Search results for ""Author Grosset"
Dr Ludwig Reichert Beispiele Orientalischer Grossstadte. a IX 9.8: Kairo/Al-Qahira (Agypten). Funktionale Gliederung. 1: 12.000
Dr Ludwig Reichert Beispiele Orientalischer Grossstadte. a IX 9.4: A IX 9.4 Der Bazar Von Isfahan/Esfahan (Iran). 1: 5.750
Bocconi University Press Python for non-Pythonians: How to Win Over Programming Languages
The book uses a very simple and accessible language. All the descriptions of Python functionalities come with intuitive examples to make you learn by doing. This is not a theoretical book and does not cover some of the most internal features of Python. The intention of the authors is to allow business oriented people to start using Python. The main reason for such a choice of style is due to the increasing number of requests by non-technical professionals to solve daily problems and tasks. Whether we want to append multiple spreadsheets or profile the customer base, being able to use a solid infrastructure which enables to collect, check, process, analyze data, and report results has become a basic requirement in most industries. The structure of this book replicates the structure of a grammar book. It first introduces the building blocks of Python - i.e., objects - which can be compared to the different types of words (e.g., verbs, nouns) of a language. It introduces readers to the syntax rules of Python - i.e., statements, functions, and classes. It then provides introduces how to use this new language for managing data. One thing that we found particularly helpful for our students is to provide wrong Python codes with the error message that Python provides, and ask them to fix the code in order to make it work. As making mistakes is very common, we would say normal, in programming, learning how to interpret the error messages and fix codes is extremely important from a pedagogical perspective. The book always challenges students with a series of "fix the code" questions at the end of each a topic. We adopt this structure because we found that students learn how to successfully write algorithms in Python when they understand its logic and the meaning of every single element of the algorithm. We have experimented that this natural progression, from the most basic elements to very complex scripts, raises students' self-confidence and proficiency in writing their own algorithms. Hence, the structure of the textbook greatly helps students and instructors to gradually acquire the "programming" mindset. Also, our teaching experience indicates that, as with any other language, students learn by practicing. For this reason our textbook, is rich in exercises of increasing complexity.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Dress Tartan: Waverley Large Notebook/Journal (21cm x 13 cm)
The Waverley Tartan large size hardback Dress tartan notebook/journal with 192 pages features white, navy, two shades of burgundy, moss green, cream and black. Bound in British cloth, this notebook shows the Hunting tartan. The paper is quality cream 80gsm with left hand side plain, right hand side lined. This series of Tartan Notebooks celebrates Scottish Traditions - the many unique features of Scotland and its people. History, clans and tartans, the landscape of Scotland - hills, glens, mountains, lochs and rivers guarded by the many castles and strongholds of Scotland, some ancient and ruined, but each one full of history, with a story to tell. Kinloch Anderson: The tartan cloth is supplied by and produced with the authority of Kinloch Anderson Scotland, holders of Royal Warrants of Appointment as Tailors and Kiltmakers to HM The Queen, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and HRH The Prince of Wales. Kinloch Anderson has created its own exclusive range of tartans which are available to all. They are based on the sett of the Clan Anderson tartan. The name Anderson means son of Andrew and Kinloch means head of the loch. Commonplace notebooks date back to the Scottish Enlightenment. Many thinkers and writers used a Commonplace notebook for writing down ideas and knowledge. Adam Smith, Robert Burns, David Hume, and later, writers such as Sir Walter Scott, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Virginia Woolf used commonplace notebooks. About the notebook: This notebook is made with cloth woven in mills in the United Kingdom. Notebook pages and paper components are made with acid-free paper from sustainable forests. Boards used in the binding process are made of 100% recycled paper. This hardback notebook is bound in genuine British tartan cloth with an elastic closure, ribbon market, eight perforated end leaves and expandable inner note holder. It contains a removable booklet about the history of clan tartans, and a bookmark that gives information on the Dress tartan.
