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John Wiley & Sons Inc Essentials of Neuropsychological Assessment
Quickly acquire the knowledge and skills you need to confidently administer, score, and interpret the most popular neuropsychological assessment instruments Neuropsychological testing can identify changes in cognition, behavior, and emotion; aid in determining the cause of a disorder or developmental problem; and assist clinicians in planning treatment and rehabilitation. To use these tests properly, professionals need an authoritative source of advice and guidance on how to administer, score, and interpret them. Now fully revised and in a second edition, Essentials of Neuropsychological Assessment is that source. Completely updated to include the most current instruments, including the Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System (D-KEFS), the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition (WISC-IV), the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV), and the Wechsler Memory Scale-Fourth Edition (WMS-IV), Essentials of Neuropsychological Assessment, Second Edition presents an overview of the assumptions, logic, knowledge base, and skills underlying the practice of neuropsychological assessment. Neuropsychological experts Nancy Hebben and William Milberg describe how clinical history, behavioral observations, and formal test results are used to make inferences about the contribution of brain dysfunction to psychological functioning. Like all the volumes in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series, this book is designed to help busy mental health professionals quickly acquire the knowledge and skills they need to make optimal use of major neuropsychological assessment instruments. Each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as test questions that help you gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered. Essentials of Neuropsychological Assessment, Second Edition provides comprehensive instruction on neuropsychological test administration, scoring, interpretation, and report writing. It also addresses practical and conceptual issues related to neuropsychological assessment in geriatric, pediatric, forensic, and other specialized settings. Other titles in the Essentials of Psychological Assessment series: Essentials of Assessment Report Writing Essentials of WAIS-IV Assessment Essentials of WISC-IV Assessment, Second Edition Essentials of WIAT-II and KTEA-II Assessment Essentials of WJ IIITM Cognitive Abilities Assessment Essentials of WJ IIITM Tests of Achievement Assessment Essentials of School Neuropsychological Assessment Essentials of Cross-Battery Assessment, Second Edition Essentials of KABC-II Assessment Essentials of NEPSY Assessment Essentials of Executive Function Assessment Essentials of Processing Assessment
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Social Media Handbook: Rules, Policies, and Best Practices to Successfully Manage Your Organization's Social Media Presence, Posts, and Potential
The Social Media Handbook is a comprehensive risk and compliance management toolkit that walks employers step-by-step through the process of developing and implementing effective social media policy and compliance management programs that are designed to minimize—and in some cases prevent—social networking and web 2.0 risks and other electronic disasters. Throughout this important resource Nancy Flynn (an internationally recognized expert on workplace social media) offers a guide to best practices for creating safe, effective, and compliant electronic business communications. The book contains a thorough review of the risks inherent in employees' social media use and content and explores how organizations can help manage behavior, mitigate risks, and maximize compliance through the implementation of strategic social media compliance management programs. These programs combine written policies, supported by comprehensive employee education and are enforced by proven-effective technology tools. Once these policies and programs are in place employers can safely take advantage of the marketing and communications benefits offered by social media. Covering a wealth of material, the book includes vital information on topics such as social media and the law; managing records and e-discovery compliantly; regulatory compliance; privacy and security; blog risks and compliance rules; mobile devices drive social media risks; a seven-step plan for social media policy and compliance management; conducting a social media audit; creating social media policies; content rules and compliance; policy compliance and education; reputation management; and more. In addition to addressing pertinent topics on risk management, the book contains cautionary, real-life social networking disaster stories that show how organizations can lose revenue and reputations, reveals how employees can lose jobs, and explains how individuals can face public humiliation. The Social Media Handbook is a hands-on guide written for human resource professionals, information technology managers, legal professionals, compliance officers, records managers, and others who need to manage today's technology tools with up-to-date employment rules.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Reinventing Early Care and Education: A Vision for a Quality System
This book examines the critical issues related to providing quality services for young children. The authors tackles these serious social problem with intelligence and clarity, pointing out the action we must take for the sake of our children and our nation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Admission Matters: What Students and Parents Need to Know About Getting into College
The most up-to-date version of the best-selling guide to college admissions for over twenty years Newly revised and thoroughly updated, the fifth edition of Admission Matters continues to be the go-to guide for students and families seeking help with the college admissions process. Higher education experts Sally P. Springer, Ph.D., Joyce Vining Morgan, Ph.D., Nancy Griesemer, M.A., and Jon Reider, Ph.D., deliver a practical and accessible roadmap for a successful admissions outcome, whether the student is a high school freshman or a senior about to apply to college. Reassuring and easy to read, Admission Matters provides deep insight into a process that has become increasingly complex and unpredictable with each passing year. In the fifth edition, readers will learn how to build a balanced college list, when to apply, what goes into crafting a compelling application, how colleges make decisions, how financial aid works, and more. Admission Matters offers real-world expert advice for all students, whether they're aiming for an Ivy or a state school close to home. The book provides practical guidance for students and families whether they come from an under-resourced background or one that has provided abundant opportunities. Admission Matters also includes much-needed information for students with special circumstances, including students with disabilities, international students, transfers, and non-traditional students. Athletes, artists and performers, and homeschoolers will also have many of their questions answered as they plan for and apply to college. Admission Matters also provides the latest information on: The shift to test-optional or test-free admissions at many schools and what that means for you The transition to an adaptive, digital format for the SAT Changes to the federal process for financial aid What selective colleges are increasingly looking for when faced with growing numbers of applications Differences among colleges and how to choose the "best fit" schools Early decision and early action applications and when they make sense And much more... The latest edition of Admission Matters remains the gold standard in guides to the ever-changing and often intimidating process of college admissions.
