Search results for ""tempo""
Alianza Editorial Las Sonatas Para Piano De BeethovenThe Piano Sonatas of Beethoven Alianza Musica Am
Las sonatas para piano de Beethoven constituyen una de las colecciones de obras más importantes de la historia de la música. Compuestas a lo largo de varias décadas de la vida del artista, no tardaron en ser consideradas el primer corpus de música importante para piano adecuada para ser interpretada en grandes salas de conciertos. En esta guía práctica tanto para el intérprete como para el oyente, Rosen comienza situando las sonatas en su contexto y explica los principios formales de su interpretación, incluidos aspectos como la forma sonata, el fraseo y el tempo, el uso del pedal y los trinos, para, a continuación, analizar las sonatas individualmente. El CD que acompaña al libro, con interpretaciones del propio Rosen, va ejemplificando lo expuesto en el libro.
Peeters Publishers Beethoven's Tempest Sonata: Perspectives of Analysis and Performance
For music analysts and performers alike, Beethoven's Tempest sonata (1802) represents one of the most challenging pieces of the classical and early romantic piano repertoire. This book is a collection of eleven essays, each dealing with this sonata from a different analytical perspective and investigating the possible connections between music analysis and the practice of performance. Under the editorship of Pieter Berge, Jeroen D'hoe and William E. Caplin, the book presents essays by Scott Burnham (hermeneutics), Poundie Burstein (Schenkerian approach), Kenneth Hamilton (history of performance), Robert Hatten (semiotics), James Hepokoski (Sonata Theory), William Kinderman (source studies), William Rothstein (tempo, rhythm, and meter), Douglas Seaton (narratology), Steven Vande Moortele (20th-century Formenlehre) and the editors themselves (motivic analysis and form-functional approach respectively).
Indiana University Press Mendelssohn in Performance
Exploring many aspects of Felix Mendelssohn's multi-faceted career as musician and how it intersects with his work as composer, contributors discuss practical issues of music making such as performance space, instruments, tempo markings, dynamics, phrasings, articulations, fingerings, and instrument techniques. They present the conceptual and ideological underpinnings of Mendelssohn's approach to performance, interpretation, and composing through the contextualization of specific performance events and through the theoretic actualization of performances of specific works. Contributors rely on manuscripts, marked or edited scores, and performance parts to convey a deeper understanding of musical expression in 19th-century Germany. This study of Mendelssohn's work as conductor, pianist, organist, violist, accompanist, music director, and editor of old and new music offers valuable perspectives on 19th-century performance practice issues.
Edition Peters Nocturnes
The Complete Nocturnes by Frederic Chopin, edited by Herrmann Scholtz and Bronislaw von Pozniak. With thematic index and fingerings.Nocturnes für KlavierDa seine Schaffenszeit in der tiefsten Romantik lag, liegt es nahe, dass der Klaviervirtuose Frédéric Chopin, der in seinem kurzen Leben fast ausschließlich Musik für sein Instrument komponierte, für eine besonders melancholische, gefühlsbetonte Gattung bekannt wurde: die Nocturnes. Während seine anderen Werke komplex und virtuos ausgearbeitet waren, konzentrierte sich Chopin in diesen 21 Stücken auf die Melodie, den Kern einer Komposition. Diese ist oft sehr gesanglich, erinnert an den Belcanto und kommt durch das Fehlen eines festgelegten Aufbaus der Stücke erst richtig zur Geltung. Der Spieler kann hier in Dynamik und Tempo variieren und hat so die Möglichkeit zu einem freien Vortrag mit großem Interpretationsspielraum.
Oxbow Books Defining Spaces in Iron Age Northumberland: Excavations at Morley Hill and Lower Callerton
The Iron Age settlements excavated by Headland Archaeology (UK) Ltd at Morley Hill and Lower Callerton lie within the rich later prehistoric landscape of the Northumberland coastal plain. This monograph presents the results of the excavation, specialist analyses and provides a key dataset upon which to discuss regionally and nationally important later prehistoric research themes. The excavations at Morley Hill and Lower Callerton offer two large-scale new datasets to compare within the corpus of enclosed Iron Age settlement sites across the region, allowing for an increased understanding of settlement patterns, architectural forms and farming practices. These include settlement development, longevity and tempo; the relationship between lowland and upland sites; settlement organisation and identity; roundhouse architecture and the impact of contact with the Roman world.At Morley Hill, work revealed two later Iron Age settlements defined by rectilinear enclosures surrounding groups of roundhouses with evidence for earlier phases of activity. The settlements at Morley Hill are comparable to many such distinctive settlements identified across the region and explored in recent years largely through developer-funded excavations. Lower Callerton represents a less explored form of extensive settlement with the excavation revealing evidence of earlier prehistoric activity overlain by a large Iron Age enclosure with over 53 structures, multiple sub-enclosures and boundaries. Comprehensive Bayesian modelling at Lower Callerton has provided a robust chronological framework indicating complex and continual settlement development from the middle Iron Age. The implications of this in terms of wider settlement development, tempo and longevity are explored. While the volume focuses on the Iron Age, the identification and influence of earlier prehistoric activity is also explored. The discussion is again enhanced by the programme of radiocarbon dating and isotopic analysis of cereal grains from Neolithic pits at Lower Callerton.
