Search results for ""Karnac Books""
Karnac Books Tales of Transformation: A Life in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis
One hundred (and one) tales to mark Salman Akhtar’s one hundredth book! Divided into eight informative parts – Dr Akhtar’s journey to psychoanalysis; the lessons he learned from his teachers, supervisors, and mentors; the teachings from his peers and colleagues; the benefits of clinical work; the impact of cultural difference; insights gained from students, supervisees, and audiences; his experiences of writing, editing, and publishing; and advice for those about to take their first steps – each section is packed full of incredible advice lightly given in a series of engaging anecdotes. Tales of Transformation: A Life in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis is the perfect book for trainees, practising clinicians, those considering psychoanalysis as a career path, anyone with an interest in the subject, and all who enjoy reading the recollections of a witty raconteur.
Karnac Books Making Sense
A literary masterpiece from world-renowned psychoanalyst and distinguished writer, Professor Martin Stanton that picks up the baton from R. D. Laing. Spanning a novel, travel-guide, documentary, self-help book, play, photo album, film script, and work of art, Making Sense is a cultural phenomenon – a long overdue wake-up call – railing at society’s idealisation and narcissism. Martin Stanton has created a guide for a postmodern world that is constructed through social media, and communicates principally through tweets, texts and selfies. Like Homer’s Odyssey, this is an epoch-changing classic that takes a timely quantum leap from a cognitive world of straight-line argument and causal interpretation, into a parallel unconscious universe of uncontrolled feeling, which traps fragments of fantasy in the retreating tides of reality. Making Sense collects together a group of major and minor characters, some real, some imaginary, who set out to make sense of life together by opening the social media gate between Reality and Fantasy. A survey of Martin Stanton’s own thinking and feeling on his original psychoanalytic odyssey across becalmed seas, random conversations with a therapeutic parrot, stranded for a while with Socrates on the black sandy beach of Paradise, he explores how a bezoar stone, a caddis insect, and a karaoke moment can linger through his life, and make sense for him as a primary source; as unconscious effects which sustain, enlighten, and entertain him through darker times. This book scrawls a message of hope in the sand once the outgoing tide has retreated. ‘Enjoy life’, it says. ‘Celebrate it in yourself and in others.’
Karnac Books A Place for Beauty in the Therapeutic Encounter
Karnac Books The Story of Infant Development
Karnac Books The Psychosomatic Therapy Casebook: Stories from the Intersection of Mind and Body
Jean Benjamin Stora has worked as a psychoanalyst and psychosomatist for almost five decades. The aim of integrative psychosomatics is to heal the body and mind in relationship to one another rather than treating the body as a machine with parts to be fixed. Thus, Stora explores a patient’s current and past life history in relation to physical illness and offers therapeutic support alongside medical treatments. To better understand this revolutionary approach, Stora presents fifteen case studies from the past twenty years. We read of George suffering from hyperlipidemia; Giles, a diabetic facing amputation; Elvira, an alcoholic; Dorothy, who complains the doctors treat body parts but not her; Beatrice facing a reappearance of breast cancer; and ten further patients. This complex process takes into account the fundamental role of the central nervous system in the relationship of mind and body. Thus, neuroscience is a key component of this holistic approach, as well as the new discipline of neuropsychoanalysis. This is most clearly shown in the case of Emma, suffering after brain surgery. The Psychosomatic Therapy Casebook is an excellent introduction to integrative psychosomatics. The stories presented in the first four chapters can be read by anyone with an interest in the subject. The fifth and final chapter is aimed at psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, and doctors looking to gain a greater understanding of the practice. It contains a comprehensive review of the technical points involved and clearly shows the difference between psychoanalytic technique and the technique of psychosomatic therapy. This is an important book in learning to treat the person as a whole rather than split into mind and body.