John Wiley & Sons Inc First Things Fast: A Handbook for Performance Analysis
An Essential Knowledge Resource THE WORLD OF LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE has changed significantly since the first edition of First Things Fast was published more than a decade ago. This thoroughly revised and updated second edition of the best-selling classic recognizes a world chock-full of technology, economic strains, and opportunities. How do learning and performance professionals plan in this shifting context? How do they take advantage of new human and Internet-based resources? How do they bring their recommendations forward and add more value, no matter where they work? These questions are addressed throughout this new edition. This important resource is a practical guide that is filled with job aids, design templates, and examples offering step-by-step guidance to the basics of performance analysis. This new edition includes: New questions and templates that reflect the shift of learning and support from the classroom to the workplace, and the blends that provide learning and support in both environments Fresh approaches for using wikis, blogs, and online surveys to gather information Innovative ideas for tapping into the power of social networking and the possibilities presented for analysts Information on the critical link between analysis and evaluation and new guidelines for both activities A wealth of new illustrative case examples Insightful commentaries from successful leaders in the field who explain how they use analysis to advance individual and organizational strategy "Allison Rossett combines thought leadership for the profession with practical guidance. This book, the second edition of a classic in the field, is filled with proven practices and ready-to-use tools making this a resource you'll use frequently." DANA GAINES ROBINSON, COAUTHOR, PERFORMANCE CONSULTING AND STRATEGIC BUSINESS PARTNER "What I appreciate about this book is that it is a straightforward, practical guide to planning, and it embraces new technology and the convergence of learning and work." NANCY J. LEWIS, VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF LEARNING OFFICER, ITT CORPORATION
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Transnationalizing the Public Sphere
Is Habermas’s concept of the public sphere still relevant in an age of globalization, when the transnational flows of people and information have become increasingly intensive and when the nation-state can no longer be taken granted as the natural frame for social and political debate? This is the question posed with characteristic acuity by Nancy Fraser in her influential article ‘Transnationalizing the Public Sphere?’ Challenging careless uses of the term ‘global public sphere’, Fraser raises the debate about the nature and role of the public sphere in a global age to a new level. While drawing on the richness of Habermas’s conception and remaining faithful to the spirit of critical theory, Fraser thoroughly reconstructs the concepts of inclusion, legitimacy and efficacy for our globalizing times. This book includes Fraser’s original article as well as specially commissioned contributions that raise searching questions about the theoretical assumptions and empirical grounds of Fraser’s argument. They are concerned with the fundamental premises of Habermas’s development of the concept of the public sphere as a normative ideal in complex societies; the significance of the fact that the public sphere emerged in modern states that were also imperial; whether ‘scaling up’ to a global public sphere means giving up on local and national publics; the role of ‘counterpublics’ in developing alternative globalization; and what inclusion might possibly mean for a global public. Fraser responds to these questions in detail in an extended reply to her critics. An invaluable resource for students and scholars concerned with the role of the public sphere beyond the nation-state, this book will also be welcomed by anyone interested in globalization and democracy today.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Scales of Justice: Reimagining Political Space in a Globalizing World
Until recently, struggles for justice proceeded against the background of a taken-for-granted frame: the bounded territorial state. With that "Westphalian" picture of political space assumed by default, the scope of justice was rarely subject to explicit dispute. Today, the scope of justice is hotly contested, as human-rights activists and international feminists join critics of structural adjustment and the WTO in targeting injustices that cut across borders. Seeking to re-map the bounds of justice on a broader scale, these movements are challenging the view that justice can only be a domestic relation among fellow citizens. As their claims collide with those of nationalists and Westphalian democrats, we witness new forms of "meta-political" contestation in which the scale of justice is an object of explicit dispute. Under these conditions, there is no avoiding an issue that had once seemed to go without saying: What is the proper frame for theorizing justice? Faced with a plurality of competing scales, how do we know which scale of justice is truly just? Scales of Justice tackles this issue. Interrogating struggles over globalization, Nancy Fraser reconstructs the theory of justice for a post-Westphalian world. Revising her widely discussed theory of redistribution and recognition, she introduces representation as a third, "political," dimension of justice, which permits us to re-conceive scale and scope as questions of justice. Seeking to re-imagine political space for a globalizing world, she revisits the concepts of democracy, solidarity, and the public sphere; the projects of critical theory, the World Social Forum, and second-wave feminism; and the thought of Habermas, Rawls, Foucault, and Arendt.
Johns Hopkins University Press Front Stoops in the Fifties: Baltimore Legends Come of Age
Front Stoops in the Fifties recounts the stories of some of Baltimore's most famous personalities as they grew up during the "decade of conformity." Such familiar names as Jerry Leiber, Nancy Pelosi, Thurgood Marshall, and Barry Levinson figure prominently in Michael Olesker's gripping account, which draws on personal interviews and journalistic digging. Olesker marks the end of the fifties with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. "It's as if millions will suddenly decide to act out their anxieties and their rage, as if Kennedy's murder exposed some hypocrisy at the heart of the American dream," he writes. Focusing on the period leading up to this turning point in U.S. history, Olesker looks to the individuals living through the changes that were just beginning to surface and would later come to prominence in the sixties. The fifties are often remembered with longing as a more innocent time. But it was also a suffocating time for many. Alongside innocence was ignorance. Olesker tells the story of Nancy D'Alesandro Pelosi, daughter of the mayor, who grew up in a political home and eventually became the first woman Speaker of the House. Thurgood Marshall, schooled in a racially segregated classroom, went on to argue Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka before the U.S. Supreme Court and rewrite race-relations law. Even the music changed. Olesker's doo-wop portrait of Baltimore is nostalgic, but it has a hard edge.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gender and Agency: Reconfiguring the Subject in Feminist and Social Theory
This book reassesses theories of agency and gender identity against the backdrop of changing relations between men and women in contemporary societies. McNay argues that recent thought on the formation of the modern subject offers a one-sided or negative account of agency, which underplays the creative dimension present in the responses of individuals to changing social relations. An understanding of this creative element is central to a theory of autonomous agency, and also to an explanation of the ways in which women and men negotiate changes within gender relations. In exploring the implications of this idea of agency for a theory of gender identity, McNay brings together the work of leading feminist theorists - such as Judith Butler and Nancy Fraser - with the work of key continental social theorists. In particular, she examines the work of Pierre Bourdieu, Paul Ricoeur and Cornelius Castoriadis, each of whom has explored different aspects of the idea of the creativity of action. McNay argues that their thought has interesting implications for feminist ideas of gender, but these have been relatively neglected partly because of the huge influence of the work of Michel Foucault and Jacques Lacan in this area. She argues that, despite its suggestive nature, feminist theory must move away from the ideas of Foucault and Lacan if a more substantive account of agency is to be introduced into ideas of gender identity. This book will appeal to students and scholars in the areas of social theory, gender studies and feminist theory.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Anthropology Goes Public in the VA
Almost a decade ago, in 2004, noted anthropologist Louise Lamphere observed a "sea change" in anthropology, with the interests of applied, practicing, and public interest anthropologists converging around the themes of increased collaborations and partnerships, outreach to the public, and efforts to influence policy. The sea change was concretized in anthropology's flagship journal, American Anthropologist, with the 2010 inauguration of the "Public Anthropology Reviews" section. Public anthropology, arguably the convergence that Lamphere foretold, represents an expansion of the value and relevance of anthropology, as well as a shift in the production and dissemination of knowledge. Furthermore, as Nancy Scheper-Hughes articulated in 2009, public anthropology involves not only responding to public issues but making public issues. Anthropologists working in the federal sector, such as the Veterans Administration (VA), realize the challenges and rewards of practicing public anthropology on a daily basis. The movement of anthropologists into the largest integrated health care system in the U.S. exemplifies the sea change toward public anthropology, particularly with regard to the contributions our discipline can make to improving health care. This volume addresses three key aspects of the contributors' voices within a growing anthropology in/of/for the VA. First, we describe pathways and approaches to practicing anthropology in the VA. Second, we characterize anthropological contributions to Veteran empowerment efforts. Finally, we illustrate how anthropology informs current dialogues and policies related to Veterans at the margins of health and social services. Within and across these themes, issues of praxis, ethics, action, and service are highlighted. Collectively the contributors resonate with—and exemplify—Scheper-Hughes's contention that public anthropology is a "precious right and a privilege."
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Against Recognition
The idea of the struggle for recognition features prominently in the work of various thinkers from Charles Taylor and Jurgen Habermas to Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser who are concerned with the centrality of issues of identity in modern society. In differing ways, these thinkers use the idea of recognition to develop accounts of the individual which are opposed to the asocial individualism of liberal thought and to the abstraction of much work on the subject. The idea of recognition expresses the notion that individuality is an intersubjective phenomenon formed through pragmatic interactions with others. By highlighting the intersubjective features of individuality, the idea of recognition has both descriptive and normative content and it has important implications for a feminist account of gender identity. In this brilliant and original book, Lois McNay argues that the insights of the recognition theorists are undercut by their reliance on an inadequate account of power. The idea of recognition relies on an account of social relations as extrapolations of a primal dyad of interaction that overlooks the complex ways in which individuality is connected to abstract social structures in contemporary society. Using Bourdieu's relational sociology, McNay develops an alternative account of individual agency that connects identity to structure. By focussing on issues of gender identity and agency, she opens up new pathways to move beyond the oppositions between material and cultural feminisms.
