Search results for ""author theoni"
Kohlhammer Theorie Der Praktischen Padagogik: Grundlagen Erzieherischen Sehens, Denkens Und Handelns
Universitatsverlag Winter Dialog - Begegnung - Erinnerung: Studien Zu Theorie Und Geschichte Der Literatur
New York University Press The Criminal Brain, Second Edition: Understanding Biological Theories of Crime
A lively, up-to-date overview of the newest research in biosocial criminology What is the relationship between criminality and biology? Nineteenth-century phrenologists insisted that criminality was innate, inherent in the offender’s brain matter. While they were eventually repudiated as pseudo-scientists, today the pendulum has swung back. Both criminologists and biologists have begun to speak of a tantalizing but disturbing possibility: that criminality may be inherited as a set of genetic deficits that place one at risk to commit theft, violence, or acts of sexual deviance. But what do these new theories really assert? Are they as dangerous as their forerunners, which the Nazis and other eugenicists used to sterilize, incarcerate, and even execute thousands of supposed “born” criminals? How can we prepare for a future in which leaders may propose crime-control programs based on biology? In this second edition of The Criminal Brain, Nicole Rafter, Chad Posick, and Michael Rocque describe early biological theories of crime and provide a lively, up-to-date overview of the newest research in biosocial criminology. New chapters introduce the theories of the latter part of the 20th century; apply and critically assess current biosocial and evolutionary theories, the developments in neuro-imaging, and recent progressions in fields such as epigenetics; and finally, provide a vision for the future of criminology and crime policy from a biosocial perspective. The book is a careful, critical examination of each research approach and conclusion. Both compiling and analyzing the body of scholarship devoted to understanding the criminal brain, this volume serves as a condensed, accessible, and contemporary exploration of biological theories of crime and their everyday relevance.
Transcript Verlag Taking Sides – Theories, Practices, and Cultures of Participation in Dissent
Is there an option to oppose without automatically participating in the opposed? This volume explores different perspectives on dissent, understanding practices, cultures, and theories of resistance, dispute, and opposition as inherently participative. It discusses aspects of the body as a political instance, the identity and subjectivity building of individuals and groups, (micro-)practices of dissent, and theories of critique from different disciplinary perspectives. This collection thus touches upon contemporary issues, recent protests and movements, artistic subversion and dissent, online activism as well as historic developments and elemental theories of dissent.
V&R Unipress Berliner Mittelalter- und FrÃ"hneuzeitforschung.: Theorie und Praxis der reformatio im 15. Jahrhundert
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Cohen, Natorp, Cassirer, Rickert, Windelband, Lask, Cohn: Neokantismes Et Theorie de la Connaissance
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Marxist-Feminist Theories and Struggles Today: Essential writings on Intersectionality, Postcolonialism and Ecofeminism
This vital new collection presents new Marxist-Feminist analyses of Capitalism as a gendered, racialized social formation that shapes and is shaped by specific nature-labour relationships. Leaving behind former overtly structuralist thinking, Marxist-Feminist Theories and Struggles Today interweaves strands of ecofeminism and intersectional analyses to develop an understanding of the relations of production and the production of nature through the interdependencies of gender, class, race and colonial relations. With contributions and analyses from scholars and theorists in both the global North and South, this volume offers a truly international lens that reveals the the vitality of contemporary global Marxist-Feminist thinking, as well as its continued relevance to feminist struggles across the globe.
Rutgers University Press Social Justice: Theories, Issues, and Movements (Revised and Expanded Edition)
An eye for an eye, the balance of the scales – for centuries, these and other traditional concepts exemplified the public’s perception of justice. Today, popular culture, including television shows like Law and Order, informs the public’s vision. But do age-old symbols, portrayals in the media, and existing systems truly represent justice in all of its nuanced forms, or do we need to think beyond these notions? The second edition of Social Justice: Theories, Issues, and Movements responds to the need for a comprehensive introduction to these issues. Theories of social justice are presented in an accessible fashion to encourage engagement of students, activists, and scholars with these important lines of inquiry. Issues are analyzed utilizing various theories for furthering engagement in possibilities. Struggles for justice -- from legal cases to on the ground movements -- are presented for historical context and to inform the way forward.
