Search results for ""Author Anne"
Schlütersche Verlag Ganzheitliches Gedächtnistraining für Männer
Christophorus Verlag Resteliebe Jeans Alles verwenden nichts verschwenden
Waxmann Verlag GmbH, Germany Norwegian Friluftsliv
Urachhaus/Geistesleben Im Wald
Pustet, Friedrich GmbH Frauen in Baden
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont direkt Reiseführer Italienische Adria
Frank & Timme Boyash Studies Researching Our People
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Geistig vital: 110 Denkübungen
Eine umfangreiche wie unterhaltsame Sammlung an Übungen für den Erhalt und die Verbesserung der Denk- und Gedächtnisfunktionen hat die Autorin aus Ihrer langjährigen Erfahrung als Gedächtnistrainerin zusammengetragen. Die Übungen umfassen induktive und deduktive Denkaufgaben, Übungen zur Wahrnehmung, zur Aufmerksamkeit, zur Merkfähigkeit, zur Sprache und zur räumlichen Wahrnehmung. Weiterhin unterstützen die Aufgaben auch übergreifende Funktionsprinzipien, welche die Denkflexibilität und das Problemlösen verbessern. Die unterschiedlichen Schwierigkeitsgrade erlauben sowohl Personen mit leichten kognitiven Beeinträchtigungen Rätselspaß als auch gute Denker ihre Herausforderung finden. Der Lösungsteil bietet eine selbstständige Kontrolle.Die Autorin möchte mit diesem Buch Optimismus verbreiten, dass mit Training, d.h. mit einem zielgerichtetem Einsatz und dem Lösen von bestimmten Denkaufgaben die Gedächtnisleistung verbessert werden kann. Die Erkenntnisse der Wissenschaft unterstützen diesen Ansatz aus der Sicht der Trainingsforschung.Empfohlen wird dieser Rätselspaß allen, die ihre geistige Fitness trainieren möchten. Auch als Beschäftigungs- und Trainingsmaterial in der Seniorenbetreuung sind die Übungen gut einsetzbar. Für Fachpersonen, die im Bereich des kognitiven Trainings arbeiten, liefert es ebenfalls viele Anregungen.
Haufe Lexware GmbH Wut und Ärger
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont ReiseTaschenbuch Reiseführer Marken Italienische Adria
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Betty Protokoll einer Kinderpsychotherapie
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Nase vorn Deutsch 4 Schuljahr Schreiben nach Regeln bungsheft
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Nase vorn Deutsch 4 Schuljahr Groschreibung bungsheft
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Deutsch plus Grundschule Rtselstern 1 Schuljahr Das Rtselheft 1 Mein Heft zum Knobeln und Raten Arbeitsheft
MJ - Ohio University Press The Nature of Politics State Building and the Conservation Estate in Postcolonial Botswana
WW Norton & Co Most Blessed of the Patriarchs
A ground-breaking historical work that explicates Thomas Jefferson's vision of himself, the American Revolution, Christianity, slavery and race.
North Star Editions Major Disasters: Mount St. Helens
Amazon Publishing Big Chicas Don't Cry
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lehrbuch der MarteMeo-Methode: Entwicklungsförderung mit Videounterstützung
MarteMeo bedeutet »aus eigener Kraft« und ist eine von Maria Aarts entwickelte Beratungsmethode, die eine Verbindung zwischen professioneller Beratung und engagierter Selbsthilfe herstellt. Im Zentrum der MarteMeo-Methode steht die Hilfe für Eltern. Sie erfahren, wie sie die Entwicklung ihres Kindes im Familienalltag durch eine förderliche Kommunikation unterstützen können. Dazu werden Ausschnitte von Alltagssituationen auf Videofilm festgehalten, sorgfältig analysiert und mit ihnen besprochen. Auch Fachkräfte aus dem Jugend-, Sozial- und Gesundheitsbereich werden mit der MarteMeo-Methode dabei beraten, Menschen bei der Bewältigung ihres Alltags zu begleiten und zu unterstützen. Die Stärke von MarteMeo beruht auf dem Medium Film, das Bilder liefert, die eine andere Art von Einsicht in eigenes Tun ermöglichen. Durch eine konsequente Ressourcenorientierung bietet die Methode Ratsuchenden eine wertvolle Begleitung und Unterstützung bei der Bewältigung des Alltags bzw. ihrer professionellen Arbeit. Diese gründlich überarbeitete Neuauflage des Lehrbuchs gibt einen umfassenden Überblick über die MarteMeo-Methode.
