Search results for ""author john, nancy,"
John Wiley & Sons Inc Pick Me: Breaking Into Advertising and Staying There
Advertising is a fantastic industry, but actually getting a job (or even your foot in the door) can seem next to impossible. Whether you're a student or a young professional loaded with questions, this one-of-a-kind guide shows you how to land a job and how to thrive once you're in and the pressure is on. Authors Nancy Vonk and Janet Kestin are seasoned creative directors and longtime creative partners. In Pick Me, these industry leaders answer your toughest ad career questions, like: Is advertising right for me? How do I build a killer portfolio? How do I get an interview with the elusive creative director? Should I accept an unpaid internship? How do I find the right partner? How do I beat creative block? How do I avoid burnout? Plus, fourteen industry superstars share their insights and explain how they broke into the business. You'll hear from Bob Barrie, Rick Boyko, David Droga, Mark Fenske, Neil French, Sally Hogshead, Mike Hughes, Shane Hutton, Brian Millar, Tom Monahan, Chuck Porter, Bob Scarpelli, Chris Staples, and Lorraine Tao. Forget the clichés this is advertising as it really is. If you're hell-bent on making it, this informative guide will put you on track for a career in one of the most exciting businesses on the planet.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Management Skills: A Jossey-Bass Reader
Management Skills contains the best thinking from the biggest names in business management on a wide range of subjects including leadership, shaping the work environment, change, communicating, hiring and motivating employees, leading teams, and much more. The author list of this invaluable resource reads like a who's who of business management. This extraordinary collection features chapters from Robert R. Albright, David Batstone, Warren Bennis, Lee G. Bolman, Richaurd Camp, David R. Caruso, Terrene E. Deal, Christina A. Douglas, Peter Drucker, Deborah L. Duarte, Michael Finley, J. Davidson Frame, Bill George, T. George Harris, Todd D. Jick, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, James M. Kouzes, Edward E. Lawler III, Patrick Lencioni, Clinton O. Longenecker, David H. Maister, Marick F. Masters, Cynthia D. McCauley, Patrick J. McKenna, Henry Mintzberg, Dana M. Muir, David A. Nadler, Mark B. Nadler, Burt Nanus, Parker J. Palmer, Terry Pearce, Jeffrey Pfeffer, Barry Z. Posner, Robert E. Quinn, Kathleen Kelley Reardon, Harvey Robbins, Peter Salovey, Steven B. Sample, Jack L. Simonetti, Douglas K. Smith, Nancy Tennant Snyder, Barry A. Stein, Robert I. Sutton, and Mary E. Vielhaber.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Behavior
An invaluable guide for working with children and adolescents with behavioral disorders, emotional disorders, or both Featuring contributions from renowned experts such as Gerald Fuller, Eugenio Rothe, John Lockman, Charles Casat, Freddy Paniagua, and Nancy Winters, Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Behavior details how to use the behavioral assessment process to develop effective treatment and rehabilitation plans for various child and adolescent psychological and psychiatric disorders. This comprehensive guide features step-by-step instruction for successful identi?cation and diagnosis of various behavioral/emotional disorders as well as suggestions for treatment on specialized topics such as Asperger's Syndrome, eating disorders, and disruptive behavior. Carefully edited by H. Booney Vance and Andres Pumariega, it offers the mental health practitioner a wealth of practical information not only on state-of-the-art clinical assessment procedures and techniques but also on applied intervention strategies for each disorder, along with instructive case studies and vignettes. The book also examines the use of medication as part of an integrated treatment approach to managing these challenging behaviors. Addressing the critical advances made in the ?eld in recent years, Clinical Assessment of Child and Adolescent Behavior represents an important step in bridging the gap between various disciplines and improving clinical practice with infants, children, and youth. Topics covered include: * Anxiety disorders * Attention-De?cit disorder * Bulimia and anorexia nervosa * Child abuse and psychic trauma * Communicative disorders * Disorders of infancy and early childhood * Learning disorders * Mood disorders * Pediatric brain injury * Pervasive developmental disorders * Posttraumatic stress disorder * Socially and emotionally maladjusted children and youth
Baker Publishing Group Touched by Heaven – Inspiring True Stories of One Woman`s Lifelong Encounters with Jesus
Let Heaven Touch Your Everyday Life Nancy Ravenhill was just five years old, hiding in her bedroom after being beaten by her father, when she first saw Jesus. He was wearing white; His eyes were filled with love. In Nancy's earliest traumatic moment, Jesus showed up. Literally. It was the first of a lifetime of encounters that have shaped Nancy's life and faith. Here, Nancy shares the remarkable stories of her experiences with the living Christ. Her stories will leave you astounded--and inspired--by the God who still reaches out to comfort His children today. If you've ever wondered if Jesus is really there--or if He cares about you and knows what you're going through--this book is for you. The living Lord who has appeared and spoken to Nancy again and again is alive and well. He wants to speak to you, too. "What a delight to hold in your hands a book from a woman of God who loves and lives the Word of God. Want to be touched by heaven? Then read this book!"--James W. Goll, president, Encounters Network; international director, Prayer Storm; bestselling author "This is a truly remarkable book. God will become more alive and real to you as you follow Nancy on her fascinating, enlightening journey."--Joy Dawson, international Bible teacher and bestselling author "I highly recommend Touched by Heaven because, no matter where you are in life, there is always hope that God and all He has created are there to help you."--John Paul Jackson, Streams Ministries International "Touched by Heaven was captivating and kept my attention from the moment I began to read it. This book will bring life and raise a renewed expectation in the Lord and His providential plans for each of us."--Doug Stringer, founder and president, Turning Point Ministries International, Somebody Cares International
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Mediterranean Context of Early Greek History
The Mediterranean Context of Early Greek History p>“Drawing extensively on the latest archaeological data from the entire Mediterranean basin, Nancy Demand offers a compelling argument for situating the origins of the Greek city-state within a pan-Mediterranean network of maritime interactions that stretches back millennia.” Jonathan Hall, University of Chicago “Nancy Demand’s book is a remarkable achievement. Her Heraklian labors have produced stunning documentation of the consequences of the vast spectrum of interaction between the peoples surrounding the Mediterranean Sea from the Mesolithic into the Iron Age.” Carol Thomas, University of Washington Were the origins of the Greek city-state – the polis – a unique creation of Greek genius? Or did their roots extend much deeper? Noted historian Nancy H. Demand joins the growing group of scholars and historians who have abandoned traditional isolationist models of the development of the Greek polis and cast their scholarly gaze seaward, to the sparkling waters of the Mediterranean. The Mediterranean Context of Early Greek History reveals the role the complex interaction of Mediterranean cultures and maritime connections had in shaping and developing urbanization, including the ancient Greek city-states. Utilizing, and enhancing upon, the model of the “fantastic cauldron” first put forth by Jean-Paul Morel in 1983, Demand reveals how Greek city-states did not simply emerge in isolation in remote country villages, but rather, sprang up along the shores of the Mediterranean in an intricate maritime network of Greeks and non-Greeks alike. We learn how early seafaring trade, such as the development of obsidian trade in the Aegean, stimulated innovations in the provision of food (the Neolithic Revolution), settlement organization (“political form”), materials for tool production, and concepts of divinity. With deep scholarly precision, The Mediterranean Context of Early Greek History offers fascinating insights into the wider context of the Greek city-state in the ancient world.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Mastering Virtual Teams: Strategies, Tools, and Techniques That Succeed
