Search results for ""Pocket""
Pearson Education (US) APA Style of Documentation, The: A Pocket Guide
This concise, economical pocket guide is a handy reference for finding, evaluating, and citing sources, APA documentation, and avoiding plagiarism.
Pearson Education (US) Writer's FAQs, The: A Pocket Handbook, MLA Update
For courses in First-Year Composition. This version of The Writer's FAQs: A Pocket Handbook has been updated to reflect the 8th Edition of the MLA Handbook (April 2016)* Writing techniques, organized by student questions This pocket-sized handbook is an easy-to-use, go-to guide that answers questions students have about grammar, punctuation, and research. Clear explanations are supplemented with engaging visual aids. Its lucid instruction, visual design, and authentic examples make The Writer's FAQs a favorite among those instructors who want their students to have a useful handbook that fits (in) their pocket. The Sixth Edition engages students with new illustrations, explanations, and research aids that strengthen practical writing skills useful in any future career. * The 8th Edition introduces sweeping changes to the philosophy and details of MLA works cited entries. Responding to the “increasing mobility of texts,” MLA now encourages writers to focus on the process of crafting the citation, beginning with the same questions for any source. These changes, then, align with current best practices in the teaching of writing which privilege inquiry and critical thinking over rote recall and rule-following.
Equinox Publishing Ltd Key Terms for Language Teachers: A Pocket Guide
The main purpose of this Pocket Guide is to ensure that a clear and accurate definition of key terms and aspects of language learning and teaching is provided to the reader. Curriculum and language teaching materials must be genuinely informed by what we know about the nature and role of language and language acquisition. This Pocket Guide peels back the complexity of some of the key terms and aspects in language learning and teaching to reveal some basic notions that readers should know about. Key features of this guide are: easy, reader friendly style with no citations jargon avoided where possible and technical terms explained in context summaries of main points provided suggestions for additional readings Eighteen main entries are chosen for the Pocket Guide. Each entry is easily readable and accessible to specialist and non-specialist readers. It is written avoiding a scholarly style and tone using a reader-friendly approach. Key readings are provided at the end of each entry. Each entry contains the following features: Can we take a minute to think about this? What is the nature and role of....? What are the main points? What else can we read?
Boosey & Hawkes Inc Funeral Song op 5 Hawkes Pocket Scores Orchestra Study Score BH 13357 Hawkes Pocket Score 1592
Hardie Grant Explore Lisbon Pocket Precincts: A Pocket Guide to the City's Best Cultural Hangouts, Shops, Bars and Eateries
Schiffer Publishing Ltd A Pocket Guide to Pink Depression Era Glass
During the Great Depression, glass companies turned to machine made methods to produce inexpensive, colorful glass. Pink was the most popular color of glassware then and has retained its popularity in the present day. Pocket Guide to Pink Depression Era Glass, with Price Guide, the first book of its kind to extensively cover only Depression Era pink glass, contains over 200 color photographs. Examples of forty-five patterns and brief histories of glass companies are included along with a chapter of incidental pieces from such firms as Bartlett-Collins, Cambridge, Federal, Fostoria, Hazel-Atlas, Imperial, Westmoreland, and others. Authors Monica Lynn Clements and Patricia Rosser Clements have created an indispensable guide for anyone who collects Depression Era glass or enjoys the beauty of pink glassware.
Wesleyan University Press Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand
Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand is a science fiction masterpiece, an essay on the inexplicability of sexual attractiveness, and an examination of interstellar politics among far-flung worlds. First published in 1984, the novel's central issues-technology, globalization, gender, sexuality, and multiculturalism-have only become more pressing with the passage of time.The novel's topic is information itself: What are the repercussions, once it has been made public, that two individuals have been found to be each other's perfect erotic object out to "point nine-nine-nine and several nines percent more"? What will it do to the individuals involved, to the city they inhabit, to their geosector, to their entire world society, especially when one is an illiterate worker, the sole survivor of a world destroyed by "cultural fugue," and the other is-you!
