Search results for ""karnac books""
Karnac Books Beyond Fragmentation: Clinical Journeys in Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
‘Profoundly honest, unflinching in examining her own history as a thinker and clinician, Ingrid Pedroni challenges us to see where we have been and where we have failed, each of us.’ Donna Orange, from the Foreword Ingrid Pedroni is multicultural to her core. Fully fluent in German, Italian, and English, she took that multilingual outlook to the varied world of psychoanalysis. Beginning her journey with a Jungian analysis, she later read The Restoration of the Self by Heinz Kohut and discovered a theoretical and clinical framework consistent with her Jungian experience. Thus began her engagement with different theoretical dimensions and clinical settings. Beyond Fragmentation is a masterly overview of the result of her open-minded exploration of not only traditional and contemporary psychoanalytic schools of thought, but also systemic family therapy, plus modern anthropology, theatre, and literature. Part I explores the integration of different theoretical and clinical models, with special reference to self psychology and relational psychoanalysis. Part II outlines significant areas of experience that build the sense of self and how it is represented in intra-psychic and inter-relational dimensions. Part III focuses on couple and family relations, their evolution over time, and how they represent an essential part of the self. The final part deals with the treatment of cultural diversity, the universality of attachment bonds, and the extreme specificity of their cultural expression. Throughout the book are clinical and theoretical concepts derived from authors such as Adler, Jung, Rank, Fromm, Ferenczi, Klein, Winnicott, Loewald, Bowlby, Bion, and, of course, Freud. The clinical examples illustrate how it is possible to weave together the various threads of theoretical thinking and clinical practice not only in the many diversified psychoanalytic schools, but also in the larger field of the psychotherapies. The varied themes covered include gender, couple relations, family therapy, spirituality, cultural diversity and integration, migration, transcultural psychotherapy, and collective trauma. This book is essential reading for trainee and practising clinicians, and may well help them to find their own integration of therapeutic experiences. Professionals active in social, educational, and psychological fields will also find much useful and engaging information to help them in their work.
Karnac Books Perceptions and Possibilities: Strategic and Solution-Oriented Approaches to Working with Depression
This book will assist therapists in easily implementing the concepts of strategic and solution-oriented applications into one’s therapeutic work with depressed clients. The focus of these brief therapy approaches is on the clients’ resources and potential rather than on their deficits and pathology. These ideas have their roots in the work of Milton H. Erickson, the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California, and Bill O’Hanlon’s Solution Oriented Therapy. The methods and applications recognise the significance of how clients perceive their problems, the importance on assisting clients to be validated and understood in the realm of their experiences, and the creation of change in their views and actions concerning their individual situations. Perceptions and Possibilities is designed to assist therapists in finding new ways of moving their therapy sessions away from an entrenched focus on client pathology. Instead, therapists are encouraged towards brief and effective interactions with a focus on future-oriented possibilities. Paul Leslie presents established and cutting-edge research, colourful case studies, and stories told in everyday language to engage, educate, and aid mental health professionals. The aim is to enable them to understand how to easily adapt and apply creative and resourceful therapy interventions to help clients who are suffering from depression. This book is highly recommended for psychologists, counsellors, and psychotherapists, particularly those who are interested in exploring brief therapies, postmodern/Ericksonian approaches, and solution-focused, systemic, and strategic therapies.
Karnac Books Teaching Bion: Modes and Approaches
Karnac Books The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle
Karnac Books A Journey Abroad: Wartime Poems Serving with the FAU
Karnac Books Counterdreamers: Analysts Reading Themselves
Karnac Books Aesthetic Conflict and its Clinical Relevance
Karnac Books Queering Psychotherapy
Karnac Books Energy SoulConnecting and Awakening Consciousness
Karnac Books Body Psychotherapy for the 21st Century
Karnac Books Contented Couples: Magic, Logic or Luck?
