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Elsevier Health Sciences Minor Injuries: A Clinical Guide
As nurses and other healthcare professionals become increasingly responsible for triage, assessment and treatment of minor injuries, this comprehensive training manual offers clear, reliable and up-to-date guidance for all those working in this rapidly changing field. The first text of its kind, written by former nurse practitioner Dennis Purcell, Minor Injuries has been fully revised in its fourth edition and reorganized into a more logical structure. It provides easy-to-follow guidance on all common presentations occurring in children, adults and older patients, taking the reader through each region of the body and providing core anatomy and examination principles to support treatment decisions. This popular text is richly illustrated throughout and will be indispensable for trainees undertaking minor injuries courses as well as practising nurses, emergency nurse practitioners, paramedics and advanced practitioners working in standalone minor injury units. Simple and accessible - takes you through the body step by step Beautifully illustrated, now with more images (many based on the author's own designs) Diagrams highlight anatomy, types of injuries, techniques such as suture, photos of examination procedures, and X-rays 11 videos showing examination of all limb joints, the cranial nerves, chest, neck and back Aligned with current NICE and SIGN guidelines New figures illustrating cranial nerve examination and other areas New case studies for each chapter on limb examination, helping readers from examination through to diagnosis and note taking New material on changes to the laws on X-ray requesting and on tetanus vaccination
Elsevier Health Sciences Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine
Well over two million medical students, doctors and other health professionals around the globe have owned a copy of Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine since it was first published over 70 years ago. Now in its 24th Edition, this thoroughly updated textbook describes the pathophysiology and clinical features of the most frequently encountered conditions in the major specialties of adult medicine, and explains how to recognise, investigate, diagnose and manage them. Taking its origins from Sir Stanley Davidson's much-admired lecture notes, Davidson's has endured because it keeps pace with how modern medicine is taught and provides a wealth of trusted information in an easy-to-read, concise and beautifully illustrated format. Key features: Part 1 'Fundamentals of Medicine' - provides an account of the principles of genetics, immunology, infectious diseases, population health, oncology and pain management, along with a discussion of the core principles behind clinical decision-making and good prescribing. Part 2 'Emergency and Critical Care Medicine' - covers medical emergencies in poisoning, envenomation and medicine in austere environments, as well as common presentations in acute medicine and the recognition and management of the critically ill. Part 3 'Clinical Medicine'- covers the major medical specialties, each thoroughly revised and brought fully up to date. A new section on COVID-19 has been added and the impact of this infection is described throughout the book. Clinical Examination overviews - extended and updated to summarise the main elements for each system. Presenting Problems sections - provide a clear pathway for the assessment of and approach to the most common complaints in each specialty. Practice Point summaries - detail the practical skills that medical students and junior doctors must acquire. Emergency boxes - emphasise the core knowledge needed to manage acutely ill patients. In Old Age, In Pregnancy and In Adolescence boxes - highlight differences in the practice of medicine in these patient groups, and illustrate the interfaces between medical, obstetric and paediatric services. The text is extensively illustrated - with over 1000 diagrams, clinical photographs, and radiology and pathology images. The global perspective is enhanced by an International Advisory Board of experts from 11 countries and by leading authors from around the world. The complete, downloadable eBook version is included with your (print copy) purchase - for easy access on your portable device, anytime, anywhere! Now enhanced with: NEW interactive self-assessment material - over 150 Questions and Answers test your understanding of chapter key points and aid efficient exam preparation Davidson's will serve readers everywhere as a core text that integrates medical science with clinical medicine, conveying key knowledge and practical advice in a highly accessible and readable format. REVIEWS Beautifully constructed with superb clarity of style - Davidson's continues to provide for students, doctors and other health professionals a sound basis for the practice of medicine. Royal Society of Medicine and Society of Authors Medical Book Awards This book comes through where others fail: an excellent textbook, easy to read and superb value. British Medical Journal
Elsevier Health Sciences Ross en Wilson Anatomie en Fysiologie in gezondheid en ziekte