Grin Publishing Untersuchung Zum Film Berlin Die Sinfonie Der Grossstadt D 1927 Von Walter Ruttmann ALS Werk Der Filmischen Moderne
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Geographies of Innovation
The geography of innovation is changing. Firstly, it is increasingly understood that innovative firms and organizations exhibit a wide variety of strategies, each differently attuned to diverse geographic contexts. Secondly, and concomitantly, the idea that cities, clusters and physical proximity are essential for innovation is evolving under the weight of new theorizing and empirical evidence. The aim of this handbook is to break with the many ideas and concepts that emerged during the course of the 1980s and 1990s, and to fully take into account the new reality of the internet, mobile communication technologies, personal mobility and globalization. The handbook gathers a new generation of ideas and authors to contribute to the debate, providing an empirically grounded critical appraisal of the prevailing knowledge on the geography of innovation. The 28 original chapters, written by a diverse range of scholars with widely differing views, present fresh empirical evidence and new perspectives relating to how innovation plays out across space in an age where mobility has increased, information is ubiquitous and globalisation has been realised. Overall, the dialogue between existing theory and new possibilities provides a unique and challenging appraisal of the connection between innovation, agglomeration and space. Offering cutting edge ideas in an accessible format, this will be an ideal resource for students and scholars of economic geography and innovation studies. The empirical evidence and analysis will also be of great value for policymakers and government officials.Contributors include: B.T. Asheim, H.W. Aslesen, A. Bain, P.-A. Balland, N. Bradford, A. Bramwell, C. Brennan-Horley, S. Breschi, C. Carraincazeaux, C. Chaminade, R. Comunian, C. De Fuentes, D. Doloreux, D. Eckert, A. Faggian, M. Ferru, R.D. Fitjar, K. Flanagan, C. Gibson, M. Grillitsch, M. Grossetti, G. Harirchi, F. Huber, A. Isaksen, S. Jewel, J. Karlsen, N. Komninos, J.-L. Klein, N. Lee, F. Lissoni, M. Maisonobe, J. Mattes, P. McCann, C.T. Noumedem, R. Ortega-Argilés, M. Plechero, A. Rallet, A. Rodriguez-Pose, R. Shearmur, H.L. Smith, B. Spigel, J. Tallec, E. Tranos, D.-G. Tremblay, F. Tödtling, M. Trippl, E. Uyarra, C. Yang, C. Wilkie, D.A. Wolfe
Peeters Publishers Ephesische Entheullungen 1: Fruhe Christen in Einer Antiken Grossstadt. Zugleich Ein Beitrag Zur Frage Nach Den Kontexten Der Johannesapokalypse
In Ephesos befand sich eine der sieben Gemeinden, an welche der Seher Johannes seine Apokalypse schickte. Doch die Johannesapokalypse ist nicht der einzige neutestamentliche Text, der eine Verbindung mit Ephesos hat. Auch im Corpus Paulinum und in der Apostelgeschichte spielt Ephesos eine bedeutende Rolle, wenngleich viele "Einleitungsfragen" umstritten sind. Uber das antike Ephesos sind wir durch die Ausgrabungen und ein reichhaltiges Corpus von Inschriften sehr gut informiert. Allerdings blieben die Kontakte zwischen althistorischer und exegetischer Forschung bislang meistens sparlich. Ephesische Enthullungen 1 ist der erste Teil einer lokalgeschichtlichen Studie zur Johannesapokalypse. Dieser Band bundelt gleichermassen althistorische und exegetische Erkenntnisse uber Ephesos und die fruchristlichen Gruppen in dieser Stadt: Offenbar gab es um 100 n. Chr. in Ephesos unterschiedliche christliche Gemeinden, deren Texte - etwa das lukanische Doppelwerk - im Neuen Testament erhalten sind. Damit wird sowohl der hellenistische und romische als auch der judische und christliche Hintergrund beleuchtet, vor dem ihre ephesischen Horer die Johannesapokalypse rezipieren konnten.