Karnac Books First Thoughts: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Beginnings
‘Any Psychoanalyst must find his own way and come upon well-known and well-established theories through experiences of his own realisations.’ So says W. R. Bion in his Commentary in Second Thoughts. In First Thoughts, Jayne Hankinson does just this. She presents a personal account of her own ‘realisations’ and discoveries during an attempt to give thought to ‘beginnings’. She explores the meaning and relevance of creation myths, leading to a deep realisation of how they unconsciously represent and shape much of our lives, even today. This exploration meanders through the Garden of Eden, leaving with a realisation that there is an ‘Adam’ and ‘Eve’ aspect in dynamic tension within each of our minds. This serpentine journey becomes a ‘hermeneutic loop’ in which dissatisfaction with parts of psychoanalytic theory leads to an engagement in the phenomena of beginnings and a consequent reappraisal and reinterpretation, via a closer look at Sigmund Freud, Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, and Wilfred Bion to formulate an understanding of what their ‘first thoughts’ may be. The book ends with the author’s own creation myth reshaped and a deeper awareness of how important ‘beginnings’ are.
Karnac Books Dark Times: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Politics, History and Mourning
Today sees the rise of nationalism, the return of totalitarian parties in Europe to electoral success, and the rise of the alt-right and white supremacists in the US. Thus, there is urgency for psychoanalysts, with their understanding of cruelty, sadomasochism, perversion, and other mental mechanisms, to speak out. Jonathan Sklar has risen to the challenge with this timely, thought-provoking, and, at times, upsetting work. Dark Times starts with a look at European history in terms of monuments and mourning, before moving into storytelling and the elision of thought and history at this current time, including harrowing detail of the brutalities inflicted by ISIS on the Yazidi, and concludes with a meditation on the relationship between cruelty in the early environment and hatred of the other within society, with particular focus on racism in the US. Sklar goes against the grain of brief sound bites, which are an aid to quickly pass over painful knowledge. Instead, he goes into detail to give extremely dark, horrid occurrences, and the human beings on the receiving end, respect and understanding, which enables the reader greater access to allowing unconscious things to be made more conscious, highlighting the quality of humanity in human beings. Also, listening to these stories enables us to become more aware, not only of what is going on over there, but also what is happening here, because in our increasingly joined-up world, here is always implicated and affected too. By ridding ourselves of the illusions of our political times, we can find greater freedom to think, develop, challenge, and create hope, for the future of our children and our grandchildren, as well as for ourselves. Dark Times is a timely, thought-provoking, and, at times, upsetting work that is a must- read for all those looking for a deeper understanding of today’s world.
Karnac Books The Mystery of Emotions: Seeking a Theory of What We Feel
Psychoanalysis is, above all, the science of the emotions but, as yet, there is no single accepted theory of affects. Instead, there are many, all of them too limited, based, as they are, on idiosyncratic introspection. R. D. Hinshelwood presents an extensive scoping of the prominent theories from the philosophy of mind and academic psychology alongside a review of psychoanalytic ideas based on instinct theory or object relations. This wide review of divergent theories from various disciplines helps to mitigate variation and identify commonalities. From this scoping exercise, Hinshelwood creates a form of qualitative meta-analysis which enables the most common dimensions to come to the fore – namely, 113 features of affects form a more general theory with four dimensions. This more systematic view offers an affective ‘space’ as a model for thinking about the nature of affects, their origins, and their consequences. At the same time, Hinshelwood retains the personal. He starts with the memory which initiated his quest to understand how much we are rooted in the experience of our feelings and includes a chapter documenting his own idiosyncrasies to bring his own bias to the fore. In this way, the book preserves the especially personal and intimate quality of its universal topic.
Karnac Books Plato’s Ghost: Minus Links and Liminality in Psychoanalytic Practice
Psychoanalytic encounters are filled with the unknowability of two unconscious minds meeting. Here one may forge a link that enables the process of meaning-making, or else it can become the space for destruction, perversion, evacuation, regression, and stasis. The area that lies between the mind of the analyst and that of the analysand is thus the liminal area of psychoanalysis – of growth, change, turbulence, as well as that of impasse, bastion, and failure. This latter could be what Bion meant by minus links. It seems that the primitive part of the mind is always looking for ways to evade psychic pain and emotional truth is always in peril. Analytic links are always fraught with danger. Minus links share with each other the quality of evading truth and therefore inhibiting emotional growth and the capacity to give meaning to experiences. Blind spots may be enabled by analytic allegiance to our particular schools, our inability to forge a technique in the face of the protomental apparatus which can breed arrogance, the complacencies of language, gaps between our theoretical allegiance and our technique, and, finally, all too often, our unwillingness and inability to get in touch with our true experience. Would it help to chronicle our quotidian failures? In these liminal moments, the links between analyst and analysand slide away from the emotional truth, rather than towards it. Nilofer Kaul presents these moments and explores the complex reasons behind them in a stunning debut work that questions the heart of analytic practice.
