Search results for ""author herman""
Campfire Moby Dick
Peeters Publishers Essai de Poétique historique du roman au dix-huitième siècle
Au XVIIIe siècle, le ‘roman’ est un ensemble très hétérogène de formules narratives. L’objet de cet ouvrage est d’étudier comment, dans un contexte hostile, certaines de ces formules se codifient en se conformant aux codes poétiques dictés par le centre du système littéraire, alors que d’autres recherchent une position périphérique qui permet de renouveler ces mêmes codes. L’évolution du roman au XVIIIe siècle n’est pas pensée ici comme l’effet d’une interaction de la production textuelle avec la critique spécialisée – qui paraît de mauvaise foi - mais comme une négociation avec une instance beaucoup plus insaisissable qui est la doxa, c’est-à-dire l’opinion publique. Dans cet ouvrage, on écoute des formules narratives novatrices comme le roman-mémoires et le roman par lettres négocier leur acceptation par le public. Cette négociation vise à conclure trois accords : un pacte de visibilité qui autorise l’auteur à se montrer, un contrat de lecture qui propose une nouvelle manière de lire et une convention de participation qui invite le lecteur à accepter les ‘règles du jeu’ de l’illusion. Cette négociation est protocolaire, ce qui veut dire qu’elle est à la fois conventionnelle et indispensable.
Biblioteca Nueva Benito Cereno Biblioteca Nueva de aventuras Spanish Edition
Obelisco Moby Dick
Edicions Bromera, S.L. Bartleby lescrivent
Editorial Popular Moby Dick
Susaeta Ediciones Moby Dick
En "Moby Dick", Melville reflexiona sobre la maldad, encarnada en los dos protagonistas: por un lado, la ballena, que representa el mal sin sentido, pues destruye lo que encuentra, y por otro, el capitán Ahab, que muestra una maldad obstinada, ya que es su odio personal y su deseo de venganza lo que le mueve a perseguirla aunque arriesgue la vida de su gente.
Alianza Editorial Benito Cereno
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: El libro de bolsillo. LiteraturaApenas valorada en el momento de su publicación y olvidada prácticamente después de su muerte, al obra de Herman Melville (1819-1891) ha ido ocupando lentamente y sin ruido en el privilegiado lugar que le corresponde en la historia de la literatura. Ambientada en el mar, como gran parte de su obra, "Benito Cereno", novela breve publicada por entregas en 1855, es una historia que bordea el género de misterio y, por momentos, el de terror. El hallazgo por parte del capitán Amasa Delano de un buque guiado por una tripulación de extraño comportamiento y el medido descubrimiento de aquello que late bajo la inquietante atmósfera que lo rodea hacen de esta obra una de las más logradas y singulares del autor de "Moby Dick", de "Billy Budd, marinero" y de "Bartleby, el escribiente".
de Gruyter Thüringischer Dialektatlas
Mockingbird Books Nine Years Among the Indians
Foster Academics Handbook of Oral-Systemic Health
Broadview Press Ltd Moby-Dick; or, the Whale: Selections
When Melville completed Moby-Dick, he wrote to Nathaniel Hawthorne that “I have written a wicked book, and feel spotless as a lamb.” While it took the world some time to appreciate the magnitude of Melville’s achievement, Moby-Dick is now widely considered one of the greatest works of American literature. It is, however, long, and students in semester-long courses will often not have a chance to read the novel in its entirety. The Broadview Moby-Dick: A Selection offers a robust sampling of chapters, chosen to give students a thorough initiation into the novel’s plot, as well as into the full range of its themes and stylistic experimentation. This edition also includes substantial, clear, and helpful annotations to help students successfully navigate Melville’s language and range of references.This volume is one of a number of editions that have been drawn from the pages of the acclaimed Broadview Anthology of American Literature; like the others, it is designed to make a range of material from the anthology available in a format convenient for use in a wide variety of contexts.
