Search results for ""University College Dublin Press""
University College Dublin Press Gathered Beneath the Storm: Wallace Stevens Nature and Community
Wallace Stevens (1879-1955) has been acknowledged by writers as diverse as Harold Bloom, Adrienne Rich and R.S. Thomas as one of the central poets of the 20th century. Justin Quinn offers a fundamental reassessment of Stevens's work and the connections it makes between nature, community and art. He engages fully with the recent wave of historicist criticism, and displays the shortcomings of this approach, not only for a reading of Stevens, but also for literature in general. Quinn asks in his introduction "why shouldn't there be a criticism which attends to the societal contexts of poetry without reneging on responsibilities to poetry as a discourse distinct from politics and ideology, one with its own special rhetorical funds and resources, which can nevertheless allow it to comment on the political aspects of our lives in special ways?" His book responds to that requirement and is a valuable contribution to the critical debate on Wallace Stevens's poetry.
University College Dublin Press Tour of the Darkling Plain: The "Finnegans Wake" Letters of Thornton Wilder andAdaline Glasheen.195: The "Finnegans Wake" Letters of Thornton Wilder andAdaline Glasheen.195
Letters written between 1950 and 1975 by Thornton Wilder and Adaline Glasheen discussing their reading of Finnegan's Wake.
University College Dublin Press Racine: The Power and the Pleasure: The Power and the Pleasure
Essays in English by French, Irish and German academics, which explore the relevance and interest of the tragic theatre today of the French dramatist, Jean Racine (1639-99).
University College Dublin Press Religion and Politics: East-West Contrasts from Contemporary Europe: East-West Contrasts from Contemporary Europe
Essays on the church and religion in contemporary Europe.
University College Dublin Press Broken Line: Denis Devlin and Irish Poetic Modernism: Denis Devlin and Irish Poetic Modernism
This is a study of one of the most important poets of the mid 20th-century. At the time of his death, Denis Devlin was Irish ambassador to Italy. This book looks at Devlin's work within the aftermath of the Irish literary revival and Anglo-American and French modernism and then relates it to the work of Devlin's contemporaries (such as Thomas McGreevy, Brian Coffey and Samuel Beckett) and to modernism poets since his death.
University College Dublin Press Civil War in Ulster: its Objects and Probable Consequences: its Objects and Probable Consequences
Joseph Johnston was an Ulster Protestant Liberal, in favour of Home Rule by Britain. He published this book in 1913 to persuade the majority of Ulstermen that the dangers they saw were imaginary, and that avoiding Home Rule was not worth a civil war. He examined the events leading up to the massive arming of the Orangemen. He made the case that Home Rule had many positive features, and that none of the perceived negative features were worth fighting a civil war to avoid. In the Classics of Irish History series, this is its first reprinting since 1914.
University College Dublin Press Oracles of God: The Roman Catholic Church and Irish Politics, 1922-37: The Roman Catholic Church and Irish Politics, 1922-37
This volume presents a detailed account of the political outlook and activities of the Roman Catholic clergy, nationally and in the localities, during the 15 years after the Treaty. The author discusses the clerical response to the Treaty, the involvement of bishops and priests in pro-Treaty and anti-Treaty politics, their dealings with Fianna Fail, and the fundamentalist Republicans of the left and right, and the Northern state.
University College Dublin Press Oracles of God: The Roman Catholic Church and Irish Politics, 1922-37: The Roman Catholic Church and Irish Politics, 1922-37
This volume presents a detailed account of the political outlook and activities of the Roman Catholic clergy, nationally and in the localities, during the 15 years after the Treaty. The author discusses the clerical response to the Treaty, the involvement of bishops and priests in pro-Treaty and anti-Treaty politics, their dealings with Fianna Fail, and the fundamentalist Republicans of the left and right, and the Northern state.
University College Dublin Press Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition in Social Context:Crosslinguistic Perspectives: Crosslinguistic Perspectives
Contemporary Approaches to Second Language Acquisition in Social Context contains new research in the area of social context and second language acquisition. In the past twenty years, an explosion of research is resulting in a better understanding of the total process of acquisition from multiple perspectives: cognitive, linguistic and social. Recently, the important implications of social factors in acquisition are being recognized. The book contains work by leading researchers in the field. It deals with an unusually wide variety of target and source languages, including English-speaking children acquiring Irish, Chinese adults acquiring Hungarian, Moroccan children acquiring Dutch and Dutch learners acquiring French.
University College Dublin Press Unappeasable Host: Studies in Irish Identities: Studies in Irish Identities
The Unappeasable Host: Studies in Irish Identities explores some of the tensions created when Anglo-Irish writers - Protestant in religion, of non-Irish ancestryreflected upon their preferred subject matter, Ireland and their unhyphenated Catholic contemporaries. These tensions involve the writers' sense of anxiety about their own membership in the Irish community, and at the same time their anxiety about losing their distinctive identity. Anglo-Irish writers founded modern Irish literature in English, identifying themselves with their native country and its people. Yet they often felt themselves surrounded and watched by an 'Unappeasable Host', a population that resented them. Robert Tracy discusses Irish writers who in England were considered Irish, in Ireland English - including Maria Edgeworth and Lady Morgan, the Banim brothers, Roger O'Connor, Sheridan Le Fanu, W. B. Yeats, J. M. Synge, Elizabeth Bowen - together with James Joyce, who, although neither of English ancestry nor Protestant, similarly focuses on individuals separated or excluded from the Irish life around them.