De nieuwste editie van 's werelds meest populaire inleiding tot de menselijke anatomie en fysiologie in gezondheid en ziekte! De nieuwe editie van de buitengewoon succesvolle Ross & Wilson Anatomie en Fysiologie in Gezondheid en Ziekte biedt opnieuw de belangrijkste elementen van de menselijke biologie, weergegeven op een duidelijke en eenvoudige manier. Het boek is nu volledig herzien en heeft verbeterde leeronderdelen en nieuw getekende illustraties - ontwikkeld door het team van Gray's Anatomy for Students - om het leren nog makkelijker te maken. De aanvullende onderdelen zijn: Een nieuw, fris uiterlijk met nuttige kleurcodering en icoontjes bij afbeeldingen. Prachtige kleurenillustraties die de anatomische structuren en fysiologische processen helpen verduidelijken. Handige toetsen aan het einde van elk onderwerp zorgen ervoor dat studenten hun vorderingen kunnen volgen. De zelftests aan het einde van het hoofdstuk helpen de lezer bij het begrijpen en onthouden van de tekst. Duidelijke definities van veelgebruikte voorvoegsels, achtervoegsels en grondbegrippen, plus een verklarende woordenlijst en een bijlage met de biologische normaalwaarden. De begeleidende website bevat animaties, een audiowoordenlijst, casestudy's en ander testmateriaal, het unieke Body Spectrum© online kleur- en zelftestprogramma en handige weblinks. Ross & Wilson Anatomie en Fysiologie in Gezondheid en Ziekte kan worden gebruikt door studenten in de verpleging en aanverwante zorgberoepen, biomedische en paramedische wetenschappen, het praktijkonderdeel van de opleiding tot operatieassistent, in complementaire behandelingswijzen en massage therapie, maar ook door assistenten in opleiding in de gezondheidszorg. Het boek en de bijbehorende website zijn met name waardevol voor lezers die nieuw zijn in het vakgebied, voor mensen die weer gaan studeren na een periode van afwezigheid, en voor al degenen wiens eerste taal niet Engels is.
Elsevier Health Sciences Master Dentistry Volume 1: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Radiology, Pathology and Oral Medicine
Now in its fourth edition, this popular text provides a comprehensive overview of the oral and maxillofacial subjects in dentistry that students will need in order to pass their final exams. This invaluable adjunct to exam preparation provides a practical synthesis of core information, reflecting real-life case scenarios. Information is structured to enhance understanding and clinical decision making, and a variety of self-assessment methods prepare students for success. Comprehensively updated, the book covers a range of essential topics in the field of contemporary oral and maxillofacial subjects, including surgical flap design, state-of-the-art surgical techniques, zygomatic implants, molecular pathology, current imaging applications and pain management. The text is integrated and evidence based throughout. Covers oral and maxillofacial surgery, radiology, pathology and oral medicine subjects Brand new chapter on facial skin broadens diagnostic ability Range of self-assessment tasks to support learning Aligns to dental school curricula globally Concise and easy to follow Designed to support recall for examination purposes Practical guidance on examination preparation and skills Perfect for BDS exam preparation and candidates taking the MFDS, MJDF, ORE or other post-graduate exams
Elsevier Health Sciences A Nurse's Survival Guide to Children's Nursing - Updated Edition
Are you working as a children's nurse or doing a placement on a children's ward? Are you studying to become a great professional involved in nursing children and young people? This user friendly, easy to carry textbook is a practical and evidence-based guide which provides those in the early stages of their careers with clinical information and insights. This book will help you to: Gather all the information you need to work with patients, in a concise and structure way; Obtain the knowledge required and clinical skills needed on a wide range of conditions; Have an excellent starting point and great revision aid to refer to when in doubt; What will you find in this UPDATED edition: Answers to some of your questions about embarking on your career into children's nursing; How to satisfy children's requirements and needs in the ward according to their age and stage of their development; Examples on legal, health and safety issues; Completely updated and revised content written by authors with extensive nursing experience in the field. Part of the A Nurse's Survival Guide series What will you find in this UPDATED edition: Answers to some of your questions about embarking on your career into children's nursing; How to safely care for children's needs in the ward according to their age and stage of their development; Examples on legal, health and safety issues; Completely updated and revised content written by authors with extensive nursing experience in the field. Part of the A Nurse's Survival Guide series
Elsevier Health Sciences The ECG Made Practical
The ECG Made Practical is a clinically-orientated book, showing how the electrocardiogram can help in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with symptoms suggesting cardiovascular disease. The underlying philosophy of this Seventh Edition remains that the ECG has to be interpreted in the light of the patient's history and physical examination, thus the book is organised in chapters according to a patient's symptoms. Clinically-orientated with a quick reference list of cardiovascular conditions Builds on the basic knowledge outlined in the classic ECG Made Easy Emphasises the individuality of every ECG and uses full 12-lead ECG recordings to provide a realistic reproduction of the clinical environment. The unique page size allows presentation of 12-lead ECGs across a single page for clarity. Each chapter begins with a brief account of the relevant history and examination and ends with a short account of what might be done once the ECG has been interpreted. The ECG is a vital part of diagnosis and prolonged ambulatory ECG recording is now commonplace. This Seventh Edition includes a greater focus on ambulatory monitoring and the newer monitoring devices, while developments in pacing systems and defibrillators are described.