ACC Art Books Sinatra
"May you all live to be 100 years old, and may the last voice you hear be mine." Frank Sinatra "His camera was a constant companion from his early teens. My daughter, his granddaughter, unearthed these gems and they are seen here for the first time." Nancy Sinatra 2015 marks 100 years since the birth of Frank Sinatra. The year will be full of events to commemorate the life and music of one of the Twentieth Century's biggest stars including exhibitions, concerts and variety of album releases. A very special event will be the publication of SINATRA, a luxurious book curated by Frank Sinatra's granddaughter, Amanda Erlinger. Amanda has compiled a wealth of rare and unseen images from the family archives for inclusion in the book along with an incredible array of stars to contribute words and imagery. Undoubtedly, SINATRA forms a wonderful, personal memory of Frank Sinatra. This spectacular 400-page book - which comes in luxury clam-shell case - is signed by Nancy Sinatra, Frank Sinatra Jnr., and Tina Sinatra and includes a rare and unpublished signed print of a photograph of Frank Sinatra taken by Nancy Sinatra Snr (see image below, middle of the row). With contributions from an incredible all-star cast including - Nancy Sinatra, Martin Scorsese, George Clooney, Billy Joel, Neil Sedaka, Quincy Jones, Paul McCartney, Tony Bennett, and Elvis Costello and featuring the work of photographers - Herbert Gehr, Milton H. Greene, Bob Willoughby, Dezo Hoffmann, Ken Veeder, Ted Allan, John Dominis, Ed Thrasher, John Bryson, and Terry O'Neill. SINATRA includes photos from the Capitol Records and Warner Bros. Records archives, unpublished family photos of the Sinatra family and, most excitingly, many photos taken by Frank Sinatra himself, including several self-portraits. This edition is limited to 1000 copies and published in association with Iconic Images and Frank Sinatra Enterprises. "It is fitting that the voice that defined a century should have a centenary. Francis Albert Sinatra, my father, was born December 12, 1915, in Hoboken New Jersey. He came from humble beginnings and set off from there to live a life that few can imagine. He is the embodiment of the American Dream." Nancy Sinatra "Just the mention of his name. You can say it like an incantation, and a whole world is right there before you. Sinatra..." Martin Scorsese "He was the epitome of what singing is all about. Beautiful sounds, smooth as silk, effortless, impeccable phrasing, stylish, intelligent, and full of heart." Barbra Streisand
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Personal Connections in the Digital Age
The internet and the mobile phone have disrupted many of our conventional understandings of ourselves and our relationships, raising anxieties and hopes about their effects on our lives. In this second edition of her timely and vibrant book, Nancy Baym provides frameworks for thinking critically about the roles of digital media in personal relationships. Rather than providing exuberant accounts or cautionary tales, it offers a data-grounded primer on how to make sense of these important changes in relational lifeFully updated to reflect new developments in technology and digital scholarship, the book identifies the core relational issues these media disturb and shows how our talk about them echoes historical discussions about earlier communication technologies. Chapters explore how we use mediated language and nonverbal behavior to develop and maintain communities, social networks, and new relationships, and to maintain existing relationships in our everyday lives. The book combines research findings with lively examples to address questions such as: Can mediated interaction be warm and personal? Are people honest about themselves online? Can relationships that start online work? Do digital media damage the other relationships in our lives? Throughout, the book argues that these questions must be answered with firm understandings of media qualities and the social and personal contexts in which they are developed and used.This new edition of Personal Connections in the Digital Age will be required reading for all students and scholars of media, communication studies, and sociology, as well as all those who want a richer understanding of digital media and everyday life.
Fordham University Press Noli me tangere: On the Raising of the Body
Christian parables have retained their force well beyond the sphere of religion; indeed, they share with much of modern literature their status as a form of address: “Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.” There is no message without there first being—or, more subtly, without there also being in the message itself—an address to a capacity or an aptitude for listening. This is not an exhortation of the kind “Pay attention!” Rather, it is a warning: if you do not understand, the message will go away. The scene in the Gospel of John in which the newly risen Christ enjoins the Magdalene, “Noli me tangere,” a key moment in the general parable made up of his life, is a particularly good example of this sudden appearance in which a vanishing plays itself out. Resurrected, he speaks, makes an appeal, and leaves. “Do not touch me.” Beyond the Christ story, this everyday phrase says something important about touching in general. It points to the place where touching must not touch in order to carry out its touch (its art, its tact, its grace). The title essay of this volume is both a contribution to Nancy’s project of a “deconstruction of Christianity” and an exemplum of his remarkable writings on art, in analyses of “Noli me tangere” paintings by such painters as Rembrandt, Dürer, Titian, Pontormo, Bronzino, and Correggio. It is also in tacit dialogue with Jacques Derrida’s monumental tribute to Nancy’s work in Le toucher—Jean-Luc Nancy. For the English-language edition, Nancy has added an unpublished essay on the Magdalene and the English translation of “In Heaven and on the Earth,” a remarkable lecture he gave in a series designed to address children between six and twelve years of age. Closely aligned with his entire project of “the deconstruction of Christianity,’” this lecture may give the most accesible account of his ideas about God.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Writing Assessment and Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities
A hands-on guide for anyone who teaches writing to students with learning disabilities This valuable resource helps teachers who want to sharpen their skills in analyzing and teaching writing to students with learning disabilities. The classroom-tested, research-proven strategies offered in this book work with all struggling students who have difficulties with writing-even those who have not been classified as learning disabled. The book offers a review of basic skills-spelling, punctuation, and capitalization-and includes instructional strategies to help children who struggle with these basics. The authors provide numerous approaches for enhancing student performance in written expression. They explore the most common reasons students are reluctant to write and offer helpful suggestions for motivating them. Includes a much-needed guide for teaching and assessing writing skills with children with learning disabilities Contains strategies for working with all students that struggle with writing Offers classroom-tested strategies, helpful information, 100+ writing samples with guidelines for analysis, and handy progress-monitoring charts Includes ideas for motivating reluctant writers Mather is an expert in the field of learning disabilities and is the best-selling author of Essentials of Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement Assessment
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Age of Disruption: Technology and Madness in Computational Capitalism
Half a century ago Adorno and Horkheimer argued, with great prescience, that our increasingly rationalized world was witnessing the emergence of a new kind of barbarism, thanks in part to the stultifying effects of the culture industries. What they could not foresee was that, with the digital revolution and the pervasive automation associated with it, the developments they had discerned would be greatly accentuated, giving rise to the loss of reason and to the loss of the reason for living. Individuals are now overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of digital information and the speed of digital flows, resulting in a kind of technological Wild West in which they find themselves increasingly powerless, driven by their lack of agency to the point of madness. How can we find a way out of this situation? In this major new book, Bernard Stiegler argues that we must first acknowledge our era as one of fundamental disruption and detachment. We are living in an absence of epokhē in the philosophical sense, by which Stiegler means that we have lost our path of thinking and being. Weaving in powerful accounts from his own life story, including struggles with depression and time spent in prison, Stiegler calls for a new epokhē based on public power. We must forge new circuits of meaning outside of the established algorithmic routes. For only then will forms of thinking and life be able to arise that restore meaning and aspiration to the individual. Concluding with a dialogue between Stiegler and Jean-Luc Nancy, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars in social and cultural theory, media and cultural studies, philosophy and the humanities generally.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Age of Disruption: Technology and Madness in Computational Capitalism
Half a century ago Adorno and Horkheimer argued, with great prescience, that our increasingly rationalized world was witnessing the emergence of a new kind of barbarism, thanks in part to the stultifying effects of the culture industries. What they could not foresee was that, with the digital revolution and the pervasive automation associated with it, the developments they had discerned would be greatly accentuated, giving rise to the loss of reason and to the loss of the reason for living. Individuals are now overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of digital information and the speed of digital flows, resulting in a kind of technological Wild West in which they find themselves increasingly powerless, driven by their lack of agency to the point of madness. How can we find a way out of this situation? In this major new book, Bernard Stiegler argues that we must first acknowledge our era as one of fundamental disruption and detachment. We are living in an absence of epokhē in the philosophical sense, by which Stiegler means that we have lost our path of thinking and being. Weaving in powerful accounts from his own life story, including struggles with depression and time spent in prison, Stiegler calls for a new epokhē based on public power. We must forge new circuits of meaning outside of the established algorithmic routes. For only then will forms of thinking and life be able to arise that restore meaning and aspiration to the individual. Concluding with a dialogue between Stiegler and Jean-Luc Nancy, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars in social and cultural theory, media and cultural studies, philosophy and the humanities generally.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Gender and Agency: Reconfiguring the Subject in Feminist and Social Theory
This book reassesses theories of agency and gender identity against the backdrop of changing relations between men and women in contemporary societies. McNay argues that recent thought on the formation of the modern subject offers a one-sided or negative account of agency, which underplays the creative dimension present in the responses of individuals to changing social relations. An understanding of this creative element is central to a theory of autonomous agency, and also to an explanation of the ways in which women and men negotiate changes within gender relations. In exploring the implications of this idea of agency for a theory of gender identity, McNay brings together the work of leading feminist theorists - such as Judith Butler and Nancy Fraser - with the work of key continental social theorists. In particular, she examines the work of Pierre Bourdieu, Paul Ricoeur and Cornelius Castoriadis, each of whom has explored different aspects of the idea of the creativity of action. McNay argues that their thought has interesting implications for feminist ideas of gender, but these have been relatively neglected partly because of the huge influence of the work of Michel Foucault and Jacques Lacan in this area. She argues that, despite its suggestive nature, feminist theory must move away from the ideas of Foucault and Lacan if a more substantive account of agency is to be introduced into ideas of gender identity. This book will appeal to students and scholars in the areas of social theory, gender studies and feminist theory.
