Search results for ""Author Gerhard""
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 10: Civilization in Transition
Essays bearing on the contemporary scene and on the relation of the individual to society, including papers written during the 1920s and 1930s focusing on the upheaval in Germany, and two major works of Jung's last years, The Undiscovered Self and Flying Saucers.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 9 (Part 2): Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self
Aion, originally published in German in 1951, is one of the major works of Jung's later years. The central theme of the volume is the symbolic representation of the psychic totality through the concept of the Self, whose traditional historical equivalent is the figure of Christ. Jung demonstrates his thesis by an investigation of the Allegoria Christi, especially the fish symbol, but also of Gnostic and alchemical symbolism, which he treats as phenomena of cultural assimilation. The first four chapters, on the ego, the shadow, and the anima and animus, provide a valuable summation of these key concepts in Jung's system of psychology.
Harvard University Press Handbook of Legislative Research
The Handbook of Legislative Research, a comprehensive summary of the results of research on nineteenth and twentieth-century legislatures, is itself a landmark in the evolution of legislative studies. Gathered here are surveys by leading scholars in the field, each providing inventory of an important subfield, an extensive bibliography, and a systematic assessment of what has been accomplished and what directions future research must take.
Select Books Inc Epigenetics: The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission
WHAT IS EPIGENETICS? Epigenetics is an emerging field of science that studies alterations in gene expression caused by factors other than changes in the DNA sequence. Epigenetics: The Death of the Genetic Theory of Disease Transmission is the result of decades of research and its findings that could be as critical to our understanding of human health as Pasteur's research in bacteriology. Dr. Joel "Doc" Wallach has dedicated his life work to identifying connections between certain nutritional deficiencies and a range of maladies, formerly thought to be hereditary, including Cystic Fibrosis and Muscular Dystrophy. This nexus between nutrition and so-called genetic disease has been observed in both humans and primates, and it is the central theme of Epigenetics. To bring us Epigenetics, Wallach has teamed with noted scholars Dr. Ma Lan and Dr. Gerhard N. Schrauzer. Their collective expertise gives this book its far reaching perspective. Epigenetics is of vital importance to anyone who wants real knowledge about how the human body functions, and it provides a path for better health. Epigentics dispels the dogma and misinformation propagated by medical institutions and doctors resistant to change. Epigenetics is the beginning of a new era of well-being on this planet.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 18: The Symbolic Life: Miscellaneous Writings
This volume is a miscellany of writings that Jung published after the Collected Works had been planned, minor and fugitive works that he wished to assign to a special volume, and early writings that came to light in the course of research.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 5: Symbols of Transformation
A complete revision of Psychology of the Unconscious (orig. 1911-12), Jung's first important statement of his independent position.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 2: Experimental Researches
Includes Jung's famous word-association studies in normal and abnormal psychology, two lectures on the association method given in 1909 at Clark University, and three articles on psychophysical researches from American and English journals in 1907 and 1908.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 9 (Part 1): Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
Essays which state the fundamentals of Jung's psychological system: "On the Psychology of the Unconscious" and "The Relations Between the Ego and the Unconscious," with their original versions in an appendix.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 12: Psychology and Alchemy
A study of the analogies between alchemy, Christian dogma, and psychological symbolism. Revised translation, with new bibliography and index.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 5: Symbols of Transformation
A complete revision of Psychology of the Unconscious (orig. 1911-12), Jung's first important statement of his independent position.
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Scheffer/Schachtschabel: Lehrbuch der Bodenkunde
Böden sind eine unserer wichtigsten Lebensgrundlagen. Sie liefern Wasser und Nährstoffe an die Pflanzen, die uns ernähren, und halten Schadstoffe vom Grundwasser fern. Aber sie sind auf vielfältige Weise gefährdet. Ihr Schutz ist daher eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben für Wissenschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft.Ein Team anerkannter Autoren beschreibt in der 16. Auflage dieses renommierten und erfolgreichen Lehrbuchs · die Vorgänge der Bodenbildung und -entwicklung, · die physikalischen, biologischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Böden, · Nähr- und Schadstoffe, · die verschiedenen Bodensystematiken (Deutschland, USA, FAO-UNESCO, WRB), · die wichtigsten Böden und Bodenlandschaften Mitteleuropas und der Welt, · die Nutzungsbewertung der Böden, · Grundsätze des Bodenschutzes. Die 16. Auflage wurde völlig neu bearbeitet und neu strukturiert. Für das Studium überflüssiges Wissen ist gekürzt. Einige Kapitel wurden aber auch stark erweitert, v.a. die Bodenbiologie. Die Grafiken sind erstmals 2-farbig, und es gibt insgesamt drei Tafeln mit Farbfotos von Bodenprofilen.Wer sich mit Böden befasst, braucht dieses Buch.
