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Peeters Publishers Hansjakob Seiler. Notice Bio-bibliographique Suivie D'un Entretien Entre Hansjakob Seiler Et Jacques Francois, Et De Deux Exposes De Synthese De Hansjakob Seiler "Uber Das Verhaltnis Von Sprachuniversalienforschung Und Sprachtypologie: Ruck
Ce fascicule contient une notice sur la carriere scientifique de Hansjakob Seiler et une bibliographie complete de ses publications, suivie d'un apercu critique de la reception en France de son 'uvre. La partie bio-bibliographique est suivie par la traduction francaise d'un entretien sur la linguistique universaliste et la typologie linguistique, et par deux textes de synthese. Dans le premier, H. Seiler dresse le bilan des travaux du groupe UNITYP, qu'il a dirige pendant 20 annees, et ouvre des perspectives de recherche dans le domaine de la linguistique des universaux; le second texte offre une reflexion sur la notion de continuum permettant d'expliquer l'agencement de positions et de strategies linguistiques en tant que reponses a des 'problemes' cognitifs. Biographical sketch, followed by a full bibliography of H. Seiler's writings, a study of his reception in France, a dialogue on universalist and typological linguistics, and two texts by H. Seiler on the goals, methodological principles, and perspectives of language universals research.
Peeters Publishers La Critique au Service de la Revolution
L'auteur, specialiste de l'analyse du discours et de l'histoire des idees, etudie la critique litteraire communiste dans l'Europe francophone au cours des annees 1920 et 1930. Il cherche a rendre raison du systeme qui divise les lettres en deux "camps", celui de la litterature bourgeoise, decadente et condamnee, et celui de la litterature revolutionnaire et de realisme socialiste. Il analyse la logique politico-litteraire de jugement porte sur les oeuvres qui paraissent par des critiques militants, au premier rang desquels Barbusse, Aragon et Nizan. Depassant la condamnation simpliste du stalinisme, il montre qu'un conflit indepassable oppose l'ecriture moderniste et la pensee militante et traverse les deux siecles de la modernite.
Edition Axel Menges Espace de l'Art Concret, Mouans-Sartoux: Opus 58
Text in French and English. Mouans-Sartoux, a small community near Cannes, has become a Mecca for concrete art. Since 1990 two collectors from Switzerland, Sybil Albers and the artist Gottfried Honegger, have been working to establish the Espace de l'Art Concret (EAC). Neither a museum nor a municipal gallery, this institution is located in the Château de Mouans and in two new buildings in its large park. The first of the two new buildings was a studio designed by Marc Barani from Nice for children who come here to paint and to develop their aesthetic senses. Barani began work in 1990 with the extension to the cemetery of Saint Pancrace in Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. The way he located the cemetery in the local landscape and his use of original vegetable and mineral materials immediately brought him to international notice. In 2000 Albers and Honegger decided to donate their collections to the French state, on the understanding that it would finance a building to house the nearly 500 works of art. A competition was launched and was won by the Zurich architects Annette Gigon and Mike Guyer. The building, which opened its doors in 2004, stands on a steeply sloping wooded terrain. As one enters the park, one sees its yellowish-green hues through the branches of the trees. The monochrome colour unifies the five levels of the building that give no clue as to what it contains. While the outside of the building looks artificial, independent, sculptural, its interior is set up in accordance with Honegger's special instructions. He wanted the building that was to house his collection to be distinct from the official and sterile museums that are often laid out on the gallery model, passageways for contemplation, internal streets with overhead lighting. Honegger prefers an interior that is like a private home rather than a public institution. The domestic framework of the rooms must reflect a principle dear to the heart of the donors: that the works are to be lived with. Honegger takes an overall view of our material environment and emphasises that for him the distinction between fine arts and applied arts has no meaning, because "an unapplied art would have no purpose and would be bound to be insignificant and disappear".
Biblioteca Autores Cristianos El cristianismo y las mujeres veinte siglos de historia
El siglo xx habrá sido, en la historia de las culturas, ese momento en el que todos los rostros de la feminidad ?costilla tan a menudo oculta y anónima de la humanidad? han impuesto su presencia a la conciencia común, como nunca antes había ocurrido en el pasado. Hasta llegar a este punto, las mujeres han ocupado el lugar que corresponde a los vencidos o, al menos, a los dominados. Las religiones han contribuido a ello, en muchos casos con celo. Esta obra se adentra, documentada y sintéticamente, en esta historia, desentrañando las visiones y papeles que la mujer ha tenido en el cristianismo y, a través de él, en la cultura occidentalAnneMarie Pelletier es profesora de literatura comparada. Actualmente enseña exégesis bíblica en la escuela de la catedral de París. Es autora y colaboradora de diversas publicaciones, entre las que cabe destacar: Lectures bibliques. Aux sources de la culture occidentale (París 1995, 2001).
Temple University Press,U.S. The Palestinian Idea: Film, Media, and the Radical Imagination
Is there a link between the colonization of Palestinian lands and the enclosing of Palestinian minds? The Palestinian Idea argues that it is precisely through film and media that hope can occasionally emerge amidst hopelessness, emancipation amidst oppression, freedom amidst apartheid. Greg Burris employs the work of Edward W. Said, Jacques Rancière, and Cedric J. Robinson in order to locate Palestinian utopia in the heart of the Zionist present.He analyzes the films of prominent directors Annemarie Jacir (Salt of This Sea, When I Saw You) and Hany Abu-Assad (Paradise Now) to investigate the emergence and formation of Palestinian identity. Looking at Mais Darwazah’s documentary My Love Awaits Me By the Sea, Burris considers the counterhistories that make up the Palestinian experience—stories and memories that have otherwise been obscured or denied. He also examines Palestinian (in)visibility in the global media landscape, and how issues of Black-Palestinian transnational solidarity are illustrated through social media, staged news spectacles, and hip hop music.
