Search results for ""author theoni"
Foolscap Editions PARALLAX: Conspiracy Theories, Details and the Act of Looking Closely
Harvard University Press On Theories: Logical Empiricism and the Methodology of Modern Physics
A renowned philosopher’s final work, illuminating how the logical empiricist tradition has failed to appreciate the role of actual experiments in forming its philosophy of science.The logical empiricist treatment of physics dominated twentieth-century philosophy of science. But the logical empiricist tradition, for all it accomplished, does not do justice to the way in which empirical evidence functions in modern physics.In his final work, the late philosopher of science William Demopoulos contends that philosophers have failed to provide an adequate epistemology of science because they have failed to appreciate the tightly woven character of theory and evidence. As a consequence, theory comes apart from evidence. This trouble is nowhere more evident than in theorizing about particle and quantum physics. Arguing that we must consider actual experiments as they have unfolded across history, Demopoulos provides a new epistemology of theories and evidence, albeit one that stands on the shoulders of giants.On Theories finds clarity in Isaac Newton’s suspicion of mere “hypotheses.” Newton’s methodology lies in the background of Jean Perrin’s experimental investigations of molecular reality and of the subatomic investigations of J. J. Thomson and Robert Millikan. Demopoulos extends this account to offer novel insights into the distinctive nature of quantum reality, where a logico-mathematical reconstruction of Bohrian complementarity meets John Stewart Bell’s empirical analysis of Einstein’s “local realism.” On Theories ultimately provides a new interpretation of quantum probabilities as themselves objectively representing empirical reality.
Urban & Fischer/Elsevier Der Bewusste Zugelassene Atem Theorie und Praxis der Atemlehre 1
New York University Press Unequal Crime Decline: Theorizing Race, Urban Inequality, and Criminal Violence
2009 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Crime in most urban areas has been falling since 1991. While the decline has been well-documented, few scholars have analyzed which groups have most benefited from the crime decline and which are still on the frontlines of violence—and why that might be. In Unequal Crime Decline, Karen F. Parker presents a structural and theoretical analysis of the various factors that affect the crime decline, looking particularly at the past three decades and the shifts that have taken place, and offers original insight into which trends have declined and why. Taking into account such indicators as employment, labor market opportunities, skill levels, housing, changes in racial composition, family structure, and drug trafficking, Parker provides statistics that illustrate how these factors do or do not affect urban violence, and carefully considers these factors in relation to various crime trends, such as rates involving blacks, whites, but also trends among black males, white females, as well as others. Throughout the book she discusses popular structural theories of crime and their limitations, in the end concentrating on today’s issues and important contemporary policy to be considered. Unequal Crime Decline is a comprehensive and theoretically sophisticated look at the relationship among race, urban inequality, and violence in the years leading up to and following America’s landmark crime drop.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Natural and Man-Made Catastrophes: Theories, Economics, and Policy Designs
A thorough explanation of the mathematical theories, philosophies, and economics of catastrophes with a view to how humanity should be prepared for events with catastrophic consequences This book presents a holistic view of natural and man-made catastrophes, from mathematical theories and philosophy through to economics and policy. It is both academic and applied in its approach, offering both empirical evidence and academic reflections to give a new perspective on an ever-developing topic, and providing many examples of public policy and catastrophe responses from around the world. Natural and Man-made Catastrophes: Theories, Economics, and Policy Designs begins by introducing readers to numerous natural and man-made catastrophes and how catastrophe theories have played a pivotal role in designing policies and responses to them. It discusses hurricanes, earthquakes, nuclear disaster, asteroid collision, Large Hadron Collider, artificial intelligence, uncontrollable robots, global warming, infectious diseases without antibodies, and bioterrorism. It clarifies key mathematical and scientific theories—such as catastrophe theory, chaos, singularity, fractal, tipping point, unbounded variance, fat-tail, and Feigenbaum constant—on catastrophes. The book goes on to examine ancient and contemporary