Search results for ""Author Francis"
Phaidon Press Ltd Francis Alÿs: Revised & Expanded Edition
A fully updated and expanded edition of the artist's first comprehensive monograph, more than a decade since its original publication Francis Alÿs examines the patterns of various urban sites before weaving his own fables into their tangled social fabric with wit, sensitivity, and an acutely personal connection to his subject matter. A scene such as a Volkswagen Beetle struggling up a hill or a man pushing a block of ice can carry a message that resonates far beyond the work's simple parameters. As Alÿs puts it, 'Sometimes doing something poetic can become political, and sometimes doing something political can become poetic.'
National Galleries of Scotland High Society the Life and Art of Sir Francis Grant Pra The Life and Art of Sir Francis Grant 18031878
Celebrates the 200th anniversary of the birth of Sir Francis Grant.
Ave Maria Press Peace of Heart: Francis of Assisi
University of Notre Dame Press Pope Francis and Mercy: A Dynamic Theological Hermeneutic
This theological study examines how Pope Francis lives out mercy in his own Petrine ministry and calls for it to be lived out by the people of God. The centerpiece of Pope Francis’s pontificate from the very first days has been his proclamation of the importance of the mercy of God. While facing global problems of climate change, terror, political destabilization, refugees, and dire poverty, the Holy Father has articulated the mission of the Church through mercy, love, and forgiveness to reveal the compassion of God for all and particularly for those most vulnerable existing on the margins of society. In this compelling study, Gill Goulding, CJ, examines for the first time the critical and determinative role of mercy in Francis’s papacy using his homilies, allocutions, encyclicals, and addresses as primary sources. Goulding traces the theme of mercy in Francis’s thought, attending to its Ignatian foundations and its Christological, Trinitarian, and ecclesiological significance for the Church today, particularly the impact of his reappropriation and elevation of the discourse of mercy on the work of the Curia in Rome. Goulding enters into dialogue with other theologians, including Romano Guardini, Walter Kasper, and Hans Urs von Balthasar, to demonstrate a continuity between Francis and his predecessors, especially Benedict XVI, in this area of mercy. In addition, Goulding argues that the influence of St. Ignatius Loyola, in particular his Spiritual Exercises, needs to be taken into account, paying special attention to Francis’s call for the practice of discernment. Throughout Pope Francis and Mercy, Goulding lays the groundwork for future research and suggests a wider appreciation of the necessary tools to enable an engagement with mercy in our contemporary world.
Ashmolean Museum Sir Francis Chantrey and the Ashmolean Museum
This book uses the busts on the Chantrey Wall in the Ashmolean Museum to give an introduction to the remarkable career of Francis Chantrey (1781-1841), and the collection in the Ashmolean. The book charts the progress of the busts from Chantrey's workshop to a Victorian national treasure: the first monographic collection of British sculpture to become a part of a permanent museum collection. It follows the return of the busts from basement storage to their conservation and triumphant redisplay in the new building. The book begins and ends with the Chantrey Wall, one of the most photographed displays of recent years providing non-specialist readers an introduction to one of the giants of British sculpture, and one of the most important sculpture collections in the country.
