Search results for ""tempo""
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Sieges of Ciudad Rodrigo 1810 and 1812: The Peninsular War
The area astride the Spanish/Portuguese border between the respective fortresses of Ciudad Rodrigo and Almeida was the focus of the Peninsular War for much of the period from the autumn of 1809 through until 1812\. The fortress of Ciudad Rodrigo that dominated the country between the Rivers Agueda and Coa, was one of the 'Keys to Spain' for any army attacking either east or west across the frontier. With the defeat of the Fifth Coalition at Wagram in 1809, Napoleon was free to turn his attention to the rebellious Iberian Peninsula and the small British Army. Tasking a reluctant Marshal Massena to 'throw the leopard into sea', preparations started for what proved to be a protracted and lacklustre siege. Marshal Ney, however, champed at the bit and wanted to press on with the invasion and despite an increasing tempo of outpost actions, such as the renowned affair at Barbra del Puerco, Napoleon in attempting to control events from Paris, insisted on an orderly siege. With the fall of Ciudad Rodrigo, Craufurd's Light Division remained covering the Army's frontage but after a superbly conducted withdrawal, Craufurd's judgement erred and he was force into a costly fighting withdrawal to the River Coa. The British now fell back into Portugal but by Spring 1811 they were back and with Napoleon stripping troops from the Peninsular Wellington could prepare to invade Spain and besiege Ciudad Rodrigo Preparations for the siege were almost complete in December 1811, when further troops were stripped from Marshal Marmont, an opportunity to presented itself for a lightening operation to take Ciudad Rodrigo in the 1812 siege, which was of very different character.
Trafalgar Square Pole Work for Dressage Riders: Building Concentration, Coordination, and Strength in the Horse
While working with ground poles is not new to most riders, incorporating them in training with creativity and regularity may require a little inspiration and guidance. Enter Ann Katrin Querbach and her positive and persuasive ideas for developing the horse's body and movement in healthy and correct ways over poles. With progressive exercises at all three gaits, on the longe line and under saddle, she provides a basis for building a strong foundation, step by step. Or, just as easily, the reader can cherry-pick the exercises best suited to resolving a particular issue or improving a certain quality. Readers will find exercises that focus on: - Rhythm and tempo - Forwardness - Straightness - Transitions - Collection and lengthening - And building the horse's abs, legs, and hind end Pole work develops coordination, balance, and concentration in both horse and rider. It helps the rider develop a feel for a "correct" trot, active hindquarters, and lifted back in the horse. The rider learns to maintain "positive tension" ("engagement") in her body, while still remaining relaxed enough to follow the horse's movement. The horse must lift his hind legs significantly higher than usual in order to clear the poles, developing the coordination of the dorsal and ventral muscle chains, lifting the horse's back and engaging his neck. He is encouraged to build muscle in a manner that's both systematic and correct. This collection of exercises seeks to provide all these benefits and more, not only for the dressage rider seeking to correct or optimize the elements judged in competition but also for the recreational rider wishing to keep her horse fit and sound over a lifetime.
Peter Lang AG Gli statuti di Banzi e Taranto nella «Magna Graecia» del I secolo a. C.
Al centro di questo studio ci sono la comunità italica di Banzi, la colonia greca di Taranto ed i loro rispettivi statuti, incisi su bronzo nella prima metà del I secolo a. C. Si tratta dei più antichi statuti locali dell’Italia antica a noi pervenuti. Essi contengono disposizioni normative relative alla sfera amministrativa e giudiziaria dei due centri. Le due leges sono note da tempo, ma in questo volume vengono per la prima volta presentate, tradotte e commentate insieme e vengono studiate nello specifico contesto storico-politico delle due comunità. L’indagine ha tenuto conto anche di altri testi epigrafici di recente scoperta, che hanno migliorato la comprensione di vari aspetti dei due statuti e in alcuni casi hanno condotto ad interpretazioni diverse da quelle formulate sinora. The Italian community of Banzi and the Greek colony of Tarentum, with their respective charters engraved on bronze in the first half of the 1st century BC, are the main subjects of this study. These local charters are the oldest of this kind discovered in Italy to date. They contain legal provisions relating to the administrative and judicial field of the two centres. The two leges have long been known about but, in this book, they are presented for the first time together, translated, annotated and analysed with regard to the specific historical and political context of the two communities. Moreover the research takes into account other recently discovered epigraphic evidence, which has improved the understanding of many aspects of the two charters and in some cases has led to different interpretations from those made to date. The book is written in Italian.
Birlinn General The Road to Barcelona: The Glory of 72 and My Life in Football
'EIGHT YEARS WITH RANGERS, MORE THAN 300 GAMES, INCREDIBLE HIGHS, PAINFUL LOWS – AND IT ALL CAME DOWN TO ONE NIGHT IN THE NOU CAMP' 24 May 1972. The biggest night in the history of Rangers. Having overcome the might of Italian giants Torino and Beckenbauer’s Bayern Munich en route to the final of the European Cup Winners’ Cup, Dynamo Moscow stood between the Light Blues and the trophy. The stage was set in Barcelona for an unsung hero: Dave Smith. Creator of two of the goals on the night and arguably man of the match. In a rollercoaster career, Smith joined the Ibrox club from Aberdeen in 1966 for a record fee. He tasted defeat in the 1967 European Cup Winners’ Cup final and had his career blighted by two horrific leg breaks during a period in which he also experienced the tragedy of the Ibrox disaster. But by 1972 Smith was a lynchpin of Willie Waddell’s team. Playing as sweeper, he dicated the tempo of games with his vision and pinpoint passing. The star of the Nou Camp victory was voted Player of the Year in Scotland to cap the most memorable of seasons. He departed Rangers in 1974, making a shock switch to Arbroath after a fallout with new Ibrox manager Jock Wallace, before going on to star overseas in South Africa and then alongside George Best for the LA Aztecs in America. Rejecting the chance to join Paris Saint-Germain, Smith chose to end his career in Scotland’s lower leagues as player-manager at Berwick Rangers where he would find success and happiness playing the game the way it was meant to be played.