SAGE Publications Inc The Distance Learning Playbook for Parents: How to Support Your Child′s Academic, Social, and Emotional Development in Any Setting
We are in this together and will get through this together Parent involvement has always been a vital part of any child’s education, but the pandemic and resulting remote instruction require that parents and educators partner at a deeper level. Following the tremendous success of The Distance Learning Playbook, K-12, education authorities Doug Fisher, Nancy Frey, and John Hattie have teamed up with New York Times bestselling author and parenting expert Rosalind Wiseman to bring you the consummate guide to support your child′s academic, social, and emotional development in any learning environment – while not overwhelming you in the process. This essential guide will arm you with the tools and insight to Create an environment conducive to learning, establish routines, and most importantly, take care of yourself and your child Maximize the time you spend supporting learning by focusing on what is proven to work best in education Help your child develop the cognitive attitudes and habits that foster creativity, critical thinking, and increased responsibility for their learning Support the development of your child’s social and emotional learning skills, including the ability to navigate social interactions, build friendships, and regulate emotions at a time when they have never been more important to have, and more challenging to maintain The Distance Learning Playbook for Parents outlines supportive strategies for navigating virtual environments to ensure effective and impactful learning that aligns the needs and expectations of teachers, parents, and students alike.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Healing Depression the Mind-Body Way: Creating Happiness with Meditation, Yoga, and Ayurveda
"If you have an interest in optimum mental health, this book belongs on your shelf!" AMY WEINTRAUB, author of Yoga for Depression "A must-read for anyone interested in overcoming depression and healing themselves naturally. A very important book that will elevate you in many ways. Everyone must seek it out." DHARMA SINGH KHALSA, M.D., author of Meditation as Medicine and Dead Brain Cells Don't Lie ACTIVATE THE INHERENT WISDOM OF YOUR MIND-BODY Healing Depression the Mind-Body Way shines a new light on the darkness of depression by presenting specific antidepression strategies designed to help you unleash your innate healing potential. The time-tested advice presented in this book is based on the latest theories of modern science and the practical wisdom of Ayurveda, an ancient system of natural medicine. This unique book offers a comprehensive step-by-step program for eradicating the root of depression from the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of your being. Through detailed questionnaires about your psycho-physiological profile and elemental imbalances, you will identify an archetype that most represents your experience with depression. Then, you will design a tailor-made health program to regain balance in your mind-body. You will learn to undo depression by: Identifying your unique manifestation of depression based on elemental imbalances Using yoga, exercise, and breathing techniques that are in sync with your specific physical, mental, and emotional needs Using food and meditation as medicine Whether you are battling a depressive episode or need support coping with the problems of daily living, this book will help you awaken the "physician within" and embark on a pathway to a life of balance and renewal.
John Wiley & Sons Inc A Teacher's Guide to Classroom Assessment: Understanding and Using Assessment to Improve Student Learning
A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Assessment is a comprehensive guide that shows step-by-step how to effectively integrate assessment into the classroom. Written for both new and seasoned teachers, this important book offers a practical aid for developing assessment skills and strategies, building assessment literacy, and ultimately improving student learning. Based on extensive research, this book is filled with illustrative, down-to-earth examples of how classroom assessment works in classrooms where assessment drives the instruction. The authors present the Classroom Assessment Cycle—Clarifying learning targets, Collecting assessment evidence, Analyzing assessment data, and Modifying instruction based upon assessment data—that demonstrates how one assessment action must flow into the next to be effective. Each chapter details the kinds of assessment evidence that are the most useful for determining student achievement and provides instruction in the analysis of assessment data.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Leading Culture Change in Global Organizations: Aligning Culture and Strategy
Filled with case studies from firms such as GT Automotive, GE Healthcare China, Vale, Dominos, Swiss Re Americas Division, and Polar Bank, among others, this book (written by Dan Denison and his co-authors) combines twenty years of research and survey results to illustrate a critical set of cultural dynamics that firms need to manage in order to remain competitive. Each chapter uses a case as a means to illustrate an important aspect of culture change focusing on seven common culture-change dilemmas including creating a strategic alignment, keeping strategy simple, and more.