This third edition of the best-selling resource Mastering Virtual Teams offers a toolkit for leaders and members of virtual teams. The revised and expanded edition includes a CD-ROM with useful resources that allow virtual teams to access and use the book's checklists, assessments, and other practical tools quickly and easily. Deborah L. Durate and Nancy Tennant Snyder include updated guidelines, strategies, and best practices for working effectively with virtual teams across time and distance to see a project through. The useful tools, exercises, and real-life examples show how anyone can master the unique dynamics of virtual team participation in an environment where the old rules no longer apply.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause
Today, corporations are expected to give something back to their communities in the form of charitable projects. In Corporate Social Responsibility, Philip Kotler, one of the world's foremost voices on business and marketing, and coauthor Nancy Lee explain why charity is both good P.R. and good for business. They show business leaders how to choose social causes, design charity initiatives, gain employee support, and evaluate their efforts. They also provide all the best practices and cutting-edge ideas that leaders need to maximize their contributions to social causes and do the most good. With personal stories from twenty-five business leaders from socially responsible companies, this is the bible for today's good corporate citizen.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Applications of Statistics to Industrial Experimentation
Other volumes in the Wiley Series in Probability and MathematicalStatistics, Ralph A. Bradley, J. Stuart Hunter, David G. Kendall,& Geoffrey S. Watson, Advisory Editors Statistical Models inApplied Science Karl V. Bury Of direct interest to engineers andapplied scientists, this book presents general principles ofstatistics and specific distribution methods and models. Prominentdistribution properties and methods that are useful over a widerange of applications are covered in detail. The strengths andweaknesses of the distributional models are fully described, givingthe reader a firm, intuitive approach to the selection of the modelmost appropriate to the problem at hand. 1975 656 pp. FittingEquations To Data Computer Analysis of Multifactor Data forScientists and Engineers Cuthbert Daniel & Fred S. Wood Withthe assistance of John W. Gorman The purpose of this book is tohelp the serious data analyst, scientist, or engineer with acomputer to: recognize the strengths and limitations of his data;test the assumptions implicit in the least squares methods used tofit the data; select appropriate forms of the variables; judgewhich combinations of variables are most influential; and state theconditions under which the fitted equations are applicable.Throughout, mathematics is kept at the level of college algebra.1971 342 pp. Methods for Statistical Analysis of Reliability AndLife Data Nancy R. Mann, Ray E. Schafer & Nozer D. SingpurwallaThis book introduces failure models commonly used in reliabilityanalysis, and presents the most useful methods for analyzing thelife data of these models. Highlights include: material onaccelerated life testing; a comprehensive treatment of estimationand hypothesis testing; a critical survey of methods forsystem-reliability confidence bonds; and methods for simulation oflife data and for testing fit. 1974 564 pp.
Thomas Nelson Publishers Safe in the Arms of God: Truth from Heaven About the Death of a Child
"Is my baby in heaven?"This is the most important question a grieving parent can ask. And even if the little one is someone else's child, the issue remains: What happens to children?those unborn, stillborn, or youngsters?when they die? Can you hope to see them again? Can you let go of your fear and guilt? Can God's love soothe a wound so jagged?With scriptural authority and the warmth of a pastor's heart, bestselling author John MacArthur examines the breadth of the entire Bible and reveals in this compelling book the Heavenly Father's care for every life."I have sat by the grave of our daughter and son and wondered out loud if my belief that Hope and Gabriel are in heaven has any solid scriptural support. John MacArthur offers truth from God's Word that puts the doubts of any grieving parent to rest. Safe in the Arms of God reveals that confidence of heaven for the child you love is based on much more than mere sentimentality; it is revealed in the Word of God and reflective of the very heart of God." ?Nancy Guthrie, author of Holding On to Hope
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Global Inequality: Patterns and Explanations
What is global inequality? How can it be measured? What are the major trends and patterns? What are the implications of global inequality for the world economy and multilateral governance? What role does and should inequality play in national and international policy-making? In this comprehensive overview, the authors address these key questions. They examine the major issues that need to be confronted in conceptualizing, measuring and analysing contemporary patterns of global inequality. In addition, they explore the implications of these patterns for politics and public policy. In explaining the complex global patterns of social stratification, they highlight an intensive debate about whether and to what extent inequality matters. The book also addresses this debate, and seeks to set out the major alternative positions. The book’s authors include many of the most distinguished figures in the field, including David Dollar, Gøsta Esping-Andersen, Nancy Fraser, James K. Galbraith, Ravi Kanbur, Branko Milanovic, Thomas W. Pogge, Bob Sutcliffe, Grahame F. Thompson, Anthony J. Venables, and Robert H. Wade. This book will be of great interest to students in politics, sociology and international relations as well as to all those interested in this key topic.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Identity Development of College Students: Advancing Frameworks for Multiple Dimensions of Identity
Identity Development of College Students Building off the foundational work of Erik Erikson and Arthur Chickering, Identity Development of College Students adds broad and innovative research to describe contemporary perspectives of identity development at the intersection of context, personal characteristics, and social identities. The authors employ different theoretical perspectives to explore the nature of contexthow it both influences and is influenced by multiple social identities. Each chapter includes discussion and reflection questions and activities for individual or small group work. Praise for Identity Development of College Students "Susan R. Jones and Elisa S. Abes have provided us with a comprehensive and beautifully written overview of the evolution of identity development theory. This book reads like a novel while at the same time conveying important ideas, critical analysis, and cutting-edge research that will enhance student affairs practice." NANCY J. EVANS, professor, Student Affairs Program, School of Education, Iowa State University "The authors masterfully present a holistic, integrative, and multi-dimensional approach to the identity development of today's college student. This text should be required reading for those engaged in research and practice in the areas of student affairs, counseling, higher education, and cultural studies." SHARON KIRKLAND-GORDON, director, Counseling Center, University of Maryland, College Park "Susan R. Jones and Elisa S. Abes's work is ground-breakingcharting new scholarly territory and making one of the most significant contributions to identity literature in many years. Building on contemporary and traditional theoretical foundations, Jones and Abes offer new models of identity development essential for understanding a diversity of college students." MARYLU K. MCEWEN, associate professor emerita, University of Maryland, College Park
John Wiley & Sons Inc Foundations and Industrial Applications of Microwave and Radio Frequency Fields: Physical and Chemical Processes
Foundations and Industrial Applications of Microwaves and Radio Frequency Fields Physical and Chemical Processes G. Roussy Universite de Nancy 1, France J. A. Pearce University of Texas at Austin, USA This book presents microwave and radio frequency techniques from the point of view of industrial applications, with special attention to electromagnetic energy and material interaction at the microscopic level. Starting with a review of the complete set of macroscopic governing equations--including conduction processes--it then addresses microscopic interaction effects, describing many results from spectroscopic studies. Finally, industrial applications, including the emerging new field of microwave catalysis, are addressed. The technology presented is applied in the mineral, textile, paper, ceramic, chemical and last, but not least, the food industry.
