Search results for ""guilford publications""
Guilford Publications Early Literacy Instruction and Intervention Third Edition
This established text and teacher resource is now in a revised and updated third edition, with a broader focus on whole-class instruction as well as small-group and individualized intervention. The evidence-based Interactive Strategies Approach (ISA) provides a clear framework for supporting literacy development in grades K-3, particularly for students who experience reading difficulties. The book gives teachers the knowledge needed to more effectively use existing curricular materials to meet core instructional goals in the areas of phonemic awareness, phonics, word solving/word learning, vocabulary and language skills, and comprehension. Twenty-six reproducible forms can be copied from the book or downloaded and printed from the companion website. Of special value, the website also features approximately 200 pages of additional printable assessment tools and instructional resources. Prior edition title: Early Intervention for Reading Difficulties. New to This
Guilford Publications Holistic Neurorehabilitation
Highly practical and comprehensive, this book provides a multimodal framework for helping patients with acquired brain injuries to identify and achieve meaningful functional goals in the home and community.
Guilford Publications Building Literacy with Multilingual Learners, Third Edition: Insights from Linguistics
Now in a revised and expanded third edition, this established course text and teacher guide explores the processes involved in second-language acquisition and translates the research into practical instructional strategies for PreK-12. Engaging classroom vignettes and personal reflections from the authors and other seasoned educators bring the teaching methods and linguistic concepts to life. Highlighting ways to draw on emergent bilingual and multilingual students' strengths, the book presents innovative learning activities, lesson-planning ideas, technology applications, downloadable reproducible forms, and other resources. Second edition title: Building Literacy with English Language Learners. New to This Edition *Chapter on visual literacy. *Extensive updated coverage of literacy in the digital age, including gamification and video games, digital reading, and uses of ChatGPT in the classroom. *Increased attention to multimodal projects and activities. *New or expanded discussions of translanguaging, dual-language instruction, English as a lingua franca as well as an academic language, and other timely topics. Pedagogical Features *"How Does This Look in the Classroom?" sections. *Study and discussion questions in every chapter. *Chapter-opening "Key Vocabulary" boxes. *End-of-book glossary.
Guilford Publications Building Literacy with Multilingual Learners, Third Edition: Insights from Linguistics
Now in a revised and expanded third edition, this established course text and teacher guide explores the processes involved in second-language acquisition and translates the research into practical instructional strategies for PreK-12. Engaging classroom vignettes and personal reflections from the authors and other seasoned educators bring the teaching methods and linguistic concepts to life. Highlighting ways to draw on emergent bilingual and multilingual students' strengths, the book presents innovative learning activities, lesson-planning ideas, technology applications, downloadable reproducible forms, and other resources. Second edition title: Building Literacy with English Language Learners. New to This Edition *Chapter on visual literacy. *Extensive updated coverage of literacy in the digital age, including gamification and video games, digital reading, and uses of ChatGPT in the classroom. *Increased attention to multimodal projects and activities. *New or expanded discussions of translanguaging, dual-language instruction, English as a lingua franca as well as an academic language, and other timely topics. Pedagogical Features *"How Does This Look in the Classroom?" sections. *Study and discussion questions in every chapter. *Chapter-opening "Key Vocabulary" boxes. *End-of-book glossary.
Guilford Publications Disciplinary Literacies: Unpacking Research, Theory, and Practice
Educators increasingly recognize the importance of disciplinary literacy for student success, beginning as early as the primary grades.This cutting-edge volume examines ways to help K-12 students develop the literacy skills and inquiry practices needed for high-level work in different academic domains. Chapters interweave research, theory, and practical applications for teaching literature, mathematics, science, and social studies, as well as subjects outside the standard core--physical education, visual and performing arts, and computer science. Essential topics include use of multimodal and digital texts, culturally responsive and sustaining pedagogy, and new directions for teacher professional development. The book features vivid classroom examples and samples of student work.