Canelo The Returned: A gripping Irish crime thriller
From the CWA John Creasey New Blood Dagger shortlisted author'A dark, haunting tale with an emotional gut punch that stays with you long after the final page. Amanda Cassidy is an unflinching storyteller.' Lisa Jewell, author of The Family Upstairs When she re-lives this night, over and over, Nancy will wonder if she'd just gone upstairs a few minutes earlier, what might have been...A devastating fire. A grieving mother. A picture-perfect village full of dark secrets. And now, a son who has seemingly come back from the dead. A detective called back to her hometown, back to the memories she thought she'd left behind... An electrifying novel from a compelling new voice in Irish crime fiction, perfect for fans of Liz Nugent and Claire Mackintosh. Praise for The Returned 'A richly layered, intricate plot, wonderfully nuanced characters, and absolutely stunning writing, The Returned packs an incredible emotional punch. One of the best books I've read this year.' Andrea Mara, author of All Her Fault 'A powerfully emotive and carefully layered story about old secrets, motherhood and demons from the past. Amanda's lyrical and evocative writing underpins a whip cracking plot that simply swept me away!' Lizzy Barber, author of Out of Her Depth 'Vivid, pacy and gripping, with characters who have real heart, Amanda Cassidy is a brilliant new voice in crime fiction.' Sam Blake, author of The Mystery of Four 'An emotionally-charged page-turner that won't let you go. I'm still reeling from that stunning ending. I loved it.' Glenn Meade, author of The Devil's Disciple
Indiana University Press Tennessee Frontiers: Three Regions in Transition
This chronicle of the formation of Tennessee from indigenous settlements to the closing of the frontier in 1840 begins with an account of the prehistoric frontiers and a millennia-long habitation by Native Americans. The rest of the book deals with Tennessee's historic period beginning with the incursion of Hernando de Soto's Spanish army in 1540. John R. Finger follows two narratives of the creation and closing of the frontier. The first starts with the early interaction of Native Americans and Euro-Americans and ends when the latter effectively gained the upper hand. The last land cession by the Cherokees and the resulting movement of the tribal majority westward along the "Trail of Tears" was the final, decisive event of this story. The second describes the period of Euro-American development that lasts until the emergence of a market economy. Though from the very first Anglo-Americans participated in a worldwide fur and deerskin trade, and farmers and town dwellers were linked with markets in distant cities, during this period most farmers moved beyond subsistence production and became dependent on regional, national, or international markets. Two major themes emerge from Tennessee Frontiers: first, that of opportunity the belief held by frontier people that North America offered unique opportunities for advancement; and second, that of tension between local autonomy and central authority, which was marked by the resistance of frontier people to outside controls, and between and among groups of whites and Indians. Distinctions of class and gender separated frontier elites from lesser whites, and the struggle for control divided the elites themselves. Similarly, native society was riddled by factional disputes over the proper course of action regarding relations with other tribes or with whites. Though the Indians lost in fundamental ways, they proved resilient, adopting a variety of strategies that delayed those losses and enabled them to retain, in modified form, their own identity.Along the way, the author introduces the famous personalities of Tennessee's frontier history: Attakullakulla, Nancy Ward, Daniel Boone, John Sevier, Davy Crockett, Andrew Jackson, and John Ross, among others. They remind us that this is the story of real people who dealt with real problems and possibilities in often difficult circumstances.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Addiction Reviews: Craving, Designer Drugs, Smoking, and Mouse Models
The fourth volume of this series features reviews that cover a range of subjects, with authorship from the United States and European Union. The likely inclusion of craving in the DSMV criteria for addiction confers special timeliness on the paper from Stephen Tiffany (“Update on Craving”). We can now look back on addiction therapeutics, in general, and on a clinically, and financially successful anti-addiction medication buprenorphine in the paper from Nancy Campbell and Anne Lovell. Marcus Munafo and colleagues provide an important emphasis on the ways socioeconomic status interacts with a common addiction, smoking. F. Ivy Caroll and colleagues provide an excellent update on the medicinal chemistry of new designer drugs, tracing designed drugs from the streets to the papers in which their syntheses and properties were described. The often-underappreciated role of ultrastructural information in defining circuits important for addiction is reviewed by longtime leaders in this field, Mariscella Morales and Virginia Pickel. The important continuing contributions of smoking comorbidities are reviewed by Tony George and colleagues, and a framework for mouse models for smoking cessation advanced in the review by Hall, Uhl, and colleagues. NOTE: Annals volumes are available for sale as individual books or as a journal. For information on institutional journal subscriptions, please visit ACADEMY MEMBERS: Please contact the New York Academy of Sciences directly to place your order ( Members of the New York Academy of Science receive full-text access to Annals online and discounts on print volumes. Please visit for more information about becoming a member.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Planned Giving Simplified: The Gift, The Giver, and the Gift Planner
Planned Giving Simplified A down-to-earth introduction to planned giving by a leading pioneerin the field. In this groundbreaking book, charitable gift planning expert RobertF. Sharpe, Sr., demystifies the complex world of planned giving fornot-for-profit managers. He provides a detailed blueprint forstarting and building a successful planned giving program, anddevelops a rational framework for managing the subtle interplay oflegal, administrative, and interpersonal factors involved in theplanned giving process. Central to Sharpe's proven approach is his controversial definitionof the effective charitable gift planner as being not so much afund raiser as an expert at helping potential benefactors satisfy adeeply felt emotional need. Rather than soliciting or closing onplanned gifts, the planner's primary focus should be on formingrelationships with donors and providing them with the means andopportunity to fulfill their desire to do good. Using compelling case studies, Sharpe demonstrates his approach inaction. He identifies the various types of planned gifts and takesyou inside the hearts and minds of the planned givers themselves,revealing their primary motivations and overarching concerns. Hethen guides you, step-by-step, through the entire planned givingprocess, and concludes with a clear delineation of theorganizational structures required to sustain a planned givingprogram. Praise for Planned Giving Simplified "This book is a must for all who are serious about establishing ormaintaining a successful gift planning program for theirinstitution." --Nancy L. Perazelli, CFRE Gift Planning Officer,Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. "In his own inimitable style, Bob Sharpe has done an admirable jobof describing the planned giving process in an easy-to-understandmanner. Woven throughout is the emphasis on the important humanrelationship between the donor and the charitable gift planner."--Walter T. Weaver, III Director, Finance Support Division, BoyScouts of America. "Robert F. Sharpe, Sr., has provided a comprehensive road map ofthe world of planned giving. He guides [readers] to the desireddestination without unnecessary detours along the way. His bookwill be a valuable addition to the libraries of not onlynot-for-profit professionals, but also 'givers' who seek a betterunderstanding of the many routes available to them in their giftplanning." --Joseph H. Powell President Emeritus and SeniorConsultant, Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation. "The name Bob Sharpe is synonymous with planned giving. I don'tknow of anybody who knows more about it and who can better conveyits importance." --Reverend Dr. Arthur Caliandro Pastor, MarbleCollegiate Church, New York City. "I really like [this book]. It is . . . elegantly simple, direct,and forthright. . . . very enjoyable." --Thomas W. Cullinan, JDExecutive Director of Gift Planning, University of Maryland.
Nick Hern Books Swallows and Amazons
Arthur Ransome's famous and much-loved children's classic is brought thrillingly to life in Helen Edmundson's wonderfully theatrical adaptation, with 'delightfully catchy and often witty' (Telegraph) songs by Neil Hannon of The Divine Comedy When John, Susan, Titty and Roger are granted their wish to set sail on their beloved boat Swallow, they know it will be the summer holiday of a lifetime. But their adventure truly begins when they encounter Nancy and Peggy, the self-proclaimed Amazon Pirates, and the dastardly Captain Flint. This adaptation was first performed at the Bristol Old Vic in 2010. It had its West End premiere in 2011.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The New American High School
The late Theodore Sizer's vision for a truly democratic public high school system Our current high schools are ill-designed and inefficient. We have inherited a program of studies that in its overall structure has not changed in over a century. The question is What's next? Theodore Sizer, the founder of The Coalition of Essential Schools, was a passionate advocate for the American school system. In this, his last book, he offers a vision of what a future secondary education might look like. In a book that tells the story of his own odyssey, Sizer gives shape to a much-needed agenda for improving our high schools. Includes a vision for the future of our High Schools from one of America's greatest leaders of educational reform Written by Theodore Sizer founder of The Coalition of Essential Schools and author of landmark book Horace's Compromise This final book from the late Theodore Sizer reveals the man and his vision for our secondary education system.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mathematics for the Green Industry: Essential Calculations for Horticulture and Landscape Professionals
Get this comprehensive guide to the use of math in the Green Industry. Designed for both students and practitioners in the Green Industry, this book offers full coverage of the calculations necessary to effectively, safely, and economically manage a Green Industry operation. The authors provide clear explanations of all relevant mathematical principles and cover calculations inherent in all aspects of the Green Industry, from determining area and volume, to the application of fertilizers, pesticides, and growth regulators, to preparing design and installation cost estimates. Coverage includes computations for: Landscape installation and maintenance. Greenhouse, nursery, and interior landscape operation. Parks and recreation maintenance. Turf management, including lawn care, sports turf, and sod production. Proper application of fertilizers, pesticides, and plant-growth regulators. Proper calibration of application equipment. Additional features include multiple computations you can work through, appendices with units of measure and equivalents, and a table with conversion factors.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Essentials of WJ IV Tests of Achievement
Essentials of WJ IV® Tests of Achievement Assessment provides practical, step-by-step guidelines to administering, scoring, and interpreting the achievement portion of the WJ IV®. This easy-to-use reference goes beyond the information found in the WJ IV® test manuals. It offers full explanations of the tests and clusters on the WJ IV® ACH and explains the meaning of all scores and interpretive features. In addition, the authors offer valuable advice on clinical applications and illuminating case studies. Features include: Clear instructions on how the WJ IV® ACH and the WJ IV® Tests of Oral Language can be used together to increase diagnostic utility. Expert assessment of the tests’ relative strengths and weaknesses. Each concise chapter features numerous callout boxes highlighting key concepts, bulleted points, and extensive illustrative material, as well as test questions that help you gauge and reinforce your grasp of the information covered.