philosophies that have played critical roles in humanity’s understanding of catastrophic outcomes. The book critically builds the economics of catastrophic events 1) by consolidating the catastrophe literature in natural sciences, scientific theories, and philosophy; 2) by constructing global empirical catastrophe data and analytical models using historical data on hurricanes and earthquakes; 3) and by critically reviewing policy experiences on the aforementioned catastrophic events. Lays the foundation for the economic analyses and policy-making on potential humanity/universe threatening catastrophes Includes many examples of public policy and behavioral responses to catastrophes from around the world Provides a wide-ranging commentary on crucial implications of the studies, models, and concepts of catastrophes Synthesizes the catastrophe literature in mathematical theories, philosophical traditions, economic analyses, policy studies, and contemporary concerns. Natural and Man-made Catastrophes: Theories, Economics, and Policy Designs is an important book for students, teachers, professionals, and policy makers who are involved in environmental research and disaster response.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Exegetik des Alten Testaments: Bausteine für eine Theorie der Exegese
Zur Exegese des Alten Testaments wird ein differenziertes, weithin unstrittiges und mithin relativ stabiles Instrumentarium an Methoden und Arbeitsschritten genutzt. Materialiter blickt die jüngere alttestamentliche Forschung indes auf tiefgreifende Umbrüche, insbesondere die Auflösung jahrzehntelang geltender Konsense zurück. Dieser Stand der Dinge wirft die Frage auf, wie die Diastase zwischen einem stabilen Methodenkanon und nachhaltigem Dissens in den damit erzielten Ergebnissen zu erklären ist. Ihr stellt sich die Exegetik. Sie fragt, so das von den hier versammelten Beiträgen vorausgesetzte Verständnis, nach den Bedingungen exegetischer Arbeit. Dieser metakritische Ansatz steht im Dienste einer eminent konstruktiven Absicht, nämlich der Kalibrierung der exegetischen Kritik selbst. Unter Bündelung des bisherigen Diskussionsstandes bietet der Band Bausteine für eine Theorie der Exegese.
The University of Chicago Press Medieval Cosmology: Theories of Infinity, Place, Time, Void, and the Plurality of Worlds
These selections from Le système du monde, the classic ten-volume history of the physical sciences written by the great French physicist Pierre Duhem (1861-1916), focus on cosmology, Duhem's greatest interest. By reconsidering the work of such Arab and Christian scholars as Averroes, Avicenna, Gregory of Rimini, Albert of Saxony, Nicole Oresme, Duns Scotus, and William of Occam, Duhem demonstrated the sophistication of medieval science and cosmology.
MD - Duke University Press Chinese Theories of Literary Creation A Historical and Critical Introduction
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Synagogues in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods: Archaeological Finds, New Methods, New Theories
The study of ancient Judaism has enjoyed a steep rise in interest and publications in recent decades, although the focus has often been on the ideas and beliefs represented in ancient Jewish texts rather than on the daily lives and the material culture of Jews/Judaeans and their communities. The nascent institution of the synagogue formed an increasingly important venue for communal gathering and daily or weekly practice. This collection of essays brings together a broad spectrum of new archaeological and textual data with various emergent theories and interpretative methods in order to address the need to understand the place of the synagogue in the daily and weekly procedures, community frameworks, and theological structures in which Judaeans, Galileans, and Jewish people in the Diaspora lived and gathered. The interdisciplinary studies will be of great significance for anyone studying ancient Jewish belief, practice, and community formation.
Elektor Verlag Analogtechnik in Theorie und Praxis Grundlagen der Elektronik mit vielen Schaltungsbeispielen und praktischen Tipps
Les Belles Lettres Une Modernite Indigene: Ruptures Et Innovations Dans Les Theories Politiques Japonaises Du Xviiie Siecle
Bod Third Party Titles Nachhaltiger Lebensstil im Licht der Sozialpsychologie Annherung an Recycling mithilfe der Theorie kognitiver Dissonanz
Transcript Verlag Truth and Fiction – Conspiracy Theories in Eastern European Culture and Literature
Several of the most prolific and influential conspiracy theories have originated in Eastern Europe. The far reaching influence of conspiracy narratives can be observed in recent developments in Poland or with regard to the wars waged in Eastern Ukraine and in former Yugoslavia. This volume analyses the history behind this widespread phenomenon as well the role it has played in Eastern European cultures and literature both past and present.
