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Urban & Fischer/Elsevier BASICS Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Pflegevisite in der ambulanten und stationren Altenpflege Checklisten und Formulare fr die Praxis Volume 1
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Arbeitsmedizin Kurs B
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Chinesische Pulsdiagnostik mit Zugang zum ElsevierPortal
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Pflegeunterricht Konkret Grundlagen Methoden Tipps 1
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Pflegediagnosen in der Altenpflege Pflegefachliche Aussagen fr die ambulante und stationre Langzeitpflege
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Seniorengymnastik
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Praxisbuch Kinaesthetics Erfahrungen zur individuellen Bewegungsuntersttzung auf Basis der Kinsthetik
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Aktivierung in der Altenpflege Arbeitsmaterialien fr die Praxis
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Spielend anleiten und beraten
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Klinikleitfaden OPPflege
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Anatomie und Physiologie Kurzlehrbuch fr Pflegeberufe
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Hilfsmittel in der Pflege Rollstuhl Prothese und weitere Alltagshilfen sicher anwenden
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Pflegeassistenz
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier PFLEGEN 1000 Fragen 1000 Antworten
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Anatomie Text und Atlas
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier PFLEGEN Lernpaket 2.A. Fokus Alter Mensch
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Elektrophysiologie in der Praxis
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Pflege lernen mit Fällen Interaktion Kommunikation Ethik
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Betreuungsassistenz
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Pflege Heute Pädiatrische Pflege
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Reproduktionsmedizin Zahlen und Fakten fr die Beratung
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier TherapieHandbuch Pneumologie
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier TherapieHandbuch Nephrologie
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier TherapieHandbuch Infektionskrankheiten und Impfungen
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Frauenmedizin
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Facharztprfung Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Fälle Klinische Notfallmedizin
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Klinische Notfallmedizin Band 2 Skills
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Behandlungsmanual SozialeNetzwerkeNutzungsstörung
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Digitale Volumentomografie in Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Das CTGBuch schreiben verstehen handeln
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Praxishandbuch Zwangsstörung
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Anästhesie
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Praxishandbuch Schizophrenie Diagnostik Therapie Versorgungsstrukturen
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Schulterchirurgie
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Konstruktivistische Psychotherapie ProzessHypnoSystemisch
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Ratgeber Altern
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Praxishandbuch Somatik und Psyche
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Praxishandbuch Angststörungen
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Schnittstelle Kinder und Jugendpsychiatrie
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Klinikleitfaden Labordiagnostik
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Operative Geburtsmedizin Atlas für Geburtshilfe
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier PsychiatrieWrterbuch von A bis Z incl App Englisch Deutsch Deutsch Englisch
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Arbeitsbuch frühkindliche Dysphagien und Trinkschwächen
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Moderne Bildgebende Diagnostik in der Zahn Mund und Kieferheilkunde Grundlagen Strahlenschutz Befunde
Elsevier Health Sciences Congenital Heart Disease: A Clinical, Pathological, Embryological, and Segmental Analysis
Authored by the originator of the standard nomenclature for this spectrum of disorders, Congenital Heart Disease: A Clinical, Pathological, Embryological, and Segmental Analysis discusses the history, anatomic features, and physiologic consequences of CHD-in one authoritative resource. The Van Praagh approach to the segmental classification of CHD, developed and implemented by Dr. Richard Van Praagh in the 1960s at Boston Children's Hospital, remains widely used today, facilitating communication among radiologists, cardiologists, surgeons, and pediatricians who are involved in the diagnosis, characterization, and management of this disease. This unique atlas offers complete coverage of the ubiquitous Van Praagh "language of CHD, including the signs, symptoms, and clinical manifestations of malpositioned, malformed, or absent cardiovascular chambers, vessels, and valves using traditional as well as state-of-the-art technology. Based upon the systematic, widely accepted Van Praagh system of three-part notation used to succinctly describe the visceroatrial situs, the orientation of the ventricular loop, and the position and relation of the great vessels. Demonstrates how the Van Praagh approach facilitates interpreting and reporting findings through cardiac imaging with CT, MR, and ultrasonography, including fetal cardiac imaging. Presents the pathologic anatomy that pediatric and adult cardiologists, radiologists, and echocardiographers need to understand in order to make accurate diagnoses in complex congenital heart disease; as well as the pathologic anatomy that interventionists, pediatric cardiac surgeons, and adult congenital heart surgeons need to know in order to manage their patients successfully. Features more than 550 high-quality images to help you visualize and recognize malformations. Shares the knowledge and expertise of a world-renowned authority on congenital heart disease-a master teacher and the originator of the Van Praagh segmental classification system. Explores the synergy between the various disciplines who manage patient care, including surgeons, radiologists, cardiologists, pathologists, and pediatricians. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier Health Sciences Feline Behavioral Health and Welfare
Learn to manage the physical and psychological well-being of your feline patients with Feline Behavioral Medicine: Prevention and Treatment. From house soiling problems to aggression, this all-new reference offers detailed guidance on assessing, treating, and preventing the full spectrum of feline behavioral problems. Material is organized by both topic and life stage for quick access to the information you need. Plus its incorporation of patient education materials, instructive images, and the latest AAFP guidelines, makes it an invaluable addition to any vet clinician?s library. "This book ... will undoubtedly become THE reference in that very specific field." Reviewed by: Fabienne Dethioux on behalf of Royal Canin: Vets Today, January 2016 UNIQUE! Focus on the prevention of behavior problems is found throughout the majority of the book to show clinicians how to incorporate behavioral considerations into general practice. Comprehensive, holistic care fusing the physical and psychological well-being of feline patients serves as a foundation for all content. International team of expert contributors provides in-depth, authoritative guidance using the most up-to-date information available. Updated information on preventive advice and treatment recommendations follows the guidelines set forth by the AAFP. Client handouts and behavior questionnaires in the book help vets clearly communicate with clients about their cat's behavior.