Search results for ""author flores"
Editorial Lumen Objeto de amor
Estos extraordinarios relatos de Edna O'Brien, publicados por primera vez en castellano en una edición a cargo de Marta Orriols, son una muestra brillante de la capacidad de su autora para manejar tramas y para manipular cada palabra con el detalle de una artesana y la delicadeza de una amante.El amor es como la naturaleza, pero al revés: primero vienen los frutos, luego las flores; al cabo de un tiempo parece marchitarse y finalmente cala hondo, tan hondo que nadie lo ve, y a menudo morimos con ese amor secreto escondido dentro de nosotros.Edna O'BrienJohn Banville habla de ella como la maestra de la fragilidad, Philip Roth nos recuerda su precisión casi cruel a la hora de diseccionar sentimientos. Y los dos aciertan.Las mujeres retratadas en estos cuentos tienen el descaro de pedirle al amor mucho más de lo que sería razonable; sin embargo saben recoger con soltura lo que queda de los platos rotos en el suelo de una cocina, y siguen adelante con toda
Arcopress Ediciones La sabiduría ancestral de las plantas
Tienes en tus manos el secreto para alejar a las tormentas, para encontrar tesoros ocultos, para vaticinar o elegir a la persona amada, para ver a los dioses cara a cara o a las hadas en su hábitat, para que las cosechas den mejores frutos, para curar, para matar, para atraer la suerte a una casa, para preparar ungüentos mágicos o para conseguir estados alterados de conciencia.Prepárate para llevarte más de una sorpresa: en estas páginas descubrirás cómo el mundo vegetal ha formado parte de las prácticas mágicas o cotidianas de nuestros antepasados. Ellos lo sabían y ahora, ese saber, se vuelve a valorar.En este libro, Jesús Callejo nos habla en el lenguaje de las flores mágicas, los árboles sagrados y las plantas de poder. El lector encontrará leyendas, mitos, supersticiones, tradiciones, hechos insólitos, creencias populares, curiosidades, teorías y experimentos científicos de gran calado que se han hecho con plantas. Porque no solo son seres vivos sino todo un mundo fascinante
La Córdoba romana, la que fuera después capital de Al Andalus, es hoy una misteriosa y bellísima ciudad, cuajada de monumentos y encanto. Córdoba extiende su maraña de callejuelas alrededor de la joya principal, la Mezquita-catedral, el más claro exponente de la síntesis de cultural que ha representado siempre esta ciudad. A orillas del río Guadalquivir, el casco antiguo se cuenta sin duda entre los más bonitos del mundo. Córdoba nos ofrece en su visita rincones secretos, preciosos patios llenos de flores, palacios y templos. Resulta sugerente dejarse llevar por las calles blancas de la Judería, antes o después de visitar la imponente Mezquita. Los bares y tabernas del centro ofrecen lo mejor de la cocina local y un ambiente alegre y divertido. Fuera de la capital, la visita nos lleva a las ruinas de Medina Azahara y a localidades de la provincia como Baena, Zuheros, Cabra, Lucena, Montilla o Priego de Córdoba.
El bosque silvestre Una aventura para colorear
* El nuevo libro de la autora del éxito de ventas El reino animal.* Piérdase en el tranquilo mundo de la vida silvestre del bosque. Ya se trate de pinos esculturales o de un bosque tropical, descubrirá una gran cantidad de criaturas hermosas e intrigantes que habitan en los bosques del mundo, desde zorros, luciérnagas y gamos hasta lémures, ranas y mariquitas.* El intrincado estilo de dibujo de Millie resultará irresistible para los amantes del color. Dé un paseo por un mundo de árboles altísimos, copas frondosas, flores exquisitas y madrigueras subterráneas para encontrarse con una gran variedad de animales que hacen del bosque su hogar.Con especies de todo el planeta, esta es una celebración de los bosques del mundo, vibrantes y llenos de vida, que le garantizarán horas de relajación y diversión.Si desea más información sobre los animales que se ilustran en este libro y desea enviar su obra a las galerías de la autora, consulte: Comparta su obra de
Guías Azules de España, S.A. Guatemala
Por su alto porcentaje de población indígena, ruinas arqueológicas monumentales y estelas mayas, arquitectura colonial, paisajes, volcanes, montañas, lagos, selvas, población garífuna, mercados, textiles y riquísima artesanía, Guatemala es uno de los destinos más interesantes del mundo. Un viaje a Guatemala puede comenzar visitando el zócalo capitalino y sus museos. Desde allí a una de las ciudades coloniales más impresionante de toda América, Antigua. De Antigua lo habitual es saltar a las calurosas y a veces sofocantes playas de Monterrico o irse a degustar el mundo maya light de la turística Pana o el más auténtico de Maximón y de los pueblecitos que orillean el lago Atitlán. Chichi es la puerta de la Guatemala quiché, llena de pueblecitos encantadores. Flores, lacustre, tiene su encanto y al lado Tikal, probablemente, y hasta el momento, los restos mayas más monumentales que se conocen, más los pueblos garífunas de Lívingston y la belleza de Río Dulce.
