Search results for ""author herman""
The University of Chicago Press The Struggle for Constitutional Justice in Post-Communist Europe
In the former Eastern Bloc countries, one of the most important, and most difficult, aspects of the transition to democracy has been the establishment of constitutional justice and the rule of law. Herman Schwartz's wide-ranging book is the first to chronicle and analyze the rise of constitutional courts in this changing region. Beginning with a brief history of the courts prior to 1989, Schwartz draws on his expertise as a constitutional scholar and long-time adviser to many of these countries to compare their jurisprudence with relevant American and West European law. He then focuses in detail on the relative success stories of Poland and Hungary, where the courts faced little opposition, and the more problematic situations in Russia, Slovakia and Bulgaria, where the courts' independence and very existence were threatened by both old-line communists and new-style authoritarians. With a wealth of historical and other information, backed up by a massive array of research, the book is a remarkably rich, yet accessible, source for anyone interested in the ongoing struggles of post-Communist Europe.
HarperCollins Publishers Moby Dick (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee…’ Few literary masterpieces cast quite as awesome a shadow as Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. Captain Ahab’s quest for the white whale is a timeless epic – a thrilling tale of vengeance and obsession, and a searing parable about humanity lost in a universe of moral ambiguity. Inspired by true events, Moby Dick is a work of astonishing psychological depth. It is perhaps the finest sea story ever told and one of the great classics of literature.
Penguin Random House South Africa Hoerkind: Die Memoires Van ‘n Randeier
Die joernalis en skrywer Herman Lategan word vroeg reeds ʼn hoerkind genoem. Hy is buite die eg gebore. As kind word hy brandarm groot; daar is ʼn skaarste aan kos. Op ses gaan hy vir ʼn jaar kinderhuis toe. Om soos ʼn weggooikind te voel spook dekades lank by hom. Albei sy ouers word alkoholiste. Sy stiefpa skiet op hom. Op 13 beland hy in die kloue van ʼn pedofiel. In sy tienerjare bevriend hy Afrikaanse digters soos Sheila Cussons, Ina Rousseau, Barend J. Toerien en Casper Schmidt. Hy word in die weermag toegesluit. As jongeling vertrek hy na New York waar hy die kunstenaar Andy Warhol op straat agtervolg. Hy keer terug na Suid-Afrika waar hy op die strate beland. Later gaan hy na verskeie rehabilitasiesentrums vir alkohol- en dwelmafhanklikheid. Een aand word hy gyselaar gehou en met ʼn mes gesteek. Hy verloor byna sy been ná ʼn motorongeluk tydens ʼn besoek aan die oudrugbyspeler Mannetjies Roux se plaas. Later vind hy ’n veilige hawe wanneer sy pad met dié van Graham Sonnenberg kruis. Hy maak opgang as joernalis wat na die verste uithoeke van die wêreld reis. Hoerkind is ’n aangrypende relaas oor verlies én oorwinning.
Penguin Books Ltd Billy Budd, Bartleby, and Other Stories
One of the BBC's '100 Novels That Shaped Our World'Though best-known for his epic masterpiece Moby-Dick, Herman Melville also left a body of short stories arguably unmatched in American fiction. In the sorrowful tragedy of Billy Budd,Sailor; the controlled rage of Benito Cereno; and the tantalizing enigma of Bartleby, the Scrivener; Melville reveals himself as a singular storyteller of tremendous range and compelling power. In these stories, Melville cuts to the heart of race, class, capitalism, and globalism in America, deftly navigating political and social issues that resonate as clearly in our time as they did in Melville's. Also including The Piazza Tales in full, this collection demonstrates why Melville stands not only among the greatest writers of the nineteenth century, but also as one of our greatest contemporaries.This Penguin Classics edition features the Reading Text of Billy Budd, Sailor, as edited from a genetic study of the manuscript by Harrison Hayford and Merton M. Sealts, Jr., and the authoritative Northwestern-Newberry text of The Piazza Tales.