Rubank Publications String Companions Volume 2
Rubank Publications Apollo Album WhistlerHummel
Simon & Schuster The Lawgiver
Simon & Schuster This Is Herman Cain!: My Journey to the White House
Former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza answers his most-asked question: Who is Herman Cain? When Herman Cain speaks, people listen. When he debates, he wins. If you care about the future of America, you have heard of the down-to-earth political newcomer running for president, the straight-talking man of the people with blunt assessments of what America needs. Originally overlooked by mainstream politicos and media, Herman Cain is truly a candidate from “outside the Beltway,” but no longer one who is being ignored. BUT WHO IS HE? While Herman Cain has been the host of a popular conservative Atlanta-area radio talk show called The Herman Cain Show, a different name originally captured American interest. As CEO, Herman Cain transformed Godfather’s Pizza from a company teetering on the verge of bankruptcy into a household word. Cain—as those with an interest in commonsense solutions to political problems will remember—is also famous for using the language and logic of everyday business to expose the fallacies inherent in Clinton assumptions about “Hillarycare” during a 1994 televised town hall meeting. WHAT IS HIS STORY? Herman Cain’s rise is the embodiment of the American dream. His parents, Luther and Lenora Cain, made a living the only way black people could in the ’40s and ’50s. Luther held down three jobs, including being a chauffeur; Lenora cleaned houses. They had two big dreams: to buy a house and to see their sons graduate from college. With dedication and hard work, they made both these dreams come true. In this thrilling memoir, Herman Cain describes his past and present . . . and the future he is determined to create, a future that will put our country back on track. His message resonates because he describes the American reality, and his down-to-earth personal tale of hope and hard work is both unforgettable and inspirational. *** What is it in my DNA that years ago prompted me to forgo the ease of cruise control and take on the enormous challenge of doing my part toward making America a better place for my granddaughter and the generations to come? Why do I, a son of the segregated South, refuse to think of myself as a “victim” of racism? What is it that motivates me to insist on defining my identity in terms of “ABC”—as being American first, black second, and Conservative third? Just who is Herman Cain? And how did I get this way? Just a hint: it may have had something to do with lessons learned from my parents, Lenora and Luther Cain, Jr. —From This Is Herman
Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group Inc Billy Budd, Sailor, and Other Stories
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Amelia Bedelia Bind-up: Books 5 and 6: Amelia Bedelia Shapes Up; Amelia Bedelia Cleans Up
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Amelia Bedelia is For the Birds
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book #6: Amelia Bedelia Cleans Up
HarperCollins Publishers Inc The Happy Failure: Stories
"Melville at his best invariably wrote from a sort of dream self, so that events which he relates as actual fact have indeed a far deeper reference to his own soul, his own inner life." - D.H. Lawrence. Here are ten stories that represent some of the best short work of American master Herman Melville, including "Bartleby, the Scrivener: A Story of Wall-Street," "The Happy Failure," and "The Paradise of Bachelors and The Tartarus of Maids." Alongside THE HAPPY FAILURE, Harper Perennial will publish the short fiction of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Leo Tolstoy, Willa Cather, Stephen Crane, and Oscar Wilde to be packaged in a beautifully designed, boldly colorful boxset in the aim to attract contemporary fans of short fiction to these revered masters of the form. Also, in each of these selections will appear a story from one of the new collections being published in the "Summer of the Short Story." A story from Alex Burrett's forthcoming collection, MY GOAT ATE ITS OWN LEGS, will be printed at the back of this volume.
New in Chess Angriffsschach für Vereinspieler
Hase und Igel Verlag GmbH Moby Dick Schulausgabe
DuMont Buchverlag GmbH Warten auf Godeau
Outlook Verlag Alfried Krupp.
Manesse Verlag Stuck Roman
Coppenrath F Moby Dick
Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH Einfach leben Roman
dtv Verlagsgesellschaft MobyDick oder Der Wal Roman
Diogenes Verlag AG Meistererzählungen
Klett Sprachen GmbH Moby Dick Buch AudioCD Englische Lektre fr das 5 und 6 Lernjahr
Hansib Publications Limited Belonging: Fate and Changing Realities
Little, Brown & Company Don't Stop the Carnival
Little, Brown & Company War and Remembrance
University of Illinois Press Media, Geopolitics, and Power: A View from the Global South
The end of apartheid brought South Africa into the global media environment. Outside companies invested in the nation's newspapers while South African conglomerates pursued lucrative tech ventures and communication markets around the world. Many observers viewed the rapid development of South African media as a roadmap from authoritarianism to global modernity. Herman Wasserman analyzes the debates surrounding South Africa's new media presence against the backdrop of rapidly changing geopolitics. His exploration reveals how South African disputes regarding access to, and representation in, the media reflect the domination and inequality in the global communication sphere. Optimists see post-apartheid media as providing a vital space that encourages exchanges of opinion in a young democracy. Critics argue the public sphere mirrors South Africa's past divisions and privileges the viewpoints of the elite. Wasserman delves into the ways these simplistic narratives obscure the country's internal tensions, conflicts, and paradoxes even as he charts the diverse nature of South African entry into the global arena.
Columbia University Press The Theory Mess: Deconstruction in Eclipse
Although deconstruction has become a popular catchword, as an intellectual movement it has never entirely caught on within the university. For some in the academy, deconstruction, and Jacques Derrida in particular, are responsible for the demise of accountability in the study of literature. Countering these facile dismissals of Derrida and deconstruction, Herman Rapaport explores the incoherence that has plagued critical theory since the 1960s and the resulting legitimacy crisis in the humanities. Against the backdrop of a rich, informed discussion of Derrida's writings-and how they have been misconstrued by critics and admirers alike-The Theory Mess investigates the vicissitudes of Anglo-American criticism over the past thirty years and proposes some possibilities for reform.
The University of Chicago Press The Struggle for Constitutional Justice in Post-Communist Europe
In the former Eastern Bloc countries, one of the most important, and most difficult, aspects of the transition to democracy has been the establishment of constitutional justice and the rule of law. Herman Schwartz's wide-ranging book is the first to chronicle and analyze the rise of constitutional courts in this changing region. Beginning with a brief history of the courts prior to 1989, Schwartz draws on his expertise as a constitutional scholar and long-time adviser to many of these countries to compare their jurisprudence with relevant American and West European law. He then focuses in detail on the relative success stories of Poland and Hungary, where the courts faced little opposition, and the more problematic situations in Russia, Slovakia and Bulgaria, where the courts' independence and very existence were threatened by both old-line communists and new-style authoritarians. With a wealth of historical and other information, backed up by a massive array of research, the book is a remarkably rich, yet accessible, source for anyone interested in the ongoing struggles of post-Communist Europe.