Johns Hopkins University Press New Ideas on Development after the Financial Crisis
The global financial crisis of 2008-9 has changed the way people around the world think about development. The market-friendly, lightly regulated model of capitalism promoted by the United States is now at risk, and development thinking worldwide is at something of an impasse. Editors Nancy Birdsall and Francis Fukuyama bring together leading scholars to explore the implications of the global financial crisis on existing and future development strategies. In addressing this issue, the contributors contemplate three central questions: What effect has the crisis had on current ideas in development thinking? How has it affected and how will it affect economic policy and political realities in Latin America and Asia, including China and India? Will the financial collapse reinforce shifts in geopolitical power and influence, and in what form? Essays answering these questions identify themes that are essential as economic and political leaders address future challenges of development. To help move beyond this time of global economic turmoil, the contributors-the foremost minds in the field of international development-offer innovative ideas about stabilizing the international economy and promoting global development strategies. Contributors: Nancy Birdsall, Center for Global Development; Michael Clemens, Center for Global Development; Kemal Dervis, Brookings Institution; Larry Diamond, Stanford University; Francis Fukuyama, Stanford University; Peter S. Heller, Johns Hopkins University; Yasheng Huang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Justin Yifu Lin, World Bank; Jose Antonio Ocampo, Columbia University; Mitchell A. Orenstein, Johns Hopkins University; Minxin Pei, Claremont McKenna College; Lant Pritchett, Harvard University; Liliana Rojas-Suarez, Center for Global Development; Arvid Subramanian, Johns Hopkins University
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Polity Reader in Social Theory
This book provides a comprehensive and integrated introduction to the major debates and schools of thought in social theory today. Some thirty different selections cover the period from the turn of the century up to the present. Classical social thought is well represented: Marx and Weber, Simmel, Mead and the Frankfurt School are among those included in this volume. The main emphasis of the text, however, is upon current social theory, its main lines of orientation, and the dominant areas of controversy and advance. Problems of method and epistemology are given some prominence; however, most of the contributions are substantive in character and are concerned with the theoretical interpretation of modern social institutions. The authors represented, or discussed, in the volume include all of the most prominent figures in current social theory - for instance, Zygmunt Bauman, Nancy Chodorow, Pierre Bourdieu, Michel Foucault, Harold Garfinkel, Anthony Giddens, Jürgen Habermas, Agnes Heller, Richard Rorty and H. G. Gadamer. Each section of the volume is preceded by an introduction which summarizes the articles that it contains. The result is a source book which is invaluable for anyone interested in the development of social theory today.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Playbook for Success: A Hall of Famer's Business Tactics for Teamwork and Leadership
A top coach teaches the sports-related skills and basics every women needs to succeed There are basics that every woman must have if she is to succeed in the corporate world, start and run her own business, or coach her own winning team. In Playbook for Success, Hall of Fame Business Entrepreneur Nancy Lieberman brings her leadership and coaching ability to the boardroom to teach professional women the same rules of success she teaches her players. Playbook for Success is a plan to help make success a part of one's daily routine and teach women that success is not just a title or corner office, but an attitude, belief, and way of life. Teaches the top sports-related skills women need to thrive in the corporate world, featuring a provocative examination of women and teamwork Includes profiles of women succeeding in business, ways to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses, and exercises that can be used in the business world Foreword by Basketball Hall of Famer and business legend Earvin "Magic" Johnson Playbook for Success gives you a unique and inspirational road map to compete and win in your life and career.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Multicultural Gender Roles: Applications for Mental Health and Education
"Multicultural Gender Roles continues to advance multidimensional identity models. Each data–informed chapter introduces genuine reflections and accountings that lead to a proposed process model highlighting the complexities of negotiating gender roles, rules, and responsibilities for ethnic minority individuals." —Patricia Arredondo, President, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, Chicago Campus "This book is a must–read for counselors and educators seeking to have a full understanding of the people they work with." —Edward A. Delgado–Romero, PhD, Professor, The University of Georgia "This extraordinary book presents vivid narratives of the challenges African American, Latina/o, Asian and Asian American women and men face in constructing their gender roles. The Multicultural Gender Role Model is groundbreaking." —Nancy Boyd–Franklin, PhD, Professor II – Distinguished Professor, Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology, Rutgers University Practical applications for mental health professionals and educators in helping clients and students understand and construct their roles within their schools, families, and communities Edited by Dr. Marie Miville—a recognized authority on multicultural issues in counseling and psychology—Multicultural Gender Roles provides mental health professionals, educators, and students entering these fields with a solid research grounding on how people of color can reframe their gender roles in today′s world. Featuring personal experiences and stories based on interviews with over sixty individuals from various racial–ethnic backgrounds, Multicultural Gender Roles explores: Gender role construction among men and women of color Latino and Latina gender roles Gender roles among Asian/Asian American men and women Gender roles among African American men and women Negotiating multicultural gender roles Utilizing current theory and new research, Multicultural Gender Roles provides practical applications for mental health professionals and educators working with diverse populations.
Pimpernel Press Ltd On the Fringe: A Life in Decorating
If John Fowler was – in the words of the late Duchess of Devonshire – the Prince of Decorators, and Nancy Lancaster undoubted doyenne of English country house style, Imogen Taylor was their crown princess. She joined Colefax and Fowler in 1949 and was for many years John Fowler’s trusted assistant. John – and Nancy – had total faith in Imogen’s ‘perfect taste’, and when John retired in 1971 he passed on to her all his clients – who ranged from HM The Queen, through duchesses and film stars, to ladies of the night. From this time until she retired in 1999 she was, along with Tom Parr, the firm’s principal decorator. Over the years she extended the clientele she had inherited from John and developed her own subtle, comfortable and charming version of English country house style. In this unique combination of social history and style bible, Imogen Taylor brings a sharp eye and ready wit not only to decorating style but also to the social history of the latter part of the twentieth century. Here you will learn about how fabric walling was done, how the famous ‘twelve different whites’ were applied, how to oil gild, how the passementerie was made for Buckingham Palace and Windsor, about Bessarabian carpets and trompe l’oeil painting and Nancy Lancaster’s broderie anglaise lamp shades, ‘like a child’s skirt or a ball dress’. You will also find the Duchess of Windsor dismissing the Duke (‘David, you’re not needed − go and buy some brushes or something’), Dolly Rothschild’s iron bed (‘like a school or hospital bedstead’), Harry Hyams’ reluctance to sign cheques (‘It’s like spilling my own blood!’), John Fowler in a tantrum yelling at the Duchess of Cornwall (she was a girl assistant at the time, not a client), Imogen being summoned to Howletts because ‘a young Siberian tiger, who had been in bed with Aspinall and his wife, had ripped down the silk hangings on the inside of their canopy bed.’