Los primeros veinte años de aplicación de la compleja regulación de la prueba pericial han planteado infinidad de problemas prácticos de todo tipo en los tribunales.Esta monografía los analiza críticamente y formula soluciones eficaces para resolverlos, así como presenta casi un centenar de propuestas articuladas de mejora normativa. Y ello lo hace de la mano de los verdaderos especialistas de la prueba pericial: desde la visión judicial con los estudios del Magistrado de la Sala 1 del Tribunal Supremo, José Luis Seoane Spiegelberg, y de las magistradas Carmen Ortiz Rodríguez y Rosa M Méndez Tomás, ambas profesoras ordinarias de la Escuela Judicial del CGPJ; desde la perspectiva científica con trabajos de los académicos que han dedicado sus tesis doctorales a esta prueba, como los estudios de Pedro M. Garciandía González, Ignacio Flores Prada, Carmen Vázquez, Eva Isabel Sanjurjo Ríos y Rafael de Orellana Castro; y desde la experiencia del derecho comparado con las aportaciones de exper
Seagull Books London Ltd "La Clarté Notre–Dame" and "The Last Book of the Madrigals"
The last works of the last great classic European poet now available in English. In his 96th and final year, and with the help of the poet José-Flore Tappy, celebrated Swiss poet Philippe Jaccottet finished two manuscripts-in-progress, one in prose and one in poetry, both of which are presented in this volume in John Taylor’s sensitive translation. The first work, “La Clarté Notre-Dame,” takes off from the “pure, weightless, fragile, yet crystal-clear tinkling” of a monastery bell heard during a walk with friends. With this thought-provoking sound as a leitmotiv, Jaccottet looks back on a life of writing, reading, and scrutinizing humankind’s existential and spiritual aspirations. He sets these concerns against his equally lifelong preoccupation with “the rise of evil in today’s world,” notably in Syria. Composed in a baroque style, the verse poems collected in “The Last Book of Madrigals” explore love. Jaccottet returns in spirit to Italy, the country which for him symbolizes happiness and sensuality. As he evokes amorous attraction, he conjures up Monteverdi’s madrigals, one of Dante’s little-known rhymes, and Giuseppe Ungaretti’s last poem. Reinventing and commenting on these works, Jaccottet meditates on old age, approaching death, despair, and the persistence of love. Together, both works grapple with devastating darkness, but as Tappy observes in her afterword, however, Jaccottet’s “greatest force” was “his perpetually renewed desire, during the most terrifying night, to head for the light.”
Duke University Press The Afro-Latin@ Reader: History and Culture in the United States
The Afro-Latin@ Reader focuses attention on a large, vibrant, yet oddly invisible community in the United States: people of African descent from Latin America and the Caribbean. The presence of Afro-Latin@s in the United States (and throughout the Americas) belies the notion that Blacks and Latin@s are two distinct categories or cultures. Afro-Latin@s are uniquely situated to bridge the widening social divide between Latin@s and African Americans; at the same time, their experiences reveal pervasive racism among Latin@s and ethnocentrism among African Americans. Offering insight into Afro-Latin@ life and new ways to understand culture, ethnicity, nation, identity, and antiracist politics, The Afro-Latin@ Reader presents a kaleidoscopic view of Black Latin@s in the United States. It addresses history, music, gender, class, and media representations in more than sixty selections, including scholarly essays, memoirs, newspaper and magazine articles, poetry, short stories, and interviews.While the selections cover centuries of Afro-Latin@ history, since the arrival of Spanish-speaking Africans in North America in the mid-sixteenth-century, most of them focus on the past fifty years. The central question of how Afro-Latin@s relate to and experience U.S. and Latin American racial ideologies is engaged throughout, in first-person accounts of growing up Afro-Latin@, a classic essay by a leader of the Young Lords, and analyses of U.S. census data on race and ethnicity, as well as in pieces on gender and sexuality, major-league baseball, and religion. The contributions that Afro-Latin@s have made to U.S. culture are highlighted in essays on the illustrious Afro-Puerto Rican bibliophile Arturo Alfonso Schomburg and music and dance genres from salsa to mambo, and from boogaloo to hip hop. Taken together, these and many more selections help to bring Afro-Latin@s in the United States into critical view.Contributors: Afro–Puerto Rican Testimonies Project, Josefina Baéz, Ejima Baker, Luis Barrios, Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, Adrian Burgos Jr., Ginetta E. B. Candelario, Adrián Castro, Jesús Colón, Marta I. Cruz-Janzen, William A. Darity Jr., Milca Esdaille, Sandra María Esteves, María Teresa Fernández (Mariposa), Carlos Flores, Juan Flores, Jack D. Forbes, David F. Garcia, Ruth Glasser, Virginia Meecham Gould, Susan D. Greenbaum, Evelio Grillo, Pablo “Yoruba” Guzmán, Gabriel Haslip-Viera, Tanya K. Hernández, Victor Hernández Cruz, Jesse Hoffnung-Garskof, Lisa Hoppenjans, Vielka Cecilia Hoy, Alan J. Hughes, María Rosario Jackson, James Jennings, Miriam Jiménez Román, Angela Jorge, David Lamb, Aida Lambert, Ana M. Lara, Evelyne Laurent-Perrault, Tato Laviera, John Logan, Antonio López, Felipe Luciano, Louis Pancho McFarland, Ryan Mann-Hamilton, Wayne Marshall, Marianela Medrano, Nancy Raquel Mirabal, Yvette Modestin, Ed Morales, Jairo Moreno, Marta Moreno Vega, Willie Perdomo, Graciela Pérez Gutiérrez, Sofia Quintero, Ted Richardson, Louis Reyes Rivera, Pedro R. Rivera , Raquel Z. Rivera, Yeidy Rivero, Mark Q. Sawyer, Piri Thomas, Silvio Torres-Saillant, Nilaja Sun, Sherezada “Chiqui” Vicioso, Peter H. Wood
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Mi boca florece como un corte / My Mouth Blooms Like a Cut
The University of Chicago Press Opera Observed: Views of a Florentine Impresario in the Early Eighteenth Century
In "Opera Observed", William C. Holmes provides a look behind the scenes into the world of early 18th-century Italian opera. Based on a store of recovered documents, mainly the personal papers of Luca Casimiro degli Albizzi, this social history illustrates the complexities of staging opera in the 1720s and '30s: the role of the impresario in planning an operatic season, financial and artistic difficulties, the importance of patronage, the power of individual singers and composers, considerations of set design, and the practice of altering librettos. A member of an illustrious Florentine family, Albizzi (1664-1745) served as one of the principal impresarios of the Pergola, Florence's earliest and greatest opera theatre. He also carried on an active correspondence with impresarios in other cities, freely giving his advice on various economic and artistic concerns.