Emerald Publishing Limited Bridge Design to Eurocodes: UK Implementation
As of April 2010, Eurocodes replaced British Standards as the principal design standards for bridges in the UK. In support of the transition the Bridge Design to Eurocodes: UK Implementation conference held at the Institution of Civil Engineers in November 2010 brought important background and explanatory information into the public domain. The proceedings of this conference provide an enduring record of the UK's Eurocodes implementation for bridge design, with papers written by invited experts who have been at the very heart of Eurocode developments in the UK. Readers are provided with the key technical decisions taken in the development of the National Annexes, as well as important sources of complementary information and practical advice on applying the codes. Providing definitive, essential and practical information on the implementation of the Eurocodes for bridge design in the UK, this book is essential reading for bridge owners, managers, designers, consultants, contractors, local or central government engineers, academics, and software developers, that is anyone interested or involved in the design, build, maintenance or ownership of bridges.
Picador Film Stars Dont Die in Liverpool
Now a Major Motion Picture Starring Annette Bening, Jamie Bell, Julie Walters, and Vanessa RedgraveThe Golden Age of Hollywood, a young British actor, a love affair, and a tragedy, Film Stars Don't Die In Liverpool is Peter Turner's touching memoir of the last days of Hollywood icon Gloria Grahame, the Oscar-winner best known for her portrayal of irresistible femme fatales in films such as The Big Heat, Oklahoma and The Bad and the Beautiful.The Hollywood Reporter calls the film adaptation a tender, affecting romantic drama.On September 29, 1981, Peter Turner received a phone call that would change his life. His former lover, Hollywood actress Gloria Grahame, had collapsed in a Lancaster hotel and was refusing medical attention. He took her into his chaotic and often eccentric family's home in Liverpool to see her through her last days. Though their affair had ended years before, it was to him tha
Liberty Fund Inc Hong Kong DVD: A Story of Human Freedom & Progress
This DVD shows how the economic transformation of Hong Kong from a modest trading centre to a modern industrial and free-trade economy (prior to China's annexation) came about through a reliance on the market and economic liberty rather than on central planning through governmental direction. Great Britain established the crown colony of Hong Kong in 1841, just 65 years after the publication of 'The Wealth of Nations'. It was designated a free port from the start, with no duties or protective tariffs for its residents. This DVD takes an in-depth look at the economy of Hong Kong in its final days as a British colony. We see how it was transformed into a modern industrial economy solely by reliance on he invisible hand of the market. Seeing Hong Kong as a laboratory experiment that confirms Adam Smith's theories, the DVD outlines a proven strategy for the development of emerging economies and a powerful argument for a capitalist economy bolstered by balanced budgets, low tax rates, and avoidance of government borrowing.
CABI Publishing Communicable Diseases: A Global Perspective
Completely updated and revised, and now published in its sixth edition, this best-selling text has provided an essential overview of the subject for almost 25 years. A comprehensive yet synoptic account of communicable diseases, it covers theory, epidemiology and control, then systematically groups diseases by their main means of transmission. There are special chapters on infections in pregnancy and the concern of new and emerging diseases, and an annex lists all 353 diseases in an easy reference table. This edition includes updates to all chapters and a new section on melioidosis. It: - Provides information concisely so it can be found at a glance. - Includes numerous clear diagrams, bullet points and tables for rapid review and learning. - Contains a new full-colour internal design and online lecture slides to facilitate teaching. Communicable Diseases continues to provide an essential resource for doctors, medical students and all those in public health, and for healthcare workers needing a comprehensive yet concise practical text.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Fantastically Great Women Who Worked Wonders Activity Book
Join even more of the world's most inspiring women in this amazing activity book based on Kate Pankhurst's Fantastically Great Women Who Worked Wonders, a brilliant new addition to the Fantastically Great Women series, all about women’s achievements in the world of work. With an exciting variety of activities, along with fascinating nuggets of information about these trail-blazing women to accompany each activity, prepare to spend endless hours of fun charging for change with Rosa May Billinghurst, designing your own products with Madam C.J. Walker, playing fair games with Elizabeth Magie and discovering DNA with Rosalind Franklin. With over 200 stickers, this is the perfect activity book to celebrate girl power! List of women featured: Junko Tabei, Sophie Blanchard, Maria Merian, Elizabeth Magie, the London Match Girls, Rosa May Billinghurst, Katherine Johnson, Annette Kellerman, Katia Krafft, Rosalind Franklin, James Barry, Madam C.J. Walker, Lotte Reiniger.
Peeters Publishers Qu Qiubai (1899-1935). "Des Mots De Trop" (Duoyu De Hua): L'autobiographie D'un Intellectuel Engage Chinois
Le 18 juin 1935, un homme de 36 ans, qui ete un important dirigeant du parti communiste chinois, Qu Qiubai (Ch'u Ch'iu-p'ai), laisse en arriere au depart de la Longue Marche et capture par le Guomindang, est fusille dans une bourgade du Fujian: il meurt dignement apres avoir bu une verre d'alcool de riz et chante l'Internationale, dans la traduction chinoise dont il etait lui-meme l'auteur. Quelques jours avant son execution, il avait redige une autobiographie, les Mots de trop, ou il presentait sa vie comme un malentendu fondamental, celui d'un lettre engage par erreur dans les combats politiques, afin de ne pas vivre en parasite de la societe. Ce destin tragique d'un grand intellectuel, a qui l'Internationale Communiste puis Mao Zedong ont fait porter la responsabilite d'une ligne politique aventureuse conduite sous sa direction entre l'ete 1927 et l'ete 1928, a donne lieu a des appreciations contradictoires.Qui fut-il en effet? Un dandy qui declamait dans les parcs publics de Moscou du Pouchkine a de jolies dames qu'il voulait seduire? Un theoricien dogmatique plus ou moins plagiaire qui abusait de sa maitrise de la langue russe pour se travestir en penseur marxiste? Un grand lettre dont le style suscitait l'admiration de Lu Xun, le meilleur ecrivain de la Chine moderne? Un bouddhiste mystique en quete d'illumination qui croyait la trouver dans l'embrasement de la Revolution mondiale proletarienne? Successivement, il fut considere a Pekin comme un martyr, a Taiwan comme un "communiste au coeur tendre", tenu pour un traitre par les Gardes Rouges qui profanerent sa tombe durant la "revolution culturelle", puis rehabilite en catimini par Deng Xiaoping dans les annees quatre-vingt.Ce livre est construit autour de cette autobiographie encore inedite en francais, dont la version chinoise a ete soigneusement etablie par Wang Xiaoling, maitre de conference a l'universite de Paris VII Denis Diderot, qui demontre son authenticite et en propose une traduction rigoureuse. Avec Alain Roux, professeur emerite a l'INALCO ("Langues O"), elle cherche a en evaluer la signification. Une lacune est ainsi comblee dans notre connaissance de cette douloureuse mutation des lettres chinois en intellectuels modernes qu'il faut essayer d'analyser si l'on veut comprendre tant soi peu le monde chinois actuel qui fascine, etonne et deroute les meilleurs esprits.