Hancock House Aratingas
Hancock House Publishers Ltd ,Canada Australian Parakeets: and their mutations
Pearson Education L2Moby Dick Book MP3 Pack
Bartleby Press Der Payatz: Around the World with Yiddish Theater
Herman Yablokoff was a master of his craft. He was an actor, singer, songwriter, playwright, director, and producer in a world that has virtually disappeared.In his autobiography, Yablokoff the showman stages a vivid recreation of his times. The result is breathtaking and captivating as Yablokoff, with genuine theatrical style, offers the story of his life.Originally published in Yiddish, Der Payatz was translated by Bella Mysell, Yablokoff’s wife and herself a star of the Yiddish stage. They were a popular team for many years.By the time Herman Yablokoff died the Yiddish culture in which he thrived had already largely vanished. But he leaves an enduring look at that culture. The master showman captures all the drama and excitement of the world in which he lived, giving us a riveting picture of a time that no longer exists.
Liberty Fund Inc Webster-Hayne Debate on the Nature of the Union
Fordham University Press A New Birth of Freedom: The Republican Party and the Freedmen's Rights
A New Birth of Freedom: The Republican Party and Freedmen’s Rights, 1861–1866, is an account of how laws, policies and constitutional amendments defining and protecting the personal liberty and civil rights of the country’s African American population were adopted during the Civil War. A study in legal and constitutional history, it complements and forms a necessary predicate to the social history of emancipation that is the principal focus of contemporary Civil War scholarship. The relevance of the legal dimension in the struggle for black freedom is attested by the observation that many slaves "learned the letter of the law so they could seemingly recite from memory" passages from congressional measures prohibiting the return of escaped slaves to disloyal owners and guaranteeing their personal liberty.
Chiltern Publishing Moby Dick
Paideia Press / Reformational Publishing Project TIME, LAW, AND HISTORY - Selected Essays
Penguin Random House Children's UK Penguin Readers Level 7: Moby Dick (ELT Graded Reader)
Penguin Readers is an ELT graded reader series for learners of English as a foreign language. With carefully adapted text, new illustrations and language learning exercises, the print edition also includes instructions to access supporting material online.Titles include popular classics, exciting contemporary fiction, and thought-provoking non-fiction, introducing language learners to bestselling authors and compelling content.The eight levels of Penguin Readers follow the Common European Framework of Reference for language learning (CEFR). Exercises at the back of each Reader help language learners to practise grammar, vocabulary, and key exam skills. Before, during and after-reading questions test readers' story comprehension and develop vocabulary.Visit the Penguin Readers websiteExclusively with the print edition, readers can unlock online resources including a digital book, audio edition, lesson plans and answer keys.When the young sailor "Ishmael" decides to sail on the Pequod with the mysterious Captain Ahab, he has no idea about Ahab's plans to get revenge on the great white whale Moby Dick. Ahab wants to find and kill the whale at any cost - even if it means losing his ship and his crew.
Birkhauser EVENTS: Situating the Temporary
The Amsterdam-based design office of EventArchitectuur has been active in the fields of exhibition and interior design and temporary architecture for more than 20 years, with their projects and interventions present in Berlin, Paris, New York and many other locations world-wide. In this substantial book, designed by the Dutch design studio Experimental Jetset, Herman Verkerk and his team dedicate their knowledge and experience to the design community. With contributions by Bernard Tschumi, Beatriz Colomina, Dirk van den Heuvel, Ellen Blumenstein and many others, topics comprise time-based narrative architecture, the architecture of events, display in public context, building-related landscape and many others. This approach makes the book a content-driven tool of communication and knowledge.
labutxaca Moby Dick
"L'aigua i la meditació resten unides per sempre". Així justifica l'Ismael l'atracció irresistible que sent d'embarcar-se en un balener vers les misterioses mars del Sud. I de mica en mica, aquesta incertesa es va fent més clara: ens trobem davant la lluita personal d'un home, el capità Ahab, contra un animal, la llegendària i ferotge balena blanca Moby Dick. Però per la seva riquesa èpica i pel complex fresc del destí humà que hi retrata, Moby Dick (1851) és més que això. Per les seves pàgines, tenyides tothora d'una atmosfera apocalíptica i fantàstica, hi circula l'etern combat i l'exaltació de la lluita de l'home contra la natura; la contemplació fascinada, a estones altament lírica, de la força cega del mar.
