Search results for ""Author Gerhard""
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont ReiseHandbuch Reiseführer Oman
Dumont Reise Vlg GmbH + C DuMont direkt Reiseführer Dubai
Motorbuch Verlag StraßenbahnArchiv DDR
Motorbuch Verlag MercedesBenz C111
Klett-Cotta Verlag Islam verstehen Geschichte Kultur und Politik
Klett-Cotta Verlag Polen verstehen
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH A Practical Guide to Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Biosciences
A concise and authoritative introduction to scanning electron microscopy in the biological sciences In A Practical Guide to Scanning Electron Microscopy distinguished electron microscopist Gerhard Wanner delivers a practical handbook for biological scientists working with microbial, plant, and animal cells and tissues, enabling them to successfully apply scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to their object of study. The book begins with an introduction to the principles of electron microscopy and the operation of electron microscopes before moving on to describe the preparation and mounting of specimens. It also explores the process of recoding images and their subsequent analysis, along with a wide range of advanced microscopy techniques, including cryo-SEM, FIB-SEM tomography, and stereo-SEM. Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Biosciences contains hundreds of carefully selected microscopic images, as well as hands-on, step-by-step guidance required to perform a successful TEM experiment. Readers will also find: Thorough introductions to optics, electron microscopy, electrons, and the components of electron microscopes In-depth examinations of the preparation of biological specimens and specimen mounting for scanning electron microscopy A comparison of different SEM modes and their strengths and weaknesses An introduction to novel techniques such as correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM), array tomography, and cryo-scanning electron microscopy Perfect for cell biologists and microbiologists, A Practical Guide to Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Biosciences also belongs in the libraries of neurobiologists and biophysicists.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Welt der Bakterien, Archaeen und Viren: Ein einführendes Lehrbuch der Mikrobiologie
Zeitgemäßes Wissen in Lektüre- und in Lehrbuchform. Gerhard Gottschalk vermittelt die Mikrobiologie in ihrer ganzen Breite.In 12 Teilen mit jeweils mehreren Kapiteln wird die Mikrobiologie dem Leser auf sehr verständliche Weise nähergebracht. Jedes Kapitel besteht aus einer leicht zu lesenden Beschreibung und darauf abgestimmter Lerneinheit samt Fragenkatalog. Darüber hinaus enthalten die meisten Kapitel Beiträge berühmter Wissenschaftler auf dem entsprechenden Gebiet. Historische Durchbrüche werden beschrieben und so den Studierenden Einblicke in Denk- und Planungsstrukturen von wissenschaftlichem Arbeiten vermittelt. So beschreibt beispielsweise Stefan Hell seine 2014 mit dem Nobelpreis gekrönte STED-Mikroskopie.Alle wichtigen Gebiete der Mikrobiologie, von der Evolution über den mikrobiellen Stoffwechsel und die technischen Anwendungen bis hin zum Gentransfer, zu den Endosymbionten und den Pathogenen werden abgedeckt. Auch wird den Archaea und den Viren entsprechend ihrer enormen Bedeutung ein eigener Teilgewidmet. Das Buch ist ein perfekter Begleiter für die einführende Vorlesung „Allgemeine Mikrobiologie“ sowie ein hervorragender Studienbegleiter für alle Naturwissenschaftler und Ingenieure, die Mikrobiologie als Nebenfach belegen.
