg Aerni—Silent Transition makes the signs of change the object of a contemplative observation and at the same time asks challenging questions: about our handling of natural resources, about the social backgrounds to cities growing out of control, about the regenerative force of nature. A decade after Aerni’s first monograph, Sites & Signs, this new book showcases the artist’s ongoing continuation of his photographic work through numerous individual images as well as new series. 166 beautiful colour and black-and-white plates are introduced through texts by Peter Pfrunder and Nadine Olonetzky and commented on with an essay by Sabine von Fischer. Text in English and German.
Hachette Books Godard On Godard
Jean-Luc Godard, like many of his European contemporaries, came to filmmaking through film criticism. This collection of essays and interviews, ranging from his early efforts for La Gazette du Cinéma to his later writings for Cahiers du Cinéma, reflects his dazzling intelligence, biting wit, maddening judgments, and complete unpredictability. In writing about Hitchcock, Welles, Bergman, Truffaut, Bresson, and Renoir, Godard is also writing about himself,his own experiments, obsessions, discoveries. This book offers evidence that he may be even more original as a thinker about film than as a director. Covering the period of 1950-1967, the years of Breathless, A Woman Is a Woman, My Life to Live, Alphaville, La Chinoise, and Weekend, this book of writings is an important document and a fascinating study of a vital stage in Godard's career. With commentary by Tom Milne and Richard Roud, and an extensive new foreword by Annette Michelson that reassesses Godard in light of his later films, here is an outrageous self-portrait by a director who, even now, continues to amaze and bedevil, and to chart new directions for cinema and for critical thought about its history.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Ukraine′s Maidan, Russia′s War – A Chronicle and Analysis of the Revolution of Dignity
In early 2014, sparked by an assault by their government on peaceful students, Ukrainians rose up against a deeply corrupt, Moscow-backed regime. Initially demonstrating under the banner of EU integration, the Maidan protesters proclaimed their right to a dignified existence; they learned to organize, to act collectively, to become a civil society. Most prominently, they established a new Ukrainian identity: territorial, inclusive, and present-focused with powerful mobilizing symbols. Driven by an urban bourgeoisie that rejected the hierarchies of industrial society in favor of a post-modern heterarchy, a previously passive post-Soviet country experienced a profound social revolution that generated new senses: Dignity and fairness became rallying cries for millions. Europe as the symbolic target of political aspiration gradually faded, but the impact (including on Europe) of Ukraines revolution remained. When Russia invaded -- illegally annexing Crimea and then feeding continuous military conflict in the Donbas -- Ukrainians responded with a massive volunteer effort and touching patriotism. In the process, they transformed their country, the region, and indeed the world. This book provides a chronicle of Ukraines Maidan and Russias ongoing war, and puts forth an analysis of the Revolution of Dignity from the perspective of a participant observer.
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Ukraine′s Maidan, Russia`s War – A Chronicle and Analysis of the Revolution of Dignity
In early 2014, sparked by an assault by their government on peaceful students, Ukrainians rose up against a deeply corrupt, Moscow-backed regime. Initially demonstrating under the banner of EU integration, the Maidan protesters proclaimed their right to a dignified existence; they learned to organize, to act collectively, to become a civil society. Most prominently, they established a new Ukrainian identity: territorial, inclusive, and present-focused with powerful mobilising symbols. Driven by an urban bourgeoisie that rejected the hierarchies of industrial society in favor of a post-modern heterarchy, a previously passive post-Soviet country experienced a profound social revolution that generated new senses: Dignity and fairness became rallying cries for millions. Europe as the symbolic target of political aspiration gradually faded, but the impact (including on Europe) of Ukraines revolution remained. When Russia invaded -- illegally annexing Crimea and then feeding continuous military conflict in the Donbas -- Ukrainians responded with a massive volunteer effort and touching patriotism. In the process, they transformed their country, the region, and indeed the world. This book provides a chronicle of Ukraines Maidan and Russias ongoing war, and puts forth an analysis of the Revolution of Dignity from the perspective of a participant observer.