Cornelsen Verlag GmbH & Co Grossstadtliebe Geschichten aus dem Alltag der Familie Schall Geschichten aus dem Alltag der Familie Schall Lektre Mit Audios online
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Romance Tartan: Large: 21 x 13cm Waverley Notebook: Scottish Traditions
This Romance Large tartan notebook (21cm x 13cm, 192 pages) is bound in a pink/lilac pastel coloured tartan to give a gentle, attractive and soft feeling. It is part of the Scottish Traditions tartan notebook series and represents the many unique features of Scotland and its people. History, clans and tartans, the landscape of Scotland - hills, glens, mountains, lochs and rivers guarded by the many castles and strongholds of Scotland, some ancient and ruined, but each one full of history, with a story to tell. In this notebook the soft shades of pink, sky blue, light green and purple evoke notions of floral sweetness, heathers, open skies, windswept fields and noble enchantment. Kinloch Anderson: The tartan cloth is supplied by and produced with the authority of Kinloch Anderson Scotland, holders of Royal Warrants of Appointment as Tailors and Kiltmakers to HM The Queen, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and HRH The Prince of Wales. Kinloch Anderson has created its own exclusive range of tartans which are available to all. They are based on the sett of the Clan Anderson tartan. The name Anderson means son of Andrew and Kinloch means head of the loch. Romanticism in Scotland was an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement that developed between the late 18th and early 19th century. Commonplace notebooks date back to the Scottish Enlightenment. Many thinkers and writers used a Commonplace notebook for writing down ideas and knowledge. Adam Smith, Robert Burns, David Hume, and later, writers such as Sir Walter Scott, Arthur Conan Doyle, and Virginia Woolf used commonplace notebooks. About the notebook: This notebook is made with cloth woven in mills in the United Kingdom. Notebook pages and paper components are made with acid-free paper from sustainable forests. Boards used in the binding process are made of 100% recycled paper. This hardback notebook is bound in genuine British tartan cloth with an elastic closure, ribbon market, eight perforated end leaves and expandable inner note holder. It contains a removable booklet about the history of clan tartans, and a bookmark that gives information on the Romance tartan. 192 pages. Left side blank, right side ruled. Trimmed page size: 21 x 13 cm. ISBN: 978-1-84934-509-5
The Catholic University of America Press Love and Friendship in the Western Tradition: From Plato to Postmodernity
Love and Friendship in the Western Tradition comprises a collection of essays written over a 25 year period by the late Rev. Professor James McEvoy on the theme of friendship. The book traces the genesis and development of philosophical treatments of friendship from Greek philosophy, through the Middle Ages, to modern and postmodern philosophy. The collection's three major concerns are: (1) the history of philosophical discussions of friendship; (2) the role of friendship in the cultivation of the philosophical life; (3) the marginalization of friendship as a theme for philosophical reflection and practice in the modern period.As the author was primarily a medievalist, a great deal of the focus of the essays is on the development of the theme of friendship in the Middle Ages (in the thought of Augustine, Aquinas, Aelred of Rievaulx, Henry of Ghent, Robert Grosseteste, etc.). However, this focus, while a value in itself, also serves to connect philosophical perspectives on friendship from before and after the middle ages. It connects to the time before inasmuch as much of the work done on friendship in the Middle Ages is anchored in interpretations of Aristotle and Plato, and it connects to the time after by providing a counterpoint to the modern paradigm of what constitutes the philosophical life.The collection combines historical with thematic approaches to scholarship on this issue and is one of the only books of its kind to do so. It is, perhaps, unique in its historical sweep and will prove to be a canonical source for further research on this topic.
Dr Ludwig Reichert Beispiele Orientalischer Grossstadte. Funktionale Gliederung. a IX 9.2-3: A IX 9.2 Damaskus/Dimasq (Syrien). 1: 18.000. a IX 9.3 Mekka/Makka (Saudi-Arabien). 1: 40.000
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Waverley Anderson Tartan Large Notebook: 21cmx13cm
The Waverley Anderson large tartan notebook is hardback, 21cm x 13cm with 192 pages 80gsm FSC acid-free, bound in Anderson tartan. The Anderson tartan's predominant colour is a cool mid blue, and is crossed with red, yellow, black and white. The names Anderson and MacAndrew are connected with St Andrew. The popularity of the first name Andrew and the associated patronymic surnames meaning "son of Andrew" - with MacAndrew used in the Highlands, and Anderson in the Lowlands - means their use is very widespread, and so no exact origin of the names has been established. Gillanders, the Scottish Gaelic form, has the meaning "servant of Andrew". Whilst there is no specific geographical area that is a source of the Anderson clan, the Kinrara Manuscript written by Lachlan Mackintosh of Kinrara in 1679 (and based on three earlier, manuscripts written between 1497 and 1575) contains the claim that MacAndrews came to Badenoch from Moidart c. 1400. Alexander Anderson (1582-1620), born in Aberdeen, was an accomplished mathematician, and published works on geometry and algebra. His cousin David Anderson of Finshaugh (or Finzeach, d. 1629) is most famous for removing a large rock obstructing the entrance to Aberdeen harbour in 1610. For this, and other practical talents, he earned the nickname Davie-Do-a-Things. John Anderson (1726-1796) was Professor of Natural History at Glasgow University. In 1863 William Anderson (1805-1866) published a biographical history of the people of Scotland, The Scottish Nation. John Anderson, Viscount Waverley (1882-1958) was a member of Churchill's cabinet and commissioned the design of the Anderson Shelter, which saved many lives during the Second World War. The motto of the Clan Anderson is "Stand Sure" and the crest includes an oak tree. Septs: Related septs of the clan include: Andrews, Gillanders, MacAndrew, M'Anderson About the notebook: This notebook is made with cloth woven in mills in the United Kingdom. Notebook pages and paper components are made with acid-free 80gsm paper from sustainable forests. Boards used in the binding process are made of 100% recycled paper. This hardback notebook is bound in genuine British tartan cloth with an elastic closure, ribbon market, eight perforated end leaves and expandable inner note holder. It contains a removable booklet about the history of clan tartans, and a bookmark that gives information on the Anderson tartan. 192 pages. Left side blank, right side ruled. Trimmed page size: 21 x 13 cm. ISBN: 978-1-84934-514-9 Kinloch Anderson: The tartan cloth is supplied by and produced with the authority of Kinloch Anderson Scotland, holders of Royal Warrants of Appointment as Tailors and Kiltmakers to HM The Queen, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh and HRH The Prince of Wales.
