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Taylor & Francis Inc Professional Accounting and Audit in Australia, 1880-1900
Australian literature on professional accounting and audit begins in 1880. The two decades to 1900 were a crucial period in Australian history, the boom years of the 1880s being followed by the severe recession of the 1890s and the federation of the Australian. There were no professional accounting journals but publication took place in banking and insurance magazines, commercial newspapers and general newspapers. This book reprints 65 articles from this turbulent period and hugely productive period in Australian Accounting and Auditing practices.
Taylor & Francis Inc Promoting Literacy At-Ris
About one quarter of the children under the age of six are living in poverty, a factor that is highly relevant to school failure. It has been estimated that one quarter of the adolescent population is at risk of academic failure and other problem behaviors, with another quarter considered moderately at risk. School failure and the almost inevitable unemployment or underemployment that follows were among the most serious of these problems. This book examines the relationship between protective factors and academic achievement in elementary students. Protective factors are individual or environmental safeguards that enhance a youngster’s ability to resist stressful life events and promote resilience. There are protective factors at work in every system (individual, family, peer, school, and community.)
Taylor & Francis Inc Who Speaks for the Poor: National Interest Groups and Social Policy
This book addresses the central question of how the interests of the poor gain representation in the political process by examining the interest group system.
Taylor & Francis Inc African American Economic Development and Small Business Ownership
First Published in 1997. This book examines the history of economic development in the African American community and the use of entrepreneurship to improve the economic well-being of its members. The research in this book improves upon previous studies by analyzing factors related to business success by industry and region. Finally, this book sets forth for policy makers recommendations soundly based on a comprehensive understanding of the history and dynamics of African American enterprise.
Taylor & Francis Inc Affirmative Action Before Constitutional Law 19641977 Controversies in Constitutional Law
A resource for teachers, scholars, and students, providing an extended introduction to the issue; reprints of significant cases and briefs; congressional testimony and other primary documents; and a selection of scholarly articles. The three volumes explore in turn affirmative action before constit
Taylor & Francis Inc Mechanism in Protein Chemistry
Describes proteins' physical and chemical nature and how their molecular structures can be determined experimentally. Intended for upper level undergraduate and graduate students with a background in chemistry or biochemistry.
Taylor & Francis Inc Improving Testing: Process Tools and Techniques to Assure Quality
The primary purpose of this book is to demonstrate how proven quality assurance tools and methods that have been applied successfully in the manufacturing and service industries for the past 20 years can be applied in the testing industry. It defines what is meant by the term "quality" in testing and reviews how three business process concepts – standards, process planning and design, and continuous improvement – can be used to improve the way in which tests are designed, administered, scored and reported so that errors can be eliminated.
Taylor & Francis Inc Adverse Impact: Implications for Organizational Staffing and High Stakes Selection
This text is the best single repository for a comprehensive examination of the scientific research and practical issues associated with adverse impact. Adverse impact occurs when there is a significant difference in organizational outcomes to the disadvantage of one or more groups defined on the basis of demographic characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, etc.This book shows, based on scientific research, how to design selection systems that minimize subgroup differences. The primary object of this volume in the SIOP series is to bring together renowned experts in this field to present their viewpoints and perspectives on what underlies adverse impact, where we are in terms of assessing it and what we may have learned (or not learned) about minimizing it.
Taylor & Francis Inc Biennial Review of Counseling Psychology: Volume 1, 2008
Created to keep pace with changes in the psychological fields, the Biennial Review of Counseling Psychology addresses key developments in theory, research, and practice. New areas that have evolved in counseling psychology are discussed, and each chapter is written by current front-runners in the field. The content presented is relevant for science, education and training, public interest and diversity, and professional practice. Unlike academic journals, the contributions to the Biennial Review do not represent spontaneous submissions, but carefully planned and written chapters pursued and researched by the editorial committee. Topics covered include adult psychotherapy, multicultural counseling, college counseling and mental-health services, and psychosocial issues and treatment techniques with recent immigrants. A perfect source for those interested in continuing education, this first volume of the Biennial Review is a significant contribution to the literature and an indicator of the potential of future volumes.
Taylor & Francis Inc Culturally Responsive Mathematics Education
At a time of rapid demographic change and amidst the many educational challenges facing the US, this critical new collection presents mathematics education from a culturally responsive perspective. It tackles the most crucial issues of teaching mathematics to an ethnically diverse school population, including the political dimension of mathematics education within the context of governmental efforts to improve achievement in school mathematics. Culturally Responsive Mathematics Education moves beyond a point of view that is internal to mathematics education as a discipline, and instead offers a broad perspective of mathematics as a significant, liberating intellectual force in our society. The editors of this volume bring together contributions from many of the leading teachers, teacher educators, researchers, scholars, and activists who have been working to reorient mathematics education in ways that reflect mathematics education as accomplished, first and foremost, through human interactions.
Taylor & Francis Inc Foundations for the Future in Mathematics Education
The central question addressed in Foundations for the Future in Mathematics Education is this:What kind of understandings and abilities should be emphasized to decrease mismatches between the narrow band of mathematical understandings and abilities that are emphasized in mathematics classrooms and tests, and those that are needed for success beyond school in the 21st century? This is an urgent question. In fields ranging from aeronautical engineering to agriculture, and from biotechnologies to business administration, outside advisors to future-oriented university programs increasingly emphasize the fact that, beyond school, the nature of problem-solving activities has changed dramatically during the past twenty years, as powerful tools for computation, conceptualization, and communication have led to fundamental changes in the levels and types of mathematical understandings and abilities that are needed for success in such fields. For K-12 students and teachers, questions about the changing nature of mathematics (and mathematical thinking beyond school) might be rephrased to ask: If the goal is to create a mathematics curriculum that will be adequate to prepare students for informed citizenship—as well as preparing them for career opportunities in learning organizations, in knowledge economies, in an age of increasing globalization—how should traditional conceptions of the 3Rs be extended or reconceived? Overall, this book suggests that it is not enough to simply make incremental changes in the existing curriculum whose traditions developed out of the needs of industrial societies. The authors, beyond simply stating conclusions from their research, use results from it to describe promising directions for a research agenda related to this question.The volume is organized in three sections: *Part I focuses on naturalistic observations aimed at clarifying what kind of “mathematical thinking” people really do when they are engaged in “real life” problem solving or decision making situations beyond school. *Part II shifts attention toward changes that have occurred in kinds of elementary-but-powerful mathematical concepts, topics, and tools that have evolved recently—and that could replace past notions of “basics” by providing new foundations for the future. This section also initiates discussions about what it means to “understand” the preceding ideas and abilities. *Part III extends these discussions about meaning and understanding—and emphasizes teaching experiments aimed at investigating how instructional activities can be designed to facilitate the development of the preceding ideas and abilities.Foundations for the Future in Mathematics Education is an essential reference for researchers, curriculum developers, assessment experts, and teacher educators across the fields of mathematics and science education.