Moleskine Moleskine 2025 12Month Weekly Horizontal Pocket Softcover Notebook
The Moleskine Horizontal Weekly Diary/Planner is dated from January to December.Formatted in a horizontal format to show each week on a two page spread (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday on the left, Thursday, Friday and Saturday/Sunday on the right), this popular planner/diary style is perfect for viewing the week at a glance.- Dated from January to December 2025- Black soft cover- Rounded corners, elastic closure and matching ribbon bookmark- Ivory-colored, 70 g/m², acid-free paper- Useful tools: calendar, travel planning, ideas and goals, ruled pages for notes- Stickers to customize your plans and year stickers for the spine- Color-coordinated expandable inner pocket- ''In case of loss'' notice printed on the flyleaf- Lies flat, opens at 180°- Dimensions, 3.5 x 5.5- The paper of this Moleskine object is made of material from well-managed, FSC®-certified forests and other controlled sources.
Skyhorse Publishing The Pocket Small Business Owner's Guide to Taxes
When does nontaxable business income become taxable? How do you calculate the cost of goods sold? What can be deducted? What is a fixed asset? This no-nonsense guide answers these common questions and more, empowering small business owners to understand how and why they are taxed and maximize their deductions. You’ll learn when depreciation begins, how to classify payments to employees, how to track inventory and sales, and strategies for successful accounting.Coverage also includes: Tax benefits for employers Business classifications S corporation tax issues Deductible expenses Retirement plans Shareholder loans Family employee payroll And more Taxes can be intimidating and confusing, especially for a small business owner who may have only handled individual taxes in the past. Understanding the tax system is essential for all small business owners, whether they are filing on their own or with the help of an accountant. When it comes to running your finances, knowledge is power, and The Pocket Small Business Owner's Guide to Taxes puts the power in your hands!
F.A. Davis Company OB/GYN Peds Notes: Nurse's Clinical Pocket Guide
A Davis’s Notes TitlePerfect wherever you are…in class, in clinical, and in any practice setting! This handy guide delivers quick access to the essential clinical information you need to care for obstetric, gynecological, newborn, and pediatric patients in any setting. The 4th Edition of this popular pocket guide has been thoroughly revised and updated to reflect nursing practice today. New, Updated & Revised! Thoroughly updated and revised throughout to reflect the art and science of nursing today, including the latest guidelines, warning signs, and patient care for common procedures during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.New! Coverage of families dealing with newborn anomaly, birth injury, or fetal demise, the high-risk or ill newborn, and nursing care of children and families dealing with end-of-life issues.New! Content on assessment and nursing care of the opioid-addicted mother/newborn and nursing care of the child with cerebral palsy.New! Content on pediatric blood pressure assessment and charts.Updated & Revised! The most current guidelines, including ACOG Pap Smear, CDC Immunization in Pregnancy, ACOG and ACS Mammography, and ACOG and ACS Breast Self-Exam and Breast Self-Awareness.Updated & Revised! Information on birth control and emergency contraception choices, pain control in labor, breastfeeding, safety teaching tips, and cultural competence guidance.Updated! AWHONN practice guidelines for postpartum hemorrhage and ACOG guidelines for vaginal birth after cesarean section guide.Updated & Revised! Terminology and definitions.
Flame Tree Publishing Bodleian Libraries: High Jinks Bookshelves (Foiled Pocket Journal)
A FLAME TREE NOTEBOOK. Beautiful and luxurious the journals combine high-quality production with magnificent art. Perfect as a gift, and an essential personal choice for writers, notetakers, travellers, students, poets and diarists. Features a wide range of well-known and modern artists, with new artworks published throughout the year. BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED. The highly crafted covers are printed on foil paper, embossed then foil stamped, complemented by the luxury binding and rose red end-papers. The covers are created by our artists and designers who spend many hours transforming original artwork into gorgeous 3d masterpieces that feel good in the hand and look wonderful on a desk or table. PRACTICAL, EASY TO USE. Flame Tree Notebooks come with practical features too: a pocket at the back for scraps and receipts; two ribbon markers to help keep track of more than just a to-do list; robust ivory text paper, printed with lines; and when you need to collect other notes or scraps of paper the magnetic side flap keeps everything neat and tidy. THE ARTIST. The Bodleian Library is one of the oldest libraries in Europe and is the main research library of the University of Oxford. It holds over 13 million printed items and these book spines are just a few examples of the beautiful objects in the Library’s collection. THE FINAL WORD. As William Morris said, "Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."