Harvard University Press Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Volume 99
Volume 99 of Harvard Studies in Classical Philology includes the following contributions: Nancy Felson, “Vicarious Transport: Fictive Deixis in Pindar’s Pythian Four”; Douglas E. Gerber, “Pindar, Nemean Six: A Commentary”; Jennifer Clarke Kosak, “Therapeutic Touch and Sophokles’ Philoktetes”; F. S. Naiden, “The Prospective Imperfect in Herodotus”; Thomas A. Schmitz, “‘I Hate All Common Things’: The Reader’s Role in Callimachus’ Aetia Prologue”; Dimitrios Yatromanolakis, “Alexandrian Sappho Revisited”; John T. Ramsey, “Mithridates, the Banner of Ch’ih-yu, and the Comet Coin”; Alexander Jones, “Geminus and the Isia”; Benjamin Victor, “Further Remarks on the Andria of Terence”; Peter E. Knox, “Lucretius on the Narrow Road”; Francis Cairns, “Virgil Eclogue 1.1–2: A Literary Programme?”; Michael Hendry, “Epidaurus, Epirus,…Epidamnus? Vergil Georgics 3.44”; Charles Segal, “Ovid’s Meleager and the Greeks: Trials of Gender and Genre”; John Hunt, “Readings in Apollonius of Tyre”; Bernard Frischer et al., “Word-Order Transference between Latin and Greek: The Relative Position of the Accusative Direct Object and the Governing Verb in Cassius Dio and Other Greek and Roman Prose Authors”; and Craig Kallendorf, “Historicizing the ‘Harvard School’: Pessimistic Readings of the Aeneid in Italian Renaissance Scholarship.”
Princeton University Press Politics and the Passions, 1500-1850
Focusing on the new theories of human motivation that emerged during the transition from feudalism to the modern period, this is the first book of new essays on the relationship between politics and the passions from Machiavelli to Bentham. Contributors address the crisis of moral and philosophical discourse in the early modern period; the necessity of inventing a new way of describing the relation between reflection and action, and private and public selves; the disciplinary regulation of the body; and the ideological constitution of identity. The collection as a whole asks whether a discourse of the passions might provide a critical perspective on the politics of subjectivity. Whatever their specific approach to the question of ideology, all the essays reconsider the legacy of the passions in modern political theory and the importance of the history of politics and the passions for modern political debates. Contributors, in addition to the editors, are Nancy Armstrong, Judith Butler, Riccardo Caporali, Howard Caygill, Patrick Coleman, Frances Ferguson, John Guillory, Timothy Hampton, John P. McCormick, and Leonard Tennenhouse.
Harvard Business Review Press Influence and Persuasion (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)
Changing hearts is an important part of changing minds.Research shows that appealing to human emotion can help you make your case and build your authority as a leader.This book highlights that research and shows you how to act on it, presenting both comprehensive frameworks for developing influence and small, simple tactics you can use to convince others every day.This volume includes the work of: Nick Morgan Robert Cialdini Linda A. Hill Nancy Duarte This collection of articles includes "Understand the Four Components of Influence," by Nick Morgan; "Harnessing the Science of Persuasion," by Robert Cialdini; "Three Things Managers Should Be Doing Every Day," by Linda A. Hill and Kent Lineback; "Learning Charisma," by John Antonakis, Marika Fenley, and Sue Liechti; "To Win People Over, Speak to Their Wants and Needs," by Nancy Duarte; "Storytelling That Moves People," an interview with Robert McKee by Bronwyn Fryer; "The Surprising Persuasiveness of a Sticky Note," by Kevin Hogan; and "When to Sell with Facts and Figures, and When to Appeal to Emotions," by Michael D. Harris.How to be human at work. The HBR Emotional Intelligence Series features smart, essential reading on the human side of professional life from the pages of Harvard Business Review. Each book in the series offers proven research showing how our emotions impact our work lives, practical advice for managing difficult people and situations, and inspiring essays on what it means to tend to our emotional well-being at work. Uplifting and practical, these books describe the social skills that are critical for ambitious professionals to master.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Landscapes in History: Design and Planning in the Eastern and Western Traditions
The definitive, one-stop reference to the history of landscape architecture-now expanded and revised This revised edition of Landscapes in History features for the first time new information-rarely available elsewhere in the literature-on landscape architecture in India, China, Southeast Asia, and Japan. It also expands the discussion of the modern period, including current North American planning and design practices. This unique, highly regarded book traces the development of landscape architecture and environmental design from prehistory to modern times-in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and North America. It covers the many cultural, political, technological, and philosophical issues influencing land use throughout history, focusing not only on design topics but also on the environmental impact of human activity. Landscape architects, urban planners, and students of these disciplines will find here: * The most comprehensive, in-depth, and up-to-date overview of the subject * Hundreds of stunning photographs and design illustrations * A scholarly yet accessible treatment, drawing on the latest research in archaeology, geography, and other disciplines * The authors' own firsthand observations and travel experiences * Insight into the evolution of landscape architecture as a discipline * Useful chapter summaries and bibliographies
Black Dog & Leventhal Publishers Inc This is What a Librarian Looks Like: A Celebration of Libraries, Communities, and Access to Information
In 2014, author and photographer Kyle Cassidy published a photo essay on called "This is What A Librarian Looks Like," a montage of portraits and a tribute to librarians. Since then, Cassidy has made it his mission to remind us of how essential librarians and libraries are to our communities. His subjects are men and women of all ages, backgrounds, and personal style-from pink hair and leather jackets to button-downs and blazers. In short, notnecessarily what one thinks a librarian looks like. The nearly 220 librarians photographed also share their personal thoughts on what it means to be a librarian. This is What A Librarian Looks Like also includes original essay by some of our most beloved writers, journalists, and commentators including Neil Gaiman, George R.R. Martin, Nancy Pearl, Cory Doctorow, Paula Poundstone, Amanda Palmer, Peter Sagal, Jeff VanderMeer, John Scalzi, Sara Farizan, Amy Dickinson, and others. Cassidy also profiles a handful of especially influential librarians and libraries
Yale University Press No More Masterpieces: Modern Art After Artaud
This groundbreaking account of postwar American art traces the profound influence of Antonin Artaud Proposing an original reassessment of art from the 1950s to the 1970s, No More Masterpieces reveals how artistic practice in postwar America was profoundly shaped by the work of the rebellious French poet and dramatist Antonin Artaud (1896–1948). A generation of artists mobilized Artaud’s countercultural ideas to imagine new forms of representation and to redefine the relationship between artist and audience. The book shows how Artaud’s radical writings inspired the experimental theatrical work of John Cage, Rachel Rosenthal, and Allan Kaprow; the attack on artistic and social conventions launched by assemblage artists Wallace Berman and Bruce Conner; and the feminist work of Carolee Schneemann and Nancy Spero. Lucy Bradnock traces the dissemination of Artaud’s writings in America and demonstrates how his interest in political and cultural disorder, the dangers of authority, and the unreliability of representation found fertile ground in the context of the Cold War, disillusionment with the ideals of Abstract Expressionism, and the early years of identity politics.