Archaeopress Le gemme romane e post-antiche del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cagliari
Le gemme romane e post-antiche del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cagliari presenta un catalogo di circa 200 gemme incise d’età romana e post-antica attualmente o un tempo conservate nel Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Cagliari (Sardegna, Italia). Grazie alla ricerca d’archivio e bibliografica, per numerosi reperti, è stato possibile determinare le circostanze di acquisizione e la collezione storico-antiquaria di appartenenza (Spano, Timon e Gouin), avvenuta attraverso le donazioni o l’acquisto da parte del Museo tra la seconda metà del XIX secolo e l’inizio del secolo successivo, definendo le tappe storiche della formazione della raccolta museale. L’indagine svolta su tale collezione è scaturita dalla volontà di conoscere e definire l’entità della collezione glittica più cospicua della Sardegna, in grado di offrire uno spaccato socio-culturale, religioso e politico degli abitanti della Sardinia romana.
Unicorn Publishing Group Master of the House: The Theatres of Cameron Mackintosh
Winner of the Architectural Book Awards 2020 Architectural History Book of the Year. Cameron Mackintosh is the world’s leading theatrical producer of musicals such as Cats, Les Misérables and The Phantom of the Opera. He is also a significant theatre owner and has completed a two-decade campaign of refurbishment and rebuilding of eight London theatres that has set the tempo for maintaining one of Britain’s greatest cultural heritages for the next century. Master of the House charts the stories of these eight historic London buildings – their origins, their iconic shows and productions, the stars and the glamour. Lavishly illustrated with images from the Delfont Mackintosh archive, the book also contains original architect drawings, specially-commissioned photographs of the refurbishment, show posters and other theatre ephemera, and many sweeping panoramas of the exquisitely finished spaces.
Santiago de Compostela, anos setenta. Ferven as revoltas universitarias. Está a piques de rematar unha das redadas policiais contra a concentración de estudantes que tenta escapulirse nos calellos da parte vella. As portas do centro histórico están bloqueadas e o cerco preparado. Un grupo de estudantes asiste ao desenlace desde a mesa do seu bar, fronte á Porta da Mámoa. Alaín, o inspector que todos eles coñecen, xorde entre os furgóns magoado e iracundo. Algo sucedeu nas horas previas. Vellos asuntos e contas pendentes volven aflorar nesta atmosfera de revolta e incerteza, mentres o país se decanta por un novo tempo. Pouco imaxina o inspector o que vai atopar detrás da investigación que está a facer sobre un dos grupos insurxentes que operan na cidade, nun emocionante final da novela.
YMAA Publication Center Winning Judo
Winning Judo offers realistic and practical instruction for success in competitive judo. Written for beginner and experienced athletes, author Steve Scott shares the skills you need to be successful at all levels of competitive judo. He will teach you how to train your body, enhance your competition skill set, and establish a winning mental game. You will learn how to Understand the three levels of training intensity Scout and read your opponents Develop tactics for regaining and keeping your lead in the scoring Manage tempo, pace, and positioning And much more Judo is based on sound principles of movement and biomechanics. Understanding how and why a technique works or doesn’t work provides a solid advantage when under stress in competition. With over 450 photographs, Steve will explain the prop
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Across an Angry Sea: The SAS in the Falklands War: The SAS in the Falklands War
In early summer 1982--winter in the South Atlantic--Argentina's military junta invades the Falklands. Within days, a Royal Navy Task Force is assembled and dispatched. This is the story of D Squadron, 22 SAS, commanded by Cedric Delves. The relentless tempo of events defies belief. Raging seas, inhospitable glaciers, hurricane-force winds, helicopter crashes, raids behind enemy lines--the Squadron prevailed against them all, but the cost was high. Holding fast to their humanity, D Squadron's fighters were there at the start and end of the Falklands War. Theirs was the first Union Jack raised over Government House in Stanley. Across an Angry Sea is a chronicle of daring, skill and steadfastness among a tight-knit band of brothers; of learning fast, fighting hard, and winning through.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. A caixiña dos rancores. Vidas cruzadas
A xuíza Felpeto, acabada de chegar á localidade costeira de Valdomar, revoluciona a vila coas súas orixinais sentenzas. Cando Estevo é obrigado a pasar todo o verán visitando a Chiruca, a anciá a que atropelara co seu ciclomotor, imaxina unhas soporíferas xornadas aturando as historias daquela muller que cruzara polo paso de cebra sen mirar. Pero todo cambia cando a casualidade fai que o mozo descubra un segredo que ten na súa cerna a Chiruca e que ela mesma descoñece. Coa axuda de Paula, a noiva de Estevo, o nobelo daquel misterio irase desenredando ao mesmo tempo que xorde entre os tres protagonistas unha relación tan profunda como inesperada, que pasa por riba da diferenza de idade e que demostra que a amizade verdadeira non entende de prexuízos nin de convencionalismos.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Muriel
A Muriel custáballe prender no sono, botaba de menos as conversas coa avoa e o tempo que pasaban xuntos. E os seus contos e os seus pasteis. E as súas limoadas. E os seus bicos máxicos que curaban calquera dor. E as súas bufandas. E a dose exacta de mel que había que botar na cunca de leite polas noites. E o seu olor e a calor do seu corpo. Coa avoa todo era sinxelo e todo era posible. A vida de Muriel volveu mudar cando coñeceu un raposo de sorriso enigmático e a Fígaro.Gañadora do Premio Merlín de Literatura Infantil 2017, Muriel foi definida polo xurado como unha historia sedutora, onde conta cada palabra; un canto á imperiosa necesidade da cor; unha aventura entrañable, cálida e misteriosa.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd South Beach Deco: Step by Step
Not just another pretty coffee table book, this information packed reference work will help you define South Beach, Florida It is a step-by-step guide to this unique architectural and cultural wonder. Besides a variety of walking tours of the Art Deco architecture, this rich guidebook offers insight into the tempo, culture, and the habits of some very unusual daily (and nightly) South Beach customs. Whether you're a visitor, a resident, or thinking of moving here, this rich resource will provide need-to-know information, from the definition of "Art Deco," to where to sip your morning coffee. Nearly 200 vibrant and artful photographs will take you on a journey filled with the romance and color of tropical Art Deco; the text will help you uncover the heart and soul of South Beach.
