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Taylor & Francis Inc Osmotic Dehydration and Vacuum Impregnation: Applications in Food Industries
This volume in the Food Preservation Technology Series presents the latest developments in the application of two solid-liquid operations, Osmotic Dehydration (OD) and Vacuum Impregnation (VI), to the food industry. An international group of experts report on the improvement of osmotic processes at atmospheric pressure for fruits and vegetables, current applications of vacuum impregnation and osmotic dehydration processes and their industrial significance for fruits and vegetables, and applications of atmospheric and vacuum salting treatments for cheese, fish, and meat processes.
Taylor & Francis Inc Artificial Intelligence with Uncertainty
The information deluge currently assaulting us in the 21st century is having a profound impact on our lifestyles and how we work. We must constantly separate trustworthy and required information from the massive amount of data we encounter each day. Through mathematical theories, models, and experimental computations, Artificial Intelligence with Uncertainty explores the uncertainties of knowledge and intelligence that occur during the cognitive processes of human beings. The authors focus on the importance of natural language-the carrier of knowledge and intelligence-for artificial intelligence (AI) study.This book develops a framework that shows how uncertainty in AI expands and generalizes traditional AI. It describes the cloud model, its uncertainties of randomness and fuzziness, and the correlation between them. The book also centers on other physical methods for data mining, such as the data field and knowledge discovery state space. In addition, it presents an inverted pendulum example to discuss reasoning and control with uncertain knowledge as well as provides a cognitive physics model to visualize human thinking with hierarchy.With in-depth discussions on the fundamentals, methodologies, and uncertainties in AI, this book explains and simulates human thinking, leading to a better understanding of cognitive processes.
Taylor & Francis Inc Spectral Theory for Random and Nonautonomous Parabolic Equations and Applications
Providing a basic tool for studying nonlinear problems, Spectral Theory for Random and Nonautonomous Parabolic Equations and Applications focuses on the principal spectral theory for general time-dependent and random parabolic equations and systems. The text contains many new results and considers existing results from a fresh perspective.Taking a clear, unified, and self-contained approach, the authors first develop the abstract general theory in the framework of weak solutions, before turning to cases of random and nonautonomous equations. They prove that time dependence and randomness do not reduce the principal spectrum and Lyapunov exponents of nonautonomous and random parabolic equations. The book also addresses classical Faber–Krahn inequalities for elliptic and time-periodic problems and extends the linear theory for scalar nonautonomous and random parabolic equations to cooperative systems. The final chapter presents applications to Kolmogorov systems of parabolic equations. By thoroughly explaining the spectral theory for nonautonomous and random linear parabolic equations, this resource reveals the importance of the theory in examining nonlinear problems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Simple Extensions with the Minimum Degree Relations of Integral Domains
Although there are many types of ring extensions, simple extensions have yet to be thoroughly explored in one book. Covering an understudied aspect of commutative algebra, Simple Extensions with the Minimum Degree Relations of Integral Domains presents a comprehensive treatment of various simple extensions and their properties. In particular, it examines several properties of simple ring extensions of Noetherian integral domains. As experts who have been studying this field for over a decade, the authors present many arguments that they have developed themselves, mainly exploring anti-integral, super-primitive, and ultra-primitive extensions. Within this framework, they study certain properties, such as flatness, integrality, and unramifiedness. Some of the topics discussed include Sharma polynomials, vanishing points, Noetherian domains, denominator ideals, unit groups, and polynomial rings. Presenting a complete treatment of each topic, Simple Extensions with the Minimum Degree Relations of Integral Domains serves as an ideal resource for graduate students and researchers involved in the area of commutative algebra.
Taylor & Francis Inc Observed Confidence Levels: Theory and Application
Illustrating a simple, novel method for solving an array of statistical problems, Observed Confidence Levels: Theory and Application describes the basic development of observed confidence levels, a methodology that can be applied to a variety of common multiple testing problems in statistical inference. It focuses on the modern nonparametric framework of bootstrap-based estimates, allowing for substantial theoretical development and for relatively simple solutions to numerous interesting problems.After an introduction, the book develops the theory and application of observed confidence levels for general scalar parameters, vector parameters, and linear models. It then examines nonparametric problems often associated with smoothing methods, including nonparametric density estimation and regression. The author also describes applications in generalized linear models, classical nonparametric statistics, multivariate analysis, and survival analysis as well as compares the method of observed confidence levels to hypothesis testing, multiple comparisons, and Bayesian posterior probabilities. In addition, the appendix presents some background material on the asymptotic expansion theory used in the book. Helping you choose the most reliable method for a variety of problems, this book shows how observed confidence levels provide useful information on the relative truth of hypotheses in multiple testing problems.
