Search results for ""Author Franz""
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Deadlock Before Moscow
. . . One of these events, the attempt of the Red Army to cut off and destroy the panzer formations far advanced before Moscow, is little known. In January 1942, when the 3rd, 4th and 22nd Soviet Shock armies set out from the Army Group North area to the south and attacked Kholm, Toropets, Demidov, Vitebsk and Belikie Luki, in order to roll over the rear area services approximately 160 kilometers behind the front and the strong point-like positions and cut off the main body of Army Group Center from its supply of weapons and soldiers, the Eastern Campaign appeared to be lost. The renewed major offensive of the Red Army, which began in November 1942, found these troops - hopelessly opposing massed enemy formations - in a battle to the bitter end. This is especially shown in Velikie Luki, where the defensive strength of 7,500 German soldiers fought to the end paid for with their own lives. Only a handful of soldiers escaped from this inferno. Never before has such detail on this aspect of the Russian front campaign been available in English. Reknowned author Franz Kurowski uses first-person accounts, and never before published documentation to present this, the turning point of the war in Russia.
Stanford University Press Early American Railroads: Franz Anton Ritter von Gerstner’s ‘Die innern Communicationen’1842-1843
This is the first English translation of a monumental account of American railroads (and canals) in the years 1838-1839. Its author, Franz Anton Ritter von Gerstner, was Europe's leading authority on railroad construction, and he conducted his study at the behest of the Russian government, which rightly felt that the United States would provide a more suitable model for the construction of a Russian railroad system than England. For a century and a half, Gerstner's Die innern Communicationen has been recognized as by far the most comprehensive and detailed work on the development, construction, finance, and operation of early American railroads and canals, enriched by accounts of the pioneering men who were involved in the enterprise that was to transform the century. Most of the technological data presented is to be found nowhere else; for example, virtually every technique for constructing the various kinds of track is explained and illustrated by line drawings. Gerstner supplemented his first-hand observations of every railroad in the United States with data from transportation companies and government documents, including the amounts, dimensions, and kinds of rolling stock, personnel, funds dispersed, revenues collected, ton-miles of freight, and seat-miles of passengers. Throughout, Gerstner's insights and commentary reflect his vast experience and knowledge of railroads (he built what is often called the first railroad on the European continent and the first Russian railroad). Gerstner went beyond technology to examine the management and organization of railroads and canals and to review the structures and responsibilities of state boards for the oversight of transportation firms. In addition, he included vivid accounts of many aspects of American culture, such as early "Jim Crowism," with blacks traveling in baggage cars rather than coaches, and the horrific working conditions of both free laborers and slaves (the highly profitable Tallahassee Railroad owned its own slaves for working on the line). All in all, the publication in English of Gerstner's encyclopedic work is a major event in the economic and transportation history of the United States.
Matthias Grunewald Verlag Freude Und Hoffnung: Die Kirche in Der Welt Von Heute Und Die Aktualitat Des Konzils
Henle, G. Verlag Franz Schubert Klaviersonate Hdur op. post. 147 D 575
Henle, G. Verlag Rhapsodie espagnole Klavier zu zwei Hnden Urtextausgabe revidierte Ausgabe von HN 764
Baerenreiter-Verlag Klaviersonaten IIII
Baerenreiter-Verlag Lieder Band 10 für tiefe Stimme
Henle, G. Verlag Franz Liszt Ungarische Rhapsodie Nr. 2
Henle, G. Verlag Piano Pieces Piano Variations piano HN 444
Ediciones Lea El castillo
Published originally in 1926 and left ambiguous even to the day of Kafka's death, El castillo represents the high point of his writing career. Throughout the book, Mr. K is subjected to the intricate labyrinths of power and conflict, where to be human is to be a slave to a system that will use and then ultimately reject him. La frustraciÓn, la burocracia y la alienaciÓn del individuo en su afÁn de formar parte de un sistema que invariablemente lo rechaza son temas recurrentes en la obra de Franz Kafka y, particularmente, en El Castillo. Publicado originalmente en 1926, este libro que el autor dejÓ inconcluso al dÍa de su muerte representa una de las mÁximas cumbres de su producciÓn y ocupa un sitial de privilegio en las letras universales. El seÑor K, un individuo como cualquier otro, se ve sometido a los intrincados laberintos del poder, conflicto que anticipa los tiempos que vivimos, donde el ser humano parece esclavo de sistemas que lo utilizan para luego descartarlo.
