Search results for ""Author Arturo""
Alfaguara Territorio comanche
"Para un reportero en una guerra, territorio comanche es el lugar donde el instinto dice que pares el coche y des media vuelta& donde siempre parece a punto de anochecer y caminas pegado a las paredes, hacia los tiros que suenan a lo lejos, mientras escuchas el ruido de tus pasos sobre los cristales rotos.El suelo de las guerras está siempre descubierto de cristales rotos. Territorio comanche es allí donde los oyes crujir bajo tus botas, y aunque no ves a nadie sabes que te están mirando.? Web oficial de Arturo Pérez-Reverte
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Los perros duros no bailan / Tough Dogs Don't Dance
Alfaguara Un asunto de honor
Era la más linda Cenicienta que vi nunca. Tenía dieciséis años, un libro de piratas bajo la almohada y, como en los cuentos, una hermanastra mala que había vendido su virginidad al portugués Almeida, quien a su vez pretendía revendérsela a don Máximo Larreta, propietario de construcciones Larreta y de la funeraria Hasta Luego.Un día veré el mar decía la niña, también como en los cuentos, mientras pasaba la fregona por el suelo del puticlub. Y soñaba con un cocinero cojo y una isla, y un loro que gritaba no sé qué murga sobre piezas de a ocho.Y te llevará un príncipe azul en su yate se le choteaba la Nati, que tenía muy mala leche. No te jode.Relato corto, cuento breve, Un asunto de honor es una moderna historia de hadas y piratas, de buenos y malos, escrita con una acción trepidante y un humor agridulce y desesperado.
Abogaca y proceso contenciosoadministrativo
La Colección Abogacía y Proceso persigue constituir, en los cuatro órdenes jurisdiccionales, una guía de la práctica procesal y un compendio de soluciones a los problemas que en aquella se suscitan, incluso ofreciendo diversas alternativas para superarlos, sin desdeñar las críticas que pueda merecer la regulación legal o la doctrina jurisprudencial, en su caso. Para ello se han reunido los conocimientos y experiencias de estudiosos del mundo del Derecho y profesionales de la práctica jurídica (magistrados, fiscales, inspectores de trabajo, abogados-socios de prestigiosos despachos, etc.), ordenados de modo que constituya una útil herramienta para los operadores jurídicos con la que poder afrontar los problemas de la práctica forense. De acuerdo con este enfoque, en el presente volumen, dedicado al proceso contencioso- administrativo, se podrán encontrar desde un pormenorizado análisis práctico sobre los recursos contra las providencias o el tratamiento de la declaración de lesividad, p
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El negociador (Edición especial) / The Negotiator (Special edition): Consejos para triunfar en la vida y en los negocios / Tips for Success in Life a nd in Business
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial Sidi: Un relato de frontera /Sidi: A Story of Border Towns
Johns Hopkins University Press The Myth of the Democratic Peacekeeper: Civil-Military Relations and the United Nations
The Myth of the Democratic Peacekeeper reevaluates how United Nations peacekeeping missions reform (or fail to reform) their participating members. It investigates how such missions affect military organizations and civil-military relations as countries transition to a more democratic system. Two-thirds of the UN's peacekeepers come from developing nations, many of which are transitioning to democracy as well. The assumption is that these "blue helmet" peacekeepers learn not only to appreciate democratic principles through their mission work but also to develop an international outlook and new ideas about conflict prevention. Arturo C. Sotomayor debunks this myth, arguing that democratic practices don't just "rub off" on UN peacekeepers. So what, if any, benefit accrues to these troops from emerging democracies? In this richly detailed study of a decade's worth of research (2001-2010) on Argentine, Brazilian, and Uruguayan peacekeeping participation, Sotomayor draws upon international socialization theory and civil-military relations to understand how peacekeeping efforts impact participating armed forces. He asks three questions: Does peacekeeping reform military organizations? Can peacekeeping socialize soldiers to become more liberalized and civilianized? Does peacekeeping improve defense and foreign policy integration? His evaluation of the three countries' involvement in the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti reinforces his final analysis - that successful democratic transitions must include a military organization open to change and a civilian leadership that exercises its oversight responsibilities. The Myth of the Democratic Peacekeeper contributes to international relations theory and to substantive issues in civil-military relations and comparative politics. It provides a novel argument about how peacekeeping works and further insight into how international factors affect domestic politics as well as how international institutions affect democratizing efforts.