Taylor & Francis Inc Energy Efficient Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis Using Reconfigurable Hardware
Rapid energy estimation for energy efficient applications using field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) remains a challenging research topic. Energy dissipation and efficiency have prevented the widespread use of FPGA devices in embedded systems, where energy efficiency is a key performance metric. Helping overcome these challenges, Energy Efficient Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis Using Reconfigurable Hardware offers solutions for the development of energy efficient applications using FPGAs.The book integrates various high-level abstractions for describing hardware and software platforms into a single, consistent application development framework, enabling users to construct, simulate, and debug systems. Based on these high-level concepts, it proposes an energy performance modeling technique to capture the energy dissipation behavior of both the reconfigurable hardware platform and the target applications running on it. The authors also present a dynamic programming-based algorithm to optimize the energy performance of an application running on a reconfigurable hardware platform. They then discuss an instruction-level energy estimation technique and a domain-specific modeling technique to provide rapid and fairly accurate energy estimation for hardware-software co-designs using reconfigurable hardware. The text concludes with example designs and illustrative examples that show how the proposed co-synthesis techniques lead to a significant amount of energy reduction.This book explores the advantages of using reconfigurable hardware for application development and looks ahead to future research directions in the field. It outlines the range of aspects and steps that lead to an energy efficient hardware-software application synthesis using FPGAs.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics
Providing a unified account of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics, Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics covers the principles and formalism of quantum mechanics and the development and application of general techniques for the solution of quantum mechanical problems. The author has done everything possible to make the math in this book accessible.The book is divided into three parts. The first part provides the historical basis and mathematical foundations on nonrelativistic quantum theory. The physical systems considered in this part are mainly in one dimension. The second part covers the fundamentals of quantum theory in three dimensions. Many-particle systems, the motion of a particle in three dimensions, angular and spin momenta, interaction of a charged particle with external fields, and matrix mechanical formulation of quantum mechanics are discussed in this part. The third part contains the approximation methods used in quantum mechanics and scattering theory. Carefully designed to cover the entire topic, the book provides sufficient breadth and depth both to familiarize readers with the basic ideas and mathematical expressions of quantum mechanics and to form the basis for deeper understanding.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Hidden Markov Models in Bioinformatics
Demonstrating that many useful resources, such as databases, can benefit most bioinformatics projects, the Handbook of Hidden Markov Models in Bioinformatics focuses on how to choose and use various methods and programs available for hidden Markov models (HMMs).The book begins with discussions on key HMM and related profile methods, including the HMMER package, the sequence analysis method (SAM), and the PSI-BLAST algorithm. It then provides detailed information about various types of publicly available HMM databases, such as Pfam, PANTHER, COG, and metaSHARK. After outlining ways to develop and use an automated bioinformatics workflow, the author describes how to make custom HMM databases using HMMER, SAM, and PSI-BLAST. He also helps you select the right program to speed up searches. The final chapter explores several applications of HMM methods, including predictions of subcellular localization, posttranslational modification, and binding site. By learning how to effectively use the databases and methods presented in this handbook, you will be able to efficiently identify features of biological interest in your data.
Taylor & Francis Inc Fractional Cauchy Transforms
Presenting new results along with research spanning five decades, Fractional Cauchy Transforms provides a full treatment of the topic, from its roots in classical complex analysis to its current state. Self-contained, it includes introductory material and classical results, such as those associated with complex-valued measures on the unit circle, that form the basis of the developments that follow. The authors focus on concrete analytic questions, with functional analysis providing the general framework. After examining basic properties, the authors study integral means and relationships between the fractional Cauchy transforms and the Hardy and Dirichlet spaces. They then study radial and nontangential limits, followed by chapters devoted to multipliers, composition operators, and univalent functions. The final chapter gives an analytic characterization of the family of Cauchy transforms when considered as functions defined in the complement of the unit circle.About the authors:Rita A. Hibschweiler is a Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of New Hampshire, Durham, USA.Thomas H. MacGregor is Professor Emeritus, State University of New York at Albany and a Research Associate at Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine, USA.\
Taylor & Francis Inc Design and Analysis of Accelerated Tests for Mission Critical Reliability
Early approaches to accelerated testing were based on the assumption that there was a simple acceleration factor that would correspond to a linear scaling of time from the operating stress to the accelerating stress. This corresponds to the simplest physical model of the kinetics governing the underlying degradation, but this simple model does not always hold. We need to understand what more complex physical models may look like.Design & Analysis of Accelerated Tests for Mission Critical Reliability presents innovative theory and methods for recognizing and handling the more complicated, cases often encountered in practice. The theory integrates a physical understanding of underlying phenomena and the statistical modeling of observation "noise" to provide a single theoretical framework for accelerated testing. The treatment includes general approaches that can be used with various computational software packages and an explicit computing environment in S-PLUS. Source code written by the authors is included and available for download from practitioners, this book provides immediately useable tools. For researchers, it presents intriguing open questions. And for the academic community, numerous worked examples, end-of-chapter exercises, and a format that relegates technical and theoretical details to chapter appendices make this an outstanding supplementary textbook for senior and graduate-level students.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Algorithms for Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing
Most of the available literature in wireless networking and mobile computing concentrates on the physical aspect of the subject, such as spectrum management and cell re-use. In most cases, a description of fundamental distributed algorithms that support mobile hosts in a wireless environment is either not included or is only briefly discussed.Handbook of Algorithms for Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing focuses on several aspects of mobile computing, particularly algorithmic methods and distributed computing with mobile communications capability. This volume provides the topics that are crucial for building the foundation for the design and construction of future generations of mobile and wireless networks, including cellular, wireless ad hoc, sensor, and ubiquitous networks. Following an analysis of fundamental algorithms and protocols, the book offers a basic overview of wireless technologies and networks and a discussion of the convergence of communication and computation. Other topics include issues related to mobility, with a focus on the creation of techniques that control associated uncertainties; aspects of QoS provisioning in wireless networks; a comparison of numerous wireless TCP proposals; a review of fundamental algorithms for Bluetooth wireless personal area networks (WPANs); and investigations of future voice and video access networks; and a review of potential applications of pervasive computing and mobile e-commerce.