Aarhus University Press Lexicon Mediae Latinitatis Danicae 6: Monacho -- praeallego
Plutón Ediciones Metamorphosis
Vida Publishers Comentario Al Texto Hebreo del Antiguo Testamento - Proverbios
Plutón Ediciones La metamorfosis The metamorphosis
Plutón Ediciones La metamorfosis
V&R unipress GmbH In Memoriam Wendelin Schmidt-Dengler
Europäische Verlagsanst. Behemoth Struktur und Praxis des Nationalsozialismus 1933 1944 Neu herausgegeben von Alfons Sllner und Michael Wildt
Patmos-Verlag Der Schatz im Tongefäß
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Juristische Methodenlehre
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Simulation of the Morphogenesis of Open--Porous Materials
Universitatsverlag Winter P. Ovidius Naso -- Metamorphosen: Buch XIV-XV, 2. Aufl.
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG Overture to the Bride of Messina Op 100 Edition Eulenburg No 1138 Eulenburg Miniature Scores
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG Neujahrslied Chorus and Orchestra
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG Festklange Symphonic Poem No 7 Study Score 453 Edition Eulenburg
Schott Musik International GmbH & Co KG Faust Symphony for Tenor Male Chorus orchestra Miniature Score
Books on Demand Schüttel-Manie: Der ganz normale Schüttelreim-Wahnsinn
Hofenberg Das Leben eines Landarbeiters
S Fischer Verlag GmbH Der Prozess
Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag GmbH Das Schloss
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Widerstand Und Dissidenz: Indes. Zeitschrift Fur Politik Und Gesellschaft 2017 Heft 04
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Die Stadt: Indes. Zeitschrift Fur Politik Und Gesellschaft 2015 Heft 02
Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht Rausch Und Rationalitat: Indes 2013 Heft 03
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Rebellen, Propheten Und Tabubrecher: Politische Aufbruche Und Ernuchterungen Im 20. Und 21. Jahrhundert
Aschendorff Verlag Jan Hus (Um 1372-1415): Prediger, Theologe, Reformator
Outlook Verlag Chronik von Goisern
Hinstorff Verlag GmbH Humpelhexe Zauberbein und eine Feuer speiende Fee
Dietz Verlag Berlin GmbH Kategoriale Kritik
Theologischer Verlag Hinterfragen Und Handeln: Ein Vierteljahrhundert Heks-Geschichte(n)
Diogenes Verlag AG Amerika
Reclam Philipp Jun. Das Urteil
Editions Heimdal Les Paras De La Waffen-Ss Tome 2: Ss-FallschirmjäGer-Bataillon 500/600
In this second volume dedicated to the SS Fallschirmjäger, a former Bundeswehr Fallschirmjäger continues his look into the story of the Waffen-SS’s only paratrooper unit. First of all it gathers together a series of accounts from participants in Operation Rosselsprung; naturally, those by members of the SS-Fallschirmjäger-Batallion 500 (like Leo Schaap), but also those of the glider pilots (among whom Hans Sieg) and even of their adversaries, among which Tito’s memoirs. The reader will also discover the days of relative calm the battalion spent in Dvar, after the bitter battle of 25 and 26 May 1944, then its transfer from Western Bosnia (at the time in Croatian territory), to reach the Baltic Coast, near Danzig. A few more days of calm before another storm, this time on the Eastern Front…From mid-July to September 1944, the SS-Fsch.-Jg-Btl. 500, which was still a disciplinary unit, was engaged almost continually in Lithuania and on the frontiers of the Reich, against the repeated attacks by the Red Army; it was literally decimated! To tell this unit’s feats of arms (especially where the clearance of Vilnius is concerned), the author has chosen to introduce accounts from men who had taken part alongside the unit (for example, the paratroopers of the FJR 16 Ost), leaving the lion’s share to several accurate and moving witnesses from Battalion 500 itself: the brief words from their new CO Siegfried Milius, those of Oscha. Karl Pichler, and the radio operator Leo Schaap, without forgetting the stupefying account from a former veteran with a very vivid memory, Werber Schrödl, whose contribution was essential.For all that, Franz does not forget to base his account also on the official sources and the book offers detailed, mainly unpublished photographs: a number of snaps of the SS-Fallschirmjäger in Drvar, photos of the battlefield of Bosnia in 2018, period and contemporary maps. An essential book for whoever wants to look at this untold story: the Waffen-SS paratroopers.
Editions Heimdal Les Paras De La Waffen-Ss: Ss-FallschirmjäGer-Bataillon 500/600
Former captain of the paratroopers of the Luftwaffe, the author went on to earn his degree during the 60’s, and became a historian.This is the first volume three, each detailed history is close to 400 pages each. The first volume is dedicated to the operation against Tito’s troops in Yugoslavia, the second to the engagement in the Baltic States and the third to operations in Hungary, in the Ardennes, and at the bridgehead of the Oder Front. The whole, dedicated to this SS-Fallschirmjager Battalion 500/600, will offer more than a thousand photos.
Boosey & Hawkes Inc Schubert Schumann Song Arrangements For Chamber Orchestra
University of New Orleans Press Industrial Development Urbanization: A New Theory on Poverty and Prosperity
Music Minus One Liszt Concerto No 2 in a Major S125 Hungarian Fantasia S123