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial El pintor de batallas / The Painter of Battles
Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial La carta esférica / The Nautical Chart
Debolsillo Falco Spanish Edition
Arturo Pérez-Reverte regresa con un libro protagonizado por su personaje más fascinante desde el capitán Alatriste.Violencia, tramas de poder, suspense, lealtad y pasión conforman esta extraordinaria novela de lectura adictiva.«El mundo de Falcó era otro, y allí los bandos estaban perfectamente definidos: de una parte él, y de la otra todos los demás.»La Europa turbulenta de los años treinta y cuarenta del siglo XX es el escenario de las andanzas de Lorenzo Falcó, ex contrabandista de armas, espía sin escrúpulos, agente de los servicios de inteligencia. Durante el otoño de 1936, mientras la frontera entre amigos y enemigos se reduce a una línea imprecisa y peligrosa, Falcó recibe el encargo de infiltrarse en una difícil misión que podría cambiar el curso de la historia de España. Un hombre y dos muj
Espanol Santillana Universidad de Salamanca La Guerra Civil contada a los jovenes
Orion Publishing Co Pirates of the Levant: The Adventures of Captain Alatriste
Captain Alatriste's latest adventure - a story of skirmishes, privateers, boarded ships, swords and sackings.'This was a time where Spain was revered, feared and hated in the easterly seas; where the devil had no colour, no name and no flag, and where the only thing needed to summon hell on earth (or sea for that matter) was a Spaniard and his sword'Alatriste is back - this time on the high seas! Accompanied by his faithful companion Inigo, the captain joins a Spanish galleon and sets sail from Naples towards the east on a journey that will take them to Melilla, Oran, and finally Malta where they must struggle against the Turk. On board they will have many adventures, including an encounter with The Moor Gurriato. Now seventeen, Inigo is still in love with Angelica but will wisdom come with age and experience?
Orion Publishing Co Purity of Blood: The Adventures of Captain Alatriste
The second 'Captain Alatriste' novel, from a series which has sold 4 million copies worldwideA woman has been found in a sedan chair in front of a church, strangled. In her hand is a pouch containing fifty escudos and a handwritten - but unsigned - note bearing the words 'For masses for her soul'. The chief constable Martin Saldana confides in his old friend and comrade in arms, Diego Alatriste. Still in danger from the powerful enemies he made in his first adventure, Captain Alatriste is considering returning to Flanders where the war has just resumed. But first, his old friend Quevedo asks him for a favour. The daughter of one of his friends must be rescued from a convent, which certain 'priests' seem to be treating as little more than a harem. Then the woman who brought the girl to the convent goes missing and the connection is made to the murder at the church. It seems that Alatriste's sword is required once more.
Vintage Publishing The Dumas Club
A well-know bibliophile is found hanged days after selling a rare manuscript of Alexander Dumas's classic, The Three Musketeers. Across Madrid, Spain's wealthiest book dealer has finally laid his hands on a 17th-century manual for summoning the devil. Lucas Corso, solitary and obsessive, is the detective hired to authenticate both texts. But the further he follows the trail of devil worship, the more it leads him back to Dumas. He's the unwitting protagonist in someone's evil plot, but is he sleuth or hero, Sherlock Holmes or d'Artagnan?
Edhasa La marcha Radetzky (bolsillo)
Tomando como núcleo a tres generaciones de la familia Trotta, se narra la decadencia de un apellido, al final de un orden y la disolución definitiva de la sociedad europea. Una obra capital para entender el fin del imperio austrohúngaro.