Karnac Books Skewed to the Right: Sport, Mental Health and Vulnerability
Features interviews with Graeme Fowler (England cricketer), Nigel Owens (Welsh International Rugby Union referee), Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson (Paralympian), Kieren Emery (GB lightweight rower), Mark Enright (jockey), Michelle Bergstrand (British cyclo-cross champion), Luke Stoltman (five-times Scotland’s Strongest Man), Jack Rutter (Paralympian and England cerebral palsy football captain), and Ruth Walczak (GB Lightweight Rower). The demands of the high-performance athlete are huge, with many celebrated for their achievements, and put on a pedestal for admired personality traits such as discipline, sacrifice, commitment, and focus. This book seeks to explore the celebrated traits of the high-performance athlete and, by doing so, to increase awareness of the vulnerability that such traits also present. Through discussion with professional sports people and presentation of their own personal stories the book explores obsessionality, masochism, and focus, and how these characteristics can enhance performance on the field yet hinder life off it and may even develop into clinically diagnosable mental health difficulties. In psychology, assessments are based on statistical phenomena; the title Skewed to the Right is based on the ‘bell curve’ that is shown through a graph whereby the majority sit in the middle with a few clusters at either on of the extremes. The suggestion is that elite athletes are ‘skewed to the right’ on a number of key traits that put them between the ‘general’ population and those with a clinical diagnosis. The book opens with an exploration of weight-restricted sport and how making weight is achieved through practices that become culturally acceptable in the sporting world yet would be seen to be classified as clinically diagnosable eating disorders in the medical world. It then moves on to personality traits that help and hinder – those skewed to the right: masochism, obsessionality, and focus. Part 3 looks at one trait skewed to the left – acceptance – that many sportspeople struggle with. The book closes with a section exploring points of vulnerability for all athletes and ends with a look at where we can go from here. The aim of the book is to increase social awareness of the reality of life for the successful high-performance athlete and the challenging dynamics that exist in sporting culture today. It will be of interest to psychologists, psychotherapists, trainees, and anyone with an interest in sporting culture.
Karnac Books Lessons in Psychoanalysis: Psychopathology and Clinical Psychoanalysis for Trainee Analysts
Inspired by many successful years of teaching to analysts in training, Franco De Masi has selected the most significant lessons and added a few new ones to provide an enriching discussion of psychopathology and psychoanalytic clinical work. Lessons in Psychoanalysis begins with a general discussion of the scientific status of psychoanalysis, its main theories and models, and the way in which the unconscious registers emotional reality. These are followed by detailed chapters on key topics which relate more closely to clinical work. De Masi begins with the problem of diagnosis in psychoanalysis and the importance of a patient’s clinical history. He then turns his attention to transference and the analytic relationship, which he views as central to clinical work, followed by chapters on the analytic impasse and the use of countertransference. He then deals with other vital themes: regression, anxiety, phobia and panic, trauma, depersonalisation in the various syndromes, melancholic and non-melancholic depression, narcissism, and psychic withdrawal. He concludes with some final considerations of analytic therapy. De Masi makes clear that analytic concepts are not linear but formed over time from numerous contributions. To demonstrate this, he provides a description of how ideas evolved to form a concept. Following the trajectory enables a fuller understanding and demonstrates the flexibility of analytic concepts to incorporate new contributions without losing meaning. De Masi also includes data from neuroscientific research on certain phenomena to broaden the discussion and demonstrate what is happening in other related fields. His work shows that psychoanalysis has the capacity to be a unitary body which allows various models and theories to coexist even where disagreement may arise. This book is essential reading for trainee psychoanalysts and students, and highly recommended for qualified professionals who continue to question analytic practice and theory.