Fordham University Press Francis Bacon: The Temper of a Man
The portrait Bowen paints of this controversial man, Francis Bacon (1561-1626), balances the outward life and actions of Bacon with the seemingly contradictory aspects of his refined philosophical reflections. When Bacon's more notorious attributes are set in historical context, his actions seem less personally vindictive against the backdrop of an entire age seemingly devoted to the very vanity and ingenuousness with which he is so often accused. As Lord Chancellor of England, Bacon was impeached by Parliament for taking bribes in office, convicted, and banished from London an the law courts. In a prayer Bacon composed during the interval following his punishment, he reveals that the dichotomy of his existence was no more deeply felt than by himself, and he readily admits that his obligations to society were not as suited to his nature as the study of philosophy, science and law. Modem scholars hold Bacon's philosophical works, "Novum Organum", "Advancement of Learning" and "New Atlantis" as his greatest achievements. Bowen's story reveals a man whose genius it was not to immerse himself in the rigour of scientific experimentation, but to realise what questions science should ask, and thereby reach beyond the status quo and appeal to the wider imagination of his generation. In his writings, Bacon challenged established social and religious orders, raised questions about mind/body relation and the role of dreams, and foresaw the day when scientists at colleges and universities would share experimentation. It is Bacon's legacy to have gone beyond his age and, out of pure intuition, anticipate the concerns of future generations.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Bonaventure: The Life Of St Francis
Peter Lang AG Francis Lieber’s «Brief and Practical German Grammar»
This volume presents a textbook on German grammar written by Francis (Franz) Lieber in 1835. Persecuted in Germany for his revolutionary views, Lieber had immigrated from Prussia to the United States in 1827, where he spent his entire career as a distinguished scholar and author. Lieber designed his German grammar primarily for his students at South Carolina College (now the University of South Carolina), claiming that the course of thirty-four lessons would enable them «to read fluently common German prose within about twelve weeks». Although the book was never published during Lieber’s lifetime, it compares favorably with the best German grammars written in English available on the American and European markets at the time. With Lieber’s many observations on the differences between German and English and his wry comments on the advantages and beauty of the German language, the text is instructive and entertaining even to a modern reader. The editor’s introduction explores the reasons why Lieber’s grammar was shunned by publishers, based on Lieber’s correspondence with friends and publishers on both sides of the Atlantic.
House of Stratus St. Thomas Aquinas St. Francis Assisi
St. Thomas Aquinas - For Chesterton, Thomas Aquinas is a man of mystery, who though born into a noble Neapolitan family chose the life of a mendicant friar. Shy and lumbering, his classmates dubbed him the Dumb Ox. However he was to lead a revolution in Christian thought. Chesterton''s portrayal will engage, enlighten and sometimes confound. His seminal sketch of the life and thought of this great man is as relevant today as when it was first published in 1933. St Francis of Assisi - Chesterton puts himself in the position of the ordinary modern thinker and enquirer' to write this excellent biography of St Francis. St Francis was a very real historical human being' and Chesterton tells his story using many anecdotes and examples. We learn about his youth as a young romantic troubadour and how he learnt to help the poor. Chesterton tells how St Francis turned his back on his home and family and refused to have possessions. For the sake of his vision he denied himself all sense of place
Chronicle Books Church, Interrupted: Havoc & Hope: The Tender Revolt of Pope Francis
Church, Interrupted: Havoc & Hope: The Tender Revolt of Pope Francis is a revealing portrait of Pope Francis's hopeful yet controversial efforts to recreate the Catholic Church to become, once again, a welcoming place of empathy, love, and inclusiveness. Bestselling author, Vanity Fair contributor, and papal biographer John Cornwell tells the gripping insider story of Pope Francis's bid to bring renewal and hope to a crisis-plagued Church and the world at large. With unique insights and original reporting, Cornwell reveals how Francis has persistently provoked and disrupted his stubbornly unchanging Church, purging clerical corruption and reforming entrenched institutions, while calling for action against global poverty, climate change, and racism. Cornwell argues that despite fierce opposition from traditionalist clergy and right-wing media, the pope has radically widened Catholic moral priorities, calling for mercy and compassion over rigid dogmatism. Francis, according to Cornwell, has transformed the Vatican from being a top-down centralized authority to being a spiritual service for a global Church. He has welcomed the rejected, abused, and disheartened; reached out to people of other faiths and those of none; and proved a providential spiritual leader for future generations. Highly acclaimed author John Cornwell's riveting account of the hopeful—and contentious—efforts undertaken by Pope Francis to rebuild the Catholic Church. • Well researched and brilliantly written, readers, scholars, and fans of John Cornwell will want to read his most controversial and compelling work yet. • More than a third of America's 74 million Catholics said they were contemplating departure in 2018. It is estimated that over the past twenty years, the Catholic Church has been losing $2.5 billion dollars annually in revenues, legal fees, and damages due to clerical abuse cases. The decline in church attendance, marriages, and vocations to the priesthood and sisterhood tell a story of major decline and disillusion. Cornwell showcases Pope Francis's way forward, a hopeful message that gives reinvigorated reasons to stay with the church and help be the change the new generation would like to see. • For readers within and outside Catholicism fascinated by the future and restructuring of the church, this will be a book they want to read again and again as the church continues to change and grow.