Johns Hopkins University Press Presidential Transition in Higher Education: Managing Leadership Change
Once rare, presidential transitions at institutions of higher education now command the attention of about one-quarter of the nation's colleges and universities at any given time. Though they occur frequently, transitions at this level are hardly routine, and American higher education has not developed a tradition of managing this process proactively. Here, James Martin and James E. Samels bring together a distinguished group of higher education professionals to provide the first comprehensive guidebook to managing change at the top. Presidents, administrators, trustees, faculty, and others involved in a change in leadership will benefit from this wide-ranging discussion of the issues combined with specific action plans for the busy professional. The volume's contributors address proactive management, best practices for sudden transitions, and how campuses can turn challenges into opportunities. Also addressed are executive search firms, the interim president, boards of trustees, presidential spouses, and public relations. Contributors: Lee J. Betts, Frederick (MD) Community College; Charles Brown, Stanford University; Jean A. Dowdall, Whitt-Kieffer; E. K. Fretwell Jr., University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Vartan Gregorian, Carnegie Corporation; Allen E. Koenig and Thomas H. Langevin, The Registry for College and University Presidents; Steven Muller, The Johns Hopkins University; Arthur Padilla, North Carolina State University; John Ross, George Dehne & Associates Integrated Services; Patricia Stanley, Frederick (MD) Community College; Thomas J. and Scottie Trebon, Carroll College; William A. Weary, Fieldstone Consulting, Inc.; Nancy L. Zimpher, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nanotechnology For Dummies
The bestselling introductory guide on nanotechnology?now revised and updated The world of nanotechnology is ever changing and evolving; this fun and friendly guide demystifies the topic for anyone interested in how molecule-sized machines and processes affect our everyday lives. The authors begin with explaining the background of nanotechnology and then examine industries that are affected by this technology. Aiming to educate and simultaneously dispel common myths, the book explores the many nanotechnology-enabled consumer products available on the market today, ranging from socks to face lotion to jet skis to floor cleaners, to name a few. Serves as a fun and friendly introduction to the fascinating topic of nanotechnology Discusses the various issues involving nanotechnology in the areas of environment, medicine, defense, and others Provides real-world examples of everyday nanotechnology use such as floor cleaners, flash memory drives, face lotion, computer processors, and more Written in the accessible, humorous For Dummies style, Nanotechnology For Dummies, 2nd Edition provides an easy-to-understand overview of nanotechnology and its real-world implementation.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Ecohydrological Interfaces
Ecohydrological Interfaces Comprehensive overview of the process dynamics and interactions governing ecohydrological interfaces Summarizing the interdisciplinary investigation of ecohydrological interface functioning, Ecohydrological Interfaces advances the understanding of their dynamics across traditional subject boundaries. It offers a detailed explanation of the underlying mechanisms and process interactions governing ecohydrological interface functioning from the micro scale to the ecosystem and regional scale. The multidisciplinary team of authors integrates and synthesises the current understanding of process dynamics at different ecohydrological interfaces to develop a unifying concept of their ecosystem functions. The work introduces novel experimental and model-based methods for characterizing and quantifying ecohydrological interface processes, taking account of innovative sensing and tracing technologies as well as microbial and molecular biology approaches. Key questions addressed in the book include: Which conditions stimulate the transformative nature of ecohydrological interfaces? How are ecohydrological interfaces organized in space and time? How does interface activity propagate from small to large scales? How do ecohydrological interfaces react to environmental change and what is their role in processes of significant societal value? As a research level text on the functionality and performance of ecohydrological interfaces, Ecohydrological Interfaces is primarily aimed at academics and postgraduate researchers. It is also appropriate for university libraries as further reading on a range of geographical, environmental, biological, and engineering topics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Marketing Basics for Designers: A Sourcebook of Strategies and Ideas
Business essentials and marketing strategies to help your firmsurvive and thrive . . . As a design professional running your own small firm, you expect towear many hats--designer, office manager, project manager--all in aday's work. But strategic marketer? No one prepared you for that!Marketing Basics for Designers is a long overdue resource fordesigners who need to become expert marketers fast. It providessolid practical advice on how to market your services, build yourclient base, and keep your customers coming back for more. You'll learn how to establish your design niche and develop yourown marketing plan to reach potential clients. You'll findtechniques for networking and using your contacts with otherprofessionals. And you'll find inside tips from 30 leadingdesigners who have had to develop their own marketing methods tosurvive. Positively packed with all the details you need, MarketingBasics for Designers helps you ensure your firm's future successand shows you how to: * Increase your firm's visibility within your community * Use past successes to generate future business * Perform beyond your clients' expectations * Utilize a show home to market your talents * Establish competitive and appropriate prices * Work successfully with other professionals * And much more If you are recently out on your own, planning to start your ownpractice, or already managing your own small firm, this is one ofthe most important books you will ever add to your professionallibrary. Marketing Basics for Designers What makes running a small design practice so much more challengingthan working for one of the big firms? You have to attract your ownclients and keep them, you're working with limited resources andpersonnel, and once you finally pull yourself away from yourdrawing board to concentrate on marketing your services, where doyou begin? You can't just sit there wondering why you didn't learnmore about marketing in design school. Here's a book to help you out. With a clear, no-nonsense approach,Jane D. Martin and Nancy Knoohuizen address the full range ofmarketing problems and solutions from the unique perspective of thesmall design firm. They understand that you often find yourselfshort of the time, money, and know-how it takes to advertise yourservices effectively. Drawing on their own experience as well asinterviews with more than 30 successful designers, Martin andKnoohuizen show you how to overcome these limitations and developan effective marketing campaign. This incomparable guide will help you put together your marketingcampaign, map out your strategy, and attract the attention ofpotential clients. Not everyone is a born salesperson, but Martinand Knoohuizen let you in on trade secrets that really work andoffer suggestions that will help you feel more comfortablemarketing yourself. You'll learn to build relationships byeffective use of referrals and word of mouth. You'll master thesubtleties of clinching the deal and discover how to keep yournewfound clients coming back for more. You'll also receive sound advice from those who have been therebefore you. Charles Gandy, B. J. Peterson, Mark Hampton, and CherylP. Duvall are among the illustrious designers who share theirwisdom, tips, and recommendations. You'll find out how these majordesigners have coped with many of the same problems you face now,and you'll learn from their mistakes as well as theirtriumphs. Whether you're just starting out in the design business, yearningto break free and become your own boss, or trying to create growthin an established firm, Marketing Basics for Designers helps youdevelop a successful marketing strategy based on your own needs,capabilities, and expectations.
Edinburgh University Press Return Statements: The Return of Religion in Contemporary Philosophy
Gregg Lambert examines two facets of the return to religion in the 21st century: the resurgence of overtly religious themes in contemporary philosophy and the global `post-secular’ turn that has been taking place since 9/11. He asks how these two `returns to religion’ can be taking place simultaneously, and explores the relationship between them. Lambert reflects on statements of these returns from contemporary philosophers including Alain Badiou, John D. Caputo, Jacques Derrida and Jean-Luc Nancy. He discovers a unique – and forboding – sense of the term `religion’ that belongs exclusively to our contemporary perspective.