Guilford Publications Word Study for Literacy Leaders: Guiding Professional Learning
Written and edited by experts in the field, this book provides a blueprint for weaving effective word study into the fabric of classrooms and schools. Provided are principles, ideas, materials, and activities for use with teachers in a range of professional learning contexts. Key topics include word study foundations and orthographic knowledge; implementing collaborative coaching models, "learning huddles," and workshops; and word study strategies for young children, emergent bilingual students, and adolescents. Helpful reproducible tools include the empirically validated Word Study Classroom Observation Guide. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Managing Suicidal Risk, Third Edition: A Collaborative Approach
Now in an extensively revised third edition with 65% new material, this is the authoritative presentation of the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) therapeutic framework. CAMS provides proven tools to help clinicians of any orientation evaluate suicidal risk and develop a suicide-focused treatment plan. In addition to their clinical utility, the procedures used for assessment, stabilization, and treatment of suicidal risk within CAMS can help reduce the risk of malpractice liability. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes the latest version of the Suicide Status Form (SSF-5) plus other valuable reproducible tools, which can be downloaded and printed for repeated use. For CAMS training opportunities offered by David A. Jobes, visit New to This Edition *Major updates based on ongoing clinical research, including tools and adaptations for additional populations and settings. *Increased focus on implementation with adolescents, with a new extended case example. *Vital guidance for effectively using CAMS via telehealth. *Additional reproducible forms to photocopy or download, including a fillable PDF of the Suicide Status Form, optimized for electronic medical records.
Guilford Publications Accelerating Learning Recovery for All Students: Core Principles for Getting Literacy Growth Back on Track
Meeting a tremendous need for K-8 schools and educators, this timely book outlines core principles for counteracting the disruptions of the pandemic and recovering from learning loss. The authors present a holistic approach to responsive literacy instruction to support all students’ academic and social–emotional growth, now and in the years to come. Fundamental areas of learning recovery are addressed--developing schoolwide action plans, partnering with families and communities, building collaborative literacy leadership, assessing for differentiated instruction, planning targeted interventions, and implementing supplemental learning programs. Every chapter includes relevant research findings, clear examples of principles in action, and reflection questions that help educators apply the concepts they have learned.
Guilford Publications Coaching Students with Executive Skills Challenges, Second Edition
With 55% new material, the significantly revised second edition of this influential resource presents a refined coaching model and an expanded set of tools for helping K-12 students live up to their potential in school and beyond. The book describes how to provide evidence-based, individualized instruction and support for kids and teens with executive skills challenges. Guidelines are provided for partnering with students and improving their performance in such areas as time and task management, planning, organization, and impulse control. Adaptations for coaching students with disabilities are discussed. In a convenient large-size format, the book features over two dozen reproducible forms and handouts; coaches can download and print additional copies as needed. New to This Edition *Two new chapters on coaching 5- to 8-year-olds (K-3), and more material on younger students throughout. *Shows how to enhance coaching by incorporating motivational interviewing and cognitive rehearsal strategies. *Chapter of case examples, plus chapters on self-assessment for coaches and the building blocks of executive skills coaching. *Expanded content on goal setting, action planning, and progress monitoring. *Updated research and revised reproducible tools. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications Empowerment Evaluation and Social Justice: Confronting the Culture of Silence
*From the creator of EE, the first authored book on the approach. *Describes how to define a mission and track progress toward goals and real-world outcomes. *Guides readers to use EE as a primary framework or within a preexisting evaluation; examples include Feeding America and USAID/REACH (a program to eliminate tuberculosis in India). *Responds to the huge push in education, psychology, and sociology to substantively address social justice.
Guilford Publications Reading Instruction That Works, Fifth Edition: The Case for Balanced Teaching
Now in a revised and updated fifth edition, this gold-standard text and K-8 practitioner resource provides a roadmap for comprehensive literacy instruction informed by the science of reading. Rather than advocating one best approach, the book shows how to balance skills- and meaning-focused instruction to support all students' success. Chapters describe specific ways to build word recognition, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, especially for learners who are struggling. The book explains the conceptual underpinnings of recommended strategies and techniques and shows how exemplary teachers actually put them into practice. New to This Edition *Updated throughout with new coauthor Tim Pressley; incorporates the latest research about reading development and difficulties. *Chapter on instruction for emergent bilingual learners (EBs), plus an appendix on selecting texts for EBs. *Expanded discussions of dyslexia and the role of executive function in reading. *Application tables that translate key concepts into recommended classroom strategies.
Guilford Publications Evaluation Roots, Third Edition: Theory Influencing Practice
Showing how evaluation practice looks when guided by theory, the third edition of the influential "theory tree" book is significantly revised with over 80% new material, including a greater focus on equity and theories over theorists. Chapters from leading authorities describe the goals of each theory; the type of evaluation for which it is appropriate (formative, summary formative, summative, adaptive); the size of the program for which it is most applicable; specific prescriptions; and observable actions that help to define the theory. Readers are given the tools to select suitable approaches for the size, contexts and stage of an evaluation and their own personal values. New to This Edition *Chapters on culturally responsive evaluation, Indigenous evaluation, and developmental evaluation. *Organized around theories rather than individual theorists. *Increased attention to practical applications, including a chapter distilling the goals, methods, and standards of evaluations based on each theory. *Case study chapter on the role of theory in evaluation policy.