Non fales o que non debes Galician Edition
En Non fales o que non debes, a aparencia ten pouco que ver coa realidade. Xanete, o gato do maxistrado xuíz do Xulgado de Instrución número 1 está desconcertado porque o corpo do seu dono xace morto na rúa. O vehículo de emerxencias, a policía, o forense e a titular do Xulgado número 3 están a carón do cadáver, que o observa todo. Nos informativos dábanse detalles da Operación Táchira que debían estar baixo segredo de sumario. Ao tempo, un xornalista que asina como Vagalume parece disposto a todo con tal de obter información. Que se agocha detrás da vida de cadaquén? Ten iso algo que ver co sentido ético? Os personaxes desta novela presentan distintos rostros dependendo da mirada. Pero a verdade acaba por aboiar se penetramos nos seus segredos.
Teachers' College Press Children, Language, and Literacy: Diverse Learners in Diverse Times
In their new collaboration, Celia Genishi and Anne Haas Dyson celebrate the genius of young children as they learn language and literacy in the diverse contexts that surround them. Despite burgeoning sociocultural diversity, many early childhood classrooms (pre-K to grade 2) offer a 'one-size-fits-all' curriculum, too often assessed by standardized tests. In contrast, the authors propose diversity as the new norm. They feature stories of children whose language learning is impossible to standardize, and they introduce teachers who do not follow scripts but observe, assess informally, respond to, and grow with their children. Among these children are rapid language learners and those who take their time to become speakers, readers, and writers at 'child speed.' All these learners, regardless of tempo, are often found within the language-rich contexts of play.
Cameron & Company Inc Soren's Seventh Song
From Pulitzer Prize finalist and New York Times bestselling author Dave Eggers, Soren’s Seventh Song is a deadpan take on creativity and persistence, as told through the eyes of a humpback whale looking for a new song—with color illustrations by Mark Hoffman. Soren, a young humpback whale, loves music but is tired of the dull, droning, endless songs that are frustratingly popular among the adult whales he knows. He has ideas for better songs: shorter, up-tempo tunes with snare drums and even maracas. Unfortunately, every time he shares his new tunes with his friends, he’s met with less than encouraging feedback and even a bit of discreet whale vomiting. In this upbeat story of resilience and tenacity, Dave Eggers offers readers of all ages essential creative advice: your first drafts are probably terrible.
Page Street Publishing Co. The Note Who Faced the Music
Half Note doesn’t feel whole. With two beats, she isn’t as big and beautiful as Whole Note, or as quick and upbeat as Quarter Note. She worries she’ll never measure up! So when the other members of the musical staff are at rest, she picks up like a fast tempo and leaves. But Composer and the staff can’t play anything noteworthy without Half Note. Their only hope is to convince Half Note to change her tune and come back. This hilarious, offbeat tale of sheet music in treble will strike a chord with anyone who’s felt out of sync, ringing with reassurance that everyone has a part to play when working as a team. At the coda, readers can develop their ear with a glossary of musical terms included.
Nancy Paulsen Books When Winter Robeson Came
When Eden’s cousin Winter comes for a visit, it turns out he’s not just there to sightsee. He wants to figure out what happened to his dad, who disappeared ten years earlier from the Watts area of L.A. So, the cousins set out to investigate together, and what they discover brings them joy - and heartache. It also opens up a whole new understanding of their world, just as the area they’ve got their sights on explodes in a clash between the police and the Black residents. For six days Watts is like a war zone, and Eden and Winter become heroes in their own part of the drama. Eden hopes to be a composer someday, and the only way she can describe that summer is a song with an unexpected ending, full of changes in tempo and mood - totally unforgettable.