The Crowood Press Ltd Kiln Forming Glass
Kiln Forming Glass captures the excitement of working with glass and explains the techniques involved in this stimulating sphere of glass making. It discusses numerous aspects of this exciting and absorbing method of working. This practical instruction is accompanied by striking visual images of kiln formed glass by established glass artists, as well as unique snapshots of some of their own making processes. Topics covered include: Technical aspects of glass - its physical characteristics, compatibility and annealing issues Materials and equipment - a look at the wide array of glass materials and tools available Detailed analysis of techniques - fusing, slumping, kiln casting and pate de verre Step-by-step guides to completing projects with practical information and firing guides An in-depth look at the lost wax technique for kiln casting glass Further and more advanced kiln forming methods to extend creativity and skills
Peeters Publishers L'oiseau De Minerve: Introduction a L'etude De La Philosophie
L'objectif du livre est d'introduire des debutants en philosophie a l'etude de celle-ci, en les initiant a sa problematique et a son vocabulaire specifique, ainsi qu'a quelques questions annexes, mais importantes, comme celles de la traduction et de l'edition critique des textes, des genres litteraires de la philosophie et de la bibliographie philosophique.
Peeters Publishers God's Sacramental Presence in the Contemporary World: Festschrift Lambert Leijssen
During the long and impressive career of prof. Lambert Leijssen interesting ideas about sacraments, liturgy, pastoral theology, and spirituality were crystallized. It would be sad if the generations after prof. Leijssen would not be concerned anymore about these ideas. Therefore, the contributions in this book in one way or another reflect prof. Leijssen's major theological concerns. They have been taken up in three parts. In the first part, Louis-Marie Chauvet, Jean-Yves Lacoste, George S. Wogul, and Paul Post engage themselves in thoroughgoing fundamental reflections on the sacraments and the liturgy. The second part consists of four contributions dealing with individual sacraments. Jozef Lamberts, Joris Geldhof, Stijn Van den Bossche, and Thomas Knieps-Port le Roi respectively dwell on the sacraments of initiation, the Eucharist, and marriage. The third part contains reflections on the crossroads of sacramental theology, moral theology, and pastoral theology. Andre Haquin, Susan K. Roll, Annemie Dillen, and Marcel Broesterhuizen show in a very leijssenian way that sacraments always point to concrete life situations. By way of introduction to this volume, Matthijs Lamberigts' laudatio pronounced at the solemn celebration of prof. Leijssen's retirement has also been included.
Peeters Publishers L'esperance De La Raison
Les textes reunis dans le present recueil ont ete publies, au cours des vingt-huit dernieres annees, dans differentes revues et divers ouvrages collectifs. Chacun peut etre lu independamment des autres. Mais ils s'inscrivent tous dans une meme perspective, qu'ils tentent d'ailleurs de rendre explicite a partir de leurs points de vue particuliers respectifs. Ce recueil se situe dans le prolongement d'un autre ensemble de textes, qui a pour titre "Le temps du possible" et dans lequel il est question de l'auto-comprehension de la philosophie et de quelques themes relevant d'une perspective ontologique. Le dernier de ces textes a pour theme ce qui est indique dans le titre donne au recueil. Il evoque ce qui constitue l'horizon de ce recueil et ce qui lui donne son unite. Et il prepare la reflexion sur la raison qui est poursuivie dans le present recueil.
Duke University Press Nation Within: The History of the American Occupation of Hawai'i
In 1893 a small group of white planters and missionary descendants backed by the United States overthrew the Kingdom of Hawai‘i and established a government modeled on the Jim Crow South. In Nation Within Tom Coffman tells the complex history of the unsuccessful efforts of deposed Hawaiian queen Lili‘uokalani and her subjects to resist annexation, which eventually came in 1898. Coffman describes native Hawaiian political activism, the queen's visits to Washington, D.C., to lobby for independence, and her imprisonment, along with hundreds of others, after their aborted armed insurrection. Exposing the myths that fueled the narrative that native Hawaiians willingly relinquished their nation, Coffman shows how Americans such as Theodore Roosevelt conspired to extinguish Hawai‘i's sovereignty in the service of expanding the United States' growing empire.
Faber & Faber The Wolf Border: Shortlisted for the Booker Prize
'One of the finest writers at work today.' Damon Galgut'A writer of show-stopping genius.' Guardian 'So vivid, so visceral, so vital.' Val McDermidFor almost a decade Rachel Caine has turned her back on home and worked in Idaho at a reservation for wolves. As one of the few experts in her field she is summoned back to England by the eccentric Earl of Annerdale to help with his plan for re-wilding wolves on his estate in the Lake District. As Rachel attempts a gradual reconciliation with her estranged family, her work with the Earl begins to generate public outrage and the threat of sabotage. Set against a backdrop of Scottish independence and tumultuous power struggles both locally and nationally, The Wolf Border is a novel steeped in wilderness and wildness, both animal and human.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Methuen Drama Book of Contemporary Monologues for Women
This book of contemporary monologues for women includes pieces from the best of the last three decades of contemporary playwriting, from Caryl Churchill and Michael Frayn to Martin McDonagh and Sarah Kane. Including pieces by award-winning British playwrights, here are pieces both serious and comic providing the actor with all the challenges of performing contemporary plays. The book is an invaluable resource for auditions, acting class, competitions and rehearsals. A fuller appreciation of each monologue is provided by Chrys Salt's invaluable commentaries, giving clues as to possible direction and setting each piece in the context of the play as a whole.Praise for Chrys Salt's Make Acting Work: "A really useful book for every actor to own" Prunella Scales; "This book should be part of every resourceful actor's armoury" Annette Badland
ibidem-Verlag, Jessica Haunschild u Christian Schon Ukraine`s Euromaidan – Analyses of a Civil Revolution
The papers presented in this volume analyze the civil uprising known as Euromaidan that began in central Kyiv in late November 2013, when the Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych opted not to sign an Association Agreement with the European Union, and continued over the following months. The topics include the motivations and expectations of protesters, organized crime, nationalism, gender issues, mass media, the Russian language, and the impact of Euromaidan on Ukrainian politics as well as on the EU, Russia, and Belarus. An epilogue to the book looks at the aftermath, including the Russian annexation of Crimea and the creation of breakaway republics in the east, leading to full-scale conflict. The goal of the book is less to offer a definitive account than one that represents a variety of aspects of a mass movement that captivated world attention and led to the downfall of the Yanukovych presidency.