Taylor & Francis Inc An Introduction to Semiflows
This book introduces the class of dynamical systems called semiflows, which includes systems defined or modeled by certain types of differential evolution equations (DEEs). It focuses on the basic results of the theory of dynamical systems that can be extended naturally and applied to study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions of DEEs. The authors concentrate on three types of absorbing sets: attractors, exponential attractors, and inertial manifolds. They present the fundamental properties of these sets, and then proceed to show the existence of some of these sets for a number of dynamical systems generated by well-known physical models. In particular, they consider in full detail two particular PDEEs: a semilinear version of the heat equation and a corresponding version of the dissipative wave equation. These examples illustrate the most important features of the theory of semiflows and provide a sort of template that can be applied to the analysis of other models.The material builds in a careful, gradual progression, developing the background needed by newcomers to the field, and culminating in a more detailed presentation of the main topics than found in most sources. The authors' approach to and treatment of the subject builds the foundation for more advanced references and research on global attractors, exponential attractors, and inertial manifolds.
Taylor & Francis Inc Multivariate Bayesian Statistics: Models for Source Separation and Signal Unmixing
Of the two primary approaches to the classic source separation problem, only one does not impose potentially unreasonable model and likelihood constraints: the Bayesian statistical approach. Bayesian methods incorporate the available information regarding the model parameters and not only allow estimation of the sources and mixing coefficients, but also allow inferences to be drawn from them.Multivariate Bayesian Statistics: Models for Source Separation and Signal Unmixing offers a thorough, self-contained treatment of the source separation problem. After an introduction to the problem using the "cocktail-party" analogy, Part I provides the statistical background needed for the Bayesian source separation model. Part II considers the instantaneous constant mixing models, where the observed vectors and unobserved sources are independent over time but allowed to be dependent within each vector. Part III details more general models in which sources can be delayed, mixing coefficients can change over time, and observation and source vectors can be correlated over time. For each model discussed, the author gives two distinct ways to estimate the parameters.Real-world source separation problems, encountered in disciplines from engineering and computer science to economics and image processing, are more difficult than they appear. This book furnishes the fundamental statistical material and up-to-date research results that enable readers to understand and apply Bayesian methods to help solve the many "cocktail party" problems they may confront in practice.
Taylor & Francis Inc Hybrid and Incompatible Finite Element Methods
While the theory and application of finite elements methods can be extended to incompatible, hybrid, and mixed element methods, important issues, such as determining the reliability of the solution of incompatible multivariable elements, along with a common perception of impracticality, have hindered the widespread implementation of these methods. Today, however, recent advances--many directly attributable to these authors--have allowed the development of the stability theory and abstract mathematics to useful tools.Hybrid and Incompatible Finite Element Methods introduces these advances in the theory and applications of incompatible and multivariable finite element methods. After an overview of the variation formulation of finite element methods in solid mechanics, the authors discuss the fundamental theory and systematically demonstrate the theoretical foundations of incompatible elements and their application to different problems in the theory of elasticity. They also introduce new ideas in the development of hybrid finite elements, study the numerical stability of the hybrid and mixed element, and establish the theory of zero energy deformation modes. The final chapters, explore applications to fracture problems, present a bound analysis for fracture parameters, and demonstrate an implementation of a finite element analysis program.
Taylor & Francis Inc Variational and Potential Methods in the Theory of Bending of Plates with Transverse Shear Deformation
Elastic plates form a class of very important mechanical structures that appear in a wide range of practical applications, from building bodies to microchip production. As the sophistication of industrial designs has increased, so has the demand for greater accuracy in analysis. This in turn has led modelers away from Kirchoff's classical theory for thin plates and toward increasingly refined models that yield not only the deflection of the middle section, but also account for transverse shear deformation. The improved performance of these models is achieved, however, at the expense of a much more complicated system of governing equations and boundary conditions.In this Monograph, the authors conduct a rigorous mathematical study of a number of boundary value problems for the system of partial differential equations that describe the equilibrium bending of an elastic plate with transverse shear deformation. Specifically, the authors explore the existence, uniqueness, and continuous dependence of the solution on the data. In each case, they give the variational formulation of the problems and discuss their solvability in Sobolev spaces. They then seek the solution in the form of plate potentials and reduce the problems to integral equations on the contour of the domain.This treatment covers an extensive range of problems and presents the variational method and the boundary integral equation method applied side-by-side. Readers will find that this feature of the book, along with its clear exposition, will lead to a firm and useful understanding of both the model and the methods.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Analytic Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics
Working computationally in applied mathematics is the very essence of dealing with real-world problems in science and engineering. Approximation theory-on the borderline between pure and applied mathematics- has always supplied some of the most innovative ideas, computational methods, and original approaches to many types of problems. The first of its kind, the Handbook on Analytic-Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics comprises 22 self-contained chapters focused on various aspects of analytic computational methods in approximation theory and other related fields. The articles represent the leading research activities of contemporary, mainstream applied mathematics and address problems in a broad range of disciplines, from economics to statistics, dynamic programming, and engineering.