Karnac Books Jung: An Introduction
This book is an introduction to the ideas of the Swiss psychologist and psychoanalyst, C. G. Jung. The first chapter describes his early home life whilst subsequent chapters are devoted to his work in various sectors. This started in psychiatry at Burghölzli Hospital in Zürich, where Eugen Bleuler was the Director, a significant figure in Jung’s life for many years. The book goes on to describe at some length the professional relationship between Freud and Jung, and the disastrous impact of their subsequent acrimonious split in 1913 on themselves but, more importantly, on the profession of psychoanalysis itself, both at that time and subsequently. Several chapters elaborate Jung’s main concepts, including an extensive investigation of his all-important work on psychological alchemy, which includes 10 black and white illustrations from the alchemical text The Rosarium Philosophorum and 10 black and white ox-herding pictures of Kuo-an from the twelfth-century Buddhist tradition. The rest of the book depicts some of the significant women and men who contributed to analytical psychology, which is the term Jung chose to designate his psychoanalytic discipline. This is used interchangeably with the term psychoanalysis as many Jungians designate themselves psychoanalysts, including the author, as a New York State licensed psychoanalyst. This is also an account of some of the scientific, philosophical, and psychological influences on Jung’s thinking. The book concludes with an entry on China, where the author has spent the last few years analysing, lecturing, supervising, and teaching analytical psychology to Chinese psychotherapists, counsellors, and students in Beijing and Shanghai. This comprehensive work is essential reading for all those with an interest in C. G. Jung and his work.
Karnac Books Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy in China: Volume 1
Psychoanalysis took root in many countries around the world in the twentieth century, but China has special significance. It was, of course, the largest country from which analysis was completely excluded, from 1949 until the Chinese opening up began in the 1980s. It was not only the banning of psychoanalytic thought that marked China in this period. There was also an absence of an effective mental health system during times of great need in China because of war, famine, industrial collapse, enormous population growth, and changes in social structure. This was followed with further changes in family structure through the one child policy, new policies of entrepreneurship, economic growth, urbanisation, and increasing exposure to the West. This journal is conceived as a meeting place of cultures, as a place in which the issues of this important world encounter can be documented and examined. It is intended to be an intercultural journal in which theory and clinical experience can be presented and discussed. At a practical level, the editorial board is composed equally of eminent Chinese and Western colleagues who share an interest in the introduction and development of psychoanalysis in China. It contains articles from both Chinese and Western contributors, with discussion of ideas, and is a must-read for those with an interest in the development of psychoanalytic therapy in China.
Karnac Books Danse Macabre and Other Stories: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Global Dynamics
Danse Macabre and Other Stories: A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Global Dynamics examines the world using a systemic and psychoanalytic lens, including concepts of splitting, separation, projection, displacement, and the return of the repressed. They consider what impact the disappearance of some iconic and psychic containers has on individuals’ functioning and why we choose populist leaders to shore up our own social defences. They question why the world feels so threatening to the twenty-first-century linked-in citizens when the objective facts suggest that overall much is improving for the global citizen. Building on their previous work, Halina Brunning and Olya Khaleelee have created a coherent framework in order to conceptualise global dynamics within a matrix form. The matrix contains dialectic dynamic forces for both good and evil, love and hate, creation and destruction. They take a closer look at the plethora of phenomena which they see arising therein. Whilst the matrix holds steady, inside it is a world in constant flux, reconfiguring and rearranging itself, as if in a kaleidoscope, with inevitable and unavoidable turbulence, but – Brunning and Khaleelee hypothesise – with an underlying pattern that is available to be discerned and studied. Aware of this turbulence, Brunning and Khaleelee wish to share their view of the world in the hope of offering a containing reflection, capable of calming the nerves of the readers as well as their own.
Karnac Books A Deeper Cut: Further Explorations of the Unconscious in Social and Political Life
Building on the bestselling The Unconscious in Social and Political Life, the first book in the Political Minds series, A Deeper Cut investigates such vital issues as left and right populisms, colonialism and racism, social care for the mentally ill, manipulation of the masses in the third world, Alice Miller on family politics, diversity, Orwellian thinking, trade unions, religious fundamentalism, NHS politics, activism, and tyranny. Featuring compelling contributions from Lord John Alderdice, Elizabeth Cotton, Tomasz Fortuna, Stephen Frosh, Samir Gandesha, Mary Joan Gerson, Liz Greenway, Roger Hartley, Luisa Passalacqua, Kate Pugh, Marco Puricelli, Edgard Sanchez Bernal, Elisabeth Skale, Mark Stein, and Margot Waddell. Galvanised by events outside of his consulting room, David Morgan began The Political Mind seminars at the British Psychoanalytical Society in 2015 and their successful run continues today. A series of superlative seminars that examine the effects of the current upheaval going on worldwide, this book is the second to bring these seminars from leading thinkers to a wider audience. Leading politicians, writers, educators, psychoanalysts, psychologists, philosophers, psychotherapists, and psychologists are gathered together in this fascinating volume that investigates social upheaval on the worldwide stage. Stimulating and thought-provoking, this is a must-read for every citizen asking just what is happening in the world today.