Johns Hopkins University Press New Ideas on Development after the Financial Crisis
The global financial crisis of 2008-9 has changed the way people around the world think about development. The market-friendly, lightly regulated model of capitalism promoted by the United States is now at risk, and development thinking worldwide is at something of an impasse. Editors Nancy Birdsall and Francis Fukuyama bring together leading scholars to explore the implications of the global financial crisis on existing and future development strategies. In addressing this issue, the contributors contemplate three central questions: What effect has the crisis had on current ideas in development thinking? How has it affected and how will it affect economic policy and political realities in Latin America and Asia, including China and India? Will the financial collapse reinforce shifts in geopolitical power and influence, and in what form? Essays answering these questions identify themes that are essential as economic and political leaders address future challenges of development. To help move beyond this time of global economic turmoil, the contributors-the foremost minds in the field of international development-offer innovative ideas about stabilizing the international economy and promoting global development strategies. Contributors: Nancy Birdsall, Center for Global Development; Michael Clemens, Center for Global Development; Kemal Dervis, Brookings Institution; Larry Diamond, Stanford University; Francis Fukuyama, Stanford University; Peter S. Heller, Johns Hopkins University; Yasheng Huang, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Justin Yifu Lin, World Bank; Jose Antonio Ocampo, Columbia University; Mitchell A. Orenstein, Johns Hopkins University; Minxin Pei, Claremont McKenna College; Lant Pritchett, Harvard University; Liliana Rojas-Suarez, Center for Global Development; Arvid Subramanian, Johns Hopkins University
John Wiley & Sons Inc Design a Better Business: New Tools, Skills, and Mindset for Strategy and Innovation
This book stitches together a complete design journey from beginning to end in a way that you’ve likely never seen before, guiding readers (you) step-by-step in a practical way from the initial spark of an idea all the way to scaling it into a better business. Design a Better Business includes a comprehensive set of tools (over 20 total!) and skills that will help you harness opportunity from uncertainty by building the right team(s) and balancing your point of view against new findings from the outside world. This book also features over 50 case studies and real life examples from large corporations such as ING Bank, Audi, Autodesk, and Toyota Financial Services, to small startups, incubators, and social impact organizations, providing a behind the scenes look at the best practices and pitfalls to avoid. Also included are personal insights from thought leaders such as Steve Blank on innovation, Alex Osterwalder on business models, Nancy Duarte on storytelling, and Rob Fitzpatrick on questioning, among others.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Genetic Testing: Care, Consent and Liability
A complete review of the issues with specific recommendations and guidelines. With over 1,000 tests commercially available, genetic testing is revolutionizing medicine. Health care professionals diagnosing and treating patients today must consider genetic factors, the risks and limitations of genetic testing, and the relevant law. Genetic Testing: Care, Consent, and Liability offers the only complete, practical treatment of the genetic, clinical, ethical, and legal issue surrounding genetic testing. The authors present protocols, policies, and models of care that are currently in use, and explain the legal framework for genetic testing and counseling that has developed in North America, particularly with regard to the law of medical malpractice. This essential book features an international roster of esteemed contributors including, Nancy P. Callanan, Bonnie S. LeRoy, Carole H. Browner, H. Mabel Preloran, Riyana Babul-Hirji, Cheryl Shuman, M.J. Esplen, Maren T. Scheuner, Dena S. Davis, JonBeckwith, Lisa Geller, Mark A. Hall, Andrew R. MacRae, David Chitayat, Roxanne Mykitiuk, Stephanie Turnham, Mireille Lacroix, Jinger G, Hoop, Edwin H, Cook, Jr., S. H. Dinwiddie, Elliot S. Gershon, C. Anthony Rupar, Lynn Holt, Bruce R. Korf, Anne Summers, S. Annie Adams, Daniel L. Van Dyke, Rhett P. Ketterling, Erik C. Thorland, Timothy Caulfield, Lorraine Sheremeta, Richard Gold, Jon F. Merz, David Castle, Peter J. Bridge, JS Parboosingh, Patricia T. Kelly, Julianne M. O'Daniel, Allyn McConkie-Rosell, Beatrice Godard, Bartha Maria Knoppers, David Weisbrot. The coverage also includes: * Genetic screening, including prenatal, neonatal, carrier, and susceptibility testing * Diagnosis, risk assessment, confidentiality, and clinical/legal issues related to follow-up * Interpreting test results and communicating them to patients * psychological considerations * Informed consent * Family history evaluations * Referral to medical geneticists and genetic counselors Genetic Testing Care, Consent, and Liability is a must-have resource for clinical geneticists, genetic counselors, specialists, family physicians, nurses, public health professionals, and medical students.
Scarecrow Press Africana Resources and Collections: Three Decades of Development and Achievement; A Festschrift in Honor of Hans Panofsky
This collection of original studies by African collections specialists in major American libraries provides insights into the development of Africana_materials from or about Africa_in the US_and into the achievements of librarians in this country in promoting and facilitating scholarship on sub-Saharan regions. Contributors: Abraham Demoz, Moore Crossey, David L. Easterbrook, Elizabeth A. Widenmann, Beverly A. Gray, Gretchen Walsh, John Bruce Howell, Janet L. Stanley, Nancy J. Schmidt, Joseph J. Lauer, David Henige, Yvette Scheven, and Dorothy C. Woodson. With author/subject/title index to the entire volume.