Duke University Press The Art of the Network: Strategic Interaction and Patronage in Renaissance Florence
Writing letters to powerful people to win their favor and garner rewards such as political office, tax relief, and recommendations was an institution in Renaissance Florence; the practice was an important tool for those seeking social mobility, security, and recognition by others. In this detailed study of political and social patronage in fifteenth-century Florence, Paul D. McLean shows that patronage was much more than a pursuit of specific rewards. It was also a pursuit of relationships and of a self defined in relation to others. To become independent in Renaissance Florence, one first had to become connected. With The Art of the Network, McLean fills a gap in sociological scholarship by tracing the historical antecedents of networking and examining the concept of self that accompanies it. His analysis of patronage opens into a critique of contemporary theories about social networks and social capital, and an exploration of the sociological meaning of “culture.”McLean scrutinized thousands of letters to and from Renaissance Florentines. He describes the social protocols the letters reveal, paying particular attention to the means by which Florentines crafted credible presentations of themselves. The letters, McLean contends, testify to the development not only of new forms of self-presentation but also of a new kind of self to be presented: an emergent, “modern” conception of self as an autonomous agent. They also bring to the fore the importance that their writers attached to concepts of honor, and the ways that they perceived themselves in relation to the Florentine state.
Interlink Publishing Group, Inc Cafe Life Florence: A Guidebook to the Cafes & Bars of the Renaissance Treasure
University of Pennsylvania Press Suggestions for Thought by Florence Nightingale: Selections and Commentaries
Florence Nightingale is best known as the founder of modern nursing, a reformer in the field of public health, and a pioneer in the use of statistics. It is not generally known, however, that Nightingale was at the forefront of the religious, philosophical, and scientific though of her time. In a three-volume work that was never published, Nightingale presented her radical spiritual views, motivated by the desire to give those who had turned away from conventional religion an alternative to atheism. In this volume Michael D. Calabria and Janet A. Macrae provide the essence of Nightingale's spiritual philosophy by selecting and reorganizing her best-written treatments. The editors have also provided an introduction and commentary to set the work into a biographical, historical, and philosophical context. This volume illuminates a little-known dimension of Nightingale's personality, bringing forth the ideas that served as the guiding principles of her work. It is also an historical document, presenting the religious issues that were fiercely debated in the second half of the nineteenth century. In Suggestions for Thought, one has the opportunity to experience a great practical mind as it grapples with the most profound questions of human existence.
Chicago Review Press The Lost Supreme: The Life of Dreamgirl Florence Ballard
In the months before she died, Florence Ballard, the spunky teenager who founded the most successful female vocal group in history—the Supremes—told her own side of the story. Recorded on tape, Flo shed light on all areas of her life, including the surprising identity of the man by whom she was raped prior to her entering the music business, the details of her love-hate relationship with Motown Records czar Berry Gordy, her drinking problem and pleas for help, a never-ending desire to be the Supremes’ lead singer, and her attempts to get her life back on track after being brutally expelled from the group. This is a tumultuous and heartbreaking story of a world-famous performer whose life ended at the age of 32 as a lonely mother of three who had only recently recovered from years of poverty and despair.
Arcadia Publishing Wakeman and Florence Townships Images of America Arcadia Publishing
Vista Point Verlag GmbH GO VISTA Reisefhrer Florenz Mit Faltkarte und 3 Postkarten
Harvard University Press Florentine Public Finances in the Early Renaissance, 1400-1433
In his application of statistical methods to history, Mr. Molho offers a new approach to the study of Florentine politics.Scholars have long recognized that Florence’s deficit-financing of its wars of independence against the Visconti of Milan had far-reaching economic, political, and social effects, but this is the first document-based history to provide concrete support for that general knowledge.Focusing on the governmental and fiscal agencies of Florence as well as a number of memoirs and account hooks written by Florentine citizens, Mr. Molho has gathered and statistically reconstructed much archival material on Florentine taxation, public income, and expenses.He concludes that between 1423 and 1433 Florence underwent a prolonged and vast fiscal crisis that affected both the fiscal structure of the city and its constitutional and institutional framework. His work thus sheds new light on Cosimo de’ Medici’s rise to power in 1434.