Elsevier Health Sciences Trigger Point Dry Needling: An Evidence and Clinical-Based Approach
Since the publication of the first edition in 2013, the utilization of dry needling in clinical practice has expanded dramatically throughout the world. Indeed, more and more professionals have been using dry needling to effectively reducing acute and chronic pain, as well as improving motor performance, range of motion, and strength. Following the success of the previous edition, the updated Trigger Point Dry Needling: An Evidence and Clinical-Based Approach remains the first authoritative guide on the market. With a completely revised text and now full colour illustrations, it provides excellent clarity within content and images for even more uniform and consistent instructions on the needling techniques. Written and edited by a group of international experts, this is the most-up-to-date resource for physiotherapists, chiropractors, myotherapists, and other professionals as physicians, acupuncturists, osteopaths and athletic trainers. New chapters on the use of dry needling for Neurological Conditions and dry needling for Fascia, Scar, and Tendon; Clinical chapters with new full colour illustrations; Worldwide editors and contributors; New chapters on the use of dry needling for Neurological Conditions and dry needling for Fascia, Scar, and Tendon; Clinical chapters with new full colour illustrations; Worldwide editors and contributors;
Elsevier Health Sciences Dermatopathology
Offering a unique combination of expert online lectures, vast image collections both in print and online, and an easy-to-use print atlas, Dermatopathology, 3rd Edition, helps you master the complexities of this challenging and fast-changing subspecialty. Dr. Elston and his colleagues make dermatopathology easier to understand, leading you to efficient, accurate diagnoses of the most important common dermatologic findings seen in practice. Covers the essentials of dermatopathology using an enjoyable, easily understood approach and a consistent chapter template that includes key points and pearls. Features 27 lectures and 2,000 high-quality slides online - more than 8 hours of targeted teaching that take you through the must-know elements of each topic in a dynamic, engaging manner. Offers extensive, visually stunning image atlases both in print and online, including an extensive infectious disease atlas with 2,500 slides, a soft tissue tumor atlas with 300 images, a lymphoma atlas, and more. Includes abundant high-resolution histopathology examples with labels and pointers highlighting key aspects of each slide, providing additional clarity. The text has been expanded by over 70 pages in print, with over 130 new images, and 50 newer entities ranging from cutaneous collagenous vasculopathy to EBV+ mucocutaneous ulcer. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Elsevier Health Sciences Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body: The science and clinical applications in manual and movement therapy
The role of the fascia in musculoskeletal conditions and as a body-wide communication system is now well established. Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body constitutes the most comprehensive foundational textbook available that also provides the latest research theory and science around fascia and their function. This book is unique in offering consensus from scientists and clinicians from across the world and brings together the work of the group behind the international Fascia Research Congress. It is ideal for advanced sports physiotherapists /physical therapists, musculoskeletal/orthopaedic medicine practitioners, as well as all professionals with an interest in fascia and human movement. The comprehensive contents lay the foundations of understanding about fascia, covering current scientific understanding of physiology and anatomy, fascial-related disorders and associated therapies, and recently developed research techniques. Full colour illustrations clearly show fascia in context New content based on latest research evidence Critical evaluation of fascia-oriented therapies by internationally trusted experts Chapter outlines, key points and summary features to aid navigation Accompanying e-book version include instructional videos created by clinicians
Elsevier Health Sciences Sobotta Learning Tables of Muscles, Joints and Nerves, English/Latin: Tables to 17th ed. of the Sobotta Atlas
Sobotta - learning tables for muscles, joints and nerves The most important facts about muscles, joints and nerves are summarised in 62 tables, helping you to revisemethodically and efficiently! The origin, insertion, innervation and function of all muscles in the human body are presented in tabular form.The relevant muscle is shown in situ each time. The tables for branches and innervation areas of the Plexus cervicalis, brachialis and lumbosacralis givea good overview for a clinical diagnosis. The most important joints of the upper and lower limbs are shown in tables and additionally in schematicillustrations. The tables for neuroanatomy give the cranial nerves, cortical areas and nuclei of the thalamus.Tables for the cranial nerves identify and compare the pathways, supply areas and fibre qualities. Compatible to the 17th edition of the Sobotta Atlas!