Archaeopress Tra Esino e San Vicino: Architettura religiosa nelle Marche centrali (secoli XI-XIII)
Tra Esino e San Vicino offre una lettura completamente nuova dell'architettura religiosa che, a cavallo tra il romanico e il gotico, si afferma al centro delle Marche, in un'area denominata Valle di S. Clemente. Qui, a partire dall'XI secolo, si assiste ad una straordinaria fioritura di insediamenti costituiti da abbazie, eremi, pievi, di cui spesso si conservano le strutture più antiche, la maggior parte ancora leggibili nella loro stratigrafia. Attraverso un'analisi dettagliata delle strutture murarie, condotta secondo i più moderni criteri metodologici dell'archeologia dell'architettura, e una rilettura critica delle fonti scritte, è stato possibile ricostruire le diverse fasi edilizie che hanno segnato la storia delle chiese esaminate, attestante le trasformazioni subite nel tempo a causa delle mutate esigenze liturgiche e dei frequenti eventi distruttivi. Sono così riemerse le articolate configurazioni architettonico-liturgiche di alcuni tra i più importanti edifici religiosi dell'Italia centrale, a cominciare dalla cripta di S. Salvatore di Valdicastro, prima tomba di S. Romualdo, di cui è stato possibile recuperare il "funzionamento" liturgico, fino ad alcune strutture complesse ed estremamente rare - ma non inedite nel panorama architettonico marchigiano - di cui la documentazione scritta non porta traccia, come i matronei di S. Elena all'Esino o i balconi interni di S. Urbano e S. Elena all'Esino. Inoltre, la rielaborazione della documentazione raccolta esaminando le strutture sopraelevate ha permesso di produrre una classificazione delle tecniche murarie e delle tipologie di aperture, organizzate nei relativi atlanti. In questo modo è stato possibile mappare il percorso di alcune maestranze edili, e più in generale è stato possibile determinarne i caratteri specifici e stabilirne la circolazione, che ha fatto emergere il ruolo determinante di alcuni 'magistri' e delle relative officine nell'elaborazione del paesaggio architettonico di questo territorio.
The University of Chicago Press Archives of the Insensible: Of War, Photopolitics, and Dead Memory
In this jarring look at contemporary warfare and political visuality, renowned anthropologist of violence Allen Feldman provocatively argues that contemporary sovereign power mobilizes asymmetric, clandestine, and ultimately unending war as a will to truth. Whether responding to the fantasy of weapons of mass destruction or an existential threat to civilization, Western political sovereignty seeks to align justice, humanitarian right, and democracy with technocratic violence and visual dominance. Connecting Guantanamo tribunals to the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, American counterfeit killings in Afghanistan to the Baader-Meinhof paintings of Gerhard Richter, and the video erasure of Rodney King to lynching photography and political animality, among other scenes of terror, Feldman contests sovereignty's claims to transcendental right -whether humanitarian, neoliberal, or democratic-by showing how dogmatic truth is crafted and terror indemnified by the prosecutorial media and materiality of war. Excavating a scenography of trials-formal or covert, orchestrated or improvised, criminalizing or criminal-Feldman shows how the will to truth disappears into the very violence it interrogates. He maps the sensory inscriptions and erasures of war, highlighting war as a media that severs factuality from actuality to render violence just. He proposes that war promotes an anesthesiology that interdicts the witness of a sensory and affective commons that has the capacity to speak truth to war. Feldman uses layered deconstructive description to decelerate the ballistical tempo of war to salvage the embodied actualities and material histories that war reduces to the ashes of collateral damage, the automatism of drones, and the opacities of black sites. The result is a penetrating work that marries critical visual theory, political philosophy, anthropology, and media archeology into a trenchant dissection of emerging forms of sovereignty and state power that war now makes possible.
The History Press Ltd Latin for Local and Family Historians
Latin is the language of a vast quantity of untouched source material. Despite the widespread popular interest in research into local and family history there has been no recent text book to help the beginner to cope with the great barrier preventing access to that wealth of information ... medieval Latin. This book remedies the omission. It embodies the author's experience as a university teacher of Latin examination in the local history certificate courses which he organised. After dealing with the basic grammar of Latin, this very practical book examines the structure and vocabulary of the records used in local and family research, including episcopal visitations, church court records, sepulchral inscriptions, wills, manorial court rolls, charters and deeds. A final chapter explains the abbreviations used in medieval Latin. The Book is complete in itself and contains all the necessary tables of declensions and conjugations plus a glossary of more than eight hundred words. The Book is uniquely 'user-friendly'. The tempo of instruction is slow; the passages for translation are carefully graded for grammar and vocabulary and selected both for their intrinsic interest and for their representative character. The author believes that, although Latin cannot be made simple, it is nevertheless manageable. The reader who works systematically through the book will be equipped to handle the Latin of the documents encountered by the do-it-yourself local or family historian. Following the enormous success of his earlier Manorial Records (1992), the author has now furnished the research with another invaluable guide to fill an even more fundamental gap in the 'how-to-do-it' library. All previous, partial attempts to deal with the problems of medieval Latin sources are totally eclipsed by this welcome primer - both comprehensive and easy to use.
Penguin Books Ltd The Junior Officers' Reading Club: Killing Time and Fighting Wars
Patrick Hennessey's The Junior Officers' Reading Club is a lucid, witty account of all the horror, boredom and exhilaration of war. Patrick Hennessey is pretty much like any other member of Generation X: he spent the first half of the noughties reading books at university, going out, listening to house music and watching war films. He also, as an officer in the Grenadier guards, fought in some of the most violent combat the British army has seen in decades. Telling the story of how a modern soldier is made, from the testosterone-heavy breeding ground of Sandhurst to the nightmare of Iraq and Afghanistan, The Junior Officers' Reading Club is already being hailed as a modern classic. 'Soldiers who can write are as rare as writers who can strip down a machinegun in 40 seconds' Christopher Hart, Sunday Times 'An extraordinary memoir ... Hennessey has a reporter's eye for detail and a soldier's nose for bullshit' John Shirley, Guardian 'High tempo, full-on, honest and revealing' Patrick Bishop, Evening Standard 'The most accomplished work of military witness to emerge from British war-fighting since 1945' Boyd Tonkin, Independent 'Remarkable ... conveys vividly what it's like to experience combat' Jeremy Paxman, Daily Telegraph, Books of the Year Patrick Hennessey (b. 1982) joined the Army in January 2004, undertaking officer training at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst where he was awarded the Queen's Medal and commissioned into The Grenadier Guards. He served as a Platoon Commander and later Company Operations Officer from the end of 2004 to early 2009 in the Balkans, Africa, South East Asia and the Falkland Islands and on operational tours to Iraq in 2006 and Afghanistan in 2007, where he became the youngest Captain in the Army and was commended for gallantry.