Guilford Publications Academic Skills Problems, Fifth Edition: Direct Assessment and Intervention
Now in a revised and expanded fifth edition that reflects current research and best practices in direct assessment and intervention, this text addresses a perennial need for school practitioners and practitioners in training. Presented is a comprehensive, problem-solving-based approach for working with K-12 students who are struggling with reading, writing, or mathematics. The book provides a framework for evaluating the instructional environment as well as each student's context and unique learning needs; planning instructional modifications; and monitoring progress. The companion workbook, available separately, contains practice exercises and reproducible forms. New to This Edition *Revised throughout by new coauthor Nathan H. Clemens, while retaining the core elements of Edward S. Shapiro's approach. *New emphasis on the central role of language in reading, mathematics, and writing development and difficulties, and implications for working more effectively with linguistically and culturally diverse students. *Fresh perspectives on behaviors that facilitate learning, such as attention to task and following directions. *Updated and expanded coverage of key topics--universal screening; progress monitoring; intensive, individualized academic skills interventions; and more. See also Academic Skills Problems Fifth Edition Workbook, which provides the reproducible forms discussed in the text, practice exercises, and additional useful materials, in a convenient large-size format.
Guilford Publications CBT Treatment Plans and Interventions for Depression and Anxiety Disorders in Youth
Going beyond one-size-fits-all approaches to treating depression and anxiety, this book is packed with tools for delivering flexible, personalized cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to diverse children and adolescents. The authors use extended case examples to show how to conceptualize complex cases and tailor interventions to each client's unique challenges, strengths, family background, and circumstances. In a convenient large-size format, the book features vivid vignettes, sample treatment plans, therapist–client dialogues, and 49 reproducible handouts and worksheets, most of which can be downloaded and printed for repeated use. It offers pragmatic guidance for collaborating effectively with parents and with other professionals.
Guilford Publications Supporting Adolescents with Autism in Secondary Schools
In a convenient large-size format, this book presents the first research-based, comprehensive program designed to support high school students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Developed and tested in public schools by the Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (CSESA), the program addresses four critical areas--literacy, social competence and peer relationships, independence, and postschool transition preparation for students and their families. Chapters provide a roadmap for implementation of each component, complete with intervention guidelines, case vignettes, key findings, lessons learned, and reproducible forms that can be downloaded and printed at the companion website. The book also helps readers navigate the wealth of additional resources freely available from CSESA.
Guilford Publications Reading Assessment to Promote Equitable Learning: An Empowering Approach for Grades K-5
Many standard reading assessment approaches fail to capture the strengths and needs of students from diverse sociocultural, linguistic, and academic backgrounds. From expert authors, this book guides educators in planning and conducting meaningful, equitable assessments that empower K-5 teachers and students, inform responsive instruction, and help to guard against bias. The book's holistic view of reading encompasses areas from text comprehension and constrained skills to building trusting relationships and promoting students’ agency. Twenty-eight assessment strategies are explained in step-by-step detail, including helpful implementation examples and 32 reproducible forms that teachers can download and print in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Closing the Literacy Gap: Accelerating the Progress of Underperforming Students
Packed with practical tools, this book provides K-6 educators with a research-based framework for accelerating the reading and writing growth of underperforming students. Strategies and resources are included for building foundational skills, comprehension, and vocabulary; engaging students with independent reading and periodicals; developing writing; and implementing tutoring and other extra supports. The book gives special attention to helping those most affected by the literacy gap--Black and Latinx students, students living in poverty, and students with reading disabilities. It describes dozens of high-quality intervention programs, assessments, activities, and materials, many of which can be accessed for free at the companion website. Reproducible forms and handouts can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Solutions to Critical Behavioral Issues in the Classroom
This highly practical reference is organized around the problem behaviors that K-6 teachers see as the greatest barriers to student success--and the positive behaviors they value the most. Of particular value to educators, the book matches proven intervention techniques to specific target behaviors. Hill M. Walker presents exemplary strategies for managing such classroom challenges as defiance, low motivation, and aggression. He also reviews ways to build all students' skills for following directions, staying on task, coping with frustration, getting along with peers, and more. The book includes illustrative case examples and a section that clearly explains key principles of behavior management. Reproducible handouts and forms can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Executive Function Skills in the Classroom: Overcoming Barriers, Building Strategies
