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Editorial el Pirata Jugar sin pantallas
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Leo, un divertidí simo bebé camaleó n, no quiere dejar de mirar la pantalla. Pero, de repente… ¿ Qué es esa mú sica? ¿ Y ese ritmo? Parece muy divertido… ¿ Podrá s jugar con Leo y conseguir que se lo pase en grande sin pantallas?En la colecció n en españ ol Pasito a Pasito me hago grandecito, con nueve cuentos, los má s pequeñ os aprenderá n algunas de las cosas má s importantes que deben conocer a su edad, como la importancia de lavarse los dientes, bañ arse o irse a dormir cuando toca. ¡ Y lo hará n acompañ ados de toda una pandilla de animalitos de lo má s simpá ticos!En cada uno de estos libros de cartoné conoceremos a un bebé de animal distinto, que nos mostrará uno de los primeros grandes retos de la vida de un niñ o. Un koala les explicará lo importante que es irse a la cama, un pingü ino les enseñ ará a vestirse, una elefantita les animará a empezar a comer por sí solos.Algunas caracterí sticas: • Todos los tí tulos han sido supervisados por educadoras infantiles.• Son interactivos y divertidos: los niñ os juegan y ayudan a los animalitos.• Son cuentos de cartó n con un asa para que los pequeñ os los puedan llevar de un lado a otro.• Con ilustraciones divertidas y muy llamativas, que destacan sobre el fondo para captar la atenció n de los bebé s.• Con una solapa en la ú ltima pá gina que se puede abrir para ver el antes y el despué s de aprender a superar el reto en cuestió n.• ¡ Es una colecció n ideal para animar a los pequeñ os a superar los primeros retos, igual que lo hacen los animalitos que los protagonizan!La colecció n está pensada para ser de referencia en niñ os de 0 a 3 añ os.Tí tulos de la colecció n: • Me quiero bañ ar• Vamos a dormir• Es hora de comer• Ya me lavo los dientes• Chupetes fuera• Sin pañ al• Me visto solito• Juego y recojo• Jugar sin pantallas LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL._________________________________________SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Leo, a hilarious baby chameleon, won't stop staring at the screen. But suddenly… What is that music? And that rhythm? Sounds like lots of fun… Can you play with Leo and get him to have a great time without screens?In the collection in Spanish Pasito a pasito me hago grandecito, with 9 stories, the little ones will learn some of the most important things they should know at their age, such as the importance of washing teeth, bathe or go to sleep. And they will do it with a whole gang of cute little animals!In each of these cardboard books we meet a different animal baby, who shows us one of the first great challenges in a kid's life. A koala will explain to them how important it is to go to bed, a penguin will teach them to dress… Some features: • All titles have been supervised by early childhood educators.• They are interactive and fun: the children play and help the animals.• They are cardboard stories with a handle so the little ones can carry them from one place to another.• With fun and very striking illustrations, which stand out against the background to capture the attention of babies.• With a flap on the last page that can be opened to see the before and after learning to overcome the current challenge.• It's an ideal collection to encourage the little ones to overcome their first challenges, just like these animals do!The collection is designed to be a reference for children from 0 to 3 years old.ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
Editorial el Pirata Vamos a dormir
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Lala es una entrañ able bebé koala que tiene mucho sueñ o. ¡ Y es que ayer no querí a irse a dormir! Por suerte, con tu ayuda, descubrirá lo agradable que resulta acurrucarse y relajarse. Este fantá stico cuento interactivo en españ ol es perfecto para convertir la hora de irse a la cama en un momento má gico y relajante.En la colecció n en españ ol Pasito a Pasito me hago grandecito, con nueve cuentos, los má s pequeñ os aprenderá n algunas de las cosas má s importantes que deben conocer a su edad, como la importancia de lavarse los dientes, bañ arse o irse a dormir cuando toca. ¡ Y lo hará n acompañ ados de toda una pandilla de animalitos de lo má s simpá ticos!En cada uno de estos libros de cartoné conoceremos a un bebé de animal distinto, que nos mostrará uno de los primeros grandes retos de la vida de un niñ o. Un koala les explicará lo importante que es irse a la cama, un pingü ino les enseñ ará a vestirse, una elefantita les animará a empezar a comer por sí solos.Algunas caracterí sticas: • Todos los tí tulos han sido supervisados por educadoras infantiles.• Son interactivos y divertidos: los niñ os juegan y ayudan a los animalitos.• Son cuentos de cartó n con un asa para que los pequeñ os los puedan llevar de un lado a otro.• Con ilustraciones divertidas y muy llamativas, que destacan sobre el fondo para captar la atenció n de los bebé s.• Con una solapa en la ú ltima pá gina que se puede abrir para ver el antes y el despué s de aprender a superar el reto en cuestió n.