Pennsylvania State University Press The Noisy Renaissance: Sound, Architecture, and Florentine Urban Life
From the strictly regimented church bells to the freewheeling chatter of civic life, Renaissance Florence was a city built not just of stone but of sound as well. An evocative alternative to the dominant visual understanding of urban spaces, The Noisy Renaissance examines the premodern city as an acoustic phenomenon in which citizens used sound to navigate space and society.Analyzing a range of documentary and literary evidence, art and architectural historian Niall Atkinson creates an “acoustic topography” of Florence. The dissemination of official messages, the rhythm of prayer, and the murmur of rumor and gossip combined to form a soundscape that became a foundation in the creation and maintenance of the urban community just as much as the city’s physical buildings. Sound in this space triggered a wide variety of social behaviors and spatial relations: hierarchical, personal, communal, political, domestic, sexual, spiritual, and religious.By exploring these rarely studied soundscapes, Atkinson shows Florence to be both an exceptional and an exemplary case study of urban conditions in the early modern period.
HarperCollins Publishers Surgeons Second Chance In Florence The Vets Unexpected Houseguest
Falling back in love with her Italian Surgeon Sam can't believe that Dr Angelo will be her new colleague whilst on secondment in Florence. Two years ago, he left Sam broken hearted and with no explanation. Now, she's stuck working with him - for three months! But there was more to Angelo's departure than he let Sam believe...
Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH Geld Und Herrschaft Um 1300: Finanzielle Verflechtungen Zwischen Frankreich, Der Kurie Und Florenz
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Negotiating Survival: Florence and the Great Schism, 1378-1417
Internal crises and external conflict made stability a rare feature of city life in the northern Italian communities of the Renaissance. Negotiating Survival follows the many twists and turns of strategy and vision that enabled the republic to emerge transformed but intact from the enormous strains created by the Great Schism.
Focus Publishing/R Pullins & Co Ciné-Module 1: Jean de Florette, Cahier du Professeur
Harvard University Press Orpheus in the Marketplace: Jacopo Peri and the Economy of Late Renaissance Florence
The Florentine musician Jacopo Peri (1561-1633) is known as the composer of the first operas--they include the earliest to survive complete, Euridice (1600), in which Peri sang the role of Orpheus. A large collection of recently discovered account books belonging to him and his family allows for a greater exploration of Peri's professional and personal life. Richard Goldthwaite, an economic historian, and Tim Carter, a musicologist, have done much more, however, than write a biography: their investigation exposes the remarkable value of such financial documents as a primary source for an entire period.This record of Peri's wide-ranging investments and activities in the marketplace enables the first detailed account of the Florentine economy in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, and also opens a completely new perspective on one of Europe's principal centers of capitalism. His economic circumstances reflect continuities and transformations in Florentine society, and the strategies for negotiating them, under the Medici grand dukes. At the same time they allow a reevaluation of Peri the singer and composer that elucidates the cultural life of a major artistic center even in changing times, providing a quite different view of what it meant to be a musician in late Renaissance Italy.
University of Texas Press The Florentine Codex: An Encyclopedia of the Nahua World in Sixteenth-Century Mexico
Honorable Mention, 2021 LASA Mexico Humanities Book Prize, Latin American Studies Association, Mexico SectionIn the sixteenth century, the Franciscan friar Bernardino de Sahagún and a team of indigenous grammarians, scribes, and painters completed decades of work on an extraordinary encyclopedic project titled General History of the Things of New Spain, known as the Florentine Codex (1575–1577). Now housed in the Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana in Florence and bound in three lavishly illustrated volumes, the codex is a remarkable product of cultural exchange in the early Americas.In this edited volume, experts from multiple disciplines analyze the manuscript’s bilingual texts and more than 2,000 painted images and offer fascinating, new insights on its twelve books. The contributors examine the “three texts” of the codex—the original Nahuatl, its translation into Spanish, and its painted images. Together, these constitute complementary, as well as conflicting, voices of an extended dialogue that occurred in and around Mexico City. The volume chapters address a range of subjects, from Nahua sacred beliefs, moral discourse, and natural history to the Florentine artists’ models and the manuscript’s reception in Europe. The Florentine Codex ultimately yields new perspectives on the Nahua world several decades after the fall of the Aztec empire.
