Search results for ""Vandenhoeck Ruprecht""
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Poetische Selbstbilder: Deutsch-jüdische und Jiddische Lyrikanthologien 19001938
Leserinnen und Leser kennen Lyrik vor allem aus Anthologien. Jüdische Lyrik wird dabei meist mit der Dichtung von Shoah-Überlebenden assoziiert. Jüdische Herausgeber sammelten jedoch schon viel früher jüdische Dichtung. Den Anspruch, für eine Gruppe zu sprechen und damit ihr Bild in der Öffentlichkeit mitzubestimmen, machte die Gattung Anthologie nicht nur für literarisch Ambitionierte attraktiv, sondern auch für unterschiedliche politische Gruppen. Unter Titeln wie Junge Harfen (1903), Lyrische Dichtung deutscher Juden (1920) oder Jüdische Volkslieder (1935) versuchten Kulturzionisten, eigenständige jüdische Dichtungstraditionen zu etablieren. Doch auch alternative kulturpolitische Konzepte wählen die Anthologie als Mittel, wie etwa in Julius Moses Anthologie Hebräische Melodien (1920), die das Jüdische über das Thema und nicht die Herkunft bestimmt. Einige jiddischsprachige Anthologien schlugen einen ähnlichen Weg ein: Sie versuchen, eine nationale jiddische Dichtung zu etablieren, indem sie auf die von Herder zurückgeführte Idee von in der Volksdichtung verwurzelten Nationalliteraturen setzen. Die Anthologie zeigt sich dabei nicht nur als Publikationsform, sondern auch als literarische Gattung mit einem dezidierten Bewusstsein über ihre Geschichte. Carmen Reichert zeigt, dass Anthologien nicht nur als ein zu Unrecht vernachlässigter Teil unserer Literaturgeschichte anzusehen sind, sondern auch als wichtige historische Dokumente einer um ihr kollektives Wesen und dessen Darstellung nach außen ringenden Gemeinschaft.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus. Series Archaeologica: Geological, architectural and archaeological characteristics: A comparative study and dating
In 1885, a large hypogeum was discovered at the Saint-E'tienne Compound, the domain acquired only two and a half years before by the Dominicans on the western slope of El Heidhemiyeh hill, about 250 m north of the Jerusalem Ottoman wall. After the unearthing of a second large hypogeum, only fifty metres north of Hypogeum 1, in their monumental work on the history of Jerusalem, the two eminent Dominican scholars Louis-Hugues Vincent and Felix-Marie Abel proposed to date the two burial complexes to the Hellenistic or Roman period. This dating remained unchallenged until the survey of 1974-75, carried out by the distinguished Israeli archaeologists Gabriel Barkay and Amos Kloner, who proposed to date the two burial caves towards the end of the Judahite kingdom, on the basis of an unsystematic comparison of few architectural features with those of other tombs. In the frame of the improved knowledge of the broad and adjacent archaeological contexts since the last study of the Saint-E'tienne Compound Hypogea, between 2011 and 2014 Riccardo Lufrani carried out a detailed survey of the two burial caves, providing new and more detailed photographic, topographic, archaeological and geological documentation. The systematic comparison of the significant architectural features of the Saint-E'tienne Compound Hypogea with a consistent sample of 22 tombs in the region suggest dating the hewing of the two hypogea to the Early Hellenistic period, shedding a new light on the history of Jerusalem.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Religionsbegegnung in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte: Kritische Reflexionen über ein etabliertes Konzept
Auf den ersten Blick ist die asiatische Religionsgeschichte reich an Begegnungen von Religionen. Buddhismus, Hinduismus, Daoismus, Konfuzianismus, Shintō und andere Religionen koexistierten in bestimmten Regionen und Epochen, setzten sich miteinander auseinander und beeinflussten sich gegenseitig. Diese Darstellungsweise ist allerdings recht abstrakt und sagt wenig darüber aus, wer oder was sich bei einer Religionsbegegnung eigentlich begegnet. Was genau ist in einem spezifischen historischen Kontext mit Religionsbegegnung gemeint? Welche Prozesse sind zu beobachten? Und welche Konsequenzen hat eine genaue Analyse solcher Prozesse für die religionswissenschaftliche Theoretisierung von religiösen Identitäten und sozialer Dynamik? Die Beiträge in diesem Band diskutieren diese Fragen anhand von konkreten historischen Fällen aus verschiedenen geographischen Regionen: Südasien, Südostasien, Zentralasien und Ostasien. Sie zeigen, dass der Begriff Religionsbegegnung zwar nicht irrelevant ist, dass aber die jeweiligen Grenzen zwischen Religionen in jedem konkreten historischen Kontext unterschiedlich bestimmt werden können. Es muss daher für jeden Fall genau untersucht werden, was Begegnung für die religiösen Menschen und Traditionen bedeutet.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Institutionalized Routine Prayers at Qumran: Fact or Assumption?
