Search results for ""author anne"
Esslinger Verlag Der kleine Rabe Socke Alles SchulWitze
Esslinger Verlag Der kleine Rabe Socke Ich komme in die Schule
Esslinger Verlag Der kleine Rabe Socke Alle meine KindergartenFreunde
Esslinger Verlag Der kleine Rabe Socke Alles geprickelt
Esslinger Verlag Der kleine Rabe Socke Das lustige 1 2 3 Malbuch vom kleinen Raben Socke Mit extra Seite Malen nach Zahlen
Rosenheimer Verlagshaus Omas Hkelschatz 150 bezaubernde Muster
Ravensburger Verlag Wieso Weshalb Warum Erstleser Band 14 Roboter
Ravensburger Verlag Disney Die Eiskönigin 2
Ravensburger Verlag Die DrachenreiterSchule Leserabe ab 1. Klasse Erstlesebuch für Kinder ab 6 Jahren
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Go Ahead 10. Jahrgangsstufe Ausgabe für Realschulen in Bayern Schülerbuch
Herder Verlag GmbH Kinderbibel in 5Minuten Geschichten
Herder Verlag GmbH Die Schöpfungsgeschichte
Carl Hanser Verlag Hieronymus oder Wie man wild wird
Goldmann TB Die Champagnerfürstin
Echter Verlag GmbH Coffee to go mit Gott
Echter Verlag GmbH Wenn Gott zum Kaffee kommt
Knaur Taschenbuch Das unendliche Blau
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft Hieronymus oder Wie man wild wird
De Gruyter Peter Herrmann
Faced with Peter Herrmann's paintings we can rediscover a sense of wonder, discover what is fascinating in urban scenes, everyday objects and routine events, and trace the sometimes unspectacular aspects of human existence. The painter, born near Zittau in 1937, who now lives in Berlin, does not shy away from taking on the tradition of the great masters of art, from Paolo Uccello to Caspar David Friedrich, or to Paul Cezanne. Moreover, the effect of his paintings is underscored by an ironic, cryptic humor. This catalogue is the first to extensively introduce the oeuvre of Peter Herrmann. It provides insights into early work phases and retraces the artist's biography in close connection to his works. The main focus of the book is placed on works Herrmann created starting in 2000. In a sumptuous series of images the reader encounters a type of painting dominated by bright, strong tones and fields of color. In their reduction of what is represented and their nonchalance, the works provi
C.H. Beck Das islamische Jahr Zeiten und Feste
Persen Verlag i.d. AAP Lehrerin sein und bleiben wollen
Auer Verlag i.d.AAP LW 80 Witze für mehr Textverständnis Klasse 24
Auer Verlag i.d.AAP LW 80 kleine Lesetexte für mehr Textverständnis 12
Auer Verlag i.d.AAP LW Portfolio im Deutschunterricht 1.4. Klasse
Arena Verlag GmbH Sina Sternenflügel 1. Das Geheimnis der kleinen Waldfee
Arena Verlag GmbH Klippenmond
Eulenspiegel Verlag Zweites Grab halber Preis
Kampa Verlag Das glückliche Tal
Hueber Verlag GmbH Wortschatz Grammatik C2 Buch
Max Hueber Verlag Paul Lisa Co.
Max Hueber Verlag Schatten ber der Vergangenheit. Lektre mit Audios online
Max Hueber Verlag Ein neues Zuhause Buch mit MP3Download
Max Hueber Verlag Beste Freunde Schwarzes Eis
Kohlhammer Inklusion Im Forderschwerpunkt Horen
Reclam Philipp Jun. Die Religion des Islam
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Job fit Deutsch Allgemeine Ausgabe Schlerbuch mit eingelegten Lsungen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Treffpunkt. Deutsch als Zweitsprache in Alltag Beruf A1. Gesamtband Kursbuch und Übungsbuch
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Einsterns Schwester Sprache und Lesen 3 Jahrgangsstufe Themenheft 1 Bayern
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Einsterns Schwester Sprache und Lesen 3 Schuljahr Projektheft
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH The Bilingual History Book 1 Schlerband Realschule und Gymnasium From the American Revolution to the First World War Materialien fr bilinguale Klassen Sekundarstufe I
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Deutschzeit Band 2 6 Schuljahr BadenWrttemberg Arbeitsheft mit Lsungen
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Deutschzeit 5 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Materialien fr den bilingualen Unterricht Geschichte Sekundarstufe I Invitation to History 2 Schlerbuch From the End of the First World War to the Age of Globalization
Springer International Publishing AG Space Fostering African Societies: Developing the African Continent Through Space, Part 5
This peer-reviewed book provides detailed insights into how space and its applications are, and can be used to support the development of the full range and diversity of African societies, as encapsulated in the African Union’s Agenda 2063. Following on from Part 1 to Part 4, which were highly acclaimed by the space community, it focuses on the role of space in supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in Africa, but covers an even more extensive array of relevant and timely topics addressing all facets of African development. It demonstrates that, while there have been significant achievements in recent years in terms of economic and social development, which have lifted many of Africa’s people out of poverty, there is still a great deal that needs to be done to fulfill the basic needs of Africa's citizens and afford them the dignity they deserve. To this end, space is already being employed in diverse fields of human endeavor to serve Africa’s goals for its future, but there is much room for further incorporation of space systems and data. Providing a comprehensive overview of the role space is playing in helping Africa achieve its developmental aspirations, the book will appeal to both students and professionals in fields such as space studies, international relations, governance, social, rural and technical development.
Landauer Publishing Hoop Quilts for Beginners: 15 Designs Using Easy Patchwork and Embroidery
A creative guide that’s perfect forboth quilters and crafters, Hoop Quilts for Beginners features 15 hoop-framed block designs of varying sizes. Learn how to create these stunning wall hangings with step-by-step instructions on how to add hand embroidery and other embellishments. A great way to use up scrap fabric whilst making something beautiful without committing to an entire quilt.
Five Quills Dance Just Like So
Taylor & Francis Ltd Mass Photography: Collective Histories of Everyday Life
With increasingly accessible camera technology, crowdsourced public media projects abound like never before. Such projects often seek to secure a snapshot of a single day in order to establish communities and create visual time capsules for the future. Mass Photography: Collective Histories of Everyday Life assesses the potential of these popular moment-in-time projects by examining their current day prevalence and their historical predecessors. Through archival research and interviews with organisers and participants, it examines, for the first time, the vast photographic collections resulting from such projects, analysing their structures and systems, their aims and objectives, and their claims and promises. The central case study is the 55,000 photographs submitted to One Day for Life in 1987, which aimed, in its own time, to be ‘the biggest photographic event the world had ever seen’.