Museum Tusculanum Press Secular Theories on Religion: A Selection of Recent Academic Perspectives
Association of College & Research Libraries Practicing Privacy Literacy in Academic Libraries: Theories, Methods, and Cases
Privacy is not dead: Students care deeply about their privacy and the rights it safeguards. They need a way to articulate their concerns and guidance on how to act within the complexity of our current information ecosystem and culture of surveillance capitalism.Practicing Privacy Literacy in Academic Libraries: Theories, Methods, and Cases can help you teach privacy literacy, evolve the privacy practices at your institution, and re-center the individuals behind the data and the ethics behind library work. Divided into four sections: What is Privacy Literacy? Protecting Privacy Educating about Privacy Advocating for Privacy Chapters cover topics including privacy literacy frameworks; digital wellness; embedding a privacy review into digital library workflows; using privacy literacy to challenge price discrimination; privacy pedagogy; and promoting privacy literacy and positive digital citizenship through credit-bearing courses, co-curricular partnerships, and faculty development and continuing education initiatives. Practicing Privacy Literacy in Academic Libraries provides theory-informed, practical ways to incorporate privacy literacy into library instruction and other areas of academic library practice.
Thieme Medical Publishers Inc Outcomes in Speech-Language Pathology: Contemporary Theories, Models, and Practices
An updated reference on outcomes in speech-language pathology" Based on the pioneering work of Carol C. Frattali, Outcomes in Speech-Language Pathology, Second Edition provides readers with a focused, comprehensive review of current policies, principles, and practices pertaining to outcome measurement in speech-language pathology with particular emphasis on healthcare. It is a unique text that covers outcomes in speech-language pathology practices within the context of contemporary issues across work settings that include clinical practice, applied clinical research, and graduate education. Key Features: The only text that specifically focuses on outcome measurement in speech-language pathology Major themes from the first edition are revisited in light of the impact of contemporary issues and shifts in emphasis in outcomes, including: The prominence of the WHO-ICF as a conceptual model for intervention The impact of public policies and federal mandates Emphasis on value-based, cost-effective clinical healthcare services Growing transparency in organizational performance in accreditation processes The weight currently placed on patient satisfaction and patient-reported outcomes Outcomes assessment across stakeholders in school settings Challenges and revised perspectives on the application of evidence-based practice Increasing demand for applied effectiveness research to inform clinical practices Renewed reliance on single subject experimental designs in SLP intervention research and the application of N=1 research designs to clinical practice The growing emphasis on outcomes in graduate clinical education and supervision as well as in higher education Directors and managers of clinical speech-language pathology programs in healthcare settings as well as clinical staff and supervisors will find this book to be a valuable desk reference and graduate students will use it as a key resource in the course of their studies.
Logos Verlag Berlin Der Schahbesuch 1967: Ein Dokumentenband Zu 'politischer Theorie' Und Realitat
Universitatsverlag Winter Bewegungsszenarien Der Moderne: Theorien Und Schreibpraktiken Physischer Und Emotionaler Bewegung
JCB Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Der Umweg der Freiheit: Falk Wagners Theorie des christlichen Geistes
Matthias Schnurrenberger interpretiert Falk Wagners Werk in dieser Arbeit als eine theologische Theorie individueller Autonomie. Dies geschieht in drei Schritten. Zunächst bringt er Wagners kritische Auseinandersetzung mit der neuzeitlichen Theologiegeschichte zur Darstellung. Bei Friedrich Schleiermacher und Karl Barth findet Wagner die Bausteine für seine eigene Theologie, die der Autor im zweiten Schritt entfaltet. In ihrem Zentrum steht der Begriff des christlichen Geistes, den Wagner als das Geschehen der Versöhnung von allgemeiner und individueller Freiheit bestimmt. Ein besonderes Gewicht legt Matthias Schnurrenberger auf Wagners Christologie. Jesus Christus ist das Urbild eines freien Individuums. Um dessen Realisierung geht es ihm im dritten Schritt, der Wagners Sozialethik thematisiert. Seine Pointe lautet, dass sich Gottes Menschenwerdung in Vollzügen der wechselseitigen Anerkennung von Individuum und Gesellschaft ereignet.