Thinkers Publishing The Modernized Anti-Sicilians - Volume 2: Moscow Variation & Sidelines
This second and final volume of the Anti-Sicilian series covers our approach for all alternatives to 2…Nc6. The choice against 2…d6 was obvious. The Moscow variation is the only critical alternative to 3.d4 that has caused any concerns for Black – by developing with a tempo, we force Black to make an immediate decision on move 3 and wait for the right moment to open the position. Whilst in the Rossolimo book we have tried to achieve an objective advantage against every line, our choices in the Moscow were mainly selected by their ability to create practical difficulties for the opponent. Naturally, it is not possible to find an advantage in every variation but we have ensured to add many detailed explanations to guide plans and aid understanding in the various positions we’ll encounter
Archaeopress Paesaggi urbani e rurali in trasformazione. Contesti e dinamiche dell’insediamento letti alla luce della fonte archeologica: Atti della Giornata di Studi dei Dottorandi in Archeologia (Pisa, 22 novembre 2019). XXXIV ciclo di Dottorato in Sc
Questo volume è dedicato agli Atti del Convegno Paesaggi urbani e rurali in trasformazione organizzato dalla Scuola di Dottorato delle Università di Pisa, Firenze e Siena per discutere le trasformazioni del paesaggio in una prospettiva diacronica. Il volume affronta il tema del paesaggio come entità complessa e dinamica caratterizzata da una molteplicità di fenomeni in continua trasformazione prodotti dall'interazione e dal reciproco condizionamento di fattori naturali e antropici. Adottando questa prospettiva, il paesaggio viene studiato attraverso l'analisi e l'interpolazione di molteplici fonti. Uso delle risorse, produzione, distribuzione e popolazione, vengono letti in una prospettiva ampia per contestualizzare la presenza umana nel tempo e nello spazio. Diversi casi di studio, quindi, consentono di affrontare il tema da diversi punti di vista - urbano, commerciale, produttivo, culturale - per valorizzare le caratteristiche peculiari dell'ambiente per come è stato vissuto e percepito.
Templar Publishing Raising the Roof
Composer and broadcaster Jack Pepper introduces the world of classical music - and its colourful characters - as you've never seen it before... LET'S ROCK!Take a tour of musical history, and learn your timbre from your tempo, your tuba from your cello and your symphony from your concerto. Rub shoulders with 20 great composers - including child prodigy Mozart, pioneering musician Florence Price and film score composer Hans Zimmer - and find out what it really takes to write a timeless classical hit!Listen as you read, using the playlist inside, with over 40 classical pieces covering 1,000 years of music. The story doesn't stop here, as Classical continues to influence music today and future sounds. Informal, funny and written with infectious enthusiasm, this book is sure to inspire the budding composer in every reader and open up this dazzling world of music to new fans.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Stanislavski in Practice The Film
A how-to guide, full of classroom exercises the book, which is meant to be used by students and instructors alike, is a wild success--the writing is clear, and the solid, down-to-earth exercises unravel the mystery of Stanislavski. E. C. Skiles; Lone Star College-Kingwood, CHOICEOutstanding this DVD will take practical approaches to Stanislavski to a whole new level. Alan Perks, Chief Examiner, Edexcel A LevelStanislavski in Practice The Film (Part One) brings the Stanislavski System fully to life for the first time, with over 100 minutes of footage. The film follows a group of seven acting students as they are introduced to the System. Guided by Nick O'Brien, the students undertake a complete course in the System, including: Imagination Physical tensions Free body Communication Natural silences Tempo-rhythm Movement and awaren
Faber & Faber Cahokia Jazz
A thrilling tale of murder and mystery in a city where history has run a little differently -- from the best-selling author of Golden Hill.''Utterly immersive.'' Spectator''Thrilling.'' Financial Times''Unlike anything else you will read this year.'' Daily Express''A classic of alternative history.'' Observer''A delight.'' Sunday TelegraphIt's 1922 and Americans are drinking in speakeasies, dancing to jazz, stepping quickly to the tempo of modern times. In the ancient city of Cahokia a teeming industrial metropolis, a tinderbox of every race and creed peace holds. Just about. But on a snowy night at the end of winter, two roughshod detectives are called to the roof of a skyscraper. Their investigation will spill the city's secrets and bring it, against a soundtrack of wailing clarinets, either to destruction or rebirth.What readers are saying:<
Penguin Books Ltd The Wild Party
"Spiegelman's drawings are like demonic woodcuts: every angle, line, and curve jumps out at you. Stylishness and brutishness are in perfect accord." - The New York Times Art Spiegelman's sinister and witty black-and-white drawings give charged new life to Joseph Moncure March's Wild Party, a lost classic from 1928. The inventive and varied page designs offer perfect counterpoint to the staccato tempo of this hard-boiled jazz-age tragedy told in syncopated rhyming couplets. Here is a poem that can make even readers with no time for poetry stop dead in their tracks. Once read, large shards of this story of one night of debauchery will become permanently lodged in the brain. When The Wild Party was first published, Louis Untermeyer declared: "It is repulsive and fascinating, vicious and vivacious, uncompromising, unashamed . . . and unremittingly powerful. It is an amazing tour de force."
University of Washington Press Mediating Islam: Cosmopolitan Journalisms in Muslim Southeast Asia
Broadening an overly narrow definition of Islamic journalism, Janet Steele examines day-to-day reporting practices of Muslim professionals, from conservative scripturalists to pluralist cosmopolitans, at five exemplary news organizations in Malaysia and Indonesia. At Sabili, established as an underground publication, journalists are hired for their ability at dakwah, or Islamic propagation. At Tempo, a news magazine banned during the Soeharto regime and considered progressive, many see their work as a manifestation of worship, but the publication itself is not considered Islamic. At Harakah, reporters support an Islamic political party, while at Republika they practice a “journalism of the Prophet” and see Islam as a market niche. Other news organizations, too, such as Malaysiakini, employ Muslim journalists. Steele, a longtime scholar of the region, explores how these publications observe universal principles of journalism through an Islamic idiom.