Harvard University Press Diary of Charles Francis Adams: Volume 6
A man’s twenty-seventh year is “critical,” according to Charles Francis Adams. And so his proved to be. Twenty-five at the start of these volumes, Adams had yet to embark on the public career that would mark him a statesman, but by their conclusion he had been drawn into the maelstrom of politics. It was an unwilling plunge, dictated by what both he and his father, John Quincy Adams, regarded as betrayal of the elder Adams by Daniel Webster and his Whigs. Once in, however, he showed himself politically adept.This diary, kept from January 1833 to June 1836 and hitherto unpublished, has elements of hidden personal drama. Through private meetings and caucuses and newspaper articles signed with pseudonyms, the younger Adams found effective means to carry on political activities in the face of dilemmas posed by his father’s public prominence, his father-in-law’s contrary persuasions, and his own preferences. He emerged with growing self-respect and solid accomplishment as political journalist—his initial vocation.The diary has fresh disclosures also about the personality of John Quincy Adams, shrewdly assessed by an observer uniquely placed to interpret domestic scenes as well as the greatly waged struggles in Washington against the Southern “slaveocracy” and “gag rules.”Colorful figures in Boston’s political and social life are finely etched in outspoken appraisals characteristic of the Adamses. The diarist shows acuteness too in comments on books, sermons, paintings, the theater, and opera.
Poligrafa Francis Bacon Modern Masters
Harvard University Press Diary of Charles Francis Adams: Volume 8
The period of June 1836 to February 1840, from Charles Francis Adams’s twenty-eighth to thirty-second year, was characterized by his turn from the political activities that had occupied him for the preceding several years. The course of the Van Buren administration he had helped to elect dissatisfied him, the Massachusetts Whig leadership had earned his distrust, positions on political issues that would either echo or oppose those being vigorously espoused by his father, John Quincy Adams, he felt inhibited from avowing publicly. So confronted, Charles found occupation in preparing and expressing himself on economic matters of moment—banking and currency—and moral questions generated by the slavery issue. With increasing effectiveness he employed the lecture platform and the press for the expression of views to which he felt free to attach his name. On all these matters he found his opinions at odds with the prevailing ones held among those prominent in the Boston scene, as John Adams and John Quincy Adams had found before him. Yet, despite a sense of loneliness, so induced, his participation in the varied social life of the city has its place in the Diary.However, activities in Boston and its environs that provided a focus for the record of the preceding years give way in these volumes to wider scenes made available by train and ship. An extensive journey with his wife by way of the Hudson River and the Erie Canal to Niagara and Canada, a visit of some length and interest in Washington, and stays of lesser length in New York City are recounted.Wide and persistent reading, the theater, numismatics, and the building of a summer home in Quincy also occupied him and are fully reflected in his journal. Family tragedies are not absent from its pages. As the period comes to its close his long and distinguished labors as editor of the family’s papers had begun. A new self-assurance has become evident.