Alianza Editorial Bartleby el escribiente
Moby Dick edicin conmemorativa
Los mejores libros jamás escritos.A través de este clásico, Melville logra convertir la historia de la caza de un cachalote en toda una metáfora sobre la condición humana y sus conflictos.Moby Dick, la novela que William Faulkner hubiera querido escribir, va siempre acompañada del reconocimiento y el elogio que merece toda construcción narrativa impecable. La lucha del capitán Ahab, su terrible obsesión y la mítica persecución de la enorme ballena ha traspasado fronteras, consiguiendo así la indiscutible categoría de obra maestra de la literatura universal.Esta edición cuenta con la introducción del especialista y director del Departamento de Estudios Americanos, Andrew Delbanco, autor de Melville (2005), la biografía de referencia del autor de Moby Dick. Asimismo, incorpora una serie de ilustraciones tales como el mapa de la travesía, un plano del ballenero Pequod y otras curiosidades que enriquecen la experiencia de la lectura y proy
Valdemar Bartleby el escribiente y otros cuentos
Bartleby, el escribiente es una de las narraciones más extrañas de la historia de la literatura, y su protagonista uno de los más excéntricos especímenes de la raza humana, cuyo lúcido e implacable nihilismo recuerda las teorías chinas acerca de la conducta ideal del emperador y del hombre santo. Desde el mismo momento de su nacimiento, el relato de Herman Melville ha espoleado la polémica y ha generado el intenso interés que garantiza la inmortalidad de una obra literaria: la fascinación. Bartleby, el escribiente es considerado hoy un precursor insólito de los mejores relatos de Kafka. En El campanario asistimos al trágico final de un personaje fáustico, y en su trama se percibe la influencia de su amigo Nathaniel Hawthorne. Los dos templos consta en realidad de dos textos: el primero fue censurado en su día para no herir la sensibilidad religiosa de los lectores; y el segundo, escrito en 1849 durante un viaje a Europa, describe
Editorial Alma Bartleby, El Escribiente
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co KG Melanchthon and Calvin on Confession and Communion: Early Modern Protestant Penitential and Eucharistic Piety
Melanchthon and Calvin were late medieval people, stemming from a world of order and unity, and at the same time they fully lived in the early modern world, in which everything was changing. In this new world they committedly, enthusiastically, and restlessly sought to introduce some order, in theory as well as practice. The sixteenth-century church was governed by multiple coercive constructions and systems. Did the two Reformers really succeed in disconnecting themselves from them, and to what extent did they connect to, for example, the existing forms of eucharistic piety? The established church had come under serious criticism, and people were massively turning their backs on the less than attractive ecclesiastical practices -- something connecting that era to ours. In these highly turbulent and suspenseful 1520s, when it was not yet clear whether the ten-year-old evangelical movement in Germany was still viable, Melanchthon tried to introduce at least some order into the chaos by means of a confession accompanied by a church order. As it turned out, the new doctrine on Christian freedom and justification by faith alone was easily interpreted in a one-sided manner. Through a careful analysis of the sources, Herman A. Speelman examines Melanchthons church visitations in 1527 and Calvins five attempts to shape the modernisation of ecclesiastical life. In addition to the gospel, also penance and the preaching of the law received a place in the Protestant liturgy and spirituality .Melanchthons and Calvins contributions were not only to have an enormous impact on the theological evolutions in the evangelical movement in Europe, but they also proved to be of eminent importance for the way in which the new doctrine was given meaning in practice. Their instructions continue to be highly influential in large parts of Europe today.
Diogenes Verlag AG MobyDick
Large Print Press Moby-Dick Or, the Whale
Simon & Schuster Billy Budd Sailor
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Amelia Bedelia Gets a Break (I Can Read Level 1)
Learn to read with young Amelia Bedelia!The Amelia Bedelia books are great for growing the vocabularies of newly independent readers. In Amelia Bedelia Gets a Break, Amelia Bedelia is put in charge of caring for her class hamster over a school vacation. But Amelia Bedelia gets more than she bargained for when the hamster goes missing!Amelia Bedelia is left in charge of her class pet—a hamster named Harry—over school break, and she’s excited to learn all about caring for an animal. But when Harry goes missing, Amelia Bedelia is upset. Her friends Dawn and Clay help her search the house and make “lost pet” signs, but it seems hopeless, until Amelia Bedelia puts herself in Harry’s shoes and finds him hiding in her favorite spot in the house.A Level 1 I Can Read book featuring the childhood of America’s favorite housekeeper, Amelia Bedelia. More than thirty-five million Amelia Bedelia books sold since 1963!