University College Dublin Press Media Audiences in Ireland: Power and Cultural Identity: Power and Cultural Identity
Exploring key areas relating to media, power and cultural identity, this study looks at the effects of the media in Ireland, first radio, then television, and now the newer media.
University College Dublin Press Advances in Behaviour Analysis
Organized in three parts, conceptual issues, applied issues and experimental issues, this book focuses on advanced topics in behaviour analysis and the psychology of learning. It is a joint venture with the Behaviour Analysis in Ireland Group.
University College Dublin Press James Joyce's Negations: Irony, Indeterminacy and Nihilism in "Ulysses" and OtherWritings
The main purpose of this book is to validate a reading of Joyce in negative terms. Central to the enquiry is an examination of the roles of irony and of indeterminacy. Irony, interpreted in metaphysical rather than merely rhetorical terms, is envisaged as deriving from two separate if related orientations, one associated with Friedrich Schlegel, the other with Gustave Flaubert. Insofar as Joyce's work (including "Ulysses") owes more to the latter than the former, it forgoes the genial humour central to Schlegel's theories, and embraces instead the ironic detachment and formal control of a Flaubertian perspective. Such irony (which entails a suspicion of sentiment and a related dehumanisation of character, as in some of the stories in Dubliners) becomes normative in Joyce, and along with a similarly deflationary parody pervades "Ulysses". In addition, a persistent indeterminacy is established as early as 'The Dead', so that it becomes impossible in that story to adjudicate between not just contradictory but mutually exclusive interpretations. Such indeterminacy is pushed to further extremes in "Ulysses", with its notorious proliferation of narrative perspectives. As a corollary to the work's encyclopaedic inclusiveness and quotidian particularism, every detail tends to assume the same significance as every other; the consequence being that (in Gyorgy Lukacs' famous formulation) we lose all sense of any 'hierarchy of meaning'. From that it is but a step to Franco Moretti's assessment that in "Ulysses" everyday existence remains 'inert, opaque - meaningless', and that in fact the whole point is to represent the meaningless precisely 'as meaningless'. Indeterminacy, in effect, ushers in the possibility of nihilism. The analysis of "Ulysses" culminates with the attempt (unavailing in both cases) to discover in either Bloom or Molly a genuine source of countervailing affirmation. The study concludes with a brief consideration of the polysemic vocabulary of "Finnegans Wake" as a logical extrapolation of the poetics of indeterminacy.
University College Dublin Press The Galtee Boy: A Fenian Prison Narrative
This very vivid memoir describes the prison experiences of a Cork Fenian activist, John Sarsfield Casey. 'The Galtee Boy' was a name used by Casey when he sent letters for publication to newspapers, one of which was used against him at his trial in 1865. His memoir was written after he had returned from deportation and describes the period from his arrest in 1865, his trial in Cork and conditions in Mountjoy, Millbank, Pentonville and Portland prisons. His memoir is the most extensive surviving account from the Fenian side of the experiences of those prisoners detained in Cork. Biographies of people mentioned in the memoir are given in an appendix.
University College Dublin Press Victory of Sinn Fein: How it Won it and How it Used it: How it Won it and How it Used it
The Victory of Sinn Fein, originally published in 1924, contains eyewitness accounts of the events in Ireland 1916-23, written from the viewpoint of the Irish Republican Brotherhood.
University College Dublin Press The Theorising Irish Social Policy
Theorising Irish Social Policy addresses theoretical and conceptual debates underpinning Irish social policy and is an advanced text for courses in social policy as well as being intended for academics, researchers, policy analysts and policy makers. It will be an invaluable aid for students who in the past were left to their own devices in the task of relating internationally developed themes and frameworks to Irish developments. The book is comprehensive in its choice of themes which include an introductory discussion on locating Irish social policy, followed by chapters written by leading Irish academics on globalisation; communitarianism, social capital and subsidiarity; individualisation; women, autonomy and bodily integrity; fathers, identity and well-being; poverty and insecurity; equity, efficiency and health care; difference and social diversity; rights and judicial activism. Theorising Irish Social Policy is part of the University College Dublin Press series of social policy texts, which include Contemporary Irish Social Policy (1999), Irish Social Policy in Context (1999), Disability and Social Policy in Ireland (2003) and Mental Health and Social Policy in Ireland (forthcoming, 2005).
University College Dublin Press The Letters of Peter le Page Renouf (1822-97): v. 2: Besancon (1846-1854): v. 2: Besancon (1846-1854)
Sir Peter le Page Renouf (1822-97), a Guernseyman, was described by Lord Acton as "the most learned Englishman I know". The remarkable collection of his surviving letters, to be published in four volumes by University College Dublin Press between 2002 and 2004, covers Renouf's varied career from his days as a student in Oxford, his time as a lecturer in the 1850s at the new Catholic University in Dublin until after his retirement as Keeper of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities at the British Museum. The letters in volume 2 cover Renouf's years as Tutor to the son of the Comte de Vaulchier in France and, from 1850, there are frequent trips to Switzerland. People and places are vividly described in his letters to his family. The letters of 1848 are particularly interesting on account of the revolution. Through the Comte de Vaulchier he had come to know Adolphe de Circourt, Lamartine's friend, and he was kept well informed about the political situation as it developed. He was preoccupied with politics again in 1851 and for a time helped the Comte, who was a liberal and well-educated man, to edit Union France-Comte, the provincial newspaper of Franche-Comte.