Princeton University Press The Pillar and Ground of the Truth: An Essay in Orthodox Theodicy in Twelve Letters
Pavel Florensky--certainly the greatest Russian theologian of the last century--is now recognized as one of Russia's greatest polymaths. Known as the Russian Leonardo da Vinci, he became a Russian Orthodox priest in 1911, while remaining deeply involved with the cultural, artistic, and scientific developments of his time. Arrested briefly by the Soviets in 1928, he returned to his scholarly activities until 1933, when he was sentenced to ten years of corrective labor in Siberia. There he continued his scientific work and ministered to his fellow prisoners until his death four years later. This volume is the first English translation of his rich and fascinating defense of Russian Orthodox theology. Originally published in 1914, the book is a series of twelve letters to a "brother" or "friend," who may be understood symbolically as Christ. Central to Florensky's work is an exploration of the various meanings of Christian love, which is viewed as a combination of philia (friendship) and agape (universal love). Florensky is perhaps the first modern writer to explore the so-called "same-sex unions," which, for him, are not sexual in nature. He describes the ancient Christian rites of the adelphopoiesis (brother-making), joining male friends in chaste bonds of love. In addition, Florensky is one of the first thinkers in the twentieth century to develop the idea of the Divine Sophia, who has become one of the central concerns of feminist theologians.
Verlag Vittorio Klostermann Urmensch Und Spatkultur Sowie Weitere Schriften Zu Einer Theorie Der Institutionen
Springer Verlag, Singapore Soft Computing: Theories and Applications: Proceedings of SoCTA 2020, Volume 1
This book focuses on soft computing and how it can be applied to solve real-world problems arising in various domains, ranging from medicine and healthcare, to supply chain management, image processing and cryptanalysis. It gathers high-quality papers presented at the International Conference on Soft Computing: Theories and Applications (SoCTA 2020), organized online. The book is divided into two volumes and offers valuable insights into soft computing for teachers and researchers alike; the book will inspire further research in this dynamic field.
Universitatsverlag Winter Theorie Der Punkte Und Striche: Die Geschichte Der Deutschen Interpunktionslehre
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Hegels Theorie des Erhabenen: Grenzgänge zwischen Theologie und philosophischer Ästhetik
Das Erhabene dient Hegel zur ästhetischen Beschreibung des Judentums und verdeutlicht die enge Verbindung von Kunst und Religion in seinem Denken. Friedemann Barniske erschließt Hegels Begriff des Erhabenen vor dem Hintergrund seiner Logik und Symboltheorie, sodass sich theologische Perspektiven für das moderne Christentum eröffnen. Hegels Ästhetik spannt einen religionsgeschichtlichen Bogen u.a. vom alten Indien über die persische Dichtung und die hebräische Gottesvorstellung des Alten Testaments bis zur christlichen Romantik. Dabei wird jeweils das Zusammenspiel von ideeller Bedeutung und sinnlicher Gestalt zum Kriterium der einzelnen Spielarten von Kunst und Religion. Dem Erhabenen schreibt Hegel die besondere Rolle zu, die Unmöglichkeit eines angemessenen Ausdrucks des Göttlichen zur Sprache zu bringen. Darin liegt auch das Potenzial der Erhabenheit für das Christentum der Gegenwart.