Elsevier Health Sciences Myles Textbook for Midwives
Elsevier Health Sciences Sobotta Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. 3, 15th ed., English: Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy
Sobotta - Atlas of Human Anatomy: the exam atlas for understanding, learning, and training anatomy The English-language Sobotta Atlas with English nomenclature is specifically adapted to the needs of preclinical medical students. Right from the start, the book and the Internet content concentrate on exam-relevant knowledge. The new study concept simplifies learning-understanding-training: Descriptive legends help the student identify the most important features in the figures. Clinical examples present anatomical details in a wider context. All illustrations have been optimized, and the lettering reduced to a minimum. Volume 3 "Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy" includes the following topics: Head Eye Ear Neck Brain and Spinal Cord
Elsevier Health Sciences Recognizing and Treating Breathing Disorders: A Multidisciplinary Approach
This book is intended to help practitioners understand the causes and effects of disordered breathing and to provide strategies and protocols to help restore normal function. Fully updated throughout, this volume has been completely revised to guide the practitioner in the recognition of breathing pattern disorders and presents the latest research findings relating to the condition including a range of completely new techniques - many from an international perspective - to help restore and maintain normal functionality. Video clips on an associated website presents practical examples of the breathing techniques discussed in the book. "This is not a perfect all-encompassing textbook.That was not its purpose. As a catalyst for stimulating further exploration and for use as a reference in clinical work of wide-ranging paradigms it succeeds admirably." Reviewed by: David Propert, British School of Osteopathy, UK, International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine Date: Aug 2014 Carefully prepared by a global team of renowned experts under the guidance of Leon Chaitow Focuses on practical, validated, and clinically relevant information Abundant use of pull-out boxes, line artwork, photographs and tables facilitates ease of understanding Contains clinical cases to ensure full comprehension of the topics explored Suitable for physiotherapists, manual therapists, physical therapists, osteopaths, osteopathic physicians and chiropractors, massage therapists, Pilates and yoga teachers & therapists, Tai chi and Feldenkrais practitioners, athletic coaches and voice-coaches Video clips on an associated website presents practical examples of the breathing techniques discussed in the book Includes the latest protocols on breathing rehabilitation Includes specialist chapters on breathing dysfunction associated with pain syndromes such as pain of pelvic origin and other unexplained medical conditions Discusses the use of capnography in assessment and rehabilitation Includes discussion of Vojta/Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization Therapy
Elsevier Health Sciences Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy: Adults and Paediatrics: formerly Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems
The fifth edition of this seminal textbook continues to provide those who are studying or are in practice with comprehensive evidence-based coverage of all the main aspects of respiratory and cardiac physiotherapy throughout the whole lifespan - neonates, infants, children, adolescents and adults - with the patient at centre and advocating a problem-based approach. For the new edition, Jennifer Pryor and Ammani Prasad hand the baton of editorship and their lasting legacy over to Eleanor Main and Linda Denehy. With a team of over 60 international expert authors, the new editors have incorporated major changes reflecting current cardiorespiratory physiotherapy education and practice. These changes are heralded by a new title - Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy: Adults and Paediatrics (formerly Physiotherapy for Respiratory and Cardiac Problems: Adults and Paediatrics) - and a significant restructure of the content with a new set of chapters. A new key chapter on anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system lays the foundation which is then followed by a chapter on clinical assessment of adults, infants and children, and acutely ill or deteriorating patients. Additional new content includes a chapter on outcome