Größenwahn Verlag Sehnsucht nach Zypern
Größenwahn Verlag Grenwahn Kche Rezepte aus der Lenaustrae
Größenwahn Verlag Das Gewicht aller Dinge Roman
Größenwahn Verlag Sag dass es dir gut geht
Größenwahn Verlag Am anderen Ende der Schwerkraft
The Catholic University of America Press Reading Romans with St. Thomas Aquinas
St. Thomas Aquinas produced his Commentary on the Romans near the end of his life while working on the Summa theologiae and commenting on Aristotle. The doctrinal richness of Paul’s Letter to the Romans was well known to the church fathers, including Origen and Augustine, on whom Aquinas drew for his commentary. With this rich collection of essays by leading scholars, both Catholic and Protestant, Aquinas’s commentary will become a major resource for ecumenical biblical and theological discussion. Authored by theologians, historians, and biblical scholars, Reading Romans with St. Thomas Aquinas contributes to a historical reconstruction of Aquinas’s exegesis and theology by addressing such topics as: the Holy Spirit, the Church, the faith of Abraham, worship, preaching, justification, sin and grace, predestination, Paul’s apostolic vocation, the Jewish people, human sexuality, the relationship of flesh and spirit in the human person, the literal sense of Scripture, Paul’s use of the Old Testament, and the relationship of Aquinas’s commentary on Romans to his Summa theologiae. This volume fits within the contemporary reappropriation of St. Thomas Aquinas, which emphasises his use of Scripture and the teachings of the church fathers without neglecting his philosophical insight. Contributors are Bernhard Blankenhorn, Markus Bockmuehl, Hans Boersma, John F. Boyle, Edgardo Colón-Emericr, Holly Taylor Coolman, Adam Cooper, Michael Dauphinais, Gilles Emery, Scott W. Hahn, Mary Healy, John A. Kincaid, Matthew Levering, Bruce Marshall, Charles Raith II, Geoffrey Wainwright, Michael Waldstein, and Robert Louis Wilken. In On the Cessation of the Laws, Grosseteste draws out the theological, christological, and soteriological issues implicit in the question of the relationship between the Old and New Covenants.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Handbook on the Geographies of Innovation
The geography of innovation is changing. Firstly, it is increasingly understood that innovative firms and organizations exhibit a wide variety of strategies, each differently attuned to diverse geographic contexts. Secondly, and concomitantly, the idea that cities, clusters and physical proximity are essential for innovation is evolving under the weight of new theorizing and empirical evidence. The aim of this handbook is to break with the many ideas and concepts that emerged during the course of the 1980s and 1990s, and to fully take into account the new reality of the internet, mobile communication technologies, personal mobility and globalization. The handbook gathers a new generation of ideas and authors to contribute to the debate, providing an empirically grounded critical appraisal of the prevailing knowledge on the geography of innovation. The 28 original chapters, written by a diverse range of scholars with widely differing views, present fresh empirical evidence and new perspectives relating to how innovation plays out across space in an age where mobility has increased, information is ubiquitous and globalisation has been realised. Overall, the dialogue between existing theory and new possibilities provides a unique and challenging appraisal of the connection between innovation, agglomeration and space. Offering cutting edge ideas in an accessible format, this will be an ideal resource for students and scholars of economic geography and innovation studies. The empirical evidence and analysis will also be of great value for policymakers and government officials.Contributors include: B.T. Asheim, H.W. Aslesen, A. Bain, P.-A. Balland, N. Bradford, A. Bramwell, C. Brennan-Horley, S. Breschi, C. Carraincazeaux, C. Chaminade, R. Comunian, C. De Fuentes, D. Doloreux, D. Eckert, A. Faggian, M. Ferru, R.D. Fitjar, K. Flanagan, C. Gibson, M. Grillitsch, M. Grossetti, G. Harirchi, F. Huber, A. Isaksen, S. Jewel, J. Karlsen, N. Komninos, J.-L. Klein, N. Lee, F. Lissoni, M. Maisonobe, J. Mattes, P. McCann, C.T. Noumedem, R. Ortega-Argilés, M. Plechero, A. Rallet, A. Rodriguez-Pose, R. Shearmur, H.L. Smith, B. Spigel, J. Tallec, E. Tranos, D.-G. Tremblay, F. Tödtling, M. Trippl, E. Uyarra, C. Yang, C. Wilkie, D.A. Wolfe
Manson Publishing Ltd Parkinson's Disease: Clinican's Desk Reference
This books’ coverage ranges from incidence, diagnosis, investigation, drug treatments, non-motor features of Parkinson’s Disease, assessment scales and surgical intervention, to the role of nurses, physio– and occupational therapists, speech/language pathologists, dieticians, and to the use of complementary medicine.