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Gottes Güte und die Übel der Welt: Das Theodizee-Problem
Lassen sich die Leiden und Schrecken der Welt mit der Annahme eines gütigen und wissenden Gottes vereinbaren? Wenn ja, in welcher Weise? Gerhard Streminger diskutiert die verschiedensten Lösungsversuche und weist sie ausnahmslos als unhaltbar zurück. Seiner Ansicht nach ist das Theodizee-Problem nicht nur bisher ungelöst geblieben, sondern es ist aufgrund logischer Überlegungen auch unlösbar."Das Buch gibt gewichtige Denkanstöße für Theologen aller Religionen."Anton Grabner-Haider in Theologisch-Praktische Quartalsschrift 3 (1994) Jg. 142, S. 329-330"Das Buch ist in einem präzisen, analytischen Stil geschrieben. Die verschiedenen Positionen zur Lösung des Theodizeeproblems werden ausführlich argumentativ abgehandelt."Maria Maier in Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie Bd. 77, S. 349-351
Yale University Press In Gods Shadow A Political Theorist Reads the Hebrew Bible
Trauner Verlag Küche in Theorie und Praxis Fachkunde Betriebsorganisation Fachpraktikum digitales Zusatzpaket
Transcript Verlag Film als Theorie Bildforschung bei Harun Farocki und JeanLuc Godard
Books on Demand Wirksame Krisenkommunikation - Theorie und Praxis der Public Relations in Imagekrisen
Books on Demand Theorie und Praxis der Alchemie: Zu den Wurzeln der Chemie
Bod Third Party Titles Bestseller Zur Geschichte und Theorie am Beispiel von Stephen King
Springer International Publishing AG Superpartikeln: Eine mikrosemantische Theorie, Typologie und Geschichte der logischen Atome
In diesem Buch geht es um die faszinierende Fähigkeit der menschlichen Sprache, mit Hilfe winziger (mikrosemantischer) Morpheme als Hilfsmittel komplizierte logische (mathematische) Bedeutungen auszudrücken. Sprachen markieren Bedeutungen mit identischen Schlussfolgerungen, indem sie identische Partikel verwenden, und diese Partikel schleichen sich so in eine Vielzahl von Ausdrücken ein. Aufgrund ihrer Multitasking-Fähigkeit, scheinbar disparate Bedeutungen auszudrücken, werden sie als Superpartikel bezeichnet. Diese Partikel sind perfekte Fenster in die Verzahnung mehrerer grammatischer Module und die Art der Interaktion dieser Module im Laufe der Zeit. Fest verankert in dem Modul, in dem die grammatischen Knochen gebaut und zusammengesetzt werden (enge Morphosyntax), erhalten Superpartikel je nach der Struktur, in der sie vorkommen, unterschiedliche Interpretationen (im begrifflich-intentionalen Modul - Semantik). Darüber hinaus sind einige der Interpretationen, die diese Partikel auslösen, inferentiell und gehören nach der Standardrechnung in den Bereich der Pragmatik. Wie können so winzige Partikel, die selten länger als eine Silbe sind, so mächtige und übergreifende Wirkungen im intermodularen grammatischen Raum haben? Dies ist der platonische Hintergrund, vor dem dieses Buch steht.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd THE GROWTH OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR: Theories and International Evidence
At a time when there is growing concern in many countries over the funding of expanding public sectors, this important new book brings together leading specialists in public finance to re-examine the economics of public sector growth. Several chapters document changes in the size of the public sector over recent decades for major OECD and Third World economies. Subsequent chapters then explore prominent explanations including public choice perspectives, bureaucracy models, relative price effects and Wagner's Law, and assess their contribution to current knowledge. The book also provides a number of new case studies of specific government activities - education, health and social security.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Concise Reader in Sociological Theory: Theorists, Concepts, and Current Applications
Essential writings from classical and contemporary sociological theorists engagingly introduced and brought to life for students This Concise Reader in Sociological Theory contains excerpts from the writings of a wide range of key theorists who represent the dynamic breadth of classical and contemporary, macro- and micro-sociological theory. The selected writings elaborate on the core concepts and arguments of sociological theory, and, along with the commentary, explore topics that resonate today such as: crisis and change, institutions and networks, power and inequality, race, gender, difference, and much more. The text contains editorial introductions to each section that clearly explain the intellectual context of the theorists and their arguments and reinforce their relevance to sociological analysis and society today. The excerpts include writings from the classicists Karl Marx, Max Weber, Emile Durkheim, W.E.B. Du Bois to the contemporary Patricia Hill Collins, Dorothy Smith, Raewyn Connell. This indispensable book: Offers a concise review of the diverse field of sociological theory Includes contributions from a wide range of noted classical and contemporary theorists Incorporates engaging empirical examples from contemporary society Demonstrates the relevance and significance of the ideas presented in the theorists' writings Designed for undergraduate and graduate students in sociology and in social and political theory, Concise Reader in Sociological Theory is an engaging and accessible guide to the most relevant sociological theorists.