University College Dublin Press Inside Rural Ireland
University College Dublin Press Redress: Ireland's Institutions and Transitional Justice
How will Ireland redress its legacy of institutional abuse? What constitutes justice? What is Transitional Justice? How might democracy evolve if survivors' experiences and expertise were allowed to lead the response to a century of gender- and family separation-based abuses? REDRESS: Ireland's Institutions and Transitional Justice seeks the answers. This collection explores the ways in which Ireland - North and South - treats those who suffered in Magdalene Laundries, Mother and Baby Homes, County Homes, industrial and reformatory schools, and in a closed and secretive adoption system, over the last 100 years. The essays focus on the structures which perpetuated widespread and systematic abuses in the past and consider how political arrangements continue to exert power over survivors, adopted people and generations of relatives, as well as controlling the remains and memorialisation of the dead. As we mark the centenary of both jurisdictions on the island of Ireland, REDRESS: Ireland's Institutions and Transitional Justice forensically examines the two states' so-called 'redress' schemes and investigations, and the statements of apology that accompanied them. With diverse and interdisciplinary perspectives, this collection considers how a Transitional Justice-based, survivor-centred, approach might assist those personally affected, policy makers, the public, and academics to evaluate the complex ways in which both the Republic and Northern Ireland (and other states in a comparative context) have responded to their histories of institutionalisation and family separation. Importantly, the essays collected in REDRESS: Ireland's Institutions and Transitional Justice seek to offer avenues by which to redress this legacy of continuing harms.
University College Dublin Press Queer Whispers; Gay and Lesbian Voices of Irish Fiction
Before gay decriminalisation in 1993, there was no solid gay or lesbian tradition in Irish writing, due to the political and cultural dominance of a conservative, censorious Catholic ideology that conflated itself with notions of national identity and social respectability. Praised today as a beacon of gay rights, Ireland has become the first nation to legalise same-sex marriage by popular vote in 2015. Significantly, whereas in the recent past there was much silence, stigma and prejudice surrounding homosexuality, now there is a plethora of voices reclaiming equality, visibility and recognition. Yet today's liberal culture still silences aspects of gay and lesbian life which go beyond the parameters of the 'socially acceptable' homosexual. Queer Whispers: Gay and Lesbian Voices in Irish Fiction is the first comprehensive survey of gay and lesbian-themed fiction in Ireland, from the late 1970s until today. The book foregrounds the cultural contribution of Irish writers whose subversive, dissident voices decidedly challenged not only the homophobia and heteronormative values of Catholic Ireland, but also the persistent discrimination of more liberal times. Through the analyses of representative novels and short stories, the book addresses a number of social issues - lesbian invisibility, same-sex parenthood, sexual subcultures, HIV/AIDS and the liberalisation of Ireland, among many others -, considering how these fictions favoured a broader cultural and political awareness of the oppression and silencing of lesbian and gay people over the last decades in Ireland. The writing explored in Queer Whispers consistently exposes the limitations imposed by silence, and, while doing so, articulates a new language of recognition and resilience of the continued struggles faced by queer Ireland. 'Kudos to Jose Carregal for gathering the scattered pieces of LGBT representation in Irish literature from the 1970s and producing an intelligent and insightful analysis. Queer Whispers is a long overdue and crucial study.' - Emma Donoghue
University College Dublin Press One Foot in a Spanish Grave: Eugene Downing's Memoir of the International Brigades in Spain
Eugene Downing (1913–2003) was not your usual Irish brigader: a communist from his teenage years, an urbanised skilled worker, and an Irish language enthusiast. Downing had no immediate Republican record, joining the communist Workers Groups in Dublin just out of his apprenticeship as an electrician. Despite this backdrop, Downing spent nine months in the International Brigades Spain before being invalided home (amputated lower left leg) in December 1938. His memoirs are presented here in English for the first time. One Foot in a Spanish Grave: Eugene Downing’s Memoir of the International Brigades in Spain – published in the Irish language as La Nina Bonita agus An Róisín Dubh: Cuimhní Cinn ar Chogadh Cathartha na Spáinne – has been long worthy of a translation into English. The structure of the original Irish text has been altered slightly, with some appendices omitted. Translated by Micheál Ó hAodha, edited and introduced by Barry McLoughlin, One Foot in a Spanish Grave begins with Brendan Byrne, Eugene’s nephew, sharing his memories of a highly non-conformist uncle. Downing’s portrayal of life in the International Brigades is often humourous, greatly generous when judging others, but ultimately critical of political zealotry. He proves himself to be a wry observer of his fellow volunteers and of his own youthful militancy in the virulently anti-communist Dublin of the 1930s. This text is a translation of Eoghan Ó Duinnín’s (Eugene Downing’s) book La Nina Bonita agus An Róisín Dubh: Cuimhní Cinn ar Chogadh Cathartha na Spáinne (An Clóchomhar, Baile Átha Cliath, 1986). The Irish-language rights for this book lie with Cló Iar-Chonnacht, Indreabhán, Co. na Gaillimhe.