This book challenges scholars' assumption, without any explicit evidence, of institutionalized public prayer with fixed contents and times in the Qumran community. As the book observes, this assumption rests in part on a failure to distinguish between voluntary supplication prayers and biblically mandated blessings and thanks. The book closely examines the three Qumran writings assumed to typify prayer and critiques scholars' attempts to deduce the existence of public prayer from these and other sources, which are most likely pious expressions of individual authors. The lack of indispensable instructions for institutionalized prayer offers circumstantial evidence that such prayer was not practiced at Qumran. This study also explores the assumption that Qumran prayer was intended as a substitute for sacrifices after the group's separation from the temple cult and discusses relevant rabbinic statements. The innovative character of rabbinic fixed prayer is discussed and identified as an element of the fundamental transformation of Jewish theology and practice from worship founded on sacrificial rituals performed by priests at the Jerusalem Temple to abstract, unmediated, direct approaches to God by every Jew in any location. The book also examines Samaritan prayer and detects a variety of attitudes, rules, and customs similar to those found at Qumran that are incompatible with their rabbinic counterparts. This opens the door for investigating religious belief and practice at a crucial period in the history of Western civilization, namely, before the vast rabbinic reform of Judaism after 70 CE.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Aus Gottes Hand: Der Status des menschlichen Embryos aus evangelischer Sicht
Ist der menschliche Embryo schon eine Person? Die Möglichkeiten der Abtreibung und Reproduktionsmedizin, die Beseitigung des Embryos aus persönlichen Gründen oder sein Verbrauch um hochrangiger medizinischer Forschungsziele willen geben dieser Frage eine existentielle Brisanz, die nicht nur viele Menschen in Gewissenskonflikte stürzt, sondern an der sich leidenschaftlich geführte Diskussionen und öffentliche Proteste entzünden. Jürgen Boomgaarden gibt eine differenzierte Antwort auf die Embryonenstatusfrage aus evangelischer Sicht. Am Anfang steht die Erörterung biologischer, philosophischer, rechtlicher und soziologischer Erkenntnisse und Positionen zum Embryonenstatus. Das Buch untersucht die biologische Entwicklung des Embryos auf ihre statusrelevanten Einschnitte und würdigt besonders die Kernverschmelzung als möglicher personaler Anfang kritisch. Die sogenannten SKIP-Argumente (Spezies, Kontinuität, Identität, Potentialität) beleuchtet Jürgen Boomgaarden ebenso wie die soziologische Analyse des ungeborenen Lebens, die die gewandelte Bedeutung des Kindes und seiner Liebe zu ihm in der westlichen Gesellschaft reflektiert. Auf der Basis von evangelischen Positionen zur Embryonenstatusfrage skizziert der Autor eine eigene systematische Theologie des ungeborenen menschlichen Lebens und geht dabei auch auf die ethische Problematik der In-vitro-Fertilisation ein. Boomgaarden vermeidet einfache Antworten auf die Embryonenstatusfrage und entwickelt dennoch klare Entscheidungskriterien aus evangelischer Sicht.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die politischen Gesetze des Mose: Entstehung und Einflüsse der politia-judaica-Literatur in der Frühen Neuzeit
Vordenker der Moderne wie Thomas Hobbes, Baruch de Spinoza, James Harrington, Christian Thomasius und viele mehr griffen in ihren politischen Lehren oft auf das Modell des alten jüdischen Gemeinwesens zurück. Entscheidend beeinflusste sie dabei ein Schrifttum (politia-judaica-Literatur), das in der zweiten Hälfte des 16. Jahrhunderts entstand und Moses Gesetze als politisches Vorbild darstellte. Markus M. Totzeck legt die erste vollständige Untersuchung zur Entstehung dieser Literatur vor. Die antiken außerbiblischen Mose-Traditionen bilden den Hintergrund seiner Arbeit. Diese Traditionen waren in der Frühen Neuzeit zum ersten Mal als Druckausgaben erschienen und hatten sich im Renaissance-Humanismus mit Konzeptionen einer uralten Theologie und Weisheit (prisca theologia bzw. prisca sapientia) des Mose verbunden. Totzeck stellt heraus, wie Debatten über die politische Relevanz der mosaischen Gesetze später in der Reformation zur Entstehung der politia-judaica-Literatur beitrugen. Die ersten Werke stammten aus der Feder humanistischer Gelehrter, die in erster Linie ausgebildete Juristen und Historiographen waren, zugleich aber auch einen mehrheitlich calvinistischen Hintergrund hatten. Die Nähe zwischen humanistischer Jurisprudenz und dem Calvinismus prägte die politia-judaica-Literatur in einer ersten Phase bis zu Petrus Cunaeus Werk De republica Hebraeorum libri III (1617). Die Verbreitung dieses Buchklassikers des 17. Jahrhunderts führte den ursprünglichen Rechtsdiskurs in umfangreichere politische Diskussionen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Emergent Freedom: Naturalizing Free Will
Emergentism, as a metaphysical option between Reductive Physicalism and Substance Dualism, provides a space for free will to be both experientially balanced and evidentially accurate. By expanding notions of causation and adopting a process ontology, Emergentism revaluates age-old commitments to human free will. With Emergentism, James W. Haag believes Philip Hefners model of human being (the created co-creator) to be a valuable place to look for dialogue. Hefners claim that the created co-creator is simultaneously constrained and free fits securely with Dynamic Theological Naturalism and its acceptance of Emergentism.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Sacred or Neural?: The Potential of Neuroscience to Explain Religious Experience
It starts with the definition: what is a religious experience? What is the short circuit of synaptic connections in our brain? Where does the border go? Which experiences are considered "divine" and which are considered purely neuronal? In the footsteps of Michael Persinger, Andrew Newberg and Eugene dAquilis, the author explores the question of whether and to what extent neuroscientists can explain religious experiences at all. It defines the term "religious experience" and defines various criteria for assessing scientific research, especially for assessing the quality of strongly reductionist studies. Runehov comes to the conclusion that the perspectives should not only be thought of, but can complement each other fruitfully. This harbors great potential for interdisciplinary research and dialogue, which should not refer to "sacred or neural" but "sacred and neural".
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Histories that Mansoul and Her Wars Anatomize: The Drama of Redemption in John Bunyan's Holy War
Robert McKelvey argues that John Bunyan wrote The Holy War as a warfare allegory symbolizing the salvation history of Scripture from a Calvinistic-covenantal perspective. In this cosmic drama of redemption, the "Histories That Mansoul, and her Wars Anatomize" include the individual-soteric-microcosmic level or ordo salutis unfolding analogous to the redemptive-historical-macrocosmic level or historia salutis. The eternal covenant of redemption provides the foundation for this history of salvation, which progresses from creation to the anticipation of consummation. This scheme finds its roots in the Puritan philosophy of "universal history" which sees all historical events serving God's redemptive purposes. The individual, through union with Christ founded on election, participates in the drama by inclusion within the trans-historical covenant of grace. As a depiction of cosmic war, The Holy War sets forth the enmity between the church and Antichrist, which is representative of the greater battle between Christ and the devil from Genesis to Revelation. As a pastoral guide to persecuted saints, Bunyan retrospectively rehearses the history of redemption to grant comfort. In addition, he prospectively reveals the consummation of redemption to encourage perseverance and instil eschatological hope. This thesis is substantiated contextually through Bunyan's life and writings, historiographically by surveying the history of Holy War interpretation, pre-textually by examining the introduction to the allegory, and textually by analyzing the allegory itself.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG At the Intersection of Texts and Material Finds: Stepped Pools, Stone Vessels, and Ritual Purity Among the Jews of Roman Galilee
