Search results for ""Pocket""
Clinical Pocket Reference Clinical Pocket Reference for Nurses
UPDATED AND EXPANDED FOR 2022 and beyond. This clinical pocket reference provides key information that a nurse will require on placement and in practice, selected by experienced teachers/practitioners, clearly written and presented, drawn from a wide range of different sources, packaged in an easily accessible portable format suitable for pocket or mobile devices. Nursing students, assessors, practice educators and preceptees will find that this resource enables the move into real life practice, supporting safe, confident, patient centred nursing. The fourth edition has now been thoroughly updated and extended. New material includes new Mental Capacity Act overview and guidelines, updated infection control (including donning and doffing PPE) and End of Life care sections, and latest Resuscitation Guidelines. This edition is built around the new pre-registration nursing education standards released by the NMC (Nursing & Midwifery Council) in early 2019, allowing it to support all nursing practitioners throughout their years of practice. The authors, all experienced teacher/practitioners have looked at latest teaching trends and national objectives, including the new NMC standards, to provide coverage of the widening range of competencies a nurse needs to display in today's healthcare environment. This resource provides rapid access to key information that a nurse will need to provide effective holistic care of the adult patient. For the student on clinical placement it provides a valuable aide memoire for recently learnt key information. For the newly qualified nurse it assists review, reflection, and revalidation.
Child's Play International Ltd Pocket Dolphin
No child will ever be lonely with a Pocket Pal. Pocket Pals are a great early reading resource, full of real information about animals from all over the world. Pocket Pals are appealingly shaped, easy to keep clean and eminently collectable. A sturdy die cut book just right for tiny hands and parents' pockets, each in the "Pocket Pals" series shows favorite animals and its activities. The simple text and pictures make observations about each animal's most common characteristics.
Wolters Kluwer Health Pocket Pediatrics
Designed for easy transport and quick reference, Pocket Pediatrics, 4th Edition, provides essential pediatric information for practitioners, residents, interns, and medical students. Part of the popular Pocket Notebook series and edited by Dr. Paritosh Prasad and colleagues at the University of Rochester Medical Center, this fully updated volume provides a concise and focused review of all areas of pediatrics in one easy-to-navigate, pocket-sized notebook. Follows the bestselling, looseleaf Pocket Notebook format, featuring bulleted lists, tables, diagrams, and algorithms that make essential facts easy to find and retain Provides key clinical information about common pediatric problems in primary care, emergency medicine, allergy/immunology, cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, genetics, nephrology, hematology-oncology, infectious diseases, endocrinology, rheumatology, dermatology, and neurology, as well as the well patient and the patient in ICU Contains a new chapter on Comp
Wolters Kluwer Health Pocket Medicine
Pocket Medicine, 8th Edition, is a must-have resource for fast answers to the diagnostic and therapeutic questions you’ll face on rounds and exams. Edited by Dr. Marc S. Sabatine and compiled by residents, fellows, and attending physicians at the world-renown Massachusetts General Hospital, this best-selling reference provides dependable, up-to-date information needed to make an accurate diagnosis and develop a state-of-the-art treatment plan. Featuring easily accessible bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms, Pocket Medicine provides focused coverage of internal medicine in the traditional, easy-to-use binding you know and love. Offers fast and easy access to essential information on the most common disorders in cardiology, pulmonary medicine, gastroenterology, nephrology, hematology-oncology, infectious diseases, endocrinology, rheumatology, and neurology. Includes references to landmark papers to help you intelligently answer questions on rounds–all from a trusted source acceptable for use on rounds. Features user-friendly tabs and a two-color design to help you find information quickly, as well as a full-color, 16-page insert featuring radiology and pathology images. Provides ideal coverage for medical students, interns, residents, advanced practice nurses, and PAs. Prepare for board exams! Mirroring the organization of Pocket Medicine, Pocket Medicine High-Yield Board Review features 500 practice questions so you can practice for your board exam.