Classiques Garnier Eidos Et Ousia: de l'Unite Theorique de la Metaphysique d'Aristote
Springer Verlag, Singapore Technology Application in Tourism in Asia: Innovations, Theories and Practices
This book very specifically focuses on technology application in tourism in Asia. The book contains twenty-seven chapters in four sections (i.e., theories, innovations, practices, and future research directions), based on the intriguing qualities and importance of technology applications in the Asian tourism business. This book, a blend of comprehensive and extensive efforts by the contributors and editor, is designed to extensively cover technology applications in tourism in Asia, including distinct topics such as mobile computing, new product designs, innovative technology usages in tourism promotion, technology-driven sustainable tourism development, location-based apps, mobility, accessibility, the post crisis situation of COVID-19, etc. This book is a significant contribution towards the very limited knowledge of technology applications in tourism, with selected examples of Asian countries. The importance of technology in Asian tourism is rapidly increasing, and has led to a rise in luxury, allowing citizens to enjoy leisure travel over both long and short distances. The rise of low-cost airlines and the region’s growing, affluent middle class have changed the tourism environment dramatically. More tourists are booking their holidays online as a result of technological advancements. Online travel is the most important and well-established aspect of Asia's Internet economy. Considering the ongoing trend of technology applications in the tourism industry in Asia, more research attempts like this book need to be made aiming towards exploring diverse aspects. As tourism is an expanding area, this book can serve as a reading companion for tourism students, policy planners and industry professionals. This book is expected to be appreciated by expatriate researchers and researchers having a keen interest in the Asian tourism industry.
Ziel- Zentrum F. Interdis Der Blick in den See Reflexion in Theorie und Praxis
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Erzhlen Schriften zur Theorie der Narration und zur literarischen Prosa
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH In guten Hnden Medikamente PflegeCoach fr Theorie und Praxis Fachbuch
Johns Hopkins University Press Estranging the Novel: Poland, Ireland, and Theories of World Literature
To develop a theory of world literature, this book demands that the theory of the novel can no longer ignore literary forms other than realism.Winner of the Donald Murphy Prize for a Distinguished First Book by the American Conference on Irish Studies, and the Waclaw Lednicki Award in the Humanities by the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of AmericaFor centuries, the standard account of the development of the novel focused on the rise of realism in English literature. Studies of early novels connected the form to various aspects of British life across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, including the burgeoning middle class, the growth of individualism, and the emergence of democracy and the nation-state. But as the push for teaching and learning global literature grows, this narrative is insufficient for studying novel forms outside of a predominately English-speaking British and American realm.In Estranging the Novel, Katarzyna Bartoszynska explores how the emergence and growth of world literature studies has challenged the centrality of British fiction to theories of the novel's rise. She argues that a historicist approach frequently reinforces the realist paradigm that has cast other traditions as "minor," conceding a normative vision of the novel as it seeks to explain why historical forces produced different forms elsewhere. Recasting the standard narrative by looking at different novelistic literary forms, including the Gothic, travel writing, and queer fiction, Bartoszynska offers a compelling comparative study of Polish and Irish works published across the long nineteenth century that emphasize fictionality, or the problem of world-building in literature.Reading works by Ignacy Krasicki, Jan Potocki, Narcyza Zmichowska, and Witold Gombrowicz alongside others by Jonathan Swift, Charles Maturin, Oscar Wilde, and Samuel Beckett, Bartoszynska shows that the history of the novel's rise demands a more capacious and rigorous approach to form as well as a reconceptualization of the relationship between fiction and its cultural contexts. By modeling such a heterogeneous account of the novel form, Estranging the Novel paves the way for a bracing and diverse understanding of the makeup of contemporary world literature and the many texts it encompasses—and a new perspective on the British novel as well.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Theories, Policy, and Practice of Lifelong Learning in East Asia
As the centre of the world economy is moving to Asia, lifelong learning in Asia is attracting a great deal of attention in the educational field worldwide. Asia not only provides the largest education market, but also plays an increasingly important role in educational globalization. However, until now, only very limited literature has been available in English.This book addresses that gap and introduces global readers to the latest developments of theories, policies, and practical issues concerning lifelong learning in East Asia. Case studies on lifelong learning in East Asia - including mainland China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Macau - are provided in this book. Lifelong learning in East Asia has been strongly influenced by Confucian culture as well as Western capitalism. This book analyses Confucian culture and the negotiation of Chinese and Western learning cultures in lifelong learning.This book will enable educators to understand the recent developments in lifelong learning in selected Confucian-heritage countries and regions, and promote effective international collaboration in lifelong learning worldwide. This book was published as a special issue of the International Journal of Lifelong Education.