HarperCollins Publishers Moby Dick (Collins Classics)
HarperCollins is proud to present its new range of best-loved, essential classics. ‘Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee…’ Few literary masterpieces cast quite as awesome a shadow as Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. Captain Ahab’s quest for the white whale is a timeless epic – a thrilling tale of vengeance and obsession, and a searing parable about humanity lost in a universe of moral ambiguity. Inspired by true events, Moby Dick is a work of astonishing psychological depth. It is perhaps the finest sea story ever told and one of the great classics of literature.
Penguin Random House South Africa Hoerkind: Die Memoires Van ‘n Randeier
Die joernalis en skrywer Herman Lategan word vroeg reeds ʼn hoerkind genoem. Hy is buite die eg gebore. As kind word hy brandarm groot; daar is ʼn skaarste aan kos. Op ses gaan hy vir ʼn jaar kinderhuis toe. Om soos ʼn weggooikind te voel spook dekades lank by hom. Albei sy ouers word alkoholiste. Sy stiefpa skiet op hom. Op 13 beland hy in die kloue van ʼn pedofiel. In sy tienerjare bevriend hy Afrikaanse digters soos Sheila Cussons, Ina Rousseau, Barend J. Toerien en Casper Schmidt. Hy word in die weermag toegesluit. As jongeling vertrek hy na New York waar hy die kunstenaar Andy Warhol op straat agtervolg. Hy keer terug na Suid-Afrika waar hy op die strate beland. Later gaan hy na verskeie rehabilitasiesentrums vir alkohol- en dwelmafhanklikheid. Een aand word hy gyselaar gehou en met ʼn mes gesteek. Hy verloor byna sy been ná ʼn motorongeluk tydens ʼn besoek aan die oudrugbyspeler Mannetjies Roux se plaas. Later vind hy ’n veilige hawe wanneer sy pad met dié van Graham Sonnenberg kruis. Hy maak opgang as joernalis wat na die verste uithoeke van die wêreld reis. Hoerkind is ’n aangrypende relaas oor verlies én oorwinning.
Penguin Books Ltd Billy Budd, Bartleby, and Other Stories
One of the BBC's '100 Novels That Shaped Our World'Though best-known for his epic masterpiece Moby-Dick, Herman Melville also left a body of short stories arguably unmatched in American fiction. In the sorrowful tragedy of Billy Budd,Sailor; the controlled rage of Benito Cereno; and the tantalizing enigma of Bartleby, the Scrivener; Melville reveals himself as a singular storyteller of tremendous range and compelling power. In these stories, Melville cuts to the heart of race, class, capitalism, and globalism in America, deftly navigating political and social issues that resonate as clearly in our time as they did in Melville's. Also including The Piazza Tales in full, this collection demonstrates why Melville stands not only among the greatest writers of the nineteenth century, but also as one of our greatest contemporaries.This Penguin Classics edition features the Reading Text of Billy Budd, Sailor, as edited from a genetic study of the manuscript by Harrison Hayford and Merton M. Sealts, Jr., and the authoritative Northwestern-Newberry text of The Piazza Tales.
Hancock House Aratingas
Hancock House Publishers Ltd ,Canada Australian Parakeets: and their mutations
Pearson Education L2Moby Dick Book MP3 Pack
Bartleby Press Der Payatz: Around the World with Yiddish Theater
Herman Yablokoff was a master of his craft. He was an actor, singer, songwriter, playwright, director, and producer in a world that has virtually disappeared.In his autobiography, Yablokoff the showman stages a vivid recreation of his times. The result is breathtaking and captivating as Yablokoff, with genuine theatrical style, offers the story of his life.Originally published in Yiddish, Der Payatz was translated by Bella Mysell, Yablokoff’s wife and herself a star of the Yiddish stage. They were a popular team for many years.By the time Herman Yablokoff died the Yiddish culture in which he thrived had already largely vanished. But he leaves an enduring look at that culture. The master showman captures all the drama and excitement of the world in which he lived, giving us a riveting picture of a time that no longer exists.
Liberty Fund Inc Webster-Hayne Debate on the Nature of the Union
Fordham University Press A New Birth of Freedom: The Republican Party and the Freedmen's Rights
A New Birth of Freedom: The Republican Party and Freedmen’s Rights, 1861–1866, is an account of how laws, policies and constitutional amendments defining and protecting the personal liberty and civil rights of the country’s African American population were adopted during the Civil War. A study in legal and constitutional history, it complements and forms a necessary predicate to the social history of emancipation that is the principal focus of contemporary Civil War scholarship. The relevance of the legal dimension in the struggle for black freedom is attested by the observation that many slaves "learned the letter of the law so they could seemingly recite from memory" passages from congressional measures prohibiting the return of escaped slaves to disloyal owners and guaranteeing their personal liberty.