The Crowood Press Ltd Heat Treatment
The ability to perform heat treatments in the home workshop can be a very useful asset, enabling you to make, repair and maintain tools, to anneal and normalize work-hardened metals, and even to create decorative finishes. Heat Treatment is a practical guide to this valuable range of workshop techniques and how to employ them safely and effectively. Featuring step-by-step photography throughout, this book covers metals and their properties; building a heat treatment oven for the home workshop; case hardening, flame hardening and tempering and finally, decorative finishes with colour case hardening, oil blacking and enamelling.
Peeters Publishers Callimachus Revisited: New Perspectives in Callimachean Scholarship
This special volume of the Hellenistica Groningana, in honour of the achievements and career of Professor M.A. Harder, revisits the poetry of Callimachus (theme of two earlier Hellenistic Workshops). A number of renowned international scholars in the field of Hellenistic studies reflect on new perspectives in Callimachean scholarship, inspired among other by Annette Harder's 2012 edition of Callimachus' Aetia. Their questions aim to contextualize and analyze Callimachus’ poetry in novel ways, inspired by both new literary theory and historical insights and a solid body of existing scholarship. How do Callimachus’ learned elegies relate to the genre of didactic poetry? How do his aetiological narratives straddle the border between fiction and reality? What is their basis in Hellenistic scholarship, and in Near Eastern or Egyptian poetic traditions? How and why do later Greek poets incorporate Callimachean poetics, and so facilitate his reception in Latin poetry? What is Callimachus’ attitude to gods and divine rulers in his hymnic poetry? These and many more questions are addressed, creating new perspectives in Callimachean scholarship, as the title indicates.
Yale University Press Putin vs. the People: The Perilous Politics of a Divided Russia
A fascinating, bottom-up exploration of contemporary Russian politics that sheds new light on why Putin’s grip on power is more fragile than we think “Putin v. the People wrestles with perhaps the central conundrum of contemporary Russia: the endurance of support for Putin amid deepening disillusionment with the present and pessimism about the future.”—Daniel Beer, The Guardian What do ordinary Russians think of Putin? Who are his supporters? And why might their support now be faltering? Alive with the voices and experiences of ordinary Russians and elites alike, Sam Greene and Graeme Robertson craft a compellingly original account of contemporary Russian politics. Telling the story of Putin’s rule through pivotal episodes such as the aftermath of the "For Fair Elections" protests, the annexation of Crimea, and the War in Eastern Ukraine, Greene and Robertson draw on interviews, surveys, social media data, and leaked documents to reveal how hard Putin has to work to maintain broad popular support, while exposing the changing tactics that the Kremlin has used to bolster his popularity. Unearthing the ambitions, emotions, and divisions that fuel Russian politics, this book illuminates the crossroads to which Putin has led his country and shows why his rule is more fragile than it appears.
Egypt Exploration Society Qasr Ibrim: The Ottoman Period
This volume completes the documentation of excavations at the Nubian site of Qasr Ibrim conducted by the Egypt Exploration Society, continuing the tradition of documenting the history and archaeology of the site phase-by-phase. Previous monographs dealt with the Ballaña phase (c. AD 350–600), the earlier (c. 600–1172) and the later medieval period (c. 1172–1500). The present work carries the story forward to the final abandonment of the site in AD 1812, the period when Lower Nubia was annexed to the Ottoman Empire, and an Ottoman garrison was installed at Qasr Ibrim. Part I deals with the historical record of the site, based on archival sources, Part II presents the archaeological evidence, followed in Part III by brief summaries on the Ottoman period artefacts found at the site, in particular pottery (by William Y. Adams), basketry (by Boyce N. Driskell), and textiles (by Nettie K. Adams)
Peeters Publishers L'union à l'épreuve du formulaire: Professions de foi entre Églises d'Orient et d'Occident (XIIIe-XVIIIe siècle)
Les conciles oecuméniques de Nicée, de Contantinople et de Chalcédoine ont fixé et promulgué des professions de foi chrétiennes valables universellement. Pourtant, l'évolution de l'Église latine a conduit à modifier, avec le Filioque, un Symbole qui était tenu pour sacré et invariable par les Églises orientales. Dès lors, l'instrument même de la communion devient objet de discorde et de polémique, surtout quand il s'agit de formaliser l'Union des Églises. De la fin de la période byzantine jusqu'au XVIIIe siècle, les controverses qui en découlent donnent lieu à diverses professions de foi qui sont ici analysées. Certains chapitres proposent une approche collective des implications de l'Union sur l'expression du Credo, tant à Byzance, à Kiev, à Rome ou à Paris, que chez les chrétiens arabes. D'autre part, une attention particulière a été portée à des cas individuels, ceux d'empereurs ou d'impératrices comme Jean V Paléologue et Théodora Paléologina, ou de patriarches comme Jean Bekkos, Cyrille Loukaris et Dosithée de Jérusalem. De nouvelles éditions critiques de ces textes figurent en annexe de plusieurs chapitres.