University of Hawai'i Press Beyond Ethnicity: New Politics of Race in Hawai'i
Written by scholars of various disciplines, the essays in this volume dig beneath the veneer of Hawai‘i’s myth as a melting pot paradise to uncover historical and complicated cross-racial dynamics. Race is not the primary paradigm through which Hawai‘i is understood. Instead, ethnic difference is celebrated as a sign of multicultural globalism that designates Hawai‘i as the crossroads of the Pacific. Racial inequality is disruptive to the tourist image of the islands. It ruptures the image of tolerance, diversity, and happiness upon which tourism, business, and so many other vested transnational interests in the islands are based. The contributors of this interdisciplinary volume reconsider Hawai‘i as a model of ethnic and multiracial harmony through the lens of race in their analysis of historical events, group relations and individual experiences, and humor, among other focal points. Beyond Ethnicity examines the dynamics between race, ethnicity, and indigeneity to challenge the primacy of ethnicity and cultural practices for examining difference in the islands while recognizing the significant role of settler colonialism in the islands. This original and thought-provoking volume reveals what a racial analysis illuminates about the current political configuration of the islands and in so doing, challenges how we conceptualize race on the continent.Recognizing the ways that Native Hawaiians or Kanaka Maoli are impacted by shifting, violent, and hierarchical colonial structures that include racial inequalities, the editors and contributors explore questions of personhood and citizenship through language, land, labor, and embodiment. By admitting to these tensions and ambivalences, the editors set the pace and tempo of powerfully argued essays that engage with the various ways that Kanaka Maoli and the influx of differentially racialized settlers continue to shift the social, political, and cultural terrains of the Hawaiian Islands over time.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Hacking Marketing: Agile Practices to Make Marketing Smarter, Faster, and More Innovative
Apply software-inspired management concepts to accelerate modern marketing In many ways, modern marketing has more in common with the software profession than it does with classic marketing management. As surprising as that may sound, it's the natural result of the world going digital. Marketing must move faster, adapt more quickly to market feedback, and manage an increasingly complex set of customer experience touchpoints. All of these challenges are shaped by the dynamics of software—from the growing number of technologies in our own organizations to the global forces of the Internet at large. But you can turn that to your advantage. And you don't need to be technical to do it. Hacking Marketing will show you how to conquer those challenges by adapting successful management frameworks from the software industry to the practice of marketing for any business in a digital world. You'll learn about agile and lean management methodologies, innovation techniques used by high-growth technology companies that any organization can apply, pragmatic approaches for scaling up marketing in a fragmented and constantly shifting environment, and strategies to unleash the full potential of talent in a digital age. Marketing responsibilities and tactics have changed dramatically over the past decade. This book now updates marketing management to better serve this rapidly evolving discipline. Increase the tempo of marketing's responsiveness without chaos or burnout Design "continuous" marketing programs and campaigns that constantly evolve Drive growth with more marketing experiments while actually reducing risk Architect marketing capabilities in layers to better scale and adapt to change Balance strategic focus with the ability to harness emergent opportunities As a marketer and a manager, Hacking Marketing will expand your mental models for how to lead marketing in a digital world where everything—including marketing—flows with the speed and adaptability of software.
University of Pennsylvania Press The Breakthrough: Human Rights in the 197s
Between the 1960s and the 1980s, the human rights movement achieved unprecedented global prominence. Amnesty International attained striking visibility with its Campaign Against Torture; Soviet dissidents attracted a worldwide audience for their heroism in facing down a totalitarian state; the Helsinki Accords were signed, incorporating a "third basket" of human rights principles; and the Carter administration formally gave the United States a human rights policy. The Breakthrough is the first collection to examine this decisive era as a whole, tracing key developments in both Western and non-Western engagement with human rights and placing new emphasis on the role of human rights in the international history of the past century. Bringing together original essays from some of the field's leading scholars, this volume not only explores the transnational histories of international and nongovernmental human rights organizations but also analyzes the complex interplay between gender, sociology, and ideology in the making of human rights politics at the local level. Detailed case studies illuminate how a number of local movements—from the 1975 World Congress of Women in East Berlin, to antiapartheid activism in Britain, to protests in Latin America—affected international human rights discourse in the era as well as the ways these moments continue to influence current understanding of human rights history and advocacy. The global south—an area not usually treated as a scene of human rights politics—is also spotlighted in groundbreaking chapters on Biafran, South American, and Indonesian developments. In recovering the remarkable presence of global human rights talk and practice in the 1970s, The Breakthrough brings this pivotal decade to the forefront of contemporary scholarly debate. Contributors: Carl J. Bon Tempo, Gunter Dehnert, Celia Donert, Lasse Heerten, Patrick William Kelly, Benjamin Nathans, Ned Richardson-Little, Daniel Sargent, Brad Simpson, Lynsay Skiba, Simon Stevens.
Pearson Education (US) Logic Pro - Apple Pro Training Series: Professional Music Production
The Apple-Certified Way to Learn Record, arrange, produce, mix, and master music with this bestselling, Apple-certified guide to Logic Pro. Veteran producer and composer David Nahmani uses real-world professional Logic Pro projects to guide you through step-by-step instructions and straightforward explanations, ranging from basic music creation to sophisticated production techniques. You'll trigger Live Loops in real time, record audio and software instruments, create and edit sequences, and build arrangements. You'll create both acoustic and electronic virtual drum performances. You'll use Quick Sampler to create stutter effects and vocal chop, and explore ear candy production techniques, such as parallel processing and turntable start and stop effects. You'll use Smart Controls to map knobs, buttons, and drum pads on a MIDI controller or an iPad. You'll harness the power of Smart Tempo to sync up all your audio and MIDI. You'll use Flex Time to stretch audio and correct the timing of recordings, and you'll tune vocals with Flex Pitch. You'll mix, automate, and master the song with EQ, compression, delay, reverb, limiters, and other plug-ins to achieve a professional sound. Finally, you'll create a 3D spatial audio mix with Logic Pro's new Dolby Atmos plug-ins, using binaural rendering to experience that immersive sonic experience on your headphones. Downloadable real-world, professional Logic projects Step-by-step hands-on exercises Accessible writing style that puts an expert mentor at your side Ample illustrations that help you quickly master techniques Lists of keyboard shortcuts used in each lesson Tips to improve your workflow Online personal support on the author's website The Apple Pro Training Series is Apple's official self-paced learning resource. Books in this series offer downloadable lesson files and an online version of the book. Additional information on this and other books in this series can be found at For more on certification, visit Also in the Apple Pro Training Series: Final Cut Pro macOS Support Essentials
Orion Publishing Co Believe in Magic: 30 Years of Heavenly Recordings
'Heavenly is more than a record label, it's the absolute nectar of all that's brilliant in the culture of these island. I love the shit out of them and everything they stand for.' Irvine WelshBELIEVE IN MAGIC tells the story of Heavenly Recordings in thirty vignettes, photography and ephemera, all of which relate to landmark records, moments and characters in the label's first three decades.A label responsible for creating satellite communities of fans around the world and at all the major festivals, Heavenly was set up by Jeff Barrett in 1990 after several years working for Factory and Creation as the acid house revolution was in full swing; early releases set the tone and tempo for the mood of the decade to come - their first single was produced by perhaps the most revered acid house DJ of them all, Andrew Weatherall; and this was quickly followed by era-defining singles from Saint Etienne, Flowered Up and Manic Street Preachers, music which perhaps captures the flavour of the early '90s better than any other.Heavenly was always tuned to an aesthetic that was sensitive to the anarchic spirt of the times; defiantly eclectic with a radar set to taste and a never-ending commitment to discovering new talent. In 1994 they set up The Heavenly Sunday Social, which became one of the most influential and mythologised clubs in recent British history, where the Chemical Brothers - then the Dust Brothers - made their name. For thirteen weeks, it was the hottest nightclub on the planet. For 180 demented acolytes in a basement room below the Albany pub.Over nearly 200 releases in thirty years Heavenly have consistently produced some of the most exciting music across all genres, and this book collects rare artwork and wild anecdotal evidence into a celebration of a label that is one of the most beloved institutions on the independent landscape.BELIEVE IN MAGIC includes contributions from Manic Street Preachers, Beth Orton, Doves, Don Letts, Edwyn Collins, Confidence Man, Mark Lanegan, King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Guitar Exercises For Dummies
A guitar-playing practice guide with hundreds of warm-up and technique-building exercises If you already play some guitar but need some practice, you're in the right place. Guitar Exercises For Dummies is a friendly guide that provides just enough need-to-know information about practicing scales, chords, and arpeggios in the context of specific skills and techniques to help you maximize its 400+ exercises and improve your guitar playing. (If you need instruction on topics like buying or tuning a guitar and playing basic chords, check out Guitar For Dummies.) This practical book starts off with warm-up exercises (on and off-instrument) and then logically transitions to scales, scale sequences, arpeggios, arpeggio sequences, and chords, with a focus on building strength and consistency as well as refining technique. Each section helps you to practice correct hand and body posture and experience variations, such as fingering options and hand positions, and then ends with a brief musical piece for you to try. You can also practice incorporating other facets of musical performance in your exercises, such as: Tempo Time signature Phrasing Dynamics The book wraps up with tips to help you maximize your practice time (like setting goals for each session), ways to improve your musicianship (such as studying other performers’ body language), and an appendix that explains the accompanying website (where you can find audio tracks and additional information). Grab your guitar, grab a copy of Guitar Exercises For Dummies, and start perfecting your finger picking today. P.S. If you think this book seems familiar, you're probably right. The Dummies team updated the cover and design to give the book a fresh feel, but the content is the same as the previous release of Guitar Exercises For Dummies (9780470387665). The book you see here shouldn't be considered a new or updated product. But if you're in the mood to learn something new, check out some of our other books. We're always writing about new topics!