Karnac Books Teaching Meltzer: Modes and Approaches
Karnac Books The Spirit of Psychotherapy
In The Spirit of Psychotherapy, Holmes considers whether the principles which underpin religion this can be applied to the largely secular world of psychotherapy.Having a belief system is generally associated with good physical and mental health, and the prime focus of psychotherapy theory and practice is intrapersonal and interpersonal, but these are nested in an often-unexamined supra-personal context, sociological, ecological and spiritual. Structured around a qualitative study based on in-depth interviews with people from a wide range of faith backgrounds, Holmes presents the role belief and spirituality play in everyday lives. From these interviews the author identifies core themes such as attachment and hope; frameworks of meaning and rhythm and ritual. Individual chapters are devoted to detailed descriptions of subjects' accounts of these, while drawing parallels and implications for psychotherapy.
Karnac Books Grandmotherland: Exploring the Myths and Realities
Karnac Books Life After a Partner's Suicide Attempt
Karnac Books The Analyst’s Torment: Unbearable Mental States in Countertransference
Dhwani Shah moves the focus from using psychoanalytic theory and technique to explore the patient’s mind from a safe distance. Instead, he concentrates on the analyst’s feelings, subjective experiences, and histories, and how these impact on the intersubjective space between analyst and patient. His eight chapters each highlight a particular emotional state or problematic feeling and explore their impact on the analytic work, which requires emotional honesty and open reflection. This authenticity is vital for every unique encounter within the shared space of both the analyst and patient. The analyst must strive to be responsive, yet disciplined, and this requires the work of mentalization. An ability to “go there” with patients offers the best chance at helping them. The analyst’s uncomfortable and disowned emotional states of mind are inevitably entangled with the therapeutic process and this has the potential to derail or facilitate progress. The chapters deal with uncomfortable themes for the analyst to face: arrogance, racism, dread and its close relation erotic dread, dissociation, shame, hopelessness, and jealousy. These bring up common ways in which analysts stop listening and struggle in the face of uncertainty and intensity; the difficulties in facing unbearable experiences with patients, such as suicidality; disruptions to being with patients in an affective and embodied way; and thwarted fantasies of being the “hero”. With all of these difficult topics, Shah describes painful and tormenting experiences in a clinically meaningful way that allow growth. In this exceptional debut work, Shah demonstrates that what analysts feel, in their affects, bodies, and reveries with patients, is vital in helping them to understand and metabolise the patients’ emotional experiences. This is a must-read for all practising clinicians.
Karnac Books Who Am I
Karnac Books The Truth about Trauma and Dissociation: Everything you didn't want to know and were afraid to ask
Karnac Books Group as a Whole
This volume provides a complete description of group relations learning from group as a whole' to application in organisations. It describes the current theory and practice of group relations conference learning followed by IGO consultants worldwide. It exposes how emotional and unconscious dynamics affect us all in meaning- and decision-making.
Karnac Books The Body of the Group: Sexuality and Gender in Group Analysis
The Body in the Group has been structured around the formation of a group analytic concept of sexuality, using the archaeology of Michel Foucault to move away from psychoanalytic theory, with its association to heteronormativity and pathology, on which group analysis has historically relied. The failure of group analysis to have its own theory of sexuality is, in fact, its greatest potential. It is a psychosocial theory that is able to contain failure in language and gaps in discourse, and, furthermore, can mobilise its creative potential in relation to the discourse of sexuality. Furthermore, using queer theory enables the failure of the term ‘homosexual’ by disrupting its association to heteronormativity and psychopathology that traditional psychoanalysis has emphasised. The potential of the group analytic matrix to disrupt and change discourse by conceiving of it using figurations and their associated political radicalism within language and discourse permits a radical conception of space and time. Bi-logic removes the potentially unhelpful competitive splits in power associated with the politics of sexuality and gender and, by doing so, enables multiple and contradictory positions of sexuality and gender to be held simultaneously. In addition, group analysis radically alters typical notions of ethics by being able to conceive of a psychosocial form of ethics. Likewise, queer theory raises an awareness for group analysis of the potential violence of its textual representation. Finally, analytic groups are ‘figurations in action’ when terms such as group polyphony, embodiment, discursive gaps, and norms (or no-norms) are mobilised alongside spatio-temporality and bi-logic. The group analytic literature so far has delimited sexuality and gender by over-reliance on psychoanalysis. Daniel Anderson, by utilising group analytic theory alongside the archaeology of Foucault and feminist, queer and education theory, has created an exciting and innovative way of working with sexuality in a group analysis setting.