University College Dublin Press Producing Knowledge, Reproducing Gender: Power, Production and Practice in Contemporary Ireland
This fresh collection of essays examines the continued significance of gender as a marker of inequality in the lives of women across diverse contexts in Irish society. It is a cliche to say that we live in a knowledge society, but exactly whose knowledge sets the economic, political, social, and cultural parameters in any given society? Contributors tackle this question by taking the reader on a gender knowledge journey through the contemporary workplace, the state and civil society and into the education and wider cultural domains. The essays demonstrate the persistence of power differentials, the resilience of gender stereotypes and the ongoing reproduction of specific kinds of gender exclusions. Ideas about gender (often outdated and ill conceived) continue to maintain existing power imbalances in tech work, finance, education, and media. Those ideas also frame public policy debates about sex work, homelessness, women's activism and reproductive rights. Finally, a gender knowledge perspective reveals the downstream impact of gender and others forms of difference and inequality in relation to the teaching profession, game culture, book reviewing and access to archival materials on historical abuse. Producing Knowledge, Reproducing Gender: power, production and practice in Ireland will appeal to those interested in gender studies, political sociology and the sociology of knowledge.
University College Dublin Press No Authority: Writings from the Laureate for Irish Fiction
In three urgent pieces of non-fiction Anne Enright explores speech and silence in the lives of Irish women: the long silence surrounding the Mother and Baby home in Tuam which was broken by the voice of Catherine Corless, the silence of Irish literary critics in response to work by women, and the reclaimed voice of the Irish writer Maeve Brennan. The short story form is celebrated with two new pieces of writing, and a biographical piece looks at the role of Canadian fiction in her reading life.
University College Dublin Press Women Writing War: Ireland 1880-1922
Women's literary expressions of war have long been neglected and at times forgotten in Irish scholarship. In Women Writing War: Ireland 1880-1922 many of these forgotten women are revealed through their writings as culturally active and deeply invested in the political and military struggles of their turbulent times. From the Land Wars to the Boer Wars, from the First World War to the Easter Rising, the War of Independence and the Civil War, the fascinating women considered in this volume-grapple with the experiential representation of conflicts. The diverse range of topics explored include: women's eye- witness accounts of 1916, Winifred Letts's First World War poetry, the political rhetoric and experiences of Anna Parnell and Anne Blunt during the Land War, Peggie Kelly's fiction and Cumann na mBan activism, the cultural nationalism of northern. Protestant "New Women" of the Glens of Antrim, Una Ni Fhaircheallaigh's Irish language activism in and beyond the Gaelic League, Emily Lawless's Boer War diary as well as the dramatic collaboration of sisters Eva Gore-Booth and Countess Markievicz.The book also includes a preface by historian Margaret Ward and an extract from Lia Mills's award-winning historical novel Fallen, set in Dublin during the Easter Rising (selected as the 2016 'One City One Book' choice for both Dublin and Belfast). Engaging with recent Scholarly debates on sexuality, war writing, and the politics of Irish warfare, the authors of Women Writing War explore the ways in which conflict narratives have been read - and interpreted - as deeply gendered. Radicals, revolutionaries and queer activists, as well as women who remained attached to the domestic sphere, are all represented in this original and provocative volume on the relationship between women and conflict.
University College Dublin Press Shane O'Neill
Shane O'Neill played a key role in Ireland's story in the sixteenth century, yet he has suffered a peculiar fate. Memorialised in drama, poetry and fiction as 'Shane the Proud', he has been remarkably neglected by historians who have been content - or resigned - to accept the largely personalised accounts of his character and actions, broadcast by his enemies, as a fair estimation of his historical significance. In this extended and critical study of Shane's life and times, Ciaran Brady, leading historian in Early Modern History, returns this neglected and misunderstood historical figure to his rightful place - at the centre of this turbulent period in Irish history. Based on a detailed examination of all the available primary sources, and also on a critical examination of the stories and myths that came to surround Shane, Brady offers an original interpretation that sets Shane against the multi-layered backgrounds of Ulster, Irish and English Court politics of his time - moving away from the conventional cultural stereotypes through which Shane and his contemporaries have been customarily interpreted.In doing so Brady reveals not only the highly complex nature of the problems confronting Shane and his English adversaries, and the genuine nature of the attempts of both sides to find a permanent solution on mutually acceptable terms, but also the combination of surface contingencies and deeper ideological forces that doomed their efforts to failure.
University College Dublin Press Civil War in Ulster
The Centenary Classics series examines the fascinating time of change and evolution in the Ireland of 100 years ago during the 1916-23 revolutionary period. Each volume is introduced by Fearghal McGarry who sets the scene of this important period in Ireland's history. Civil War in Ulster, originally published in 1913, analyses the events leading up to the massive arming of the Orangemen which followed the Larne gun-running. Joseph Johnston was an Ulster Protestant writing as a liberal supporter of Home Rule. He gives the book's target Protestant readership an outline of recent Irish history, making the case that Home Rule had many positive features, and that none of the perceived negative features would be worth fighting a civil war to avoid. Although Johnston's objective in writing the book was unsuccessful and the point of view has been largely forgotten, his highly readable book provides a fascinating insight into the thoughts and fears of the population of Ulster at a critical time in Irish history and the foreword and introduction, by Tom Garvin and Roy Johnston, give a contemporary analysis of the thinking behind Johnston's unusual stand.