Wolters Kluwer Health Pocket Medicine
Pocket Medicine, 8th Edition, is a must-have resource for fast answers to the diagnostic and therapeutic questions you’ll face on rounds and exams. Edited by Dr. Marc S. Sabatine and compiled by residents, fellows, and attending physicians at the world-renown Massachusetts General Hospital, this best-selling reference provides dependable, up-to-date information needed to make an accurate diagnosis and develop a state-of-the-art treatment plan. Featuring easily accessible bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms, Pocket Medicine provides focused coverage of internal medicine in the traditional, easy-to-use binding you know and love. Offers fast and easy access to essential information on the most common disorders in cardiology, pulmonary medicine, gastroenterology, nephrology, hematology-oncology, infectious diseases, endocrinology, rheumatology, and neurology. Includes references to landmark papers to help you intelligently answer questions on rounds–all from a trusted source acceptable for use on rounds. Features user-friendly tabs and a two-color design to help you find information quickly, as well as a full-color, 16-page insert featuring radiology and pathology images. Provides ideal coverage for medical students, interns, residents, advanced practice nurses, and PAs. Prepare for board exams! Mirroring the organization of Pocket Medicine, Pocket Medicine High-Yield Board Review features 500 practice questions so you can practice for your board exam.
Wolters Kluwer Health Pocket Oncology
Pocket-sized and easy to use, Pocket Oncology, 3rd Edition, provides up-to-date information essential to caring for patients with cancer, from cancer biology, prevention, screening, treatment, and supportive care to new advances in all areas of the field for both adult and pediatric patients. Written and edited by leading cancer experts at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, this unique, loose-leaf resource is designed for portability and quick reference, with information presented in a bulleted, outline format throughout. Includes new information on CAR-T cell therapy, immunotherapy, precision medicine, and other recent medical oncology treatments and therapies Includes new and updated sections on recently approved oncologic therapies, benign hematology, pediatrics, surgical oncology, interventional radiology, radiation oncology, and telehealth Presents information on adult and pediatric oncologic diseases with coverage of initial clinical presentation, pathophysiology, staging, current standards of care treatments, and active areas of current research Follows the popular Pocket Notebook format, featuring bulleted lists, tables, diagrams, and algorithms that make essential facts easy to find and retain Contains helpful appendices on radiographic response criteria, quality of life assessments, tumor markers, and more, plus a section of clinically essential color photos Ideal as a pocket reference for daily practice as well as an accepted and trusted resource for trainees and other members of the oncology care team
Wolters Kluwer Health Pocket Cardiology
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2022 and 2023! Written and edited by Dr. Marc S. Sabatine and a team of cardiologists from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, the new second edition of Pocket Cardiology has been greatly expanded to be made even more indispensable for everyday use. Part of the highly popular and respected Pocket Notebook series, this essential guide puts vital clinical information about a broad range of issues in cardiovascular medicine at your fingertips in seconds. Contains expanded and fully updated core clinical topics on cardiovascular evaluation tools, preventative cardiology, coronary disease, heart failure, critical care, valvular heard disease, pericardial heart disease, vascular disease, arrhythmias, and adult congenital heart disease in the familiar concise format, with bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms for quick reference. Features a new, more durable binding in the classic Pocket Notebook style. Includes new contributions from the fields of cardiovascular critical care, interventional cardiology, cardiac imaging, and adult congenital heart disease. Includes useful illustrations of echocardiography, cardiac nuclear imaging, and coronary angiography, as well as EKG tracings. Contains current, evidence-based clinical recommendations, supported by key references to the most recent practice guidelines, high-tier reviews, and important clinical trials. An invaluable tool for cardiovascular physicians and fellows, medical residents, and others who are interested in cardiology.