John Benjamins Publishing Co Learnability and the Lexicon: Theories and second language acquisition research
This book provides a critical review of recent theories of semantics-syntax correspondences and makes new proposals for constraints on semantic structure relevant to syntax. Data from several languages are presented which suggest that semantic structure in root morphemes is subject to parametric variation which has effect across a variety of verb classes, including locatives, unaccusatives, and psych verbs.The implications for first and second language acquisition are discussed. In particular, it is suggested that different parametric settings may lead to a learnability problem if adult learners do not retain access to sensitivity to underlying semantic organization and morphological differences between languages provided by Universal Grammar.An experiment with Chinese-speaking learners of English is presented which shows that learners initially transfer L1 semantic organization to the L2, but are able to retreat from overgeneralisations and achieve native-like grammars in this area.Suggestions for further research in this rapidly developing area of theory and acquisition research are also made.
Gill Web of Lies: The lure and danger of conspiracy theories
Web of Lies is a fascinating and far-reaching examination of the rising threat of far-right extremist thought in Ireland and internationally, and looks at how these movements utilise the online world to spread disinformation, polarising society in the process. From the Illuminati to the Red Scare, Save the Children to QAnon, research analyst Aoife Gallagher shows that there are many pathways to radicalisation – most of them benign and unassuming – and demonstrates that we are all susceptible to conspiratorial thinking and at risk of falling down the rabbit hole. In an accessible and entertaining style, Web of Lies presents a history of conspiracy theories and their roots in anti-Semitism, xenophobia and white supremacy; the role social media plays in spreading these theories; how they can proliferate during times of crises; and what we can do to protect ourselves and others from falling victim to these messages. ‘Ever wondered how good people get trapped in their worst nightmares? Web of Lies is an unforgettable journey through the upside-down world of conspiratorial thinking. Aoife Gallagher has written the definitive account of how global lies have changed Irish lives, in a book full of personal empathy, unrivalled expertise and captivating storytelling. It shines a light on the real-world harm of our darkest online fantasies and it shows how each of us can fight back.’ Mark Little ‘At a time of fractious discord in discourse, Gallagher provides a vital context to and education in the strange and alarming world of conspiracy theories. Anyone interested in truth and facts should read this book.’ Una Mullally ‘Aoife Gallagher can plumb the depths of the internet and come up to the surface to explain what she’s found with levity, empathy and humour. Wise without lecturing; sharp but always maintaining compassion for those caught up in misinformation. A fantastic global overview of trends while having one eye on how these things have come to Ireland.’ Brianna Parkins
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Arbeiten zur Pastoraltheologie, Liturgik und Hymnologie: Gottesbeziehung als Kategorie praktisch-theologischer Theoriebildung
Thomas Micklich geht es um die Gottesbeziehung des Menschen. Der Denkbarkeit dieser Voraussetzung des Glaubens stellen sich aber rationalitätslogische Probleme in den Weg. Die Studie verfolgt eine doppelte Strategie. Einerseits sollen implizite Voraussetzungen theologischen Denkens expliziert sowie innere Widersprëchlichkeiten offen geleget, andererseits einzelne Konstellationen des Glaubens in den Blick genommen werden. Die Hauptthese der Studie ist, dass die "Gottesbeziehung" in der Regel als eine zweistellige Relation gedacht wird. Diese Konzeption ist jedoch aporetisch, aber nicht als Aporie des Glaubens, sondern der zugrunde liegenden rationalitätslogischen Struktur. Die Perspektive, die die Studie zu eröffnen sucht, ist, die Gottesbeziehung als eine genuin dreistellige Relation zu denken. Dieser formalen Pointe entspricht ihre materiale Fassung als soziale Beziehung der Intersubjektivität. Intersubjektivität besteht dabei nicht zwischen "Gott" und "Mensch", sondern zwischen Mensch und Mensch, derart, dass "Gott" als die Beziehung der Bezogenen zu denken ist. Nur so kann vermieden werden, dass der Mitmensch zur bloßen Randbedingung der Gottesbeziehung des Anderen wird, fër die er vielmehr mitkonstitutiv ist. Dies ist denkbar auf der Basis einer transitiven - triadischen - Relation. Die Kommunikation des Glaubens kann nun als eine spezifische Geschichte Gottes mit dem Menschen, als seine sozial fër uns wirkliche Mitmenschlichkeit, begriffen werden, deren Transzendenz sich inmitten unserer Welt erfahrbar realisiert.