Karnac Books Three Characters: Narcissist, Borderline, Manic Depressive
It is important to point out that these essays are about character types; it is not to suggest that all borderlines, narcissists or manic depressives are the same. Everyone is an individual and are who they are for many different reasons. What they have in common is a typical relation between their subjectivity and the world they inhabit. In other words, Christopher Bollas has identified the axioms that these individuals share. Following a discussion of the features of each type, the axioms are delivered in the character’s own voice. By placing ourselves within their own logic, we can begin to identify and empathise with them. At the root of all character disorders there is mental pain and each disorder is an intelligent attempt to solve an existential problem. If the clinician can grasp their specific intelligence and help the analysand to understand this, then a natural process of healing can begin. Three Characters is a masterclass based on decades of lectures presented to psychoanalysts, analytical psychologists, and psychotherapists, and is a must-read for all psychoanalytic enthusiasts.
Karnac Books On the Destruction and Death Drives
‘Living with the idea of bearing a death-force fundamentally directed at oneself is hardly easy to admit. It is less so in any case than the idea that we are all murderers, that we are ever ready to plead legitimate defence or the need to survive so as to strike out at another.’ André Green, from the Foreword What drives men to kill and self-destruct? On the Death and Destruction Drives traces the introduction and development of the controversial concept of the “death drive”, from the work of Freud (1920–1938) to the main contributions of classical and post-Freudian authors, including Ferenczi, Klein, Bion, Winnicott, and Lacan. Shedding light on non-neurotic phenomena and structures, such as anorexia, bulimia, depression, suicide, criminal behaviour, André Green offers a new perspective on the relationship between the life drive (Eros) and the death drive (Thanatos). André Green was a key figure in contemporary psychoanalysis, who embraced philosophy and an international outlook to enhance psychoanalytic theory. This book was one of his last works, originally published in French as Pourquoi les pulsions de destruction ou de mort? in 2012. Green’s defence of one of Freud’s most daring revisions of his drive theory remains relevant to psychoanalytic work today, and it is an honour to bring this excellent translation to the English-speaking world. To enhance its worth, the book includes an introduction from translator Steven Jaron to clarify certain technical terms and situate the book within Green’s oeuvre. This book is an important contribution to the development of psychoanalytic theory and essential reading for all trainee and practising psychoanalysts.
Karnac Books The Baby and the Bathwater
'…if this is her final book, she has left the best for last. Psychoanalysts trained within the Independent Group are often asked by psychoanalysts and psychotherapists abroad which book they should read to get a feel for the way independent psychoanalysts think and work. In the past one has referred to Winnicott’s Playing and Reality, Rycroft’s Imagination and Reality, Khan’s The Privacy of the Self, and Marion Milner’s opus. But if we are to have one book, this is it. We may say “Here, you will find it here”. This work is a literary spirit of place – a beautifully rendered conjuring of sensibility – and to my mind it is the single best expression of the English psychoanalyst of independent persuasion we are ever likely to have.’ From the Foreword by Christopher Bollas
Karnac Books Sexual Addiction: Psychoanalytic Concepts and the Art of Supervision
Vamık D. Volkan recounts the story of Judy, a woman attempting to solve her early life deprivations through non-chemical addiction. He provides an understanding of the psychology behind such an addiction and also illustrates pertinent therapeutic concepts and issues which arose in Judy’s case. These include built-in transference, twinning, interpretation, dreams, hoarding, acting out, and therapeutic play. By paying attention to such things, it is possible to gain a greater understanding of the internal worlds of patients with preoedipal deprivations, conflicts, and fixations. For this case, Dr Volkan undertook the role of supervisor to an analyst in training. The topics of the psychoanalytic supervisor–supervisee relationship and the supervisor’s emotional reactions toward the patient, whom the supervisor never meets, are rather ignored in the psychoanalytic literature. This book gives an open and frank overview of the relationship, reporting not only what was said but also what lay behind the words. Written in Dr Volkan’s characteristically accessible style, this book will be enjoyed equally by those under supervision as those providing it, and provides an excellent overview of work with addiction.