Cornell University Press Bread and Circuses: Theories of Mass Culture As Social Decay
Lively and well written, Bread and Circuses analyzes theories that have treated mass culture as either a symptom or a cause of social decadence. Discussing many of the most influential and representative theories of mass culture, it ranges widely from Greek and Roman origins, through Marx, Nietzsche, Freud, Ortega y Gasset, T. S. Eliot, and the theorists of the Frankfurt Institute, down to Marshall McLuhan and Daniel Bell, Brantlinger considers the many versions of negative classicism and shows how the belief in the historical inevitability of social decay—a belief today perpetuated by the mass media themselves—has become the dominant view of mass culture in our time. While not defending mass culture in its present form, Brantlinger argues that the view of culture implicit in negative classicism obscures the question of how the media can best be used to help achieve freedom and enlightenment on a truly democratic basis.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Crime Opportunity Theories: Routine Activity, Rational Choice and their Variants
Opportunity theories of crime seek to explain the occurrence of crime rather than simply the existence of criminal dispositions. They emphasize the fundamental element in the criminal act of opportunity: how this arises, how it is perceived, evaluated and acted on by those with criminal dispositions. This volume brings together influential research articles on opportunity theories of crime by leading theorists such as Cohen and Felson on routine activity theory and Clarke and Cornish on the bounded rational choice perspective. The articles also include more recent theoretical developments and studies of situational crime prevention of specific twenty-first century crimes. These articles attest to the sheer volume as well to as the richness and the variety of work designed to reduce crime that has forever changed the face of criminology and criminal justice.
Copenhagen Business School Press Social & Economic Motivation at Work: Theories of Work Motivation Reassessed
Peeters Publishers Pensee De L'etre Et Theorie Politique. Le Moment Suarezien. II
Au commencement du XVII- siecle, une autre direction pour l'accomplissement du projet ontologique non identifiable a celle d'une science mathematique de la nature se profile et prefigure une recurrence persistante des origines de la philosophie. Ainsi, on trouve dans le systeme suarezien la retranscription originale et reactualisee d'une ligne de force traversant la pensee antique: l'ontopolitique. Il devient alors necessaire afin d'expliciter et de justifier cette orientation, de determiner a la fois le fondement et la specificite de la relation instauree par Suarez entre l'ontologie, la theologie, l'anthropologie et le politique; ces domaines demeurent indissociables d'une crise et d'un renouveau de la philosophie premiere s'enoncant comme accomplissement ethique de la raison metaphysique. Cet ouvrage se propose d'examiner chez Suarez (1548-1617), comment la theorie du droit et de la loi prolonge la pensee de l'etant elaboree par la metaphysique en une comprehension ontologique du politique. Il s'agit precisement de mener a son terme, dans un systeme unifie du savoir, la determination de l'etant en procedant a son extension a la question de l'etre de l'homme et de l'etre-en-commun propre a la societe politique. Au commencement du XVII- siecle, une autre direction pour l'accomplissement du projet ontologique non identifiable a celle d'une science mathematique de la nature se profile et prefigure une recurrence persistante des origines de la philosophie. Ainsi, on trouve dans le systeme suarezien la retranscription originale et reactualisee d'une ligne de force traversant la pensee antique: l'ontopolitique. Il devient alors necessaire afin d'expliciter et de justifier cette orientation, de determiner a la fois le fondement et la specificite de la relation instauree par Suarez entre l'ontologie, la theologie, l'anthropologie et le politique; ces domaines demeurent indissociables d'une crise et d'un renouveau de la philosophie premiere s'enoncant comme accomplissement ethique de la raison metaphysique.