Karl-Alber-Verlag Politik ALS Anti-Metaphysik: Rekonstruktion Und Kritik Der Politischen Theorie Hannah Arendts
Evangelische Verlagsanstalt Predigen in Person: Theorie Und Praxis Der Predigt Im Gesamtwerk Otto Haendlers
Classiques Garnier Les Origines de la Theorie de la Concurrence Monopolistique d'Edward Hastings Chamberlin
Hogrefe AG Familien und umweltbezogene Pflege Die Theorie des systemischen Gleichgewichts und ihre Umsetzung
Cornerstone Republic of Lies: American Conspiracy Theorists and Their Surprising Rise to Power
_______‘Timely and troubling’ Evening Standard‘A necessary book’ David Aaronovitch‘Frequently jaw-dropping’ Huffington PostFrom UFOs to the New World Order, the inside story of how conspiracy theories won over America.In November 2017, a serial climate change denier and anti-vaxxer was elected President of the United States. The rise of Donald Trump marked the beginning of a new American epoch: the age of the conspiracy theorist. Now, Anna Merlan goes undercover in America’s sprawling network of conspiracy theorists and uncovers their secrets. She meets the UFOlogist who claims to have travelled to Mars with a young Barack Obama. She chats with the ‘pizzagate’ truthers who think Washington D.C.’s favourite pizzeria is run by a satanic paedophile ring. And she bumps into Alex Jones, the YouTube impresario who thinks the state is using chemical warfare to turn the population gay – and who happens to be on first-name terms with the leader of the free world.Merlan reveals a world of innuendo and propaganda lying just beneath the surface of US culture. It might just help explain the political turmoil of our time._______‘Through exhaustive research, personal interviews, and a critical yet at times appropriately empathetic approach, writer Anna Merlan has written a captivating book that illuminates the landscape of conspiracy theories.’ New York Magazine‘An entertaining taxonomy of toxic ideas’ Herald‘A rock-steady narrator with a ready command of history, nerves of steel, and incisive social insights . . . We need a thousand of her, or a million.’ The Nation
V&R unipress GmbH Internationale Beziehungen. Theorie und Geschichte.: Wissenschaft und Publizistik Ã"ber das Russische Reich
Springer Narzissmus, Machiavellismus und Psychopathie in Organisationen: Theorien, Methoden und Befunde zur dunklen Triade
Dieses Buch liefert das Wesentliche zur dunklen Triade und informiert in konzentrierter Form über den State of the Art zu dunklen Persönlichkeitseigenschaften insbesondere in Organisationen. Anhand aktueller Theorien, Methoden und Befunde werden produktive und destruktive Facetten von Narzissmus, Machiavellismus und Psychopathie im Berufskontext diskutiert. Ebenso werden evidenzbasierte Praktiken zur Intervention vorgestellt.