Edinburgh University Press Russia'S New Authoritarianism: Putin and the Politics of Order
David G. Lewis explores the transformation of Russian domestic politics and foreign policy under Vladimir Putin. Using contemporary case studies including Russia's legal system, the annexation of Crimea and Russian policy in Syria he critically examines Russia's new authoritarian political ideology.
Duke University Press Capitalism, God, and a Good Cigar: Cuba Enters the Twenty-first Century
When the Soviet Union dissolved, so did the easy credit, cheap oil, and subsidies it had provided to Cuba. The bottom fell out of the Cuban economy, and many expected that Castro’s revolution—the one that had inspired the Left throughout Latin America and elsewhere—would soon be gone as well. More than a decade later, the revolution lives on, albeit in a modified form. Following the collapse of Soviet communism, Castro legalized the dollar, opened the island to tourism, and allowed foreign investment, small-scale private enterprise, and remittances from exiles in Miami. Capitalism, God, and a Good Cigar describes what the changes implemented since the early 1990s have meant for ordinary Cubans: hotel workers, teachers, priests, factory workers, rap artists, writers, homemakers, and others.Based on reporting by journalists, writers, and documentary filmmakers since 2001, each of the essays collected here covers a particular dimension of contemporary Cuban society, revealing what it is like to have lived, for more than a decade, suspended between communism and capitalism. There are pieces on hip hop musicians, fiction writing and censorship, the state of ballet and the performing arts, and the role of computers and the Internet. Other essays address the shrinking yet still sizeable numbers of true believers in the promise of socialist revolution, the legendary cigar industry, the changing state of religion, the significance of the recent influx of money and people from Spain, and the tensions between recent Cuban emigrants and previous generations of exiles. Including more than seventy striking documentary photographs of Cuba’s people, countryside, and city streets, this richly illustrated collection offers keen, even-handed insights into the abundant ironies of life in Cuba today.Contributors. Juliana Barbassa, Ana Campoy, Mimi Chakarova, Lydia Chávez, John Coté, Julian Foley, Angel González, Megan Lardner, Ezequiel Minaya, Daniela Mohor, Archana Pyati, Alicia Roca, Olga R. Rodríguez, Bret Sigler, Annelise Wunderlich
Duke University Press Capitalism, God, and a Good Cigar: Cuba Enters the Twenty-first Century
When the Soviet Union dissolved, so did the easy credit, cheap oil, and subsidies it had provided to Cuba. The bottom fell out of the Cuban economy, and many expected that Castro’s revolution—the one that had inspired the Left throughout Latin America and elsewhere—would soon be gone as well. More than a decade later, the revolution lives on, albeit in a modified form. Following the collapse of Soviet communism, Castro legalized the dollar, opened the island to tourism, and allowed foreign investment, small-scale private enterprise, and remittances from exiles in Miami. Capitalism, God, and a Good Cigar describes what the changes implemented since the early 1990s have meant for ordinary Cubans: hotel workers, teachers, priests, factory workers, rap artists, writers, homemakers, and others.Based on reporting by journalists, writers, and documentary filmmakers since 2001, each of the essays collected here covers a particular dimension of contemporary Cuban society, revealing what it is like to have lived, for more than a decade, suspended between communism and capitalism. There are pieces on hip hop musicians, fiction writing and censorship, the state of ballet and the performing arts, and the role of computers and the Internet. Other essays address the shrinking yet still sizeable numbers of true believers in the promise of socialist revolution, the legendary cigar industry, the changing state of religion, the significance of the recent influx of money and people from Spain, and the tensions between recent Cuban emigrants and previous generations of exiles. Including more than seventy striking documentary photographs of Cuba’s people, countryside, and city streets, this richly illustrated collection offers keen, even-handed insights into the abundant ironies of life in Cuba today.Contributors. Juliana Barbassa, Ana Campoy, Mimi Chakarova, Lydia Chávez, John Coté, Julian Foley, Angel González, Megan Lardner, Ezequiel Minaya, Daniela Mohor, Archana Pyati, Alicia Roca, Olga R. Rodríguez, Bret Sigler, Annelise Wunderlich
University of Texas Press Recollections of a Tejano Life: Antonio Menchaca in Texas History
San Antonio native, military veteran, merchant, and mayor pro tem José Antonio Menchaca (1800–1879) was one of only a few Tejano leaders to leave behind an extensive manuscript of recollections. Portions of the document were published in 1907, followed by a “corrected” edition in 1937, but the complete work could not be published without painstaking reconstruction. At last available in its entirety, Menchaca’s book of reminiscences captures the social life, people, and events that shaped the history of Texas’s tumultuous transformation during his lifetime. Highlighting not only Menchaca’s acclaimed military service but also his vigorous defense of Tejanos’ rights, dignity, and heritage, Recollections of a Tejano Life charts a remarkable legacy while incorporating scholarly commentary to separate fact from fiction.Revealing how Tejanos perceived themselves and the revolutionary events that defined them, this wonderfully edited volume presents Menchaca’s remembrances of such diverse figures as Antonio López de Santa Anna, Jim Bowie, Davy Crockett, Sam Houston, General Adrián Woll, Comanche chief “Casamiro,” and Texas Ranger Jack Hays. Menchaca and his fellow Tejanos were actively engaged in local struggles as Mexico won her independence from Spain; later many joined the fight to establish the Republic of Texas, only to see it annexed to the United States nine years after the Battle of San Jacinto. This first-person account corrects important misconceptions and brings previously unspoken truths vividly to life.