With insight and humor, this motivating guide shows how to bring executive functions (EF) to the forefront in K-8 classrooms--without adopting a new curriculum or scripted program. Ideal for professional development, the book includes flexible, practical, research-based ideas for implementation in a variety of classroom contexts. It shares stories from dozens of expert teachers who are integrating explicit EF support across the school day. Provided is a clear approach for talking about EF barriers and strategies as part of instruction, and working as a class to problem-solve, explore, and apply the strategies that feel right for each student. Several reproducible tools can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications Executive Function Skills in the Classroom: Overcoming Barriers, Building Strategies
With insight and humor, this motivating guide shows how to bring executive functions (EF) to the forefront in K-8 classrooms--without adopting a new curriculum or scripted program. Ideal for professional development, the book includes flexible, practical, research-based ideas for implementation in a variety of classroom contexts. It shares stories from dozens of expert teachers who are integrating explicit EF support across the school day. Provided is a clear approach for talking about EF barriers and strategies as part of instruction, and working as a class to problem-solve, explore, and apply the strategies that feel right for each student. Several reproducible tools can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications The Extraordinary Gift of Being Ordinary: Finding Happiness Right Where You Are
“Did I sound stupid?” “Should I have sent that email?” “How do I look?” Many of us spend a lot of time feeling self-conscious and comparing ourselves to others. Why do we judge ourselves so relentlessly? Why do we strive so hard to be special or successful, or to avoid feeling rejected? When psychologist and mindfulness expert Dr. Ronald Siegel realized that he, as well as most of his clients, was caught in a cycle of endless self-evaluation, he decided to do something about it. This engaging, empowering guide sheds light on this very human habit--and explains how to break it. Through illuminating stories and exercises, practical tools (which you can download and print for repeated use), and guided meditations with accompanying audio downloads, Dr. Siegel invites you to stop obsessing so much about how you measure up. Instead, by accepting the extraordinary gift of being ordinary, you can build stronger connections with others and get more joy out of life.
Guilford Publications Safe and Healthy Schools: Practical Prevention Strategies
Now in a fully revised and updated second edition, this authoritative resource provides a complete toolkit for designing and implementing an evidence-based school safety plan. Foremost experts guide practitioners to understand and prevent violence, bullying, and peer harassment in grades K-12. Best practices are reviewed for creating a positive school climate and establishing effective security and crisis response procedures. The authors describe ways to identify and support behaviorally at-risk students across multiple tiers of intervention, beginning with universal screening. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes reproducible planning tools. Purchasers get access to a webpage where they can download and print the reproducible materials. New to This Edition *Reflects over 15 years of research advances, new initiatives, and the growth of universal prevention models. *Grounded in current positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) practices; also incorporates restorative discipline, social–emotional learning, and trauma-informed practices. *State-of-the-art behavioral screening and threat assessment methods are integrated throughout. *Discussions of timely topics, including cyberbullying, the role and limitations of policing in schools, and racial/ethnic disparities in discipline. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling
This book offers researchers a systematic and accessible introduction to using a Bayesian framework in structural equation modeling (SEM). Stand-alone chapters on each SEM model clearly explain the Bayesian form of the model and walk the reader through implementation. Engaging worked-through examples from diverse social science subfields illustrate the various modeling techniques, highlighting statistical or estimation problems that are likely to arise and describing potential solutions. For each model, instructions are provided for writing up findings for publication, including annotated sample data analysis plans and results sections. Other user-friendly features in every chapter include "Major Take-Home Points," notation glossaries, annotated suggestions for further reading, and sample code in both Mplus and R. The companion website ( supplies data sets; annotated code for implementation in both Mplus and R, so that users can work within their preferred platform; and output for all of the book’s examples.
Guilford Publications Straight Talk about ADHD in Girls: How to Help Your Daughter Thrive
*A needed guide from the preeminent expert on ADHD in girls. *Empathic, realistic advice based on the latest research and clinical advances. *Addresses how ADHD may look different in girls, how it affects their self-worth (especially for teens), and what treatments work best. *Provides parenting suggestions tailored for girls of different ages. *ADHD is not just a boys' problem--helps parents separate facts from myth and get an accurate diagnosis.
