Search results for ""Author Franz""
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Kundenhabitus und Gottesdienst: Zur Logik protestantischen Kirchgangs
Sind Menschen im Gottesdienst Kunden? Ist der Gottesdienst eine Dienstleistung? Eine große Mehrheit der Gottesdienstbesucher beantwortet diese Fragen mit Nein. Solche ökonomischen Kategorien widersprechen offenbar stark dem eigenen Selbstverständnis als Kirchgänger und dem Verständnis des Gottesdienstes als ein Geschehen, in dem theologisch gesehen vor allem Gott handelt. Eine Sache aber ist die Einschätzung und Beurteilung von Kundenvokabular und Dienstleistungsbegrifflichkeit eine andere Sache demgegenüber das tatsächliche Denken und Verhalten von Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern an Sonntagsgottesdiensten. Der Autor der vorliegenden Studie hat einen Fragebogen entwickelt, um vorher theoretisch erarbeitete Merkmale eines Kundenhabitus auch beim Kirchgang zu verifizieren. Dabei geht es um Wahlverhalten, Bedürfnis- und Nutzenorientierung sowie Ansprüche an Professionalität und Qualität. Es zeigt sich, dass auch bei häufigen Kirchgängern ein entsprechender Kundenhabitus deutlich erkennbar ist und zwischen gottesdienstlichen Stamm- und Laufkunden unterschieden werden kann. Der Studie liegt die Befragung von knapp 2000, der Kirche überwiegend nahestehende Personen zugrunde. Die empirischen Auswertungen werden in der Arbeit gerahmt durch eine kurze Geschichte des Kundenbegriffs, einen Überblick über seine theologische Bewertung im Zuge der Diskussion um das sog. Kirchenmanagement und praktisch-theologische Erwägungen zum Verhältnis von Auftrags- und Bedürfnisorientierung im Gottesdienst.
Ohio University Press How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich
The Nazis created nature preserves, championed sustainable forestry, curbed air pollution, and designed the autobahn highway network as a way of bringing Germans closer to nature. How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich is the first book to examine the Third Reich’s environmental policies and to offer an in-depth exploration of the intersections between brown ideologies and green practices. Environmentalists and conservationists in Germany welcomed the rise of the Nazi regime with open arms and hoped that it would bring about legal and institutional changes. However, environmentalists soon realized that the rhetorical attention they received from the regime did not always translate into action. By the late 1930s, nature and the environment had become less pressing concerns as Nazi Germany prepared for and executed a global conflagration. Based on prodigious archival research, and written by some of the most important scholars in the field of twentieth-century German history, How Green Were the Nazis? examines the overlap between Nazi ideology and conservationist agendas. This landmark book underscores the fact that the “green” policies of the Nazis were more than a mere episode or aberration in environmental history. Contributors: Franz-Josef Brüggemeier, Mark Cioc, Thomas Zeller, Charles Closmann, Michael Imort, Thomas Lekan, Frank Uekötter, Gesine Gerhard, Thomas Rohkrämer, Mark Bassin, and Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG African Philosophy in an Intercultural Perspective
African philosophy under the specific conditions of a colonial and postcolonial world is – at least since the 20th century if not even earlier – inherently intercultural. The aim and target of the volume is to reveal, interrogate and analyse the intercultural dimension in African philosophy, and to critically interrogate the project of an intercultural philosophy from an African perspective. This volume is the first publication that explicitly discusses African philosophy as a challenge to the project of intercultural philosophy.
Peter Lang AG Arabische Christen - Christen in Arabien
Bohlau Verlag Bündnisse: Politische, soziale und intellektuelle Allianzen im Jahrhundert der Aufklärung
Pan Macmillan The Trial
In Kafka's powerful and disturbing novel, an innocent man is arrested and repeatedly interrogated for a crime that is never ever explained. Part of the Macmillan Collector’s Library, a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold-foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition is translated from German by Douglas Scott and Chris Waller, and features an afterword by David Stuart Davies.On the morning of his thirtieth birthday, a young bank official named Joseph K is arrested although he has done nothing wrong and is never told what he’s been charged with. The Trial is the chronicle of his fight to prove his innocence, of his struggles and encounters with the invisible Law and the untouchable Court where he must make regular visits. It is an account, ultimately, of state-induced self-destruction presenting in a nightmarish scenario the persecution of the outsider and the incomprehensible machinations of the state. Using the power of simple, straightforward language Kafka draws the reader into this bleak and frightening world so that we too experience the fears, uncertainties and tragedy of Joseph K.