Suhrkamp Verlag Das Gehirn Und Seine Wirklichkeit Kognitive Neurobiologie und ihre philosophischen Konsequenzen
Suhrkamp Verlag AG Borodino
Insel Verlag GmbH Wie man Schweres leichter trgt Seneca fr Gestrete
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag SoKo Börsenfieber
Herder Verlag GmbH Die IchbinWorte Jesu
Verlag Herder Komm, Lass Uns Technik Entdecken & Erfinden: Ein Aktionsbuch Fruher Technischer Bildung
Herder Verlag GmbH Offene Arbeit in der Kita Pdagogische Anstze auf einen Blick
Herder Verlag GmbH Komm mit ins Farbenland Eine spielerische Entdeckungsreise in die bunte Welt der Farben
Hanser Fachbuchverlag Konstruktionspraxis im Maschinenbau Vom Einzelteil zum Maschinendesign
Echter Verlag GmbH GenderIdeologie
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Musik erleben für die sozialpädagogische Erstausbildung Kinderpflege Sozialassistenz Schulbuch
C.H. Beck David Hume
C.H. Beck Compliance in Vereinen und Verbänden
C.H. Beck Praxis der Strafzumessung
Hinstorff Verlag GmbH Hhnergtter Glckssteine vom Strand
Schoeningh Verlag Naturlyrik EinFach Deutsch Unterrichtsmodelle Gymnasiale Oberstufe
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Von A bis Zett 14 Jahrgangsstufe Wrterbuch mit BildWortLexikon Englisch und CDROM Bayern 2014
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH Von A bis Zett Allgemeine Ausgabe Wrterbuch mit BildWortLexikon Englisch
Volk u. Wissen Vlg GmbH Chemie Stoffe Reaktionen Umwelt 910 Schuljahr Arbeitsheft Sekundarschule SachsenAnhalt
Birkhauser Verlag AG Herzog & de Meuron 2002-2004
The long-awaited fifth volume on The Complete Works of Herzog & de Meuron presents the sixty projects completed between 2002 and 2004 with characteristic attention to detail. These include buildings that have already become contemporary architectural icons, such as the National Stadium in Beijing and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, but also projects which, though never realized, have influenced the architectural discourse. These include the residential tower for the Schatzalp Hotel, which overlooks Davos and inspired a new generation of Alpine architecture. In the period covered by this volume, urban planing was a major focus of Herzog & de Meuron's work. International acclaim fueled by booming construction led to numerous commissions in China (the Jindong New Development Area), and in Europe: master plans for Jerez de la Frontera in Spain, and the Olympic Games in London opened up entire urban regions to future development.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Political Failure by Agreement: Learning Liberalism and the Welfare State
The purpose of this book is to reconsider economic liberalism from the viewpoint of political liberalism. The author argues that advocates of economic liberalism largely overlook empirical political preferences which, in many societies, go far beyond a limited role of the state. Recent difficulties of reforming the welfare state provide evidence that political preferences are at odds with liberal economic policy in numerous cases. This fact challenges a political conception which demands a limited state role but also claims that citizens' preferences 'as they are' should determine the content of policies. Using an evolutionary perspective on economic liberalism, the book develops new arguments about how economic liberalism can be brought into line with political liberalism.Drawing on an evolutionary theory of markets, Gerhard Wegner reinforces the claim that liberal economic policies are conducive to prosperity in society, but he argues that the liberal promise of prosperity does not translate into corresponding political preferences on the part of citizens. A tension between political and economic liberalism arises which lies at the centre of this book.Political Failure by Agreement will strongly appeal to postgraduate students and researchers of global governance, political theory, political economy and institutional economics.
Fordham University Press Thinking with Adorno: The Uncoercive Gaze
What Theodor W. Adorno says cannot be separated from how he says it. By the same token, what he thinks cannot be isolated from how he thinks it. The central aim of Richter’s book is to examine how these basic yet far-reaching assumptions teach us to think with Adorno—both alongside him and in relation to his diverse contexts and constellations. These contexts and constellations range from aesthetic theory to political critique, from the problem of judgment to the difficulty of inheriting a tradition, from the primacy of the object to the question of how to lead a right life within a wrong one. Richter vividly shows how Adorno’s highly suggestive—yet often overlooked—concept of the “uncoercive gaze” designates a specific kind of comportment in relation to an object of critical analysis: It moves close to the object and tarries with it while struggling to decipher the singularities and non-identities that are lodged within it, whether the object is an idea, a thought, a concept, a text, a work of art, an experience, or a problem of political or sociological theory. Thinking with Adorno’s uncoercive gaze not only means following the fascinating paths of his own work; it also means extending hospitality to the ghostly voices of others. As this book shows, Adorno is best understood as a thinker in dialogue, whether with long-deceased predecessors in the German tradition such as Kant and Hegel, with writers such as Kafka, with contemporaries such as Benjamin and Arendt, or with philosophical voices that succeeded him, such as those of Derrida and Agamben.