Penguin Random House Children's UK Swallows And Amazons
The ultimate children's classic - long summer days filled with adventure. John, Susan, Titty and Roger sail their boat, Swallow, to a deserted island for a summer camping trip. Exploring and playing sailors is an adventure in itself but the island holds more excitement in store. Two fierce Amazon pirates, Nancy and Peggy, challenge them to war and a summer of battles and alliances ensues.'My childhood simply would not have been the same without this book. It created a whole world to explore, one that lasted long in the imagination after the final page had been read' - Marcus Sedgwick
Fordham University Press American Parishes: Remaking Local Catholicism
Parishes are the missing middle in studies of American Catholicism. Between individual Catholics and a global institution, the thousands of local parishes are where Catholicism gets remade. American Parishes showcases what social forces shape parishes, what parishes do, how they do it, and what this says about the future of Catholicism in the United States. Expounding an embedded field approach, this book displays the numerous forces currently reshaping American parishes. It draws from sociology of religion, culture, organizations, and race to illuminate basic parish processes, like leadership and education, and ongoing parish struggles like conflict and multiculturalism. American Parishes brings together contemporary data, methods, and questions to establish a sociological re-engagement with Catholic parishes and a Catholic re-engagement with sociological analysis. Contributions by leading social scientists highlight how community, geography, and authority intersect within parishes. It illuminates and analyzes how growing racial diversity, an aging religious population, and neighborhood change affect the inner workings of parishes. Contributors: Gary J. Adler Jr., Nancy Ammerman, Mary Jo Bane, Tricia C. Bruce, John A. Coleman, S.J., Kathleen Garces-Foley, Mary Gray, Brett Hoover, Courtney Ann Irby, Tia Noelle Pratt, and Brian Starks
Johns Hopkins University Press Presidential Transition in Higher Education: Managing Leadership Change
Once rare, presidential transitions at institutions of higher education now command the attention of about one-quarter of the nation's colleges and universities at any given time. Though they occur frequently, transitions at this level are hardly routine, and American higher education has not developed a tradition of managing this process proactively. Here, James Martin and James E. Samels bring together a distinguished group of higher education professionals to provide the first comprehensive guidebook to managing change at the top. Presidents, administrators, trustees, faculty, and others involved in a change in leadership will benefit from this wide-ranging discussion of the issues combined with specific action plans for the busy professional. The volume's contributors address proactive management, best practices for sudden transitions, and how campuses can turn challenges into opportunities. Also addressed are executive search firms, the interim president, boards of trustees, presidential spouses, and public relations. Contributors: Lee J. Betts, Frederick (MD) Community College; Charles Brown, Stanford University; Jean A. Dowdall, Whitt-Kieffer; E. K. Fretwell Jr., University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Vartan Gregorian, Carnegie Corporation; Allen E. Koenig and Thomas H. Langevin, The Registry for College and University Presidents; Steven Muller, The Johns Hopkins University; Arthur Padilla, North Carolina State University; John Ross, George Dehne & Associates Integrated Services; Patricia Stanley, Frederick (MD) Community College; Thomas J. and Scottie Trebon, Carroll College; William A. Weary, Fieldstone Consulting, Inc.; Nancy L. Zimpher, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Notorious Mrs. Clem: Murder and Money in the Gilded Age
In September 1868, the remains of Jacob and Nancy Jane Young were found lying near the banks of Indiana's White River. It was a gruesome scene. Part of Jacob's face had been blown off, apparently by the shotgun that lay a few feet away. Spiders and black beetles crawled over his wound. Smoke rose from his wife's smoldering body, which was so badly burned that her intestines were exposed, the flesh on her thighs gone, and the bones partially reduced to powder. Suspicion for both deaths turned to Nancy Clem, a housewife who was also one of Mr. Young's former business partners. In The Notorious Mrs. Clem, Wendy Gamber chronicles the life and times of this charming and persuasive Gilded Age confidence woman, who became famous not only as an accused murderess but also as an itinerant peddler of patent medicine and the supposed originator of the Ponzi scheme. Clem's story is a shocking tale of friendship and betrayal, crime and punishment, courtroom drama and partisan politicking, get-rich-quick schemes and shady business deals. It also raises fascinating questions about women's place in an evolving urban economy. As they argued over Clem's guilt or innocence, lawyers, jurors, and ordinary citizens pondered competing ideas about gender, money, and marriage. Was Clem on trial because she allegedly murdered her business partner? Or was she on trial because she engaged in business? Along the way, Gamber introduces a host of equally compelling characters, from prosecuting attorney and future U.S. president Benjamin Harrison to folksy defense lawyer John Hanna, daring detective Peter Wilkins, pioneering "lady news writer" Laura Ream, and female-remedy manufacturer Michael Slavin. Based on extensive sources, including newspapers, trial documents, and local histories, this gripping account of a seemingly typical woman who achieved extraordinary notoriety will appeal to true crime lovers and historians alike.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Heart of Teaching Economics: Lessons from Leading Minds
This unique monograph comprises a collection of interviews conducted face-to-face with leading economists at universities throughout the United States. Presented with the singular opportunity to reflect on and share their wisdom and experience, the 21 interviewees discuss how they interpret, understand and practice their role as teachers. In addition to providing lessons that will inform the way others teach, the interviews shatter the illusion that teaching and research are strictly independent and competing activities.The Heart of Teaching Economics serves not only as a welcome resource for scholars and students of economics, but as a guidebook - and inspiration - for those who will help to shape the minds of future economists.With Contributions from: Simon W. Bowmaker, Luis Cabral, David Cutler, William Easterly, Barry Eichengreen, Nancy Folbre, Robert Frank, David Friedman, Edward Glaeser, Robert J. Gordon, William Greene, Shoshana Grossbard, Gene Grossman, Daniel Hamermesh, Caroline Hoxby, David Laibson, Steven Landsburg, John List, Steven Medema, Frederic Mishkin, Benjamin Polak, John B. Taylor
Dalkey Archive Press Point Counter Point
Aldous Huxley's lifelong concern with the dichotomy between passion and reason finds its fullest expression both thematically and formally in his masterpiece Point Counter Point. By presenting a vision of life in which diverse aspects of experience are observed simultaneously, Huxley characterizes the symptoms of "the disease of modern man' in the manner of a composer—themes and characters are repeated, altered slightly, and played off one another in a tone that is at once critical and sympathetic.First published in 1928, Huxley's satiric view of intellectual life in the '20s is populated with characters based on such celebrities of the time as D. H. Lawrence, Katherine Mansfield, Sir Oswald Mosley, Nancy Cunard, and John Middleton Murray, as well as Huxley himself. A major work of the twentieth century and a monument of literary modernism, this edition includes an introduction by acclaimed novelist Nicholas Mosley (author of Hopeful Monsters and the son of Sir Oswald Mosley).Along with Brave New World (written a few years later), Point Counter Point is Huxley's most concentrated attack on the scientific attitude and its effect on modern culture.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Peer Review of Teaching: A Sourcebook
The new edition of this bestselling book builds on the author’s extensive administrative and consulting experience as well as scholarship on faculty rewards. It includes additional discussion of important foundational issues as well as practical forms and ideas gleaned from disciplinary groups and campuses throughout the nation. Like the first edition of Peer Review of Teaching, this new edition is offered in the hope that providing examples and suggestions will not reduce the important work of peer review to mere forms or rigid procedures, but will empower faculty to articulate criteria and standards, perform the reviews systematically and thoughtfully, and realize that engaging in peer review is an approachable and worthwhile professional task. Updated to reflect the emphasis on student learning as the ultimate goal of college teaching, it incorporates new ideas and references from the literature. The most notable change in this edition is a discussion of peer review within special contexts for teaching, such as clinics, studios, and practice settings. The turn to active engagement in learning has also led to increased use of problem-based learning, the case study method, and other approaches that traditional forms for peer review do not address. Similarly, the explosion of the use of instructional technology calls for an articulation of new approaches to evaluating web-based instruction.