BRF (The Bible Reading Fellowship) Franciscan Footprints: Following Christ in the ways of Francis and Clare
There are many ways of following Christ – each footprint is unique. One of these, the Franciscan spiritual journey, has been tried and tested over the centuries, and the experiences of St Francis and St Clare and all those who have been inspired by their lives still resonate with us. Helen Julian CSF explores the distinctive features of their spirituality and shows how these practices can be applied to, and become part of, our daily lives. Through stories of care for creation, social justice, mission, preaching, contemplative spirituality and simple living, discover your own pathway today. ‘What’s lovely about this book is you don’t just follow Francis and Clare, but you follow their followers as well, including the story of the Franciscan revival within the Anglican Communion. This is how discipleship works. Those who follow Christ have others follow them. The imprint of their witness is magnified through other lives and inspires us to follow too.’ Stephen Cottrell
Tilbury House Distr The Art of Francis Hamabe
Autumn House Press St Francis and the Flies
HarperCollins Publishers Pope Francis in his Own Words
A wide-ranging collection of quotes from the new Pope’s writings and speeches, revealing his opinions on the moral issues surrounding the Catholic Church today. Pope Francis won the hearts of Catholics all over the world when he was elected in March 2013, with his natural humility and commitment to putting those who are poor at the centre of his mission. Jorge Mario Bergoglio – the 265th successor of St Peter and the first non-European Pope in over 1200 years – has encouraged people to live simpler lives and shown the world a more compassionate face of Catholicism, bringing fresh hope for a renewal in the Church. In his own life, he has long demonstrated both his belief in simplicity and his concern for those who are poor, refusing to live in palatial accommodation during his tenure as a cardinal in Buenos Aires, riding the bus to work and even persuading the diocese to allow a group of poor missionaries to live in the official residence. ‘Pope Francis in His Own Words’ has been compiled to give Catholics and non-Catholics alike an insight into the thoughts of the new pontiff.
Humanix Books Francis: A Pope for Our Time: The Definitive Biography
The Catholic Church has been undoubtedly going through a period of profound crisis. Endless scandals and conspiracies have plagued the Church in recent years, and with resignation of Pope Benedict XVI in February 2013, the Catholic community was left in dire need of direction and spiritual renewal. Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio, elected to Saint Peter’s Throne on March 13, 2013, in one of the briefest conclaves in history, represents a rekindled sense of hope for the Church’s 1.2 billion followers. The first Jesuit to occupy the papacy, Pope Francis I is also the first pope ever to hail from the Americas, and has inspired an enormous sense of pride, especially among Latin Americans and his native Argentina. Francis: A Pope for Our Time, The Definitive Biography incisively chronicles Pope Francis’ ancestry, youth, call to faith, humble beginnings with the Society of Jesus, and rise through Argentina’s ecclesiastical ranks, all the way to the Vatican. The book emphasizes His Holiness’ Jesuit background of humility, poverty, and service that stands to reform the Vatican’s long history of lavish excess and removed otherworldly style of leadership. This concise biography also details Jorge Bergoglio’s coming of age during the Peronist years, the challenges he faced throughout Argentina’s brutal military dictatorship, as well as his political stance against the progressive policies of the Kirchners. Known as the Black Pope” (for his Jesuit garb), the Pope of the Poor,” and the Third World Pope,” such monikers exemplify Pope Francis’ original and primary mandate: his pastoral commitment to society’s most underprivileged and disenfranchised. His dedication to interreligious dialogue, accessibility to his community, and rejection of pomp in favor of simplicity promises to bring real-world leadership to a modern Church desperate to emerge from old-world precepts.
New World Library Pope Francis in His Own Words
Thames & Hudson Ltd Francis Bacon: The Violence of the Real
Francis Bacon (1909–1992) was renowned for his dramatic depictions of the human form; he portrayed the ordeal of the vulnerable, defencelessly exposed body like no other artist of his generation. At the centre of this volume are about sixty of Bacon’s disturbing yet captivating studies of the human figure, encompassing works from the late 1940s until his death. Texts by a range of experts on the artist offer new insights into these radical and often discomfiting images, so brilliantly reproduced on the pages of this book.
RM Verlag SL Francis Alys: Children's Games
Children’s Games is an ongoing archive of urban practices that modernization has excluded from everyday life, as the concept of public space is distorted by the domination of motor vehicles and electronic diversions.The children’s games that Alÿs captures constitute a threatened underground culture that unites generations and crosses borders.Their rules, images and references project a variety of concepts on time and the world and suggest an ancient, potent substrate underlying our shared experience; another reason why we should be concerned with their imminent disappearance.
Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd The Sculpture of Francis Derwent Wood
This final volume in the British Sculptors and Sculpture series addresses the work of the important but neglected British sculptor Francis Derwent Wood RA (1871-1926). A student of Edouard Lanteri at the Royal College of Art, Derwent Wood's early artistic career was distinguished. His reputation grew rapidly and a period as Director of Modelling at the Glasgow School of Art saw him working on public commissions with many of the city's most important architects. Simultaneously, he built his London practice, perfecting the art of the rapidly executed, observationally astute portrait bust, and becoming a well-connected member of the Chelsea set. He exhibited at the Royal Academy every year from 1895 until his death in 1926, becoming a full Academician in 1920. During the First World War he carried out pioneering work in the field of facial prosthetics. He was appointed Professor of Sculpture at the Royal College of Art in 1918, where Henry Moore was amongst his many pupils. Derwent Wood's Machine Gun Corps memorial at Hyde Park Corner in London, completed in the year of his death, is amongst the best-known and most consistently reviled sculptures in Britain. Matthew Withey offers readers a subtle and layered interpretation of the career that led up to this iconic and misunderstood work, together with a comprehensive catalogue of Derwent Wood's diverse body of work.
National Geographic Kids National Geographic Readers: Papa Francisco (Pope Francis)
Collective Ink Sir Francis Bryan: Henry VIII's Most Notorious Ambassador
Sir Francis Bryan was Henry VIII's most notorious ambassador and one of his closest companions. Bryan was a man of many talents; jouster, poet, rake and hell-raiser, gambler, soldier, sailor and diplomat. He served his king throughout his life and unlike many of the other men who served Henry VIII, Bryan kept his head and outlived his sovereign. This book tells the story of his life from coming to court at a young age through all his diplomatic duties to his final years in Ireland. The latest book from the best-selling author of Lady Katherine Knollys: The Unacknowledged Daughter of King Henry VIII
Cornerstone The Little Flowers of St. Francis of Assisi
With a new Preface by the noted writer Madeleine L'Engle, author of nearly fifty books of fiction and non-fiction, including A Wrinkle in Time. St. Francis of Assisi's ecstatic embrace of a life of poverty revolutionized Christianity even as it transformed the ethics of the West. In this luminous and lively book, St. Francis's followers preserved his legend and those of his first disciples, combining stories of miracles with convincing portraits of men who were no less human for having been touched by God."God is our home but many of us have strayed from our native land. The venerable authors of these Spiritual Classics are expert guides--may we follow their directions home."--Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Dover Publications Inc. Pope Francis Paper Dolls
Liverpool University Press Francis Tregian 1548-1608, Elizabethan Recusant: A Truly Catholic Cornishman
Francis Tregian owned estates in Cornwall, and held a high place in court at the beginning of the reign of Elizabeth I. He made no secret of his Catholic faith. Banished from court on trumped-up charges, he was arrested for hiding a priest, St Cuthbert Mayne, and imprisoned for 30 years. Released under James I, he died in a Jesuit hospital at St Roque, Lisbon, Portugal, and was buried standing up because he had "stood up" to Elizabeth and her heresies. Francis Tregian is much revered on the Continent, where there have been recent attempts to have him elevated to sainthood. At his place of burial there is a detailed description of how he preferred the confiscation of his estates for the defence of the Catholic Faith. This booklet details the history of Francis Tregian, and includes all known details, including "Tregian" Elizabethan music. Includes a Prayer for the Beatification of Francis Tregian as authorized by the Right Reverend Christopher Budd, Bishop of Plymouth.
Village to Village Press The Way of St. Francis: Florence - Assisi
St. Francis of Assisi, beloved patron saint of animals and nature, walked extensively through the hills of central Italy throughout his life. Assisi and Rome have beckoned pilgrims for hundreds of years. Walk in their footsteps along the Way of St. Francis and enter into this renowned story. This Way of St. Francis guidebook contains all the information you need to walk the 334 mile (537 km) route bewteen Florence, Assisi and Rome, in addition to 210km of alternative and side routes. This books contains detailed topographical maps of each days walk, digital maps and GPS online. - 112 detailed stage, city and town maps - Elevation profiles - Travel information on transport and accomodation & services - Information on dozens of historic sites relevant to St Francis life . - Expert advice on walking and travel gear, packing and daily trail life.