Wolters Kluwer Health Pocket Neurology
Pocket Neurology, a bestseller in the Pocket Notebook series, delivers highly relevant neurologic clinical information in an easily portable source. Drs. Marcelo Matiello, Michael P. Bowley, Sahar F. Zafar, and M. Brandon Westover edit this book by overseeing the work of current neurology residents, fellows and neurology attendings at Harvard Medical School who provide must-know information on hospital- and clinic-based neurologic workup, diagnosis, and management. This thoroughly revised third edition puts key clinical information about a broad range of issues in neurology at your fingertips in seconds. Contains up-to-date content in outline format, with bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms for quick reference. Includes a new chapter on multiple sclerosis, expanded coverage of key topics such as lesion localization, neuroimaging, EEG, EMG. Also, the book has chapters dedicated to all sub-specialties of neurology, including neuro immunological disorders, neurologic infectious disease, neuro-oncology. Many additional figures, tables, and references are new in this edition. Each chapter progresses logically from neurologic signs and symptoms to differential diagnosis, workup and diagnosis, assessment of risks and benefits of available treatments, to treatment and prognosis. Consult this high-yield handbook by clinical presentation, such as coma, stroke, headaches, and seizures, or by special topic, such as neurologic emergencies, neurocritical care, neuro-ophthalmology, behavioral neurology, and sleep medicine. An invaluable tool for neurology residents as well as rotating psychiatry, PM&R, neurosurgery, medicine interns, medical students and others who are interested in neurology. Given content and easy access, serves as an excellent reference for ED, ICU, inpatient floors, clinic visits and teleneurology consults. Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Cameos: A Pocket Guide: A Pocket Guide
From the formal carvings of the nineteenth century to the colorful and informal plastic and glass examples of molded relief jewelry, this revised and expanded guide is the perfect reference for those on a search for cameos. Fourteen new designs are included in vibrant detail, along with values and tips that will assist today's shopper with appropriate cameo choice befitting their tastes and styles. See shell, stone, plastic, ivory, lava, glass, plastics, and metal cameos used in jewelry and ornamental objects. They were produced by inspired artists in fine detail using old-world crafting and are displayed here in full color. An excellent pocket guide reference for collectors or anyone who appreciates the simplicity and beauty of cameo designs.
Red Wheel/Weiser Pocket Lenormand
Boerm Bruckmeier Psychiatrie pocket
powerHouse Books,U.S. Pocket Pups
Child's Play International Ltd Pocket Frog
No child will ever be lonely with a Pocket Pal. Pocket Pals are a great early reading resource, full of real information about animals from all over the world. Pocket Pals are appealingly shaped, easy to keep clean and eminently collectable. A sturdy die cut book just right for tiny hands and parents' pockets, each in the "Pocket Pals" series shows favorite animals and its activities. The frogs have a great time hiding in a flowerpot and snagging some of the juicy flies that are passing by. The simple text and pictures make this and similar observations about each animal's most common characteristics.