Stuart Miller examines the hermeneutical challenges posed by the material and literary evidence pertaining to ritual purity practices in Graeco-Roman Palestine and, especially, the Galilee. He contends that "stepped pools", which we now know were in use well beyond the Destruction of the Temple, and, as indicated by the large collection on the western acropolis of Sepphoris and elsewhere, into the Middle and Late Roman/Byzantine eras,must be understood in light of biblical and popular perspectives on ritual purity. The interpretation of the finds is too frequently forced to conform to rabbinic prescriptions, which oftentimes were the result of the sages unique and creative, nominalist approach to ritual purity. Special attention is given to the role ritual purity continued to play in the lives of ordinary Jews despite (or because of) the loss of the Temple. Miller argues against the prevailing tendency to type material finds -- and Jewish society -- according to known groups (pre-70 C.E.: Pharisaic, Sadducaic, Essenic; post 70 C.E.: rabbinic, priestly, etc.). He further counters the perception that ritual purity practices were largely the interest of priests and argues against the recent suggestion that the kohanim resurfaced as an influential group in Late Antiquity. Building upon his earlier work on "sages and commoners," Miller claims that the rabbis emerged out of a context in which a biblically derived "complex common Judaism" thrived. Stepped pools, stone vessels, and other material finds are realia belonging to this "complex common Judaism". A careful reading of the rabbis indicates that they were acutely aware of the extent to which ritual purity rites pertaining to home and family life had "spread," which undoubtedly contributed to their intense interest in regulating them.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Reformed Historical Theology: Die Abendmahlslehre des Genfer Reformators Johannes Calvin aus römisch-katholischer Perspektive
In this volume Frank Ewerszumrode studies the Eucharist teachings of Johannes Calvin from a Roman Catholic perspective. At the center of his focus lies the question concerning the real presence of Christ in the bread and wine. First the author describes Calvin's position on this matter in the context of the internal controversy among the Reformers concerning the nature of the Eucharist. A closer look reveals that broad agreement reigns between Calvin's theology in this matter and the Roman Catholic teaching of transsubstantiation.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Relational Religion: Fires as Confidants in Parsi Zoroastrianism
Hakon Naasen Tandberg explores how, when, and why humans relate to the non-human world. Based on two ethnographic fieldworks among the Parsis in Mumbai, the research focuses on the role of temple fires in the lives of present-day Parsi Zoroastrians in India as an empirical case. Through four ethnographic portraits, the reader will get a deeper look into the lives of four Parsi individuals, and how their individual biographies, personalities, and interhuman relationships, along with religious identities and roles, shape -- and to a certain extent are shaped by -- their personal relationships with non-human entities. The book combines affordance theory, exchange theory, and social support to analyse such relationships, and offers suggestive evidence that relationships with non-human entities -- in this case the Zoroastrian temple fires -- can be experienced as no less real, important, or meaningful than those with other human beings. The book also provides evidence not only that non-human entities such as the temple fires must be considered relational entities analogous to humans, but also that the kind of support provided by the fires and their availability in providing it is experienced as comparable -- and in some cases, superior -- to support received from human peers. The findings demonstrate that future approaches to religion as a social phenomenon will benefit from moving beyond mere interaction to exploring how and when engagement with religious entities can lead to long-term and emotionally satisfying personal relationships, thus paving the way for a more nuanced and relevant theory of religion as something interwoven into people's everyday lives.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG In God's Custody: The Church, a History of Divine Protection; a Study of John Calvin's Ecclesiology based on his Commentary on the Minor Prophets
Frederik A.V. Harms examines Calvin's ecclesiology based on his commentary on the Little Prophets from 15571559. Harms presents Calvin's view of the church from a historical-systematic perspective. His study of the great reformer's ecclesiology is accompanied by two historical parts. On the one hand, Harms Calvin offers historical context from 1558 to 1559, when he gave lectures on the Little Prophets. On the other hand, Harms provides an overview of the history of interpretation of the Little Prophets from the early church to the first generation of reformed orthodoxy.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Zweifelskonzepte im Frühchristentum: Dipsychia und Oligopistia im Rahmen menschlicher Dissonanz- und Einheitsvorstellungen in der Antike
Die Konzepte der Zweiseeligkeit im Jakobusbrief und des Kleinglaubens im Matthäusevangelium reagieren darauf, dass christliche Existenz zu dissonantem Erleben und Verhalten, ja sogar zum Zweifel führen kann. Im Neuen Testament erscheinen mit dípsychos und oligópistos innovative Ausdrücke für die Erkenntnis, dass der Mensch vom Ideal der Einheit mit sich selbst bzw. der ganzheitlichen Ausrichtung auf Gott hin abweichen kann. Um das Neue in den christlichen Texten zu erfassen, unterscheidet Anna Nürnberger bildlich-konkrete, philosophisch-abstrakte, metaphorische, mythische und allegorische Texte und untersucht diese auf Dissonanzphänomene hin. Die Arbeit versteht sich als textorientierter Beitrag zur Historischen Psychologie und will den Facettenreichtum von Vorstellungen erlebens- und verhaltensrelevanter Dissonanz des Menschen in der Antike aufzeigen.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Word of God, Words of Men: Translations, inspirations, transmissions of the Bible in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Renaissance
Word of God, words of men. The book presents many aspects of the phenomenon of translation and commentary work of the Bible in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the 16th and 17th centuries. It contains studies of eminent scholars as well as of some young adepts, coming mainly from Poland, but also from Lithuania and Czech Republic. The texts present various aspects of the researches conducted on this phenomenon nowadays. As it was an exceptional movement, extremely varied and long-time lasting, it would be difficult to offer its complete synthesis in one volume. Though, the exhaustive presentation of the historical and linguistic contexts allows the reader to understand the phenomenon. Intensified interest in translations of the Bible is closely connected with the interest in the Polish language, its literary expression as well as its grammatical and orthographic standardisation that occurred just in the same time. The intellectual activity related to the Bible contributed simultaneously to the development of the Polish literary language and even inspired the translations of the sacred texts of other religions present in the country. Moreover, contacts between different languages of Central and Eastern European area, where many attempts of new translations appeared, are very important. A quick rise of the different Reformation movements contributed to a "natural" need for new translations and commentaries to be used by community members. These new currents, first easily accepted and spread in the country, even when suppressed, could not stop this activity, and later new Catholic translations and commentaries of the post-Trident period, both in Polish and Lithuanian, proved it. Big part of study is also dedicated to particular typographical realizations of this activity and an interesting example of the musical expression directly inspired by the biblical translation, is also provided.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Arts, Portraits and Representation in the Reformation Era: Proceedings of the Fourth Reformation Research Consortium Conference