Guilford Publications Has Your Child Been Traumatized?: How to Know and What to Do to Promote Healing and Recovery
When your child has been through an upsetting or stressful event, it can feel overwhelming. Is your child traumatized? Are new behaviors normal, or signs of PTSD? What can you do to make your child feel safe again? Psychologist Melissa Goldberg Mintz knows what is needed to support a traumatized child--and she knows that loving parents play the most important role. In this wise and authoritative guide, Dr. Goldberg Mintz shares specific, critical information and insights into what trauma looks like at different ages, why some kids exposed to the same event react very differently, how to help your child through trauma triggers, when to seek professional help, and more. She provides crucial tools for ensuring that your child doesn’t feel constrained by fear--and can face future challenges with hope and resilience. Winner (Second Place)--Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award, Family & Relationships Category
Guilford Publications Imagery in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
Richly illustrated with clinical material, this book presents specific techniques for working with multisensory imagery in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). Leading researcher-clinician Lusia Stopa explores how mental images--similarly to verbal cognitions--can trigger distress and drive maladaptive behavior. She guides the therapist to assess imagery and help clients to recognize and explore it. A range of interventions are described, including imaginal exposure, imaginal reliving, rescripting, working with self-images, and using positive imagery to improve well-being. Extensive sample dialogues and a chapter-length case example demonstrate the techniques in action with clients with a range of frequently encountered psychological problems.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Development for Academic Achievement: Building Skills and Motivation
This integrative text spotlights what educators need to know about children's cognitive development across grade levels (PreK-12) and content areas. The book provides a concise introduction to developmental neuroscience and theories of learning. Chapters on general cognitive abilities probe such crucial questions as what children are capable of remembering at different ages, what explains differences in effort and persistence, and how intelligence and aptitudes relate to learning. Domain-specific chapters focus on the development of key academic skills in reading, writing, math, science, and history. Multiple influences on academic achievement and motivation are explored, including school, family, cultural, and socioeconomic factors. Each chapter concludes with clear implications for curriculum and instruction.
Guilford Publications School Supports for Students in Military Families
How does growing up in a military family affect the educational experiences of children and youth? What can K-12 school practitioners do to support these students' academic, behavioral, and social–emotional success? This book describes effective ways to help students and their families navigate such challenges as relocation, school transitions, and parental deployment. Pamela Fenning presents strengths-based assessment, intervention, and prevention strategies that reflect deep knowledge of military culture and fit perfectly within a schoolwide multi-tiered system of support (MTSS). In a convenient large-size format, the book includes a reproducible data collection form that can be downloaded and printed for repeated use. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications Measuring Attachment: Developmental Assessment across the Lifespan
This volume provides an in-depth examination of traditional and emerging measures of attachment behavior and representations from infancy to adulthood. Leading authorities share their expertise on the Strange Situation, the Attachment Q-set, Ainsworth's Maternal Sensitivity Scales, the Adult Attachment Interview, the Attachment Script Assessments, and the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System, as well as analogue and experimental methods. The book clarifies the conceptual and empirical underpinnings of the various measures and shows how they fit into a coherent developmental framework. Offering detailed discussions of key constructs such as attachment security, the secure base phenomenon, disorganization, and narrative structure, this is a valuable resource for both researchers and practitioners who use attachment assessments in their work.
Guilford Publications The Family Guide to Getting Over OCD: Reclaim Your Life and Help Your Loved One
When a loved one has OCD, it's a constant struggle. It hurts to see your spouse so anxious or your teen spending so much time alone. You've tried logic, reassurance, even accommodating endless rituals--but, too often, these well-meaning attempts actually make OCD worse. Psychologist Jonathan Abramowitz has worked with countless families affected by OCD, and he understands the strain. He also knows you can turn things around. Grounded in state-of-the-art treatment research, this compassionate guide helps you change your own behavior to support your loved one's recovery. By gently but firmly encouraging the person you care about to face their fears, you can stop being controlled by the disorder, disentangle yourself from unhealthy patterns, and see your whole family grow more confident and hopeful. Vivid stories, dos and don'ts, and practical tools (which you can download and print for repeated use) help you follow the step-by-step strategies in this life-changing book.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Remediation for Successful Employment and Psychiatric Recovery: The Thinking Skills for Work Program
From leading developers of psychosocial treatments for people with severe mental illnesses, this manual presents a research-based program proven to help participants acquire and sustain meaningful employment. Thinking Skills for Work (TSW) integrates self-management strategies and computer-based cognitive training exercises to enhance clients' capacities in such key areas as attention, memory, planning, and organization. Individualized Action Plans offer targeted support for getting a job, performing optimally on the job, mastering specific tasks and routines, and overcoming interpersonal challenges. In a convenient large-size format, the book includes rich case illustrations and extensive reproducible handouts. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can download and print the handouts, as well as supplemental assessment forms and a Guide to TSW Computer-Based Training.