Taylor & Francis Inc What Is Authentic Educational Reform?: Pushing Against the Compassionate Conservative Agenda
"In response to the nationwide attacks on education in the name of educational reform packaged in No Child Left Behind, general analyses and local accounts of these attacks, as well as arguments on behalf of 'authentic educational reform' are badly needed.... This volume offers a useful combination of specific case studies, theory, and policy." - Gerald Coles, educational psychologist, USChallenging the compassionate conservative agenda for educational reform -- an agenda which seeks to improve American education through a business model focused on scripted lessons, lock-step approaches to teaching, high stakes-testing, and rigid accountability measures -- this book critiques the assumptions of this agenda, examines the problems that have riddled its implementation in schools, and suggests constructive alternatives. Educational theorists and researchers including Joel Spring, Sonia Nieto, Bill Ayers, and Susan Ohanian, classroom teachers, and parents, offer a mix of perspectives on: the social and political contexts of current educational reform initiatives; the impact of the compassionate conservative agenda on educational policies and practices; the ways in which children and teachers are affected by this agenda and its policies; and approaches that hold out hope for implementing authentic education reform. Intended for education professionals, students, and scholars, What Is Authentic Educational Reform? poses more questions than it answers, but taken together, these questions constitute a foundation for a more informed and thoughtful public conversation about how to refocus reform efforts in a direction that will truly strengthen American public education for all children and their families.
Taylor & Francis Inc Adaptive Origins: Evolution and Human Development
In this text, students are invited to rethink psychology by grounding it in the natural sciences with the understanding that evolutionary and developmental processes work together with culture to solve problems of human adaptation. These processes are cast as interdependent: Development cannot be understood except in the light of evolutionary theory, and the best proof of evolution is the fact of development. For students of evolutionary psychology, all the central topics -- such as evolved mental modules for theory of mind or language -- require an understanding of the developmental processes that lead to their expression. Genes, as important as they are, are never the whole story. The role of biological factors is explored in chapters outlining evolution, development, genetics, human origins, hormones and the brain. Then, the integrative value of this evolutionary/developmental vision in understanding key topics in psychology is illustrated by applying it to traditional area of inquiry including infancy and attachment, emotions and their expression, social relations with peers, cognitive and language development, sex differences, courtship and mating, violence and aggression, and cooperation and competition.
Taylor & Francis Inc Achieving the Radical Reform of Special Education: Essays in Honor of James M. Kauffman
As a tribute to scholar and mentor James M. Kauffman and his prodigious influence on the education of children and youth with disabilities, Achieving the Radical Reform of Special Education highlights and examines issues central to the continued growth and maturation of the field of special education. This impressive collection features the issues Kauffman has raised pointedly and repeatedly in his writing over the past three decades. With contributions by prominent scholars, essays throughout the book provide a valuable synopsis of the status of special education and its progress toward the achievement of radical reform at the outset of the 21st century.The volume is divided into four sections, corresponding to the following themes:1) recognizing and responding to individual differences among special education students; 2) repairing and elaborating the historical, philosophical, and legal foundations of special education practice; 3) strengthening the field’s empirical base; and4) confronting problems of advocacy and reform in special education. Chapters within each section discuss the status of the field, its progress, pitfalls, and promising subsequent steps.Achieving the Radical Reform of Special Education is intended for scholars, policy makers, and graduate students in special education and associated disciplines who seek to improve schools and to improve the education of students whose behavior and exceptional learning needs prevent their academic and social development.
Taylor & Francis Inc Communication Perspectives on HIV/AIDS for the 21st Century
Reflecting the current state of research into the communication aspects of HIV/AIDS, this volume explores AIDS-related communication scholarship, moving forward from the 1992 publication AIDS: A Communication Perspective.Editors Timothy Edgar, Seth M. Noar, and Vicki S. Freimuth have developed this up-to-date collection to focus on today’s key communication issues in the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Chapters herein examine the interplay of the messages individuals receive about AIDS at the public level as well as the messages exchanged between individuals at the interpersonal level. Acknowledging how the face of HIV/AIDS has changed since 1992, the volume promotes the perspective that an understanding of effective communication through both mediated and interpersonal channels is essential to winning the continued battle against AIDS.Issues addressed here include: Social stigma associated with the disease, social support and those living with HIV/AIDS, and the current state of HIV testing Parent–child discussions surrounding HIV/AIDS and safer sexual behavior, and cultural sensitivity relating to developing HIV prevention and sex education programs The effectiveness of health campaigns to impact attitudes, norms, and behavior, as well as the current state of entertainment education and its ability to contribute to HIV prevention News media coverage of HIV/AIDS and the impact of the agenda-setting function on public opinion and policy making Health literacy and its importance to the health and well-being of those undergoing HIV treatment. The role of technological innovations, most notably the Internet, used for both prevention interventions as well as risky behavior The volume also includes exemplars that showcase the diversity of approaches to health communication used to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic. These cases include interpersonal and mass communication mediums; traditional along with new media and technology; research by academics and practitioners; individual as well as community-based approaches; work based in the United States and internationally; and campaigns directed at at-risk, HIV- positive, as well as general populations. With new topics, new contributors, and a broadened scope, this book goes beyond a revision of the 1992 volume to reflect the current state of communication research on HIV/AIDS across key contexts. It is designed for academics, researchers, practitioners, and students in health communication, health psychology, and other areas of AIDS research. As a unique examination of communication research, it makes an indelible contribution to the growing knowledge base of communication approaches to combating HIV/AIDS.