Edition Peters 160 EightBar Exercises Op. 821 for Piano
These short piano studies, all only 8 measures long, provide a fantastic quick resource for working on specific technical aspects - scales, legato, staccato, trills, arpeggios - from one of the most famous piano teachers of all time.160 kurze Übungen op. 821 für KlavierAls Klaviervirtuose und Schüler von namhaften Lehrern wie Beethoven, Clementi und Hummel wusste Carl Czerny, wie man sein Spiel optimal trainiert. Seine Kenntnisse teilt er in 80 Klavierschulen, die unzählige Etüden sammeln. Zur kurzen, intensiven Übung sind in dieser Ausgabe 160 Etüden gesammelt, die jeweils acht Takte lang sind. Dabei liegt der Fokus sowohl auf den Händen einzeln als auch auf beiden Händen und von technisch-rhythmischen Herausforderungen bis zu melodisch-lyrischen Stücken hat Czerny alle Nuancen berücksichtigt. Mit den meisten Stücken in schnellem Tempo und lebhafter Gestaltung sind diese Übungen eher für fortgeschrittene Schüler geeignet.
Thinkers Publishing The Modernized Anti-Sicilians - Volume 2: Moscow Variation & Sidelines
This second and final volume of the Anti-Sicilian series covers our approach for all alternatives to 2…Nc6. The choice against 2…d6 was obvious. The Moscow variation is the only critical alternative to 3.d4 that has caused any concerns for Black – by developing with a tempo, we force Black to make an immediate decision on move 3 and wait for the right moment to open the position. Whilst in the Rossolimo book we have tried to achieve an objective advantage against every line, our choices in the Moscow were mainly selected by their ability to create practical difficulties for the opponent. Naturally, it is not possible to find an advantage in every variation but we have ensured to add many detailed explanations to guide plans and aid understanding in the various positions we’ll encounter
Volonte & Co. Handpan The Complete Manual
This book is the result of a long study in the art of percussion. Here you will find a natural learning path, guiding the reader step by step, beginning with basic techniques and arriving at an advanced level. It's ideal even for those who don't read music. Also, each exercise has an accompanying video on the DVD, at both a slow and faster tempo. Some think that technique is not required to play the handpan, only instinct. To emit any kind of sound from the instrument, a certain level of technique is required, be it rudimentary or instinctive. If this wasn't the case, no sound would be emitted. So it is up to us to decide to continue to play the handpan instinctively or to discover that more exists, more concepts that we would not be able to develop by instinct alone.
Oxford University Press Inc Kinesic Humor: Literature, Embodied Cognition, and the Dynamics of Gesture
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. The triggers of laughter in spoken language or conversation can often be very simple, such as a change in gesture, or in vocal tone or tempo. Speakers and listeners understand these dynamics of gesture through motor cognition and use them to great effect. The causes of laughter and the experience of humor in written texts, however, are less well understood. In Kinesic Humor, Guillemette Bolens offers a cognitive poetics-based study of triggers of laughter in texts, focusing in particular on tonic shifts and gesture in plot and narrative. Bolens shows how literary texts from a variety of periods provide remarkably precise information concerning kinesthesia, the role of tonicity in communication, and the impact of momentum, timing, and tempo on the way in which gestures are processed in human exchanges. She investigates the narrative use of such parameters and how they prompt laughter in a wide-ranging corpus of major authors that includes Chrétien de Troyes, Cervantes, Milton, Saint-Simon, Rousseau, Sterne, and Stendhal. Using the theory of embodied cognition, Bolens shows how thwarted perceptions and expectations of movements and sensations produce the cognitive shifts typical of humor. Bringing together narratology, cognitive studies, gesture studies, humor studies, and historical context, this book offers original perspectives on important artworks and represents a major contribution to cognitive poetics. Originally published in French as L'Humour et le savoir des corps in 2016, this volume not only brings the work to an English-speaking audience for the first time but expands significantly on the original by analyzing a new corpus of texts and engaging with recent advances in the field to develop a cutting-edge theory of kinesic humor.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Un tren cargado de misterios
Dende a fiestra do seu cuarto, Ana ve pasar o tren todos os días. Un tren que nunca para, porque onde a nena vive non hai estación. Un día o ferrocarril detense ao pé da casa e Ana recibe a invitación do revisor de subir a el. Axiña descobre que se trata dun tren moi especial: nel percorrerá os países do mundo enteiro e, ademais, terá que resolver o misterio que encerran sete enigmáticas caixas azuis, a descuberta do libro das infinitas historias. A intriga, a fantasía, o xogo coas palabras, a existencia dun planeta diverso e plural, o valor dos libros e das historias fermosas que as persoas foron creando ao longo do tempo, en calquera país do mundo, para axudarnos a soñar e a vivir son as facetas máis destacadas deste novo libro de Agustín Fernández Paz, ilustrado por Enjamio e destinado a lectores de sete anos en diante.
Seagull Books London Ltd I Have No Regrets – Diaries, 1955–1963
Frank and refreshing, Brigitte Reimann’s collected diaries provide a candid account of life in socialist Germany. With an upbeat tempo and amusing tone, I Have No Regrets contains detailed accounts of the author’s love affairs, daily life, writing, and reflections. Like the heroines in her stories, Reimann was impetuous and outspoken, addressing issues and sensibilities otherwise repressed in the era of the German Democratic Republic. She followed the state’s call for artists to leave their ivory towers and engage with the people, moving to the new town of Hoyerswerda to work part-time at a nearby industrial plant and run writing classes for the workers. Her diaries and letters provide a fascinating parallel to her fictional writing. By turns shocking, passionate, unflinching, and bitter—but above all life-affirming—they offer an unparalleled insight into what life was like during the first decades of the GDR.