Stonewood Press Philip Levine’s Good Ear: (Thumbprint Pocket Book): 2018
APA Publications Berlitz Pocket Guide Sydney (Travel Guide with Dictionary)
APA Publications Berlitz Pocket Guide Iceland (Travel Guide) (Travel Guide)
APA Publications Berlitz Pocket Guide Stockholm (Travel Guide with Dictionary)
Penguin Random House South Africa Pocket Guide Tracks and Tracking in Southern Africa
This handy guide provides simple tools to help interpret the tracks and signs of some 105 southern African mammals, reptiles, frogs and birds. Photographs and diagnostic spoor illustrations are given for each animal, along with information on behaviour, habits and habitat, and up-to-date distribution maps show where the animals occur. Special features on insects and scat supplement the text and a detailed introduction offers basic guidelines for learning how to become a tracker. Sales points: Clear illustrations of more than 125 animal tracks. 175 full-colour photographs. Special features on insects and scat. Author expertise well recognised in this field.
5M Books Ltd A Pocket Guide to Poultry Health and Disease
Viz Media, Subs. of Shogakukan Inc Pokemon The Complete Pokemon Pocket Guide Vol. 1
A new full-color series that includes stats on 898 Pokémon!A massive newly revised guide that covers 898 Pokémon! Fully illustrated and totally comprehensive, this two-volume series includes full-color pictures, descriptions, and stats on Abilities, moves, and Evolutions!This first volume of a two-book set, organized by Pokédex number, includes data on 442 Pokémon, from Bulbasaur to Spiritomb! Plus details on many regional, Gigantamax, and Mega Evolution forms!
Shambhala Publications Inc The Pocket Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai
DINGBATS Dingbats A6 Pocket Wildlife Grey Elephant Notebook Graphed
Notebook has a hardcover bound with PU leather (100% vegan)
DINGBATS Dingbats A6 Pocket Wildlife Green Deer Notebook Graphed
Notebook has a hardcover bound with PU leather (100% vegan)
DINGBATS Dingbats A6 Pocket Wildlife Brown Bear Notebook Lined
Notebook has a hardcover bound with PU leather (100% vegan)
John Murray Press NIV Pocket Black Bonded Leather Bible with Zip
With over 400 million Bibles in print, the New International Version is the world's most popular modern English Bible. It is renowned for its combination of reliability and readability. Fully revised and updated for the first time in 25 years, the NIV is ideal for personal reading, public teaching and group study.This Bible also features: - clear, readable 6.75pt text- easy-to-read layout - shortcuts to key stories, events and people of the Bible - reading plan - timeline - book by book overview - quick links to find inspiration and help from the Bible in different life situationsThis edition uses British spelling, punctuation and grammar to allow the Bible to be read more naturally.More about the translationThis revised and updated edition of the NIV includes three main types of change, taking into account changes in the way we use language day to day; advances in biblical scholarship and understanding; and the need to ensure that gender accurate language is used, to faithfully reflect whether men and women are referred to in each instance. The translators have carefully assessed a huge body of scholarship, as well as inviting peer submissions, in order to review every word of the existing NIV to ensure it remains as clear and relevant today as when it was first published.Royalties from all sales of the NIV Bible help Biblica, formerly the International Bible Society, in their work of translating and distributing Bibles around the world.
Random House USA Inc Pocket Guide to Chakras: Understanding Your Inner Energy
Hodder & Stoughton Mindfulness on the Go: Peace in Your Pocket
You lead a busy life. You're constantly running between tasks, notebook in one hand, iPhone in the other. You've probably read about the benefits of mindfulness, and added 'Start doing mindfulness' to your ever-growing to-do list but frankly, who has time to meditate every day, chant in the lotus position, or read long books on finding inner calm?This brilliant handbook is packed with suggestions for ways to help you slow down, refocus and practice a form of mindfulness that actually fits in with your hectic life. Wherever you're going, whatever you're doing, you can make these mindfulness techniques a seamless part of your daily routine, without having to put any special time aside for them - and so feel calmer and less stressed - at work, at home, as a parent, in your relationships or when travelling.
Gill Pocket Leprechaun Stories: Over 20 traditional Irish tales
These are stories of courage, love, betrayal, greed, stupidity, magic and miracles. Leprechaun gold has always been a great draw fo people with hardly any money, but, of course, the humans are taken for fools and the leprechauns win the day - every time! These stories will delight children of all ages -as they have for generations.