Taylor & Francis Inc Foundations of Augmented Cognition
Builds a foundation for the new field of Augmented Cognition research and developmentIntroduces general Augmented Cognition methods and techniques, including physiological and neurophysiological measures such as EEG and fNIR, and sensors and algorithms for cognitive state estimationDiscusses Augmented Cognition applications such as simulation and training, intent-driven user interfaces, closed-loop command and control systemsExplores lessons learned to date, and future directions in Augmented Cognition-enabled HCI
Taylor & Francis Inc From Welfare to Childcare: What Happens to Young Children When Mothers Exchange Welfare for Work?
Although federal and state support for childcare has increased dramatically in response to welfare work requirements, low-income families are still facing difficulties balancing work and family obligations. There is wide variation across states in the strictness of welfare work requirements and in the generosity of childcare support. In addition, the level of co-payments required and the flexibility to use subsidies for informal modes of childcare differ across states, leading families to make different childcare and employment choices.The purpose of From Welfare to Childcare is first to describe what changes occurred in childcare following the 1996 welfare reform legislation, and then to analyze how federal welfare and subsidy policies influence the availability, accessibility, and quality of childcare arrangements for single mothers with young children. National in scope, it focuses on how the reforms influence the way that children are cared for when their mothers leave welfare and enter the workforce.This book is suitable for national, state, and local policymakers, non-profit organizations that study and attempt to influence public policy, and scholars interested in family and social policy issues. It can be used as a text in graduate level courses on welfare, poverty, and children and public policy.
Taylor & Francis Inc Teaching English to the World: History, Curriculum, and Practice
Teaching English to the World: History, Curriculum, and Practice is a unique collection of English language teaching (ELT) histories, curricula, and personal narratives from non-native speaker (NNS) English teachers around the world. No other book brings such a range of international ELT professionals together to describe and narrate what they know best.The book includes chapters from Brazil, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Israel, Japan, Lebanon, Poland, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, and Turkey. All chapters follow a consistent pattern, describing first the history of English language teaching in a particular country, then the current ELT curriculum, followed by the biography or the autobiography of an English teacher of that country. This consistency in the structuring of chapters will enable readers to assimilate the information easily while also comparing and contrasting the context of ELT in each country.The chapter authors--all born in or residents of the countries they represent and speakers of the local language or languages as well as English--provide insider perspectives on the challenges faced by local English language teachers. There is clear evidence that the majority of English teachers worldwide are nonnative speakers (NNS), and there is no doubt that many among them have been taught by indigenous teachers who themselves are nonnative speakers. This book brings the professional knowledge and experience of these teachers and the countries they represent to a mainstream Western audience including faculty, professionals, and graduate students in the field of ESL; to the international TESOL community; and to ELT teachers around the world.
Taylor & Francis Inc The American Journalist in the 21st Century: U.S. News People at the Dawn of a New Millennium
An authoritative and detailed illustration of the state of journalistic practice in the United States today, The American Journalist in the 21st Century sheds light on the demographic and educational backgrounds, working conditions, and professional and ethical values of print, broadcast, and Internet journalists at the beginning of the 21st century. Providing results from telephone surveys of nearly 1,500 U.S. journalists working in a variety of media outlets, this volume updates the findings published in the earlier report, The American Journalist in the 1990s, and reflects the continued evolution of journalistic practice and professionalism. The scope of material included here is extensive and inclusive, representing numerous facets of journalistic practice and professionalism, and featuring separate analyses for women, minority, and online journalists. Many findings are set in context and compared with previous major studies of U.S. journalists conducted in the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. Serving as a detailed snapshot of current journalistic practice, The American Journalist in the 21st Century offers an intriguing and enlightening profile of professional journalists today, and it will be of great interest and value to working journalists, journalism educators, media managers, journalism students, and others seeking insights into the current state of the journalism profession.
Taylor & Francis Inc Measurement and Research in the Accountability Era
The subject of accountability warrants thoughtful and dispassionate attention in today's educational environment. The accountability and school reform policies that are put in place today will have wide-ranging and long-lasting consequences for all of the nation's learners. This volume stems from the 2003 Educational Testing Service Invitational Conference that convened leading scholars and practitioners from education, psychology, economics, statistics, and public policy to discuss the important topic of measurement and accountability. The book begins with a broad look at where measurement and research have been and then moves into an examination of technical and methodological issues in accountability systems, closing learner achievement gaps, teacher quality issues, econometric perspectives, and finally, the all-important matter of aligning curriculum, standards, and assessment. The chapters cover all significant aspects of the current accountability scene, with careful but not exclusive attention to the No Child Left Behind. Written by nationally recognized scholars with a mandate to write in a non-technical style, this volume appeals to anyone seriously interested in school reform and the educational accountability movement.
Taylor & Francis Inc Revitalizing Political Psychology: The Legacy of Harold D. Lasswell
The goal of this book is to recapture the diminished roles of affect, psychological needs, and the psychodynamic mechanisms that are crucial for understanding political behavior by explaining and extending the contributions of Harold D. Lasswell, the dominant figure in political psychology in the mid-twentieth-century. Although Lasswell was best known for applying psychodynamic theories to politics, this book also demonstrates how his framework accommodated for cognitive processes and social interactions ranging from communications to policy-making. The authors use Lasswell's contributions and the debates over his ideas as a springboard for examining current policy, political, and leadership issues.Revitalizing Political Psychology presents and extends four aspects of Lasswell's contributions to the field: the psychodynamic mechanisms drawn from psychoanalytic theory, the use of symbol associations to understand political propaganda, the analysis of "democratic character" for both the public and the elites, and the structure of belief systems. In so doing, the authors link personality and political communication theory to democratic practice. The authors also critique leadership studies using Lasswell's concerns over the risks to democratic accountability and the current preoccupation with strengthening the roles of charismatic and transformational leaders.Intended for researchers, practitioners, and students in the areas of political and historical psychology, political strategy, and political communication, the book's emphasis on psychodynamics also appeals to psychoanalysts and the material on leadership appeals to professionals in management and industrial/organizational psychology.