Guilford Publications Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Fourth Edition: A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment
Widely regarded as the standard clinical reference, this volume provides the best current knowledge about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, adolescents, and adults. The field's leading authorities address all aspects of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment, including psychological therapies and pharmacotherapy. Core components of ADHD are elucidated. The volume explores the impact of the disorder across a wide range of functional domains--behavior, learning, psychological adjustment, school and vocational outcomes, and health. All chapters conclude with user-friendly Key Clinical Points.New to This Edition*Reflects significant advances in research and clinical practice.*Expanded with many new authors and new topics.*Chapters on cutting-edge interventions: social skills training, dietary management, executive function training, driving risk interventions, complementary/alternative medicine, and therapies for adults.*Chapters on the nature of the disorder: neuropsychological aspects, emotional dysregulation, peer relationships, child- and adult-specific domains of impairment, sluggish cognitive tempo, and more.
Little, Brown Book Group Chosen by a Horse
When she agrees to take on one of the abused horses just rescued by the local SPCA, a new chapter opens in Susan Richards's difficult life. She lost her mother at the age of five and was raised by uncaring relatives; she married unhappily and divorced; and she'd been an alcoholic. Now, at the age of forty-three, she lives with three horses who keep her company: the diva-like Georgia, boyish Tempo and hopelessly romantic Hotshot.While trying to capture another horse assigned to her, Lay Me Down, a skeletal mare, walks into Susan's horse trailer of her own volition. When Susan agrees to take her, she begins to forge a special, healing relationship that alters her life.Poignant and evocative, this is a book for anyone who has ever loved a horse, and for everyone who has ever lost a loved one.
Faber Music Ltd Rock & Pop Theory: the essential guide
Rock & Pop Theory: the essential guide offers musicians of all ages and levels a practical and relevant guide to music theory today. With a special focus on popular music, this indispensable guide: introduces key musical concepts such as pitch, tempo, rhythm, harmony, scales, instruments, musical forms and structure outlines the conventions governing music notation, applying these specifically to rock & pop music provides interesting facts and real music examples to contextualise music theory offers practical tips on how to identify intervals, make up melodies and rhythms, set words to music and much more with foreword and chapter introductions by renowned educationalist Paul Harris contains quick-reference tools including an appendix, list of further repertoire examples, table of instruments, periods of music history, table of scales and modes and summary keys and time signatures. Rock & Pop Theory: the essential guide is a joint publication, published by Faber Music and Edition Peters.
Sostener la nota
Quién no revive momentos solo con escuchar el principio de una canción?Sostener la nota reúne los ensayosdel director deThe NewYorker sobre el ocaso profesional de los grandes de la música.Desde el debut de Leonard Cohen, cuando su miedo escénico le impedía terminar Suzanne, hasta la icónica caída del abrigo de visón de ArethaFranklin en el Kennedy Center mientras Barack y Michelle Obama aplaudían efusivamente. En Sostener la nota, el legendario director de la revista The NewYorker, David Remnick, reúne sus escritos sobre algunos de los músicos, compositores e intérpretes más famosos del mundo con vocación de entender cómo han pervivido en el tempo y en el tiempo las mayores y más populares voces del último siglo en Estados Unidos.Ganador de un premio Pulitzer por La tumba de Lenin, Remnick toma como hilo conductor las fulgurantes y longevas carreras de los mayores iconos
Edicións Nigra Trea O traxe tradicional galego
O traxe tradicional confórmase a finais do século XVIII por parte das clases populares, fronte á aristocracia e burguesía que seguían as pautas sinaladas polas modas estranxeiras. O seu desenvolvemento coincide coa Revolución Francesa, unhas das épocas máis convulsas da historia da humanidade, ao tempo que tamén se empeza a consolidar outra roupa por parte das clases dominantes, a moderna, antecesora inmediata da actual, de carácter igualitario e global.Esta evolución non foi exclusiva de Galicia, senón da maioría das rexións peninsulares e europeas, adoptando deste xeito unha vestimenta diferenciada fronte á unificación cada vez máis intensa propiciada polas modas e a industria téxtil.En xeral, trátase dunha indumentaria con características de seu, confeccionada polas mulleres da casa, e as costureiras e os xastres locais, utilizando basicamente tecidos e elementos ornamentais autóctonos, ata que coa mellora das comunicacións empezaron a chegar de fóra, en casos de moi lonxe.