Peeters Publishers Pensee De L'etre Et Theorie Politique. Le Moment Suarezien. I
Cet ouvrage se propose d'examiner chez Suarez (1548-1617), comment la theorie du droit et de la loi prolonge la pensee de l'etant elaboree par la metaphysique en une comprehension ontologique du politique. Il s'agit precisement de mener a son terme, dans un systeme unifie du savoir, la determination de l'etant en procedant a son extension a la question de l'etre de l'homme et de l'etre-en-commun propre a la societe politique. Au commencement du XVII- siecle, une autre direction pour l'accomplissement du projet ontologique non identifiable a celle d'une science mathematique de la nature se profile et prefigure une recurrence persistante des origines de la philosophie. Ainsi, on trouve dans le systeme suarezien la retranscription originale et reactualisee d'une ligne de force traversant la pensee antique: l'ontopolitique. Il devient alors necessaire afin d'expliciter et de justifier cette orientation, de determiner a la fois le fondement et la specificite de la relation instauree par Suarez entre l'ontologie, la theologie, l'anthropologie et le politique; ces domaines demeurent indissociables d'une crise et d'un renouveau de la philosophie premiere s'enoncant comme accomplissement ethique de la raison metaphysique. Cet ouvrage se propose d'examiner chez Suarez (1548-1617), comment la theorie du droit et de la loi prolonge la pensee de l'etant elaboree par la metaphysique en une comprehension ontologique du politique. Il s'agit precisement de mener a son terme, dans un systeme unifie du savoir, la determination de l'etant en procedant a son extension a la question de l'etre de l'homme et de l'etre-en-commun propre a la societe politique. Au commencement du XVII- siecle, une autre direction pour l'accomplissement du projet ontologique non identifiable a celle d'une science mathematique de la nature se profile et prefigure une recurrence persistante des origines de la philosophie. Ainsi, on trouve dans le systeme suarezien la retranscription originale et reactualisee d'une ligne de force traversant la pensee antique: l'ontopolitique. Il devient alors necessaire afin d'expliciter et de justifier cette orientation, de determiner a la fois le fondement et la specificite de la relation instauree par Suarez entre l'ontologie, la theologie, l'anthropologie et le politique; ces domaines demeurent indissociables d'une crise et d'un renouveau de la philosophie premiere s'enoncant comme accomplissement ethique de la raison metaphysique.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Great Inflations of the 20th Century: Theories, Policies and Evidence
The problems associated with chronically high inflation and hyper inflation continue to preoccupy policy makers and economists. In Great Inflations of the 20th Century, Pierre Siklos has gathered together major papers by a distinguished group of scholars who use historical episodes to understand and explain a key issue.Beginning with general surveys of historical experiences of hyperinflation and cases of chronic inflation, this volume continues with papers on the conditions which are conducive to generating high inflation. The link between monetary policy and inflation is examined through empirical studies of inflationary episodes in Germany, Hungary and Bolivia. The final part looks at how policy makers can seek to end high inflation with the smallest possible economic cost.Bringing together in one accessible volume a series of acclaimed contributions to the field, Great Inflations of the 20th Century will be a key reference resource for interested scholars and policy makers concerned with the myriad of issues surrounding the beginning and end of high or chronic inflation.
Duke University Press Chick Flicks: Theories and Memories of the Feminist Film Movement
If there was a moment during the sixties, seventies, or eighties that changed the history of the women’s film movement, B. Ruby Rich was there. Part journalistic chronicle, part memoir, and 100% pure cultural historical odyssey, Chick Flicks—with its definitive, the-way-it-was collection of essays—captures the birth and growth of feminist film as no other book has done.For over three decades Rich has been one of the most important voices in feminist film criticism. Her presence at film festivals (such as Sundance, where she is a member of the selection committee), her film reviews in the Village Voice, Elle, Out, and the Advocate, and her commentaries on the public radio program “The World” have secured her a place as a central figure in the remarkable history of what she deems “cinefeminism.” In the hope that a new generation of feminist film culture might be revitalized by reclaiming its own history, Rich introduces each essay with an autobiographical prologue that describes the intellectual, political, and personal moments from which the work arose. Travel, softball, sex, and voodoo all somehow fit into a book that includes classic Rich articles covering such topics as the antiporn movement, the films of Yvonne Rainer, a Julie Christie visit to Washington, and the historically evocative film Maedchen in Uniform. The result is a volume that traces the development not only of women’s involvement in cinema but of one of its key players as well. The first book-length work from Rich—whose stature and influence in the world of film criticism and theory continue to grow—Chick Flicks exposes unexplored routes and forgotten byways of a past that’s recent enough to be remembered and far away enough to be memorable.