Hardie Grant Books (UK) Pocket Art
Pocket Art features 100 artistic prompts to unleash your creativity.In Pocket Art, Lorna Scobie, the bestselling author and illustrator of the 365 Days series, encourages you to be confident with your art, embrace mistakes and to have fun along the way. It is full of activities to help kickstart your creativity, and the activities have been divided into three categories—art for relaxing, art for looking, and art for inspiration—so you can feel inspired no matter what mood you''re in.Full of tips to help spark creative ideas, as well as inspiration and support, Pocket Art is the perfect pocket-sized art book to take with you wherever you go.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Pocket Bible Concordance: Nelson's Pocket Reference Series
This pocket-size concordance is a handy, find-it-fast Bible reference tool, ideal for all Bible students and a must for every Bible owner. Features featuring the exclusive Fan-Tab Thumb™ index reference system. Over 5,000 entries, from Aaron to Zophar, make this a comprehensive, compact, and convenient book for your briefcase or backpack. This concordance is part of the Nelson Pocket Reference Series. Useful with any Bible translation.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Pocket Bible Dictionary: Nelson's Pocket Reference Series
This pocket-size Bible dictionary is a handy, find-it-fast Bible reference tool, ideal for all Bible students and a must for every Bible owner.Misunderstand a word, and you may not grasp Scripture's full meaning! Though compact in size, this dictionary features 1,500 illustrated entries and a thumb index for quick access, making it a thorough reference book you can take anywhere. Features: Easy to Understand and Illustrated throughout Fast Access to over 1,500 entries Exclusive Fan-Tab™ Thumb Index Reference System Extensive A to Z Coverage
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Anyone But Ivy Pocket Ivy Pocket 1
Hunter House Inc.,U.S. Pocket Detox
"Catherine Proctor is immersed in the world of writing and food. She is a writer and editor specializing in health and cooking - and she runs her own cooking school in Sydney. She has written several best selling health books while raising two sons with her husband - it is this ability to combine real life and healthy living that has contributed to her success"--
Boerm Bruckmeier Notfallmedikamente pocket
Wolters Kluwer Health Pocket ICU
Designed for easy portability and quick reference, Pocket ICU, Third Edition, provides essential information that intensivists, residents, and nurses need daily in the ICU. Helmed by Drs. Gyorgy Frendl and Avery Tung and written by an expert team of contributing authors, this fully updated volume in the popular Pocket Notebook series provides a concise and focused review of all areas of critical care in one easy-to-navigate, pocket-sized notebook. Provides fast access to the most relevant, evidence-based information in every area of critical care, including adult, pediatric, neuro, cardiac, transplant, trauma and burn critical care New chapters addressing bioweapons, disaster preparedness and critical care challenges of an air-transmissible, pandemic-causing pathogen like COVID-19. Uniform reader-friendly, bulleted outline format with numerous tables and diagrams throughout Features an improved table of contents for faster access to essential information, a smart Index for key phrases, PubMed IDs for quick access to source literature Convenient, portable size to fit in your lab coat pocket Includes current contributions from leading critical care experts, as well as the most recent published evidence
Hunter House Inc.,U.S. Pocket Antioxidants
We've all heard the word "antioxidants" and we all have some vague idea of what they are and what they do. Now, with POCKET ANTIOXIDANTS, medical-level knowledge of this topic is available to a general audience. Prestigious researcher Dr. Amitava Dasgupta takes the latest antioxidant research from peer-reviewed medical journals and makes it accessible to anyone in this handy little book. Dasgupta explains what oxidative stress really means, the danger of "free radicals" and the benefits of antioxidants. He explains that the best way to combat free radicals is by eating antioxidant-rich foods and supplements. Readers will learn which foods are highest in which antioxidants. Readers, also, learn that antioxidants sometimes come from surprising sources, such as coffee or alcohol. With the tips in this book, readers can avoid the risks of following the false information and pseudoscience found on various web sites and become empowered to pick their favourite fruits, vegetables and herbal supplements - with the goal of living a healthier life!
Cameron & Company Inc Pocket Book
A simple and spare ode to the treasures we find and keep in our pockets and the memories they hold A girl and her mom take a walk and fill their pockets along the way: the ocean, in the form of a seashell. A sunflower seed. A pretty rock. A snack. Pockets not only hold hands and things that just might come in handy; they hold things we need and want. Pockets hold treasures. And they hold moments and memories that stop time—that blossom.
The History Press Ltd George Best: pocket GIANTS: pocket GIANTS
On Sunday 5 October 2014, the 75,000 strong crowd at Old Trafford for Manchester United’s game against Everton joined in with an extended version of a chant which echoed around the stadium. ‘We all live in a Georgie Best world,’ it went. Eleven years after his death, forty years after he walked out of the club for the last time as a player, Best remains a Giant – extraordinary given that his star shone for such a brief time. He was at the top of the game for no more than half a dozen years. How did he do it?