Peeters Publishers L'ecclesiologie de John Henry Newman, Anglican (1816-1845)
Une reflexion ecclesiologique fondamentale se recommande a un double titre, pour verifier la validite d'un discours ecclesiologique et pour favoriser un dialogue 'cumenique fecond. Pour aider a une telle reflexion, John Henry Newman (1801-1890) possede plusieurs titres a notre attention. D'abord, tout simplement, il fut un des grands penseurs religieux des temps modernes. Ensuite, le sujet de l'Eglise a eu une place centrale dans sa pensee et dans sa vie. Enfin, dans un contexte de pluralisme doctrinal, place au confluent meme des divers courants intellectuels majeurs de l'Eglise de son temps, assez opposes les uns aux autres (en particulier quant a la nature et a la fonction de l'Eglise), il a toujours ete amene a reflechir aux fondements de sa pensee. L'objet de cette etude est l'evolution ecclesiologique de Newman durant les annees oA' il etait membre de l'Eglise d'Angleterre. Notre objectif est de parvenir, a partir d'une utilisation intensive des sources, a manifester le processus selon lequel sont formees et deformees les opinions et les convictions ecclesiologiques fondamentales de Newman.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC The Balkans 1940–41 (1): Mussolini's Fatal Blunder in the Greco-Italian War
The first of two volumes on the Axis campaigns in the Balkans, exploring Mussolini's fateful decision to move against Greece in October 1940. The Greek President Metaxas rejected the Italian ultimatum with a famous ‘Oxi’ ('No'), and what followed was Italy’s first debacle in World War II. In the wake of Italy's rapid annexation of Albania in April 1940, Mussolini’s decision to attack Greece in October that year is widely acknowledged as a fatal mistake, leading to a domestic crisis and to the collapse of Italy’s reputation as a military power (re-emphasized by the Italian defeat in North Africa in December 1940). The Italian assault on Greece came to a stalemate in less than a fortnight, and was followed a week later by a Greek counter-offensive that broke through the Italian defences before advancing into Albania, forcing the Italian forces to withdraw north before grinding to a half in January 1941 due to logistical issues. Eventually, the Italians took advantage of this brief hiatus to reorganize and prepare a counteroffensive, the failure of which marked the end of the first stage of the Axis Balkan campaign. The first of two volumes examining the Axis campaigns in the Balkans, this book offers a detailed overview of the Italian and Greek armies, their fighting power, and the terrain in which they fought. Complimented by rarely seen images and full colour illustrations, it shows how expectations of an easy Italian victory quickly turned into one of Mussolini’s greatest blunders.
Peeters Publishers Tablettes Et Images Aux Pays De Sumer Et D'Akkad: Melanges Offerts a Monsieur H. Limet
Volume d'Hommage presente a Monsieur H. Limet, professeur de sumerologie honoraire. Le volume contient des articles sur des textes sumeriens et akkadiens, l'histoire et l'archeologie mesopotamienne.Papers on the sumerian and akkadian texts, mesopotamian history and archaeology offered to H. Limet, honorary professor of sumerology from the University of Liege.Table des matieres / Contents:Avant-propos - Bibliographie - B. ALSTER, He Who Pays With Valid Money: On the Status of Merchants in Early Mesopotamia - M. ANBAR, L'origine tribale de Zimri-Lim, roi de Mari - A. CAVIGNEAUX, Miettes de l'Edubba - M.E. COHEN, The Gods of Suburban Umma - G. COLBOW, Die spataltbabylonische Einfuhrungsszene. Zum Fortleben eines zentralen Bildmotivs der Ur-III-Zeit - P. FRONZAROLI, A propos de quelques mots eblaites d'orfevrerie - W.W. HALLO, Notes on Neo-Sumerian Animal Husbandry - J.-R. KUPPER, Les differents moments de la journee, d'apres les textes de Mari - B. LAFONT, L'extraction du minerai de cuivre en Iran a la fin du IIIe millenaire - J.-Cl. MARGUERON, Mari a l'epoque de "shakkanakku" - O. ROUAULT, Terqa et l'epoque des "sakkanaku" - M. SIGRIST, Deux signes, sous-multiples de gur - A.W. SJOBERG, UET VII, 73: An Exercise Tablet Enumerating Professions - A. SPYCKET, La role funeraire des ceintures a anneaux de coquille - H. STEIBLE - F. Yildiz, Kupfer ain ein Herdenamt in Suuppak? - M. STEPIEN, The Organisation of Animal Pasturing in the Light of Balanced Accounts, Inventories of Sheep and Goat Herdsmen from Umma - M. STOL, THe Reversibility of Human Fate in Ludlul II - Ph. TALON, Un nouvel exemplaire d'un cone de Nur-Adad de Larsa - M. TANRET, Noms sumeriens ou noms acadiens - M. TROKAY, Glyptique pseudo-kassite: glyptique kassite commune - D. DEHESELLE, la distribution "aklu" a Nippur a l'epoque kassite - O. TUNCA, A propos de la genese des orthostates neo-assyriens.
Princeton University Press 428 AD: An Ordinary Year at the End of the Roman Empire
This is a sweeping tour of the Mediterranean world from the Atlantic to Persia during the last half-century of the Roman Empire. By focusing on a single year not overshadowed by an epochal event, 428 AD provides a truly fresh look at a civilization in the midst of enormous change--as Christianity takes hold in rural areas across the empire, as western Roman provinces fall away from those in the Byzantine east, and as power shifts from Rome to Constantinople. Taking readers on a journey through the region, Giusto Traina describes the empires' people, places, and events in all their simultaneous richness and variety. The result is an original snapshot of a fraying Roman world on the edge of the medieval era. The result is an original snapshot of a fraying Roman world on the edge of the medieval era. Readers meet many important figures, including the Roman general Flavius Dionysius as he encounters a delegation from Persia after the Sassanids annex Armenia; the Christian ascetic Simeon Stylites as he stands and preaches atop his column near Antioch; the eastern Roman emperor Theodosius II as he prepares to commission his legal code; and Genseric as he is elected king of the Vandals and begins to turn his people into a formidable power. We are also introduced to Pulcheria, the powerful sister of Theodosius, and Galla Placidia, the queen mother of the western empire, as well as Augustine, Pope Celestine I, and nine-year-old Roman emperor Valentinian III. Full of telling details, 428 AD illustrates the uneven march of history. As the west unravels, the east remains intact. As Christianity spreads, pagan ideas and schools persist. And, despite the presence of the forces that will eventually tear the classical world apart, Rome remains at the center, exerting a powerful unifying force over disparate peoples stretched across the Mediterranean.