measurement in practice and a large chapter describing rehabilitation in acute and chronic conditions in special populations including spinal cord injury, oncology, trauma and paediatrics. The chapter on therapeutic interventions is comprehensive and reflective of evidence based practice. Integrates evidence with clinical practice Case studies used to facilitate problem solving Boxes throughout highlighting key issues and points Emphasizes the need for a holistic approach to patient care Bank of 350 images on Evolve Resources. Log on to and register to access. Newly appointed editors - Eleanor Main (UK) and Linda Denehy (Australia) Content restructure and overhaul with contributions from over 60 world leading experts Chapters on: Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system Clinical assessment of the adult, infant/child and the acutely ill/deteriorating patient Outcome measurement in practice Therapeutic interventions Managing special populations Over 180 new figures including additional full-colour photographs
Elsevier Science & Technology Handbook of Crystal Growth Volume 2A2B
Elsevier Health Sciences Grays Anatomy for Students 5e and Paulsen Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy Package 17th ed. EnglishLatin Value Pack
Elsevier Health Sciences Anatomy and Physiology for Paramedical Practice
Designed to help paramedicine students excel at their academic requirements, Anatomy and Physiology for Paramedical Practice is a unique book in that it brings together anatomy and physiology in a way that is useful for future practice in the field. Unlike other textbooks, anatomy and physiology are presented by body region, rather than system (chest rather than respiratory system) - the way that paramedics are likely to approach a patient when dealing with acute illness or trauma. It will help you understand how the body is organised, its underlying anatomical structure, in terms of gross anatomy, histology and/or cell biology, and then how anatomy and physiology are applied in clinical practice. The underlying tenet of this book is that a sound anatomical knowledge underpins successful understanding of physiology and physiological processes. As such, it will be invaluable not only for undergraduate and postgraduate students in paramedicine/emergency medicine, but for many other healthcare professionals to brush up on their knowledge. Specifically designed to enable student paramedics to fully appreciate the human body and its functioning Guides the reader through different regions of the body in a logical and coherent way Covers anatomy first, followed by the physiology of the various structures Extensive cross referencing to other relevant regions to enable full understanding of these both individually and in connection to one another Clearly written text supported by relevant and informative illustrations Text boxes covering applied anatomy, clinical anatomy, applied physiology and clinical physiology Self-test multiple choice questions in each chapter
Elsevier Health Sciences Netter's Obstetrics and Gynecology
For medical students, generalists, and specialists alike, Netter's Obstetrics & Gynecology, 4th Edition, provides superbly illustrated, up-to-date information on the conditions and problems most often encountered in OB/GYN practice. Classic Netter images are paired with concise, evidence-based descriptions of common diseases, conditions, diagnostics, treatments, and protocols. Large, clear illustrations and short, to-the-point text provide quick, authoritative access to expert medical thinking-perfect for gaining knowledge of this complex field, for everyday clinical practice, or for staff and patient education. Features concise, exquisitely illustrated coverage of Anatomy and Embryology, Gynecology and Women's Health, and Obstetrics. Contains more than 300 exquisite Netter images, as well as new, recent paintings by Carlos Machado, that provide a quick and memorable overview of each disease or condition. Includes eleven new chapters, including Sexuality and Gender Dysphoria, Alcohol Abuse in Women, Anal Incontinence, Cardiovascular Disease in Women, Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause, Hereditary Cancer Syndromes, External Cephalic Version, and more. An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Elsevier Health Sciences The Unofficial Guide to Radiology: 100 Practice Chest X-rays