University of Texas Press Bolívar and the War of Independence: Memorias del General Daniel Florencio O’Leary, Narración
The overthrow of Spanish rule and the birth of new republican governments in northern South America at the beginning of the nineteenth century were in large part the work of one man—Simón Bolívar. Bolívar was not only the soldier who built a patriot army from a small band of exiles and led them victoriously across Venezuela and down the spine of the Andes as far as Potosí; he was also the statesman who framed the new republics that sprang to life after the defeat of the Spanish and who called the Congress of Panama in hopes of making real his dream of uniting all the South American republics in a single confederation. He was truly the Liberator. The Narración, or narrative, of the Memorias of Daniel Florencio O’Leary has long been recognized by Spanish American scholars as one of the most important historical sources for a major part of Bolívar’s life. O’Leary took an active part in the wars for independence, first as a young officer, recruited in the British Isles to aid the patriot cause, and later as Bolívar’s chief aide, often entrusted with diplomatic missions. His firsthand knowledge of the stirring events of the period, his access to relevant documents, and his close association with the major figures in the struggle, as well as his friendship with Bolívar, made O’Leary a particularly valuable chronicler and biographer. Bolívar himself, shortly before his death, requested that O’Leary write the story of his life. O’Leary’s meticulous attention to military and diplomatic maneuvers and his keen, sometimes acrid, comments on both men and events give the reader not only a vivid portrait of Bolívar—the man and his achievements—but also a remarkable insight into O’Leary’s own position as an autocratic-minded participant in the wars for independence. Although O’Leary’s devotion to, and admiration for, his Chief make for an occasionally partisan view, his stark account of the hardships and disappointments that Bolívar and his armies overcame against almost impossible odds does much to balance the narrative. In his abridged translation, Robert McNerney has omitted the Apéndice, documents that O’Leary, had he lived, undoubtedly would have used as the source for completing his account of Bolívar’s life. Numerous letters and documents scattered through the original text also have been omitted, leaving a highly readable narrative.
Peeters Publishers Florilegium Lovaniense: Studies in Septuagint and Textual Criticism in Honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez
Florilegium Lovaniense. Studies in Septuagint and Textual Criticism in Honour of Florentino Garcia Martinez is intended for a special present initiated by his Leuven collegae proximi on the occasion of Professor Garcia Martinez' retirement as a research professor in the Biblical Studies Research Department of the Faculty of Theology at the University of Leuven (K.U.Leuven). Like the personality of the celebrated scholar himself, the composition of his Festschrift has become a most colourful undertaking. After the editor's presentation of the rich biography and the huge bibliography of Florentino Garcia Martinez, M. Vervenne aims at evoking Florentino's personality throughout his life and work. Following this introduction, some thirty contributions transform the Festschrift into a wide-ranging collection of high quality approaches to a number of diverse topics, thus mirroring the wide spectrum of both Florentino's and their own work. The following scholars have contributed to this collection: H. Ausloos & B. Lemmelijn, J.-M. Auwers, R. Bieringer, E. Bons, D. Buchner, R. Ceulemans, J. Cook, H. Debel, D. De Crom, C. Dogniez, G. Dorival, K. Hauspie, M.S. Ibita, J. Joosten, M. Karrer & U. Schmid & M. Sigismund, W. Kraus, M. Labahn, J. Lust, T. Muraoka, A. Pietersma, E. Puech, J.-S. Rey, A. Schenker, R. Sollamo, J. Trebolle-Barrera, A. van der Kooij, P. Van Hecke, H. van Rooy, E. Verbeke. Each contribution has somehow to do with Textual Criticism and/or Septuagint Studies. In addition, they echo the aspects and details of the interest and work of each individual scholar. The editors sincerely hope that all these particular shades of colours might form together a wonderful rainbow, reflecting the contributors' and editors' admiration, respect and friendship for Professor Florentino Garcia Martinez.
Iron Circus Comics Meal
A Junior Library Guild Selection 2018 VLA Graphic Novel Diversity Award Winner 2019 Prism Award Winner “This fresh and tasty comic provides an enticing introduction to a less-traveled area of cuisine.” — PUBLISHERS WEEKLY "Simply delightful." — BOOK RIOT "You moved cross-country to work at a bug restaurant. There's no way I'm gonna miss what happens next." Yarrow is a young chef determined to make her mark on the cutting edge of cookery with her insect-based creations. Though her enthusiasm is infectious, it rubs some of her fellow cooks the wrong way, especially Chanda Flores, Yarrow's personal hero and executive chef of an exciting new restaurant. Her people have been eating bugs for centuries, and she's deeply suspicious of this newbie's attempt to turn her traditions into the next foodie trend. While Chanda and her scrappy team of talented devotees struggle to open on time, Yarrow must win over Chanda -- and Milani, the neighbor she's been crushing on for weeks -- or lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to achieve her dreams. Co-written with chef and food writer Soleil Ho (Edible Manhattan, Bitch), Blue Delliquanti's sweet coming-of-age story takes us deep into a world of art, mystery, and memory on the culinary frontier.
Déjate florecer autoestima para sanar tu relación con la comida y el cuerpo
El objetivo principal de este libro es ayudarte a indagar dentro de ti, conocerte y cuestionarte, aprender a romper las creencias disfuncionales que te invalidan en tu vida. Aprender a quererte y aceptarte como acto de revolución. Solventar tu relación disfuncional o tormentosa con la comida (la cual está totalmente ligada a la mala relación contigo misma y tu cuerpo).A lo largo de estas páginas, podrás hacer un recorrido por todos los aspectos que considero necesarios para que puedas atravesar y transitar tu proceso terapéutico sintiéndote lo más segura y acompañada posible.Como en el proceso de crecimiento de una planta, me gustaría con este escrito plantar una semilla, y que aprendas a regarla con cariño y que, con mucha paciencia, consigas verla(te) florecer.