New York University Press Unequal Crime Decline: Theorizing Race, Urban Inequality, and Criminal Violence
2009 Choice Outstanding Academic Title Crime in most urban areas has been falling since 1991. While the decline has been well-documented, few scholars have analyzed which groups have most benefited from the crime decline and which are still on the frontlines of violence—and why that might be. In Unequal Crime Decline, Karen F. Parker presents a structural and theoretical analysis of the various factors that affect the crime decline, looking particularly at the past three decades and the shifts that have taken place, and offers original insight into which trends have declined and why. Taking into account such indicators as employment, labor market opportunities, skill levels, housing, changes in racial composition, family structure, and drug trafficking, Parker provides statistics that illustrate how these factors do or do not affect urban violence, and carefully considers these factors in relation to various crime trends, such as rates involving blacks, whites, but also trends among black males, white females, as well as others. Throughout the book she discusses popular structural theories of crime and their limitations, in the end concentrating on today’s issues and important contemporary policy to be considered. Unequal Crime Decline is a comprehensive and theoretically sophisticated look at the relationship among race, urban inequality, and violence in the years leading up to and following America’s landmark crime drop.
Stanford University Press Crafting the Third World: Theorizing Underdevelopment in Rumania and Brazil
A Stanford University Press classic.
University of California Press Understanding Religion: Theories and Methods for Studying Religiously Diverse Societies
A cutting-edge introduction to contemporary religious studies theory, connecting theory to data. This innovative coursebook introduces students to interdisciplinary theoretical tools for understanding contemporary religiously diverse societies—both Western and non-Western. Using a case-study model, the text considers: A wide and diverse array of contemporary issues, questions, and critical approaches to the study of religion relevant to students and scholars A variety of theoretical approaches, including decolonial, feminist, hermeneutical, poststructuralist, and phenomenological analyses Current debates on whether the term "religion" is meaningful Many key issues about the study of religion, including the insider-outsider debate, material religion, and lived religion Plural and religiously diverse societies, including the theological ideas of traditions and the political and social questions that arise for those living alongside adherents of other religions Understanding Religion is designed to provide a strong foundation for instructors to explore the ideas presented in each chapter in multiple ways, engage students in meaningful activities in the classroom, and integrate additional material into their lectures. Students will gain the tools to apply specific methods from a variety of disciplines to analyze the social, political, spiritual, and cultural aspects of religions. Its unique pedagogical design means it can be used from undergraduate- to postgraduate-level courses.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Theorien in der biologiedidaktischen Forschung: Ein Handbuch für Lehramtsstudenten und Doktoranden
21 Theorien anerkannter Fachleute legen hier den Grundstein für die fundierte Erforschung fachdidaktischer Fragen. Die Autoren präsentieren Theorien zum erfolgreichen Lehren und Lernen, zur Erkenntnisgewinnung, zum Bewerten und zu emotionalen Aspekten des Lernens und Handelns. Sie verdeutlichen die Komponenten jeder Theorie: Wie erreiche ich Ziele. Welche Faktoren muss ich kontrollieren während ich eine Untersuchung plane. Wie kann ich die Folgen einer bestimmten Handlung abschätzen. Wie erkläre ich Ergebnisse. Der schnelle Überblick für alle Forschungswilligen. Optimal vorbereitet für Examensarbeit und den Einstieg in die Dissertation.
Peter Lang AG Theorie, Steuerung Und Medien Des Wissenstransfers: In Zusammenarbeit Mit Manuel Tants
ISTE Editions Ltd La méthode des éléments finis: de la théorie à la pratique
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Religion in Der Postkonfessionellen Gesellschaft: Ein Beitrag Zur Sozialwissenschaftlichen Theorieentwicklung in Der Religionsgeographie
Ca Ira Verlag Zeit Arbeit und gesellschaftliche Herrschaft Eine neue Interpretation der kritischen Theorie von Marx