Taylor & Francis Inc Civic Education for Diverse Citizens in Global Times: Rethinking Theory and Practice
This book explores four interrelated themes: rethinking civic education in light of the diversity of U.S. society; re-examining these notions in an increasingly interconnected global context; re-considering the ways that civic education is researched and practiced; and taking stock of where we are currently through use of an historical understanding of civic education.There is a gap between theory and practice in social studies education: while social studies researchers call for teachers to nurture skills of analysis, decision-making, and participatory citizenship, students in social studies classrooms are often found participating in passive tasks (e.g., quiz and test-taking, worksheet completion, listening to lectures) rather than engaging critically with the curriculum. Civic Education for Diverse Citizens in Global Times, directed at students, researchers and practitioners of social studies education, seeks to engage this divide by offering a collection of work that puts practice at the center of research and theory.
Taylor & Francis Inc Sex Differences and Similarities in Communication
Sex Differences and Similarities in Communication offers a thorough exploration of sex differences in how men and women communicate, set within the context of sex similarities, offering a balanced examination of the topic. The contents of this distinctive volume frame the conversation regarding the extent to which sex differences are found in social behavior, and emphasize different theoretical perspectives on the topic. Chapter contributors examine how sex differences and similarities can be seen in various verbal and nonverbal communicative behaviors across contexts, and focus on communication behavior in romantic relationships. The work included here represents recent research on the topic across various disciplines, including communication, social psychology, sociology, linguistics, and organizational behavior, by scholars well-known for their work in this area. In this second edition, some chapters present new perspectives on sex/gender and communication; others present substantially revised versions of earlier chapters. All chapters have a stronger theoretical orientation and are based on a wider range of empirical data than those in the first edition. Readers in communication, social psychology, relationships, and related fields will find much of interest in this second edition. The volume will serve as a text for students in advanced coursework as well as a reference for practitioners interested in research-based conclusions regarding sex differences in communicative behavior.
Taylor & Francis Inc Artifacts and Organizations: Beyond Mere Symbolism
Artifacts in organizations are ubiquitous but often overlooked. The chapters in this book illustrate that artifacts are everywhere in organizational life. They prevail in how offices are decorated, language is used, business cards are designed, and office cartoons are displayed. In addition, artifacts can be seen in the name of an organization and its employees, products, buildings, processes, and contracts, and they represent people, organizations, and professions.Artifacts and Organizations suggests that artifacts are neither superficial nor pertinent only to organizational culture. They are relevant to a rich and diverse set of organizational processes within and across multiple levels of analysis. Artifacts are shown to be integral to identity, sense-giving and sense-making processes, interpretation and negotiation, legitimacy, and branding. The book seeks to communicate that artifacts are often much more than what is currently recognized in organizational research. The four sections of this edited volume address various aspects of what is known about and known through artifacts. Together, the full set of chapters challenge the field to move beyond a narrow conceptualization and understanding of artifacts in organizations.This book leads students to embrace the full complexity and richness of artifacts. In addition, the text seeks to inspire those who focus on artifacts as symbols to delve deeper into the complexities of artifacts-in-use, for individuals, organizations, and institutions.
Taylor & Francis Inc An ADHD Primer
Filled with current, practical, and useful information for professionals and individuals, this second edition of An ADHD Primer summarizes the literature concerning ADHD across the lifespan. It offers a better understanding of the disorder by addressing the potential causes of ADHD, the developmental course, and numerous treatment approaches. Author Lisa L. Weyandt delivers research-based, cutting-edge knowledge in a concise and user-friendly fashion. The book skillfully explains the scientific literature, often complex, concerning this disorder.Commonly asked questions are addressed, including: What causes ADHD? What does ADHD look like, and how can it be accurately assessed? How can ADHD be treated with and without medication? Weyandt thoroughly tackles these question and more. The text contains helpful tables and appendices, as well as numerous up-to-date resources for readers who desire additional information about the disorder.An ADHD Primer is intended for students enrolled in teacher-certification programs, graduate students enrolled in research and applied training programs, educators, counselors, nurses, psychologists, parents, and individuals with ADHD.
Taylor & Francis Inc Human-Centered Computing: Cognitive, Social, and Ergonomic Aspects, Volume 3
The 10th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCI International 2003, is held in Crete, Greece, 22-27 June 2003, jointly with the Symposium on Human Interface (Japan) 2003, the 5th International Conference on Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, and the 2nd International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. A total of 2986 individuals from industry, academia, research institutes, and governmental agencies from 59 countries submitted their work for presentation, and only those submittals that were judged to be of high scientific quality were included in the program. These papers address the latest research and development efforts and highlight the human aspects of design and use of computing systems. The papers accepted for presentation thoroughly cover the entire field of humancomputer interaction, including the cognitive, social, ergonomic, and health aspects of work with computers. These papers also address major advances in knowledge and effective use of computers in a variety of diversified application areas, including offices, financial institutions, manufacturing, electronic publishing, construction, health care, disabled and elderly people, etc.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Psychology Behind Trademark Infringement and Counterfeiting
As those involved in commerce are aware, preventing competitors and others from imitating successful brands is a difficult and costly task.This book serves to inform the reader concerning complexities of the issues of brand imitation, integrating the disciplines of psychology, business, and law to the area of trademark infringement and counterfeiting. Principles and theories from psychology and how they are relevant to consumers' perceptions in the marketplace are used to explain why competitors steal the intellectual property of another company or entity.The possibility of brand imitation or counterfeiting should be contemplated in designing new products or brand packaging, just as it is in the printing of currency. It is the intent of The Psychology Behind Trademark Infringement and Counterfeiting to provide those involved in commerce with some understanding, some ideas, and perhaps some strategy for building differentiated brands that are easy to protect.Brand managers, expert witnesses to trademark cases, intellectual property lawyers, and academics of consumer behavior and marketing will find this book useful to understanding consumer motives and processes of trademark infringement and counterfeiting. It could be used as a textbook in courses on marketing.