HarperCollins Publishers A Pocket Full of Rye (Marple, Book 7)
A wealthy family A fatal cup of tea Rex Fortescue was enjoying his morning cup of tea when he met his untimely end. Suspicions naturally turn to his wife. He was filthy rich, after all. Then she too is found dead. Strange clues have Scotland Yard’s finest minds scratching their heads. Poisoned marmalade. Dead blackbirds. A victim found with a pocketful of rye. It’s up to Jane Marple to put the pieces of this strange puzzle together… Never underestimate Miss Marple ‘Captivating and addictive, Agatha Christie's work never fails to delight.’Jean Kwok ‘This is the best of the novels starring Christie’s Miss Marple.’ New York Times
Hodder & Stoughton The Dads Pocket Bible Everything a father needs to know Everything a brilliant father needs to know Pocket Bibles
Periplus Editions Pocket Tagalog Dictionary: Tagalog-English English-Tagalog
It's never a good idea to be overly-relient on technology while traveling! Look up words quickly and easily with this great little Tagalog dictionary.Intended for use by tourists, students, and business people traveling to The Philippines Pocket Tagalog Dictionary is an essential tool for communication and a great way to learn Tagalog. It features all the critical Tagalog vocabulary appropriate for beginning to intermediate students. It's handy pocket format, and easy-to-read type will make any future trip to The Philippines much easier. In addition to being an excellent English to Tagalog dictionary and Tagalog to English dictionary, Pocket Tagalog Dictionary contains essential notes on the Tagalog language, Tagalog grammar and Tagalog pronunciation. All Filipino words are written in English and Tagalog so that in the case of difficulties the book can directly be shown to a native Tagalog speaker. This dictionary contains: The 3,000 most commonly used words in the Tagalog language. Tagalog-English and English-Tagalog sections. An introduction to and history of the Tagalog language. Information on Tagalog grammar. A guide to pronouncing Tagalog correctly. Other books from this bestselling series you might enjoy are Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary, Pocket Cambodian Dictionary, Pocket Thai Dictionary, Pocket Indonesian Dictionary, and Pocket Malay Dictionary.
FILOFAX Filofax Pocket Notebook refill plain paper white
White plain paper refill for the Filofax Pocket refillable notebook. Pack contains 32 sheets of 100gsm plain paper. Pocket size 90mm x 140mm.
LICENSED MERHANDISE Harry Potter History of Magic Pocket Notebook
History of Magic Pocket Notebook.
Moleskine Moleskine Sapphire Blue Pocket Ruled Notebook Hard
Moleskine brings more color to its notebooks. This Sapphire Blue version of the classic Ruled Pocket Notebook is perfect for writings, thoughts and passing notes. The color-coded bands reveal the notebook''s layout. The back of the paper banderole can be saved for later use. The ribbon, bookmark and expandable inner pocket match the cover color. Specifications: - Layout: Ruled Paper- Dimensions: 3-1/2 x 5-1/2- Hard Cover with elastic closure and bookmark ribbon.- Color: Sapphire Blue- Pages: 192- Expandable Inner-Pocket- Paper Weight: 70 gsm/47 lb.; FSC Certified Paper; Acid-Free (pH Neutral)
DK Pocket Genius Dogs Facts at Your Fingertips
Ideal for every young dog lover, Pocket Genius: Dogs is packed with information that makes learning about dogs even more exciting. How did dogs evolve? Find out! Read about dog anatomy, their senses, and their intelligence. With 194 catalog entries of individual dog breeds from Great Danes to tiny terriers, Pocket Genius: Dogs details each group from working dogs to companion dogs and explains domestication and breed classifications.Redesigned in paperback, DK's best-selling Pocket Genius series is now available in an engaging compact and economical format that is ideal for both browsing and quick reference for use in school and at home. Catalog entries packed with facts provide at-a-glance information, while locator icons offer immediately recognizable references to aid navigation and understanding, and fact files round off the book with fun facts such as record breakers and timelines. Each pocket-size encyclopedia is filled with facts on subjects ranging from
O'Reilly Media Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference, 5E
Be more productive with the Oracle PL/SQL language. The fifth edition of this popular pocket reference puts the syntax of specific PL/SQL language elements right at your fingertips, including features added in Oracle Database 12c. Whether you're a developer or database administrator, when you need answers quickly, the Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference will save you hours of frustration with concise summaries of: Fundamental language elements, such as block structure, datatypes, and declarations Statements for program control, cursor management, and exception handling Records, procedures, functions, triggers, and packages Execution of PL/SQL functions in SQL Compilation options, object-oriented features, collections, and Java integration This handy pocket reference is a perfect companion to Steven Feuerstein and Bill Pribyl's bestselling Oracle PL/SQL Programming.