Penguin Putnam Inc Who Says Quack?: A Pudgy Board Book
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Maclean of Duart:: Large Waverley Genuine Tartan Cloth Commonplace Notebook (21cm x 13cm)
This Maclean of Duart genuine tartan cloth large notebook is made with genuine British tartan cloth. It measures 21cm x 13cm, and has 192 pages of 80gsm cream paper, with left page plain, right page ruled. Cloth supplied by tailors and kilt makers Kinloch Anderson. With a ribbon marker, inner note pocket, elastic enclosure, history of tartan leaflet, and colourful bookmark with a brief history of the Maclean of Duart tartan. Presented in a clear acetate bag. The Maclean of Duart tartan is red with black, and touches of yellow, white and blue. The Macleans claim descent from Gillean of the Battleaxe, a kinsman of Fergus Mor, the sixth-century-ruler of the ancient kingdom of Dalriada. Lands given to the clan chief included the isle of Mull, off the west coast of Scotland. During the 16th century the Campbells emerged as the most powerful clan in the West Highlands. Several marriages took place between the Macleans and the Campbells. Septs of the Maclean clan include Beaton, Black, Dowart, Dowie, Duart, Garvie, Gillan, Lane, Lean, Leith, MacBeth, MacCormick, MacFadyen, Macgeachan, MacVey, Patten and Rankin. Scientists, thinkers and writers in the Scottish Enlightenment used 'commonplace notebooks' to record thoughts and ideas. Many British writers such as Virginia Woolf and Arthur Conan Doyle continued to use them. Tartan belongs to Scottish heritage and culture, and thrives today both at home and overseas. There are now over 7,000 tartans officially recorded in the Scottish Register of Tartans located within the National Archive of Scotland. Waverley Books (Waverley Scotland) are delighted to innovate on the commonplace notebook idea with the Waverley tartan notebooks bound in genuine tartan cloth supplied by kilt makers and tailors Kinloch Anderson, Edinburgh.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Waverley (M): Murray of Atholl AncientTartan Cloth Pocket Commonplace Notebook
This Murray of Atholl Ancient genuine tartan cloth notebook has 176pp of 80gsm cream paper, with left page plain, right page ruled. With a ribbon marker, an expandable inner note pocket, elastic enclosure, a leaflet about the history of tartan, and a colourful bookmark with a brief history of the Murray of Atholl Ancient tartan. Comes in a light plastic wrapper bag. Scientists, thinkers and writers in the Scottish Enlightenment used 'commonplace notebooks' to record thoughts and ideas. Many British writers such as Virginia Woolf and Arthur Conan Doyle continued to use them. Tartan belongs to Scottish heritage and culture, and thrives today both at home and overseas. There are now over 7,000 tartans officially recorded in the Scottish Register of Tartans located within the National Archive of Scotland. Waverley Books (Waverley Scotland) are delighted to innovate on the commonplace notebook idea with the Waverley tartan notebooks bound in genuine tartan cloth supplied by kiltmakers and tailors Kinloch Anderson, Edinburgh, sourced from weavers in Scotland, and the Borders.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Irish Jokes
If you are looking for jokes that give answers to questions such as: What's the difference between a Kerry wedding and a Kerry wake? Why would Dermot not go to bed on his wedding night? and blessings such as: "May your friends have fine weather for your funeral." and "Better to be a coward for a moment than a dead hero for the rest of your life." then this is it. Irish Jokes provides wit, advice and a lighthearted look at the culture, psyche and society of Ireland and the Irish.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Waverley (M): Cameron of Erracht Tartan Cloth Commonplace Notebook