Taylor & Francis Inc Algebra: A Computational Introduction
Adequate texts that introduce the concepts of abstract algebra are plentiful. None, however, are more suited to those needing a mathematical background for careers in engineering, computer science, the physical sciences, industry, or finance than Algebra: A Computational Introduction. Along with a unique approach and presentation, the author demonstrates how software can be used as a problem-solving tool for algebra. A variety of factors set this text apart. Its clear exposition, with each chapter building upon the previous ones, provides greater clarity for the reader. The author first introduces permutation groups, then linear groups, before finally tackling abstract groups. He carefully motivates Galois theory by introducing Galois groups as symmetry groups. He includes many computations, both as examples and as exercises. All of this works to better prepare readers for understanding the more abstract concepts.By carefully integrating the use of Mathematica® throughout the book in examples and exercises, the author helps readers develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the material. The numerous exercises and examples along with downloads available from the Internet help establish a valuable working knowledge of Mathematica and provide a good reference for complex problems encountered in the field.
Taylor & Francis Inc Encyclopedia of the Developing World
A RUSA 2007 Outstanding Reference TitleThe Encyclopedia of the Developing World is a comprehensive work on the historical and current status of developing countries. Containing more than 750 entries, the Encyclopedia encompasses primarily the years since 1945 and defines development broadly, addressing not only economics but also civil society and social progress. Entries cover the most important theories and measurements of development; relate historical events, movements, and concepts to development both internationally and regionally where applicable; examine the contributions of the most important persons and organizations; and detail the progress made within geographic regions and by individual countries.
Taylor & Francis Inc Physics Trends
First published in 2001. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Taylor & Francis Inc Encyclopedia of German Literature
Designed to provide English readers of German literature the opportunity to familiarize themselves with both the established canon and newly emerging literatures that reflect the concerns of women and ethnic minorities, the Encyclopedia of German Literature includes more than 500 entries on writers, individual work, and topics essential to an understanding of this rich literary tradition. Drawing on the expertise of an international group of experts, the essays in the encyclopedia reflect developments of the latest scholarship in German literature, culture, and history and society. In addition to the essays, author entries include biographies and works lists; and works entries provide information about first editions, selected critical editions, and English-language translations. All entries conclude with a list of further readings.
Taylor & Francis Inc Building a Pathway to Student Learning: A How-To Guide to Course Design
This book leads you through the process of designing a learning-centered course. It is written as a “how-to” handbook, providing step-by-step guidance on creating a pathway to student learning, including 26 workboxes (also available free online) that lead you through each element of the course design process and promote a rich reflection process akin to being in a workshop setting. The authors prompt you to (1) consider the distinctive characteristics of your students; (2) clearly articulate your course learning goals; (3) create aligned summative assessments; (4) identify the specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes students will need in order to be successful; (5) craft effective learning experiences, informed by the well-documented research on how people learn; and (6) incorporate formative assessment to ensure you and your students are staying on track. Completion of the sequence of worksheets leads to a poster as a visual display of your course design. This graphic depiction of your course ties the components together, provides a clear map of action for teaching your course, for modifying as you evaluate the success of particular strategies or want to introduce new concepts, and for developing your syllabus. A rubric for evaluating course posters is included.For faculty developers, this book provides a proven and ready-made resource and text around which to design or redesign learner-centered course design workshops or multi-day course design retreats, replicating or modifying the renowned workshop that the authors have developed at the Air Force Academy for both faculty new to teaching and those with many years of teaching experience under their belt.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Challenge of Bologna: What United States Higher Education Has to Learn from Europe, and Why It Matters That We Learn It
In 1999, a declaration formalizing “the European process” was signed at and informally named for Europe’s oldest university: Bologna. “The Bologna Process” has transformed higher education in Europe.This book is essential reading for anyone concerned about the ability of America’s higher education system to position the country for competitiveness in a global economy, about its failure to broaden access and participation, or to respond to calls for accountability, and specifically about whether it is ready to address the redoubtable challenge that Bologna Process represents on all these issues. In this book Paul Gaston assesses the Process’ accomplishments, weighing its strengths and weaknesses, and evaluates which features pose a threat, which we can learn from, and which may be inappropriate for our system of higher education.Bologna’s achievements in making higher education more accessible, in rationalizing and making consistent the evaluation of credits, and the definition and measurement of learning outcomes for all disciplines, all constitute a major “wake-up call” for American higher education. If we consider Europeans’ increased participation in higher education, their increased graduation rates, and the fact that Europe is retaining more of its students and attracting more international students, American higher education may be losing its competitive advantage. For all these reasons, it is vital that educators and policy makers understand Bologna and its implications for American higher education. It represents a formidable challenge on a matter of national priority. This book provides that understanding by offering a realistic and balanced account of Bologna’s achievements, and suggesting how US higher education can constructively and effectively respond.