BookBaby The Elephant on Aaron's Chest
Dark Horse Comics,U.S. Colonus
PRH Grupo Editorial Una historia de EspaÃa A History of Spain
Por primera vez un volumen reúne la historia de España escrita por Arturo Pérez-Reverte durante más de cuatro años en su columna «Patente de corso» del XL Semanal. Un relato ameno, personal, a ratos irónico, pero siempre único, de nuestra accidentada historia a través de los siglos. Una obra concebida por el autor para, en palabras suyas, «divertirme, releer y disfrutar; un pretexto para mirar atrás desde los tiempos remotos hasta el presente, reflexionar un poco sobre ello y contarlo por escrito de una manera poco ortodoxa.»A lo largo de los 91 capítulos más el epílogo de los que consta el libro, Arturo Pérez-Reverte narra los principales acontecimientos ocurridos desde los orígenes de nuestra historia y hasta el final de la Transición con una mirada subjetiva, construida con las dosis exactas de lecturas, expe
Stone Bridge Press The Donald Richie Reader: 50 Years of Writing on Japan
No one has written more, or more artfully, about Japan and Japanese culture than Donald Richie. Richie moved to Tokyo just after World War II. And he is still there, still writing. This book is the first compilation of the best of Richie's writings on Japan, with excerpts from his critical work on film (Richie helped introduce Japanese film to the West in the late 1950s) and his unpublished private journal, plus fiction, Zen musings, and masterful essays on culture, travel, people, and style. With a critical introduction and full bibliography. Donald Richie's many books include The Films of Akira Kurosawa, The Japanese Tattoo, and the PBS favorite The Inland Sea. Vienna resident Arturo Silva lived in Japan for 18 years. "To read [The Donald Richie Reader and The Japan Journals] is like diving for pearls. Dip into any part of them and you will surely find treasures about the cinema, literature, traveling, writing. The passages are evocative, erotic, playful, and often profound." - Japanese Language and Literature
John Wiley & Sons Inc Lie Algebras with Triangular Decompositions
Imparts a self-contained development of the algebraic theory of Kac-Moody algebras, their representations and close relatives--the Virasoro and Heisenberg algebras. Focuses on developing the theory of triangular decompositions and part of the Kac-Moody theory not specific to the affine case. Also covers lattices, and finite root systems, infinite-dimensional theory, Weyl groups and conjugacy theorems.
Edhasa El ejército romano
El día señalado, cuando llegan a Roma todos los que son aptos para el servicio y se reúnen en el Capitolio, los tribunos militares más jóvenes se reparten en cuatro grupos, de acuerdo con el orden en que han sido elegidos por el pueblo o por los cónsules, ya que la principal división que de sus tropas hacen los romanos es en cuatro legiones. Libro de la colección Teselas que consiste en extractos de textos clásicos narrando un hecho histórico concreto, como podría ser una batalla, un asesisnato, la erupción del Vesubio, ...
Little, Brown & Company Fandango at the Wall: Creating Harmony Between the United States and Mexico
It's a history that has involved periods of great friendship with robust trade and loose immigration policies. But the US-Mexican relationship has also been beset by wars, drug trade, and human trafficking. And with the latest Trump-induced xenophobia towards Mexico this book contextualizes how it is the latest swing in the up-and-down two-hundred-year history between these countries. THROUGH THESE WALLS also addresses how the broken relationship between these countries have been repaired in the past and will provide clarity to the current debate regarding building the wall and America's posture towards immigrants.
Estrella Polar La tempesta
Es, Ediciones Grandes viajeros que cambiaron la historia
Alianza Editorial El libro de los verbos uso conjugación y dudas
En ?El libro de los verbos? se abordan y analizan todos los problemas que presenta el verbo, la categoría gramatical con mayor variedad de formas y con más amplio repertorio de irregularidades. Una primera parte da cuenta de forma clara y exhaustiva, a la vez que proporciona numerosos ejemplos, de los conceptos fundamentales que hay que tener en cuenta en relación con el verbo, básicamente sus componentes, tiempos y formas no personales, junto con su uso correcto. Una segunda parte proporciona, conjugados, todos los modelos posibles de verbos regulares e irregulares, señalándose en color, para su mejor localización, las personas que presentan anomalías. Un último apartado permite solventar cualquier duda que se presente respecto a las preposiciones que deben utilizarse con los diferentes verbos al hablar y al escribir. Otros libros de Arturo Ramoneda en esta colección: ?Manual de estilo?.
Alba Editorial El patio de doa Amelia Infantil Ilustrado Spanish Edition
Sobre los patios de las casas llueven tantas pinzas que es imposible saber de dónde vienen. Quizá del primer piso, del último, o desde las nubes más altas, donde viejos dioses tienden sus prendas para que bailen con el viento. Ésta es la historia de una bandada de gorriones que sobrevolaban la casa de doña Amelia, mujer gruñona y defensora de su hermoso patio; del dios Ramón, que tuvo la mala suerte de vivir justo encima; y de una pinza de madera que cayó donde no debía.