Crossway Books Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus: Experiencing the Peace and Promise of Christmas (Redesign)
This redesigned anthology of Advent readings edited by best-selling author Nancy Guthrie, features 22 works by classic and contemporary theologians, each helping to prepare your heart for the sacredness of the Christmas season.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Exposing the Elephants: Creating Exceptional Nonprofits
Go Beyond "Business As Usual" with Your Nonprofit "At last--the 'real truth' about nonprofit management! In Exposing the Elephants, Wilcox reveals the 'pesky pachyderms' that block our way to full effectiveness. How often have we grumbled that 'just because you're a [insert profession here], it doesn't mean you know how to run a nonprofit'? With clarity, passion, and sly humor, Wilcox validates that perspective and many others--but doesn't let us get away with just accepting the presence of the elephant in the room. Wilcox summarizes complex issues using recognizable examples and then offers sensible strategies for resolving them. Ultimately, she gives us permission to do the right thing(s). I love this book--and I can't wait to start implementing the 'elephant solutions'! " --Nancy Perkin Beaumont, CAE, Executive Director, Society of American Archivists "Before I finished reading Exposing the Elephants, I met with my key staff to talk about what we must change. I also shared what I learned from reading the book with a friend who sits on several different types of boards. Wilcox says it like it is--and it needs to be said--in every nonprofit organization." --Julie Donovan, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity, Lake County, Illinois "A remarkably candid, fresh, and witty analysis of the challenges inherent in managing nonprofits. Insightful and pragmatic solutions to overcoming the 'white elephants' so prevalent in the nonprofit culture. A 'must read' for every nonprofit CEO and board member." --Dick Yingst, President & CEO, Financial Managers Society, Chicago, Illinois "Pam Wilcox is willing to say the things that nonprofit professionals often do not wish to hear. She reveals through clear language and flowing style the significant barriers that nonprofits face and need to remove for not just success but also excellence. Unlike many authors who point out what is wrong with nonprofits, Wilcox shows us the way to tackle our most intractable issues and move to excellence. This book should be read by any and everyone involved in the nonprofit sector." --Katrina S. Rogers, PhD, Associate Dean, Research and Practice Director, Center for Innovation in the Nonprofit Sector, Fielding Graduate University
Taylor Trade Publishing Love You, Daddy Boy: Daughters Honor the Fathers They Love
Karyn Frist, wife of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, brings to us a collection of personal anecdotes written by prominent daughters and daughters of the prominent that reveal their warm and inspirational relationships with their fathers. In this heartwarming volume, Mrs. Frist has assembled pieces written by a diverse group of women from not only the world of government and politics, but from all walks of life, including entertainment, literature, business, and religious. Among the contributors are: Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton Former First Ladies, Barbara Bush and Nancy Reagan Commentator and columnist Cokie Roberts Singer and author Rosanne Cash, daughter of the legendary Johnny Cash Lyn Glenn, daughter of astronaut and former Senator John Glenn Bo Derek, actress and Golden Globe winner Olympic gold medalist, Nadia Comaneci Supreme Court Justice, Sandra Day O'Connor World Golf Hall of Fame member, Nancy Lopez
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Excluding the Jew Within Us
Why does anti-Semitism seem to be so deeply engrained in our societies, our institutions and our attitudes? To answer this question we need to look beyond our current practices and see that anti-Semitism has much deeper roots – that it is woven into the very structures of Western thought. Jean-Luc Nancy argues that anti-Semitism emerged from the conflictual conjunction of two responses to the eclipse of archaic cultures. The Greek and the Jewish responses both affirmed a humanity freed from myth but put forward two very different conceptions of autonomy: on the one hand, the infinite autonomy of knowledge, of logos, and on the other, the paradoxical autonomy of a heteronomy guided by a hidden god. The first excluded the second while simultaneously absorbing and dominating it; the second withdrew into itself and its condition of exclusion and domination. How could the long and terrible history of the hatred of the Jew, masking a self-loathing, be generated by these intrinsically contradictory beginnings? That is the question to which this short book gives a compelling answer.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies
Includes online access to new, customizable WJ IV score tables, graphs, and forms for clinicians Woodcock-Johnson IV: Reports, Recommendations, and Strategies offers psychologists, clinicians, and educators an essential resource for preparing and writing psychological and educational reports after administering the Woodcock-Johnson IV. Written by Drs. Nancy Mather and Lynne E. Jaffe, this text enhances comprehension and use of this instrument and its many interpretive features. This book offers helpful information for understanding and using the WJ IV scores, provides tips to facilitate interpretation of test results, and includes sample diagnostic reports of students with various educational needs from kindergarten to the postsecondary level. The book also provides a wide variety of recommendations for cognitive abilities; oral language; and the achievement areas of reading, written language, and mathematics. It also provides guidelines for evaluators and recommendations focused on special populations, such as sensory impairments, autism, English Language Learners, and gifted and twice exceptional students, as well as recommendations for the use of assistive technology. The final section provides descriptions of the academic and behavioral strategies mentioned in the reports and recommendations. The unique access code included with each book allows access to downloadable, easy-to-customize score tables, graphs, and forms. This essential guide Facilitates the use and interpretation of the WJ IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities, Tests of Oral Language, and Tests of Achievement Explains scores and various interpretive features Offers a variety of types of diagnostic reports Provides a wide variety of educational recommendations and evidence-based strategies
Vintage Publishing Swallowdale
'Ahoy! Ahoy! Swallows! Ahoy!'Have you ever sailed in a boat or built a camp? Have you caught trout and cooked it yourself? The four Swallows, John, Susan, Titty and Roger return to the lake full of such plans and they can't wait to meet up with Nancy and Peggy, the Amazon Pirates. When the Swallow is shipwrecked and the Amazon's fearsome Great-Aunt makes decides to make a visit their summer seems ruined. Then they discover a wonderful hidden valley and things take a turn for the better...BACKSTORY: Discover the real Swallowdale, swot up on seafaring and learn all about the adventurous author.
Titan Books Ltd Black Wings of Cthulhu (Volume 5)
H. P. Lovecraft’s brand of cosmic horror has long forced readers to an inexorable truth—there are powers in the universe whose immensity dwarfs petty human conflicts. Inspired by Lovecraft and brought together by editor S. T. Joshi, the stories in Black Wings of Cthulhu 5 explore the very essence of fear. Between these covers lie many of the finest Lovecraftian authors, including Sunni K Brock, Donald R. Burleson, Mollie L. Burleson, Nicole Cushing, Jason C. Eckhardt, Sam Gafford, Wade German, Cody Goodfellow, David Hambling, Lynne Jamneck, Mark Howard Jones, Caitlín R. Kiernan, Nancy Kilpatrick, W. H. Pugmire, John Reppion, Darrell Schweitzer, Jonathan Thomas, Donald Tyson, Robert H. Waugh, and Stephen Woodworth.