Taylor & Francis Inc New Developments in Categorical Data Analysis for the Social and Behavioral Sciences
Categorical data are quantified as either nominal variables--distinguishing different groups, for example, based on socio-economic status, education, and political persuasion--or ordinal variables--distinguishing levels of interest, such as the preferred politician or the preferred type of punishment for committing burglary. This new book is a collection of up-to-date studies on modern categorical data analysis methods, emphasizing their application to relevant and interesting data sets.This volume concentrates on latent class analysis and item response theory. These methods use latent variables to explain the relationships among observed categorical variables. Latent class analysis yields the classification of a group of respondents according to their pattern of scores on the categorical variables. This provides insight into the mechanisms producing the data and allows the estimation of factor structures and regression models conditional on the latent class structure. Item response theory leads to the identification of one or more ordinal or interval scales. In psychological and educational testing these scales are used for individual measurement of abilities and personality traits.The focus of this volume is applied. After a method is explained, the potential of the method for analyzing categorical data is illustrated by means of a real data example to show how it can be used effectively for solving a real data problem. These methods are accessible to researchers not trained explicitly in applied statistics. This volume appeals to researchers and advanced students in the social and behavioral sciences, including social, developmental, organizational, clinical and health psychologists, sociologists, educational and marketing researchers, and political scientists. In addition, it is of interest to those who collect data on categorical variables and are faced with the problem of how to analyze such variables--among themselves or in relation to metric variables.
Taylor & Francis Inc Inferred Functions of Performance and Learning
This ambitious, highly theoretical book provides a capstone for the careers of two very distinguished scholars. It begins with an analysis of what functions and systems must exist for any organism or machine to perform an unlearned act, that is, with an analysis of what must be "wired into" the organism or machine. Once the basics of unlearned responding have been established, the authors then systematically show how learning mechanisms can be layered onto that foundation in ways that account for the performance of new, learned operations that eventually culminate in the acquisition of higher-order operations that involve concepts and language. This work is of interest to various practitioners engaged in analyzing and creating behavior: the ethnologist, the instructional designer, the learning psychologist, the physiologist-neurobiologist, and particularly the designer of intelligent machines.
Taylor & Francis Inc One-on-One Tutoring by Humans and Computers
One-on-One Tutoring by Humans and Computers articulates the CIRCSIM-Tutor project, an attempt to develop a computer tutor that generates a natural language dialogue with a student. Editors Martha Evens and Joel Michael present the educational context within which the project was launched, as well as research into tutoring, the process of implementation of CIRCSIM-Tutor, and the results of using CIRCSIM-Tutor in the classroom. The domain of this project is cardiovascular physiology, specifically targeting first-year medical students, though the idea is applicable to the development of intelligent tutoring systems across populations, disciplines, and domains.This 5 year-long project was motivated by the belief that students need assistance in building appropriate mental models of complex physiological phenomena, as well as practice in expressing these ideas in their own words to fully develop those models, and experience in problem-solving to use those models effectively. The book outlines directions for future research, and includes distinct features such as:*detailed studies of human one-on-one tutoring;*learning outcomes resulting from use of the tutor;*natural language input parsed and translated into logical form; and*natural language output generated using the LFG paradigm.This volume will appeal to educators who want to improve human tutoring or use computer tutors in the classroom, and it will interest computer scientists who want to build those computer tutors, as well as anyone who believes that language is central to teaching and learning.
Taylor & Francis Inc Electronic Collaboration in the Humanities: Issues and Options
This volume provides an informed view of how information technology is shaping the contemporary humanities. It specifically reflects five ideals:*humanities scholars with all levels of access are doing important work with technology;*humanities scholars' projects with technology reflect significant diversity, both across and within disciplinary bounds;*using information technology in the humanities is a continuous conversation;*information technology offers new options for humanities education; and *just as collaboration changes the nature of any project, so does information technology change the nature of collaboration--its speed, character, methods, and possible implementations.The first to explore new and important ways for humanities scholars to collaborate across disciplines via electronic media, this book redefines electronic collaboration; presents insightful models of student collaboration; provides important models of faculty collaboration with special emphasis on professional development; and offers a look at the future of electronic collaboration and the overall future of the humanities. Featuring the voices of humanities teacher-scholars at all stages of their professional careers, the chapters emphasize pedagogy, outlining contemporary issues and options.Electronic Collaboration in the Humanities speaks directly to anyone involved with interdisciplinary initiatives in colleges and universities, such as writing across the curriculum and communication across the curriculum programs, and to specific populations within the humanities, including literacy and technology, language and literature, literacy studies, professional writing, and English education.
Taylor & Francis Inc Facilitating interpersonal Relationships in the Classroom: The Relational Literacy Curriculum
This volume is a guide to using the Relational Literacy Curriculum with children in grades 2-5. Based on developmental and social constructivist principles, this curriculum presents a conceptual framework and a method for enhancing children's understanding of interpersonal relationships in the classroom. The Relational Literacy Curriculum: *offers a powerful method for children to reflect on challenging interpersonal episodes and to discern constructive patterns of relating through discussion and role play; *provides a process that can serve as both a prevention tool and a vehicle for managing immediate conflict; *gives teachers a strong theoretical framework from which they can make principled decisions, and a flexible format for implementing it that they can adapt to meet the particular social needs of their classroom context; and *promotes teacher reflection and learning through the use of various observational tools. This book addresses the question of why it is important to study relationships in the elementary classroom; reviews the research and literature that inform the relational literacy curriculum; lays out the process of the curriculum; explains how the curriculum can be used to address real conflicts within the classroom community; and provides guiding principles for practice. It is a useful resource for classroom teachers, school psychologists, school counselors and social workers, and a valuable text for a range of courses, including classroom management, psycho-social interventions, child development, and early childhood education.
Taylor & Francis Inc Time and Intimacy: A New Science of Personal Relationships
There is a mysterious connection between our experiences of intimacy--of love, the longing to feel connected, and sexual embrace--and the human sense of time--eternity, impermanence, and rhythm. In this critical analysis of the time-intimacy equation, Bennett shows how the scientific study of personal relationships can address this mystery. As a study of transpersonal science, this book points to the possible evolution of intimacy and of our consciousness of time, and how the two evolutionary paths weave together. Dr. Bennett draws from a wide array of resources to advance and marry two compelling themes: first, the social and clinical science of personal relationships should integrate the spiritual or transpersonal dimension of intimacy, and second, science can contribute to lay understandings by describing the richly temporal aspects of relationships. In blending popular literature, transpersonal psychology, and scientific research and theory, this work also attempts to address the lack of dialogue between academics who study personal intimacy and those writers in the popular press who give advice and guidelines for building intimacy.Time and Intimacy is written for a broad audience, intended for those with a general interest in relationships, as well as for students, counselors, and psychologists. It can be used as a text in courses on personal relationships, as well as to supplement courses in humanistic psychology, transpersonal psychology, interpersonal communication, relationships, marital and family counseling, human relations, and related areas. Because it advances an interdisciplinary understanding of personal relationships, this book is certain to challenge prevailing views about the meaning of intimacy in both the academic and popular literatures.