The unique and award-winning Unofficial Guides series is a collaboration between senior students, junior doctors and specialty experts. This combination of contributors understands what is essential to excel on your course, in exams and in practice - as well as the importance of presenting information in a clear, fun and engaging way. Packed with hints and tips from those in the know, when you are in a hurry and need a study companion you can trust, reach for an Unofficial Guide. This case-based guide teaches systematic analysis of chest X rays for everyone from complete beginners to professionals. Readers practise X ray interpretation on 100 high quality images based on real-life scenarios. Over each page is a model report accompanied by a fully annotated version of the X ray to explain the reasoning. 100 Practice Chest X Rays is ideal for students preparing for examinations and will also provide a handy reference for postgraduates and practising doctors. 100 high-definition images, just like real-life X-rays Full-colour annotations demystify chest X-rays for complete beginners Systematic examples of how to present reports in an exam and on a hospital ward round Follows international radiology reporting guidelines Matched to the Royal College of Radiologists national curriculum New bonus questions to allow the reader to test their knowledge and cement their learning
Elsevier Science & Technology Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity
Investment Banks, Hedge Funds, and Private Equity, Fourth Edition provides a real-world view of this fast-evolving field, reviewing and analyzing recent innovations and developments. This reference captures the actual work of bankers and professional investors, providing readers with templates for real transactions and insight on how investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity firms provide services to each other while creating opportunities for corporations and investors to raise capital, invest, hedge, finance, acquire, divest, and risk manage. For each type of institution, the business model, organizational structure, products, challenges, regulatory issues, and profit-making opportunities are explained. In addition, specific transactions are analyzed to make clear how advisory services, financings, investments, and trades produce profits or losses, and which types of risks are most commonly taken by each type of institution. Importantly, the linkage of investment banks, hedge funds, and private equity to corporations, governments, and individuals is described, enabling the reader to more clearly understand how these organizations impact them and how their products and services can be best utilized.
Elsevier Health Sciences Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2 Volume SET
Elsevier Science & Technology Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Guidelines
User interface (UI) design rules and guidelines, developed by early HCI gurus and recognized throughout the field, were based on cognitive psychology (study of mental processes such as problem solving, memory, and language), and early practitioners were well informed of its tenets. But today practitioners with backgrounds in cognitive psychology are a minority, as user interface designers and developers enter the field from a wide array of disciplines. HCI practitioners today have enough experience in UI design that they have been exposed to UI design rules, but it is essential that they understand the psychological basis behind the rules in order to effectively apply them. In Designing with the Mind in Mind, best-selling author Jeff Johnson provides designers with just enough background in perceptual and cognitive psychology that UI design guidelines make intuitive sense rather than being just a list of rules to follow.
Elsevier Science & Technology Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation
Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation, Third Edition, describes both the mathematical theory behind a modern photorealistic rendering system and its practical implementation. Through a method known as 'literate programming', the authors combine human-readable documentation and source code into a single reference that is specifically designed to aid comprehension. The result is a stunning achievement in graphics education. Through the ideas and software in this book, users will learn to design and employ a fully-featured rendering system for creating stunning imagery. This completely updated and revised edition includes new coverage on ray-tracing hair and curves primitives, numerical precision issues with ray tracing, LBVHs, realistic camera models, the measurement equation, and much more. It is a must-have, full color resource on physically-based rendering.