O'Reilly Media Mac OS X Snow Leopard Pocket Guide
This pocket guide is the fastest way to get up to speed on Snow Leopard, the latest version of Apple's Mac OS X operating system. Ideal for quick problem solving, this book helps you learn fundamental concepts of Snow Leopard quickly, so you can get the most out of it. You'll find concise information on the system's built-in applications and utilities, along with configuration tips, keyboard shortcuts, and a short guide to troubleshooting and network configuration. This pocket guide also: highlights new and changed features since the original Leopard release; provides a handy reference to configuring sync, networking, and more; explains how to manage user accounts; and, covers migration and upgrades from previous versions of Mac OS X. "Mac OS X Snow Leopard Pocket Guide" is packed with concise and useful information in an easy-to-read format for everyone who uses Snow Leopard, from beginners to power users.
DK LEGO Pocket Builder Pets: Build Cute Companions
Build your LEGOⓇ skills with this bite-size guide!Become a LEGOⓇ building expert with stacks of facts, tips, and tricks at your fingertips—no previous building experience required! Get out your bricks and be inspired to build your favorite real and fantasy pets, including cats, dogs, rabbits, fish, unicorns, and much more. Plus learn to build homes and accessories for your brick-built buddies. Each LEGO Pocket Builder book is packed with images of fun-to-make models, building techniques, advice, and inspiration—plus they are perfectly pocket-sized for building anywhere—even on-the-go. Grab your LEGO bricks and get building!
DK LEGO Pocket Builder Nature: Create Cool Creatures
A one-stop introduction to building with LEGO® bricks for young builders, packed with tips and tricks for making LEGO models of plants, animals, and natural wondersBuild your LEGO® skills with this bitesize guide!Become a LEGO® building expert with stacks of facts, tips, and tricks at your fingertips – no previous building experience required! Get out your bricks and be inspired to build your favorite plants, animals, and natural wonders including a happy hippo, a cool cactus, an incredible volcano, and much more.Each LEGO Pocket Builder book is packed with images of fun-to-make models, building techniques, advice, and inspiration – plus they are perfectly pocket-sized for building anywhere – even on-the-go. Grab your LEGO bricks and go wild!©2022 The LEGO Group.
Taylor & Francis Ltd The Law Officer’s Pocket Manual, 2023 Edition
The Law Officer’s Pocket Manual is a handy, pocket-sized, spiral-bound manual that highlights basic legal rules for quick reference and offers examples showing how those rules are applied. The manual provides concise guidance based on U.S. Supreme Court rulings on constitutional law issues and other legal developments, covering arrest, search, surveillance, and other routine as well as sensitive areas of law enforcement. It includes more than 100 examples drawn from leading cases to provide guidance on how to act in a wide variety of situations. The 2023 edition is completely updated to reflect recent court decisions. This book helps you keep track of everything in a readable and easy-to-carry format. Routledge offers tiered discounts on bulk orders of 5 or more copies: For more information, please visit:
LWW 2022 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses
The 2022 Lippincott® Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses provides current, vital drug information “in a nutshell.” This handy pocket guide by Rebecca Tucker gives essential information on more than 3,900 medications in an easy-access A-to-Z format. Drug monographs include generic and trade names, drug classes, pregnancy risk category and controlled substance schedule, “black box” warnings, indications and dosages, dose adjustments, adverse effects, drug interactions, nursing considerations and patient teaching. An 'Anatomy of a Drug Monograph' feature on the inside front cover helps new nurses quickly understand the contents. At just 3 1/2 x 5 1/2 inches, this robust yet conveniently-sized compendium is a valuable resource for all nurses and nursing students. FEATURESNew to this edition: Complete monographs on 28 new FDA-approved drugs Fully updated with the latest changes to drug indications, dosages, and administration inform
DK Star Wars The Dark Side Pocket Expert
A bite-size guide to the Sith and other dark-side villains of the Star Wars galaxy. Packed with lists of facts and figures and stunning images.Become an instant dark side expert with this handy pocket-sized guide! If light is to shine, there must also be darkness. In the Star Wars galaxy, the Jedi use the light side of the Force to protect peace and justice. But there are also those who crave power above all. For Sith lords, Imperial Inquisitors, fallen Jedi, and other evil creatures, the dark side of the Force is a mighty, but treacherous, ally. These evildoers seek the dark side in those places where it flows strongest – forgotten temples, sinister caves, ancient tombs, and the sites of tragic events.Packed with facts, stats, and interesting info about the most legendary dark side users and dark side locations in the galaxy, with this book in your pocket you’ll be a dark side expert in no time!© AND ™ 2022 LUCASFILM LTD.