University College Dublin Press The Encyclopaedia of Music in Ireland
The Encyclopaedia of Music in Ireland (EMIR) is the first comprehensive attempt to chart Irish musical life across recorded history. It also documents Ireland's musical relations with the world at large, notably in Britain, continental Europe and North America, and it seeks to identify the agencies through which music has become an enduring expression of Irish political, social, religious and cultural life. In these respects, EMIR is the collective work of 240 contributors whose research has been marshalled by an editorial and advisory board of specialists in the following domains of Irish musical experience: secular and religious music to 1600; art music, 1600-2010; Roman catholic church music; Protestant church music; popular music; traditional music; organology and iconography; historical musicology; ethnomusicology; the history of recorded sound; music and media; music printing and publishing; and, music in Ireland as trade, industry and profession. EMIR contains some 2,000 individual entries which collectively afford an unprecedented survey of the fabric of music in Ireland. It records and evaluates the work of hundreds of individual musicians, performers, composers, teachers, collectors, scholars, ensembles, societies and institutions throughout Irish musical history, and it comprehends the relationship between music and its political, artistic, religious, educational and social contexts in Ireland from the early middle ages to the present day. In its extensive catalogues, discographies and source materials, EMIR sets in order, often for the first time, the legacy and worklists of performers and composers active in Ireland (or of Irish extraction), notably (but not exclusively) in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. It offers to the general reader a regiment of 'brief lives' of Irish musicians throughout history, and it affords the specialist a detailed retrieval of information on music in Ireland hitherto unavailable or difficult to access. Above all, it is (proverbially) encyclopaedic in its address on the plurality and diversity of Irish musical experience. To this end, EMIR represents the single largest research project on music in Ireland to have been undertaken to date.
University College Dublin Press The Queen of the Hearth
Father Patrick Dinneen is justly famous as the compiler of Focloir Gaedhilge agus Bearla / An Irish-English Dictionary. His ideas reached a fairly wide audience in the nationalist community through his Irish-language column in The Leader, a column he contributed to with very few exceptions every week for more than twenty years. As the first real columnist writing in Irish, Dinneen used these newspaper pieces to deal with an impressively diverse range of topics, from American racism, to English poetry, to the history and literature of ancient Greece and Rome, but predictably enough he devoted most of his attention to Irish affairs, leaving readers in little doubt about his feelings on issues of the day such as Home Rule, education, the labour movement, the Easter Rising, the Civil War. Father Patrick Dinneen was a prolific and highly opinionated controversialist, engaging with gusto in almost all of the political and cultural debates in Ireland in the first three decades of the twentieth century. The Queen of the Hearth is a significant document, as an insight into the ideas of a major Irish-Ireland intellectual on one of the most important political, social, and moral questions of his time. It is an extended insight into the kind of thinking that lies behind the articles dealing with women and the family in DeValera's 1937 Constitution. This intriguing work offers the original text preceded by a general introduction by leading Irish studies scholar Philip O'Leary.
University College Dublin Press The Depiction of Eviction in Ireland 1845-1910
Dispossession has a long and tortuous history in Ireland, reaching back to the eleventh century. In the Victorian era, evictions became major social, cultural and political events, especially with the notorious clearances of the Great Famine years. In numbers, evictions declined dramatically after the mid-1850s, but in terms of media attention and political import they reached their zenith in the 1880s after the founding of the Irish National Land League. When tenantry defended their abodes, reporters and artists flocked to the scene and their descriptions of these conflicts form the central part of this book. Drawing on memoirs, ballads, poems, folklore and novels and providing numerous illustrations of contemporary prints and photographs, Curtis provides the first book-length study of rural evictions over a period of sixty years.
University College Dublin Press Endangered Masculinities in Irish Poetry 1540-1780
"Endangered Masculinities in Irish Poetry" examines the dynamic response of early modern Ireland's hereditary bardic professional poets to impinging colonial change. Having for generations validated the power of their patrons, policed communal norms and acted as self-conscious cultural custodians, these elite master-poets were both professionally obligated and personally motivated to defend both their community and their own way of life from renewed English aggression in the sixteenth century. Endangered masculinity, the oppositional rhetoric they crafted, drew on traditional poetic elements to evoke gender norms going dangerously awry, thereby challenging colonial authority and demanding collective defiance and communal consolidation against the threat of emasculation, penetration, and dissolution posed by political domination and cultural assimilation. With Gaelic defeat and subordination in the early seventeenth century, bardic poets' nonprofessional and increasingly demotic successors reworked endangered masculinity to confront ongoing colonial cultural change while demonstrating the persistent siren call of English goods and culture.Drawing on feminist, postcolonial and gender theory, Sarah McKibben argues for the ideological, representational and linguistic complexity of early modern Irish poetry as at once contesting and engaging the colonial authority it faced. "Endangered Masculinities in Irish Poetry" analyses the emergence and transformation of endangered masculinity through a sequence of close readings of compelling poetic texts in genres including bardic elegy and satire, aisling (or vision poem), accentual verse, song, oral lament and comic verse, with accompanying translations, to provide a novel literary-critical exposition of a vibrant and understudied poetic tradition.