Karnac Books Four Discussions with W. R. Bion
Karnac Books Conversations
Christopher Bollas presents us with a new literary form in his Conversations: twenty-three unique dialogues to captivate, amuse, and inspire. The psychoanalyst Paula Heimann asked: ‘Who is speaking? To whom? About what? And why now?’ We speak with the voice and position of many others – mothers, fathers, siblings, teachers – and ordinary conversation therefore stages the history of our interpersonal engagements. Heimann’s questions also apply when we talk to ourselves, and our inner dialogues reveal the hidden genius of our private world in which we are both actor and audience, poet and reader, politician and electorate. It's quite a ride, and an art form all of its own.
Karnac Books Leading with Depth: The Impact of Emotions and Relationships on Leadership
Leadership goes well beyond efficient management, and the significance of emotions on the success of organisations is often underestimated. In Leading With Depth: The Impact of Emotions and Relationships, Claudia Nagel guides us through the emotional and relational fallacies of organisational leadership from both the personal and the systemic perspective. Nagel expertly weaves theory, including attachment, neuroscientific, psychodynamic, psychosocial, and psychoanalytic, with practical advice. She looks at the leader as an individual and leadership as a context within systems such as groups, organisations, and societies. The book is divided into two parts and contains thirty-eight figures to illustrate important aspects of leadership. The first chapter in each part is purely theoretical followed by more method-oriented and practical chapters, which are complemented by pertinent case studies from well-known experts in the field (coaches, consultants, or academics). Contributors include Gilles Amado, Birgitte Bonnerup, Phil Boxterk, Halina Brunning, Annemette Hasselager, Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries, Olya Khaleelee, Fiona Martin, Ajit Menon, Rose Mersky, Mal O’Connor, Larissa Philatova, Martin Ringer, Rob Ryan, and Kalina Stamenova. Each chapter concludes with a brief overview of the key learnings for the reader to take away. In this way, Nagel encourages practical learning and application and engagement with the text. Nagel’s clear language spares the reader of academic jargon and is highly readable. The book successfully bridges the gap from theoretical concepts to real-life application and will be of value to incoming and experienced leaders alike, as well as organisational consultants and executive coaches looking to inform their practice.
Karnac Books Flourishing Love: A Secular Guide to Lasting Intimate Relationships
Flourishing Love is a secular defence of marriage and long-term intimate partnership. It rejects a moral–religious code to govern love lives and instead puts its faith in the human potential for couples to be benevolent, loyal, and forgiving to preserve and enhance their romantic union. Dr Gnaulati draws on a variety of sources to present the joint emotional upkeep necessary to make an intimate relationship not just satisfactory, but vital, and to illustrate what these lasting bonds look like. The latest science, anecdotes from his own 30-year marriage as well as from his psychotherapy practice, the musings of ancient and contemporary philosophers, and real-life interviews from partners in long-term happy marriages and intimate unions are all used to reveal the secrets to a successful romantic partnership. The result is a how-to of engaging in attentive and sensitive communication; employing a fairness habit of mind around household chores, childrearing responsibilities, and finances; optimally moving through and beyond conflict; using humor to enhance closeness; keeping an erotic spark alive; and ethically handling urges to stray outside the couple. A must-read for all those who crave meaning, happiness, and fulfilment in life and need their romantic partnerships to help, not hinder, in this endeavour.