Octopus Publishing Group Moon Astrology: using the moon's phases to enhance your life
Do you have certain days when you feel like the universe is against you? Do some days just flow more easily than others? Are you seeking a way to live in tune with nature?You probably know all about your Sun Sign, which describes your personality, but have you heard of your Moon Sign? Your Lunar zodiac sign governs your emotional life, your inner mood, and your day-to-day energy. Moon Astrology will teach you all about your moon sign so that you can harness the moon's cosmic power, knowing when and how to use that power is key.Understanding when the moon passes through its phases, letting the ebb and flow of its energy wash through you like the coming and going of the tides, will help you to improve and empower every aspect of your life. When you tap into the moon's tempo and plan the events of your life in tune with its rhythm, you will feel more centred and balanced.Moon Astrology will help you to:· Recognize why some days are easy and some are difficult· Plan your life to take advantage of cosmic influences to power important decisions and actions· Track the moon's phases with easy-to-use Lunar phase tables for 2022-2030 and look up your moon sign with birth charts from 1924 to 2025 plus an easy guide for calculating any date past or future· Learn about how each phase of the moon brings different energies for reflection, rest, growth, and inspiration· Find easy spiritual exercises for channelling the power of each phase· Discover how to take advantage of each phase to supercharge your Health and Beauty, Love and Relationships, Career and Finances and your Home and GardenDiscover sections on interpreting your moon sign, understanding the different phases of the moon, and mastering "moon-phase life planning", Moon Astrology is the indispensable guide to discovering how the moon can impact your instincts and intuitions, and have subtle effects on the rhythms of everyday life.
Baker Publishing Group A Cast of Stones
2014 Carol Award Winner for Speculative The Fate of the Kingdom Awaits the Cast of Stones In the backwater village of Callowford, roustabout Errol Stone is enlisted by a church messenger arriving with urgent missives for the hermit priest in the hills. Eager for coin, Errol agrees to what he thinks will be an easy task, but soon finds himself hunted by deadly assassins. Forced to flee with the priest and a small band of travelers, Errol soon learns he's joined a quest that could change the fate of his kingdom. Protected for millennia by the heirs of the first king, the kingdom's dynasty nears its end and the selection of the new king begins--but in secret and shadow. As danger mounts, Errol must leave behind the stains and griefs of the past, learn to fight, and discover who is hunting him and his companions and how far they will go to stop the reading of the stones. "With an engaging, imaginative world that bristles with danger, characters that keep you guessing, and a story that sticks with you, A Cast of Stones will keep you devouring pages until the very end. I highly recommend it!" --John W. Otte, author of Failstate "Carr's debut, the first in a series, is assured and up-tempo, with much to enjoy in characterization and description--not least the homely, life-as-lived details." -Publishers Weekly This fast-paced fantasy debut set in a medieval world is a winner. Both main and secondary characters are fully drawn and endearing, and Errol's transformation from drunkard to hero is well plotted. Carr is a promising CF author to watch. Fans of epic Christian fantasies will enjoy discovering a new voice. "Like the preceding series title, Inescapable, this tale of suspense offers a colorful cast of characters, small-town drama, and a hint of romance. A sure bet for fans of Hannah Alexander." --Library Journal "[Good fantasy books] have to be excellent. Good storytelling and exceptional characters with circumstances that are easy enough to follow and wrap your brain around but keep you entertained and guessing... Cast of Stones has found itself firmly in that list of books. I absolutely, one hundred percent loved this book." --Radiant Lit
Indiana University Press Morgante: The Epic Adventures of Orlando and His Giant Friend Morgante
Now in paperback!MorganteThe Epic Adventures of Orlando and His Giant Friend MorganteLuigi PulciTranslated by Joseph TusianiIntroduction and Notes by Edoardo A. Lèbano"Pulci's Morgante is a multilayered text... so rich in witticisms, ribaldry, and word games that it has defied accurate rendering into English. Tusiani, an experienced and effective translator and poet, has met the challenge with a fluid contemporary version, effectively conveying the tempo of the original as well as its comic verve." —F. A. Bassanese, Choice"Luigi Pulci, with Joseph Tusiani's translation and Edoardo A. Lèbano's commentary, has entered the pantheon of Italian epic poetry translated into English thus far infabited only by his three Italian followers: Matteo Maria Boiardo, Ludovico Ariosto, and Torquato Tasso."—Dino S. Cervigni, Italian Quarterly"A reference work that no scholar of the Italian Renaissance can afford to ignore. Lèbano has done justice to Tusiani’s text and Tusiani has done justice to Pulci's masterpiece." —Gaetano Cipolla, Annali d'ItalianisticaA classic picaresque epic detailing the thrilling exploits of Orlando, Morgante is a tale of war and of the calamities that befall the romantic hero, his fellow knights, and their sovereign, Charlemagne. Orlando encounters the fierce Morgante and converts him; the giant then becomes his squire and trusted companion.This long-awaited annotated English translation will lead to a new appreciation of Luigi Pulci’s singular epic masterpiece and a reassessment of the author’s influence on modern English literature. Luigi Pulci (1432–1484) has been called the first Romantic poet after Dante. Admired by Lord Byron, Pulci was a major influence on the English Romantic poets. He was born in Florence to a noble family and was a member of the literary circle of his friend Lorenzo de Medici.Joseph Tusiani is Distinguished Service Professor (retired) at The City University of New York. His other translations include The Complete Poems of Michelangelo, Tasso’s Jerusalem Delivered and Creation of the World, Boccaccio’s Nymphs of Fiesole, Leopardi’s Canti, and Dante’s Lyric Poems. He is also author of several collections of verse in English, Italian, and Latin.Edoardo A. Lèbano, Professor of French and Italian at Indiana University, has published on Luigi Pulci’s culture and works.Indiana Masterpiece Editions
Anomie Publishing Sarah Medway – the River Series