This Cameron of Erracht genuine tartan cloth notebook has 176pp of 80gsm cream paper, with left page plain, right page ruled. With a ribbon marker, an expandable inner note pocket, elastic enclosure, a leaflet about the history of tartan, and a colourful bookmark with a brief history of the Cameron of Erracht tartan. Comes in a light plastic wrapper bag. Scientists, thinkers and writers in the Scottish Enlightenment used 'commonplace notebooks' to record thoughts and ideas. Many British writers such as Virginia Woolf and Arthur Conan Doyle continued to use them. Tartan belongs to Scottish heritage and culture, and thrives today both at home and overseas. There are now over 7,000 tartans officially recorded in the Scottish Register of Tartans located within the National Archive of Scotland. Waverley Books (Waverley Scotland) are delighted to innovate on the commonplace notebook idea with the Waverley tartan notebooks bound in genuine tartan cloth supplied by Kinloch Anderson, Edinburgh, sourced from weavers in Scotland, and the Borders.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Waverley Holyrood Tartan Large Notebook: 21cm x 13cm
The Waverley Holyrood large notebook is hardback, 21 x 13cm, with 192 pages of 80gsm, FSC acid-free paper bound in Holyrood tartan. The Holyrood tartan is a blend of blues, greys and brown fretted with yellow. The Holyrood Tartan was created in 1977 to coincide with the celebration of the Silver Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's Coronation (2nd June, 1953). The sett is based on Royal Stewart but with navy blue as the predominant colour, and overchecks of brown, light blue, green, gold and white. Holyrood is an area in Edinburgh, where Holyrood Palace (also called the Palace of Holyroodhouse), the ruins of Holyrood Abbey, Holyrood Park and the Scottish Parliament are situated. Holyrood Palace is the Queen's official Scottish residence and it is located in the Canongate area at the foot of the Royal Mile, the street so named because it runs for one mile between Holyrood Palace and Edinburgh Castle. The site was originally of a monastery founded by King David I of Scotland in 1128. He chose this spot on which to build it because he is said to have seen a haily ruid (anglicised to 'holy rood'), meaning holy cross, in the sky over this location. Here, many of the kings of Scotland were crowned, married or buried. The Palace itself was built in 1498, then severely damaged in 1544 by the Earl of Hertford's troops and again a century later by Cromwell's army and restored in the 1670s by Sir William Bruce on the orders of Charles II. The year of the Queen's Silver Jubilee was marked by many celebrations, and Her Majesty made tours all over the British Isles and the Commonwealth to meet her subjects. Each year, the Queen hosts "Holyrood Week" - usually from the end of June to the beginning of July - to celebrate Scottish culture and achievements, and which includes a garden party at the Palace of Holyroodhouse. About the notebook: This notebook is made with cloth woven in mills in the United Kingdom. Notebook pages and paper components are made with 80 gsm acid-free paper from sustainable forests. Boards used in the binding process are made of 100% recycled paper. This hardback notebook is bound in genuine British tartan cloth with an elastic closure, ribbon market, eight perforated end leaves and expandable inner note holder. It contains a removable booklet about the history of clan tartans, and a bookmark that gives information on the Holyrood tartan.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd The New Choice English Dictionary
With 20,000 headwords this popular dictionary has been a favourite with schools for many years. It gives simple definitions and has a clear typeface and is concise. It has an easy-to-read typeface. It is ideal for use in the school, home or office as a handy reference book. There is a 'commonly mispelt words' section in the back.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Incredibly Awful Jokes: Over 500 Jokes
With over 500 jokes in this book, the puns, one-liners, knock knock jokes and funny punch lines will entertain all the family.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Waverley (M): MacDuff Modern Hunting Tartan Cloth Commonplace Pocket Notebook
This MacDuff Modern Hunting genuine tartan cloth notebook has 176pp of 80gsm cream paper, with left page plain, right page ruled. With a ribbon marker, an expandable inner note pocket, elastic enclosure, a leaflet about the history of tartan, and a colourful bookmark with a brief history of the MacDuff Modern Hunting tartan. Cloth supplied by tailors and kilt makers Kinloch Anderson. Comes in a light plastic wrapper bag. Scientists, thinkers and writers in the Scottish Enlightenment used 'commonplace notebooks' to record thoughts and ideas. Many British writers such as Virginia Woolf and Arthur Conan Doyle continued to use them. Tartan belongs to Scottish heritage and culture, and thrives today both at home and overseas. There are now over 7,000 tartans officially recorded in the Scottish Register of Tartans located within the National Archive of Scotland. Waverley Books (Waverley Scotland) are delighted to innovate on the commonplace notebook idea with the Waverley tartan notebooks bound in genuine tartan cloth supplied by kiltmakers and tailors Kinloch Anderson, Edinburgh, sourced from weavers in Scotland, and the Borders.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Waverley (M): Douglas Ancient Tartan Cloth Commonplace Notebook
