Search results for ""Author Gabriele""
Pen & Sword Books Ltd The Macedonian Army of Philip II and Alexander the Great, 359–323 BC: History, Organization and Equipment
This book provides a complete and detailed analysis of the organization and equipment of the Macedonian army built by Philip II and later employed to world-changing effect by his son, Alexander III (the Great). This work explains how Philip took the traditional forces of Macedon and reformed them into the most modern and sophisticated combined-arms force in the Mediterranean world. Not only the formidable pike phalanx and the hard-charging Companion cavalry, but also the less famous components, such as light and cavalry types, are described in detail. The tactics employed in the great battles that won the largest empire the world had seen are analysed. With numerous colour photos showing replica weapons and equipment in use, this is a vivid, detailed and accessible study of the army that made Alexander great.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Armies of Early Colonial North America 1607 - 1713: History, Organization and Uniforms
Gabriele Esposito presents a detailed overview of the military history of Colonial North America during its earliest period, from the first colonial settlement in Jamestown to the end of the first continental war fought in the Americas. He follows the development of organization and uniforms not only for the British Colonies of North America but also for the French ones of Canada. Every colonial unit formed by the Europeans in the New World, as well as the regular troops sent to America by Britain and France, is covered in detail: from the early militias of the Thirteen Colonies to the expeditionary forces formed during the War of the Spanish Succession. Great military events, like King Philip s War or Bacon s Rebellion, are analysed and the evolution of tactics employed in this theatre are discussed, showing how much warfare was influenced by the terrain and conditions in North America. Dozens of illustrations, including colour art works, show the first military uniforms ever worn in North America, as well as interesting details of weaponry and equipment used.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Carthaginian Armies of the Punic Wars, 264–146 BC: History, Organization and Equipment
The Carthaginians were undoubtedly the most formidable enemies of the ever-expanding Roman Republic, due to their sophisticated and often well-led military forces. Although the citizens of Carthage itself, a seafaring, mercantile state by tradition, may not have had the same military ethos as the Romans, they compensated by fielding varied multinational armies consisting of subject, allied and mercenary contingents, many of them recruited from the most famous warrior peoples of the Mediterranean. These included the incomparable Numidian light cavalry, the famed slingers of the Balearic islands, fierce Celts and skilled Spanish swordsmen, not forgetting the famous war elephants. During the first of the three conflicts that they fought against the Roman Republic - the famous Punic Wars - the Carthaginians completely reformed their land forces along Hellenistic lines and invited an experienced Spartan officer to command it. During the Second Punic War, they obtained a series of stunning victories over the Romans under the brilliant leadership of their own Hannibal Barca, marauding through Italy for some fifteen years. Gabriele Esposito reconstructs the history, organization and weapons of the Carthaginian military forces across the Punic Wars (264-146 BC). The weapons, armour and tactics of each of the various ethnic components is analyzed and the accessible text is supported by dozens of excellent colour photographs, showing replica equipment in use.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Napoleon's Infantry: French Line, Light and Foreign Regiments. 1799–1815
This volume covers the infantry units of Napoleon's Imperial Army, during the crucial years 1800-1815. When the future Emperor assumed control of France, the infantry of his army was disorganized and poorly equipped; it lacked discipline and was trained in a quite old-fashioned way. Napoleon acted very rapidly to resolve the major problems of his foot troops, by giving them a new structure and by teaching them new tactics. By 1805, the French infantry was without a doubt the best in the world in terms of combat capabilities. The book will cover all the categories of units that were part of Napoleon's infantry: line regiments, light regiments, foreign corps and special corps. It is not always realized that the French infantry of 1800-1815 included large numbers of foreign soldiers and even an Irish Legion; all these little-known corps are taken into consideration, together with several special corps like Corsican light infantry and mountain infantry. Gabriele Esposito provides a complete guide to the French infantry of Napoleon, illustrated with rare contemporary uniform plates that have never been published before.
£20.00 La guerra del ponte
Gabriele Verlag Dein Leben im Diesseits ist Dein Leben im Jenseits
Gabriele Verlag Die Botschaft aus dem All Band 4
Gabriele Verlag Die Sumpffliegen
Gabriele Verlag Der Glaubende ein Fatalist
Gabriele Verlag Die Botschaft aus dem All Band 4
Gabriele Verlag Worte über Krieg und Frieden
Gabriele Verlag Leben ist Einheit
Gabriele Verlag Liobani Ich erzähle hörst Du zu
Gabriele Verlag Lebe den Augenblick und Du siehst und erkennst Dich
Logos Verlag Berlin GmbH Structure-Related Anti-Inflammatory Mechanisms of Probiotic Bacteria
Splitter Verlag Die Geheimnisse des Maison Fleury. Band 2
Hentrich & Hentrich Gegen alle Widerstnde Der Jdische Kulturbund 19331941
Aquamarin- Verlag GmbH Die 7 Strahlen und die Entwicklung des Lebens
Nietsch Hans Verlag Wilde Grne Kche 10 Wildkruter 50 PowerSnacks
S. Hirzel Verlag Wie Nachhaltig Ist Unsere Ernahrung?
Bachem J.P. Editionen Romanik in Köln Wie geht das
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Ovid Metamorphosen Kopiervorlagen Fur Kompetenzorientierte Lekture Kopiervorlagen fr kompetenzorientierte Lektre
Kompetenzorientierte Ovid-LektÃre â ein motivierender Ansatz!