This, London-based painter Sarah Medway’s second publication from Anomie Publishing, is devoted to the subject of the River Thames. The publication presents a series of twenty-eight oil paintings created in Medway’s canal-side studio in central London during the Covid-19 lockdowns of 2020-21.The Thames is beautiful, terrifying, powerful, alluring and dangerous. Medway captures the river’s eclectic dynamics, rhythms and energy through the language of abstract painting, the ripples, bubbles, eddies and currents, the reflections and refractions denoted through sinuous lines, ellipses and spots, dots and loops, flecks and swirls. Referencing 20th-century modernist movements such as De Stijl, Tachisme and post-war American Abstract Expressionism, Medway’s own, lyrical, often graphic approach to painting the Thames results in a vivid interplay between pattern and colour. The paintings have overt musical resonances – tempo, rhythm and dynamics as might be encountered in an orchestral score. Like the river, the paintings are at times joyous and playful, at other times brooding and menacing, yet always moving, in flux, traveling onwards towards the sea.An introductory text by critic and writer Sue Hubbard takes readers through the series, exploring how the paintings engage with the qualities and complexities of the river. An in-person conversation between Medway and writer, editor and curator Anna McNay provides insight into the artist’s life and work, discussing the processes by which Medway makes her paintings and the thinking behind them. Designed and produced by Peter B. Willberg, this foil-blocked, cloth-bound hardback publication with a special dustjacket also features an illustrated chronology documenting Medway’s life and career.Sarah Medway (b.1955, Seaton Carew, UK) is a painter based in London. As well as group exhibitions at institutions such as Tate Britain, the Whitechapel, the Royal Academy, the World Trade Center and Austin Museum of Art, Medway’s solo shows include Flowers East, London, Chelsea Hotel, New York, Kienbaum Gallery, Frankfurt, The Mandalai, Thailand, and Atelier Gallery, Spain. She has works in many public, private and corporate collections in the UK, US, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Hong Kong and Thailand.
HarperCollins Publishers Open: An Autobiography
He is one of the most beloved athletes in history and one of the most gifted men ever to step onto a tennis court – but from early childhood Andre Agassi hated the game. Coaxed to swing a racket while still in the crib, forced to hit hundreds of balls a day while still in grade school, Agassi resented the constant pressure even as he drove himself to become a prodigy, an inner conflict that would define him. Now, in his beautiful, haunting autobiography, Agassi tells the story of a life framed by such conflicts. Agassi makes us feel his panic as an undersized seven-year-old in Las Vegas, practicing all day under the obsessive gaze of his violent father. We see him at thirteen, banished to a Florida tennis camp. Lonely, scared, a ninth-grade dropout, he rebels in ways that will soon make him a 1980s icon. By the time he turns pro at sixteen, his new look promises to change tennis forever, as does his lightning fast return. And yet, despite his raw talent, he struggles early on. We feel his confusion as he loses to the world's best, his greater confusion as he starts to win. After stumbling in three Grand Slam finals, Agassi shocks the world, and himself, by capturing the 1992 Wimbledon. Overnight he becomes a fan favorite and a media target. Agassi brings a near-photographic memory to every pivotal match, and every public relationship. Alongside vivid portraits of rivals, Agassi gives unstinting accounts of his brief time with Barbra Streisand and his doomed marriage to Brooke Shields. He reveals the depression that shatters his confidence, and the mistake that nearly costs him everything. Finally, he recounts his spectacular resurrection and his march to become the oldest man ever ranked number one. In clear, taut prose, Agassi evokes his loyal brother, his wise coach, his gentle trainer, all the people who help him regain his balance and find love at last with Stefanie Graf. With its breakneck tempo and raw candor, Open will be read and cherished for years. A treat for ardent fans, it will also captivate readers who know nothing about tennis. Like Agassi's game, it sets a new standard for grace, style, speed and power.
DK Help Your Kids with Music, Ages 10-16 (Grades 1-5): A Unique Step-by-Step Visual Guide & Free Audio App
Demystify the subject of music theory with this visual guide, reducing the stress of studying music and helping your child with their music homework. With free online audio.Covering everything from semitones and note values to harmony and music appreciation, Help Your Kids with Music takes you on a clear and easy step-by-step path through all things music. With free supporting audio available. This straightforward guide uses clear, accessible pictures and diagrams to approach even the most complex musical theory with confidence. The use of bright colors breaks up the black and white confusion of musical notes and helps you to easily understand key topics. You’ll also find a glossary of key musical terms and symbols for quick reference, and a supporting audio to help you understand the music you are seeing. This visual guide clearly explains key concepts in five step-by-step chapters:- The Basics explains the types of instruments, notation for keyboard and stringed instruments, the "musical alphabet," and counting a beat.- Rhythm covers the length of notes and rests, as well as basic rhythms and meters, phrasing, syncopation, tempo, and using a metronome- Tone and Melody includes everything a student needs to know about tones and how they work together to build a melody- Chords and Harmony shows how intervals work together and includes examples for horn and woodwind instruments- Form and Interpretation helps students understand how musical form can aid appreciation and interpretation for classical, jazz, blues, and other musical styles.Suitable for those working on music at school or as an extra subject, this valuable guide covers music theory from Grades 1-5. Whether you're approaching the subject yourself or simply supporting someone else through their studies, Help Your Kids with Music simplifies the world of musical notation and study for everyone.Series OverviewDK's bestselling Help Your Kids With series contains crystal-clear visual breakdowns of important subjects. Simple illustrations and clear text are key to making this series a user-friendly resource for frustrated parents who want to help their children get the most out of school.