Crocker Art Museum Raimonds Staprans - Full Spectrum
Full Spectrum: Paintings by Raimonds Staprans is the most extensive survey of the figures, landscapes and still lifes of Latvian-American painter Raimonds Staprans (born 1926). Published by the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, the book accompanies the museum’s exhibition of the same name. Elegant design and superb reproductions reveal Staprans as a master of composition, color and existential nuance. Essayists include Scott A. Shields, Crocker Art Museum Associate Director and Chief Curator; Paul J. Karlstrom, art historian and former West Coast regional director of the Smithsonian Archives of American Art; David Pagel, art critic for the Los Angeles Times and Professor of Art Theory and History at Claremont Graduate University; Nancy Princenthal, author and former senior editor at Art in America; Ed Schad, Associate Curator at The Broad; and John Yau, art critic and poet.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences
Reveals the underlying story form of all great presentations that will not only create impact, but will move people to action Presentations are meant to inform, inspire, and persuade audiences. So why then do so many audiences leave feeling like they've wasted their time? All too often, presentations don't resonate with the audience and move them to transformative action. Just as the author's first book helped presenters become visual communicators, Resonate helps you make a strong connection with your audience and lead them to purposeful action. The author's approach is simple: building a presentation today is a bit like writing a documentary. Using this approach, you'll convey your content with passion, persuasion, and impact. Author has a proven track record, including having created the slides in Al Gore's Oscar-winning An Inconvenient Truth Focuses on content development methodologies that are not only fundamental but will move people to action Upends the usual paradigm by making the audience the hero and the presenter the mentor Shows how to use story techniques of conflict and resolution Presentations don't have to be boring ordeals. You can make them fun, exciting, and full of meaning. Leave your audiences energized and ready to take action with Resonate.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Population in China
China is home to a fifth of the world�s inhabitants. For the last several decades, this huge population has been in flux: fertility has fallen sharply, mortality has declined, and massive rural-to-urban migration is taking place. The state has played a direct role in these changes, seeing population control as an important part of its intention to modernize the country. In this insightful new work, Nancy E. Riley argues that China�s population policies and outcomes are not simply imposed by the state onto an unresponsive citizenry, but have arisen from the social organization of China over the past sixty years. Riley demonstrates how China�s population and population policy are intertwined and interact with other social and economic features. Riley also examines the unintended consequences of state directives, including the extraordinary number of �missing girls,� the rapid aging of the population, and an increase in inequality, particularly between rural and urban residents. Ultimately, China�s demographic story has to be understood as a complex, multi-pieced phenomenon. This book will be essential reading for researchers and students of China and social demography, as well as non-specialists interested in the changing nature of China�s population.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Learning and Attention Disorders in Adolescence and Adulthood: Assessment and Treatment
Fully revised coverage with the most current diagnoses and treatments for adolescents and adults living with learning and attention disorders Reflecting the most recent and relevant findings regarding Learning Disabilities (LD) and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), this Second Edition of Learning and Attention Disorders in Adolescence and Adulthood provides practitioners in the fields of education and mental health with a set of practical guidelines to assist in the assessment, diagnosis, consultation, and treatment of adolescents and adults struggling with LD and ADHD. The new edition includes: An emphasis on working from strengthsadapting to disabilities and dealing with them successfully on a daily basis New coverage of the causes and long-term implications of LD and ADHD in adolescents and adulthood New chapters on treatment effectiveness; building resiliency and shaping mindsets; cognitive therapy; and strategic life coaching to help guide individuals with LD and ADHD Contributions from leading researchers, including Noel Gregg, Russell Barkley, Kevin Antshel, and Nancy Mather Drawing on evidence-based techniques to meet the pragmatic demands for intervention, the Second Edition guides school psychologists, counselors, and educators in promoting positive change for adolescents and adults with LD and ADHD as they strive for success in school, work, and home settings.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Population in China
China is home to a fifth of the world�s inhabitants. For the last several decades, this huge population has been in flux: fertility has fallen sharply, mortality has declined, and massive rural-to-urban migration is taking place. The state has played a direct role in these changes, seeing population control as an important part of its intention to modernize the country. In this insightful new work, Nancy E. Riley argues that China�s population policies and outcomes are not simply imposed by the state onto an unresponsive citizenry, but have arisen from the social organization of China over the past sixty years. Riley demonstrates how China�s population and population policy are intertwined and interact with other social and economic features. Riley also examines the unintended consequences of state directives, including the extraordinary number of �missing girls,� the rapid aging of the population, and an increase in inequality, particularly between rural and urban residents. Ultimately, China�s demographic story has to be understood as a complex, multi-pieced phenomenon. This book will be essential reading for researchers and students of China and social demography, as well as non-specialists interested in the changing nature of China�s population.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Controlling Reproduction: Women, Society, and State Power
Controlling reproduction – who has children, how many, and when – is important to states, communities, families, and individuals across the globe. However, the stakes are even higher than might at first be appreciated: control over reproduction is an incredibly powerful tool. Contests over reproduction necessarily involve control over women and their bodies. Yet because reproduction is so intertwined with other social processes and institutions, controlling it also extends far into most corners of social, economic, and political life. Nancy Riley and Nilanjana Chatterjee explore how various social institutions beyond the individual – including state, religion, market, and family – are involved in the negotiation of reproductive power. They draw on examples from across the world, such as direct fertility policies in China and Romania, the influence of the Catholic Church in Poland and Brazil, racial discrimination and resistance in Mexico and the US, and how Japan and Norway use laws intended to encourage gender equality to indirectly shape reproduction. This engaging book sheds new light on the operations of power and gender in society. It will appeal to students taking courses on reproduction in departments of sociology, anthropology, and gender studies.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Capitalism: A Conversation in Critical Theory
In this important new book, Nancy Fraser and Rahel Jaeggi take a fresh look at the big questions surrounding the peculiar social form known as “capitalism,” upending many of our commonly held assumptions about what capitalism is and how to subject it to critique. They show how, throughout its history, various regimes of capitalism have relied on a series of institutional separations between economy and polity, production and social reproduction, and human and non-human nature, periodically readjusting the boundaries between these domains in response to crises and upheavals. They consider how these “boundary struggles” offer a key to understanding capitalism’s contradictions and the multiple forms of conflict to which it gives rise. What emerges is a renewed crisis critique of capitalism which puts our present conjuncture into broader perspective, along with sharp diagnoses of the recent resurgence of right-wing populism and what would be required of a viable Left alternative. This major new book by two leading critical theorists will be of great interest to anyone concerned with the nature and future of capitalism and with the key questions of progressive politics today.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Excluding the Jew Within Us
Why does anti-Semitism seem to be so deeply engrained in our societies, our institutions and our attitudes? To answer this question we need to look beyond our current practices and see that anti-Semitism has much deeper roots – that it is woven into the very structures of Western thought. Jean-Luc Nancy argues that anti-Semitism emerged from the conflictual conjunction of two responses to the eclipse of archaic cultures. The Greek and the Jewish responses both affirmed a humanity freed from myth but put forward two very different conceptions of autonomy: on the one hand, the infinite autonomy of knowledge, of logos, and on the other, the paradoxical autonomy of a heteronomy guided by a hidden god. The first excluded the second while simultaneously absorbing and dominating it; the second withdrew into itself and its condition of exclusion and domination. How could the long and terrible history of the hatred of the Jew, masking a self-loathing, be generated by these intrinsically contradictory beginnings? That is the question to which this short book gives a compelling answer.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Political Theory of Recognition: A Critical Introduction