Taylor & Francis Inc Succeeding in Graduate School: The Career Guide for Psychology Students
Psychology students who want to continue their education today are confronted by a bewildering variety of possibilities. Succeeding in Graduate School offers them much needed practical help. Written by experienced mentors, this book: *explains the options provided by a bachelor's degree, describes what each of the many available programs at the master's and doctoral levels prepares one to do, helps in selecting the most appropriate program, and enhances one's chances of being admitted; *gives reader-friendly tutorials in teaching, research, and clinical/consulting skills; *describes the stresses of life as a graduate student; *suggests ways to cope with the management of difficult professors, the search for the optimal advisor-mentor match, and other political and emotional problems that can make or break a graduate career; *offers advice on overcoming obstacles to completing a thesis or dissertation; and *provides guidance on navigating beyond graduate school: maintaining one's ethical focus, getting into and completing the internship that is a requirement of many programs, obtaining a license for those requiring one to work, and in general, building a career beyond the degree. Clear, crisp, and comprehensive--with extensive references for further exploration--Succeeding in Graduate School is must reading for undergraduates and graduate students alike.
Taylor & Francis Inc Psychological Testing in the Age of Managed Behavioral Health Care
Written by a recognized expert in assessment employed by a large managed behavioral healthcare organization (MBHO), this book seeks to provide psychologists who rely on testing as an integral part of their practice, a guide on how to survive and thrive in the era of managed behavioral healthcare. It also offers ideas on how to capitalize on the opportunities that managed care presents to psychologists. The goal is to demonstrate that despite the tightening of the reins on authorizations for reimbursable testing, psychological testing can continue to play an important role in psychological practice and behavioral healthcare service delivery.The book presents ideas for: *increasing the likelihood of getting tests authorized by MBHOs; *using inexpensive/public domain assessment instruments; *ethically using psychological testing in MBHO settings; *capitalizing on the movement to integrate primary care and behavioral healthcare through the use of psychological testing; and *designing and implementing outcomes assessment systems within MBHO settings. Intended for practicing psychologists and other behavioral health practitioners employed by MBHOs in direct service delivery, care management or supervisory positions, as well as for graduate clinical or counseling psychology students who will most likely work in MBHO settings.
Taylor & Francis Inc Mechanisms of Cognitive Development: Behavioral and Neural Perspectives
This volume considers how children's thinking evolves during development, with a focus on the role of experience in causing change. It brings together cutting-edge research by leaders in the psychology and neurobiology of child development to examine the processes by which children learn and those that make children ready and able to learn at particular points in development. Behavioral approaches include research on the "microgenesis" of cognitive change over short time periods (e.g., several hour-long sessions) in specific task situations. Research on cognitive change over longer time scales (months and years) is also presented, as well as research that uses computational modeling and dynamical systems approaches to understand learning and development. Neural approaches include the study of how neuronal activity and connectivity change during acquisition of cognitive skills in children and adults. Other investigations consider the possible emergence of cognitive abilities through the maturation of brain structures and the effects of experience on the organization of functions in the brain. Developmental anomalies, such as autism and attention deficit disorder are also examined as windows on normal development. Four questions drive the volume: *Why do cognitive abilities emerge when they do during development? *What are the sources of developmental and individual differences, and of developmental anomalies in learning? *What happens in the brain when people learn? *How can experiences be ordered and timed to optimize learning? The answers to these questions have strong implications for how we educate children and remediate deficits that have impeded the development of thinking abilities. These implications are explored in several chapters in the volume, as well as in the commentaries by leading discussants.
Taylor & Francis Inc The Psychological Assessment of Abused and Traumatized Children
The past decade has seen more and more clinicians involved in the assessment and treatment of abused and traumatized children. They have contributed to an impressively large body of literature on the impact of abuse and trauma at all ages, the focus of which has been the short and long-term sequelae apparent in the child's behavior, emotional experience, and social interaction. But there have been few efforts to investigate the ways in which abuse and trauma damage the intrapsychic systems and structures that often guide, direct, and inform the child's manifest adjustment and functioning. The need to redress the balance was the major impetus for this book. Kelly offers a clinical paradigm for the personality assessment of abused or traumatized children via projective instruments--the TAT and Rorschach--and shows how various projective measures and indices can be utilized as sensitive barometers of changes in self, object, and ego functioning following therapeutic interventions and other corrective experiences. But further, integrating the tenets of trauma theory and those of psychoanalytic theory, he sets this clinical paradigm in a meaningful theoretical context, and draws on both theory and clinical experience to develop a comprehensive psychological composite of the child who has been maltreated. Part I provides an overview of theoretical models relevant to the assessment and diagnosis of the maltreated child. Contemporary psychoanalytic theory serves as one frame and is discussed first, with particular emphasis on object relations and ego functions. Equal attention is devoted to developmental psychology as another frame. Part II reviews relevant research. The Mutality of Autonomy Scale (MOA) and the Social Cognition and Object Relations Scale (SCORS) are introduced as examples of reliable and valid instruments readily employed to assess the impact of abuse or trauma on a child's object relations functioning. Additional Rorschach indices--boundary disturbance measures, thought disorder indices, trauma markers, and defensive functions measures--are discussed as measures of the impact on different facets of ego functioning. These various projective measures can be utilized as sensitive barometers of changes in self, object, and ego functioning following therapeutic interventions and other corrective experiences. Part III includes a variety of extended clinical illustrations. Seven cases of boys and girls subjected to varying degrees of abuse and trauma are presented to demonstrate the clinical utility of projective material for assessment, diagnosis, and treatment planning. For the clinician who takes the idiographical-phenomenological approach, appropriate given the uniqueness of each situation of abuse or trauma and the frequent brevity and barrenness of the protocol, such material can open a window onto a rich vista of the child's psychological terrain. The resulting map can point the way to wise decisions about type, timing, and level of therapeutic intervention, the resolution of such process issues as transference and countertransference, plus additional questions. Two cases of adult women who were abused as children and find themselves continuing to struggle with enduring unresolved issues vis a vis their own children are also presented. These cases underscore the value of TAT and Rorschach material, and object relations measures, in assessing and understanding the abusive and potentially abusive parent.