John Wiley & Sons Inc An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis: Music Information Retrieval Tasks and Applications
An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis Enables readers to understand the algorithmic analysis of musical audio signals with AI-driven approaches An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis serves as a comprehensive guide on audio content analysis explaining how signal processing and machine learning approaches can be utilized for the extraction of musical content from audio. It gives readers the algorithmic understanding to teach a computer to interpret music signals and thus allows for the design of tools for interacting with music. The work ties together topics from audio signal processing and machine learning, showing how to use audio content analysis to pick up musical characteristics automatically. A multitude of audio content analysis tasks related to the extraction of tonal, temporal, timbral, and intensity-related characteristics of the music signal are presented. Each task is introduced from both a musical and a technical perspective, detailing the algorithmic approach as well as providing practical guidance on implementation details and evaluation. To aid in reader comprehension, each task description begins with a short introduction to the most important musical and perceptual characteristics of the covered topic, followed by a detailed algorithmic model and its evaluation, and concluded with questions and exercises. For the interested reader, updated supplemental materials are provided via an accompanying website. Written by a well-known expert in the music industry, sample topics covered in Introduction to Audio Content Analysis include: Digital audio signals and their representation, common time-frequency transforms, audio features Pitch and fundamental frequency detection, key and chord Representation of dynamics in music and intensity-related features Beat histograms, onset and tempo detection, beat histograms, and detection of structure in music, and sequence alignment Audio fingerprinting, musical genre, mood, and instrument classification An invaluable guide for newcomers to audio signal processing and industry experts alike, An Introduction to Audio Content Analysis covers a wide range of introductory topics pertaining to music information retrieval and machine listening, allowing students and researchers to quickly gain core holistic knowledge in audio analysis and dig deeper into specific aspects of the field with the help of a large amount of references.
Faber & Faber Cahokia Jazz: From the prizewinning author of Golden Hill ‘the best book of the century’ Richard Osman
'Utterly immersive' Spectator'Thrilling' Financial Times'Unlike anything else you will read this year' Daily Express 'A classic of alternative history' Observer 'A delight' Sunday TelegraphA Guardian, Financial Times, New Statesman and Times Literary Supplement Book of the Year A thrilling tale of murder and mystery in a city where history has run a little differently -- from the bestselling author of Golden Hill.In a city that never was, in an America that never was, on a snowy night at the end of winter, two detectives find a body on the roof of a skyscraper.It's 1922, and Americans are drinking in speakeasies, dancing to jazz, stepping quickly to the tempo of modern times. But in this 1922, things are a little different. Beside the Mississippi, the ancient city of Cahokia lives on - a teeming industrial metropolis, containing every race and creed. Among them, peace holds. Just about. But that body on the roof is about to spark off a week that will spill the city's secrets, and bring it, against a soundtrack of wailing clarinets and gunfire, either to destruction or rebirth. The multiple-award-winning Francis Spufford returns, with a lovingly created, richly pleasure-giving, epically scaled tale set in the golden age of wicked entertainments.What readers are saying:***** 'A marvellous, atmospheric, beautifully written and gripping read that dares to hope, amidst a background of bleak darkness and the pulsing joy of jazz, that I recommend highly.' ***** 'Original, imaginative, thought provoking, engrossing, engaging and beautifully written with characters who are credible and engaging. What more is there to ask for from a master at the top of his game. I enjoyed this as much as Golden Hill, which is praise indeed.' ***** 'The Yiddish Policemen's Union is an obvious point of comparison; I also got echoes of James Ellroy, though with more light in the darkness, or maybe just a greater readiness to forgive humanity's failings. There's perhaps a dash of Earthly Powers too, and at least one nod to The Leopard; exalted company, to be sure, but Cahokia Jazz can hold its head high among them.'
Guilford Publications Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale--IV (BAARS-IV), (Wire-Bound Paperback)
The Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale-IV (BAARS-IV) offers an essential tool for assessing current ADHD symptoms and domains of impairment as well as recollections of childhood symptoms. Directly linked to DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, the scale includes both self-report and other-report forms (for example, spouse, parent, or sibling). Not only is the BAARS-IV empirically based, reliable, and valid, but it is also exceptionally convenient to use. The long version takes the average adult 5-7 minutes to complete, and the Quick Screen takes only 3-5 minutes. Special features include a section of items assessing the newly identified symptoms of sluggish cognitive tempo, also known as the inattentive-only subtype of ADHD. Complete instructions for scoring and interpreting the scale are provided.QUICK VIEWWhat does it do?: Assesses current ADHD symptoms and domains of impairment, plus recollections of childhood symptoms.Age Range: 18-89Administration Time: Long Form: 5-7 minutes. Quick Screen: 3-5 minutes.Format: Self-report plus other-report (for example, spouse, parent, or sibling) rating scales.Cost of Additional Forms: No cost--purchasers get permission to reproduce the forms and score sheets for repeated use.See also the Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale (BDEFS for Adults), which assesses clinically significant executive functioning difficulties, and the Barkley Functional Impairment Scale (BFIS for Adults), which evaluates 15 major domains of psychosocial functioning.Includes Permission to PhotocopyEnhancing the convenience and value of the BAARS-IV, the limited photocopy license allows purchasers to reproduce the forms and score sheets and yields considerable cost savings over other available scales. The large format and sturdy wire binding facilitate photocopying.Age Range: 18-89Forms and Score SheetsBAARS-IV: Self-Report: Current SymptomsBAARS-IV: Self-Report: Childhood SymptomsBAARS-IV: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores and Symptom Counts (Ages 18-39)BAARS-IV: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores and Symptom Counts (Ages 40-59)BAARS-IV: Self-Report Score Sheet for Raw Scores and Symptom Counts (Ages 60-89)BAARS-IV: Other-Report: Current SymptomsBAARS-IV: Other-Report: Childhood SymptomsBAARS-IV: Self-Report: Quick ScreenBAARS-IV: Self-Report: Quick Screen Score Sheet for Raw Scores (All Ages)BAARS-IV: Other-Report: Quick ScreenBAARS-IV: Self-Report: Current Symptoms InterviewBAARS-IV: Self-Report: Childhood Symptoms Interview
Simon & Schuster Bibi: My Story
In Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s “compelling” (The Economist) and “fascinating” (The Wall Street Journal) New York Times bestselling autobiography, the prime minister of Israel tells the story of his family, his path to leadership, and his unceasing commitment to defending his country and securing its future.From their earliest days, Bibi and his close-knit brothers, Yoni and Iddo, were instilled with purpose. Born in the wake of the Holocaust at the dawn of Israel’s independence and raised in a family with a prominent Zionist history, they understood that the Jewish state was a hard-won and still precarious gift. All three studied in American high schools—where they learned to appreciate the United States—before returning to their cherished homeland. The brothers joined an elite special forces outfit of the Israeli Defense Forces known as “the Unit.” At twenty-two, Bibi was wounded while leading his team in the rescue of hostages from a hijacked plane. Four years later, in 1976, Yoni was killed in Entebbe, Uganda, while leading his men in one of the most daring hostage-rescue missions in modern times. Yoni became a legend; Bibi felt he would never recover from his grief. Yet, inspired by Yoni’s legacy and guided by the wisdom of his visionary historian father, Bibi thrust himself into the international struggle against terrorism, ultimately becoming the longest-serving prime minister in Israel’s history—an honor he further cemented by winning reelection in 2022. In this memoir Bibi weaves together his gripping personal story with the dramatic history of Israel and the Jewish people. Through a host of vivid anecdotes, he narrates his own evolution from soldier to statesman, while providing a unique perspective on leadership, the fraught geopolitics of the Middle East, and his successful efforts to liberate Israel’s economy, which helped turn it into a global powerhouse of technological innovation. Netanyahu gives colorful, detailed, and revealing accounts of his often turbulent relationships and negotiations with Presidents Clinton, Obama, and Trump. With eye-opening candor, he delves into the back channels of high diplomacy—including his struggle against the radical forces that threaten Israel and the world at large, and the decisive events that led to Israel’s groundbreaking 2020 peace agreements with four Arab states. Offering an unflinching account of a life, a family, and a nation, Netanyahu writes from the heart and embraces controversy head-on. Steely and funny, high-tempo and full of verve, this autobiography will stand as a defining testament to the value of political conviction and personal courage.