WW Norton & Co The Metamorphosis: A Norton Critical Edition
Franz Kafka’s classic 1915 novella remains one of the most widely read works of fiction in the world. This Norton Critical Edition is based on Susan Bernofsky’s acclaimed new translation, accompanied by the translator’s note and Mark M. Anderson’s preface and explanatory annotations.
Shambhala Publications Inc A Concise Dictionary of Buddhism and Zen
Academia Verlag Autonomie Und Verantwortung in Digitalen Kulturen: Privatheit Im Geflecht Von Recht, Medien Und Gesellschaft
V&R unipress GmbH Fakultätsvorträge der Philologisch-Kulturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Wien
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Caesar Et Imperium: Die Fassadendekoration Und Das Deckenbild Im Festsaal Der Ehemaligen Reichskanzlei in Der Wiener Hofburg
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Dietrich Bonhoeffer Und Hans Joachim Iwand - Kritische Theologen Im Dienst Der Kirche
Bohlau Verlag Über die Produktion von Tönen: Beziehungen von Arbeit und Musizieren, Österreich 19181938
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Autorschaft und Autorisierungsstrategien in apokalyptischen Texten
Der Band bietet eine breite Analyse und Reflexion der Autorschaftskonzepte und Autorisierungsstrategien in frühjüdischen und frühchristlichen apokalyptischen Texten. Dabei wird zunächst grundlegend nach der Bedeutung von Autorschaft und Autorisierungskonzepten in der Literaturwissenschaft gefragt, und die breite Vielfalt an Vorstellungen von Autorschaft in der griechisch-römischen Antike erhoben. Einzelbeiträge analysieren die Konstruktion von Autorschaft von den biblischen Prophetenbüchern über die Anfänge der jüdischen Apokalyptik in der Henochliteratur und im Danielbuch, das 4. Esra- und das 2. Baruchbuch und die Jakobsleiter bis in die rabbinische Literatur. Ein zweiter Hauptteil erörtert die Phänomene der Autorisierung und Autorschaftskonstruktion in christlichen Apokalypsen von der Johannesapokalypse und der Petrusapokalypse bis zur lateinischen Paulusapokalypse. Eine rezeptionsgeschichtliche Studie zur späten Nachwirkung der Apokalyptik in Dantes Göttlicher Komödie schließt den Band ab.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Gesamtes Arbeitsrecht: Nomoskommentar
Schnell & Steiner Mitteilungen Institut Papst Benedikt XVI.: Bd. 16
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Träumend imaginieren: Einblicke in die Traumwerkstatt
Neurowissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Verständnis von Träumen, wie etwa der Nachweis, dass Träume als intensivierte Tagträume verstanden werden können, regen an, sich mit ähnlichen Ideen in älteren Traumtheorien neu auseinanderzusetzen, so zum Beispiel mit denen von C. G. Jung. Dabei gilt es, Verbindungen herzustellen und herauszuarbeiten, wie dieser imaginative Blickwinkel den Umgang mit Träumen beeinflusst und umgekehrt. Verschiedene Aspekte des Träumens, auch die, die geheimnisvoll bleiben, werden an Beispielen aus der Psychotherapie veranschaulicht.
Taylor & Francis Inc Neutrinos in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Up to date and comprehensive in its coverage, Neutrinos in Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology reviews the whole landscape of neutrino physics, from state-of-the-art experiments to the latest phenomenological and theoretical developments to future advances.With contributions from internationally recognized leaders in the field, the book covers the basics of the standard model and neutrino phenomenology. It also discusses Big Bang cosmology, neutrino astrophysics, CP violation, leptogenesis, and solar neutrino physics, including the standard solar model. The contributors present experimental aspects of accelerator and reactor neutrino experiments as well as nuclear physics experiments that deal with neutrinoless double beta decay and tritium decay. They also focus on neutrino detectors, neutrino beams, and the neutrino factory.Drawn from the lectures of the Scottish Universities Summer Schools in Physics, this resource provides an essential foundation for anyone working in the exciting area of neutrino physics.