Taylor & Francis Inc Roads Taken: Women in Student Affairs at Mid-Career
The work of student affairs professionals is demanding and unpredictable. This book addresses the particular challenges that it presents to women in mid-career.While much has been written about new graduate students, new professionals and senior administrators in student affairs, scant attention has been paid to the issues of mid-career, and particularly as they impact women.Here are the stories of over twenty women, from widely different backgrounds, reflecting on their lives at mid-career. They describe the choices they made and share the lessons they have learned, particularly the ever-present concerns about reconciling the demands of work and responsibilities to family and partners . The volume focuses on issues that have particular and significant meaning for women. The individual narratives are grouped into five sections, each beginning with a scholarly introduction to its topics. The sections deal with education and self development, such as the life implications of embarking on a doctorate; dual career couples and such decisions as relocation; choices about having children and responsibilities for the care of aging parents; arriving at mid-career; and alternatives to traditional, linear career progression in student affairs administration.This volume is a particular gift to women currently in mid-career positions in student affairs, women embarking on their personal and professional journey in student affairs, the partners of such women, their colleagues, and the individuals who supervise them.
Taylor & Francis Inc Telehealthcare Computing and Engineering: Principles and Design
While conventional similar books focus on medical science and social aspects, this book emphasizes computing science and engineering design. This feature can help with both industry development and academic research. It book explains in detail both entire telehealthcare engineering system and individual hardware components. For example, it has circuit design details on ECG /EEG sensors. Highlighting basic principles and deep research development (R&D) details, the book focuses on two important design aspects: medical sensor design and medical signal processing. Their principles can be directly used for practical product design.
Taylor & Francis Inc Nanoscale Nonlinear PANDA Ring Resonator
Microring/nanoring resonator is an interesting device that has been widely studied and investigated by researchers from a variety of specializations. This book begins with the basic background of linear and nonlinear ring resonators. A novel design of nano device known as a PANDA ring resonator is proposed. The use of the device in the form of a PANDA in applications such as nanoelectronics, measurement, communication, sensors, optical and quantum computing, drug delivery, hybrid transistor and a new concept of electron-hole pair is discussed in detail.
Taylor & Francis Inc Breeding of Neglected and Under-Utilized Crops, Spices, and Herbs
This book includes 20 different chapters, where the authors have addressed various aspects of the cultivation, taxonomy, socio-economic importance and breeding and development as applied to neglected and underutilized crops. The first chapter deals with the more general aspects of the cultivation and propagation of these crops, thirteen chapters concentrate on specific neglected crops, nine of which focus on seed propagated crops and the remaining four on vegetative propagated ones, while the last five chapters describe the uses, importance, propagation and improvement of neglected and under-utilized crops from different regions of the world.
Taylor & Francis Inc Development of Non-teleost Fishes
A compilation of the development of non-teleost fishes has so far been unavailable. These fishes include the jawless fishes (hagfish and lampreys), the cartilaginous fishes (sharks, rays, skates and chimaeras), the forerunners of the teleostei: the cladistia (bichirs and reedfish), the chondrostei (sturgeon and paddlefish, the neopterygii (gar pike and bowfin), and, finally, the closest relations to the tetrapods: the lungfishes (the coelacanh [ living fossil], Protopterus of Africa, Lepidosiren of South America and Neoceratodus of Australia). Therefore, the present volume has been devoted to closing the gap by an up-to-date scientific review of the early life-history of these non-teleost fishes (agnathi excepted).
Taylor & Francis Inc Liver Diseases (2 Vols.): Biochemical Mechanisms and New Therapeutic Insights
This book presents state-of-art information summarizing the current understanding of a range of liver diseases, and reviews some key diagnostic and therapeutic advances. The book is a collection of selected clinical and scientific topics divided into two volumes, each divided into two sections. The first volume treats the cellular, biochemical and immunological mechanisms underlying liver diseases; the second focuses on clinical liver disease pathophysiology and related diagnostics and therapeutic insights. It is hoped that the target readers - hepatologists, clinicians, researchers and cademicians - will be exposed to new ideas, and subjects beyond their own scientific disciplines. In addition, students and all those who wish to enlarge their knowledge of advances in the field of liver diseases will find this book a good source of information.
Taylor & Francis Inc Biomaterials from Aquatic and Terrestrial Organisms
Organisms, both aquatic and terrestrial, are sources of a wide variety of substances, many of which have already been shown to be bioactive. They play a wide variety of physiological and environmental roles. These chemicals include a broad array of proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides. Many of these natural products find applications in industry, agriculture, and medicine. The emphasis of study now is on testing and the development of new applications to solve medical and environmental problems, among others. This volume explores ongoing efforts to develop these natural products into commercially viable materials that will contribute to solving, especially, health and environmental problems worldwide. Among the chapters in this volume are ones that deal with the use of compounds from plants to treat Alzheimer?s disease, the antimicrobial activity of terpenes from African plants, antioxidant compounds from plants, antiangiogenic compounds from marine invertebrates, bioactive natural products from marine fungi
Taylor & Francis Inc Gonorynchiformes and Ostariophysan Relationships: A Comprehensive Review (Series on: Teleostean Fish Biology)
An understanding of gonorynchiform morphology and systematic inter- and intra-relationships has proven vital to a better understanding of the evolution of lower teleosts in general, and more specifically of groups such as the clupeiforms (e.g., herrings and anchovies), and ostariophysans (e.g., carps, minnows and catfishes). This book examines the current knowledge of gonorynchiform biology, including comparative osteology, myology, epibranchial morphology and development. Phylogenetic interrelationships among gonorynchiform fishes are reexamined.