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Cuba and the U.S. Empire: A Chronological History
The 1959 Cuban Revolution remains one of the signal events of modern political history. A tiny island, once a de facto colony of the United States, declared its independence, not just from the imperial behemoth ninety miles to the north, but also from global capitalism itself. Cuba's many achievements - in education, health care, medical technology, direct local democracy, actions of international solidarity with the oppressed - are globally unmatched and unprecedented. And the United States, in light of Cuba's achievements, has waged a relentless campaign of terrorist attacks on the island and its leaders, while placing Cuba on its "State Sponsors of Terrorism" list. In this updated edition of her classic, Cuba and the United States: A Chronological History, Jane Franklin depicts the two countries' relationship from the time both were colonies to the present. We see the early connections between Cuba and the United States through slavery; through the sugar trade; then Cuba's multiple wars for national liberation; the annexation of Cuba by the United States; the infamous Platt Amendment that entitled the United States to intervene directly in Cuban affairs; the gangster capitalism promoted by Cuban dictator Fulgencio Battista; and the guerilla war that brought the revolutionaries to power. A new chapter updating the fraught Cuban-U.S. nexus brings us well into the 21st century, with a look at the current status of Assata Shakur, the Cuban Five, and the post-9/11 years leading to the expansion of diplomatic relations. Offering a range of primary and secondary sources, the book is an outstanding scholarly work. Cuba and the United States brings new meaning to Simon Bolivar's warning in 1829, that the United States "appears destined by Providence to plague America with miseries in the name of Freedom."
Monthly Review Press,U.S. Cuba and the U.S. Empire: A Chronological History
The 1959 Cuban Revolution remains one of the signal events of modern political history. A tiny island, once a de facto colony of the United States, declared its independence, not just from the imperial behemoth ninety miles to the north, but also from global capitalism itself. Cuba's many achievements - in education, health care, medical technology, direct local democracy, actions of international solidarity with the oppressed - are globally unmatched and unprecedented. And the United States, in light of Cuba's achievements, has waged a relentless campaign of terrorist attacks on the island and its leaders, while placing Cuba on its "State Sponsors of Terrorism" list. In this updated edition of her classic, Cuba and the United States: A Chronological History, Jane Franklin depicts the two countries' relationship from the time both were colonies to the present. We see the early connections between Cuba and the United States through slavery; through the sugar trade; then Cuba's multiple wars for national liberation; the annexation of Cuba by the United States; the infamous Platt Amendment that entitled the United States to intervene directly in Cuban affairs; the gangster capitalism promoted by Cuban dictator Fulgencio Battista; and the guerilla war that brought the revolutionaries to power. A new chapter updating the fraught Cuban-U.S. nexus brings us well into the 21st century, with a look at the current status of Assata Shakur, the Cuban Five, and the post-9/11 years leading to the expansion of diplomatic relations. Offering a range of primary and secondary sources, the book is an outstanding scholarly work. Cuba and the United States brings new meaning to Simon Bolivar's warning in 1829, that the United States "appears destined by Providence to plague America with miseries in the name of Freedom."
Saturnalia Books Correspondence
Correspondence, writes Mark Doty, is a fresh accomplishment, swift with feeling and intelligence, the work of a restless critical mind mapping its way toward a way to bear the weight of love. Kathleen Graber's debut book takes us on a trip through history and time, varying her subjects with speed and seamlessness, to a dizzying, dazzling effect. From the Philadelphia Eagles to Cornell's boxes, from a fertility clinic to Daguerre's prints, from Kafka to running over two cats, from Annette Benning to Marianne Moore, Kathleen Graber's poems embrace what her inquisitive mind traverses, ensnaring past and present, familiar and foreign, soulful and scientific, in a celebration of chaos that is generous and healing.
Arcturus Publishing Economics 101
Elaine Schwartz has spent her career sharing the interesting side of economics. At the Kent Place School in Summit, NJ, she has been honored through an Endowed Chair in Economics and the History Department chairmanship. At the same time, she developed curricula and wrote several books including Understanding Our Economy, and Econ 101 . Elaine has also written in the Encyclopedia of New Jersey and was a featured teacher in the Annenberg/CPB video project "The Economics Classroom." Beyond the classroom, she has presented Econ 101 talks and led workshops for the Foundation for Teaching Economics, the National Council on Economic Education and for the Concord Coalition.
Rockfax Ltd Southern Sandstone Climbs
The Southern Sandstone climbing area is situated in the Southeast of England on the borders of Kent and East Sussex. It offers some superb top-rope climbing and bouldering on beautiful sandstone formations. This will be the first Rockfax guidebook to cover the climbing and bouldering. The book will use the usual Rockfax style - big full-colour photo-topos, detailed maps and full text descriptions - all lavishly supported by some great action photography.Crags CoveredBowles Rocks, Eridge Rocks, Harrison's Rocks, High Rocks, High Rocks Annexe, Happy Valley, Bull's Hollow, Toad Rocks, Mount Edgecumbe Rocks, Bassett's Farm Rocks, Under Rockes, Stone Farm
Monthly Review Press,U.S. New Studies in the Politics and Culture of U.S. Communism
This pathbreaking collection of essays recasts the prevailing conceptions of the historical roots and role of the U.S. Communist Party and its social setting. The contributors focus on the movement that formed around the party and the popular culture it expressed, particularly in the period from 1930 to 1960. They look at the impact of the party and its followers in the areas of education, literature, and the arts, in the African-American community, and on the women's and labor movements. In their preface, the editors place the book in the context of the broader critical examination of the history of the left in the United States. By analyzing the historical reasons for the party's appeal and its relationship to those outside its ranks, the volume contributes to a fuller understanding of the broader societal context within which all oppositional movements are formed. Contributors (in order of appearance in book): Michael E. Brown, Mark Naison, John Gerassi, Stephen Leberstein, Ellen Schrecker, Rosalyn Baxandall, Roger Keeran, Gerald Horne, Annette T. Rubinstein, Marvin E. Gettleman, Alan Wald, and Gil Green (interviewed by Anders Stephanson).
Archaeopress Bearsden: The Story of a Roman Fort
The Roman fort at Bearsden and its annexe, together with areas beyond its defences, were extensively excavated from 1973 to 1982. The report on these excavations was published in 2016. This ‘popular’ account of the discoveries looks at the material recovered from the site in a different way, examining the process of archaeological excavation, the life of the soldiers at the fort based on the results of the excavation as well as material from elsewhere in the Roman Empire, the presentation and interpretation of the bath-house and latrine, and a discussion of possible future work arising out of the excavation. The excavation report was well illustrated with reconstruction drawings and the process of creating these is also discussed.