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Amelia Bedelia Tries Her Luck
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Amelia Bedelia and the Cat
Greenwillow Books Amelia Bedelia, Bookworm
mareverlag GmbH John Marr und andere Matrosen Mit einigen Seestcken
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Der Graben
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Angerichtet
Pushkin Press I Would Prefer Not To: Essential Stories
In these stories of the surreal mundanity of office life and obscure tensions at sea, Melville's darkly modern sensibility plunges us into a world of irony and mystery, where nothing is as it first appears. A lawyer hires a new copyist, only to be met with stubborn, confounding resistance. A cynical lightning rod salesman plies his trade by exploiting fears in stormy weather. After boarding a beleaguered Spanish slave ship, an American trader's cheerful outlook is repeatedly shadowed by paralyzing unease.
Simon & Brown The Confidence Man
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Literary Theory Toolkit: A Compendium of Concepts and Methods
The Literary Theory Toolkit offers readers a rich compendium of key terms, concepts, and arguments necessary for the study of literature in a critical-theoretical context. Includes varied examples drawn from readily available literary texts spanning all periods and genres Features a chapter on performance, something not usually covered in similar texts Covers differing theories of the public sphere, ideology, power, and the social relations necessary for the understanding of approaches to literature
John Wiley & Sons Inc Quality Planning and Assurance: Principles, Approaches, and Methods for Product and Service Development
QUALITY PLANNING AND ASSURANCE Discover the most crucial aspects of quality systems planning critical to manufacturing and service success In Quality Planning and Assurance: Principles, Approaches, and Methods for Product and Service Development, accomplished engineer Dr. Herman Tang delivers an incisive presentation of the principles of quality systems planning. The book begins with an introduction to the meaning of the word “quality” before moving on to review the principles of quality strategy and policy management. The author then offers a detailed discussion of customer needs and the corresponding quality planning tasks in design phases, as well as a treatment of the design processes necessary to ensure product or service quality. Readers will enjoy explorations of advanced topics related to proactive approaches to quality management, like failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). They???ll discover discussions of issues like supplier quality management and the key processes associated with quality planning and execution. The book also includes: A thorough introduction to quality planning, including definitions, discussions of quality system, and an overview of the planning process A comprehensive exploration of strategic planning development, including strategic management, risk management and analysis, and pull and push strategies Practical discussions of customer-centric planning, including customer-oriented design, quality function deployment, and affective engineering In-depth examinations of quality assurance by design, including the design review process, design verification and validation, and concurrent engineering Perfect for senior undergraduate and graduate students in technology and management programs, Quality Planning and Assurance will also earn a place in the libraries of managers and technical specialists in a wide range of fields, including quality management.
Princeton University Press Mikhail Sholokhov and His Art
Treating Sholokhov's art and life against the Soviet political background, the author considers the episodes in his life that influenced his writing and then shows how one-sided commitment to party ideology led to his creative deterioration. Originally published in 1982. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Hogarth Press The Dinner
SAGE Publications Inc Research Methodology
Research Methodology: Best Practices for Rigorous, Credible, and Impactful Research takes a 360-degree view of understanding and doing research, helping readers become expert researchers, reviewers, and consumers of research. Renowned author, journal editor, and researcher Herman Aguinis distills the vast body of work on methodological best practices into a singular experience. Each of the 16 chapters thoroughly explains a different aspect of methodology step by step, from choosing useful and compelling research topics to reporting results accurately and credibly. Researchers at all career stages will find this text helpful to structure and conduct high-impact empirical research aimed at producing a thesis, dissertation, or journal publication. Research consumers will find instruction on how to evaluate the rigor and credibility of research conducted by others. Instructors will find the book's modular approach refreshing by assigning students
MER Paper Kunsthalle After Empire
Thinkers Publishing Key Concepts of Chess - Volume 1 - The Hedgehog
This is the first volume of the new series "Key Concepts of Chess". The idea is to deal with middlegames in which a certain structure or essential theme becomes central. The idea of starting this series is in line with the "Understanding before Moving" series because the aim, is to improve the understanding of club chess players. According to the author, playing an opening should be 'hung up' on stereotypical ideas and concepts belonging to this structure. The thorough exploration of middlegame structures is beyond the scope of opening books, hence it makes more sense to expose it in this complementary series. In this first volume, the "Hedgehog System" is discussed in detail. Apart from being part of the author's repertoire, this typical set-up deserves to be widely highlighted. Although in the second part of the trilogy on the Sicilian, the Hedgehog has already made its appearance, in this book the seemingly fragile, but oh so treacherous creature can reconsider its spines in an extensive way.