Publicis MCD Verlag,Germany Numerical Differential Protection: Principles and Applications
Differential protection is a fast and selective method of protection against short-circuits. It is applied in many variants for electrical machines, trans-formers, busbars, and electric lines. Initially this book covers the theory and fundamentals of analog and numerical differential protection. Current transformers are treated in detail including transient behaviour, impact on protection performance, and practical dimensioning. An extended chapter is dedicated to signal transmission for line protection, in particular, modern digital communication and GPS timing. The emphasis is then placed on the different variants of differential protection and their practical application illustrated by concrete examples. This is completed by recommendations for commissioning, testing and maintenance. Finally the design and management of modern differential protection is explained by means of the latest Siemens SIPROTEC relay series. As a textbook and standard work in one, this book covers all topics, which have to be paid attention to for planning, designing, configuring and applying differential protection systems. The book is aimed at students and engineers who wish to familiarise themselves with the subject of differential protection, as well as the experienced user entering the area of numerical differential protection. Furthermore, it serves as a reference guide for solving application problems. For the new edition all contents have been revised, extended and updated to the latest state-of-the-art of protective relaying.
Austin Macauley Publishers The Era of Perestroika: An Analysis of the Era of Perestroika in the Soviet Union, 1985-1991
Edition Axel Menges Reinhard Gieselmann: In Search of Style
Text in English and German. The extensive built work of the 1925 born Reinhard Gieselmann, focussing on housing and church architecture, is characterised by powerfully three-dimensional buildings, dramatic spatial effects, sophisticated handling of light and explicit material effects.
World Wisdom The Quiet Way
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Luftwaffe Profile Series: Number 7: Heinkel He 60
Number 7 in the Luftwaffe Profile Series describes the design and use of the Heinkel He 60.
Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation
Originally based on a graduate course taught by the author, this true classic has once again been extensively updated to incorporate key new findings in biological signaling. With over half of the content re-written, plus 70 brand new and 50 revised figures, this is the most up-to-date textbook on signaling available anywhere. Thanks to its clear structure, hundreds of illustrative drawings, as well as chapter introductions and newly added study questions, this text excels as a companion for a course on biological signaling, and equally as an introductory reference to the field for students and researchers. Generations of students and junior researchers have relied on "the Krauss" to find their way through the bewildering complexity of biological signaling pathways.
Regionalia Verlag Das wissen die Gtter Redewendungen aus der Antike
Dr Ludwig Reichert Das Echternacher Evangelistar Kaiser Heinrichs III.: Staats- Und Universitatsbibliothek Bremen Ms.B. 21
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft Das Mouvement Republicain Populaire in Der Vierten Republik: Der Prozess Der Politischen Willensbildung in Einer Franzosischen Partei
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Wie einzigartig ist der Mensch?: Die lange Evolution der Gehirne und des Geistes
Universitatsverlag Winter Poetik Des Aufschubs: Augustinus, Dante Und Die Antiken Klassiker in Petrarcas 'Canzoniere'
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Sinnorientierte Altenseelsorge: Die Seelsorgliche Begleitung Alter Menschen Bei Demenz, Depression Und Im Sterbeprozess
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Franz Mikloschich (1813-1891): Begrunder Der Osterreichischen Slawistik
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Materialien Zur Geschichte Der Ramanuja-Schule: Die Lehre Von Der Gottin VOR Venkatanatha