The role played by artistic, literary, historical and theological representations in the establishment of the European Reformation has attracted scholarly attention over the years. While they were generally regarded as a significant means of conveying the evangelical message, particularly in a society with a low average literacy rate, this scholarly consensus was then seriously challenged by objecting that their meaning must have remained opaque to those who couldnâ t read and interpret their sometimes multilayered imagery and their verbal and figurative messages. This volume, which publishes some of the papers delivered at the Fourth Reformation Research Consortium Conference held in Bologna, May 15thâ 17th, 2014, is an attempt to examine the visual intelligibility of the European Reformation by a comparative, multiconfessional and multidisciplinary analysis of examples taken from both the Catholic and the Protestant world in the Early Modern and Modern Era, with particular reference to the figurative arts, but also to history and theology. All the case studies included here examine their peculiar subjects with regard to their religious and artistic contexts, in order to understand their historical significance in a new fashion, combining approaches from political history, history of arts, historiography, anthropology, philosophy and theology. Thus, the volume offers a very rich outline of how visual culture and representation through arts was embodied in very different cultural portraits and images.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Acta of the Synod of Dordt: (ADSND)
Volume 1 includes the original Acta Authentica of the synod, here published for the first time. Following the Acta Authentica, the corresponding acts, as first published in the Acta Synodi Nationalis - Dordrechti Habitae (Leiden, 1620), are reprinted; these published Acta were a significantly revised version, for stylistic and political purposes, of the original Acta Authentica. Also included are the Acta Contracta, a topical summary of the Acta Authentica, and the minutes of the meetings of the state delegates, who represented the Dutch government at the synod; neither of these has been previously published. This volume begins with a general introduction to the Synod of Dordt and its context, an introduction to the Acta Authentica, the published Acta and Acta Contracta, and an introduction to the role of the state delegates and the minutes of their meetings.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Philip Melanchthon: Theologian in Classroom, Confession, and Controversy
These twelve essays by international scholars investigate Melanchthons theological activities as teacher, confessor of the faith, and defender of his doctrine and ecclesiastical policies as they developed within the context of his service of society and church. In the past quarter century Melanchthon researchers have scrutinized older, mostly negative, interpretations of the Preceptor Germaniae. The editors present in this volume precisely focused appraisals of "Master Philip" in his role as theologian at the university and in the service of his own prince and others. By carefully placing his use of Aristotle, his understanding of the nature of training for pastoral ministry, his biblical exegesis in context, by analyzing four of his attempts to formulate Wittenberg teaching in public confession, by assessing how his own writings took on normative character for the church, and by tracing his thinking on the free will and the Lords Supper in the midst of controversy, these authors offer carefully etched portraits of Melanchthon as Preceptor ecclesiae. This volume contributes to the expansion of our understanding of Melanchthon as key figure in the Wittenberg Reformation and the currents of controversy that have long surrounded the interpretation of his contributions. These twelve essays by international scholars investigate Melanchthons theological activities as teacher, confessor of the faith, and defender of his doctrine and ecclesiastical policies as they developed within the context of his service of society and church. In the past quarter century Melanchthon researchers have scrutinized older, mostly negative, interpretations of the Preceptor Germaniae. The editors present in this volume precisely focused appraisals of "Master Philip" in his role as theologian at the university and in the service of his own prince and others. By carefully placing his use of Aristotle, his understanding of the nature of training for pastoral ministry, his biblical exegesis in context, by analyzing four of his attempts to formulate Wittenberg teaching in public confession, by assessing how his own writings took on normative character for the church, and by tracing his thinking on the free will and the Lords Supper in the midst of controversy, these authors offer carefully etched portraits of Melanchthon as Preceptor ecclesiae. This volume contributes to the expansion of our understanding of Melanchthon as key figure in the Wittenberg Reformation and the currents of controversy that have long surrounded the interpretation of his contributions.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Halakkah in Light of Epigraphy
This volume contains the proceedings of the conference entitled "Halakhah in Light of Epigraphy" held on 29 May 2008 under the auspices of the David and Jemima Jeselsohn Center for Epigraphy at Bar-Ilan University. Epigraphic finds, here interpreted broadly to include papyri, scrolls, and the like, have immeasurably enriched our knowledge of the ancient Jewish past while at the same time posing a challenge to modern scholarship: how does one integrate old knowledge, based on previously known sources, with new information? We now recognize that Rabbinic texts are normative: they tell us how their authors believed life should be lived, rather than the details of ordinary, everyday, experience. What weight, then, should be given to traditional halakhic texts in evaluating the contents of newly discovered written remains? And what light can be shed by these new finds, especially those inscriptions and documents that record small moments of ancient Jewish life, upon the long-familiar normative texts? The conference on "Halakhah in Light of Epigraphy" was intended to generate discussion on these broad issues, as well as to provide a forum for exploration of specific matters of halakhah reflected in the epigraphic sources. The papers in this volume tend to emphasize the centrality of halakhah in ancient Judaism.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Between Symbolism and Realism: The Use of Symbolic and Non-Symbolic Language in Ancient Jewish Apocalypses 333-63 B.C.E.
Bennie H. Reynolds analyzes of the language (poetics) of ancient Jewish historical apocalypses. He investigates how the dramatis personae, i.e., deities, angels/demons, and humans are described in the Book of Daniel (chapters 2, 7, 8, and 10-12) the Animal Apocalypse (1 Enoch 85-90), 4QFourKingdoms(a-b) ar, the Book of the Words of Noah (1QapGen 5 29-18?), the Apocryphon of Jeremiah C, and 4QPseudo-Daniel(a-b) ar. The primary methodologies for this study are linguistic- and motif-historical analysis and the theoretical framework is informed by a wide range of ancient and modern thinkers including Artemidorus of Daldis, Ferdinand de Saussure, Charles Peirce, Leo Oppenheim, Claude Levi-Strauss, and Umberto Eco. The most basic contention of this study is that the data now available from the Dead Sea Scrolls significantly alter how one should conceive of the genre apocalypse in the Hellenistic Period. This basic contention is borne out by five primary conclusions. For example, while some apocalypses employ symbolic language to describe the actors in their historical reviews, others use non-symbolic language. Some texts, especially from the Book of Daniel, are mixed cases. Among the apocalypses that use symbolic language, a limited and stable repertoire of symbols obtain across the genre and bear witness to a series of conventional associations. While several apocalypses do not use symbolic ciphers to encode their historical actors, they often use cryptic language that may have functioned as a group-specific language. The language of apocalypses indicates that these texts were not the domain of only one social group or even one type or size of social group.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Book of Ezekiel and Mesopotamian City Laments