Harvard University Press A Great and Wretched City: Promise and Failure in Machiavelli’s Florentine Political Thought
Like many inhabitants of booming metropolises, Machiavelli alternated between love and hate for his native city. He often wrote scathing remarks about Florentine political myopia, corruption, and servitude, but also wrote about Florence with pride, patriotism, and confident hope of better times. Despite the alternating tones of sarcasm and despair he used to describe Florentine affairs, Machiavelli provided a stubbornly persistent sense that his city had all the materials and potential necessary for a wholesale, triumphant, and epochal political renewal. As he memorably put it, Florence was "truly a great and wretched city."Mark Jurdjevic focuses on the Florentine dimension of Machiavelli's political thought, revealing new aspects of his republican convictions. Through The Prince, Discourses, correspondence, and, most substantially, Florentine Histories, Jurdjevic examines Machiavelli's political career and relationships to the republic and the Medici. He shows that significant and as yet unrecognized aspects of Machiavelli's political thought were distinctly Florentine in inspiration, content, and purpose. From a new perspective and armed with new arguments, A Great and Wretched City reengages the venerable debate about Machiavelli's relationship to Renaissance republicanism. Dispelling the myth that Florentine politics offered Machiavelli only negative lessons, Jurdjevic argues that his contempt for the city's shortcomings was a direct function of his considerable estimation of its unrealized political potential.
DeVorss & Co ,U.S. Complete Writings of Florence Scovel Shinn for Women: Her Ageless Wisdom for Today
Timeless wisdom entertaining style easy-to-grasp explanations of Success Principles In her classic book, THE GAME OF LIFE AND HOW TO PLAY IT, Florence Scovel Shinn established herself as the leading prosperity writer of her era whose down-to-earth, practical, and helpful suggestions appealed to readers and seekers from all walks of life. Years after their initial publications, Shinn's books continue to reign as some of today's most prominent prosperity resources.Although her original work was composed in the prevailing dialect of that time, her lessons, stories, and insight engaged female readers despite the masculine references. In response to the call from the growing number of women who yearn to connect on a deeper level with her soul-stirring concepts, Shinn's beloved writings have now been updated with contemporary references that empower the feminine spirit and allow women to easily relate to the essence of her genuine thoughts.
Cornell University Press Forged in the Shadow of Mars: Chivalry and Violence in Late Medieval Florence
In Forged in the Shadow of Mars, Peter W. Sposato traces chivalry's powerful influence on the mentalitè and behavior of a sizeable segment of the elite in late medieval Florence. He finds that the strenuous knights and men-at-arms of the Florentine chivalric elite—a cultural community comprised of men from both traditional and newly emerged elite lineages—embraced a chivalric ideology that was fundamentally martial and violent. Chivalry helped to shape a common identity among these men based on the profession of arms and the ready use of violence against both their peers and those they perceived to be their social inferiors. This violence, often transgressive in nature, was not only crucial to asserting and defending personal, familial, and corporate honor, but was also inherently praiseworthy. In this way, Sposato highlights the sharp differences between chivalry and the more familiar civic ideology of the popolo grasso, the Florentine mercantile and banking elite who came to dominate Florence politically and economically during the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. As a result, in Forged in the Shadow of Mars, Sposato challenges the traditional scholarly view of chivalry as foreign to the social and cultural landscape of Florence and contests its reputation as a civilizing force. By reexamining the connection between chivalric literature and actual practice and identity formation among historical knights and men-at-arms, he likewise provides an important corrective to assumptions about the nature of elite violence and identity in medieval Italian cities.
Editorial Trotta, S.A. Francisco de Roma y Francisco de Ass una nueva primavera en la iglesia
Ha sido providencial que el cardenal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, venido del fin del mundo ?de ese Gran Sur donde están los pobres de la Tierra y vive la mayoría de los católicos? haya escogido, elegido papa, el nombre de Francisco. Francisco de Asís sintió la llamada a restaurar la Iglesia de su tiempo que estaba en ruinas para devolverla a la tradición de Jesús. Esa misma inspiración mueve ahora a Francisco, obispo de Roma: una Iglesia pobre y para los pobres, humilde, sencilla, con olor a oveja y no a flores de altar.En una Iglesia que vuelva a ser hogar espiritual, el papa ha de ser pastor antes que autoridad eclesiástica; ha de presidir más en la caridad y menos con la frialdad del derecho canónico; tiene que ser más hermano entre otros hermanos aunque con responsabilidades diferenciadas. Tras el largo invierno eclesial, el papa Francisco recupera la frescura y la fragancia del Evangelio que caracterizaron al Pobrecillo de Asís, desde el cuidado y la relación fraterna con todos los s
Archaeopress Proceedings of the XI International Congress of Egyptologists, Florence, Italy 23-30 August 2015
The Egyptian Museum of Florence, in collaboration with the University of Florence, hosted the Eleventh International Congress of Egyptologists which took place from 23rd to 30th August 2015, under the patronage of the IAE – International Association of Egyptologists. This volume publishes 136 papers and posters presented during the Congress. Topics discussed here range from archaeology, religion, philology, mummy investigations and archaeometry to history, offering an up-to-date account of research in these fields.