Rare Bird Books Rock Against Racism
An outstanding photography book documenting a movement that rocked the world. Syd Shelton: Rock Against Racism is a body of photographs that Syd Shelton produced for and about the British Rock Against Racism movement (RAR) of 1976–1981. For Shelton, this work was a socialist act, what he calls a “graphic argument,” on behalf of marginalized lives. His practice of photographic activism began in 1973 when he was driven to document the socio cultural and political dynamics expressed on the streets of Sydney by urban Australian Aboriginal communities, the working class, and the architectural landscapes of these groups. Shelton’s first solo show in 1975, “Working Class Heroes” at the Sydney Film-makers Cooperative, established his distinct activist eye.Shelton joined RAR in early 1977 on his return to England from Australia. He did so because he found his birthplace a more racist country than it had been when he left. This was marked by the increased political presence of the National Front, notably its gain of some 119,000 votes in the Greater London Council Elections of May 1977. Shelton, like millions of others, feared for the future of multi-cultural Britain. His contribution to RAR was to be on the London committee, to create graphic material with other RAR members such as the RAR publication “Temporary Hoarding,” posters’ badges and his photography—RAR did not have an official photographer. Shelton’s instinctive need to document RAR—its events, contributors, and supporters—has resulted in the largest collection of images on the movement. Alongside his documentation of RAR, Shelton took photographs of what he calls “the contextual images,” the lives and landscapes that were defined by others as “different,” and that often fueled racist acts of violence by simply being.What is presented here are Shelton’s authoritative visual statements as participant-photographer on the social tempo in Britain at this time and the activist potency of RAR. As collective activism, RAR’s success was dependent on individual contributions to fuel the movement’s activities across the country. This unique national, and eventually international, charge incorporated the visual dynamic of how Black and white RAR contributors and participants styled their bodies as another antagonistic tool against racism. These were acts of style activism—the making of an activist identity through the considered composition of clothes, accessories, hairstyles, makeup, and body language. Shelton’s images prompt us to remember that the individuals at RAR carnivals, gigs, and demonstrations were the event—they were RAR.There are many versions of what RAR was and its legacy. Syd Shelton: Rock Against Racism provides an auto/biographical telling of that historical moment. It reflects on how Shelton’s work as a photographer contributed towards social change at a critical moment of political and racial tension in Britain.
Green Writers Press One Cabin, One Cat, Three Years: One Couple’s Time in The Wilderness
In 2013 my wife, Jeanne, and I, she in her late sixties, I in my early seventies, set out to fulfill our long held dream of living in the woods for a year. Before leaving our home in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, I contacted the editors of Tempo, the monthly news magazine in the Town of Lac Brome (which I will refer to as “Lac Brome”), to enquire whether they would be interested in receiving reports of our progress in the endeavour. They said, “Yes.” This book is based upon those articles. My original intention was to produce a work echoing the objectives of Thoreau who, in addition to describing his daily life in his chosen wilderness, commented on the mores and politics of his time in his Walden. However, each time that I penned such a commentary, I realized that it detracted from the essence of our experience. The reaction to the Tempo articles proved that the unfolding of the tale of our daily lives was all that was required to engender intense interest and comment. Thus this memoir has to do exclusively with living in the woods. How It All Began We arrived in the mid-afternoon of June 15, 2013. The car and trailer were loaded to the gills. Scooter, our cat, lay sedated in her cage. She does not like to travel and hates being in her cage. She, particularly, does not like the movement of the car if we are going over any sort of bump, bumps being inevitable on the thirty-five km of forestry roads we take once leaving the highway in La Tuque. The unloading of our stuff and the carrying of it to the cabin was a major effort, all being by packsacks, boxes and bags. The parking spot on the track in is 350 m from the cabin. I made ten trips, thus round trips totaling 7,000 m, 3,500 of them loaded. We had decided that to be true to our wilderness endeavor, we would not have a road excavated to the cabin. The ground, as was discovered during the building process, is too rough for anything other than a high clearance ATV (all-terrain vehicle). The track, from where we park the truck, which leads to the cabin, is a series of drops over rock ledges. Given the nature of the ground and that the ATVs and their trailers were generally fully- loaded, it was not surprising that two of them were wrecked during the building process. The carrying of immediately required articles and food accomplished, we then indulged in a soothing swim and returned to the cabin as enthused and as excited as newlyweds. We opened a bottle of wine on the west-facing balcony, watched the sun set and rejoiced to see a pair of loons on the lake. Supper, then bed, exhausted but exhilarated. ******************** For about as long as I have known Jeanne she has wanted to spend an entire year, three hundred and sixty-five consecutive days, in the woods. This is not motivated by a desire to be a hermit or because she is anti-social. To paraphrase Montaigne, she is quite content living a private life but that does not mean that she is unsuited to a public one. After all, she insisted, it is only for one year. When I asked, “Might it be that you would never come back?” she answered, “It’s only for a year.” I should immediately add that this was not to be a year alone. Jeanne insisted that I was part of the plan and was to go with her. I like to think that this was because she loves me but if that was only part of the reason, for she would need a hewer of wood and fetcher of water, a man servant in the general sense, then I was content, for I need looking after myself and our lives have been inter-dependent since the day of our marriage which was over fifty years ago. Our adult lives have been outwardly quite normal. I am a lawyer specializing in maritime law, meaning having to do with ships. Jeanne has been a school teacher, first at Westhill High School and then at the Convent of the Sacred heart, both in Montreal. She then embraced her childhood dream of being a ballet dancer, which lead to her becoming a choreographer, teacher and performer of dance, first on the teaching staff of les Ballets Jazz de MontrÉal, then as owner of le Centre de Dance Jeanne Marler, which included an annual, international, two-week dance seminar with closing performance, called Focus on Jazz. It attracted aspiring pre-professionals from around the world. At a certain point, she decided that if she could no longer physically perform the dance movements at the level which she had attained in her performance career, it was time to move on. She obtained a diploma from the New York School of Interior Design and embarked upon that profession until she found it too commercially driven, the demands of the clients too often conflicting with Jeanne’s sense of what was artistically and/or practically appropriate. She then opened a performing and fine arts camp for children and adolescents, set in the pristine hills and woods of Vermont, which she ran with great success for three years, until the property which she had leased became no longer available, due to the owner’s intention to build a hotel on the site. In the mid-nineteen-nineties she turned to painting. Her sketches, oil paintings and photography illuminate this book. “But why in the woods?” many asked. Most Canadians think of going south rather than north for vacations or retirement. Only Jeanne might properly be able to answer that question. She is a spiritual person, very much in the Celtic tradition. When we go to the woods she becomes very quiet. On family vacations to wilderness locations, the children used to say, “That’s it for talking to Mum. She will turn into a rock or a mushroom or something for as long as we are here”. And so it was. On our departures from such places she often cried. We asked, “What’s the matter?” There would be no answer. I think it had and has simply to do with leaving places where her spirit finds its natural home.