James Currey Brazil-Africa Relations: Historical Dimensions and Contemporary Engagements, From the 1960s to the Present
Fills an important gap in the study of Africa's international relations and its engagement with rising economies in the Global South. When Lula da Silva became President of Brazil in 2003 he declared Africa a priority of his country's ambitious global foreign policy. During his presidency, Brazil became one of the key emergent powers in Africa through strengthening political ties, development cooperation and trade with the continent. While, the Dilma and Temer presidencies had other political priorities, strong links with the continent continued to exist. The authors trace the longhistory of Brazil-Africa relations from the early 16th century and the slave trade, through their decline during European colonialism, their resurgence following many African countries' independence, fluctuations during Brazil's military rule in the 1960s and '70s, to the expansion of its interests under Lula and the first years under Dilma. Taking a broad range of perspectives, they examine: the way in which the rights of those of African descent have become increasingly recognized without having brought racial equality; the strengthening of bilateral and multilateral links with the continent and the growth of South-South cooperation; and Brazil-Africa relations in the South Atlantic context. The final chapter looks at the wider implications of the present political and economic crises for Brazil's future foreign policy in Africa, and the likely impact of new president Jair Bolsonaro elected in late 2018. Gerhard Seibert is Lecturer at the Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB), Brazil; Paulo Fagundes Visentini is Historian and Full Professor of International Relations at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS).
John Wiley & Sons Inc Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy and Climate Change
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE Written and edited by a global team of experts in the field, this groundbreaking new volume presents the concepts and fundamentals of using artificial intelligence in renewable energy and climate change, while also covering the practical applications that can be utilized across multiple disciplines and industries, for the engineer, the student, and other professionals and scientists. Renewable energy and climate change are two of the most important and difficult issues facing the world today. The state of the art in these areas is changing rapidly, with new techniques and theories coming online seemingly every day. It is important for scientists, engineers, and other professionals working in these areas to stay abreast of developments, advances, and practical applications, and this volume is an outstanding reference and tool for this purpose. The paradigm in renewable energy and climate change shifts constantly. In today’s international and competitive environment, lean and green practices are important determinants to increase performance. Corresponding production philosophies and techniques help companies diminish lead times and costs of manufacturing, improve delivery on time and quality, and at the same time become more ecological by reducing material use and waste, and by recycling and reusing. Those lean and green activities enhance productivity, lower carbon footprint and improve consumer satisfaction, which in reverse makes firms competitive and sustainable. This practical, new groundbreaking volume: Features coverage on a wide range of topics such as classical and nature-inspired optimization and optimal control, hybrid and stochastic systems Is ideally designed for engineers, scientists, industrialist, academicians, researchers, computer and information technologists, sustainable developers, managers, environmentalists, government leaders, research officers, policy makers, business leaders and students Is useful as a practical tool for practitioners in the fields of sustainable and renewable energy sustainability Includes wide coverage of how artificial intelligence can be used to impact the struggle against global warming and climate change
Neukirchener Verlagsgesellschaft mbH GeflÃ"chtete in Deutschland: Ansichten - Allianzen - Anstöße
The University Press of Kentucky The Schlieffen Plan: International Perspectives on the German Strategy for World War I
With the creation of the Franco-Russian Alliance and the failure of the Reinsurance Treaty in the late nineteenth century, Germany needed a strategy for fighting a two-front war. In response, Field Marshal Count Alfred von Schlieffen produced a study that represented the apex of modern military planning. His Memorandum for a War against France, which incorporated a mechanized cavalry as well as new technologies in weaponry, advocated that Germany concentrate its field army to the west and annihilate the French army within a few weeks. For generations, historians have considered Schlieffen's writings to be the foundation of Germany's military strategy in World War I and have hotly debated the reasons why the plan, as executed, failed.In this important volume, international scholars reassess Schlieffen's work for the first time in decades, offering new insights into the renowned general's impact not only on World War I but also on nearly a century of military historiography. The contributors draw on newly available source materials from European and Russian archives to demonstrate both the significance of the Schlieffen Plan and its deficiencies. They examine the operational planning of relevant European states and provide a broad, comparative historical context that other studies lack. Featuring fold-out maps and abstracts of the original German deployment plans as they evolved from 1893 to 1914, this rigorous reassessment vividly illustrates how failures in statecraft as well as military planning led to the tragedy of the First World War.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie
Dieses erfolgreiche Lehrbuch, jetzt in überarbeiteter 4. Auflage, bietet eine systematische und fundierte Einführung in die Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie: Wovon hängt es ab, ob jemand zufrieden mit seiner Arbeit ist? Welche Prozesse finden bei Fusionen und Unternehmensübernahmen statt? Wie funktioniert Personalentwicklung? Und was ist »organisationale Sozialisation«? – Ob für die Prüfung oder für die Praxis – hier werden alle Fragen verständlich und ausführlich beantwortet …
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden Lehrbuch der Quantitativen Analyse
Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine umfassende Einführung in die moderne chemische Labor-Analytik. Es führt in die theoretischen Grundlagen ein und stellt immer wieder die Bezüge zur Anwendung im Labor her. Die besondere Bedeutung der Analytik in Chemie-, Bio- und Umweltwissenschaften werden mit Nachdruck deutlich gemacht. In den Kapiteln fallen neben flüssig geschriebenen Texten und anschaulichen Graphiken vor allem Boxen mit interessanten Anwendungsbeispielen, kurzen Versuchsbeschreibungen, zusammenfassenden Abschnitten zur Rekapitulation des Gelernten und unzähligen Übungen mit teils ausführlichen, teils knappen Antworten auf. Alle modernen Techniken finden Erwähnung.Eine englischsprachige Internet-Seite ergänzt Tutorien, Arbeitsblätter und relevante Journals.
CABI Publishing Innovation in Forestry: Territorial and Value Chain Relationships
Innovation is increasingly recognised as a key factor in environmental protection and balanced sustainable development within the forestry sector. This volume provides a comprehensive theoretical foundation for the analysis of innovation processes and policies in a traditional, rural sector as well as presenting empirical analyses of innovation processes from major innovation areas. Territorial services of the forest sector are examined, including various types of forest ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration or recreation and wood value chains, including timber frame construction and bioenergy.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Collaborating for Digital Transformation: How Internal and External Collaboration Can Contribute to Innovate Public Service Delivery
As worldwide institutions acknowledge the necessity of digital, open, and collaborative governments, this timely book offers a comprehensive exploration of digital transformation, intergovernmental collaboration, collaborative governance, and public sector innovation.Collaborating for Digital Transformation highlights how collaborations between government organizations, as well as with the private sector and users, enhance digital transformation and public service innovation. Drawing from smart cities, online service platforms, eHealth and other initiatives across European countries, the book sheds light on the complexities, risks, and power dynamics inherent in these collaborations. It explores how the design, management, and leadership of these collaborations can overcome these challenges in different politico-administrative contexts. Through diverse research methods and by combining practical accounts with theoretical academic rigor, this forward-thinking book proposes a roadmap for more innovative and effective governments in the digital age.This book will enlighten students, scholars, and researchers in politics, public policy, governance, and administration. Offering practical guidance for effective collaboration, innovation, and coordination for digital transformation, it also appeals to politicians, policymakers, civil servants, and professionals. Being relevant, not only in smart city and eHealth domains, but across all policy areas, it's an indispensable resource for driving innovation and digitalization toward a more interconnected future.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Urban Sprawl in Europe: Landscape, Land-Use Change and Policy
Urban sprawl is one of the most important types of land-use changes currently affecting Europe. It increasingly creates major impacts on the environment (via surface sealing, emissions by transport and ecosystem fragmentation); on the social structure of an area (by segregation, lifestyle changes and neglecting urban centres); and on the economy (via distributed production, land prices, and issues of scale). Urban Sprawl in Europe: landscapes, land-use change & policy explains the nature and dynamics of urban sprawl. The book is written in three parts. Part I considers contemporary definitions, theories and trends in European urban sprawl. In part II authors draw upon experiences from across Europe to consider urban sprawl from a number of perspectives: Infrastructure-related sprawl, such as can be seen around Athens; Sprawl in the post-socialist city, as typified by Warsaw, Leipzig and Ljubljana; Decline and sprawl, where a comparative analysis of Liverpool and Leipzig shows that sprawl is not confined to expanding cities; Sprawl based on the development of second homes as found in Sweden, Austria and elsewhere. In part III a formal qualitative model of sprawl is developed. Policies for the control of urban sprawl and the roles of different stakeholders are considered. Finally, a concluding chapter raises questions about the nature and dynamics of these new urban landscapes and their sustainability.