Guilford Publications School-Based Behavioral Assessment: Informing Prevention and Intervention
Revised and expanded with the latest tools and strategies, this concise book offers guidance for effectively conducting social, emotional, and behavioral assessments in today’s K-12 schools. The expert authors present foundational knowledge on assessment and data-based decision making at all levels--whole schools, small groups, or individual students--within a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS). Chapters describe when, why, and how to use extant data, systematic direct observation, direct behavior rating, and rating scales. In a large-size format for easy photocopying, the book includes reproducible forms and templates. Purchasers get access to a webpage where they can download and print the reproducible materials. New to This Edition *Reflects a decade of change in behavioral assessment, including an increased focus on screening and progress monitoring. *Includes current knowledge about the defensibility, usability, repeatability, and flexibility of each method. *Focuses on social, emotional, and behavioral assessment within MTSS frameworks. *Chapter on practical applications, featuring in-depth case studies. *Reproducible tools now available online. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications Parents as Partners in Child Therapy: A Clinician's Guide
This book addresses a key need for child therapists--how to actively involve parents in treatment and give them tools to support their child's healthy development. Known for her innovative, creative therapeutic approach, Paris Goodyear-Brown weaves together knowledge about play therapy, trauma, attachment theory, and neurobiology. She presents step-by-step strategies to help parents understand their child's needs, reflect on their own emotional triggers, set healthy boundaries, make time together more fun, and respond effectively to challenging behavior. Filled with rich clinical illustrations, the volume features 52 reproducible handouts and worksheets. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Mindfulness for Adult ADHD: A Clinician's Guide
Mindfulness has emerged as a valuable component of treatment for adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This concise manual presents an evidence-based group intervention specifically tailored to the needs of this population. The Mindful Awareness Practices for ADHD (MAPs) program helps participants cultivate self-regulation of attention, emotions, and behavior; awareness of ADHD challenges; self-acceptance; and self-compassion. With a stepwise teaching approach and meditation periods that are shorter than in other mindfulness programs, MAPs is designed to optimize learning. Included are step-by-step instructions for conducting the eight sessions, scripts for guided meditations, 32 reproducible handouts and session summaries, and “Adaptation for Individual Therapy” boxes. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can download printable copies of the reproducible tools and audio recordings of the guided practices.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Personality: Theory and Research
Now in a revised and expanded fourth edition, this definitive reference and text has more than 50% new material, reflecting a decade of theoretical and empirical advances. Prominent researchers describe major theories and review cutting-edge findings. The volume explores how personality emerges from and interacts with biological, developmental, cognitive, affective, and social processes, and the implications for well-being and health. Innovative research programs and methods are presented throughout. The concluding section showcases emerging issues and new directions in the field. New to This Edition *Expanded coverage of personality development, with chapters on the overall life course, middle childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood. *Three new chapters on affective processes, plus chapters on neurobiology, achievement motivation, cognitive approaches, narcissism, and other new topics. *Section on cutting-edge issues: personality interventions, personality manifestations in everyday life, geographical variation in personality, self-knowledge, and the links between personality and economics. *Added breadth and accessibility--42 more concise chapters, compared to 32 in the prior edition.
Guilford Publications Robust Comprehension Instruction with Questioning the Author: 15 Years Smarter
This practical K-12 teacher resource explains the "whats," "whys," and "how-tos" of using Questioning the Author (QtA), a powerful approach for enhancing reading comprehension and engagement. Thorough yet concise, the book shows how to plan lessons using both narrative and expository texts, formulate open-ended Queries, and guide class discussions around them. The authors discuss how QtA has evolved over many years of classroom application and include innovative ideas for integrating vocabulary instruction and writing prompts into QtA lessons. Also provided are steps for gradually transitioning from teacher-led instruction to independent reading. The book features extended examples of teachers implementing QtA, as well as four complete texts that can be downloaded and printed for classroom use.
Guilford Publications Robust Comprehension Instruction with Questioning the Author: 15 Years Smarter
This practical K-12 teacher resource explains the "whats," "whys," and "how-tos" of using Questioning the Author (QtA), a powerful approach for enhancing reading comprehension and engagement. Thorough yet concise, the book shows how to plan lessons using both narrative and expository texts, formulate open-ended Queries, and guide class discussions around them. The authors discuss how QtA has evolved over many years of classroom application and include innovative ideas for integrating vocabulary instruction and writing prompts into QtA lessons. Also provided are steps for gradually transitioning from teacher-led instruction to independent reading. The book features extended examples of teachers implementing QtA, as well as four complete texts that can be downloaded and printed for classroom use.