Karnac Books Learning from Action: Working with the Non-verbal
Since the early 1990s, Enrico Pedriali with R. D. Hinshelwood organised workshops in Italy known as the learning from action workshops. This novel approach evolved from applying the principles of therapeutic communities to a group relations form of experiential conference. The group relation tradition, however, does not focus particularly on mental health organisations and tends to focus on senior management issues of leadership and authority. In contrast, the learning from action workshops are tailored to the care workers engaged in the direct work, in particular for those working with clients and patients with significant problems with verbal and symbolic communication. The workshops also include an element of research into the unconscious messaging systems employed in making relations, which contribute to therapeutic and other mental health care services. There are also chapters on a related form of workshop – the living and learning experience – which was established primarily for learning about therapeutic communities, which bring further insight to working practices. The book brings together a community of 21 authors: Giada Boletti, Louisa Diana Brunner, Davide Catullo, Heather Churchill, John Diamond Donna M. Elmendorf, Giovanni Foresti, Rex Haigh, R. D. Hinshelwood, Yuko Kawai, Eriko Koga, Jan Lees, Simona Masnata, Luca Mingarelli, Gilad Ovadia, Mario Perini, Barbara Rawlings, Antonio Sama, Edward R. Shapiro, Lili Valkó, and Zsolt Zalka. It will be a must-read for those working in mental health care. The information within will be of use to those new to the profession, for whom there is often very little preparation or reading material, and also to more senior members to use not only for their own development but also in training and research activities in mental health.
Karnac Books How to Survive as a Psychotherapist
Nina Coltart’s classic work, How to Survive as a Psychotherapist, was written over a quarter of a century ago and yet still resonates today with sage advice for the aspiring and established psychotherapist. This reissue contains a new Foreword from celebrated psychoanalyst David E. Scharff and an updated Further Reading section. Not simply a “how to” manual, this compact book is an amalgam of down-to-earth practicality about assessment, the pleasures of psychotherapy as opposed to analysis, details of how to run a practice, vivid clinical stories which don’t necessarily turn out well, discussions of Buddhism, and an autobiographical finale on the balance between life and work, including Coltart’s choice to live alone. Written in deceptively simple language, it reads easily and encourages beginners, but its backbone is the accrued wisdom for a career containing “survival-with-enjoyment” that offers new perspectives to both mid-career and experienced therapists and teachers. The professional autobiographical quality of the book reveals a lot about Coltart: her love of psychotherapy over full analysis and the number of strictures in analysis that she feels bind rather than guide. She describes the first years, in training and beyond, as full of anxiety: trying to get things right whilst an inner critical voice and the judgement of supervisors and teachers hangs over it all. Slowly, as time goes by, the ability to relax into a career with confidence in one’s own voice, knowledge, and intuition leads to a capacity for enjoyment of what can seem to outsiders a grim profession dealing only with suffering. Coltart’s book celebrates psychotherapy and its practitioners, and is full of interesting and practical advice that both experienced and novice psychotherapists will find invaluable. This enduring classic has stood the test of time and should be a feature of every aficionado’s bookshelf.