CABI Publishing Fish Parasites: Pathobiology and Protection
Focusing on pathobiology and protective strategies against protozoan and metazoan parasites of fish, this book reviews the latest research on important parasites: those that cause financial hardships to the aquaculture industry, have been introduced to new geographical regions through transportation of infected fish, are pathogenic to groups of finfish and detrimental to production, are highly adaptable and not host-specific with worldwide distributions, and that may serve as disease models for studies on other pathogens. It also highlights gaps in the knowledge to help direct future research.
Sourcebooks, Inc All the Way to the Top: How One Girl’s Fight for Americans with Disabilities Changed Everything
2021 Schneider Family Book Award Young Children's Honor Book (American Library Association)Experience the true story of lifelong activist Jennifer Keelan-Chaffins and her participation in the Capitol Crawl in this inspiring autobiographical picture book. This beautifully illustrated story includes a foreword from Jennifer and backmatter detailing her life and the history of the disability rights movement.This is the story of a little girl who just wanted to go, even when others tried to stop her.Jennifer Keelan was determined to make a change—even if she was just a kid. She never thought her wheelchair could slow her down, but the way the world around her was built made it hard to do even simple things. Like going to school, or eating lunch in the cafeteria.Jennifer knew that everyone deserves a voice! Then the Americans with Disabilities Act, a law that would make public spaces much more accessible to people with disabilities, was proposed to Congress. And to make sure it passed, Jennifer went to the steps of the Capitol building in Washington DC to convince them.And, without her wheelchair, she climbed.ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP!A Rise: A Feminist Book Project NomineeA Junior Library Guild SelectionAll the Way to the Top is perfect for:Elementary school teachers looking for books to supplement disability rights curriculum and the history of the ADA (find a free Common-Core Aligned Educator Guide at looking for social justice picture books, books on activism and for young activists, and inspiring books for girlsParents, teachers, librarians, and guardians looking for beautifully illustrated, inspirational and educational books for young readers in their life
Springer International Publishing AG Post Pandemic Facilitation of Air Transport: LEGAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC ASPECTS
From early 2020 for a period of two years at the end of which this book was written, air transport suffered unprecedented setbacks due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Although the pandemic may eventually fizzle out into another flu like occurrence, the restraint with which air transport services were offered would remain with us for a while with some practices being sustained, particularly those pertaining to public health. One of the main areas of air transport that was and will be affected significantly by the changed circumstances - is facilitation – a subject that is regulated by the Chicago Convention of 1944 and its Annex 9. This book looks in depth at the Annex as it will be applied in a post pandemic world, against its legal, socio-political, and economic impacts, addressing the Standards of the Annex on clearance of aircraft; entry and departure of passengers; and the carriage of cargo. It also discusses some critical aviation events in 2020 and 2021 that occurred as they relate to facilitation of air transport. Some of the key areas discussed are the role of ICAO; issues of public health as they relate to air transport; security of travel documents; smuggling of persons; digital technology and rights of the passenger; unruly passengers; carriage of disabled passengers; relief flights and repatriation flights; and facilities at airports.