Guilford Publications Literacy Instruction with Disciplinary Texts: Strategies for Grades 6-12
To develop strong disciplinary literacy skills, middle and high school students need to engage with diverse types of challenging texts in every content area. This book provides a blueprint for constructing literacy-rich instructional units in English language arts, science, and social studies. The authors describe how to design interconnected text sets and plan lessons that support learning and engagement before, during, and after reading. Presented are ways to build academic vocabulary and background knowledge, teach research-based comprehension strategies, and guide effective discussions and text-based writing activities. Chapters also cover how to teach students to write argumentative, informative, and narrative essays, and to conduct discipline-specific inquiry. Special features include sample text sets and 24 reproducible planning templates and other teaching tools; purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Literacy Instruction with Disciplinary Texts: Strategies for Grades 6-12
To develop strong disciplinary literacy skills, middle and high school students need to engage with diverse types of challenging texts in every content area. This book provides a blueprint for constructing literacy-rich instructional units in English language arts, science, and social studies. The authors describe how to design interconnected text sets and plan lessons that support learning and engagement before, during, and after reading. Presented are ways to build academic vocabulary and background knowledge, teach research-based comprehension strategies, and guide effective discussions and text-based writing activities. Chapters also cover how to teach students to write argumentative, informative, and narrative essays, and to conduct discipline-specific inquiry. Special features include sample text sets and 24 reproducible planning templates and other teaching tools; purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Guilford Publications Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Clinical Practice, Second Edition: Applications across Disorders and Settings
This influential work has now been substantially revised with over 60% new material reflecting over a dozen years of research and clinical advances. Leading experts describe innovative ways to use dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in a wide range of real-world clinical and community settings. The volume provides wise guidance on setting up, running, and evaluating a comprehensive DBT program. It also presents adaptations designed to meet the needs of particular client populations as time- and cost-effectively as possible. Vivid case examples illustrate diverse applications of DBT for helping adults, adolescents, and children reduce suicidal and self-harming behavior; overcome complex, multiple challenges; and build a life worth living. New to This Edition *Presents current best practices for making DBT more efficient and accessible while maximizing program fidelity. *Chapters on additional populations, including persons with posttraumatic stress disorder and preadolescent children. *Chapters on additional settings, including milieu-based programs, university counseling centers, and middle and high schools. *Chapters on pharmacotherapy, promoting employment and self-sufficiency, training and supervision, and DBT beyond Stage 1. See also Doing Dialectical Behavior Therapy: A Practical Guide, by Kelly Koerner, which demonstrates DBT techniques in detail.
Guilford Publications Literacy Research Methodologies, Third Edition
Different research methods can yield unique insights into literacy learning and teaching--and, used synergistically, can work together to move the field forward. Now revised and updated with 50% new material, this definitive text presents widely used methods and provides students and researchers with a clear understanding of when, how, and why they are applied. Leading authorities describe established and emerging methodologies, review the types of questions they are suited to address, and identify standards for quality. Key issues in research design are accessibly discussed. Each chapter offers one or more exemplars of high-quality published studies to illustrate the approach in action. The benefits of using multiple types of methods to more fully investigate a given question or problem are emphasized throughout. New to This Edition *Chapter on a vital new topic: critical race methodologies. *New chapters on core topics: design-based research, causal effects, ethnographic case studies, correlational designs, discourse analysis, instrument development, and verbal protocols. *Up-to-date coverage of online research methods, neuroimaging, and other rapidly evolving methodologies. *Many of the exemplary studies are new.
Guilford Publications Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Third Edition: Basics and Beyond
*A bestseller with over 250,000 in print, extensively revised: 50% new material includes chapters on the therapeutic relationship and mindfulness. *Even more reader-friendly--new features include troubleshooting tips, practice exercises, and worksheets and videos at the author's website. *The top CBT text and a perfect primer for novice clinicians or those new to the approach. *Beck is a master clinician and researcher who accessibly guides readers through all stages of planning and implementing treatment. *Worldwide renown: Translated into 23 languages.
Guilford Publications Social and Emotional Learning in the Classroom: Promoting Mental Health and Academic Success
This trusted resource--now in a thoroughly updated second edition reflecting the tremendous growth of the field--provides a best-practice guide to planning and implementing social and emotional learning (SEL) in K-12 classrooms and schools. The authors present a roadmap to help practitioners choose exemplary programs and strategies, integrate SEL with academics and mental health interventions, create culturally affirming programming for diverse students, use assessment to guide data-based decision making, and support educator SEL. In a convenient large-size format, the volume includes illustrative vignettes and 24 reproducible worksheets and other practical tools. Purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials. New to This Edition *Chapter on educators’ social and emotional competence and teacher wellness. *Expanded coverage of implementation and systems issues, strategies for weaving SEL into the school day, applying SEL within a multi-tiered system of support, and professional development. *Numerous new and revised worksheets--now downloadable--including new educator reflection activities in each chapter. *Timely topics and themes infused throughout--such as culturally responsive and trauma-informed practices, teacher–family–community partnerships, and relationships as a foundation to SEL success--plus updated SEL resources. This book is in The Guilford Practical Intervention in the Schools Series, edited by Sandra M. Chafouleas.