Karnac Books The Apprehension of Beauty: The Role of Aesthetic Conflict in Development, Art and Violence
Karnac Books Psychoanalysis Globally Networked: The Origins of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies
This is the first book in the new International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies Series. Since the very beginning with Sigmund Freud, the psychoanalytic movement has been in the sway of strong group dynamics. There have been hierarchies, tensions between subgroups, splits and exclusions. On July 30, 1962, in Amsterdam, the representatives of psychoanalytic societies in Germany (Werner Schwidder and Franz Heigl), Mexico (Erich Fromm and Jorge Silva Garcia), and Austria (Igor Caruso and Raoul Schindler) signed the foundation agreement of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (IFPS). One year later, they were joined by the New York William Alanson White Institute (Gerard Chrzanowsk) and more societies soon followed. The IFPS welcomed psychoanalysts less suited to the more orthodox International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). Member societies and institutes of the IFPS are regarded as autonomous entities and, with its concept and structure, the IFPS refrains from being an authority or an object of identification for its members. At the start, not belonging to the IPA was the strongest link between the IFPS founders, but they also shared similar views on doctrinal content and therapeutic approach. Many, for example, did not find the libido theory, the Oedipus complex, the death drive theory, and the metapsychology of Freudian teaching as significant as most IPA psychoanalysts did. Instead, they placed more emphasis on interdisciplinarity with the humanities, social sciences and biology, on the interpersonal aspect of the relationship between psychoanalysts and patients, on object relations, on the social context of the ailing subject, and on testing new methods for different types of illnesses. Political and social references were also important to many. The member societies and institutes of the IFPS do have to fulfil formal admission criteria, but, once they are admitted, they are regarded as autonomous entities over which the IFPS exerts no influence, including the requirements of training programmes. This is one of the formal differences with the IPA which organises the training programme for their members. With its concept and structure, the IFPS to this day refrains from being an authority or an object of identification for its members. This volume documents the foundation and development of the IFPS throughout its first twenty years, revealing a rich source of psychoanalytic history.
Karnac Books Food Matters: Biopsychosocial Perspectives
With contributions from Prachi Akhavi, Salman Akhtar, Cuneyt Iscan, Surreya Iscan, Alan Michael Karbelnig, Kelsey Leon, Clara Mucci, Nina Savelle-Rocklin, Asmita Sharma, Julian Stern, and Thomas Wolman. Food matters begin even before birth with the absorption of nutrients in the womb and continue through baby feeds, family meals, school dinners, barbecues with friends, and romantic meals to the growing dietary restrictions of old age. The role of food is not limited to its life-giving necessity but plays a huge role in communal bonding, cultural tradition, and self-expression. Food Matters investigates the significant role that food plays in all of our lives and is divided into three major sections: Mostly biological, Mostly psychological, and Mostly sociological. ‘Mostly’ because biology, psychology, and sociology are not hermetically sealed subject areas and overlaps into other fields are to be expected. Part I : Mostly biological consists of two chapters. The first pertains to food and health, the second to food and illness. At its core, Chapter One aims to undermine the notion of ‘healthy choices’ and demonstrate a more nuanced vision of what actually builds healthy communities. The varied case material of Chapter Two shows the myriad roles food can play in relation to illness. Part II: Mostly psychological has four chapters, which respectively address the relationship between food and sexuality, aggression, narcissism, and morality using wide-ranging theory and practical case examples. Part III : Mostly sociological has three chapters. The first pertains to money, the second to immigration, and the third to movies, again packed with relevant theory and clinical vignettes, and, in the case of the final chapter, using the movies Waitress and Babette’s Feast to show the central role food plays, even in our fictional lives. This welcome smorgasbord of ideas from an international array of contributors representing the disciplines of psychiatry, psychology, psychoanalysis, anthropology, and gastroenterology will be essential reading for professionals and academics in those fields and will shed fresh light on the subject for anyone with an interest in the multifaceted meanings of food matters.
Karnac Books One Tree, Many Branches: The Practice of Integrative Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
The book includes contributions from Audrey Adeyemi, Tasha Bailey, Kelly Brackett, Jamie Butterworth, Alix Hearn, Evania Inward, Irene Mburu, Sasha Morphitis, Magda Raczynska, Nadja Rolli, Zisi Schleider, and Anna Tuttle. One Tree, Many Branches: The Practice of Integrative Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy celebrates the twentieth anniversary of the pioneering child and adolescent psychotherapy and counselling training organisation Terapia and the achievements of its trainees , tutors, and staff, who provide highly specialised counselling, psychotherapy, and bespoke mental health services for young people, children, parents, and families. Terapia works with individuals, organisations, schools, and the statutory and non-statutory sector and is a strong voice for child psychotherapy as a distinct and specialist profession. Therapeutic work with children requires a different set of skills and knowledge to that of adult psychotherapists. For example, much of the work is non-verbal and uses play and metaphor alongside talking. It also requires involvement with the system around the child, such as parents, families, and professionals, and the management of conflicting agendas and politics to act on behalf of the child. Subjects discussed within its pages include ecopsychotherapy, autism, the lack of male psychotherapists, working with refugees, racial trauma, female genital mutilation, working in closed communities, and foetal alcohol spectrum disorder. The book is essential reading for all who work with children and opens up exciting and pioneering new approaches for meeting the multifarious needs of our children and adolescents today.