Bookstorm Capitalist crusader: Fighting poverty through economic growth
'When I had to give up my university studies 35 years ago I was so angry that I wanted to leave South Africa, get military training and an AK47 and come back to kill evil white people … I'm just as angry now as I feel my economic freedom is under threat, but I'm staying to fight for what I believe in.'When Nelson Mandela became South Africa's president in 1994, Herman Mashaba thought his struggle for personal and economic freedom was over, the battle won. Twenty-one years later, he has had to question that assumption as his freedoms are eroded and economic controls tighten. Mashaba, a selfmade entrepreneur who started his business Black Like Me in the dark days of apartheid, is committed to freeing South Africans from poverty. As a successful business person, Mashaba says he can no longer be silent on the state of the South African economy. In Capitalist Crusader he outlines his quest for economic freedom for all South Africans—through a firm commitment to capitalist principles. He describes the changes in his political affiliations and maps out the route South Africa needs to follow to escape entrenched unemployment, poverty and inequality.
Fordham University Press Israel Potter: His Fifty Years of Exile
This facsimile of Melville's historical novel appears in a paperback classroom edition, with a commentary by Hennig Cohen. "Israel Potter" is the story of a neglected hero of the American Revolution.
Atlantic Books Summer House with Swimming Pool
Marc Schlosser is a doctor to the rich and famous. When his most famous patient, the actor Ralph Meier, invites him and his family on holiday, Marc finds that he can't refuse. But by the time the suntans fade, Ralph Meier is dead. The medical board accuses Marc of negligence. Ralph's wife, however, accuses him of murder...
Alma Books Ltd The Piazza Tales: Annotated Edition
This volume, first published in 1856, includes three of the tales widely considered to be among Melville’s masterpieces. In ‘Bartleby, the Scrivener’, a Wall Street lawyer hires a melancholy young clerk called Bartleby, whose sudden and mysterious refusal to work plunges the firm into disarray. ‘Benito Cereno’ is the account of a mutiny on a slave ship, based on the real-life journals of an American sea captain. ‘The Encantadas, or Enchanted Isles’ is a series of sketches about the Galápagos Islands which was a huge success with the reading public and contains some of Melville’s most celebrated prose. Also included in this volume are ‘The Lightning-Rod Man’, ‘The Bell Tower’ and a story written especially for the collection, ‘The Piazza’. Taken together, these tales, in their masterful use of irony and concision, display the author of Moby Dick at his most uncompromising and compelling.
Alma Books Ltd Moby Dick: Annotated Edition (Alma Classics Evergreens)
When the young Ishmael gets on board Captain Ahab’s whaling ship, little does he suspect that the mission on which he is about to embark is the fulfilment of his master’s obsessive desire for revenge on Moby Dick, a white whale who has already claimed countless human victims and destroyed many fleets. With some sinister crew members in their midst and the hazardous conditions of the sea to contend with, the expedition becomes increasingly dangerous the closer it gets to its quarry. One of the great American novels, if not the greatest, Moby Dick epically combines rip-roaring adventure, a meticulously realistic portrayal of the whaling trade and a profound philosophical disquisition on the nature of good and evil.
Hodder & Stoughton The Hope: A masterful and evocative novel from the Pulitzer Prize-winning author
A sweeping epic of Israel from its founding to the Six-Day War, from the #1 New York Times bestselling author."Full of excitement." - Entertainment WeeklyFrom the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Winds of War and The Caine Mutiny, this saga spans from 1948 to 1967, the early decades of the state of Israel as it fights for its life, outmatched and surrounded by enemies-the first of the two-part epic that concludes with The Glory.Zev Barak, Sam Pasternak, Don Kishote, and Benny Luria are all officers in the Israeli army, caught up in the sweep of history, fighting the desperate desert battles and meeting the larger-than-life personalities that shaped Israel's fight for independence. The four heroes, and the women they love, weave a compelling tapestry of individual destinies through a grand recounting of one nation's struggle against the odds."Much of the dialogue is witty; the descriptions of back-channel diplomacy between the United States and Israel are fascinating and convincing." - The New York Times Book Review"Solid historical research...fictional characters of Wouk's own invention rub shoulders with real-life historical figures like David Ben Gurion [and] Moshe Dayan." - The Christian Science Monitor"Rich and satisfying...deftly portrays the human face of inhuman conflict." - The Cleveland Plain Dealer"An engrossing and often moving tale." - Publishers Weekly