Princeton University Press C.G. Jung Letters, Volume 2: 1951-1961
Beginning with Jung's earliest correspondence to associates of the psychoanalytic period and ending shortly before his death, the 935 letters selected for these two volumes offer a running commentary on his creativity. The recipients of the letters include Mircea Eliade, Sigmund Freud, Esther Harding, James Joyce, Karl Kernyi, Erich Neumann, Maud Oakes, Herbert Read, Upton Sinclair, and Father Victor White.
Pelagic Publishing The Eurasian Beaver Handbook: Ecology and Management of Castor fiber
Beavers are widely recognised as a keystone species which play a pivotal role in riparian ecology. Their tree felling and dam building behaviours coupled with a suite of other activities create a wealth of living opportunities that are exploited by a range of other species. Numerous scientific studies demonstrate that beaver-generated living environments that are much richer in terms of both biodiversity and biomass than wetland environments from which they are absent. Emerging contemporary studies indicate clearly that the landscapes they create can afford sustainable, cost-effective remedies for water retention, flood alleviation, silt and chemical capture. Beaver activities, especially in highly modified environments, may be challenging to certain land use activities and landowners. Many trialled and tested methods to mitigate against these impacts, including a wide range of non-lethal management techniques, are regularly implemented across Europe and North America. Many of these techniques will be new to people, especially in areas where beavers are newly re-establishing. This handbook serves to discuss both the benefits and challenges in living with this species, and collates the wide range of techniques that can be implemented to mitigate any negative impacts. The authors of this handbook are all beaver experts and together they have a broad range of scientific knowledge and practical experience regarding the ecology, captive husbandry, veterinary science, pathology, reintroduction and management of beavers in both continental Europe and Britain.
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Symposion 2005: Vortrage Zur Griechischen Und Hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte Comunucazioni Sul Dritto Greco Ed Ellenistico
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Kleine Schriften / Abhandlungen Und Beitrage Zur Griechischen Inschriftenkunde
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 12: Psychology and Alchemy
A study of the analogies between alchemy, Christian dogma, and psychological symbolism. Revised translation, with new bibliography and index.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 20: General Index
An exceptionally comprehensive index by paragraph numbers. Certain subjects are treated in separate sub-indexes within the General Index. These include alchemy, animals, the Bible, colors, Freud, Jung, and numbers.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 4: Freud and Psychoanalysis
This book gives the substance of Jung's published writings on Freud and psychoanalysis between 1906 and 1916, with two later papers. The book covers the period of the enthusiastic collaboration between the two pioneers of psychology through the years when Jung's growing appreciation of religious experience and his criticism of Freud's emphasis on pathology led, with other differences, to his formal break with his mentor.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East
Sixteen studies in religious phenomena, including Psychology and Religion and Answer to Job.
Princeton University Press Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 13: Alchemical Studies
Five long essays that trace Jung's developing interest in alchemy from 1929 onward. An introduction and supplement to his major works on the subject, illustrated with 42 patients' drawings and paintings.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Public Administration Reforms in Europe: The View from the Top
Based on a survey of more than 6,700 top civil servants in 17 European countries, this book explores the impacts of New Public Management (NPM)-style reforms in Europe from a uniquely comparative perspective. It examines and analyses empirical findings regarding the dynamics, major trends and tools of administrative reforms, with special focus on the diversity of top executives' perceptions about the effects of those reforms. Resulting from research funded by the European Commission, this book is an ambitious, comprehensive portrait of public administration in the central European bureaucracies after more than three decades of NPM reforms and in the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis. The chapters present extensive data on single countries but invaluably take a comparative approach, presenting a broad, explorational perspective.Public Administration Reforms in Europe is an indispensable resource for researchers, practitioners and students in a variety of social science areas, especially public administration, public policy and public management.Contributors include: J. M. Alonso, R. Andrews, P. Bezes, R. Boyle, M.E. Cardim, J. Clifton, D. Díaz-Fuentes, J. Downe, N. Ejersbo, F. Ferrè, D. Galli, C. Greve, V. Guarneros-Meza, G. Hajnal, G. Hammerschmid, K. Huxley, G. Jeannot, S. Jilke, P. Lægreid, S. Leixnering, F. Longo, R.E. Meyer, L. Mota, V. Nakrosis, S.A. Öberg, E. Ongaro, A. Oprisor, L. Pereira, T. Randma-Liiv, R. Rauleckas, L.H. Rykkja, K. Sarapuu, L. Sarkute , R. Savi, A. Schikowitz, R. Snapstiene, T. Steen, V. Stimac, S. Van de Walle, J. van der Voet, T. Virtanen, U. Weske, H. Wockelberg
Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Die Abbildungen Des Buches: Scheffer/Schachtschabel: Lehrbuch Der Bodenkunde