Ohio University Press How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich
The Nazis created nature preserves, championed sustainable forestry, curbed air pollution, and designed the autobahn highway network as a way of bringing Germans closer to nature. How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich is the first book to examine the Third Reich’s environmental policies and to offer an in-depth exploration of the intersections between brown ideologies and green practices. Environmentalists and conservationists in Germany welcomed the rise of the Nazi regime with open arms and hoped that it would bring about legal and institutional changes. However, environmentalists soon realized that the rhetorical attention they received from the regime did not always translate into action. By the late 1930s, nature and the environment had become less pressing concerns as Nazi Germany prepared for and executed a global conflagration. Based on prodigious archival research, and written by some of the most important scholars in the field of twentieth-century German history, How Green Were the Nazis? examines the overlap between Nazi ideology and conservationist agendas. This landmark book underscores the fact that the “green” policies of the Nazis were more than a mere episode or aberration in environmental history. Contributors: Franz-Josef Brüggemeier, Mark Cioc, Thomas Zeller, Charles Closmann, Michael Imort, Thomas Lekan, Frank Uekötter, Gesine Gerhard, Thomas Rohkrämer, Mark Bassin, and Joachim Wolschke-Bulmahn.
Princeton University Press The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History - Abridged Edition
The Muqaddimah, often translated as "Introduction" or "Prolegomenon," is the most important Islamic history of the premodern world. Written by the great fourteenth-century Arab scholar Ibn Khaldun (d. 1406), this monumental work established the foundations of several fields of knowledge, including the philosophy of history, sociology, ethnography, and economics. The first complete English translation, by the eminent Islamicist and interpreter of Arabic literature Franz Rosenthal, was published in three volumes in 1958 as part of the Bollingen Series and received immediate acclaim in the United States and abroad. A one-volume abridged version of Rosenthal's masterful translation first appeared in 1969. This Princeton Classics edition of the abridged version includes Rosenthal's original introduction as well as a contemporary introduction by Bruce B. Lawrence. This volume makes available a seminal work of Islam and medieval and ancient history to twenty-first century audiences.
Duncker & Humblot Das Sinnvoll Denkbare Denken, Das Davon Machbare Machen: Gedachtnisschrift Fur Arndt Schmehl
Springer Beratung: Grundlagen – Konzepte – Anwendungsfelder
Dieses Lehrbuch ist eine Einführung in die psychosoziale Beratung. Es vermittelt ein Verständnis von Beratung als einer Handlungsdisziplin, die sich nicht mehr als Subdisziplin verschiedener Fachgebiete versteht, sondern als ein eigenständiges, disziplinübergreifendes sowie wissenschaftlich fundiertes Denk- und Handlungskonzept. Dieses wird heute über spezifische Studiengänge an Hochschulen und Weiterbildungseinrichtungen vermittelt. – Als Lernende in diesen Einrichtungen erfahren Sie in dem Buch, wie sich Beratung vor dem Hintergrund etablierter Therapieschulen sowie lebensweltlicher und ressourcenorientierter Konzepte begründen kann.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Zur Psychoanalyse des Mannes
Neueinschätzungen der psychoanalytischen Psychologie der Frau wurden in den 80er Jahren von feministischer Seite stark vorangetrieben und haben eine Psychoanalyse des Mannes dabei eher in den Hintergrund gedrängt. Die Reihe Psychoanalyse der Geschlechterdifferenz würde ihrem Anspruch jedoch nicht gerecht, nähme sie nicht auch Bezug auf eine psychoanalytische Psychologie des Mannes. Der vorliegende von Friedman & Lerner herausgegebene Band schließt diese Lücke. In einer Komprimiertheit, die das Lesen zahlreicher Bücher und Artikel - zum größten Teil bisher nur in amerikanischen Zeitschriften erschienen - erübrigt, werden Themen, wie etwa die Entwicklung der männlichen Geschlechtsidentität, das Über-Ich des Mannes verglichen mit dem der Frau usw., von renommierten Psychoanalytikern und Soziologen referiert.