Skira Frate Francesco. Friar Francis: Traces, Words, Images
For eight centuries the presence and the influence of Francis’s life and deeds have made themselves felt in the history of Christianity and in that of the rest of humanity too. Published on the occasion of the exhibition Friar Francis: Traces,Words, Images staged at the headquarters of the United Nations in New York, a place that hosts a variety of cultural experiences every day and that is itself a symbol of peace, the volume is a tribute to the figure of Francis, extraordinary man and saint, and it’s a rare occasion of great scientific and cultural value, to approach and get to know Francis through ancient and unique manuscripts coming from the Library of the Sacro Convento di San Francesco in Assisi. They are the oldest papal records and manuscripts that directly concern the person of the saint from Assisi: his writings, his life, the development of the religious order he founded. The book is divided into three sections: Traces, Words, Images. The Traces are the ones left by Francis at the level of official documentation, in the papal records and some notarial deeds. Alongside these is presented the most famous and authoritative of the manuscripts in Assisi, the Codex 338, which comprises the oldest collection of the saint’s writings. The Words section contains some copies of the oldest biographies, the hagiographic legendae of the saint. The Images section offers a selection of illuminated manuscripts in which the saint of Assisi is represented, precious examples of some of the principal traditional iconographic models.
Little, Brown Book Group The Winding Stair: Francis Bacon, His Rise and Fall
FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF REBECCA' ... a writer of fearless originality' GUARDIAN 'Unlike many authors of popular historical biographies, du Maurier resembled Antonia Fraser in being an indefatigable researcher' FRANCIS KING'du Maurier has no equal' SUNDAY TELEGRAPHIt wasn't until he was forty-five that Bacon's feet found the first step on that staircase, when King James I made him Solicitor-General, from where he rose through the ranks to become Lord Chancellor.Many accounts of the life of Sir Francis Bacon have been written for scholars, but du Maurier's aim was to paint a vivid portrait of this remarkable man for the common reader. In The Winding Stair, she illuminates the considerable achievements of this Renaissance man as a writer, lawyer, philosopher, scientist, and politician.To her book, she brought the same gifts of imagination and perception that made her earlier biography, Golden Lads, so immensely readable, skilfully threading into her narrative extracts from contemporary documents and from Bacon's own writings. This also sets her account of his life within a vivid contemporary framework.This is truly history made alive.
Librarie Philosophique J. Vrin Francis Bacon: Science Et Methode
North Star Editions World Leaders: Pope Francis: Leader of the Catholic Church
Introduces readers to the life and work of Pope Francis. Engaging infographics, thought-provoking discussion questions, and eye-catching photos give the reader an invaluable look into Vatican City, the Catholic Church, and the office of its current leader.
The Perseus Books Group Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton
The Merlin Press Ltd John Francis Bray: Transatlantic Radical
Mystic Seaport Museum L. Francis Herreshoff Yacht Designer
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,U.S. Francis Crick: Hunter of Life's Secrets
Ignatius Press Saint Francis of the Seven Seas
Sounds True Inc The Art of Letting Go: Living the Wisdom of Saint Francis
Course objectives: Discuss the life of St. Francis of Assisi. • Identify the difference between the true self and the false self. • Explain the non-dual aspects of Jesus's teaching. • Practice contemplative prayer. We often think of saints as rare individuals whose gifts far exceed our own, and the beloved St. Francis is no exception. But for Fr. Richard Rohr, a prolific author and renowned speaker, the life and teachings of this beloved figure offer an authentic spirituality we can all embody. On The Art of Letting Go, Fr. Rohr gives us a six-session learning course that explores: the surprising richness we discover through simplifying our lives (without taking a vow of poverty); liberation from our self-limiting biases and certitudes; contemplation and action, two key steps toward communing more deeply with the Divine; and more.