John Ritchie Ltd Colossians - Pocket Commentary Series: Pocket Commentary
Wolters Kluwer Health Pocket Surgery
Now in vibrant full color, Pocket Surgery, Third Edition, is your go-to source for the essential information you need to care for surgery patients, as well as for success in your surgery clerkship rotation and on exams. Edited by Dr. Daniel B. Jones, from Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, and written by an expert team of contributors, this fully updated volume in the popular Pocket Notebook series provides a concise and focused review of the entire field of surgery in one easy-to-navigate looseleaf notebook. Up-to-date content on every area of surgery, including breast, critical care, cardiothoracic, gastrointestinal, colorectal, vascular, pediatric, plastic, transplant, and endocrine A new chapter on diversity, equity, and inclusion Bulleted lists, tables, algorithms, and a new full-color format make essential facts easy to find and retain Specialty and organ-based chapters allow for a quick review before starting a new surgical service Convenient, portable size to fit in your lab coat pocket Enrich Your eBook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Pocket Nephrology
Pocket Nephrology is a practical, high-yield reference offering current, evidence-based practices and expert guidance from physicians at the world-renowned Columbia University Medical Center. Featuring an easy-to-use loose-leaf format, it can be used as a portable diagnosis and treatment reference, as a quick dosage check, as a review for complex glomerular diseases and acid-base physiology, and for board preparation. Mirrors the thought process of nephrologists in day-to-day practice. Contains the latest clinical guidelines and new therapeutic recommendations. Follows the popular Pocket Notebook format, featuring bulleted lists, tables, diagrams, and algorithms that make essential facts easy to find and retain. Covers all topics encountered in nephrology practice, categorized by subspecialties, making it ideal for trainees in nephrology as well as practicing nephrology consultants with years of experience. Written by current and former faculty members and fellows from Columbia University Medical Center. Enrich Your Ebook Reading Experience Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Simon & Schuster Devil's Pocket
The follow-up to the critically acclaimed Phoenix Island, which reads like “Lord of the Flies meets Wolverine and Cool Hand Luke” (F. Paul Wilson, creator of Repairman Jack) and inspired the CBS TV show Intelligence.With a chip in his head and hundreds more throughout his body, sixteen-year-old Carl Freeman was turned from an orphan with impulse control issues into a super-soldier. Forced into the mercenary Phoenix Force group, he begins to fear he’ll never escape. Sent to a volcanic island to fight for them, he’ll compete in a combat tournament that awards teens with survival for merciless brutality. But just when all looks lost, he spies a friendly face…and possibly a way out.
Boerm Bruckmeier Anästhesie pocket
Smith Street Books Pocket Plantcare
Become a green thumb in no time with this fun plant care deck.Looking for tips on how to care for your plants? Look no further than this deck of 50 cards! Featuring a wide variety of indoor plants, from the African Milk Tree to the Zebra Cactus, each card is packed with helpful tips and tricks for keeping your plants happy and healthy.Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or a newbie to the world of plant care, this deck has something for everyone. You’ll learn about the unique needs of each plant, including how much light, water, fertilizer, and grooming they require, and even some fun facts about their history and origins.Each card is brought to life with a vibrant color illustration of the plant, making it easy to identify and care for them. And with 50 different plants to choose from, you’re sure to find something that fits your environment and lifestyle.Whether you’re looking to add some greenery to your home or
Olympia Publishers Pocket Love
Child's Play International Ltd Pocket Bunny
No child will ever be lonely with a Pocket Pal. Pocket Pals are a great early reading resource, full of real information about animals from all over the world. Pocket Pals are appealingly shaped, easy to keep clean and eminently collectable. A sturdy die cut book just right for tiny hands and parents' pockets, each in the "Pocket Pals" series shows favorite animals and its activities. The bunny and his family have a great time exploring. The simple text and pictures make observations about each animal's most common characteristics.