Elsevier Health Sciences Skills for Midwifery Practice, 5E
Skills for Midwifery Practice is the go-to book for all midwifery students who need to learn what to do in a range of situations, how to perform a skill, and why they need to do it in a certain way. Written by midwifery educators Ruth Johnson and Wendy Taylor, the book makes learning easy with background information, learning outcomes, helpful diagrams and lists to represent the skill flow. It explains the underlying physiology associated with pregnancy and childbirth, and clearly defines the nature and extent of current practice. This version is fully updated and referenced throughout to provide a detailed evidence base to support learning and further study. It is ideal for midwives in training, qualified midwives returning to practice, as well as other members of the obstetric healthcare team. Clear and logical - easy to follow and understand for training midwives Accurate, up-to-date evidence base that is relevant to contemporary midwifery practice Each skill contextualized with background, indications and contraindications to support both clinical practice and study Learning objectives and end-of-chapter self-assessment exercises allow readers to monitor their progress New to this edition Latest guidelines and standards New information on resuscitation and other emergencies Now in full color throughout Expanded chapter on the use of standard precautions in light of the global pandemic Developed discussion of alternative feeding methods
Elsevier Health Sciences Crash Course General Medicine
Crash Course - your effective every-day study companion PLUS the perfect antidote for exam stress! Save time and be assured you have the essential information you need in one place to excel on your course and achieve exam success. A winning formula now for over 20 years, each series volume has been fine-tuned and fully updated - with an improved full-colour layout tailored to make your life easier. Especially written by senior students or junior doctors - those who understand what is essential for exam success - with all information thoroughly checked and quality assured by expert Faculty Advisers, the result are books which exactly meet your needs and you know you can trust. Each chapter guides you succinctly through the full range of curriculum topics, integrating clinical considerations with the relevant basic science and avoiding unnecessary or confusing detail. A range of text boxes help you get to the hints, tips and key points you need fast! A fully revised self-assessment section matching the latest exam formats is included to check your understanding and aid exam preparation. The accompanying enhanced, downloadable eBook completes this invaluable learning package. Series volumes have been honed to meet the requirements of today's medical students, although the range of other health students and professionals who need rapid access to the essentials of general medicine will also love the unique approach of Crash Course. Whether you need to get out of a fix or aim for a distinction Crash Course is for you! Provides the exam syllabus in one place - saves valuable revision time Written by senior students and recent graduates - those closest to what is essential for exam success Quality assured by leading Faculty Advisors - ensures complete accuracy of information Features the ever popular 'Hints and Tips' boxes and other useful aide-mémoires - distilled wisdom from those in the know Updated self-assessment section matching the latest exam formats - confirm your understanding and improve exam technique fast
Elsevier Science & Technology Designing Embedded Systems with 32-Bit PIC Microcontrollers and MikroC
The new generation of 32-bit PIC microcontrollers can be used to solve the increasingly complex embedded system design challenges faced by engineers today. This book teaches the basics of 32-bit C programming, including an introduction to the PIC 32-bit C compiler. It includes a full description of the architecture of 32-bit PICs and their applications, along with coverage of the relevant development and debugging tools. Through a series of fully realized example projects, Dogan Ibrahim demonstrates how engineers can harness the power of this new technology to optimize their embedded designs. With this book you will learn: The advantages of 32-bit PICs The basics of 32-bit PIC programming The detail of the architecture of 32-bit PICs How to interpret the Microchip data sheets and draw out their key points How to use the built-in peripheral interface devices, including SD cards, CAN and USB interfacing How to use 32-bit debugging tools such as the ICD3 in-circuit debugger, mikroCD in-circuit debugger, and Real Ice emulator
Elsevier Health Sciences Tabbners Nursing Care 2 Vol Set
Elsevier Health Sciences Clinical Review of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Elsevier Health Sciences Browns Atlas of Regional Anesthesia
Elsevier Health Sciences Veterinary Instruments and Equipment
Elsevier Health Sciences Practical General Practice
Elsevier Health Sciences Fordneys Medical Insurance and Billing
Elsevier Health Sciences Veterinary Dentistry A Team Approach
Elsevier Health Sciences Conns Current Therapy 2025
Elsevier Health Sciences Crash Course 1000 SBAs for Finals and the MLA Medicine and Surgery
Elsevier Health Sciences Contemporary Nursing
Elsevier Health Sciences Veterinary Immunology
Elsevier Health Sciences Faubers Radiographic Imaging and Exposure
Elsevier Health Sciences Alfaros Clinical Judgment in Nursing A HowTo Practice Approach
Elsevier Health Sciences Sorrentinos Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker
Elsevier Health Sciences Clinical Companion for Fundamentals of Nursing
Elsevier Health Sciences Craigs Essentials of Sonography and Patient Care
Elsevier Health Sciences Essentials of Radiographic Physics and Imaging
Elsevier Health Sciences Basic Immunology
Elsevier Health Sciences 160 ECG Cases
Elsevier Health Sciences Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists Screening for Referral 6e
Elsevier Health Sciences Mosbys Pocket Dictionary of Medicine Nursing Health Professions
Elsevier Espaa, S.L.U. Interpretación fácil de la bioestadística