This Douglas Ancient genuine tartan cloth notebook has 176pp of 80gsm cream paper, with left page plain, right page ruled. With a ribbon marker, an expandable inner note pocket, elastic enclosure, a leaflet about the history of tartan, and a colourful bookmark with a brief history of the Douglas Ancient tartan. Cloth supplied by tailors and kilt makers Kinloch Anderson. Comes in a light plastic wrapper bag. Scientists, thinkers and writers in the Scottish Enlightenment used 'commonplace notebooks' to record thoughts and ideas. Many British writers such as Virginia Woolf and Arthur Conan Doyle continued to use them. Tartan belongs to Scottish heritage and culture, and thrives today both at home and overseas. There are now over 7,000 tartans officially recorded in the Scottish Register of Tartans located within the National Archive of Scotland. Waverley Books (Waverley Scotland) are delighted to innovate on the commonplace notebook idea with the Waverley tartan notebooks bound in genuine tartan cloth supplied by kiltmakers and tailors Kinloch Anderson, Edinburgh, sourced from weavers in Scotland, and the Borders.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Waverley (M): Isle of Skye Tartan Cloth Commonplace Notebook
This Isle of Skye genuine tartan cloth notebook has 176pp of 80gsm cream paper, with left page plain, right page ruled. With a ribbon marker, an expandable inner note pocket, elastic enclosure, a leaflet about the history of tartan, and a colourful bookmark with a brief history of the Isle of Skye tartan. Cloth supplied by tailors and kilt makers Kinloch Anderson. Comes in a light plastic wrapper bag. Scientists, thinkers and writers in the Scottish Enlightenment used 'commonplace notebooks' to record thoughts and ideas. Many British writers such as Virginia Woolf and Arthur Conan Doyle continued to use them. Tartan belongs to Scottish heritage and culture, and thrives today both at home and overseas. There are now over 7,000 tartans officially recorded in the Scottish Register of Tartans located within the National Archive of Scotland. Waverley Books (Waverley Scotland) are delighted to innovate on the commonplace notebook idea with the Waverley tartan notebooks bound in genuine tartan cloth supplied by kiltmakers and tailors Kinloch Anderson, Edinburgh, sourced from weavers in Scotland, and the Borders.
Penguin Putnam Inc I Would Like to Actually Keep It
Penguin Putnam Inc Dick and Jane Fun with Our Family
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Waverley Commonplace Notebooks: MacDonald Tartan Cloth Large Notebook (21 x 13cm)
Hardback notebook size 21cm x 13cm with 192 pages bound in authentic British MacDonald tartan cloth. FSC 80gsm paper and FSC materials used inside. Part of the Waverley Commonplace Notebook series.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Seriously Silly Jokes: Over 500 Jokes
Over 500 rib-tickling jokes to make your chums chortle, your dad faint, your granny groan, your brother bellow and your cat complain! Very funny jokes for all the family.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Spanish-English, English Spanish Pocket Dictionary
The Spanish-English, English-Spanish Pocket Dictionary, in a new edition, is fully up-to-date and clearly presented. Particularly useful for quick reference when travelling for students of language, business purposes and visitors.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Crossword Dictionary: Over 45,000 words and 10,000 anagrams
With over 45,000 words and 10,000 anagrams, this Crossword Dictionary is an invaluable puzzler's companion. The words are arranged alphabetically within sections determined by word length. Solving crossword puzzles is a most satisfying and enjoyable activity and stimulates the mind.