Springer International Publishing AG Computer Aided Systems Theory – EUROCAST 2022: 18th International Conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 20–25, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computer-Aided Systems Theory, EUROCAST 2022, held in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, during February 20–25, 2022. The 77 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 110 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Systems Theory and Applications, Theory and Applications of Metaheuristic Algorithms, Model-Based System Design, Verification and Simulation, Applications of Signal Processing Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining for Intelligent Transportation Systems and Smart Mobility, Computer Vision, Machine Learning for Image Analysis and Applications, Computer and Systems Based Methods and Electronic Technologies in Medicine, Systems in Industrial Robotics, Automation and IoT, Systems Thinking. Relevance for Technology, Science and Management Professionals.
Springer-Verlag New York Inc. Pediatric Dialysis
Since the inaugural publication of Pediatric Dialysis in 2004, a wide range of advances have taken place in dialysis-related care, leading to a wealth of new knowledge in the field. Pediatric Dialysis, Second Edition brings this knowledge together to provide the most comprehensive source of state-of-the-art information on the dialysis of infants, children and adolescents. With new chapters, updated chapters and references, and contemporary, unique perspectives from authors who are leaders in the global pediatric nephrology community, Pediatric Dialysis, Second Edition is, once again, an authoritative reference that will facilitate best practices in both acute and chronic dialysis. Experienced clinicians and trainees alike will find Pediatric Dialysis, Second Edition not only another valuable contribution to the literature but an indispensable guide to managing their pediatric patients on dialysis.
Wordsworth Editions Ltd The Essential Kafka: The Castle; The Trial; Metamorphosis and Other Stories
Like George Orwell, Franz Kafka has given his name to a world of nightmare, but in Kafka’s world, it is never completely clear just what the nightmare is. The Trial, where the rules are hidden from even the highest officials, and if there is any help to be had, it will come from unexpected sources, is a chilling, blackly amusing tale that maintains, to the very end, a relentless atmosphere of disorientation. Superficially about bureaucracy, it is in the last resort a description of the absurdity of 'normal' human nature. Still more enigmatic is The Castle. Is it an allegory of a quasi-feudal system giving way to a new freedom for the subject? The search by a central European Jew for acceptance into a dominant culture? A spiritual quest for grace or salvation? An individual's struggle between his sense of independence and his need for approval? Is it all of these things? And K? Is he opportunist, victim, or an outsider battling against elusive authority? Finally, in his fables, Kafka deals in dark and quirkily humorous terms with the insoluble dilemmas of a world which offers no reassurance, and no reliable guidance to resolving our existential and emotional uncertainties and anxieties.
Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Konig When Art Meets Money: Encounters at the Art Basel
Schnell & Steiner Ich, Doch Nicht Mehr Ich: Spiritualitat ALS Ernstfall Der Theologie Bei Joseph Ratzinger
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Verstehen Und Verdacht: Hermeneutische Und Kritische Theologie Im Gesprach
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Katalog Der Handschriften Des Augustiner Chorherrenstiftes Klosterneuburg Teil 3: Cod. 201-300
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1917 Bis 2017: 100 Jahre Uspd: Indes. Zeitschrift Fur Politik Und Gesellschaft 2016 Heft 04
Klincksieck L'Almanach Du Blaue Reiter: (Le Cavalier Bleu)
Max Hueber Verlag Zwischendurch mal: Zwischendurch mal...Landeskunde
Birkhauser Flachdach
Dem exponierten Bauteil Flachdach kommt mit seinen speziellen konstruktiven Anforderungen eine besondere planerische Aufmerksamkeit zu. Der Band gibt eine fundierte Darstellung dieses Aufgabenfelds, indem er systematisch den Aufbau von Flachdächern aus Konstruktionsschichten und Materialien, nicht belüftete und zweischalige Dächer sowie die Nutzung von Dachflächen und die Dachentwässerung behandelt. Besonderes Augenmerk richten die Autoren auf die Ausbildung von Durchdringungen und Anschlüssen. Den klimatisch wichtigen und immer beliebter werdenden begrünten Dächern ist ein eigener Abschnitt gewidmet. Die zweite Auflage wurde rundum aktualisiert: Beispiele, Normen und Berechnungen sind auf dem neuesten Stand.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Leader's Dilemma: How to Build an Empowered and Adaptive Organization Without Losing Control
Drawing on their work on performance management within the ‘beyond budgeting’ movement over the past ten years, including many interviews and case studies, Jeremy Hope, Peter Bunce and Franz Röösli set out in this book an executive guide to building a new management model based on eight key change management issues: 1. Governance: From rules and budgets to purpose and values 2. Success: From fixed targets to relative improvement 3. Organization: From centralized functions to customer-oriented teams 4. Accountability: From narrow targets to holistic success criteria 5. Trust: From central control to local autonomy 6. Transparency: From closed information to open book management 7. Rewards: From individual incentives to team-based reward 8. Risk: From complying with rules to understanding pressure points This book is about rethinking how we manage organizations in a post-industrial, post credit crunch world where innovative management models represent the only remaining source of sustainable competitive advantage.[i] The changes suggested by the authors will enable and encourage a cultural climate change that will help organizations to attract and keep the best people as well as drive continuous innovation and growth. Above all, The CEO's Dilemma is about learning how to change business - based on best practice and innovation drawn from leaders world-wide who have built and managed successful organizations.