University College Dublin Press People, Politics and Power: Essays on Irish History 1660-1850 in Honour of James I.McGuire
"People, Politics and Power" presents some of the most recent thinking on politics and society in Ireland from the Restoration to the Great Famine. Written by students and colleagues of James McGuire, the essays reflect McGuire's scholarly engagement with the interaction between the individual and the political arena, the Church of Ireland, the exercise of power in all its multifarious manifestations, and political biography. Each essay presents a new reading of the career of an emblematical figure, an important moment or a significant trend or issue, ranging across topics such as the legislative process, the politics of persuasion, life within the law and beyond it, constitutional change, religion and ideology. This book provides a stimulating new perspective on the various processes and influences that help to define people and their actions in Irish history between 1660 and 1850. James I. McGuire, the managing editor of the forthcoming seven-volume Dictionary of Irish Biography, lectured in history at University College Dublin for more than thirty years until his retirement in 2008. He was a highly respected editor of Ireland's leading history journal, Irish Historical Studies, for a number of years and is the author and editor of a series of seminal articles and collections that have had a major impact upon the historiography of Ireland. As chairman of the Irish Manuscripts Commission he has overseen a major revival in the published output and electronic resources of that body. As an undergraduate teacher and postgraduate supervisor, he nurtured sever generations of scholars in Irish history.
University College Dublin Press The Irish Boundary Commission and Its Origins 1886-1925
In this comprehensive history of the Irish Boundary Commission, Paul Murray looks at British attempts from 1886 on to satisfy the Irish Nationalist demand for Home Rule, Ulster and British Unionist resistance to this demand, the 1920 partition of Ireland and the 1921 Anglo-Irish Treaty, where the roots of the establishment of the Commission are to be found. The evidence presented at the Commission and the principles on which it based its decisions are analysed against the background of evolving British views on the dangers posed for British and Unionist interests on both islands by a radical redrawing of the 1920 border. New documentary evidence is brought to bear on the motivation of its Chairman Justice Feetham, his susceptibility to external influences, and the significance of his political background as possible factors in his final decisions. The history of the Irish Boundary Commission is shown to also be part of a larger European narrative. This study is, thus, the first large-scale attempt to consider its significance in its wider international context.
University College Dublin Press Supplements and Index to the Collected Works
Vol. 18 of the Collected Works, besides including the consolidated index to the Collected Works as a whole, contains two substantial supplements: a long and important critique on Freud written in the last weeks of Elias' life, not previously published in English; and an essay, not previously published in any language, on the anthropologist-philosopher Lucien Levy-Bruhl and the problem of 'the logical unity of humankind'. Both essays fill important gaps in Elias' work, and deal with common criticisms of his thought.
University College Dublin Press Interviews and Autobiographical Reflections
Vol. 17 of the Collected Works can serve as an excellent introduction to Elias's thinking overall. In the last decade of his life, Elias gave many interviews in which he discussed aspects of his work, rebutting many common misunderstandings of his thinking and further developing ideas sketched out in his writings. Besides a selection of these 'academic' interviews (many of them not previously published in English, or not published at all), the book contains his essay in intellectual autobiography and a long interview in which he talks about his own life.
University College Dublin Press The Birth of the Fenian Movement: American Diary, Brooklyn 1859
James Stephens' "American Diary" is one of the most important documents of early Fenianism. It uncovers the difficulties facing the movement's founders, and offers an insight into mid nineteenth-century American life and the Irish-American community. It also provides a unique first-hand impression of James Stephens' striking personality. It is one of Stephens' scarce full-length pieces and one of the best written, although it has not previously been published in its entirety.
University College Dublin Press Contemporary Ireland: A Sociological Map
"Contemporary Ireland: A Sociological Map" provides a very readable, in-depth description and analysis of the transformations that have taken place in Ireland over the past ten years during the heyday of the Celtic Tiger. The book will become an important introductory textbook for undergraduate students in sociology, Irish studies and the human sciences. But it is written in such a way that will be a useful resource to students in more advanced courses as well as the general reader interested in Irish society and culture. Although the book mainly maps changes in the South, it also contains full description and analysis of recent transformations in the North. The book is written by leading sociologists from UCD and other Irish universities who are experts in their field. The authors take a critical stance about the changes that have taken place in Irish society. It is part of the tradition of 'public sociology' in which sociologists raise and reflect on current social issues and debates. Each chapter introduces the reader to the sociological theories and concepts that are relevant to the topic. The reader is then shown how these apply to Ireland and the changes that have taken place in the last decade. The chapters conclude with some suggestions about the future directions of that field in the immediate future. "Contemporary Ireland" is arranged in six sections: contours of a changing Ireland; institutions; governance; economy, development and the Celtic Tiger; class, equality and inequality; and identity, diversity and culture.
University College Dublin Press The Open Secret of Ireland
"The Open Secret of Ireland", published in 1912, consists of articles primarily focused on Home Rule, offering both historical and contemporary analyses. The collection includes three articles focused on Unionism, particularly on Ulster Unionism, and Kettle's description of 'The Hallucination of Ulster' provides a fascinating insight into nationalist ideas about the fragility of the unionist bloc and the unreasonableness of their cause. This revealing and intriguing collection offers many insights into the motivations of the old Home Rule generation, convinced that their day had come and utterly unaware of the radical course Irish politics were to take in the next ten years. This edition includes an original introduction by John Redmond. It contains a new introduction by Senia Paseta.