Taylor & Francis Inc Telephony, the Internet, and the Media: Selected Papers From the 1997 Telecommunications Policy Research Conference
Commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC), this volume begins with a historical survey of a quarter-century of TPRC meetings as one measure of change in and research about the telecommunications industry. Additional papers reflecting the ongoing pace of change in technological, economic, and policy issues are organized around four topics: * economic analysis of local and international telephone policy; * media industry studies including video competition, guidelines for children's educational television, and the setting of AM stereo standards; * applications and policy regarding the Internet; and * comparative studies in telephone and satellite policy. Collectively, the contents of this volume assess key issues for scholars, policymakers, and practitioners. Research reported in this volume illustrates the continually expanding scope of scholarly concerns about the telecommunications and information industry and contributes to further policy research and analysis.
Taylor & Francis Inc Developmental Perspectives on Children With High-incidence Disabilities
This volume has two purposes. The first is to summarize, substantiate, and extend current knowledge on the development of children with high incidence disabilities--most notably, learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, and mild mental retardation. The second is to honor the career of Professor Barbara K. Keogh and her contributions to the developmental study of children with high incidence disabilities. Internationally recognized for her accomplishments, Keogh is esteemed for her originality and clarity of thought. For nearly forty years, she has set an extraordinary model of analytic rigor combined with a kind and generous manner that inspires, supports, and sets an exacting standard of scholarship. The contributing authors to this volume represent only a fraction of the students and scholars touched by her distinguished career. In conceiving this volume, the editors sought to represent the topics, problems, and issues to which Keogh has devoted herself. They invited chapters that summarize what is known about the high incidence handicapping conditions that her research has mainly addressed and sought to reflect the probing, questioning style that she brings to her own work. Researchers, policymakers, and graduate students in special education and associated disciplines who seek to stay current will find this volume crucial reading.
Taylor & Francis Inc Electronic Collaboration in Science
The increasingly sophisticated and powerful information technology we are creating plays an ever more prominent role in facilitating interaction and cooperation in everyday life. The time has come to harness it in the service of scientific research. This pathbreaking book describes the technical and social challenges and opportunities of electronic collaboration and offers specific examples of the ways in which it has not only facilitated but in some cases enabled work by scientists. Key players all, the chapter authors illuminate the general issues with their first-hand accounts. Very few researchers today can work in isolation. Electronic Collaboration in Science provides the first clear road map for all whose investigations are leading them into this fascinating new multidisciplinary domain.
Taylor & Francis Inc Alcohol and Alcoholism: Effects on Brain and Development
This is the first volume that focuses on the lifespan neurobehavioral factors likely to determine susceptibility to alcohol abuse and its consequences. The chapters offer careful analysis of the effects of ethanol on the fetus, the infant, the adolescent, and the adult. The authors include behavioral neuroscientists and clinical neuropsychologists. Their topics range from the neurochemical and neuroanatomical consequences of prenatal alcohol to the cognitive consequences of prenatal alcohol on preschool and school-age children. The impact of genetics on sensitivity to alcohol is considered in terms of analytic tests using techniques of behavioral genetics and molecular biology. The consequences of exposure to alcohol during breastfeeding are described in experiments with human infants. The alcoholism that develops in adulthood is analyzed through the experimental study of relapse from alcohol deprivation and assessment of neuropsychological impairments and treatment for alcoholics. Drawing on extensive research that has applied techniques from molecular neurobiology and tests of learning and memory to the clinical assessment and treatment of alcoholics. The volume answers recent questions raised by the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and the National Institute of Drug Abuse about the role of early experience in susceptibility to later abuse of alcohol and other drugs. Although epidemiological studies can describe the problem, solutions in terms of mechanisms that mediate these effects will be found only with the kinds of experimentally oriented approaches the chapter authors describe.
Taylor & Francis Inc Understanding Group Behavior: Volume 1: Consensual Action By Small Groups; Volume 2: Small Group Processes and Interpersonal Relations
These books grew out of the perception that a number of important conceptual and theoretical advances in research on small group behavior had developed in recent years, but were scattered in rather fragmentary fashion across a diverse literature. Thus, it seemed useful to encourage the formulation of summary accounts. A conference was held in Hamburg with the aim of not only encouraging such developments, but also encouraging the integration of theoretical approaches where possible. These two volumes are the result. Current research on small groups falls roughly into two moderately broad categories, and this classification is reflected in the two books. Volume I addresses theoretical problems associated with the consensual action of task-oriented small groups, whereas Volume II focuses on interpersonal relations and social processes within such groups. The two volumes differ somewhat in that the conceptual work of Volume I tends to address rather strictly defined problems of consensual action, some approaches tending to the axiomatic, whereas the conceptual work described in Volume II is generally less formal and rather general in focus. However, both volumes represent current conceptual work in small group research and can claim to have achieved the original purpose of up-to-date conceptual summaries of progress on new theoretical work.
Taylor & Francis Inc Beliefs About Text and Instruction With Text
Every day in classrooms, teachers and students think about and with text. Their beliefs about what text is, who created it, and how to evaluate it are an influence, often a profoundly important one, on how they use text. This book brings together research on epistemology, belief systems, teacher beliefs, and text -- research that is usually presented separately, and in different disciplines. The editors illustrate what a cross-disciplinary body of work looks like, what varied insights are possible, and when the central concerns are beliefs and text. Written by respected researchers in the fields of psychology and education, the chapters are clustered thematically into three sections: * childrens' and adults' beliefs about text. * beliefs about what should be taught and how particular content should be taught and assessed in classrooms. * commentary on knowing versus believing, on the literatures that inform this body of work, and on belief systems. The first to address this important topic in a single volume, this book provides an essential synthesis of current research in an active area of inquiry. The chapters are pieces framed in a time and place with particular intentions -- one of those intentions is that they separately and as a whole stimulate discussion about beliefs and text.