Duke University Press Frontiers of Capital: Ethnographic Reflections on the New Economy
With the NASDAQ having lost 70 percent of its value, the giddy, optimistic belief in perpetual growth that accompanied the economic boom of the 1990s had fizzled by 2002. Yet the advances in information and communication technology, management and production techniques, and global integration that spurred the “New Economy” of the 1990s had triggered profound and lasting changes. Frontiers of Capital brings together ethnographies exploring how cultural practices and social relations have been altered by the radical economic and technological innovations of the New Economy. The contributors, most of whom are anthropologists, investigate changes in the practices and interactions of futures traders, Chinese entrepreneurs, residents of French housing projects, women working on Wall Street, cable television programmers, and others.Some contributors highlight how expedited flows of information allow business professionals to develop new knowledge practices. They analyze dynamics ranging from the decision-making processes of the Federal Reserve Board to the legal maneuvering necessary to buttress a nascent Japanese market in over-the-counter derivatives. Others focus on the social consequences of globalization and new modes of communication, evaluating the introduction of new information technologies into African communities and the collaborative practices of open-source computer programmers. Together the essays suggest that social relations, rather than becoming less relevant in the high-tech age, have become more important than ever. This finding dovetails with the thinking of many corporations, which increasingly employ anthropologists to study and explain the “local” cultural practices of their own workers and consumers. Frontiers of Capital signals the wide-ranging role of anthropology in explaining the social and cultural contours of the New Economy.Contributors. Jean Comaroff, John L. Comaroff, Greg Downey, Melissa S. Fisher, Douglas R. Holmes, George E. Marcus, Siobhán O’Mahony, Aihwa Ong, Annelise Riles, Saskia Sassen, Paul A. Silverstein, AbdouMaliq Simone, Neil Smith, Caitlin Zaloom
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon International Law and the Post–Soviet Space I – Essays on Chechnya and the Baltic States
The region that once comprised the Soviet Union has been the scene of crises with serious implications for international law. Some of these, like the separatist conflict in Chechnya, date to the time of the dissolution of the USSR. Others, like Russias forcible annexation of Crimea and intervention in Ukraines Donbas, erupted years later. The seizure of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, which took place long before, would trouble Soviet-western relations for the Cold Wars duration and gained new relevance when the Baltic States re-emerged in the 1990s. The fate of Ukraine notwithstanding, the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 complicates future efforts at nuclear non-proliferation. Legal proceedings in connection with events in the post-Soviet space brought before the International Court of Justice and under investment treaties or the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea may be steps toward the resolution of recent crises -- or tests of the resiliency of modern international law.