Canelo Murder at an Irish Christmas: An unputdownable Irish village mystery
Murder rearranges the Yuletide carols into unexpected eulogies...The O’Sullivans are spending Christmas in West Cork with brother James’s fiancée Elise’s family, including her grandfather, the famous orchestral conductor Enda Elliot. When they learn everyone will choose a name from a hat to buy a music-related Christmas gift for someone else at the gathering, it seems like their greatest concern–until the cantankerous conductor is discovered crushed under a ninety-pound harp in a local concert hall.With the extended family–including Enda’s much-younger new wife Leah, a virtuoso violinist–suspected in his murder, it’s up to Siobhán to ensure the guilty party faces the music. But as a snowstorm strands both families in a lavish farmhouse on a cliff, Siobhán had better pick up the tempo–before the killer orchestrates another untimely demise...A charming Christmas cosy mystery, perfect for fans of Margaret Mayhew and Dee Macdonald.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. Amor De Artur Arturs Love Edicion Literaria
Imaxinación e aventura son dous dos ingredientes desta obra, que nestas narracións de Méndez Ferrín acadan un clímax épico que se vai esvaíndo lenemente, nun inquedante espacio lírico. o mundo imaxinario que recrea maxistralmente Méndez Ferrín devólvenos ós territorios da lei da cabalería e do amor cortés. A recuperación dos vellos heroes, Rei Artur, Guenebra, Lanzarote, Merlín. . ., supón o anovamento do pulo creativo, da tensión imaxinaria. A materia de Bretaña proporciónanos un camiño de recuperación da vella enerxía narrativa polo regreso ás fontes. Mailos heroes cos seus grandes ideais tráennos o alento quente da enerxía aventureira. Quen non está xa canso de insignificantes anti-heroes, de homes sen atributos erixidos en insoportables protagonistas? Benvidos outra vez o noble Arturo, o grande Merlín, o forte Lanzarote, a bela Xenebra. O noso tempo revísteos de dúbidas máis fortes, tingue de inevitable escepticismo as súas reflexións, quizais advirte inconfesables desexos nas súas
Do re que
Escrito en un lenguaje ameno, ilustrado con 179 figuras y 24 tablas, y completado con 4 útiles índices, Do re qué? es el manual práctico más completo y adecuado para iniciarse con facilidad en el lenguaje musical. Con Do re qué? aprenderás:Música: su definición y la de los conceptos más usuales.Sonido: elementos, tipos de onda y dimensiones.Ritmo: qué es, cuál es su origen, cuáles son los conceptos con los que se relaciona. Qué es el pulso, el acento, el tempo, el compás, los elementos que modifican la duración...Melodía: definición y orígenes. Las 7 notas de la escala, el pentagrama, las claves, las alteraciones. Escalas, modos y tonalidades. La intensidad, la expresión y la repetición. Interpretación de melodías en cuatro tipos de instrumentos.Armonía: definición, acordes, texturas, cifrado... Interpretación de acordes en piano y guitarra.Forma musical: terminología, análisis estructural de canciones. Formas por secciones simples, variación, imit
Guilford Publications Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Fourth Edition: A Handbook for Diagnosis and Treatment
Widely regarded as the standard clinical reference, this volume provides the best current knowledge about attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children, adolescents, and adults. The field's leading authorities address all aspects of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment, including psychological therapies and pharmacotherapy. Core components of ADHD are elucidated. The volume explores the impact of the disorder across a wide range of functional domains--behavior, learning, psychological adjustment, school and vocational outcomes, and health. All chapters conclude with user-friendly Key Clinical Points.New to This Edition*Reflects significant advances in research and clinical practice.*Expanded with many new authors and new topics.*Chapters on cutting-edge interventions: social skills training, dietary management, executive function training, driving risk interventions, complementary/alternative medicine, and therapies for adults.*Chapters on the nature of the disorder: neuropsychological aspects, emotional dysregulation, peer relationships, child- and adult-specific domains of impairment, sluggish cognitive tempo, and more.
Johns Hopkins University Press Dancing on the Devils Playground
An inside look at the unique balance the Amish strike between tradition and the demands of the modern world.From technology to social forces, the Amish face an evolving modern world. Their facility in determining whether to accept, reject, or bargain with the options that challenge them allows for measured change that sustains their social fabric and beliefs. In Dancing on the Devil''s Playground, James A. Cates employs a sociocultural model to analyze this negotiation and its applications in Amish culture. Cates, a clinical psychologist, draws on his extensive experience working with Amish families and communities as a mental health professional, as well as the scholarship of Donald B. Kraybill, a leading Amish expert who developed the negotiation with modernity model. Cates uses this paradigm to examine the Amish''s principles of assessment and evaluation, their cautious tempo in response to change, and their strategies of critical analysis during negot
Indiana University Press The Performing Pianist's Guide to Fingering
The Performing Pianist's Guide to Fingering, the much-anticipated companion to Joseph Banowetz's The Pianist's Guide to Pedaling, provides practical fingering solutions for technical musical passages. Banowetz contends that fingering choices require much thought and consideration and that too often these choices are influenced by historical traditions and ideas rather than by actual performance conditions. By returning to the unedited original compositions, he strives to help the advanced pianist think through the composer's musical intent and the actual performance tempo and dynamics when selecting the fingering. Banowetz also includes valuable contributions by Philip Fowke, who examines redistributions by Benno Moiseiwitsch in Rachmaninoff's compositions, and Nancy Lee Harper, who explores the often very different approaches to fingering found in keyboard music of the Baroque era. The Performing Pianist's Guide to Fingering will be useful to the advanced pianist and to instructors looking to guide students in improving this important art.
Edicións Xerais de Galicia, S.A. St
Algunhas obras quedan sen título (s/t) cando o autor non é quen de abranguer nunha única expresión todo o espírito definitivo da obra que vén de crear. Pode resultar un labor difícil de máis cando hai que pechar nel unha declaración de intencións e unha síntese. Ás veces a mellor escolla é o silencio.Neste caso s/t significa, ademais, sen terra, e ese demudado título leva a describir todas as perdas, a do espazo e a do tempo, a das coordenadas físicas da infancia nese lugar que xa non será posible se non é a través da palabra e da memoria deformadas pola brétema dos días. Un libro de facer memoria para atopar o inicial e o esencial: as orixes, o xermolo e a raíz, a transición e o transplante, o medrar no dislocado, desposuído xa, sendo o poema a única pegada que ficará despois de que as desaparicións sexan totais e non haxa máis forma de sobrevivir que o intanxible.