Johns Hopkins University Press Maryland Basketball: Tales from Cole Field House
As the University of Maryland prepares to christen the state of the art Comcast Center, what better time to look back at the Terrapins path from college basketball obscurity to NCAA champions? Maryland Basketball: Tales from Cole Field House is a story 47 years in the making. Native Marylander and former Terp beat writer Paul McMullen recounts the history of the University of Maryland's men's basketball program during the Cole years, from 1955-2002. It is a story of tragedy and triumph, and touches on the lives and times of the men who played and coached at one of college basketball's landmarks. "Paul McMullen's artful, nostalgic, and sometimes controversial account of Maryland basketball history brings life and clarity to celebrated events and seminal moments of the program, many of which I experienced at first hand. His words are the cord that binds together a story previously known to insiders but largely unknown to those outside the Maryland "family."-Len Elmore, from the Foreword The Terps went 485-151 at Cole, and compiled just as many amazing stories. Maryland basketball during the Cole era included some incredibly gifted players, colorful and sometimes controversial characters, and was driven by three coaches. Bud Millikan basically built a program from scratch and moved it from tiny Ritchie Coliseum into cavernous Cole. Lefty Driesell never quite made it into "the UCLA of the East," but nonetheless guided it to unprecedented heights; Gary Williams returned to his alma mater in 1989, gradually propped up a team crippled by NCAA probation and had the last team standing at the conclusion of 2001-02 season. Maryland Basketball: Tales From Cole Field House revisits Terps stars from Gene Shue, who made them a hot ticket in their final seasons at Ritchie, to Juan Dixon, another product of Baltimore's Catholic League who overcame a tumultuous upbringing and made the final three seasons at Cole so memorable. The national championship that he and his teammates brought home from Atlanta last April provided a happy ending to what had been a history of great expectations unfulfilled. What if Al Bunge had been healthy in 1958, when the Terps made their first appearance in the NCAA tournament? What if that tournament had been open to more than one team per conference in 1974, when Maryland had Len Elmore, John Lucas and Tom McMillen, but North Carolina State and David Thompson were unbeatable? What if Len Bias had not died in 1986 and plunged the Terps into a dark period from which it took years to emerge? What if Lonny Baxter and Terence Morris hadn't gotten into foul trouble at the 2001 Final Four? Maryland Basketball: Tales from Cole Field House tells the story of Billy Jones, a teammate of Gary Williams who in 1965 broke the color barrier in the Atlantic Coast Conference; the epochal NCAA final between Kentucky and Texas Western that capped that season; hot recruits like McMillen and Albert King, and the ones that got away, like Moses Malone. Driesell, the showman, abandoned his up-tempo ways with a slowdown that beat South Carolina in 1971; 13 years later he finally got an ACC championship behind Bias, whose death led to the coach's exit from College Park. Gary Williams' rebuilding job was hastened by the loyalty of Walt Williams, the courage of Keith Booth, the precocity of Joe Smith, the sensational acrobatics of Steve Francis, and finally capped by Dixon, the most unlikely Terps' star of all. All of their stories are told in Maryland Basketball: Tales from Cole Field House.
Little, Brown Book Group My Name is Eva: An absolutely gripping and emotional historical novel
'Expect a tale of love, courage and being brave in the most dangerous of times' Woman's WayYou can pay a terrible price for keeping a promise...Evelyn Taylor-Clarke sits in her chair at Forest Lawns Care Home in the heart of the English countryside, surrounded by residents with minds not as sharp as hers. It would be easy to dismiss Evelyn as a muddled old woman, but her lipstick is applied perfectly, and her buttons done up correctly. Because Evelyn is a woman with secrets and Evelyn remembers everything. She can never forget the promise she made to the love of her life, to discover the truth about the mission that led to his death, no matter what it cost her...When Evelyn's niece Pat opens an old biscuit tin to find a photo of a small girl with a red ball entitled 'Liese, 1951' and a passport in another name, she has some questions for her aunt. And Evelyn is transported back to a place in Germany known as 'The Forbidden Village', where a woman who called herself Eva went where no one else dared, amongst shivering prisoners, to find the man who gambled with her husband's life...A gripping, haunting and compelling read about love, courage and betrayal set in the war-battered landscape of Germany. Fans of The Tattooist of Auschwitz, Cilka's Journey and The Child of Auschwitz will be hooked.Readers are raving about My Name is Eva:'Could not put this book down, and heaven help anyone that tried to disturb my reading !!...I absolutely loved this book !...I laughed, I cried, I cheered , I sympathised all because of Evelyn...I could so picture the setting and as Evelyn sets out to fool everyone, I thought you go girl !!...I don't want to say anything else but what a fantastic read... I can't recommend this book enough!!' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars'What a magnificent read! Eva is amazing. One of the best characters in a book EVER! What a fantastic, beautiful, heart-wrenching tale, incredibly told. I absolutely loved every single page. I sat for the last 20% of the book in tears, sad but happy tears. An absolutely beautiful book' Kim the Bookworm, 5 stars'A poignant and evocative story of love, betrayal and bravery that kept me page turning and completely engrossed from start to finish. Loved it and would definitely recommend.' NetGalley Reviewer, 5 stars'A phenomenal story of courage, love, murder and all the atrocities that go with war. Eva is an extraordinary character, strong, loyal, smart, funny, loving, and brave.A phenomenal read!!' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars'This may be my new favorite book!!!! I absolutely love the premise of the heroine faking dementia in her retirement home to cover up her knowledge of (and possible involvement in) questionable activities centering around WWII events. The tempo of this novel was perfect--kept me wondering until the very last page!' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars'Absolutely loved this book and its riveting plot!... The author has successfully penned a debut novel that I would highly recommend without any hesitation. An excellent debut novel from Suzanne Goldring and I look forward to reading more of her work .' Goodreads Reviewer, 5 stars