University College Dublin Press Harold Wilson's EEC Application: Inside the Foreign Office 1964-7
Britain's policy towards Europe in the latter half of the twentieth century has been the subject of endless interest, scrutiny and debate. The European question has dominated foreign policy agendas from Churchill to Blair. This book seeks to further our knowledge of one of the most crucial periods for both Britain and Europe but also to enliven the debate concerning fundamental issues. Why, against a backdrop of the burgeoning 1960s, did the Labour Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, seek to replicate the path taken by his Conservative predecessor Harold Macmillan, and make an application to join the EEC? And why was he unable to succeed? These two questions are central to this study and their answers provide invaluable insights into the formulation, execution and fate of Britain's European policy during this period. Using newly released archival material in the National Archives and having consulted extensive interviews with many of the key political figures, Jane Toomey not only challenges old assumptions but also offers a new interpretation of Wilson's European diplomacy.
University College Dublin Press The Correspondence of Edward Hincks: v. 1: 1818-1849
Edward Hincks (1792-1866), the Irish Assyriologist and one of the decipherers of Mesopotamian cuneiform, was born in Cork and spent forty years of his life at Killyleagh, Co. Down, where he was the Church of Ireland Rector. He was educated at Middleton College, Co. Cork and Trinity College, Dublin, where he was an exceptionally gifted student. With the decipherment of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs by Jean Francois Champollion in 1822, Hincks became one of that first group of scholars to contribute to the elucidation of the language, chronology and religion of ancient Egypt. But his most notable achievement was the decipherment of Akkadian, the language of Babylonia and Assyria, and its complicated cuneiform writing system. Between 1846 and 1852, Hincks published a series of highly significant papers by which he established for himself a reputation of the first order as a decipherer. Most of the letters in these volumes have not been previously published. Much of the correspondence relates to nineteenth-century archaeological and linguistic discoveries, but there are also letters concerned with ecclesiastical affairs, the Famine and the Hincks family. The letters in volume 1 cover the period from the 1820s when Hincks was a young clergyman and scholar, applying himself assiduously to his family and parish duties, and vigorously pursuing his study of the ancient Egyptian language, to the years 1846-9 during which he announced his epoch-making discoveries in the decipherment of Akkadian and its cuneiform writing system. There are dozens of letters from friends and colleagues, which include exchanges on a variety of subjects and offer a fascinating picture of scholarly and intellectual activity, as well as of the political and ecclesiastical events of the time. Hincks' unique research never diverted him from his religious and civic responsibilities, especially during times of crisis like the Famine. Amongst Hincks' correspondents were Samuel Birch, Franz Bopp, Friedrich Georg Grotefend, William Rowan Hamilton, Christian Lassen, Austen Henry Layard, Edwin Norris, George Cecil Renouard, and Peter le Page Renouf. Volumes 2 and 3 will be published in 2008 and 2009 respectively.
University College Dublin Press John Berryman's Public Vision: Relocating the Scene of Disorder
Drawing on published and previously unpublished manuscript sources in poetry and prose, John Berryman's Public Vision offers an original reappraisal of an important twentieth-century American poet's work. Challenging the confessional labelling of him that has dominated his critical reception and popular perception for decades, the book argues that Berryman (1914-72) had a far greater concern for developments in the public sphere than has previously been acknowledged. It reassesses the poet's engagements with W.B. Yeats and Robert Bhain Campbell in the 1940s and offers radical re- contexualisations of Berryman's work from every stage of his career. Concluding with an account of Berryman's influence on contemporary writing on both sides of the Atlantic, John Berryman's Public Vision provides a detailed and comprehensive reconsideration of the poet's achievement in his centenary year.
University College Dublin Press Involvement and Detachment
"Involvement and Detachment" is much more than a discussion of 'objectivity' in the social sciences. It is Elias' major exposition of his sociological theory of the growth of knowledge and the sciences as an aspect of overall human social development. The essay 'The fishermen in the maelstrom' takes its title from a short story by Edgar Allan Poe, and is used to illustrate how fears have to be overcome in order for 'reality-adequate' knowledge - necessary to tackle the dangers from which the fears arise - to accumulate. Discussions of rising dangers in international relations show how far the theory of civilising process is from being a model of unilinear 'progress'. Two fragments on 'The great evolution' discuss the long-term development of the various levels of scientific knowledge - physical, biological and social. Originally written in English, it includes various passages omitted from the previous edition.