Taylor & Francis Inc Levels of Cognitive Development
The proposed levels theory presented in this book concerns some developmental changes in the capacity to selectively encode information and provide rational solutions to problems. These changes are measured by the behavior exhibited in simple discrimination-learning problems that allow both for information to be encoded either selectively or nonselectively and for solutions to be produced by associative learning or by hypothesis-testing. The simplicity of these problems permits comparisons between infrahuman and human performance and also between a wide range of ages among humans. Human adults presented with these problems typically encode the relevant information selectively and solve the problems in a rational mode. Infrahuman animals, however, typically process the information nonselectively and solve the problems in an automatic, associative mode. How human children encode the information and solve the problems depends on their age. The youngest children -- like the infrahuman animals -- mostly encode the information nonselectively and solve the problems in the associative mode. But between early childhood and young adulthood there is a gradual, long-term, quantifiable increase in the tendency to encode the information selectively and to solve the problem by testing plausible hypotheses. The theory explains in some detail the structure, function, development, and operation of the psychological system that produces both the ontogenetic and phylogenetic differences. This system is assumed to be differentiated into an information-processing system and an executive system analogous to the differentiation of the nervous system into afferent and efferent systems. Each of these systems is further differentiated into structural levels, with the higher level, in part, duplicating the function of the lower level, but in a more plastic, voluntary, and efficient manner. The differentiation of the information-processing and executive systems into different functional levels is presumed to have occurred sometime during the evolution of mankind with the higher level evolving later than the lower one as the central nervous system became increasing encephalized. As for human ontogeny, the higher levels are assumed to develop later and more slowly than their lower-level counterparts. In addition to accounting for a substantial body of empirical data, the theory resolves some recurrent controversies that have bedeviled psychology since its inception as a science. It accomplishes this by showing how information can be both nonselectively and selectively encoded, how automatic associative learning and rational problem-solving can operate in harmony, and how cognitive development can be both qualitative and quantitative.
Taylor & Francis Inc Profit Maximization Through Customer Relationship Marketing: Measurement, Prediction, and Implementation
Discover approaches to make customer relationship marketing more effective Profit Maximization Through Customer Relationship Marketing: Measurement, Prediction, and Implementation takes the various elements of customer centric marketing and brings them together using the latest research and case studies from various industries. Respected top researchers review and discuss research and concepts to provide practitioners, educators, and students with a deeper understanding of the wide range of issues relevant to customer centric marketing. This informative resource focuses on effective strategies and approaches to explain how companies can ensure that their marketing dollar achieves the highest return on investment (ROI). Customer centric approaches such as customer relationship marketing (CRM) aim to increase customer retention, acquisition, satisfaction, loyalty, differentiate customer value, develop customers via up-sell and cross-sell opportunities, and decrease costs. Profit Maximization Through Customer Relationship Marketing: Measurement, Prediction, and Implementation comprehensively explains how to make best use of customer information to better manage customer value and firm profitability. This valuable text also explains the importance of, as well as how to establish a reliable customer segmentation strategy. The book is extensively referenced and includes helpful figures, tables, and photographs to clearly illustrate concepts. Topics discussed in Profit Maximization Through Customer Relationship Marketing: Measurement, Prediction, and Implementation include: the goals of customer centric approaches various customer segmentation approaches cross-selling as a strategy for customer relationship management strategies to effectively use customer loyalty the value and cultivation of customer satisfaction and customer retention and more! Profit Maximization Through Customer Relationship Marketing: Measurement, Prediction, and Implementation is an invaluable resource for practitioners, educators, and graduate students.
Taylor & Francis Inc Exploring Initiative and Referendum Law: Selected State Research Guides
Researching ballot measures can be one of the most daunting types of legal research. Exploring Initiative and Referendum Law: Selected State Research Guides offers legal researchers an easy-to-use guide that provides thorough overviews of I&R (initiative and referendum) laws within twenty-three states. This unique resource provides state-specific guidance about both forms of I&R law, those state laws permitting I&R, and those state laws enacted as a result of the I&R process. Any legal researcher beginning a project or needing to know just where to go for the right resources will get helpful general and specific information on practical research strategies and resources. Up to now, finding the literature to research the state-specific history of a law passed by initiative or referendum has been extremely difficult. This book fills this gap by providing top researchers with brief overviews of the individual state processes while providing important primary and secondary sources, including Web sites. The guide’s chapters are separated alphabetically by state for fast and easy reference. Annotated bibliographies of books, articles, and Web sites are provided, along with instructions about what documents one can expect to find on the Web, and how to use free databases. Because of this useful volume’s unique focus, the book may well become an essential resource for law librarians, attorneys, law faculty, law students, and Political Science scholars.This book was published as a special issue of Legal Reference Services Quarterly.
Taylor & Francis Inc Hate is the Sin: Putting Faces on the Debate over Human Sexuality
Arguments based in doctrine and scripture over the inclusion of homosexual people within Christian congregations and sacraments have done little to persuade the faithful on either side of this debate. Hate is the Sin: Putting Faces on the Debate over Human Sexuality approaches this divisive subject through portraits of the faith of gay and lesbian persons, presents both sides of the controversy, revealing how preformed opinions shape widely divergent interpretations of biblical and theological issues. Included are the true stories of Mary Albing, serving as a pastor while in a lesbian relationship; Jay Wiesner, whose congregation defied the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America by ordaining and installing him in an Extraordinary Candidacy Project ceremony; David Glesne, who sought to heal relationships with gays and lesbians and yet deny them ordination and cohabitation; and other accounts of the ways that many congregations have struggled to welcome homosexual people and to realize the Christian message within their own churches. Hate is the Sin: Putting Faces on the Debate over Human Sexuality is an insightful and detailed account of this contemporary debate and required reading for any person hoping to understand Christianity and the spiritual lives of contemporary Christian people.
Taylor & Francis Inc Performance Enhancing Medications and Drugs of Abuse
Performance Enhancing Medications and Drugs of Abuse explores various medications currently being abused by patients, from the drugs used for physical and cosmetic purposes by weekend warriors, professional athletes, and other at-risk populations, to the drugs used to enhance mood and memory.