This study is a comparison of the book of Ezekiel with the well-known city lament genre of ancient Mesopotamia. Nine shared features are analyzed and explained. These features derive from the work of F.W. Dobbs-Allsopp and his comparison of biblical Lamentations with city laments of Mesopotamia. This material provides a fruitful point of comparison, one that is more than coincidental given Ezekiel s geographical location in Nippur (the provenience of one of the five historical city laments). Compelling comparative evidence reveals that the lament genre is reflected in the book of Ezekiel and was used as a matrix for its compilation. Ezekiel s usage of the city lament genre is, perhaps, the key to understanding the organizational structure of much of the book along with its various themes.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Sahidic 1 Samuel A Daughter Version of the Septuagint 1 Reigns
The Sahidic version of 1 Samuel is an ancient daughter version of the Septuagint. Because the Sahidic translation was made before most of the Greek manuscripts we know were copied, it potentially contains ancient readings no longer preserved or only faintly attested in the Greek tradition. This study considers the Sahidic version of 1 Samuel as a translation and how it may best be used in Greek textual criticism. The aim of this study is twofold. First, to examine the translation technique of the Sahidic translator. Second, to analyze the affiliations between the Sahidic manuscripts as well as the affiliations between the Sahidic version and Greek traditions. In the translation-technical section, clause connections and translator s additions feature prominently. In the chapter concerning the affiliations of the Sahidic text, detailed textual analyses prevail. These analyses describe the textual character of each Sahidic manuscript, and search for the existence of secondary readings and/or corruptions. This study supports the creation of a new critical edition of the Septuagint of 1 Samuel for the Göttingen series. With respect to this edition, the primary goal is to identify the affiliations of the Sahidic version. This translation-technical study, however, will additionally allow for a more careful and accurate citation of the Sahidic version within the critical apparatus of the Greek text.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG A Story of the Souls Journey in the Nag Hammadi Library: A Study of Authentikos Logos (NHC VI,3)
Authentikos Logos (NHC VI,3), also known as Authoritative Teaching,is a little studied story of a souls descent and ascent in the Nag Hammadi library. With her book Ulla Tervahauta fills a gap in the scholarship and provide the first monograph-length study that has this writingas its primary focus. The aim is to find a place and context for Authentikos Logos within early Christianity, but Tervahauta also adds new insight into the scholarship of the Nag Hammadi Library and study of early Christianity. Contrary to the usual discussion of the Nag Hammadi writings from the viewpoint of Gnostic studies, she argues that Authentikos Logos is best approached from the context of Christian traditions of late ancient Egypt between the third and the fifth centuries. Tervahauta discusses the story of the souls journey in light of various Christian and Platonic writings. Also, she analyses the relationship of Authentikos Logos with the Valentinian Wisdom myth and suggests that no firm evidence connects the writing closely with Valentinian traditions. And although a Platonic mind-set can be assumed, the writing combines motifs in a unique manner. For example, the four epithets used in the writing the invisible soul, the pneumatic soul, the material soul, and the rational soul are not found thus combined elsewhere. Discussion of matter (hyle) is connected with Christian scriptural allusions and the focus is on ethics and the evilness of matter. The body, on the other hand, is the souls place of contest and progress. The Pauline term pneumatic body (1 Cor 15:44) is used allusively and from a Platonic perspective. With this book Ulla Tervahauta makes an important contribution to the study of early Christianity in late ancient Egypt by discussing a writing thatshows knowledge and creative combination of literary traditions that circulated in late ancient Egypt.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The True Human Being: The Figure of Jesus in K.E. Logstrup's Thought
The aim of Odgaard Møllers book is threefold: The first main section seeks to clarify how and why Jesus is presented in the pre-1968 writings of the Danish theologian and philosopher K.E. Løgstrup (1905-1981). Throughout his work, Løgstrups main focus has been a rehabilitation of the insight that life is something definite, because it is created. Here, Jesus primarily plays a methodological/strategic role as the one confirming and giving witness to Løgstrups interpretation of created life in a given time of his authorship. When faith in creation is formulated polemically against another interpretation of life, Jesus serves as Løgstrups ally in this discussion. In the second main section, this examination is extrapolated to include a discussion with Bultmann and two of his students in order to clarify the character of his Christology, not least whether -- or in what way -- this can be characterised as implicit Christology. Finally, in the light of Ricoeurs hermeneutic philosophy of religion, the third main section considers the systematic-theological validity of this picture of Jesus. The overall conclusion can be summed up in this way: The main line in Løgstrups work goes from created life to the human being Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus incarnates created life; therefore he is the true human being. This close connection between (created) Life and (true) Human Being is the kernel in Løgstrups thought. This makes his perception of Jesus and his Christology distinctive, original and specifically Løgstrupian.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Messianism in the Old Greek of Isaiah: An Intertextual Analysis
Abi T. Ngunga explores the theme of messianism in the entire corpus of the Old Greek of Isaiah (LXX-Isaiah). This is done through the lens of an intertextual hermeneutic employed by the Isaiah translator as a mode of reading this text.Its introductory chapter looks at the need in scholarship to investigate the topic of messianism in the Greek Bible in general, and in the whole of the LXX-Isaiah in particular. After dealing with a few issues related to the LXX-Isaiah as a translation, Ngunga also surveys thoroughly the topic of intertextuality from its inception to its use in biblical studies including LXX research. Particular attention is given to its application in research done, to date, on the Greek text of Isaiah.Chapter two re-examines a few arguments pertinent to the scholarly opinion that messianic hopes were not prominent among the Alexandrian Jews in comparison to their co-religionists in Palestine. It also explores the relationships between the non-Jewish citizens of the Ptolemaic kingdom and the Alexandrian Jews, with the aim to ascertain the legitimacy of investigating the theme of messianism in a piece of Jewish literature such as the LXX-Isaiah authored in the Hellenistic period. Chapter three analyses in-depth nine selected messianic passages within the LXX-Isaiah (7:10-17; 9:1-7(8:23-9:6); 11:1-10; 16:1-5; 19:16-25; 31:9-32:8; 42:1-4; 52:13-53:12; and 61:1-3a). The study concludes by highlighting the detected particular messianic imprints left on the LXX-Isaiah. Given the results, the study dismisses any doubt concerning the contention that there is a dynamic messianic thought running through the whole of the Greek Isaiah. It also sheds some light on the understanding of some of the messianic beliefs later echoed in early Christianity.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Weisheit Salomos