De Gruyter Wewelsburg Castle: A Historical and Architectural Overview
With its triangular floor plan, Wewelsburg Castle occupies an extraordinary position in German architectural history. The castle, which was completed in 1609, incorporates a medieval tower structure. An inscription above the main portal indicates the intentions of its builder, Paderborn’s Prince Bishop Dietrich von Fürstenberg: to assert the interests of sovereignty and realize the aims of the Counter-Reformation within his territory. The dilapidated state of the building in the 19th century inspired Schinkel’s proposal to transform Wewelsburg castle into an artificial ruin, and Annette von Droste-Hülshoff was moved to make it the subject of some of her ballads. In the Weimar Republic, the Catholic youth movement held interregional events here. In the “Third Reich”, Heinrich Himmler pursued extensive plans to convert the castle into an ideological center of the SS. 1285 prisoners of a specially established concentration camp were murdered during construction. The SS blew up the building in 1945, causing extensive damage. Today, the reconstructed Wewelsburg Castle has resumed its pre-1933 function as a youth hostel, and it is the home of the Historical Museum of the Prince Bishopric of Paderborn. The neighboring guardhouse accommodates the permanent exhibition “Wewelsburg Castle 1933 – 1945, Cult and Terror Center of the SS”, which is also a memorial for concentration camp victims. It will be reopened with a new concept in 2010.
University of Pennsylvania Press Legendary Hawai'i and the Politics of Place: Tradition, Translation, and Tourism
Hawaiian legends figure greatly in the image of tropical paradise that has come to represent Hawai'i in popular imagination. But what are we buying into when we read these stories as texts in English-language translations? Cristina Bacchilega poses this question in her examination of the way these stories have been adapted to produce a legendary Hawai'i primarily for non-Hawaiian readers or other audiences. With an understanding of tradition that foregrounds history and change, Bacchilega examines how, following the 1898 annexation of Hawai'i by the United States, the publication of Hawaiian legends in English delegitimized indigenous narratives and traditions and at the same time constructed them as representative of Hawaiian culture. Hawaiian mo'olelo were translated in popular and scholarly English-language publications to market a new cultural product: a space constructed primarily for Euro-Americans as something simultaneously exotic and primitive and beautiful and welcoming. To analyze this representation of Hawaiian traditions, place, and genre, Bacchilega focuses on translation across languages, cultures, and media; on photography, as the technology that contributed to the visual formation of a westernized image of Hawai'i; and on tourism as determining postannexation economic and ideological machinery. In a book with interdisciplinary appeal, Bacchilega demonstrates both how the myth of legendary Hawai'i emerged and how this vision can be unmade and reimagined.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Putin's Wars: From Chechnya to Ukraine
The Financial Times – Best books of 2022: Politics 'The prolific military chronicler and analyst Mark Galeotti has produced exactly the right book at the right time.' The Times A new history of how Putin and his conflicts have inexorably reshaped Russia, including his devastating invasion of Ukraine. Putin's Wars is a timely overview of the conflicts in which Russia has been involved since Vladimir Putin became prime minister and then president of Russia, from the First Chechen War to the two military incursions into Georgia, the annexation of Crimea and the eventual invasion of Ukraine itself. But it also looks more broadly at Putin's recreation of Russian military power and its expansion to include a range of new capabilities, from mercenaries to operatives in a relentless information war against Western powers. This is an engrossing strategic overview of the Russian military and the successes and failures on the battlefield. Thanks to Dr Galeotti's wide-ranging contacts throughout Russia, it is also peppered with anecdotes of military life, personal snapshots of conflicts, and an extraordinary collection of first-hand accounts from serving and retired Russian officers. Russia continues to dominate the news cycle throughout the Western world. There is no better time to understand how and why Putin has involved his armed forces in a variety of conflicts for over two decades.