Peeters Publishers Désiré Defauw, chef d'orchestre: Sa carrière et son répertoire pendant l'entre-deux-guerres
Fondateur des Concerts Defauw, directeur musical de l'Association des concerts du Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles, directeur musical des Concerts d'hiver à Gand, conseiller musical et 1er chef d'orchestre de l'INR/NIR, Désiré Defauw (1885-1960) a été omniprésent dans la vie orchestrale belge pendant l'entre-deux-guerres. Pourtant, il n'existe toujours pas de biographie de Defauw, originaire de Gand mais naturalisé américain en 1946. À partir du dépouillement d'archives et de l'examen de la presse, Erik Baeck, tout en soulignant les conditions politiques et sociales de l'époque, a reconstitué la carrière de Defauw pendant une période mouvementée de la vie des concerts en Belgique.Gràce à ses tournées en Italie, l'URSS et l'Allemagne, Defauw jouissait d'une renommée internationale et Arturo Toscanini l'a invité à diriger l'orchestre de la NBC à New York. Le livre est complété par de nombreuses annexes qui présentent tous les programmes dirigés par Defauw pendant l'entre-deux-guerres.
Archaeopress Le four de Sévrier et autres fours et fourneaux d’argile aux âges des métaux en Europe occidentale
The Sevrier kiln, discovered in 1974 on a submerged island in Lake Annecy in the Haute-Savoie region of France, is a headline find of alpine archeology. Almost fifty years later, it continues to provoke debate. This study looks back at the history of an artefact considered in turn as one of the earliest Western pottery kilns, as an enigmatic stove for domestic use, and as a technological link in the Final Bronze Age which would herald the professionalization of pottery, hitherto a purely domestic industry, seasonal and self-sufficient. It takes the form of a multidisciplinary investigation where archaeological, ethnoarchaeological and experimental approaches are brought together to consider the contradictory hypotheses, broaden the focus and put forward new perspectives. In particular the study focuses on technological history, and on the changing social structure of Bronze Age communities, which contributed to the advent of proto-artisans specialising in pottery production, a few centuries later.
WW Norton & Co Hunter's Choice
Twelve-year-old Hunter Higgins has been dreaming about his first hunting trip for as long as he can remember. He’s taken the classes, earned his license, and become one of the best marksmen in his family. Now he’s old enough to join his father, grandfather, and uncle at their cabin for the first weekend of hunting season. There’s only one problem: Hunter isn’t sure he can kill an animal. To make things more complicated, when they arrive at the cabin, his cousin Yumi is there with her friend Annette, who Hunter secretly has a crush on. Anxious about the hunt and the humiliation of possibly failing, Hunter grapples with what it means to have the power of life and death in his hands, and must decide what role he wishes to play in his relationship to nature and to wildlife.
Waanders BV, Uitgeverij Sculpture Studies 2010
Sculpture Studies is a publication from the Sculpture Institute, the research centre for modern and contemporary international sculpture affiliated to the Beelden aan Zee Museum, Scheveningen. Museum Beelden aan Zee, was founded in 1994, and expanded in 2003 with an institute for the research of international modern and contemporary sculpture. Everybody who is interested in the subject can use the services of the Sculpture Institute. The Library and documentation centre are the nucleus of the accommodation designed by architect Wim Quist. The building, interior design and promotion were supported by important single or multiannual contributions. The sixth title in the series, this book focuses on posthumous castings and present classicism in Dutch sculpture. Features works by Ursel Berger, Annemieke Ganzinga, Ger Jacobs, Jadwiga Pol-Tyszkiewicz, Hans Roozeboom, Jan Teeuwisse and Nelleke van Zeeland.
Little, Brown Book Group Resistance: The Bravehearts Chronicles
Born to a divided kingdom. Destined to unite it.AD 1286: The King of Scots is killed, leaving no heir. Twelve-year-old Robert Bruce, heir to the great House of Bruce, comes of age amid the bitter rivalry of Scotland's most powerful nobles to claim the vacant throne.The boy is schooled in the arts of warfare and the manipulation of ruthless and violent men, but when the Scottish Crown is bestowed upon Bruce's greatest enemies, Robert travels with his family to England, swearing feudal loyalty to King Edward Plantagenet - known as 'Longshanks'.But Longshanks's increasing treachery and his brutal attempts to annexe Scotland see Robert turning renegade and returning to his home country. The Battle of Bannockburn lies ahead and a legend is born.This is the story of one man's resistance, and the bravery of a country that would not yield.
WW Norton & Co Economics USA
This qualitative and applied introductory text has been revised and reorganised for a contemporary approach. Eighty-four case studies—three per chapter—and eighty-four videos produced by the Annenberg Foundation—one for each case study—complement the text and reflect the most current research and debates in economics.
University of Illinois Press New Media Futures: The Rise of Women in the Digital Arts
Trailblazing women working in digital arts media and education established the Midwest as an international center for the artistic and digital revolution in the 1980s and beyond. Foundational events at the University of Illinois and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago created an authentic, community-driven atmosphere of creative expression, innovation, and interdisciplinary collaboration that crossed gender lines and introduced artistically informed approaches to advanced research. Interweaving historical research with interviews and full-color illustrations, New Media Futures captures the spirit and contributions of twenty-two women working within emergent media as diverse as digital games, virtual reality, medicine, supercomputing visualization, and browser-based art. The editors and contributors give voice as creators integral to the development of these new media and place their works at the forefront of social change and artistic inquiry. What emerges is the dramatic story of how these Midwestern explorations in the digital arts produced a web of fascinating relationships. These fruitful collaborations helped usher in the digital age that propelled social media. Contributors: Carolina Cruz-Niera, Colleen Bushell, Nan Goggin, Mary Rasmussen, Dana Plepys, Maxine Brown, Martyl Langsdorf, Joan Truckenbrod, Barbara Sykes, Abina Manning, Annette Barbier, Margaret Dolinsky, Tiffany Holmes, Claudia Hart, Brenda Laurel, Copper Giloth, Jane Veeder, Sally Rosenthal, Lucy Petrovic, Donna J. Cox, Ellen Sandor, and Janine Fron.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Refund Guarantees
A refund guarantee is an essential component of almost every shipbuilding project, without which the buyer will be unwilling or unable to proceed. There is no standard form of refund guarantee in universal usage, and both the form and substance of refund guarantee instruments vary widely from case to case. The ambiguity or uncertainty of the meaning of refund guarantee instruments, against a backdrop of a sharp downturn in the shipping markets, has led to numerous disputes in recent years concerning refund guarantees, which have been the subject of a number of important decisions of the English Courts. This is the first English law text book dedicated to the subject of refund guarantees. It provides essential guidance as to the issues arising and the pitfalls to be avoided. It analyses the specimen form of guarantee annexed to Bimco’s NEWBUILDCON form, and covers topics such as the circumstances in which the liability of the guarantor may be discharged, and when a builder may be entitled to obtain an injunction to restrain payment under a refund guarantee.It will be an essential and practical guide for those engaged in the shipbuilding industry, including shipbuilders, shipowners, banks and insurance companies, P&I clubs, and those advising them.