Little, Brown & Company Pocket Kisses
When Mommy leaves she always knowsto give me kisses from head to toe.Kisses to save and use all day,whenever I need one and Mommy's away...Pocket Kisses is the perfect book for kids missing Mom while she's away. Each page celebrates the special pocket kisses Mommy leaves behind - a boo-boo kiss, snack-time kiss, bedtime kiss and more - all revealed beneath each of the 7 sturdy lift-the-flaps. There's also a fabric pocket on the front cover and a special keepsake 'pocket kiss' that kids can punch out and hold on to, reminding them that Mommy's love is always with them!
Wolters Kluwer Health Pocket Pediatrics
Ideal for medical students, interns and residents, the latest edition of this portable quick-reference—part of the popular Pocket Medicine series, prepared by residents and attending physicians—has been updated with new contributors and information on pediatric disorders and problems encountered in any clinical situation, including the ICU. The book is heavy on bulleted lists, tables, and algorithms, and the small size means it can fit snugly in anyone’s white coat pocket! Features a four-color insert chapter packed with dermatological images. Incorporates new contributors from the University of Rochester and new information and theoretical developments in the field. Written in a concise, to-the-point style, which makes for easy absorption of material. Bulleted format makes a perfect quick reference covering a comprehensive spectrum of everyday pediatric illnesses. Handy for getting ready for pediatric board exams, too! Enhance Your eBook Reading Experience: Read directly on your preferred device(s), such as computer, tablet, or smartphone. Easily convert to audiobook, powering your content with natural language text-to-speech.
Andrews McMeel Publishing Pocket Peaches
There's a mysterious new cat, Taro, in Peaches's neighbourhood, and Peaches wants to be her friend! Pocket Peaches is an adorable, colourful graphic novel that is a perfect cosy tale with heartwarming laugh-out-loud moments. Peaches and her pals Mango and Pogi all live in a cosy town called Pocketon. When a new cat, Taro, moves in, Peaches is on a mission to befriend her. The only thing is, Taro loves all things spooky and Peaches does not. Can Peaches find a way to become friends despite their differences? Join Peaches and pals as they navigate friendships, debate over the perfect amount of frosting, and learn the value of being yourself. This full-colour graphic novel is great for young readers beginning their graphic novel journey and graphic novel enthusiasts alike. It also features a Dyslexia-friendly font.
1984 Pocket
El periodista británico George Orwell fue ninguneado a partes iguales por sus correligionarios y por sus adversarios políticos. Alarmado y desencantado por el cariz que tomaba el nuevo orden surgido tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y enfermo de muerte, quiso convertir 1984 en su testamento literario.Nos hallamos ante la novela más icónica que se ha escrito sobre los peligros del totalitarismo, la manipulación mediática y la reescritura de la historia. La tragedia cotidiana de Winston y de Julia es una distopía ejemplar y el cruel retrato de un mundo nada feliz, una profecía autocumplida que nos hiela la sangre y nos conmueve a partes iguales.
Random House Australia Pocket Psycho
Mogzilla Pocket Wands
Olympia Publishers Pocket Philosophy
Recent Toys Pocket Cube
At first glance, the Infinity Cube looks like a simple 2x2 cube. But with the axis off-center and moving cubes of two different sizes, there is nothing simple about this cube! Can you master the crazy shapes and return the Infinity Cube back to its original shape.
Flame Tree Publishing Nielsen Crinoline Lace Foiled Pocket Journal Flame Tree Pocket Books Flame Tree Pocket Notebooks
Part of a series of luxurious, handy Flame Tree pocket notebooks. Combining high-quality production with magnificent fine art, the covers are printed on foil in five colours, embossed, then foil stamped. And they're powerfully practical: a pocket at the back for receipts and scraps, two bookmarks and a solid magnetic side flap.