Penguin Random House South Africa Pocket Guide to Insects of South Africa
Pocket Guide: Insects of South Africa covers both common and interesting insects from South Africa, making it possible to identify a wide range of local species. Some 260 insects are featured, many of which we may have spotted in our houses and gardens. Each is described with its key identifi cation features, a colour photograph and distribution map. An illustrated quick-reference guide on the inside front and back covers makes it quick and easy to navigate to the right insect group.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Pocket Foot and Ankle Medicine and Surgery
This latest addition to the popular Pocket series is a go-to-resource for essential, up-to-date information for surgeons, podiatrists, and residents presented in a concise, quick-to-grasp format. With its compact size—perfect for taking home, on the ward, in your office— Pocket Foot and Ankle Medicine and Surgery addresses common disorders and conditions you’ll encounter in a clinical setting. You’ll find contributions from nearly 40 experts in both podiatry and orthopaedic surgery, as well as radiology, critical care, anesthesia, and other relevant fields. The ideal portable quick-reference for fast, effective musculoskeletal diagnosis and care! Developed and formatted for quick and easy reference on the go—use with patients in a clinical setting or anywhere you need to get access to the information you need! Focuses on common, everyday issues such as nerve damage and neuropathy, arthritis, fractures and trauma, and other conditions. Comprehensive in coverage of pathology and anatomy, biomechanics, gait analysis, imaging, infectious diseases, and more. Includes only the most up-to-date surgical techniques and procedures. Features a dedicated section on sports medicine disorders and injuries, such as Achilles Heel stress fractures, and tendonitis. Content covers principles and treatment for both adults and children.
Penguin Random House South Africa Pocket Guide to Trees of Southern Africa
Southern Africa boasts a rich variety of tree species, both indigenous and exotic. Pocket guide trees of Southern Africa is an authoritative introduction to the region's trees, describing and illustrating 132 species. This publication has its origins in Van Wyk's A photographic guide to trees of Southern Africa and has been fully revised and updated by well-known authority Braam van Wyk. Each species account highlights the key identification features, and also touches on the medicinal and commercial uses of the trees. This compact, easy-to-use guide makes an ideal travelling companion and will help readers to become more knowledgeable about trees.
Princeton University Press A Pocket Guide to Birds of Galápagos
A compact, richly illustrated photographic field guide to all of the birds of Galápagos, from renowned photographer and writer Tui De RoyA lifelong resident of Galápagos, Tui De Roy has been observing, studying, and photographing the islands’ astonishing birdlife for sixty years. In A Pocket Guide to Birds of Galápagos, she distills everything she has learned to create a one-of-a-kind field guide that every birder visiting the archipelago will want to carry with them wherever they go.A compact yet comprehensive combination of field guide and natural history, the book features more than 600 of De Roy’s superb photographs and is packed with detailed, easy-to-access information in bullet-point format. Every resident bird species is fully described and abundantly illustrated, showing different aspects of their life cycle, habitat, and behavior. And the islands’ most iconic bird group—Darwin’s Finches—is given special attention. With precise descriptions including plumage and beak variations, the book corrects many common identification errors about this group.Unique in design and content, A Pocket Guide to Birds of Galápagos is a must-have for all wildlife enthusiasts traveling to this fabled archipelago—and anyone who wants to better understand its spectacular birds. A compact yet comprehensive photographic identification guide Covers all resident species and frequent migrants Features more than 600 of Tui De Roy’s superb color photographs Includes distribution maps and easy-to-find information for identifying and understanding each species, including life cycles, habits, range, and conservation status