In recent years the political landscape has changed: established ideas about class, economy, nation and equality have been challenged by a new politics of identity, culture, ethnicity and difference. The political theory of recognition is a response to these challenges. In this, the first introductory book on the subject, Simon Thompson analyses the argument that a just society is one that shows all its members due recognition. Focusing on the work on Charles Taylor, Axel Honneth and Nancy Fraser, he discusses how political theorists have conceptualised recognition, the different accounts they have given and the criticisms made of the very idea of a politics of recognition. Through the political theory of recognition, Thompson argues, we gain a better understanding of identity and difference. Practically, the concept of recognition can serve as a basis for determining which individual rights should be protected, whether cultures ought to be valued, and whether a case can be made for group representation. This clear and accessible book provides an excellent guide through the ongoing and increasingly significant debate between multiculturalism and its critics.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Nonprofit Essentials: Endowment Building
Praise for Endowment Building "This comprehensive work shows how endowments can provide multiple opportunities for donor involvement when the solicitation program is well designed and integrated with other fund development and program goals. Emphasizing the critical ethical issues inherent in marketing and structuring endowment gifts, it is an excellent reference manual and training guide." --Joanne Scanlan, PhD, Senior Vice President for Professional Development Council on Foundations, Washington, D.C. "Endowment Building provides both practical, hands-on advice and a philosophical, inspirational framework to guide novice and experienced mission-based organizations. Given the demographic opportunities and challenges facing the nonprofit world, this book is a must-read." --Nancy Herrold Strapp, Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer Buckhorn Children & Family Services, Louisville, Kentucky "A comprehensive guide on how to start, grow, and maintain an endowment. It shows how to put theory into practice with numerous real-life examples and success stories." --Joe Bull, Director of Planned Giving, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio "After you read this book, you will know what to do and how to do it. It is a wonderful tool for new and emerging community foundations!" --Kay M. Marquet, President and CEO, Community Foundation Sonoma County, California "Endowment Building is an insightful, succinct, easy-to-read resource on building successful endowment programs. It's a well-organized guide containing practical suggestions and reminders of things development professionals know but some-times forget." --Jeff W. Smith, Vice President and Trust Counsel, Baptist Foundation of Texas, Dallas
Penguin Random House Children's UK Swallowdale
John, Susan, Titty and Roger return to the lake for another summer camping on their island with their old allies, Nancy and Peggy, otherwise known as the Amazon pirates. But immediately disaster strikes when the Swallows find themselves marooned ashore by the shipwreck of their boat. But if they can't have the island, there's always Swallowdale, the secret valley, hidden from the world and containing an extra secret concealed within it.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An All-Too-Human Virus
In the past, pandemics were considered divine punishment, but we now understand the biological characteristics of viruses and we know they are spread through social interaction. What used to be divine has become human – all too human, as Nietzsche would say. But while the virus dispels the divine, we are discovering that living beings are more complex and harder to define than we had previously imagined, and also that political power is more complex than we may have thought. And this, argues Nancy, helps us to see why the term ‘biopolitics’ fails to grasp the conditions in which we now find ourselves. Life and politics challenge us together. Our scientific knowledge tells us that we are dependent only on our own technical power, but can we rely on technologies when knowledge itself includes uncertainties? If this is the case for technical power, it is much more so for political power, even when it presents itself as guided by objective data. The virus is a magnifying glass that reveals the contradictions, limitations and frailties of the human condition, calling into question as never before our stubborn belief in progress and our hubristic sense of our own indestructibility as a species.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd An All-Too-Human Virus
In the past, pandemics were considered divine punishment, but we now understand the biological characteristics of viruses and we know they are spread through social interaction. What used to be divine has become human – all too human, as Nietzsche would say. But while the virus dispels the divine, we are discovering that living beings are more complex and harder to define than we had previously imagined, and also that political power is more complex than we may have thought. And this, argues Nancy, helps us to see why the term ‘biopolitics’ fails to grasp the conditions in which we now find ourselves. Life and politics challenge us together. Our scientific knowledge tells us that we are dependent only on our own technical power, but can we rely on technologies when knowledge itself includes uncertainties? If this is the case for technical power, it is much more so for political power, even when it presents itself as guided by objective data. The virus is a magnifying glass that reveals the contradictions, limitations and frailties of the human condition, calling into question as never before our stubborn belief in progress and our hubristic sense of our own indestructibility as a species.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Capitalism: A Conversation in Critical Theory
In this important new book, Nancy Fraser and Rahel Jaeggi take a fresh look at the big questions surrounding the peculiar social form known as “capitalism,” upending many of our commonly held assumptions about what capitalism is and how to subject it to critique. They show how, throughout its history, various regimes of capitalism have relied on a series of institutional separations between economy and polity, production and social reproduction, and human and non-human nature, periodically readjusting the boundaries between these domains in response to crises and upheavals. They consider how these “boundary struggles” offer a key to understanding capitalism’s contradictions and the multiple forms of conflict to which it gives rise. What emerges is a renewed crisis critique of capitalism which puts our present conjuncture into broader perspective, along with sharp diagnoses of the recent resurgence of right-wing populism and what would be required of a viable Left alternative. This major new book by two leading critical theorists will be of great interest to anyone concerned with the nature and future of capitalism and with the key questions of progressive politics today.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Controlling Reproduction: Women, Society, and State Power
Controlling reproduction – who has children, how many, and when – is important to states, communities, families, and individuals across the globe. However, the stakes are even higher than might at first be appreciated: control over reproduction is an incredibly powerful tool. Contests over reproduction necessarily involve control over women and their bodies. Yet because reproduction is so intertwined with other social processes and institutions, controlling it also extends far into most corners of social, economic, and political life. Nancy Riley and Nilanjana Chatterjee explore how various social institutions beyond the individual – including state, religion, market, and family – are involved in the negotiation of reproductive power. They draw on examples from across the world, such as direct fertility policies in China and Romania, the influence of the Catholic Church in Poland and Brazil, racial discrimination and resistance in Mexico and the US, and how Japan and Norway use laws intended to encourage gender equality to indirectly shape reproduction. This engaging book sheds new light on the operations of power and gender in society. It will appeal to students taking courses on reproduction in departments of sociology, anthropology, and gender studies.
John Murray Press Churchill & Son
'In this fascinating account of the turbulent Churchill father-and-son relationship, Josh Ireland shows how central Winston and Randolph were to each other's lives' Andrew RobertsFew fathers and sons can ever have been so close as Winston Churchill and his only son Randolph. Both showed flamboyant impatience, reckless bravery, and generosity of spirit. The glorious and handsome Randolph was a giver and devourer of pleasure, a man who exploded into rooms, trailing whisky tumblers and reciting verbatim whole passages of classic literature. But while Randolph inherited many of his fathers' talents, he also inherited all of his flaws. Randolph was his father only more so: fiercer, louder, more out of control. Hence father and son would be so very close, and so liable to explode at each other.Winston's closest ally during the wilderness years of the 1930s, Randolph would himself become a war hero, serving with the SAS in the desert and Marshal Tito's guerrillas in Yugoslavia, a friend of press barons and American presidents alike, and a journalist with a 'genius for uncovering secrets', able to secure audiences with everyone from Kaiser Wilhelm to General Franco and Guy Burgess.But Randolph's political career never amounted to anything. As much as he idolised Winston and never lost faith in his father during the long, solitary years of Winston's decline, he was never able to escape from the shadow cast by Britain's great hero. In his own eyes, and most woundingly of all his father's, his life was a failure. Winston, ever consumed by his own sense of destiny, allowed his own ambitions to take priority over Randolph's. The world, big as it was, only had space for one Churchill. Instead of the glory he believed was his birthright, Randolph died young, his body rotted by resentment and drink, before he could complete his father's biography.A revealing new perspective on the Churchill myth, this intimate story reveals the lesser-seen Winston Churchill: reading Peter Rabbit books to his children, admonishing Eton schoolmasters and using decanters and wine glasses to re-fight the Battle of Jutland at the table. Amid a cast of personalities who defined an era - PG Wodehouse, Nancy Astor, The Mitfords, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Lord Beaverbrook, William Randolph Hearst, Oswald Mosley, Graham Greene, Duff and Diana Cooper, the Kennedys, Charlie Chaplin, and Lloyd George - Churchill & Son is the lost story of a timeless father-son relationship.