Penguin Putnam Inc I Slightly Want to Go Home
Penguin Putnam Inc The Pudgy Where Is Your Nose? Book
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Gaelic - English Dictionary
Once the national language of Scotland, Gaelic was gradually overtaken by Scots and in the 19th century its use was actively discouraged. The language is now enjoying a revival and this dictionary is a handy guide to the ancient Celtic language.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd The Blue Loch Tartan: Pocket: 14 x 9cm - Waverley Scotland Tartan Cloth Commonplace Notebook/Journal
The Waverley Blue Loch Commonplace Pocket Tartan hardback Notebook has 176 pages. Made from British blue and white tartan cloth with yellow-gold edges, 80sgsm FSC acid-free paper, from sustainable forests and boards made from 100% recycled paper. Left hand side page blank, right hand side page ruled. Pocket at the back for enclosures. Bookmark with history of tartan on one side and brief story of the tartan design on the other. Leaflet with map of Scotland, explanation of the history of tartan. There are over 80 styles in the Waverley Tartan Commonplace Notebook range, in three sizes.
Penguin Putnam Inc All Aboard! The Official Little Engine That Could Coloring Book
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Waverley (M): Dress Mackenzie Tartan Cloth Commonplace Notebook
This Dress Mackenzie genuine tartan cloth notebook has 176pp of 80gsm cream paper, with left page plain, right page ruled. With a ribbon marker, an expandable inner note pocket, elastic enclosure, a leaflet about the history of tartan, and a colourful bookmark with a brief history of the Dress Mackenzie tartan. Cloth supplied by tailors and kilt makers Kinloch Anderson. Comes in a light plastic wrapper bag. Scientists, thinkers and writers in the Scottish Enlightenment used 'commonplace notebooks' to record thoughts and ideas. Many British writers such as Virginia Woolf and Arthur Conan Doyle continued to use them. Tartan belongs to Scottish heritage and culture, and thrives today both at home and overseas. There are now over 7,000 tartans officially recorded in the Scottish Register of Tartans located within the National Archive of Scotland. Waverley Books (Waverley Scotland) are delighted to innovate on the commonplace notebook idea with the Waverley tartan notebooks bound in genuine tartan cloth supplied by kiltmakers and tailors Kinloch Anderson, Edinburgh, sourced from weavers in Scotland, and the Borders.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Waverley (M): Anderson Tartan Cloth Commonplace Notebook
This Anderson genuine tartan cloth notebook has 176pp of 80gsm cream paper, with left page plain, right page ruled. The notebook has a ribbon marker, an expandable inner note pocket at the back, elastic enclosure, and a booklet about the history of tartan, and a colourful bookmark with a brief history of the Anderson tartan. Comes in a light plastic wrapper bag. Scientists, thinkers and writers in the Scottish Enlightenment used 'commonplace notebooks' to record thoughts and ideas. Many British writers such as Virginia Woolf and Arthur Conan Doyle continued to use them. Tartan belongs to Scottish heritage and culture, and thrives today both at home and overseas. There are now over 7,000 tartans officially recorded in the Scottish Register of Tartans located within the National Archive of Scotland. Waverley Books (Waverley Scotland) are delighted to innovate on the commonplace notebook idea with the Waverley tartan notebooks bound in genuine tartan cloth supplied by Kinloch Anderson, Edinburgh, sourced from weavers in Scotland, and the Borders.The notebook has a quality bookmark with a brief history of the Anderson tartan and a leaflet about the historical importance of tartan, clans, and the Scottish Register of Tartans.
The Gresham Publishing Co. Ltd Waverley Notebooks: Macleod of Lewis Tartan Cloth Commonplace Large Notebook
This MacLeod of Lewis genuine tartan cloth notebook has 192pp of 80gsm cream paper, with left page plain, right page ruled. With a ribbon marker, an expandable inner note pocket, elastic enclosure, a leaflet about the history of tartan, and a colourful bookmark with a brief history of the MacLeod of Lewis tartan. Cloth supplied by tailors and kilt makers Kinloch Anderson. Comes in a lightweight biodegradable bag. Scientists, thinkers and writers in the Scottish Enlightenment used 'commonplace notebooks' to record thoughts and ideas. Many British writers such as Virginia Woolf and Arthur Conan Doyle continued to use them. Tartan belongs to Scottish heritage and culture, and thrives today both at home and overseas. There are now over 7,000 tartans officially recorded in the Scottish Register of Tartans located within the National Archive of Scotland. Waverley Books (Waverley Scotland) are delighted to innovate on the commonplace notebook idea with the Waverley tartan notebooks bound in genuine tartan cloth supplied by kiltmakers and tailors Kinloch Anderson, Edinburgh, sourced from weavers in Scotland, and the Borders.