Taylor & Francis Inc Morphological Evolution, Adaptations, Homoplasies, Constraints, and Evolutionary Trends: Catfishes as a Case Study on General Phylogeny & Macroevolution
The major aim of this work is, to help clarify the interrelationships of catfishes, with major implications on the study of the general evolution of these fishes. A great part of this work, therefore, deals with a cladistic analysis of catfish higher-level phylogeny based on extensive morphological data, in which are included some terminal taxa not included in previous analyses, but principally a large number of characters traditionally excluded from those analyses, with particular attention being given to catfish morphology. This analysis gives particular importance to complex, integrated structures. It will be interest to students, ichthyologists and biologists working in evolution, taxonomy and phylogeny.
Taylor & Francis Inc Explosive Compaction of Powders and Composites
This monograph discusses in detail the compacting conditions and the resultant structure and properties of metals, composites and ceramics. It covers the basic aspects of science and technology of explosive compaction. Comprise chapters on Shock Waves in Matter, Technology of Explosive Compaction, Explosive Compaction of Metallic Powders, Explosive Compaction of Composites, Explosive Compaction of Ceramic and Super-Hard Materials, Industrial Applications and Directions for future Research including Shock Synthesis of New Materials. The coverage is extensive and the style is simple. A number of figures and micrographs enrich the presentation further. This monograph is well structured to be a textbook to students of engineering in colleges and universities and to engineers interested in using this technology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Technology Management in Public Administration
All organizations, whether for profit, not for profit, or government, face issues of information technology management. While the concerns involved may differ from organization to organization, the principles of good information technology management remain the same.Using a compilation of articles on various topics relating to technology management, Handbook of Technology Management in Public Administration addresses the management, implementation, and integration of technology across a wide variety of disciplines. The book highlights lessons learned to assist you in solving contemporary problems and avoiding pitfalls. It discusses the creation of innovative paradigms, new boundaries, diversity frameworks, and operational breakthroughs emanating from technology. It also raises questions about the productivity, violence, and intrusions of technology into the personal, organizational, and social environments as we move forward. This book identifies the potential ethical, legal, and social implications of technology from electronic signatures to genetic screenings to privacy interventions to industrial applications. It raises issues, problems, and concerns arising from technology and its effects on nurturing or nullifying the foundations of life and liberty in a constitutional democracy. With the development of new tools and techniques, technology promises to make organizations more productive and efficient. Handbook of Technology Management in Public Administration identifies effective technology management approaches while balancing the repercussions of technological growth.
Taylor & Francis Inc Functional Informatics in Drug Discovery
Integrating various technologies with informational systems provides vast improvements to the overall research and development that occur in the biopharmaceutical industry. One of the first books to explore this area, Functional Informatics in Drug Discovery examines all aspects of technology integration and information flow in a biopharmaceutical enterprise and outlines the specific technologies used at various stages of drug development. With contributions from leaders in academia, information technology, and the pharmaceutical industry, each chapter illustrates how a particular area of biological science can benefit from the tools of informatics. The book first looks at intelligent automation, neurally based computational tools, and pharmacodynamic (PD) biomarkers. It then reviews a variety of novel technologies and approaches presently used in drug discovery at Johnson & Johnson. The text also describes how informatics can advance antibody technology and drug development for oncology. After focusing on forward genetic and reverse genetic strategies to identify relevant target genes for drug discovery, the book explains proteomic expression profiling and explores the application of laser microdissection in transcriptomics.Taking a systematic approach, this volume examines the impact of informatics tools on various areas in biopharmaceuticals by presenting in-depth analyses of emerging trends and future opportunities.Daniel E. Levy, editor of the Drug Discovery Series, is the founder of DEL BioPharma, a consulting service for drug discovery programs. He also maintains a blog that explores organic chemistry.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Supply Chain Manager's Problem-Solver: Maximizing the Value of Collaboration and Technology
The true promise and benefits of Supply Chain Management elude many organizations. Cultural limitations, a narrow view of the opportunities offered by and the need to access external resources juxtaposed with a lack of understanding of how technology can enhance business processes create resistance. The Supply Chain Manager's Problem-Solver: Maximizing the Value of Collaboration and Technology explores the benefits of a full network approach and illustrates specific actions that lead to success. The author uses case studies to validate the concepts and solutions, provides an easy to understand and apply methodology for getting to higher levels of progress, and explores areas of potential technology application that often get overlooked.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Efficient Enterprise: Increased Corporate Success with Industry-Specific Information Technology and Knowledge Management
In modern business, the availability of up-to-date and secure information is critical to a company's competitive edge and marketing drive. Unfortunately, traditional business studies and classical economics are unable to provide the necessary analysis of such contemporary issues as information technology and knowledge management.The Efficient Enterprise: Increased Corporate Success with Industry-Specific Information Technology and Knowledge Management details an economic business model and visualization system that includes today's business needs and demonstrates how industry-specific information technology blazes the trail towards increased corporate success. Throughout this book, the author explains how his revolutionary theories are put into practice in the industry-specific ERP software CSB-System.Following a systematic visualization of economic principles, this text examines IT business organization and control systems, focusing on software choices and integration, industry-specific software, and workflow management.The third and largest section of the book explores facets of integrated industry-specific IT for corporate management. Concepts include:* Business organization* Quality Control System* Management and controlling* Performance and time management* Automated economy* Commodity and product management* Accounting and financeThe Efficient Enterprise provides a roadmap for the expert integration and application of software and technology in the pursuit of efficiency and profitability. Schimitzek's intention is to develop a unified formula for economics, in which any transaction can be modeled using four components: addresses; items; conditions; and procedures.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Project Manager's Emergency Kit