The "Wisdom of Salomo", or Sapientia Salomonisin Latin, is one of the most linguistically sophisticated books of the Greek Old Testament. It covers timeless theological and philosophical questions. Thus, its great age - 2000 years - is hardly noticeable, and Martin Luther's praise of the text as "containing much good, and well worth reading" is still valid today.The first part presents justice as a guideline especially for the powerful. They are called on the love justice and seek God. They need to learn wisdom, as the second part states. The third and longest part of the text describes how wisdom came to the rescue of Adam, Joseph, Mose, and many others.The present volume provides an introduction and a new translation which does not require previous theological knowledge.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Esra-Apokalypse
The apocalypse of Ezra was written as response to the desperate situation of the Jewish people after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem (70 AD) around 100 AD. The writer projected the story to the Babylonian exile in the year 597 BC and thus demonstrated that distress and burden are universal for all mankind. The experience of the suffering of the righteous raises the question why a good God permits evil in the world. In his despair, the protagonist addresses God in a daring way, looking for understanding. He seeks answers why God acts apparently unjustly towards his people. In three episodes he debates this problem with an angel who was sent by God. The four following episodes are arranged as visions, in which the events before the eschatological judgment are revealed. Rise and decline of the last kingdoms are foreshadowed, the coming of the Messiah prophesied, and eventually it is promised that the righteous will be saved on account of his faith and his trust in the almighty God.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Christ Identity: A Social-Scientific Reading of Philippians 2.5-11
Sergio Rosell Nebreda focuses on how the Philippian Christ-followers received Paul's letter. The social, historical, literary, rhetorical, anthropological and theological elements are dealt with in order to understand the effect Paul wanted to achieve.The main thesis of the book is that the apostle Paul, who greatly suffered at Philippi, and writing from a prison, desires to affect the Philippians believers to acquire a Christ-orientation based on the values expressed in the Christ-hymn. Phlp 2, 5-11 forms the core of Paul's theological narrative that aims at constructing a sense of imitatio and conformatio in the Christ-following community. Paul uses a 'friendly' style in his letters in order to produce rapport and trust in the community, presenting himself as examplum ad imitando, after that of Christ. It is because Paul so fully identifies with Christ's orientation in life that the apostle presents himself as a slave of Jesus Christ.In the midst of a society ill with the desire for honour and power, the Christ narrative stands as a radical call for an alternative life-style, based on the exercise of humility which seeks the interest of others rather than focusing on one's own needs and desires. Paul insists on the basis of the Christ-hymn that such a life-style reveals God's character and it is therefore a life rewarded. Through the use of Social Identity Theory this book evaluates how ancient people constructed their group identity in daily life and how through a seemingly inferior model (that of Christ's kenosis in 2, 5-11) the community receives a re-definition of values which are according to God's values, and who has the last word in history. Paul thus presents an alternative and viable way of life in the midst of a society he knows well.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG »What is Human?«: Theological Encounters with Anthropology
Already Scripture asks many questions regarding anthropological problems. In the 20th century, the scholarly field of anthropology has become a lot more complex heuristically, methodically and hermeneutically. Therefore, modern research needs to answer arisen questions considering a wide range of disciplines: Sociology, Philosophy, Ethics and also Empirical Research. This volume is an interdisciplinary project within theology. Contributions seek to not only reflect the state of the art in anthropological research from a theological point of view, but also provide a theological interpretation of one virulent question: What is a Human?
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG King and Temple in Chronicles: A Contextual Approach to their Relations
Starting with an exegesis of the book of Chronicles as a single corpus, Jozef Tino sees the king-temple relationship as the leitmotiv of Chronicles. He shows that the Chronicler expresses a specific attitude to the kingship ideology and examines the text from the perspective of its relations with the post-exilic theological traditions when only the Temple in Jerusalem was a living institution but the monarchy was a mere memory from the distant past. Thereby this study offers a new perspective on the whole of Chronicles.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG From Most Ancient Sources: The Nature and Text-Critical Use of the Greek Old Testament Text of the Complutensian Polyglot Bible
The Complutenser Polyglotte was a monument not only to its editors, but also to the culture and time in which it was created. Séamus OConnells study provides a focused view of Spanish science and early modern intellectual culture, showing how the Hellenists of Alcalá edited and compiled their manuscripts. By placing the Greek text of the Old Testament of the Complutenser Polyglot in the historical framework of the Greek text editions of the Old Testament, he is embarking on a new research direction that provides valuable impulses for further research in this area.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Liederkunde zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch. Heft 26
Die Liederkunde bietet hymnologisch und theologisch fundierte Kommentare zu Text und Musik von verschiedenen Liedern aus dem Evangelischen Gesangbuch.In Heft 26 werden diese Lieder aus dem Evangelischen Gesangbuch kommentiert:EG 194O Gott, du höchster GnadenhortEG 212Voller Freude über dieses WunderEG 367Herr, wie du willst, so schicks mit mirEG 384Lasset uns mit Jesus ziehenEG 389Ein reines Herz, Herr, schaff in mirEG 415Liebe, du ans Kreuz für uns erhöhteEG 435Dona nobis pacemEG 458Wir danken Gott für seine GabenEG 463Alle guten GabenEG 526Jesus, meine Zuversicht
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Fundraising in der Hospiz- und Trauerarbeit – ein Praxisbuch
Die Aufgaben in der Hospiz- und Palliativarbeit und in anderen gemeinnützigen Vereinen und Organisationen werden immer komplexer. Dazu zählt auch das Fundraising als Generierung von Spenden und Ressourcen, denn die Einrichtungen sind zu einem Teil auf Spenden und ehrenamtliche Mitarbeit angewiesen. Für das Fundraising im Trauerbereich bietet dieses Buch handfeste Unterstützung: Mit einem Praxischeck ist zunächst schnell zu erkennen, was in einer Organisation gut läuft, aber vor allem auch, was noch besser werden könnte. Die Autoren präsentieren eine Menge praktischer Ideen für Veranstaltungen und Kampagnen, die schnell und einfach umsetzbar sind, auch unter Nutzung des dazugehörigen Download-Materials.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Von der gespaltenen zur verbundenen Lebensführung: Systemische Wege für das alltägliche Leben
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Langsame Fahrt voraus - die Kunst ethischen Reflektierens: Leidfaden 2019, Heft 1
People in serious illness, crises, suffering and grief are particularly vulnerable in their reliance on the support and help of others. Therefore, all full-time and voluntary workers involved should always reflect ethically on their offers and their actions towards them in order not to "run over" them in their dependency, not to exploit them or even to enrich themselves with them. It is always important to respect the values of the sick, suffering person, to respect his dignity. Practiced ethics lead to pausing in everyday life and then to systematic, discursive reflection on the often opposing values of care and autonomy. Doing no additional damage to sufferers should be taken for granted, but everyone knows counterexamples. Special ethical challenges arise in the treatment and support of suffering people with regard to fairness in the distribution of resources, for example with people from other cultures, with seriously ill people whose hope is to be supported without senseless (possibly self-paid) treatment attempts, as well in observing the wishes of the dying. And how does the volunteer companion deal with cross-border behavior in interaction? What ethical considerations are important when advising believers of other religions? This booklet is dedicated to the importance of ethics in counseling, support and treatment of suffering people.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Alfred Adlers Wiener Kreise in Politik, Literatur und Psychoanalyse: Beiträge zur Geschichte der Individualpsychologie