Westermann Berufl.Bildung Friseure. Fachtheorie Arbeitsheft
C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd Mirrored Loss: A Yemeni Woman's Life Story
Mirrored Loss tells the story of Amat al-Latif al Wazir, only daughter of 'Abdullah al-Wazir, the leader of Yemen's constitutional movement of the mid-twentieth century for democratisation of the autocratic imamate. Her relationship with her adored father, who was accused of treason, takes centre stage in this biographical narrative. Amat al-Latif, enjoyed a privileged childhood in a high-ranking family at the heart of Yemeni politics; yet the failed revolt of 1948 was the family's downfall, leaving her and other close relatives exposed to social indignities and privation. She then spent many years in exile, where she suffered a personal calamity that compounded the earlier catastrophe. Through one family's story, Gabriele vom Bruck explores how violence translates into tragedy in the personal realm, and how individual lives and larger cultural and political worlds intersect in Yemen. Her narrative makes these tragic events compellingly tangible, especially at the level of gendered subjectivity--female Yemenis have been either unknown to or deemed insignificant by most male historians of this period. Mirrored Loss is a significant step in righting that omission.
WORD The Universal Spirit,U.S. Reincarnation - Life's Gift of Grace: Where does the journey of my soul go?
Gabriele Verlag Mit Gott lebt sichs leichter
Gabriele Verlag Der Sonnentanz
Gabriele Verlag Horror Astral
Gabriele Verlag Ich komme bald Ich Bin der Christus Gottes
Gabriele Verlag Der Innere Weg zum kosmischen Bewusstsein
Gabriele Verlag Das Lehrbuch Das Lilienzeitalter die hohe Zeit nach der Zeit Gott in uns und wir in Gott
Gabriele Verlag Der Innere Weg zum kosmischen Bewusstsein Die Grundstufen Ordnung Wille Weisheit Ernst
Gabriele Verlag Ein Frauenleben im Dienste des Ewigen Mein Weg als Lehrprophetin und Botschafterin Gottes in dieser Zeitenwende Gabriele
Oxford University Press Between Prophecy and Apocalypse
The tenth and eleventh centuries in medieval Europe are commonly seen as a time of uncertainty and loss: an age of lawless aristocrats, of weak political authority, of cultural decline and dissolute monks, and of rampant superstition. It is a period often judged from its margins, compared (mostly negatively) to what came before and what would follow. We impose upon it both a sense of nostalgia and a teleology, as they somehow knowingly foreshadow what is to come.Seeking to complicate this mischaracterisation, which is primarily the invention of nineteenth and early twentieth century historiography, this book maps the movement between two intellectual stances: a shift from prophetic to apocalyptic thinking. Although the roots of this change lay in Late Antiquity, the fulcrum of this transition lies in the tenth and eleventh centuries. Biblical commentators in the fourth and fifth centuries enforced a particular understanding of sacred time that held until the ninth century, when exegete
L'Erma Di Bretschneider Are We Living in Another Migration Period?: Pandemics, Migrations and the Environmental Link
Duomo Ediciones Nuestro Cuerpo
Duomo Ediciones Que Sueño!
Duomo Ediciones Unicornio Arcoíris, El
Fórcola Ediciones Crónicas romanas la sociedad y la vida mundana de fines del Ottocento en Roma
Encuadernación: RústicaColección: PeriplosEl joven Gabriele d?Annunzio llegó a Roma a finales de 1881, dispuesto a conquistarla. Aunque la publicación de sus primeros poemas le permitió introducirse en los círculos literarios de la época, fueron su talento y su pluma, así como su matrimonio con la hija de la condesa di Gallese, los que le abrieron las puertas del cerrado y exclusivo mundo de los palacios romanos y de la vida de sociedad, de la que se convirtió en cronista privilegiado y perspicaz. En sus crónicas trató a aquellos orgullosos y rústicos príncipes romanos como refinados sibaritas y maestros de distinción, y sedujo a sus esposas e hijas adulándolas como un elegante retratista que, sin haberlas visto jamás, les prestaba cuellos de cisne, manos de hada, cinturas de avispa y ocurrencias de Madame de Staël.Trabajador incansable, d?Annunzio, al que se le puede considerar el primer periodista moderno, escribió cientos de crónicas y reportajes que publicó, bajo diversos
Universitatsverlag Winter Teaching Cultural Studies: Methods - Matters - Models
Schnell & Steiner Geschichte Und Kulturelles Erbe Des Mittelalters: Umgang Mit Geschichte in Sachsen-Anhalt Und Andernorts
Don Bosco Medien GmbH Die 50 besten Spiele fr Deutsch als Zweitsprache
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Verzeichnis Des Deutschsprachigen Japanschrifttums 1992-1993: Nebst Erganzungen Zu Den Jahren 1980-1991
Trafalgar Square Games for Kids on Horseback: 16 Ideas for Fun and Safe Horseplay