Hardie Grant Books (UK) Pocket Diana Wisdom
In Pocket Diana Wisdom, the Princess of Wales shares her pearls of wisdom on everything from love to culture and society, kindness, leadership and family. Full of inspirational quotes and wise words, this little book pays homage to the people's princess. On FamilyFamily is the most important thing in the world. On WorkI knew what my job was; it was to go out and meet the people and love them. On LoveIf you find someone you love in your life, then hang on to that love. Pocket Diana Wisdom is part of the Pocket Wisdom series - get more inspiration and wise words from Pocket Audrey Hepburn Wisdom, Pocket Coco Chanel Wisdom, Pocket Frida Kahlo Wisdom and many more.
Images Publishing Group Pty Ltd Pocket Park Design
Urban planners have paid more attention to the concept of the pocket park as modern cities become denser and buildings taller. As the pace of urbanisation accelerates and populations increase, particularly in larger cities, there becomes much less park space available for people to enjoy. With less investment and area required, 'Pocket Parks' could provide a solution. They fulfil the need for highly sought-after leisure spaces, which can operate in high-density city environments, bypassing the hurdle of space. These beautiful green areas increase the ecological benefits of the urban environment, helping to enrich and satisfy the local residents' lives. Pocket Park Design introduces the outstanding landscape architects and designers who create pocket parks. Pocket parks should be located where they are safe and convenient to access, as well as providing open spaces that are comfortable, functional, and pleasant for park visitors. While the areas of a pocket park will generally cater to a variety of demographics, specific spaces or activity areas may be provided for dominant user groups, such as children, workers, or the elderly. This book studies the pocket park's characteristics, as well as the relationship between humanity and the surrounding landscape. It will be a great source of inspiration to landscape designers.
Scholastic Inc. Pokemon Pocket Puzzles
A pocket-sized activity book—with stickers! Full of puzzles that will put your skills to the test, Pokemon: Pocket Puzzles is perfect for any aspiring Pokemon Master! Inside are over 150-pages of puzzles, mazes, quizzes and other activities that will keep Trainers on their toes. Comes with a cool neon vinyl cover and tons and tons of stickers!
O'Reilly Media grep Pocket Reference
"Grep Pocket Reference" is the first guide devoted to grep, the powerful utility program that helps you locate content in any file on a Unix or Linux system. Several applications use grep, from mail filtering and system log management to malware analysis and application development, and there are many other ways to use the utility. This pocket reference is ideal for system administrators, security professionals, developers, and others who want to learn more about grep and take new approaches with it.With "Grep Pocket Reference", you will: learn methods for filtering large files for specific content; acquire information not included in the current grep documentation; get several tricks for using variants such as egrep; keep key information about grep right at your fingertips; and, find the answers you need about grep quickly and easily. If you're familiar with this utility, "Grep Pocket Reference" will help you refresh your basic knowledge, understand rare situations, and find more efficient uses. If you're new to grep, this book is the best way to get started.
Wolters Kluwer Health Pocket Emergency Medicine
Selected as a Doody’s Core Title for 2023! Pocket-sized and easy to use, Pocket Emergency Medicine, Fifth Edition, provides accurate, actionable, and up-to-date information essential to caring for patients in life-threatening situations. Edited by Drs. Richard D. Zane and Joshua M. Kosowsky, this handy, loose-leaf resource is designed to be used at the bedside by clinicians on the front lines of emergency care. A volume in the popular Pocket Notebook series, it organizes chapters by presenting condition and supports the thought processes needed to hone everyday diagnostic decision making. Offers easily accessible information on the entire field of emergency medicine—from history and physical exam to differential diagnosis testing to therapeutics to disposition—all in one easy-to-navigate notebook Follows the popular Pocket Notebook format, featuring bulleted lists, tables, diagrams, and algorithms that make essential facts easy to find and retain Features fully updated content throughout, including the latest research and best practices, as well as a new subsection on COVID-19 Covers all major organ systems, plus emergencies related to the environment, pediatrics, the psychiatric patient, toxicology, airway management, trauma, and more Contains useful quick-reference appendices on abbreviations, PALS, ICU medications, equations, and more Written by emergency medicine residents from the University of Colorado and Harvard Medical School, and edited by senior faculty