Project success requires a solid understanding and proper implementation of the tools, techniques, and principles of project management. A reference for both the novice and expert project manager, The Project Manager's Emergency Kit provides you with everything you will need to get your project off to a solid start and overcome any emergencies that may arise during the project life cycle. It supplies you with over 200 project management tools, techniques, and principles arranged in alphabetical order.The text provides guidance on how to complete projects on time and within budget while meeting the needs of your customers. It presents easy-to-follow project planning steps covering the responsibilities, work breakdown structures, time and cost estimating, scheduling, resource allocation, and budgeting. The Project Manager's Emergency Kit provides you with straightforward guidelines that will help you overcome any challenges that may arise and deliver a product or service that will satisfy everyone who has a stake in the outcome of your project.
Taylor & Francis Inc Maximizing Business Performance through Software Packages: Best Practices for Justification, Selection, and Implementation
Learn how to:§ Select the best ERP software for your organization§ Choose the most effective wrap around software to enhance the performance of an existing ERP system§ Align software selection with business goals and objectives§ Budget for the software and the hidden costs involved in its implementation At times a daring, maddening, and even frightening process, finding and implementing a suitable software package is never an easy task. The cost of the software package is often a fraction of the overall expense. Unless carefully selected, a major software package implementation can consume a considerable amount of your organization's time and energy. An ill-informed purchase can cost your organization it's customers, dollars, and reputation.Maximizing Business Performance through Software Packages: Best Practices for Justification, Selection, and Implementation explores the business challenges involved in justifying, selecting, and implementing software packages. It contains practical advice and insights on how to select "good fitting" software packages, how to justify them in terms of their ability to enable business process change or improvement, and most importantly, how to implement them successfully. Selecting and implementing enterprise architecture technology software solutions involves a large expenditure across all the resources of an organization. The process has become increasingly complex as business functions have become increasingly integrated. Maximizing Business Performance through Software Packages: Best Practices for Justification, Selection, and Implementation provides a definitive source that will help you select the solutions that best fit your business needs.
Taylor & Francis Inc Totally Integrated Enterprises: A Framework and Methodology for Business and Technology Improvement
At the foundation of today's leading-edge manufacturing companies is a common vision for virtual, distributed enterprise in an agile environment where organizations can swiftly and cost-effectively bring products from concept to production - and respond dynamically to changes in customer and market requirements. Totally Integrated Enterprises: A Framework and Methodology for Business and Technology Improvement provides a framework and a methodology for understanding and mapping current enterprise configurations as well as for designing the revised architecture needed for the totally integrated enterprise. It also helps you select the MRPII, MES, APS, SCM, or ERP software most appropriate for your needs and for achieving total enterprise integration.MRPII, MES, APS, SCM, and ERP. Without a strategic direction it is just alphabet soup. How do you determine what is best for your organization? Which software system is most appropriate to your needs? Courses, classes, seminars, and experts galore are available to help you learn and implement the fine details of every value-add, cost-saving, customer-pleasing, quality-improving, buzzword-compliant business initiative you have ever heard of, and many that you haven't. What has been missing is a way to tie them together. Until now. Totally Integrated Enterprises: A Framework and a Methodology for Business and Technology Improvement gives you a high-level enterprise architecture that makes the implementation of best practices and technologies - both existing and emergent - manageable. This book shows you how to: Improve your product and process integration, as well as develop and deliver new products within a virtual enterprise Incorporate business strategies and functions to drive product design and manufacturing requirements, operations, and post-production activities Integrate designers, manufacturers, and suppliers to operate as a virtual enterprise Create, staff, and empower integrated product teams resulting in higher quality products Communicate enterprise information to and from every stakeholder in the virtual enterprise in real or near-real time Manage production among facilities and exchange production data and status information as a routine basis of businessAcquisitions and mergers have left many enterprises with a legacy of varied cultures, resources, and processes that must be reshaped into a single, integrated whole. Increasing pressures from global competition force enterprises to become cost-effective, high-quality providers to traditional customers and push them to develop new markets and product lines. Nearly every enterprise needs to make the transition to a globally interdependent business paradigm. Totally Integrated Enterprises: A Framework and Methodology for Business and Technology Improvement gives you the key definitions that allow you to understand and communicate with vendors, consultants, and experts in the field. Using the techniques in this book you will see the results so often promised - but not realized - from technology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Phoenix Without the Ashes: Achieving Organizational Excellence Through Common Sense Management
The quality management revolution has resulted in considerable trial and error as well as frustration. Here is a book that explores why many management trends don't translate into process improvement. It recommends establishing a condition of "rationality" as a guide and measure for all organizational and quality improvement efforts. Instead of imposing radical new "breakthroughs", Phoenix Without the Ashes: Achieving Organizational Excellence Through Common Sense Management suggests an approach that fits with the normal routines and operations of an organization in a way that makes sense.Part One of this text discusses the nature of common sense, and of quality as a condition of organizational excellence. In Part Two, the elements that negatively affect quality improvement are explained from an operating management perspective. Part Three looks at the impediments to improvement set by organizational structures. Part Four discusses the relationship among leadership, motivation, and organizational excellence, and Part Five suggests a rational strategy for effective, enduring organizational improvement.Managers in every industry will benefit from the information provided in Phoenix Without the Ashes.