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Francis And Clare Of Assisi: Selected Writings
JRP Ringier Francis Alÿs: As Long as I'm Walking
Info 3 Verlag Kunst sehen Francis Bacon Cy Twombly
Nova Science Publishers Inc Francis Bacon Tudor Equals William Shakespeare
Peter Lang AG, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften Richard Francis Burton: Victorian Explorer and Translator
This volume offers a critical insight into the life and work of the controversial Victorian explorer and translator Richard Francis Burton (1821-1890). Analysis focuses on his travel accounts and erotic translations, which both re-elaborated and challenged dominant Victorian discourses on race, gender and sexuality, generating controversies in the fields of anthropology, sexology and medicine. The premise of the study is that Burton entertained an ambiguous relationship with the colonial institutions: on the one hand, he pursued the colonial project, while on the other, he was an irreverent outsider who clashed with the imperial authorities. As this investigation reveals, he defied British sociocultural norms by appropriating and importing the rituals and languages of the colonial subjects. The volume examines Burton’s ‘impersonations’ of multiple masculine identities in the countries that he visited, which involved elaborate processes of both identification and dis-identification. The author argues that these impersonations enabled a series of queer encounters which broke down the barriers between imperial Self and colonised Other, and led Burton to embody several self-conscious, performative constructions of masculinity. Burton’s life and works are analysed in light of recent critical and theoretical debates.
J.P.Tarcher,U.S./Perigee Bks.,U.S. Reluctant Saint: Life of Francis of Assisi
HarperCollins Publishers Inc Francis I: The Maker of Modern France
Schiffer Publishing Ltd Helen Gibson Carves Saint Francis of Assisi
Something about St. Francis is universally appealing. His humility, his simplicity, his faith, all of these touch what is most human and most holy about life. That is why this figure of St. Francis is so popular among carvers and collectors alike. Helen Gibson has been carving this figure for years, and now shares her techniques with other carvers. A master carver and sought after teacher, Helen offers clear step-by-step instructions for the carving of St. Francis. As in her two nativity carving books, each step is illustrated with accurate color photographs to provided a visual reference to the carving. This new book will delight all carvers, novice or professional, providing them with new challenges while helping them move easily through the carving to a product of which they can be proud.
Pitch Publishing Ltd One in a Million: The Trevor Francis Story
Compelling, entertaining and refreshingly honest, One in a Million is the autobiography of Trevor Francis, the subject of the first GBP1 million transfer fee in football history - a record for all time. As a 16-year-old, Francis set a record as the youngest player to score four goals in a match, an early indication of an exceptional talent. And so his unique career journey would continue to unfold, encountering a seemingly endless succession of superlatives, larger-than-life characters and astonishing events. Trevor played professionally not only in England but also in the USA and Scotland, in Italy and Australia. He gained 52 England caps, and won the European Cup on his debut in the competition. He played his part in the English revolution at Glasgow Rangers and managed QPR, Crystal Palace, Sheffield Wednesday and Birmingham City. Thrillingly, Trevor takes the reader with him into dressing rooms, into boardrooms and on to the field of play. He has a true gift for memorable detail, providing a wealth of revelations and remarkable stories.
Georgetown University Press After the End of History: Conversations with Francis Fukuyama
Intimate access to the mind of Francis Fukuyama and his reflections on world politics, his life and career, and the evolution of his thought In his 1992 best-selling book The End of History and the Last Man, American political scientist Francis Fukuyama argued that the dominance of liberal democracy marked the end of humanity’s political and ideological development. Thirty years later, with populism on the rise and the number of liberal democracies decreasing worldwide, Fukuyama revisits his classic thesis. A series of in-depth interviews between Fukuyama and editor Mathilde Fasting, After the End of History offers a wide-ranging analysis of liberal democracy today. Drawing on Fukuyama’s work on identity, biotechnology, and political order, the book provides essential insight into the rise of authoritarianism and the greatest threats faced by democracy in our present world. Diving into topics like the surprise election of Donald Trump, the destruction of social and political norms, and the rise of China, Fukuyama deftly explains the plight of liberal democracy and explores how we might prevent its further decline. He also covers personal topics, reflects on his life and career, the evolution of his thinking, and some of his most important books. Insightful and important, After the End of History grants unprecedented access to one of the greatest political minds of our time.