Editorial El Drac, S.L. Patchwork estilo country
El inconfundible estilo country en una llamativas creacionesEl estilo country es uno de los preferidos por las quilters. En todos los proyectos de este libro, se expresa este estilo en diseños elegantes en los que predomina el color rojo combinado con cremas y marrones. El exquisito gusto de Natalie Bird se pone de manifiesto en las telas elegidas, los colores de los hilos de los bordados y la originalidad de las formas. Este libro ofrece una elegante selección de 10 proyectos con sus patrones, que incluyen toda la información sobre los materiales y las técnicas de costura, patchwork, bordado y acolchado a mano y a máquina.Los proyectos están inspirados en motivos campestres, como flores y pájaros, corazones, casas y muchos más. Los diseños destacan por la armonía de las telas y de los bordados. Las técnicas de aplicación y bordado se explican con claras instrucciones paso a paso, con ayuda de fotografías, imágenes y prácticos consejos que facilitan la realización de los proyecto
Editorial El Drac, S.L. Quilling moderno para niños figuras realizadas con tiras de papel rizadas y enrrolladas formando espirales
Figuras de quilling al alcance de los niños.Con un poco de destreza se puede modelar cualquier cosa conunas simples tiras de papel y la técnica del quilling. En este librose encontrarán ideas para todos los gustos: divertidos animales,flores románticas o sorprendentes arañas, entre otros motivos.- Creativas figuras hechas con tiras de papel enrolladas- Sencillas de realizar también por los pequeños de la casa- 22 proyectos explicados paso a paso y con sus patronesGudrun Schmitt nació en Fulda en 1963 y tiene cuatro hijos yamayores. Siempre le ha gustado pintar y realizar manualidades;sus padres fueron su modelo y actualmente siguen disfrutandode sus creaciones. Después de sacar el título escolar, estudióla poco creativa profesión de empleada de banca. Tras elnacimiento de su primer hijo resurgió su afición por lasmanualidades. En los años siguientes impartió tallerescreativos para niños y de pintura en seda en diferentes centros
Qué ocurriría si los principales acontecimientos políticos y culturales de los primeros cuarenta años del agitado siglo XX español tuviesen lugar en un par de meses, si en pocas semanas sucedieran los asesinatos a tiros de los políticos Canalejas y Eduardo Dato, el atentado del anarquista Mateo Morral con una bomba lanzada en un ramo de flores al paso del cortejo nupcial del rey Alfonso XIII y la sublevación militar de 1936 que dio paso a la guerra civil?La respuesta está en la lectura de esta trepidante novela en la que los personajes secundarios son los grandes escritores Valle-Inclán, Rubén Darío, Baroja, Alberti, Miguel Hernández o Machado y el protagonista un joven aristócrata, Álvaro de Foxá, que se interna en la vida bohemia soñando ser poeta y deseando iniciarse en el amor para descubrir en la realidad a la Golfemia, comprobando que la poesía y el amor son siempre postergados por la necesidad y por la irrupción de las convulsiones políticas.
Hirmer Verlag Wolfgang Laib in Florence: Without Time, Without Space, Without Body…
In 2019, Wolfgang Laib entered into a dialogue with masterpieces by Fra Angelico, Leon Battista Alberti, Filippo Brunelleschi and Benozzo Gozzoli in his philosophical and poetic installations of pollen and beeswax. The publication documents impressively this unique and spectacular art event. Following an invitation from the Museo Novecento in Florence, Wolfgang Laib – one of the outstanding artists of the present day – created five works in four of the city’s main sights, including the convent of San Marco and the Pazzi Chapel. In their juxtaposition with the historic masterpieces, the delicate pollen sculptures and the imposing beeswax ziggurat cause the contrast between present and past, physical place and endless space, and real and spiritual life to become blurred and lead us towards the central questions of life.
Ediciones Akal El medio artístico en la Florencia del renacimiento obras y comitentes talleres y mercado
El libro es una historia social del renacimiento florentino. La manera en que se abordan los diferentes aspectos estudiados, desde el modo de vida en la Corte o el trabajo de los talleres de pintura hasta las relaciones de mecenazgo entre artista y príncipes o la función de la obra de arte en la vida social, permiten dar cuenta de la compleja situación en la que se desarrolla el arte y que se extiende durante, al menos, dos siglos y explicar las condiciones en las que es posible tales obras artísticas.
Little, Brown Book Group The Mould In Dr Florey's Coat: The Remarkable True Story of the Penicillin Miracle
Many people know that in 1928 Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin's antibiotic potential while examining a stray mould that had bloomed in a dish of bacteria in his London laboratory. But few realise that Fleming worked only fitfully on penicillin until 1935, and that he is merely one character in the remarkable story of the antibiotic's development as a drug. The others are Howard Florey, Professor of Pathology at Oxford University, where he ran the Dunn School; the German Jewish emigre and biochemist Ernst Chain; and Norman Heatley, one of the few scientists in Britain capable of the micro-analysis of organic substances. It was these three men and their colleagues at the Dunn School who would battle a lack of money, a lack of resources and even each other to develop a drug that would change the world. It was these three men and their colleagues who would be almost forgotten. Why this happened, why it took fourteen years to develop penicillin, and how it was finally done, is a story of quirky individuals, missed opportunities, medical prejudice, brilliant science, shoestring research, wartime pressures and misplaced modesty.
WW Norton & Co Medici Money: Banking, Metaphysics, and Art in Fifteenth-Century Florence
Before they achieved renown as patrons of the arts and de facto rulers of Florence, the Medici family earned their fortune in banking. But even at the height of the Renaissance, charging interest of any kind meant running afoul of the Catholic Church’s ban on usury. Tim Parks reveals how the legendary Medicis—Cosimo and Lorenzo “the Magnificent” in particular—used the diplomatic, military, and even metaphysical tools at hand, along with a healthy dose of intrigue and wit, to further their fortunes as well as their family’s standing.