Schocken Books Letter to the Father/Brief an den Vater: Bilingual Edition
Princeton University Press The Aphorisms of Franz Kafka
A splendid new translation of an extraordinary work of modern literature—featuring facing-page commentary by Kafka’s acclaimed biographerIn 1917 and 1918, Franz Kafka wrote a set of more than 100 aphorisms, known as the Zürau aphorisms, after the Bohemian village in which he composed them. Among the most mysterious of Kafka’s writings, they explore philosophical questions about truth, good and evil, and the spiritual and sensory world. This is the first annotated, bilingual volume of these extraordinary writings, which provide great insight into Kafka’s mind. Edited, introduced, and with commentaries by preeminent Kafka biographer and authority Reiner Stach, and freshly translated by Shelley Frisch, this beautiful volume presents each aphorism on its own page in English and the original German, with accessible and enlightening notes on facing pages.The most complex of Kafka’s writings, the aphorisms merge literary and analytical thinking and are radical in their ideas, original in their images and metaphors, and exceptionally condensed in their language. Offering up Kafka’s characteristically unsettling charms, the aphorisms at times put readers in unfamiliar, even inhospitable territory, which can then turn luminous: “I have never been in this place before: breathing works differently, and a star shines next to the sun, more dazzlingly still.”Above all, this volume reveals that these multifaceted gems aren’t far removed from Kafka’s novels and stories but are instead situated squarely within his cosmos—arguably at its very core. Long neglected by Kafka readers and scholars, his aphorisms have finally been given their full due here.
Oxford University Press A Hunger Artist and Other Stories
'In recent decades, interest in hunger artists has greatly diminished.' Kafka published two collections of short stories in his lifetime, A Country Doctor: Little Tales (1919) and A Hunger Artist: Four Stories (1924). Both collections are included in their entirety in this edition, which also contains other, uncollected stories and a selection of posthumously published works that have become part of the Kafka canon. Enigmatic, satirical, often bleakly humorous, these stories approach human experience at a tangent: a singing mouse, an ape, an inquisitive dog, and a paranoid burrowing creature are among the protagonists, as well as the professional starvation artist. A patient seems to be dying from a metaphysical wound; the war-horse of Alexander the Great steps aside from history and adopts a quiet profession as a lawyer. Fictional meditations on art and artists, and a series of aphorisms that come close to expressing Kafka's philosophy of life, further explore themes that recur in his major novels. Newly translated, and with an invaluable introduction and notes, Kafka's short stories are haunting and unforgettable. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Dent-De-Leone Originalausgabe / Original Issue
Princeton University Press Secret Reports on Nazi Germany: The Frankfurt School Contribution to the War Effort
During the Second World War, three prominent members of the Frankfurt School--Franz Neumann, Herbert Marcuse, and Otto Kirchheimer--worked as intelligence analysts for the Office of Strategic Services, the wartime forerunner of the CIA. This book brings together their most important intelligence reports on Nazi Germany, most of them published here for the first time. These reports provide a fresh perspective on Hitler's regime and the Second World War, and a fascinating window on Frankfurt School critical theory. They develop a detailed analysis of Nazism as a social and economic system and the role of anti-Semitism in Nazism, as well as a coherent plan for the reconstruction of postwar Germany as a democratic political system with a socialist economy. These reports played a significant role in the development of postwar Allied policy, including denazification and the preparation of the Nuremberg Trials. They also reveal how wartime intelligence analysis shaped the intellectual agendas of these three important German-Jewish scholars who fled Nazi persecution prior to the war. Secret Reports on Nazi Germany features a foreword by Raymond Geuss as well as a comprehensive general introduction by Raffaele Laudani that puts these writings in historical and intellectual context.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Routledge Handbook of Sports Technology and Engineering