Hermes Science Publishing Ltd Endommagement et fissuration des structures en béton: de la théorie à la pratique
Trafalgar Square The Weaving Handbook: The Art and the Craft: Theories, Materials, Techniques and Projects
A practical and down-to-earth handbook for all skill levels. Designer and weaving expert Åsa Pärson and professional textile curator Amica Sundström have come together to create the modern reference book that weavers worldwide have always longed for—both inspiration and essential guidebook, for the novice and the experienced weaver alike, filled with engaging sample projects, in-depth discussions of techniques and materials, review of cloth textures and types, and explanations of weaving methods and levels of quality. Try out sample projects ranging from the elegantly simple to the increasingly complex, covering a wide range of weaving techniques Understand the principles behind the arrangement and preparation of the loom Learn about weaving tools of all shapes and sizes, and how to use them Discover the differences between various fibers and fabric types, and their looks, feels, and visual effects And so much more!
facultas.wuv Universitäts Theorie und Praxis der biopsychosozialen Medizin KrperSeeleEinheit und sprechende Medizin
Julius Beltz GmbH Kultursensible Didaktik Eine Einfhrung in Theorie und Praxis Mit Onlinematerialien
Stanford University Press Crafting the Third World: Theorizing Underdevelopment in Rumania and Brazil
A Stanford University Press classic.
Harvard Divinity School Theological Studies Beyond Essence: Ernst Troeltsch as Historian and Theorist of Christianity
Does Christianity have an essence? How should the identity of Christianity be defined in the modern world? As early as 1903, German theologian Ernst Troeltsch began to question the then-popular concept of an “essence of Christianity.” In his search for alternative categories and methods for conceptualizing Christianity and its potential roles in modern society, Troeltsch immersed himself in the study and analysis of Christian history. This book demonstrates the intimate connection between Troeltsch’s philosophical writings on the essence of Christianity and his historical investigations of Christianity’s past, focusing on Troeltsch’s conceptions of Christian origins, historical development, and the ideal types of church-sect-mysticism.Lori Pearson argues that as a result of his historical work, Troeltsch moved beyond the category of essence and sought new ways of theorizing Christian identity in the context of modernity’s pluralistic yet fragmented society.
University of California Press Understanding Religion: Theories and Methods for Studying Religiously Diverse Societies
A cutting-edge introduction to contemporary religious studies theory, connecting theory to data. This innovative coursebook introduces students to interdisciplinary theoretical tools for understanding contemporary religiously diverse societies—both Western and non-Western. Using a case-study model, the text considers: A wide and diverse array of contemporary issues, questions, and critical approaches to the study of religion relevant to students and scholars A variety of theoretical approaches, including decolonial, feminist, hermeneutical, poststructuralist, and phenomenological analyses Current debates on whether the term "religion" is meaningful Many key issues about the study of religion, including the insider-outsider debate, material religion, and lived religion Plural and religiously diverse societies, including the theological ideas of traditions and the political and social questions that arise for those living alongside adherents of other religions Understanding Religion is designed to provide a strong foundation for instructors to explore the ideas presented in each chapter in multiple ways, engage students in meaningful activities in the classroom, and integrate additional material into their lectures. Students will gain the tools to apply specific methods from a variety of disciplines to analyze the social, political, spiritual, and cultural aspects of religions. Its unique pedagogical design means it can be used from undergraduate- to postgraduate-level courses.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Communication and Media Policy in the Era of the Internet: Theories and Processes
Classiques Garnier La Metaphore En Traductologie: La Theorie Des Formes Semantiques Et the Hunger Games
Bohlau Verlag Dimensionen und Perspektiven einer Weltgesellschaft: Fragen, Probleme, Erkenntnisse, Forschungsansätze und Theorien
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Credit and State Theories of Money: The Contributions of A. Mitchell Innes
In 1913 and 1914, A. Mitchell Innes published a pair of articles that stand as two of the best pieces written in the twentieth century on the nature of money. Only recently rediscovered, these articles are reprinted and analyzed here for the first time. In addition, five new contributions analyze and extend the approach of Innes in a number of directions by including historical, anthropological, sociological, archeological, and economic analyses of the nature of money. The original articles by Innes contained two quite different approaches to money - what might be called the credit approach (later developed in a much less satisfactory manner by J.A. Schumpeter) and the state money approach (also called Chartalist and adopted by J.M. Keynes and by G.F. Knapp). This volume shows how the credit and state money approaches can be integrated to shed light on the origins of money, but more importantly, how they can be used to understand the way the modern money system operates. In addition to the articles by Innes, the volume contains chapters by John Henry, Geoffrey Ingham, Michael Hudson, Geoffrey Gardiner, and L. Randall Wray. An introduction by L. Randall Wray and Stephanie Bell provides an overview and a short biography of Innes.This authoritative collection of papers is a must-read for economists, policymakers and students interested in the history of economic thought, monetary policy and economic theory.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Imagining the Cognitive Science of Religion: Magic Bullets, Complex Theories, Experimental Adventures
Uniting Thomas Lawson's essays on the cognitive science of religion, this volume explores theoretical issues in the study of cultural phenomena such as religion, the role of imagination, and the experiments that emerge from these theories. The book begins with Lawson's influential essay “Towards a Cognitive Science of Religion,” which was the first to employ the phrase, and has since become widely adopted in many different disciplines. It signals to scholars in the humanities that the cognitive revolution has finally reached them and serves to introduce them to the world of science. The rest of the book focuses on theoretical issues in the study of cultural phenomena and describes experiments by scholars working on the connections between cognition and culture. Described as "the grandfather of the cognitive science of religion," Lawson offers a unique perspective on the development of the field and the principles that underlie it, which will be relevant to both newcomers and established scholars.