Karnac Books How the Mind Works: Concepts and Cases in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
There is a great deal of confusion about psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy, even among practitioners of these methods. One reason is the sheer volume of psychoanalytic psychotherapies currently practised around the world; some very similar, others widely divergent. To help allay this confusion, Kevin Volkan and Vamık Volkan present what lies at the heart of psychoanalysis and demonstrate the different ways this core can manifest in practice. The authors’ aim is to improve psychoanalytic psychotherapists’ professional identities as well as their approaches to patients. The wide-ranging subjects discussed include therapeutic principles; key psychoanalytic concepts; psychotherapeutic identity; the clinician’s office; making formulations and interpretations; psychosocial development; individual and large-group identity; trauma and transgenerational transmission; dreams and unconscious fantasies; therapeutic play; personality organisations; cultural considerations; and psychoanalysis in organisations and groups. Volkan and Volkan draw upon their decades of experience of psychoanalysis, biculturalism, and supervision of colleagues in various countries and cultures to create an exceptional textbook to explain psychoanalytic theory clearly. They present compelling case examples to illustrate technical issues that never lose sight of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy as living professions that continue to develop. This is a must-read for all who want to learn more about psychoanalytic practice and theory.
Karnac Books Hidden Histories of British Psychoanalysis: From Freud’s Death Bed to Laing’s Missing Tooth
In this compellingly written and meticulously researched new book, Professor Brett Kahr draws upon extensive unpublished archival sources and upon his four decades of oral history interviews to paint fascinating portraits of many of the icons of mental health. Hidden Histories of British Psychoanalysis: From Freud’s Death Bed to Laing’s Missing Tooth includes detailed accounts of Kahr’s interviews with such noted figures as Enid Balint, Marion Milner, Ronald Laing, John Bowlby and his wife, Ursula Longstaff Bowlby, as well as numerous members of Donald Winnicott’s family. Framed as a series of glimpses into the early history of British psychoanalysis, Kahr explores how the German-speaking Sigmund Freud learned how to psychoanalyse English-speaking patients; how Enid Eichholz (the future wife of Michael Balint) pioneered couple psychoanalysis in the wake of the Second World War; how Donald Winnicott treated “The Piggle” in the midst of his own health crises; and how Masud Khan degenerated from a clinical sage into an anti-Semite. A breathtaking combination of interviews, reminiscences, and well-documented scholarship, this book provides a gripping overview of many of the key figures in British psychoanalysis, all of whom made unparalleled contributions to the mental health profession, and whose lives and careers deserve to be visited and revisited.
Karnac Books London Kleinians in Los Angeles: Laying the Foundations of Object Relations Theory and Practice
In 1968, Wilfred Bion and Albert Mason emigrated to Los Angeles at the invitation of a group of young analysts to teach and train local clinicians in the British object relations tradition. They were joined by Susanna Isaacs Elmhirst for a period. London Kleinians in Los Angeles is a colorful account of the early days of psychoanalysis in LA, punctuated by in-person presentations from the leading Kleinians of the day, including Hanna Segal, Herbert Rosenfeld, Donald Meltzer, and Wilfred Bion himself. Their unpublished lectures from the 1960s and 1970s appear in Part I. Part II features seminal papers by the founding fathers of the Psychoanalytic Center of California (PCC): James Gooch, James Grotstein, Arthur Malin, and Albert Mason, the group’s leading spokesperson. PCC continues to function as a vital center of psychoanalytic training and education in the British object relations tradition. The unearthing of four unpublished contributions from four founding Kleinians is an incredible find for psychoanalysis and this book is highly recommended to all professionals and trainees in the field. Those with an interest in the history of psychoanalysis will find much to excite them.