From carbon fibre racing bikes to ‘sharkskin’ swimsuits, the application of cutting-edge design, technology and engineering has proved to be a vital ingredient in enhanced sports performance. This is the first book to offer a comprehensive survey of contemporary sports technology and engineering, providing a complete overview of academic, professional and industrial knowledge and technique. The book is divided into eight sections covering the following topics: sustainable sports engineering instrumentation technology summer mobility sports winter mobility sports apparel and protection equipment sports implements (racquets, clubs, bats, sticks) sports balls sports surfaces and facilities. Written by an international team of leading experts from industry, academia and commercial research institutes, the emphasis throughout the book is on innovation, the relationship between business and science, and the improvement of sports performance. This is an essential reference for anybody working in sports technology, sports product design, sports engineering, biomechanics, ergonomics, sports business or applied sport science.
Baker Publishing Group My Life with the Great Pianists
Mohr's humor and personal perspective on the lives of Rubinstein, Horowitz, and other artists mix music lore with quiet faith.
Oxford University Press The Metamorphosis and Other Stories
'When Gregor Samsa woke one morning from uneasy dreams, he found himself transformed into some kind of monstrous vermin.' With a bewildering blend of the everyday and the fantastical, Kafka thus begins his most famous short story, The Metamorphosis. A commercial traveller is unexpectedly freed from his dreary job by his inexplicable transformation into an insect, which drastically alters his relationship with his family. Kafka considered publishing it with two of the stories included here in a volume to be called Punishments. The Judgement also concerns family tensions, when a power struggle between father and son ends with the father passing an enigmatic judgement on the helpless son. The third story, In the Penal Colony, explores questions of power, justice, punishment, and the meaning of pain in a colonial setting. These three stories are flanked by two very different works. Meditation, the first book Kafka published, consists of light, whimsical, often poignant mood-pictures, while in the autobiographical Letter to his Father, Kafka analyses his difficult relationship in forensic and devastating detail. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Vintage Publishing The Trial
‘It is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary’Rediscover Kafka's classic work of psychological horror. The Trial is the terrifying tale of Joseph K, a respectable functionary in a bank, who is suddenly arrested and must defend his innocence against a charge about which he can get no information. A nightmare vision of the excesses of modern bureaucracy wedded to the insanity of twentieth-century totalitarianism has resonated with readers for generations.WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY PHILLIPE SANDS
Taylor & Francis Ltd Poromechanics III - Biot Centennial (1905-2005): Proceedings of the 3rd Biot Conference on Poromechanics, 24-27 May 2005, Norman, Oklahoma, USA
These proceedings represent the latest advances in the mechanics of porous materials, known as poromechanics. The porous materials considered are solids containing voids that are impregnated with fluid. The focus is on the mechanical interactions of the inhomogeneous solid with the single- or multi-phase fluid under the loading of mechanical force, fluid pressure, thermal, chemical, and magnetic fields. The response time can be in static, diffusional, and dynamic ranges. The length scale can start from nano, to micro, macro, and up to field scales. Its application covers many branches of science and engineering, including geophysics, geomechanics, composite materials, biomechanics, acoustics, seismicity, civil, mechanical, environmental, and petroleum engineering. The approaches taken include analytical, computational, and experimental.To honor the pioneering contributions of Maurice A. Biot (1905-1985) to poromechanics, the Biot Conference on Poromechanics was convened for the first time in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium in 1998. The success of the first conference led to the 2nd Biot Conference held in Grenoble, France in 2002. To celebrate the centennial birthday of Biot (May 25, 2005), the 3rd Biot Conference on Poromechanics was held at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, U.S.A., on May 24-27, 2005.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Mitteilungen Zur Spatantiken Archaologie Und Byzantinischen Kunstgeschichte