University College Dublin Press Landlords, Tenants, Famine: The Business of an Irish Land Agency in the 1840s
Desmond Norton's fascinating study of the relationships between landlords and tenants in Ireland during the Great Famine period of the 1840s is principally based on a large uncatalogued archive in private ownership of the Stewart and Kincaid land agents. Much of the information from this unique resource is being published for the first time. Norton challenges existing assumptions about landlord-tenant relations, emigration and land improvement during the famine decade. Messrs Stewart and Kincaid was a firm of land agents based in Dublin, and most of the correspondence was addressed to its office there. The letters in the archive relate mainly to the estates managed by the firm during the 1840s, and give a rounded picture of life in the Irish countryside during the period. They provide evidence of some humane and caring landlords, the activities of middlemen, suffering tenants and emigration in a large number of locations, including Sligo and Roscommon, Clare and Limerick, Kilkenny, Carlow and Westmeath. Many famous families appear such as the Pakenhams and Ponsonbys, well-known historical figures, such as Lord Palmerston, who was foreign secretary and prime minister, as well as being a landlord in Sligo and Dublin. The evidence of the Stewart and Kincaid archives is complemented by research into other family archives and from the author's meetings with descendants of many of the families discussed. "Landlords, Tenants, Famine" is an immensely important contribution to scholarship on the Great Famine and to nineteenth-century Irish economic history.
University College Dublin Press Quest for Excitement: Sport and Leisure in the Civilising Process
Elias effectively founded the modern sociology of sport in collaboration with Eric Dunning in the 1960s and 1970s. They argue that in highly constrained, 'civilised' societies, sports - as well as a spectrum of other cultural and leisure activities - are to be understood not in terms of 'relaxation' but rather of the need for pleasurable excitement and its pleasurable resolution.The topics range historically from the violence of the ancient Greek Olympic Games to foxhunting, early forms of football, and the question of why Britain proved to be the cradle of so many modern sports. And, today, what are the effects of achievement striving in elite sports? Why has spectator violence become such a problem? Why do so many sports retain the character of a 'male preserve'? Originally written in English, this volume has been thoroughly revised by Eric Dunning and includes one hitherto unpublished essay by Elias and a new essay by Dunning, bringing up to date his interpretation of football hooliganism.
University College Dublin Press Culture, Place and Identity
Drawing on the work of specialists in art history, religion, science, sport and leisure, war, and heritage studies, this volume explores aspects of the construction of national identity in Ireland and elsewhere. The book thus transcends some of the limiting, specialism boundaries which bedevil academia and restrict a proper understanding of identity and culture, and their relations with particular places, wherever they may be. The resulting volume of stimulating essays demonstrates, among other things, that cultural history, to which this volume is a contribution, need not necessarily or exclusively be the preserve of 'cultural historians'. This collection is based on papers presented to the 26th biennial Irish Conference of Historians, held at the University of Ulster, May 2003.
University College Dublin Press Sun and Wind
Sun and Wind was Standish James O'Grady's last work, which he was editing at the time of his death in 1928. Some parts of it were published as journal articles in his lifetime, but most is published here for the first time. Edward A. Hagan describes O'Grady as 'at once a political polemicist, a creative writer, and a somewhat unusual historian', involved in all three roles in this utopian treatise which 'reveals the pervasive influence of classical scholarship upon the Irish intellectual life of the period'. O'Grady argues for drastic change in Ireland in the first part and in the second makes extensive use of classical Greece as a model for Ireland.
University College Dublin Press Gaelic Prose in the Irish Free State 1922-1939
A continuation of the author's previous path-breaking book on the prose literature of the Gaelic Revival. For the first time, the development of a modern literature in Irish following the War of Independence and Civil War is outlined and analysed. This period saw an outpouring of book-length works in Irish from the state publishing agency An Gum, and the frequency and production of new plays, both original and translated, have never been approached since. Philip O'Leary has investigated all of these works as well as journalism and manuscript material. This book fills a large gap and will raise scholarly awareness of a major neglected aspect of the Irish cultural renaissance. The many quotations from the works discussed have been translated into English by the author, with the original Irish versions provided in the notes. Short biographies of the leading figures are given in an appendix.
University College Dublin Press Irish Recollections
'To be sure I hated Ireland most cordially; I had never seen it, and as a matter of choice would have preferred New South Wales, so completely was I influenced by the prevailing prejudice against that land of barbarism!' Thus Charlotte Elizabeth Tonna recalled in her memoirs her view of Ireland as she had set off for that country in 1818. But she came to love Ireland, so much so that after her death her grave was planted with shamrocks. In this abridged version of the second edition of Personal Recollections (1847), Tonna gives a vivid account of her time in Ireland, of the violent activities of the Rockite movement in the mid-1820s in Kilkenny-Tipperary, and of the apocalyptic ultra-Evangelical 'siege mentality' during the Tithe War and the run-up to Catholic Emancipation. It is also a valuable memoir of her religious and literary development,
University College Dublin Press The Information Revolution and Ireland: Prospects and Challenges
This book focuses on issues arising from the technological revolution that we are all experiencing. It is not intended to be an exhaustive or definitive discussion of the digital revolution or the Information Society, nor does it proclaim or denounce the new Information Society. However, whether there is a new economic, political and social order emerging or not, and whether the new order is beneficial or detrimental to citizens, all agree that significant changes are taking place. Often it seems as though we are all bystanders, watching change take place but having very little participation in the process. The central issue in this book is that technology, including the new information and communications technology linked with the Information Society, is not a force external to society and beyond the control of society; it is an integral part of society. Komito does not try to predict the future; his aim is to encourage individuals to contribute to policy choices so that the society that emerges is one that citizens desire rather than one that is not of their making or choosing. He encourages discussion and thought rather than proclaiming conclusions. By using Irish examples the book will be of especial value on Information Studies courses for Irish students but by dealing with global issues in a highly readable way, this book will be applicable to courses elsewhere.