Little, Brown & Company Don't Be a Victim: Fighting Back Against America's Crime Wave
Discover gripping true crime stories and the surprising tools you need to keep you and your family safe -- from iconic legal commentator, TV journalist, and New York Times bestselling author Nancy Grace.Nancy Grace wasn't always the iconic legal commentator we know today. One moment changed her entire future forever: her fiancé Keith was murdered just before their wedding. Driven to deliver justice for other crime victims, Nancy became a felony prosecutor and for a decade, put the "bad guys" behind bars in inner-city Atlanta.Now, with a new and potentially life-saving book, Nancy puts her crime-fighting expertise to work to empower you stay safe in the face of daily dangers. Packed with practical advice and invaluable prevention tips, Don't Be a Victim shows you how to:* Fend off threats of assaults, car-jack and home invasion* Defend yourself against online stalking, computer hackers and financial fraudsters* Stay safe in your own home, at school and other public settings like parking garages, elevators and campsites* Protect yourself while shopping, driving and even on vacationWith insights on so many potential threats, you'll be empowered to protect yourself and your children at home and in the world at large by being proactive! Nancy's crime-fighting expertise helps keep you, your family, and those you love out of harm's way.
John Murray Press Churchill & Son
'A compelling tragedy, but one which casts valuable new light on the outsized human dimensions of both men ... Agonising but excellent' The Telegraph'In this fascinating account of the turbulent Churchill father-and-son relationship, Josh Ireland shows how central Winston and Randolph were to each other's lives' Andrew RobertsFew fathers and sons can ever have been so close as Winston Churchill and his only son Randolph. Both showed flamboyant impatience, reckless bravery, and generosity of spirit. The glorious and handsome Randolph was a giver and devourer of pleasure, a man who exploded into rooms, trailing whisky tumblers and reciting verbatim whole passages of classic literature. But while Randolph inherited many of his fathers' talents, he also inherited all of his flaws. Randolph was his father only more so: fiercer, louder, more out of control. Hence father and son would be so very close, and so liable to explode at each other.Winston's closest ally during the wilderness years of the 1930s, Randolph would himself become a war hero, serving with the SAS in the desert and Marshal Tito's guerrillas in Yugoslavia, a friend of press barons and American presidents alike, and a journalist with a 'genius for uncovering secrets', able to secure audiences with everyone from Kaiser Wilhelm to General Franco and Guy Burgess.But Randolph's political career never amounted to anything. As much as he idolised Winston and never lost faith in his father during the long, solitary years of Winston's decline, he was never able to escape from the shadow cast by Britain's great hero. In his own eyes, and most woundingly of all his father's, his life was a failure. Winston, ever consumed by his own sense of destiny, allowed his own ambitions to take priority over Randolph's. The world, big as it was, only had space for one Churchill. Instead of the glory he believed was his birthright, Randolph died young, his body rotted by resentment and drink, before he could complete his father's biography.A revealing new perspective on the Churchill myth, this intimate story reveals the lesser-seen Winston Churchill: reading Peter Rabbit books to his children, admonishing Eton schoolmasters and using decanters and wine glasses to re-fight the Battle of Jutland at the table. Amid a cast of personalities who defined an era - PG Wodehouse, Nancy Astor, The Mitfords, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Lord Beaverbrook, William Randolph Hearst, Oswald Mosley, Graham Greene, Duff and Diana Cooper, the Kennedys, Charlie Chaplin, and Lloyd George - Churchill & Son is the lost story of a timeless father-son relationship.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Ranciere Now
The French philosopher Jacques Rancière is well known across the world for his groundbreaking contributions to aesthetic and political theory and for his radical rethinking of the question of equality. This much-needed new collection situates Rancière's thought in a range of practical and theoretical contexts. These specially commissioned essays cover the complete history of Rancière's work and reflect its interdisciplinary reach. They span his early historical research of the 1960s and '70s, his celebrated critique of pedagogy and his later political theory of dissensus and disagreement, as well as his ongoing analysis of literature and 'the aesthetic regime of art'. Rancière's resistance to psychoanalytic thinking is also explored, as are his most recent publications on film and film theory. Contributors include Tom Conley, Carolyn Steedman, Geneviève Fraisse, Jean-Luc Nancy, Jeremy Lane, and many more. The book also includes a brand new interview with Rancière, reflecting on his intellectual project and developing new lines of thought from his latest major work, Aisthesis. Rancière Now will be essential reading for students and scholars across the humanities and social sciences; it will stimulate and inspire discussion of Rancière’s work for years to come.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Social Media Handbook: Rules, Policies, and Best Practices to Successfully Manage Your Organization's Social Media Presence, Posts, and Potential
The Social Media Handbook is a comprehensive risk and compliance management toolkit that walks employers step-by-step through the process of developing and implementing effective social media policy and compliance management programs that are designed to minimize—and in some cases prevent—social networking and web 2.0 risks and other electronic disasters. Throughout this important resource Nancy Flynn (an internationally recognized expert on workplace social media) offers a guide to best practices for creating safe, effective, and compliant electronic business communications. The book contains a thorough review of the risks inherent in employees' social media use and content and explores how organizations can help manage behavior, mitigate risks, and maximize compliance through the implementation of strategic social media compliance management programs. These programs combine written policies, supported by comprehensive employee education and are enforced by proven-effective technology tools. Once these policies and programs are in place employers can safely take advantage of the marketing and communications benefits offered by social media. Covering a wealth of material, the book includes vital information on topics such as social media and the law; managing records and e-discovery compliantly; regulatory compliance; privacy and security; blog risks and compliance rules; mobile devices drive social media risks; a seven-step plan for social media policy and compliance management; conducting a social media audit; creating social media policies; content rules and compliance; policy compliance and education; reputation management; and more. In addition to addressing pertinent topics on risk management, the book contains cautionary, real-life social networking disaster stories that show how organizations can lose revenue and reputations, reveals how employees can lose jobs, and explains how individuals can face public humiliation. The Social Media Handbook is a hands-on guide written for human resource professionals, information technology managers, legal professionals, compliance officers, records managers, and others who need to manage today's technology tools with up-to-date employment rules.