Duke University Press Habeas Viscus: Racializing Assemblages, Biopolitics, and Black Feminist Theories of the Human
Habeas Viscus focuses attention on the centrality of race to notions of the human. Alexander G. Weheliye develops a theory of "racializing assemblages," taking race as a set of sociopolitical processes that discipline humanity into full humans, not-quite-humans, and nonhumans. This disciplining, while not biological per se, frequently depends on anchoring political hierarchies in human flesh. The work of the black feminist scholars Hortense Spillers and Sylvia Wynter is vital to Weheliye's argument. Particularly significant are their contributions to the intellectual project of black studies vis-à-vis racialization and the category of the human in western modernity. Wynter and Spillers configure black studies as an endeavor to disrupt the governing conception of humanity as synonymous with white, western man. Weheliye posits black feminist theories of modern humanity as useful correctives to the "bare life and biopolitics discourse" exemplified by the works of Giorgio Agamben and Michel Foucault, which, Weheliye contends, vastly underestimate the conceptual and political significance of race in constructions of the human. Habeas Viscus reveals the pressing need to make the insights of black studies and black feminism foundational to the study of modern humanity.
Hackett Publishing Co, Inc Social Theories of Jacksonian Democracy: Representative Writings of the Period 1825-1850
History's first national party with roots in a mass electorate, the Jacksonian Democrats were not so much unified around a shared policy program as they were a patchwork of conflicting interests. They came together most vigorously in the name of what they opposed: the emerging financial and commercial monopolies, the old Washington dynasty, and any whiff of privilege or aristocracy. Yet they demonstrated how even unprincipled national parties could invigorate representative democracy and repair the growing rifts between Northern industrialists, the Old South, and the developing West.These texts show the Jacksonian movement as a cross-section of nineteenth century America. A picture of popular democracy in its infancy, they together form a study of unity in diversity.
Duke University Press We Are Not Dreamers: Undocumented Scholars Theorize Undocumented Life in the United States
The widely recognized “Dreamer narrative” celebrates the educational and economic achievements of undocumented youth to justify a path to citizenship. While a well-intentioned, strategic tactic to garner political support of undocumented youth, it has promoted the idea that access to citizenship and rights should be granted only to a select group of “deserving” immigrants. The contributors to We Are Not Dreamers—themselves currently or formerly undocumented—poignantly counter the Dreamer narrative by grappling with the nuances of undocumented life in this country. Theorizing those excluded from the Dreamer category—academically struggling students, transgender activists, and queer undocumented parents—the contributors call for an expansive articulation of immigrant rights and justice that recognizes the full humanity of undocumented immigrants while granting full and unconditional rights. Illuminating how various institutions reproduce and benefit from exclusionary narratives, this volume articulates the dangers of the Dreamer narrative and envisions a different way forward. Contributors. Leisy J. Abrego, Gabrielle Cabrera, Gabriela Garcia Cruz, Lucía León, Katy Joseline Maldonado Dominguez, Grecia Mondragón, Gabriela Monico, Genevieve Negrón-Gonzales, Maria Liliana Ramirez, Joel Sati, Audrey Silvestre, Carolina Valdivia