Baseada no famoso crime de Nigrán acontecido en xaneiro de 1994, esta novela de Álex Alonso, galardoada co Premio Torrente Ballester, reconstrúe con pericia os acontecementos durante os cales dous policías asasinaron catro persoas da familia dun coñecido empresario do granito no seu chalé tras un intento de extorsión. Fronte ao concepto de novela de non ficción, tan vencellada ao escritor Truman Capote en "A sangue frío", Álex Alonso aposta aquí pola ficción, iso si, elaborada a partir dun enorme traballo de documentación xornalística. "Granito" conta o salto ao baleiro de dous seres que xa levaban o fracaso marcado nas súas costas, nunha acción completamente improvisada, sen reflexión nin preparación previas: a acción case suicida de dous policías que non tiñan nada que perder. Ao mesmo tempo, a novela convértese nunha crónica sentimental, case documental, dos anos noventa en Galicia. En "Granito" Álex Alonso racha cunha convención nunca cuestionada na ficción galega ao reproducir no
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Das Zeitalter der Daten: Was Sie über Grundlagen, Algorithmen und Anwendungen wissen sollten
Daten werden überall gesammelt. Jeder Kauf, ob online oder offline, jede Autofahrt und jede Benutzung des Smartphones erzeugt Daten, die gespeichert werden. So entstehen Datenberge, die in atemberaubendem Tempo wachsen – für 2020 geht man von 40 Billionen Gigabytes aus. Aber was passiert dann mit diesen Daten? Wie werden sie ausgewertet? Und wer macht das? Holger Aust nimmt Sie mit auf einen unterhaltsamen Ausflug in die wunderbare Welt der Data Science. Sein Buch richtet sich an alle, die schon immer wissen wollten, wie Maschinen anhand von Daten lernen und ob sie dadurch (künstliche) Intelligenz erlangen. Sie erfahren natürlich auch, was neuronale Netze und Deep Learning eigentlich mit all dem zu tun haben. In leicht verständlichem Stil erhalten Sie außerdem Einblicke in die Funktionsweise der wichtigsten Algorithmen und lernen konkrete Beispiele, Herausforderungen und Risiken aus der Praxis kennen: Sie erfahren etwa, wie Mobilfunkanbieter ihre Kunden bei Laune halten, wie Erdbebenvorhersage funktioniert und warum auch Computer zum Schubladendenken neigen.
University of Illinois Press Waiting for Buddy Guy: Chicago Blues at the Crossroads
In the late 1970s and early 1980s, British blues fan Alan Harper became a transatlantic pilgrim to Chicago. "I've come here to listen to the blues," he told an American customs agent at the airport, and listen he did, to the music in its many styles, and to the men and women who lived it in the city's changing blues scene. Harper's eloquent memoir conjures the smoky redoubts of men like harmonica virtuoso Big Walter Horton and pianist Sunnyland Slim. Venturing from stageside to kitchen tables to the shotgun seat of a 1973 Eldorado, Harper listens to performers and others recollect memories of triumphs earned and chances forever lost, of deep wells of pain and soaring flights of inspiration. Harper also chronicles a time of change, as an up-tempo, whites-friendly blues eclipsed what had come before, and old Southern-born black players held court one last time before an all-conquering generation of young guitar aces took center stage.
Columbia University Press George Gaylord Simpson: Paleontologist and Evolutionist
In 1978 the distinguished paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson published his autobiography, Concession to the Improbable, which gave the basic facts of his life but left more questions than it answered. Now Leo F. Laporte presents this absorbing intellectual study of Simpson's major areas of work. Focusing on Simpson's scientific contributions, Laporte provides chapters on Simpson's earliest paleontological research through his distinguished Alexander Agassiz professorship at Harvard and his extensive fieldwork for the American Museum of Natural History, where he developed the core themes set forth in his most prestigious work, Tempo and Mode in Evolution (Columbia University Press, 1944). Simpson was arguably the first evolutionary paleontologist to combine descriptive taxonomy with the modern approaches of genetics and statistical analysis. Despite his brilliance Simpson was a difficult person to know; Laporte addresses the nature of Simpson's interpersonal problems with colleagues during his life. An introductory overview provides the biographical context of Simpson's career and provides the framework for his major paleontological and evolutionary contributions.
Edition Peters Dolly Op. 56 for Piano Duet
Fauré would have been delighted to know that this edition corrects the misguided feline associations in the titles for the second and fourth of these pieces. ''Mi-a-ou'' should always have been known as ''Messieu Auol'' (reflecting an infant pronunciation of the eponymous Dolly''s older brother, Raoul), and ''Kitty-Valse'' should have been ''Ketty-Valse'', inspired ironically not by a cat but by the family dog! For such a cornerstone of the repertoire, Roy Howat - who personally knew Dolly Bardac, the suite''s dedicatee - finds a surprisingly high number of source discrepancies to evaluate in the comprehensive critical commentary, including an indication that Fauré conceived the famous opening ''Berceuse'' at a more flowing tempo than has become habitual over the decades. Based on his intimate knowledge of Fauré, he also urges the performers to keep rubato to a minimum, and keep the pedalling light.Fauré''s Dolly suite honours Hélène Bardac (1892-1985), second child of Fauré''s clos