Alfred Adler war in seiner FrÃ"hzeit, vor und nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg, stark interessiert sowohl an gesellschaftspolitischen als auch an literarischen Fragen, so dass er offen war fÃ"r moderne, avantgardistische, auch oppositionell-politische Strömungen und Zeitgenossen. So wird hier eine ganze Reihe von spannenden, unerwarteten Querverbindungen aufgedeckt, die Einblicke in die Zeit und ein facettenreiches Bild von Adler ergeben. Aus der Verankerung Alfred Adlers in seinem intellektuellen, kÃ"nstlerischen, politischen Umfeld in Wien hatte sich die Adler'sche Schule bis in die 1930er Jahren weiterentwickelt.Das Buch versammelt vorwiegend bereits verstreut veröffentlichte und hier grundlegend Ã"berarbeitete Aufsätze zu Adlers kulturpolitischem Auftreten und dem seiner Umgebung. Es geht um das Verhältnis zur Psychoanalyse, um seinen Stand in der Wissenschaft, um Literaturinterpretation, um die expressionistische, sozialistische und pazifistische Szene, um Adlers Einstellung zum Ersten Weltkrieg und um Adlers engere Anhänger, die sehr selbstständig eigene Sichtweisen entwickelten und auch politisch radikale Phasen durchlebten.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Voices of Freedom Western Interference?: 60 Years of Radio Free Europe
In the clashes between "West" and "East" in the Cold War, broadcasters took on a new meaning: unlike traditional print media, radio waves were able to penetrate the Iron Curtain. In May 1951, the American Radio Free Europe (RFE) began broadcasting in Munich. It employed emigrants who, with their programs for their home countries, provided alternative coverage of the country's political and social situation as well as "Western" culture. While the socialist states tried to prevent the reception of RFE, for many people in Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria, the station was one of the few alternative sources of information for decades. Although RFE thus has great significance for the (re) establishment of democracy in Eastern Europe, the history of the station has hardly been explored so far. The contributions in this volume approach the topic from different perspectives. They shed light on the political background and analyze the changing journalistic practice, program content and the reception of the programs. The volume thus presents the current state of research on the subject. It includes contributions by established scientists and younger researchers from Europe and the USA, and memories of contemporary witnesses complete the volume.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Staatssozialismen im Vergleich: Staatspartei Sozialpolitik Opposition
Am Beispiel der Sowjetunion, Polens, der Tschechoslowakei, Ungarns, Rumäniens, Bulgariens, der DDR sowie der Sonderfälle Jugoslawien und Albanien analysieren die Autoren des Bandes drei Forschungsfelder, die für Bestand und Stabilität der staatssozialistischen Systeme von zentraler Bedeutung waren: die Staatsparteien als monopolistische Herrschaftsträger, die Sozialpolitik als wichtigstes Medium der Herrschaftslegitimation und die Rolle von Opposition und Widerstand infolge des Scheiterns autokratischer Regimelegitimierung.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Praktiken und Räume des Wissens: Expertenkulturen in Geschichte und Gegenwart
Ob Juristen, Mediziner oder Ökonomen – Expertenfiguren prägen bereits seit Jahrhunderten die okzidentalen Gesellschaften. Als Träger und Verwalter exklusiver Wissensbestände haben sie eine soziale Sonderstellung inne. Denn sie bestimmen maßgeblich die Zugänglichkeit, Organisation und Ausformung des verfügbaren Wissens und behaupten auf diese Weise eine weitreichende Machtposition, die häufig Kritik provoziert. Gleichwohl sind sie ihrerseits ebenso von den Nicht-Experten abhängig, ist die Expertenrolle doch wesentlich ein Produkt sozialer Aushandlungsprozesse: Experte ist man nicht, man wird es durch die eigene wie auch die fremde Zuschreibung spezifischen Wissens. Der Expertenstatus beruht so zu weiten Teilen auf Momenten der Selbstdarstellung und Inszenierung, auf Symboliken und Habitus. Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Bandes nehmen aus der Perspektive unterschiedlicher Disziplinen europäische und außereuropäische Kulturen diese Mechanismen in Expertenkulturen vom 12. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert in den Blick. Anhand etwa von Wirtschaftsexperten der Gegenwart und von mittelalterlichen Astrologen, niederländischen Nautik-Expertisen der frühen Neuzeit und japanischen Rechtsexperten werden Legitimations- und Kommunikationsstrategien sowie Wissens- und Handlungsformen von Experten sichtbar gemacht.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Lustrum Band 62 -- 2020
The research report on Ovid's Metamorphoses, written in English, was prepared by a research team from the University of Huelva led by Antonio Ramírez de Verger and Luis Rivero García and critically reviews the almost unmanageable literature on what is probably the most widely read and most researched work of Roman poetry at present. The first of two parts focuses on works on the history of transmission and textual criticism of the metamorphoses, as well as works on aspects of the work that have been particularly intensively researched in recent decades: i.a. Generic issues, religion, cult and magic, love, sexuality and gender.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Politisches Entscheiden im Kalten Krieg: Orte, Praktiken und Ressourcen in Ost und West
Anyone who is interested in the critical intensifications in Cold War politics cannot avoid analyzing the cultures of decision-making behind these processes. As a top event, the Cuban Missile Crisis stands for how setting the wrong course on the part of the politicians involved could have led the world to the nuclear war. "Whoever shoots first is dead second," was how an American general summed up the game theory dilemma in these decades. But not only in the military, but also in many other political contexts, West and East confronted each other politically, economically and with regard to the respective social policy and shaped their own styles of decision-making in delimitation and in parallel with each other. The competition to the respective opponent, the belief in the feasibility of political visions and the control of society drove the theoretical as well as practical efforts. How politicians in East and West, in their heads, but also in the subordinate instances, designed and carried out the decision-making process, how to get advice from experts in science and business in these processes, and in which way political institutions received and processed information - These are the key questions in this volume, which the authors address using various case studies from the USA and USSR, FRG, GDR and Czechoslovakia.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Die Evakuierung der Deutschen aus der Slowakei 1944/45: Verlauf, Kontexte, Folgen
In the autumn of 1944, Heinrich Himmler ordered the evacuation of the German population from east-central and south-east Europe. The reason was the advance of the Soviet troops to the west. Can this evacuation, as happened mainly in German memory after 1945, be simply understood as a humanitarian measure in the interest of the civilian population threatened by war? Or weren't the objectives of the National Socialist war policy behind it? This book presents the results of a German-Slovak research project. Using the example of the Germans in Slovakia, backgrounds, processes and relationships of the evacuation in the years 1944-1945 are examined, which until now have mostly only been assigned to the complex of flight and displacement. A special focus is on the general development in the region, where, as a result of hostilities, the Slovak civilians fled in parallel. One of the central results of the present study is that National Socialist politics also had a significant influence on what was happening. The evacuation policy of the German Wehrmacht and persecution measures against Jews, Roma and political opponents are also taken into account. At the end of the volume there is an outlook on the consequences for those affected and the historical-political classification of the evacuation in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Tschernobylkinder: Die transnationale Geschichte einer nuklearen Katastrophe