Buch Verlag Kempen Florentine oder wie man ein Schwein in den Fahrstuhlt kriegt
Johns Hopkins University Press Florence in Transition: Volume One: The Decline of the Commune
Originally published in 1967. With the waning of the Middle Ages, the life of the Italian polis underwent a gradual but unmistakable transformation. The leisurely decentralization of the medieval commune, which had its roots in feudalism, the code of chivalry, and religious faith, gave place to the tight despotism of the fourteenth century. This in turn yielded to democratized government and finally to a stricter legalistic and puritanical rule. Marvin Becker's two-volume study of Florence examines this metamorphosis and establishes its relationship to the emergence of the Renaissance state. Volume One traces the decline of the communal paideia in its political, social, and cultural aspects. Through an intensive examination of the fiscal and juridical records of the period and the documents of contemporary literature, Dr. Becker demonstrates the relationship between the death of communal ideals and the centralization of political power, and between the emergence of a strong middle class and a respect for public law. He shows the patricians discovering a community of interest with the burghers, and the vendetta being replaced by courts of law. Finally, he traces the growing ability of the Florentine citizenry to cope with crisis through the newly strengthened organs of the republic. Volume Two will discuss the establishment of Florence as a Renaissance city-state with particular emphasis on the continuum between the medieval commune of the late thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries and the centralized city of the mid-fourteenth century. A unique contribution of this volume lies in the use made of painstaking and detailed investigation of the voluminous archival resources of the Archivio di Stato of Florence—some of which have since been destroyed by the 1966 flood. In pursuit of what actually took place during communal council meetings, what legislation was passed and what rejected, Dr. Becker scrutinized tens of thousands of documents in a variety of categories, obtaining first-hand knowledge of the careers of those in power, and gaining illuminating insights into motivations and actions. Political, social, and cultural historians will find Florence in Transition, Volume One, a helpful elucidation of the dynamics of historical change and the birth of a state.
Princeton University Press From Poliziano to Machiavelli: Florentine Humanism in the High Renaissance
Peter Godman presents the first intellectual history of Florentine humanism from the lifetime of Angelo Poliziano in the later fifteenth century to the death of Niccolo Machiavelli in 1527. Making use of unpublished and rare sources, Godman traces the development of philological and official humanism after the expulsion of the Medici in 1494 up to and beyond their restoration in 1512. He draws long overdue attention to the work of Marcello Virgilio Adriani--Poliziano's successor in his Chair at the Studio and Machiavelli's colleague at the Chancery of Florence. And he examines in depth the intellectual impact of Savonarola and the relationship between secular and religious and oral and print cultures.Godman shows a complex reaction of rivalry and antagonism in Machiavelli's approach to Marcello Virgilio, who was the leading Florentine humanist of the day. But he also demonstrates that Florentine humanists shared a common culture, marked by a preference for secular over religious themes and by constant anxiety about surviving and prospering in the city's dangerous political climate. The book concludes with an appendix, drawn from previously incaccessible archives, about the censorship of Machiavelli by the Inquisition and the Index. From Poliziano to Machiavelli adds new depth to the intellectual history of Forence during his most dynamic period in its history.Originally published in 1998.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Pan Macmillan The Wonder: Now a major Netflix film starring Florence Pugh
A major film from the makers of Normal People and Room, starring Florence Pugh and streaming on Netflix.'An old-school page turner with crackling intensity' Stephen King'Powerful, compulsively readable' Irish TimesEleven-year-old Anna O'Donnell stops eating, but remains miraculously alive and well. A nurse, sent to investigate whether she is a fraud, meets a journalist hungry for a story . . .Set in the Irish Midlands in the 1850s, Emma Donoghue's The Wonder – inspired by numerous European and North American cases of 'fasting girls' between the sixteenth century and the twentieth – is a psychological thriller about a child's murder threatening to happen in slow motion before our eyes.
Jonglez Secret Florence Guide: A guide to the unusual and unfamiliar
Let Secret Florence guide you around the unusual and unfamiliar. Step off the beaten track with this fascinating Florence guide book. Let our local experts show you the well-hidden treasures and hidden places of this amazing city. Featuring over 150 unusual and unfamiliar places, this Secret Florence guide is ideal for local inhabitants, curious visitors and armchair travellers alike. Visit a church in a prison, learn how Florence became the centre of hermetism during the Renaissance and where you can still find traces of it today, escape from the crowds of tourists to visit little-known artistic masterpieces, head off to hunt for the 34 plaques displaying quotes from the “Divine Comedy”, fill up your tank at a vintage service station, have your children count the number of bees sculpted on the monument to the glory of Ferdinand I, look for the last wine distributors of the Renaissance, notice the minuscule windows designed to let children look out quietly onto the street, visit superb private gardens that even the Florentines don’t know about, learn how the purple colour of the Fiorentina football team is connected to the pee of a Florentine crusader in Palestine … Far from the crowds and the usual cliches, Florence offers countless off-beat experiences and is home to any number of well-hidden treasures that are revealed only to residents and travellers who find their way off the beaten track. An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew Florence well or would like to discover the other face of the city. The definitive insider’s guide to Florence.