Vintage Publishing The Flight From the Enchanter
Annette runs away from her finishing school but learns more than she bargained for in the real world beyond; the fierce and melacholy Rosa is torn between two Polish brothers; Peter is obsessed by an indecipherable ancient script. This is a story of a group of people under a spell, and the centre of it all is the mysterious Mischa Fox, the enchanter.
Edinburgh University Press The Open Door Era: United States Foreign Policy in the Twentieth Century
In 1899, U.S. Secretary of State John Hay wrote six world powers calling for an Open Door in China that would guarantee equal trading opportunities, curtail colonial annexation, and prevent conflict in the Far East. Within a year, the region had succumbed to renewed colonisation and war, but despite the apparent failure of Hay's diplomacy, the ideal of the Open Door emerged as the central component of U.S. foreign policy in the twentieth century. Just as visions of Manifest Destiny'shaped continental expansion in the nineteenth century, Woodrow Wilson used the Open Door to make the case for a world safe for democracy, Franklin Roosevelt developed it to inspire the fight against totalitarianism and imperialism, and Cold War containment policy envisioned international communism as the latest threat to a global system built upon peace, openness, and exchange. In a concise yet wide-ranging examination of its origins and development, readers will discover how the idea of the Open Door came to define the American Century.
IAEA Application of Wireless Technologies in Nuclear Power Plant Instrumentation and Control Systems
This publication summarizes the results of an IAEA coordinated research project on the application of wireless technologies in the nuclear industry. It provides an overview of the current knowledge, existing practices, operating experiences and benefits and challenges related to the use of the technology in instrumentation and control systems of nuclear facilities. The research areas covered were codes, standards and regulatory guides; wireless technologies for nuclear applications; practices, experience, lessons learned; potential wireless applications; and emerging technologies and challenges. The main part of the publication contains information derived from the results achieved in each research area. The annexes include supporting information and selected details of the research work that was performed. The information provided in this publication supports Member States' capabilities in the design, development, implementation, operation and, as necessary, licensing of wireless technologies in the nuclear industry.
Michelin Editions des Voyages Le Guide Vert Alpes du Nord, Savoie, Dauphiné
Laissez-vous guider par nos auteurs ! Au cours de leurs innombrables tournées, ils ont déniché pour vous des lieux inoubliables ou insolites : - Les incontournables (classés 1, 2 ou 3 étoiles) : Massif de la Vanoise ***, Col du Galibier ***, Yvoire ** ... - Les coups de coeur : Grimper avec le téléphérique iconique de Grenoble jusqu’au fort de la Bastille ; S’offrir un vol en parapente et survoler le splendide massif de la Chartreuse ... - Les bonnes adresses pour tous les budgets : se restaurer, prendre un verre, shopping, sortir, se loger - Les meilleurs spots en famille (activités pour les 6-14 ans) : Loisirs nautiques sur le lac du Bourget ; Ateliers du musée de la Préhistoire du Vercors ; Le goût des sciences à la Turbine ... - Des suggestions d’itinéraires : Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, coeur des Alpes en 4 jours ; le tour du lac d’Annecy à vélo en 2 étapes ... - De nombreux cartes et plans pour retrouver les principaux sites étoilés de la destination. - Les plus : + de 150 propositions de randonnées- Toutes les infos mises à jour dans cette nouvelle édition Ce guide est divisé en 9 micro-régions : Annecy, le lac et le massif des Aravis ; Évian et le Chablais ; Le Mont- Blanc et le Faucigny ; Chambéry, Aix-les-Bains,les Bauges et le Beaufortain ; La Tarentaise et la Vanoise ; La Maurienne ; Grenoble et la Chartreuse ; Le Vercors, le Trièveset la Matheysine ; L’Oisans et les Écrins. Pensez à utiliser en complément notre Guide Vert Alpes du Sud, notre Carte Régional Rhône-Alpes n°523.MICHELIN vous GuideVert la France de vos rêves !
University of Pennsylvania Press The Economy of Hope
Hope is an integral part of social life. Yet, hope has not been studied systematically in the social sciences. Editors Hirokazu Miyazaki and Richard Swedberg have collected essays that investigate hope in a broad range of socioeconomic situations and phenomena across time and space and from a variety of disciplinary vantage points. Contributors survey the resilience of hope, and the methodological implications of studying hope, in such experiences as farm collectivization in mid-twentieth-century communist Romania, changing employment relations under Japan's neoliberal reform during the first decade of the twenty-first century, the dynamics of innovation and replication in a West African niche economy, and Barack Obama's 2008 political campaign of hope in the midst of the unfolding global financial crisis. The Economy of Hope shifts the analytic of anthropological and sociological investigations from knowledge to hope, presents case studies on the loss of collective hope, and concludes by offering techniques for replicating hope. In the hands of Miyazaki and Swedberg and their distinguished contributors, hope becomes not only a method of knowledge but also an essential framework for the sociocultural analysis of economic phenomena. Contributors: Yuji Genda, Jane Guyer, Hirokazu Miyazaki, Annelise Riles, Richard Swedberg, Katherine Verdery.