LUP - University of Michigan Press Performing Commemoration
Brill Fink Augenblicksaufzeichnung -- Momentaufnahme: Kleinste Zeiteinheit, Denkfigur, Mediale Praktiken
Discovery Library Serena Auñón-Chancellor
Nancy Paulsen Books Girl Running
* "A bright salutation of a story, with one determined woman at its center."--Kirkus Reviews, starred reviewThe inspiring story of the first female to run the Boston Marathon comes to life in stunningly vivid collage illustrations.Because Bobbi Gibb is a girl, she's not allowed to run on her school's track team. But after school, no one can stop her--and she's free to run endless miles to her heart's content. She is told no yet again when she tries to enter the Boston Marathon in 1966, because the officials claim that it's a man's race and that women are just not capable of running such a long distance. So what does Bobbi do? She bravely sets out to prove the naysayers wrong and show the world just what a girl can do.
Kohlhammer Verwaltungsrecht
Gecko Press My Mama
I’ve known my mama for such a long time. For my whole life, actually. My mama loves playing with me and my cars. I like that, as long as mama tidies up the cars afterwards. I’m good at hiding. No one can find me, not even my mama ... and then suddenly I shout, “PEEKABOO!” My mama’s scared to death! I laugh and laugh. At night, my mama shakes the stars off my pants. I give her a big hug and say. “Goodnight stars, see you tomorrow!” A cheeky elephant tells all about his mother in this lovingly drawn story. Both parents and children will delight in and recognize this gorgeous mother–child relationship—if not for the same reasons.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) The Interface of Orality and Writing: Speaking, Seeing, Writing in the Shaping of New Genres
How did the visual, the oral, and the written interrelate in antiquity? The essays in this collection address the competing and complementary roles of visual media, forms of memory, oral performance, and literacy and popular culture in the ancient Mediterranean world. Incorporating both customary and innovative perspectives, the essays advance the frontiers of our understanding of the nature of ancient texts as regards audibility and performance, the vital importance of the visual in the comprehension of texts, and basic concepts of communication, particularly the need to account for disjunctive and non-reciprocal social relations in communication. Thus the contributions show how the investigation of the interface of the oral and written, across the spectrum of seeing, hearing, and writing, generates new concepts of media and mediation.
Familius LLC Thundermaestro
Rumble, grumble, groan, growl, whoosh, swoosh, creak, squeak, tip tap, pitter-patter, splitter, splatter. The crescendo builds. With baton in hand, a little girl conducts a majestic symphony with the sounds of a summer rainstorm. The whoosh of wind and the toccata of raindrops make a grand concert. With gorgeous mixed-media illustrations that juxtapose the gathering storm outside with the music inside the girl’s imagination, this celebration of the music of nature will leave readers breathless until the final bow.
Buske Helmut Verlag GmbH Ihr Start ins Deutsche Teil 1 Alphabetisierungskurs fr Erwachsene
Buchverlag für die Frau GuteLauneBchlein
Dr Ludwig Reichert Verlag Tradition und Wandel Untersuchungen zu Graberfeldern in der Westlichen HanZeit 206 V Chr Bis 9 N Chr 4 Forschungen Zur Archaologie Aussereuropaischer Kulturen
Dr Ludwig Reichert The Phenomenon of 'foreign' in Oriental Art
Baumhaus Verlag GmbH Ela MutmachGeschichten mit Herz
Schnell & Steiner Die Architektin Maria Schwarz: Ein Leben Fur Den Kirchenbau
riva Verlag 100 Fragen an deine Zahnärztin
FISCHER Sauerländer Das kleine Kaninchen oder Niemand ist so toll wie du
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Fiktive Selbstauslegung Des Paulus Intertextuelle Studien Zur Intention Und Rezeption Der Pastoralbriefe Novum Testamentum Et Orbis AntiquusStudien Zur Umwelt Des Neuen Testaments
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Areas at Risk - Concept and Methods for Urban Flood Risk Assessment: A Case Study of Santiago de Chile
Insel Verlag GmbH Die Geschichte der Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek
Tin House Books Bright and Dangerous Objects
History Press Dispensing Beauty in New York and Beyond
Little Simon Mon Petit Busy Day