Karnac Books A Dream That Interprets Itself
Sigmund Freud hired Otto Rank as his secretary and funded Rank’s PhD in literature at the University of Vienna. In 1910, at age 26, Rank published ‘A Dream That Interprets Itself’. Freud could not praise the essay highly enough; impressed by Rank’s erudition, Freud invited his protégé to contribute two chapters, on poetry and myth, in 1914 to The Interpretation of Dreams. Thereafter, Rank’s name would appear under Freud’s on the title page of the foundational text of psychoanalysis for the next fifteen years. Grateful for Freud’s generosity, Rank published a stream of articles and books advancing psychoanalytic thinking into almost every area of the arts and humanities, thus demonstrating to Freud’s critics that the validity of psychoanalysis did not hinge solely on his autobiographical work The Interpretation of Dreams. Rank died in 1939 and his work fell out of favor until a renaissance of interest beginning in the 1970s. This is the first English translation of Rank’s masterpiece of dream interpretation, originally published in 1910 as “Ein Traum, der sich selbst deutet” in the journal Jahrbuch für Psychoanalytische und Psychopathologische Forschungen, 2(2): 465–540. It is accompanied by an in-depth introduction from editor Robert Kramer, the world’s only Rankian psychologist. The book is essential reading for all psychoanalytic scholars, practitioners, and historians, and those interested in dream analysis.
Karnac Books Mutual Impact: At the Crossroads of Psychoanalysis and Literature
What can psychoanalysis contribute to the interpretation and understanding of cultural products, in particular, literary works? What, on the other hand, can novels and plays offer to widen the conceptual and theoretical perspectives in psychology and psychoanalysis? The interpretative strategies offered by psychoanalysis, often unfamiliar to cultural studies, can adorn literature with new meaning. Psychoanalysis enables the perspective of unconscious motivations of social action and thought and widens semiotic strategies to understand linguistic, and even infra-linguistic, signs. Conversely, psychoanalytic thinking has since its advent greatly profited from literature and literary criticism. From Freud onwards, psychoanalytic theory has integrated poetic knowledge or transformed epistemological and interpretative concepts of cultural studies into psychoanalysis. Nine chapters each cover a famous work of literature from the likes of William Shakespeare and Herman Melville. Joachim Küchenhoff interprets each work from a psychoanalytic perspective while simultaneously combing its content for lessons which can be drawn and utilised in psychoanalytic practice, thereby eliciting the symbiotic relationship between the two fields. Covering topics ranging from the tolerance for loss and the negative in King Lear to the difficulties in mourning and beginning anew in Nathan Hill’s The Nix, this intriguing work is a must-read for all those with an interest in literature, as well as those in the psychoanalytic field who wish to expand their knowledge base and adopt new and different ways of thinking.
Karnac Books The Art and Science of Relationship: The Practice of Integrative Psychotherapy
This is an easy-to-read explication of relationally focused integrative psychotherapy/counselling that will be enjoyed by novice and experienced mental health professionals worldwide. Richard Erskine and Janet Moursund illuminate the central role of the therapeutic relationship, and of relationships in general, both in the healing process and in maintaining a psychologically healthy life. They posit that the therapeutic relationship is key to helping clients become integrated or whole, and present both theory and practice to demonstrate this view. The book is divided into three parts: Theoretical Foundations, Therapeutic Practice, and a full verbatim transcript of a therapy session. The book’s unique feature is the linkage of the transcript section with the earlier, theoretical and practice-oriented sections to clearly show how theory can be applied in the consulting room. For virtually every exchange between therapist and patient, the reader is directed back to a discussion of the specific aspect of theory and method that underly the actual words being spoken. The result is theory brought to life, theory brought out of the classroom or the professional workshop and into the real world of ongoing psychotherapy. This book is highly recommended for students and practitioners of psychotherapy, counselling, and clinical psychology, and will be of interest to all those who work in a mental health setting.