Karnac Books Besides Family: Extending the Orbit of Psychic Development
With contributions from Salman Akhtar, Patricia Boguski, Ann Eichen, April Fallon, Theodore Fallon, Jr., Rama Rao Gogineni, Mark Moore, Sonja Ware. Collectively authored by psychoanalytic colleagues of multiple nationalities, ages, genders, religious origins, and meta-theoretical persuasions, Besides Family goes far beyond the usual orbit of parents and siblings. Casting a wide net, the contributors look at a number of key figures who may affect an individual’s psychic development and functioning. Each character receives a full chapter which highlights both the beneficial and adverse possibilities within these relationships. The book opens with a chapter on nannies, tracing the centuries-old history in the West and focusing on four renowned psychoanalysts: Sigmund Freud, Sándor Ferenczi, John Bowlby, and Wilfred Bion. Next comes a discussion of neighbours, using material from religious texts, fiction, and poetry. This is followed by a chapter on childhood playmates and friends, which examines the nature of friendship and how it develops across the lifespan. School teachers come next, using literature on teacher–student relationships synthesised with psychoanalytic developmental theory. Clergy is the next subject of discussion, blending Judeo-Christian religious customs with psychoanalytic developmental theory. The developmental significance of adolescent peers is examined next using a blend of neurophysiology, endocrine studies, behavioral observations, social–cultural vectors, and psychoanalytic insights. A discussion of lovers and the myriad ways in which romantic relationships mirror early development is the penultimate chapter. The book ends on the role of mentors and the evolution of the mentor–mentee relationship, taking into account the impact of age, race, and gender. The authors integrate material from history, anthropology, sociology, religion, literature, and film studies alongside vignettes from clinical practice and day-to-day life to bring theory to life. This fascinating exploration is essential reading for practising clinicians and trainees to broaden their understanding of the impact of the wide network that surrounds us all.
Karnac Books Autistic Phenomena and Unrepresented States: Explorations in the Emergence of Self
With contributions from Anne Alvarez, Joshua Durban, Jeffrey L. Eaton, Bernard Golse, Didier Houzel, Howard B. Levine, Suzanne Maiello, Sylvain Missonnier, Bernd Nissen, Marganit Ofer, and Jani Santamaría. The capacity to create psychic representations is now understood to be a developmental achievement. Without it, meaning cannot be ascertained and this can lead to “psychic voids” and “unrepresented states”, which can contribute to the development of autism and autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). Unrepresented states are also implicated and encountered in other, non-autistic, non-neurotic conditions, such as psychosomatic disorders, addictions, perversions, and primitive character disorders. The affects that unrepresented states produce or are associated with are often those of terror, emptiness, annihilation and despair. The organisation of the psyche consists of psychotic – i.e. unstructured – as well as neurotic parts of the mind; unintegrated as well as integrated areas; and unrepresented areas with little meaning as well as represented states consisting of specific ideas imbued with affect. Given this organisation, we should expect to find both an unstructured and a dynamic unconscious in all patients. This implies that, to some degree, unrepresented and unintegrated states are universal and will exist and be encountered in all of us. Consequently, the opportunities and challenges presented by the understanding and treatment of autism and ASD, where the unrepresented and its consequences (e.g. defensive organisations employed to protect against annihilation anxiety and catastrophic dread) can be encountered may offer us metaphors and clues relevant to aspects of the treatment of all patients, no matter what their dominant diagnoses may be. Packed with theory and helpful case studies, this carefully edited collection from an international array of experts in the field is essential reading for all practising clinicians.
Karnac Books Traveling through Time: How Trauma Plays Itself out in Families, Organizations and Society
'Bullets don’t just travel through skin and bone. They travel through time.' These words were tattooed onto the shoulder of a young woman whose father was shot during “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland. This wrenching, volatile but also binding truth is the subject of this book. It’s a truth about traumatic experiences that happen to a family, but also to a society, and to the organizations that link these intimate units with the larger context of history and culture. It’s also a truth about the way trauma plays out over time, including between generations. Grounded in Erik Erikson’s “way of looking at things”, the book is a journal of encounters between clinical psychoanalysis and other disciplines, and an inquiry into what might be learned there for both. Sometimes that learning has to do with trauma: the way in which what can’t be emotionally contained, thought about or spoken in one part of a system is passed along, with disorganizing, sometimes heartbreaking consequences, to another. After a reflection on dignity, the book examines intergenerational trauma in families, including Erikson’s. It then illustrates how trauma to organizations slips below the threshold of awareness and yet continues to wear down its members. The final section examines aspects of the larger society, including radicalization, war trauma, the pandemic and cultural healing. What emerges is the sober yet hopeful truth that what people discover by taking their own emotional experiences seriously, though that might markedly differ from what is accepted in the everyday world, is a primary path toward recovery from trauma.
Karnac Books The Cure for Psychoanalysis
Karnac Books The Kleinian Development Part 2: Richard Week-by-Week – Melanie Klein’s ‘Narrative of a Child Analysis’