Text in German. After the Chernobyl disaster, more than a million children and young people were sent on trips with thousands of accompanying persons in order to recover from radiation exposure, but increasingly also from everyday life in the (post) Soviet collapsed society. A dense transnational network of NGOs and private individuals formed around these "Chernobyl children". It took on more and more tasks that the state could no longer perform. The worldwide commitment that began with the opening of the Soviet Union contributed to making the nuclear accident, which in large parts of the world was initially considered to be "typically Soviet", as a transnational catastrophe, making the reality of the catastrophe visible and perceptible in everyday life hundreds of thousands of people in Europe and North America. Arndt shows how the "Chernobyl Children" became both witnesses and representatives of a declining political system and the dissolution of the bipolar world order.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Eine Theaterlandschaft für Belgrad: Verflechtungen nationaler und europäischer Theaterpraktiken 1841--1914
In the 19th century, Belgrade developed from an Ottoman-influenced provincial town to the capital of a nation-state. In this cultural history of the Belgrade theater landscape of the 19th and early 20th centuries, Marija Đokić shows that Serbian and European theater practices entered into a productive exchange and contributed to the formation of a national identity, the Europeanization of the Western Balkans and the emergence of the Yugoslav idea. The innovative study is based on a broad concept of theater, which not only focuses on the Serbian national theater, but also on music theater, variety shows or the circus. Đokić also explores the transnational interdependencies of the Belgrade theater world and the importance of the microcosm of theater for the cultural history of the young Balkan state. In this way, she manages to paint a fundamentally new picture of the Belgrade theater landscape and Serbian society between 1841 and 1914.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Verstümmelte Körper?: Lebenswelten und soziale Praktiken von Kastratensängern in Mitteleuropa 1712-1844
Verstümmelte Körper? Kastratensänger standen bislang vor allem im Mittelpunkt des Forschungsinteresses der Musik- und Theaterwissenschaften. Dabei wurden vor allem ihr Wirken auf den Bühnen des italienischen Musiktheaters des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts oder die Rezeption der hohen Männerstimme auf das barocke Publikum beleuchtet. Die vorliegende geschichtswissenschaftliche Studie konzentriert sich hingegen auf die Personen als soziale Akteure in der Spätphase dieses Phänomens im 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhundert, wobei exemplarisch vier mitteleuropäische Fürstenhöfe (Wien, München, Dresden, Stuttgart) in den Blick genommen werden. In detaillierten Analysen der Lebenswelten des Hofes und der Residenzstadt fächert die Autorin auf, welchen hohen Stellenwert Kastratensänger innerhalb der höfischen Machtrepräsentation bis zum Schluss besaßen, wie sie sich innerhalb höfischer Anstellungsstrukturen immer wieder erneut positionierten, mit den Bewohnern der Residenzstädte interagierten und welche wichtigen Rollen sie gegenüber Familienangehörigen einnahmen. Insbesondere durch die Untersuchung des individuellen Umgangs mit dem vermeintlichen körperlichen Defizit kann sie zeigen, dass die Annahme, Kastraten seien in der Endphase ihres Bestehens grundsätzlich als defizitäre "verstümmelte Körper" wahrgenommen worden, revidiert werden muss. Auf diese Weise leistet die Autorin einen innovativen Beitrag zur Kultur- und Geschlechtergeschichte am Übergang von der Frühen Neuzeit ins 19. Jahrhundert.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG The Crisis of Socialist Modernity: The Soviet Union and Yugoslavia in the 1970s
In the 1970s industry in the West had reached its limits, precipitating a major discussion about how to solve the crisis. But what was going on in Eastern Europe parallel to this development? Were any similar trends being registered? The authors of this volume pursue the answers to these questions by studying the politics, economics, social and cultural movements of that time in the multiethnic countries of Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. It becomes clear that these two countries were themselves in the midst of a latent crisis resulting from the global developments around them and from their own internal conflicts. The symptoms of this crisis were well known in expert circles, but not registered fully by either the political leaders or the citizens at large.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Staatssicherheit und KSZE-Prozess: MfS zwischen SED und KGB (19721989)
The book analyzes the role, activities and influence of the East German Ministry of State Security (MfS or Stasi) not only in connection with the Conference for Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) and its follow-up conferences (i. e., the "CSCE Process"), but also in terms of limiting its influence upon East German society in terms of improved human rights and increased human contacts between East and West. On the one hand, the MfS supported the hard line of the East German party and state leadership in the CSCE process - also, when necessary, in opposition to the Soviet Union. On the other hand, the MfS supported Moscow's demands - also communicated by its "fraternal organ", the KGB - that the East German leadership should conduct a policy of strict "delimitation" (Abgrenzung) with regard to West Germany in order to seal Germany's division. In general, Minister of State Security Erich Mielke supported the hardest possible line toward West Germany, whether as a representative of the East German Party leadership with regard to Moscow or as a supporter of Moscow's hard line for the GDR towards West Germany within the SED regime. However, the economic weakness of the GDR and the Soviet Union, further exacerbated by the arms race with NATO and especially the U.S. in the 1980's, led to concessions by both regimes to the West both within and outside of the CSCE process that further limited the possibilities of the MfS in terms of repressing East German dissidents. More importantly, this was also the case with regard to the growing movement to emigrate from the GDR to West Germany that had developed in response to the GDR's signing of the CSCE Final Act in Helsinki in August 1975. In the end, the Stasi, which had always been a "servant of two masters" - i. e. the East German Party and the Soviet Union, represented by the KGB - could no longer keep the domestic effects arising from the CSCE process and détente under control because of the concessions of its two erstwhile "masters" to the West.
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Authority and Performance: Sociological Perspectives on the Council of Chalcedon (AD 451)
The importance of the church councils of the 5th and 6th centuries can not be overstated. They give important insights into the late Roman Empire and the role of the church at that time. The Council of Chalcedon (AD 451) is the most outstanding event of its time due to its rich source, dramatic nature and historical significance. The decisions of the Council led in the Greek Church to heavy upheavals, which continue to this day. Hagit Amirav examines for the first time the social dynamics and the different roles of the actors, the power plays of the imperial deputies and the bishops, their gestures and rhetoric, which should serve the consensus finding. At the center of the analysis is Markian in his dual role as Eastern Roman Emperor and as the central figure of the Greek Church.