Karnac Books Beyond Fragmentation: Clinical Journeys in Contemporary Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy
‘Profoundly honest, unflinching in examining her own history as a thinker and clinician, Ingrid Pedroni challenges us to see where we have been and where we have failed, each of us.’ Donna Orange, from the Foreword Ingrid Pedroni is multicultural to her core. Fully fluent in German, Italian, and English, she took that multilingual outlook to the varied world of psychoanalysis. Beginning her journey with a Jungian analysis, she later read The Restoration of the Self by Heinz Kohut and discovered a theoretical and clinical framework consistent with her Jungian experience. Thus began her engagement with different theoretical dimensions and clinical settings. Beyond Fragmentation is a masterly overview of the result of her open-minded exploration of not only traditional and contemporary psychoanalytic schools of thought, but also systemic family therapy, plus modern anthropology, theatre, and literature. Part I explores the integration of different theoretical and clinical models, with special reference to self psychology and relational psychoanalysis. Part II outlines significant areas of experience that build the sense of self and how it is represented in intra-psychic and inter-relational dimensions. Part III focuses on couple and family relations, their evolution over time, and how they represent an essential part of the self. The final part deals with the treatment of cultural diversity, the universality of attachment bonds, and the extreme specificity of their cultural expression. Throughout the book are clinical and theoretical concepts derived from authors such as Adler, Jung, Rank, Fromm, Ferenczi, Klein, Winnicott, Loewald, Bowlby, Bion, and, of course, Freud. The clinical examples illustrate how it is possible to weave together the various threads of theoretical thinking and clinical practice not only in the many diversified psychoanalytic schools, but also in the larger field of the psychotherapies. The varied themes covered include gender, couple relations, family therapy, spirituality, cultural diversity and integration, migration, transcultural psychotherapy, and collective trauma. This book is essential reading for trainee and practising clinicians, and may well help them to find their own integration of therapeutic experiences. Professionals active in social, educational, and psychological fields will also find much useful and engaging information to help them in their work.
Karnac Books Perceptions and Possibilities: Strategic and Solution-Oriented Approaches to Working with Depression
This book will assist therapists in easily implementing the concepts of strategic and solution-oriented applications into one’s therapeutic work with depressed clients. The focus of these brief therapy approaches is on the clients’ resources and potential rather than on their deficits and pathology. These ideas have their roots in the work of Milton H. Erickson, the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto, California, and Bill O’Hanlon’s Solution Oriented Therapy. The methods and applications recognise the significance of how clients perceive their problems, the importance on assisting clients to be validated and understood in the realm of their experiences, and the creation of change in their views and actions concerning their individual situations. Perceptions and Possibilities is designed to assist therapists in finding new ways of moving their therapy sessions away from an entrenched focus on client pathology. Instead, therapists are encouraged towards brief and effective interactions with a focus on future-oriented possibilities. Paul Leslie presents established and cutting-edge research, colourful case studies, and stories told in everyday language to engage, educate, and aid mental health professionals. The aim is to enable them to understand how to easily adapt and apply creative and resourceful therapy interventions to help clients who are suffering from depression. This book is highly recommended for psychologists, counsellors, and psychotherapists, particularly those who are interested in exploring brief therapies, postmodern/Ericksonian approaches, and solution-focused, systemic, and strategic therapies.
Karnac Books Teaching Bion: Modes and Approaches
Karnac Books The Collected Papers of Roger Money-Kyrle
Karnac Books A Journey Abroad: Wartime Poems Serving with the FAU
Karnac Books Counterdreamers: Analysts Reading Themselves