Debolsillo Cuentos completos
Debolsillo La raiz rota
Interlink Publishing Group, Inc Cucina Napoletana: 100 Recipes from Italy's Most Vibrant City
Johns Hopkins University Press What If Fungi Win
Could fungal pathogens outsmart us before we find ways to combat them?Humans and fungi share nearly 50 percent of the same DNA. Because we''re related, designing drugs to combat the varieties that attack us is a challenge. Meanwhile, in an ever hotter, wetter world, fungi may be finding new ways to thrive, queueing up global outbreak potentials for which no vaccine and woefully few medications exist; some fungi are already beginning to resist treatment. Among other lifeforms, bats, amphibians, and essential crops are also increasingly threatened by these pathogens. Enter fungal kingdom frontiersman Dr. Arturo Casadevall, an epidemiologist, professor, and inventor. Casadevall shares how the 1990s AIDS epidemic''s fungal complications drove his medical mycology work, how COVID-19''s fungal incidences underscore the continuing threat to the immunocompromised, and how he and his Johns Hopkins University laboratory team are discovering ways to counter the threats pos
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Economics of Recession
This timely research review analyses a broad selection of important readings from the existing literature addressing several fundamental questions about recessions. These include what a recession is, the causes and effects of recessions, how to identify and predict recessions, and how to manage the associated risks. The review offers a general overview of the subject, detailed analysis of the readings, discussion of policy implications and acknowledgment of the areas where further research is required, proving itself to be an invaluable source of reference for academics, scholars and practitioners alike.
Duke University Press Territories of Difference: Place, Movements, Life, Redes
In Territories of Difference, Arturo Escobar, author of the widely debated book Encountering Development, analyzes the politics of difference enacted by specific place-based ethnic and environmental movements in the context of neoliberal globalization. His analysis is based on his many years of engagement with a group of Afro-Colombian activists of Colombia’s Pacific rainforest region, the Proceso de Comunidades Negras (PCN). Escobar offers a detailed ethnographic account of PCN’s visions, strategies, and practices, and he chronicles and analyzes the movement’s struggles for autonomy, territory, justice, and cultural recognition. Yet he also does much more. Consistently emphasizing the value of local activist knowledge for both understanding and social action and drawing on multiple strands of critical scholarship, Escobar proposes new ways for scholars and activists to examine and apprehend the momentous, complex processes engulfing regions such as the Colombian Pacific today.Escobar illuminates many interrelated dynamics, including the Colombian government’s policies of development and pluralism that created conditions for the emergence of black and indigenous social movements and those movements’ efforts to steer the region in particular directions. He examines attempts by capitalists to appropriate the rainforest and extract resources, by developers to set the region on the path of modernist progress, and by biologists and others to defend this incredibly rich biodiversity “hot-spot” from the most predatory activities of capitalists and developers. He also looks at the attempts of academics, activists, and intellectuals to understand all of these complicated processes. Territories of Difference is Escobar’s effort to think with Afro-Colombian intellectual-activists who aim to move beyond the limits of Eurocentric paradigms as they confront the ravages of neoliberal globalization and seek to defend their place-based cultures and territories.
Pushkin Press The Forging of a Rebel
The Forging of a Rebel is an unsurpassed account of Spanish history and society from early in the twentieth century through the cataclysmic events of the Spanish Civil War. Arturo Barea's masterpiece charts the author's coming-of-age in a bruised and starkly unequal Spain. These three volumes recount in lively detail Barea's daily experience of his country as it pitched toward disaster: we are taken from his youthful play and rebellion on the streets of Madrid, to his apprenticeship in the business world and to the horrors he witnessed as part of the Spanish army in Morocco during the Rif War. The trilogy culminates in an indelible portrait of the Republican fight against Fascist forces in which the Madrid of Barea's childhood becomes a shell and bullet-strewn warzone. Combining historical sweep and authority with poignant characterization and novelistic detail, The Forging of a Rebel is a towering literary and historical achievement.