Taylor & Francis Inc Order-Fulfillment and Across-the-Dock Concepts, Design, and Operations Handbook
Order-Fulfillment and Across-the-Dock Concepts, Design, and Operations Handbook provides insights and tips that warehouse and distribution professionals can use to make their order fulfillment or across-the-dock operations more efficient and cost-effective. Each chapter focuses on key aspects of planning and managing, making it easy to find information quickly. The text includes guidelines for development and projection of accurate facility, inventory, SKU, and transaction data, as well as design factors. Filled with illustrations, forms, and tables, this handbook helps you develop the skill and knowledge required to design, organize, and operate a productive order fulfillment or across-the-dock operation.By applying the recommendations found in this book, you will be able to reduce product damage, enhance product flow, increase employee productivity, improve customer service, reduce operating costs, maintain on-schedule deliveries, and ensure asset protection.
Taylor & Francis Inc Origami Inspirations
This handsome book is aimed towards those with an intermediate skill level, but the origami basics included at the start of the book make it accessible to beginners. A number of beautiful models are offered, ranging from cubes to prisms to dodecahedra. As with the author’s two previous books, Origami Inspirations provides step-by-step instructions and color distribution suggestions to create the more than 30 intricate designs presented. The book also includes a chapter featuring designs by origami artists from around the world, and these projects provide a happy complement to the author’s own exciting inspirations in the rest of the book.
Taylor & Francis Inc Mathematical People: Profiles and Interviews
This unique collection contains extensive and in-depth interviews with mathematicians who have shaped the field of mathematics in the twentieth century. Collected by two mathematicians respected in the community for their skill in communicating mathematical topics to a broader audience, the book is also rich with photographs and includes an introduction by Philip J. Davis.
Taylor & Francis Inc Logic in Tehran: Proceedings of the Workshop and Conference on Logic, Algebra, and Arithmetic, held October 18-22, 2003, Lecture Notes in Logic 26
This proceedings volume contains research papers in mathematical logic, especially in model theory and its applications to algebra and formal theories of arithmetic. Other papers address interpretability theory, computable analysis, modal logic, and the history of mathematical logic in Iran. The conference was held in Tehran, Iran, in October 2003, with the expressed purpose of bringing together researchers with connections to Iranian logicians and promoting further research in mathematical logic in Iran.
Taylor & Francis Inc Model Theory of Fields: Lecture Notes in Logic 5, Second Edition
The model theory of fields is a fascinating subject stretching from Tarski's work on the decidability of the theories of the real and complex fields to Hrushovksi's recent proof of the Mordell-Lang conjecture for function fields. This volume provides an insightful introduction to this active area, concentrating on connections to stability theory.
Taylor & Francis Inc Twists, Tilings, and Tessellations: Mathematical Methods for Geometric Origami
Twists, Tilings, and Tessellation describes the underlying principles and mathematics of the broad and exciting field of abstract and mathematical origami, most notably the field of origami tessellations. It contains folding instructions, underlying principles, mathematical concepts, and many beautiful photos of the latest work in this fast-expanding field.
Taylor & Francis Inc Service Robots
The copious photographs in this book lavishly illustrate the current and future applications for robots in a wide scope of fields such as entertainment, medicine, space exploration, underwater navigation, and many more. Everyone from professional roboticists to amateur robot and technology enthusiasts will find this book fascinating.
Taylor & Francis Inc Logic Colloquium '99: Lecture Notes in Logic 17
A compilation of papers presented at the 1999 European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Logic Colloquium '99 includes surveys and research articles from some of the world's preeminent logicians. Two long articles are based on tutorials given at the meeting and present accessible expositions of current research in two active areas of logic, geometric model theory and descriptive set theory of group actions. The other articles cover current reseach topics in all areas of mathematical logic, including logic in computer science, proof theory, set theory, model theory, computability theory, and philosophy.