Guilford Publications Handbook of Wise Interventions
Precise shifts in the ways people make sense of themselves, others, and social situations can help people flourish. This compelling handbook synthesizes the growing body of research on wise interventions--brief, nonclinical strategies that are "wise" to the impact of social-psychological processes on behavior. Leading authorities describe how maladaptive or pejorative interpretations can undermine people’s functioning and how they can be altered to produce benefits in such areas as academic motivation and achievement, health, well-being, and personal relationships. Consistently formatted chapters review the development of each intervention, how it can be implemented, its evidence base, and implications for solving personal and societal problems.
Guilford Publications Military Stress Reactions: Rethinking Trauma and PTSD
Many people--including some mental health professionals and service members themselves--have the misconception that military deployment is highly likely to cause posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This book gives practitioners a more nuanced understanding of military stress reactions and related mental health concerns, from transient adjustment problems to clinical disorders. Drawing on expert knowledge of military environments and culture, Carrie H. Kennedy provides vital guidance for evidence-based assessment, intervention, and prevention. Kennedy emphasizes that overdependence on the diagnosis of PTSD can lead to suboptimal care, and shows how to tailor treatment to each service member's or veteran's needs. A crucial addition to any practitioner's library, the book is illustrated with numerous case vignettes.
Guilford Publications Child Development: A Practitioner's Guide
Now in a revised and updated fourth edition, this trusted text and professional resource provides a developmental framework for clinical practice. The authors examine how children's trajectories are shaped by transactions among family relationships, brain development, and the social environment. Risk and resilience factors in each of these domains are highlighted. Covering infancy, toddlerhood, the preschool years, and middle childhood, the text explores how children of different ages typically behave, think, and relate to others. Developmentally informed approaches to assessment and intervention are illustrated by vivid case examples. Observation exercises and quick-reference summaries of each developmental stage facilitate learning. New to This Edition *Incorporates a decade's worth of advances in knowledge about attachment, neurodevelopment, developmental psychopathology, intervention science, and more. *Toddler, preschool, and school-age development are each covered in two succinct chapters rather than one, making the book more student friendly. *Updated throughout by new coauthor Michael F. Troy, while retaining Douglas Davies's conceptual lens and engaging style.
Guilford Publications Minding Emotions: Cultivating Mentalization in Psychotherapy
Mentalization--the effort to make sense of our own and others' actions, behavior, and internal states--is something we all do. And it is a capacity that all psychotherapies aim to improve: the better we are at mentalizing, the more resilient and flexible we tend to be. This concise, engaging book offers a brief overview of mentalization in psychotherapy, focusing on how to help patients understand and reflect on their emotional experiences. Elliot Jurist integrates cognitive science research and psychoanalytic theory to break down "mentalized affectivity" into discrete processes that therapists can cultivate in session. The book interweaves clinical vignettes with discussions of memoirs by comedian Sarah Silverman, poet Tracy Smith, filmmaker Ingmar Bergman, and neurologist Oliver Sacks. A reproducible assessment instrument (the Mentalized Affectivity Scale) can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. Winner--American Board and Academy of Psychoanalysis Book Prize (Theory)
Guilford Publications Theory Construction and Model-Building Skills: A Practical Guide for Social Scientists
This accessible, hands-on text has now been revised and updated, with expanded coverage of topics including how theory may emerge from exploratory data analysis. The book prepares graduate students, new researchers, and even seasoned investigators to develop their own theories and build on existing ones. Concrete strategies are provided to help readers generate ideas, define constructs, and think through relationships and processes that link constructs. Compelling examples from multiple disciplines illustrate the use of quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods orientations to theory construction. The text also offers practical advice for writing effectively about theories in papers and grant applications. Readers learn by doing via application and concept exercises, demonstration boxes, and practical guidelines. The extensive companion website ( includes PowerPoint slides of all of the book’s figures, primers on advanced topics, video demonstrations, supplemental exercises, and other resources. New to This Edition *Emergent theory is now covered in mixed methods as well as qualitative approaches, plus in a new chapter on exploratory quantitative methods that can help generate new theory through data mining. *Chapter on whether and how to revise a theory when faced with disconfirmatory data. *Two chapters on the theoretical underpinnings of measurement practices. *New or expanded discussions of what constitutes a theoretical contribution, conceptual logic models, thought experiments, and more. Pedagogical Features *Application and concept exercises in every chapter. *Lists of key terms and engaging topical boxes. *Annotated suggestions for further reading. *New companion website with rich resources for students and instructors. *Chapters stand on their own and can be used in any order.