Nova Science Publishers Inc A Guide to Helium
Trinity University Press,U.S. In the Country of Empty Crosses: The Story of a Hispano Protestant Family in Catholic New Mexico
Arturo's Madrid's homeland is in the shadow of the Rocky Mountains in northern New Mexico, where each town seems a world apart from the next, and where family histories that extend back four centuries bind the people to the land and to one another.This New Mexico is a land of struggle and dispute, a place in which Madrid's ancestors predate those who landed at Plymouth Rock. In the Country of Empty Crosses is Madrid's complex yet affirming memoir about lands before the advent of passable roads--places such as Tierra Amarilla, San Augustin [insert "u" and note accent on I], and Los Fuertes that were once among the most remote in the nation. Madrid grew up in a family that was doubly removed from the community: as Hispanic Protestants, they were a minority among the region's politically dominant Anglo Protestants and a minority within the overwhelmingly Catholic Hispanic populace. Madrid writes affectingly of the tensions, rifts, and disputes that punctuated the lives of his family as they negotiated prejudice and racism, casual and institutional, to advance and even thrive as farmers, ranchers, and teachers. His story is affectionate as well, embracing generations of ancestors who found their querencias--their beloved home places--in that beautiful if sometimes unforgiving landscape. The result is an account of New Mexico unlike any other, one in which humor and heartache comfortably coexist. Complemented by stunning images by acclaimed photographer Miguel Gandert -- ranging from intimate pictures of unkempt rural cemeteries to New Mexico's small villages and stunning vistas -- In the Country of Empty Crosses is a memoir of loss and survival, of hope and redemption, and a lyrical celebration of an often misunderstood native land and its people.
Twelve Hip-Hop (and Other Things)
Hodder & Stoughton General Division Hip-Hop (and other things)
NOW A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER, HIP-HOP (AND OTHER THINGS) is about, as it were, rap, but also some other things.It's a smart, fun, funny, insightful book that spends the entirety of its time celebrating what has become the most dominant form of music over the past two and a half decades. From Tupac to Jay Z, Missy Elliott to Drake, you'll find pretty much all of the big names among these pages - as well as a bunch of the smaller names, too.There's art from acclaimed illustrator Arturo Torres, there are infographics and footnotes; there's all kinds of stuff in there. Some of the chapters are serious, and some of the chapters are silly, and some of the chapters are a combination of both things. All of them, though, are treated with the care and respect that they deserve.
Abrams Basketball (and Other Things): A Collection of Questions Asked, Answered, Illustrated
A hardcover edition featuring new content for fans of the #1 New York Times bestseller Any fan of Shea Serrano’s unconventional, hilarious, and insightful writing will want to add this hardcover edition of his wildly popular Basketball (and Other Things) to their collection. The book will feature a new cover and two new chapters as well as removable art that showcases Serrano’s trademark creativity and Arturo Torres’s inimitable illustration style. First released as a paperback in 2017, the book went on to become a #1 New York Times bestseller. This edition will be a keepsake for Serrano fans and basketball fans alike.
Columbia University Press The Worth of Art: Financial Tools for the Art Markets
The market for art can be as eye-catching as artworks themselves. Works by artists from da Vinci and Rembrandt to Picasso and Modigliani have sold for hundreds of millions of dollars. The world’s ultrawealthy increasingly treat art as part of their portfolios. Since artworks are often valuable assets, how should financial professionals analyze them?Arturo Cifuentes and Ventura Charlin provide an expert guide to the methods, risks, and rewards of investing in art. They detail how to apply the financial and statistical tools and techniques used to evaluate more traditional investments such as stocks, bonds, and real estate to art markets.The Worth of Art: Financial Tools for the Art Markets shows readers how to use empirical evidence to answer questions such as: How do the returns on Basquiat compare to the S&P 500? Are Monet’s portraits as valuable as his landscapes? Do red paintings fetch higher prices than blue ones, and does the color palette matter equally to the sales of abstract Rothkos and figurative Hockneys? How much should be loaned to a borrower who is pledging one of Joan Mitchell’s late abstract paintings as collateral? Would the risk-return profile of a conventional portfolio benefit from exposure to Warhol?Rigorous and readable, this book also demonstrates how quantitative analysis can deepen aesthetic appreciation of art.
Depuración y regeneración de aguas residuales urbanas es un texto docente, estructurado en forma de manual, en el que se compila buena parte de la bibliografía especializada en el campo de las tecnologías de tratamiento de aguas y, específicamente, de la depuración de aguas residuales y de la regeneración de efluentes depurados. En esta edición se amplían y actualizan los contenidos de anteriores ediciones, con el mismo objetivo de introducir al lector en el aprendizaje científico y tecnológico de la ingeniería sanitaria y ambiental. El texto está adaptado a los correspondientes programas y guías docentes de las titulaciones de Grado en Ingeniería Civil y de Máster en Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos.
Editorial Drácena La visita en el tiempo
Editorial de la Luna Libros El espacio alrededor
Editorial Mintzoa Erraondoko ttunttneroa eta hainbat ipuin
Debolsillo Territorio Comanche / Comanche Territory
Debolsillo Sidi