Faber & Faber Leopoldstadt
At the beginning of the twentieth century, Leopoldstadt was the old, crowded Jewish quarter of Vienna. But Hermann Merz, a manufacturer and baptised Jew married to Catholic Gretl, has moved up in the world. Gathered in the Merz apartment in a fashionable part of the city, Hermann's extended family are at the heart of Tom Stoppard's epic yet intimate drama. By the time we have taken leave of them, Austria has passed through the convulsions of war, revolution, impoverishment, annexation by Nazi Germany and - for Austrian Jews - the Holocaust in which 65,000 of them were murdered. It is for the survivors to pass on a story which hasn't ended yet.Tom Stoppard's Leopoldstadt was first performed at Wyndham's Theatre, London, in January 2020.WINNER: OLIVIER AWARD FOR BEST NEW PLAY, 2020WINNER: TONY AWARD FOR BEST PLAY, 2023Winner of the Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Play; the New York Drama Critics Circle Award for Best Foreign Play; the Drama League Award for Outstanding Production; and the Outer Critics' Circle Award for Outstanding New Broadway Play.'One of Britain's greatest living playwrights to provide his most personal play yet.' The Times'The news that Tom Stoppard has written a new drama ranks as top-end seismic activity.' Daily Telegraph
Amberley Publishing The Prince Who Beat the Empire: How an Indian Ruler Took on the Might of the East India Company
An acclaimed history of empire and resistance: this is the moving story of the rebel prince who beat the world’s most powerful corporation. The ships of the East India Company first docked at India's shores in Surat in the early 17th century. In time, through astute politics and military power, the Company became masters of this great port. But the Company came not with the intention of building Indian maritime trade, but with the single-minded goal of destroying its trading prowess. By 1800 the port was completely annexed, through a Treaty that gave protection to future generations of the local Nawab rulers. But, as elsewhere in India, the Company violated its promises. It stopped the family’s income, usurping its palaces, estates, jewellery and possessions. This left the infant granddaughters of the last Nawab on the brink of destitution. But in an unprecedented counter-attack, the father of the two girls stood to defy the Empire and expose its corruption overseas to the British at home. Travelling to London, he would shatter the Company's reputation. His campaign for justice would call for the end of British rule in Hindustan. Not only did the prince win back the family's possessions for his daughters but found true love in Victorian England.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Meta-heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms for Engineering Optimization
A detailed review of a wide range of meta-heuristic and evolutionary algorithms in a systematic manner and how they relate to engineering optimization problems This book introduces the main metaheuristic algorithms and their applications in optimization. It describes 20 leading meta-heuristic and evolutionary algorithms and presents discussions and assessments of their performance in solving optimization problems from several fields of engineering. The book features clear and concise principles and presents detailed descriptions of leading methods such as the pattern search (PS) algorithm, the genetic algorithm (GA), the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, the Tabu search (TS) algorithm, the ant colony optimization (ACO), and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) technique. Chapter 1 of Meta-heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms for Engineering Optimization provides an overview of optimization and defines it by presenting examples of optimization problems in different engineering domains. Chapter 2 presents an introduction to meta-heuristic and evolutionary algorithms and links them to engineering problems. Chapters 3 to 22 are each devoted to a separate algorithm— and they each start with a brief literature review of the development of the algorithm, and its applications to engineering problems. The principles, steps, and execution of the algorithms are described in detail, and a pseudo code of the algorithm is presented, which serves as a guideline for coding the algorithm to solve specific applications. This book: Introduces state-of-the-art metaheuristic algorithms and their applications to engineering optimization; Fills a gap in the current literature by compiling and explaining the various meta-heuristic and evolutionary algorithms in a clear and systematic manner; Provides a step-by-step presentation of each algorithm and guidelines for practical implementation and coding of algorithms; Discusses and assesses the performance of metaheuristic algorithms in multiple problems from many fields of engineering; Relates optimization algorithms to engineering problems employing a unifying approach. Meta-heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms for Engineering Optimization is a reference intended for students, engineers, researchers, and instructors in the fields of industrial engineering, operations research, optimization/mathematics, engineering optimization, and computer science. OMID BOZORG-HADDAD, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Irrigation and Reclamation Engineering at the University of Tehran, Iran. MOHAMMAD SOLGI, M.Sc., is Teacher Assistant for M.Sc. courses at the University of Tehran, Iran. HUGO A. LOÁICIGA, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of California, Santa Barbara, United States of America.
The Crowood Press Ltd Making Wire Jewellery
Precious metal wire is a versatile material that can be used to great advantage in jewellery design. This book focuses on using soldering techniques to confidently construct wearable wire jewellery designs. It incorporates fundamental skills such as cutting, filing, annealing and soldering, and encourages the maker to master these basic techniques, so they can create individual articles of wire jewellery using their own inspiration and designs.