• ¡ Es una colecció n ideal para animar a los pequeñ os a superar los primeros retos, igual que lo hacen los animalitos que los protagonizan!La colecció n está pensada para ser de referencia en niñ os de 0 a 3 añ os.Tí tulos de la colecció n: • Me quiero bañ ar• Vamos a dormir• Es hora de comer• Ya me lavo los dientes• Chupetes fuera• Sin pañ al• Me visto solito• Juego y recojo• Jugar sin pantallas LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL._________________________________________SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Lala, an affectionate baby Koala, is very sleepy … Yesterday he didn’ t want to go to sleep! Luckily, with your help, he will discover how nice it is to snuggle and relax.This fantastic interactive story in Spanish is perfect for helping your little ones relax and helps them look forward to bedtime as a time to relax.In the collection in Spanish Pasito a pasito me hago grandecito, with 9 stories, the little ones will learn some of the most important things they should know at their age, such as the importance of washing teeth, bathe or go to sleep. And they will do it with a whole gang of cute little animals!In each of these cardboard books we meet a different animal baby, who shows us one of the first great challenges in a kid's life. A koala will explain to them how important it is to go to bed, a penguin will teach them to dress… Some features: • All titles have been supervised by early childhood educators.• They are interactive and fun: the children play and help the animals.• They are cardboard stories with a handle so the little ones can carry them from one place to another.• With fun and very striking illustrations, which stand out against the background to capture the attention of babies.• With a flap on the last page that can be opened to see the before and after learning to overcome the current challenge.• It's an ideal collection to encourage the little ones to overcome their first challenges, just like these animals do!The collection is designed to be a reference for children from 0 to 3 years old.
Editorial el Pirata Me quiero bañar
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Ovi es una tierna y divertida bebé oveja que descubrirá lo genial que es bañ arse. Este fantá stico cuento interactivo es perfecto para jugar con los má s pequeñ os y convertir la hora del bañ o en un momento divertido que esperan con ilusió n.En la colecció n en españ ol Pasito a Pasito me hago grandecito, con nueve cuentos, los má s pequeñ os aprenderá n algunas de las cosas má s importantes que deben conocer a su edad, como la importancia de lavarse los dientes, bañ arse o irse a dormir cuando toca. ¡ Y lo hará n acompañ ados de toda una pandilla de animalitos de lo má s simpá ticos!En cada uno de estos libros de cartoné conoceremos a un bebé de animal distinto, que nos mostrará uno de los primeros grandes retos de la vida de un niñ o. Un koala les explicará lo importante que es irse a la cama, un pingü ino les enseñ ará a vestirse, una elefantita les animará a empezar a comer por sí solos.Algunas caracterí sticas: • Todos los tí tulos han sido supervisados por educadoras infantiles.• Son interactivos y divertidos: los niñ os juegan y ayudan a los animalitos.• Son cuentos de cartó n con un asa para que los pequeñ os los puedan llevar de un lado a otro.• Con ilustraciones divertidas y muy llamativas, que destacan sobre el fondo para captar la atenció n de los bebé s.• Con una solapa en la ú ltima pá gina que se puede abrir para ver el antes y el despué s de aprender a superar el reto en cuestió n.• ¡ Es una colecció n ideal para animar a los pequeñ os a superar los primeros retos, igual que lo hacen los animalitos que los protagonizan!La colecció n está pensada para ser de referencia en niñ os de 0 a 3 añ os.Tí tulos de la colecció n: • Me quiero bañ ar• Vamos a dormir• Es hora de comer• Ya me lavo los dientes• Chupetes fuera• Sin pañ al• Me visto solito• Juego y recojo• Jugar sin pantallas LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL._________________________________________SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Ovi is a cute and funny baby sheep who will discover how great bathing is. This fantastic interactive story is perfect for playing with the little ones and turning bath time into a fun time they look forward to.In the collection in Spanish Pasito a pasito me hago grandecito, with 9 stories, the little ones will learn some of the most important things they should know at their age, such as the importance of washing teeth, bathe or go to sleep. And they will do it with a whole gang of cute little animals!In each of these cardboard books we meet a different animal baby, who shows us one of the first great challenges in a kid's life. A koala will explain to them how important it is to go to bed, a penguin will teach them to dress… Some features: • All titles have been supervised by early childhood educators.• They are interactive and fun: the children play and help the animals.• They are cardboard stories with a handle so the little ones can carry them from one place to another.• With fun and very striking illustrations, which stand out against the background to capture the attention of babies.• With a flap on the last page that can be opened to see the before and after learning to overcome the current challenge.• It's an ideal collection to encourage the little ones to overcome their first challenges, just like these animals do!The collection is designed to be a reference for children from 0 to 3 years old.ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
Editorial el Pirata Es hora de comer
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Fanti es una elefantita que tiene mucha hambre. Suerte que ha aprendido a comer ella solita, ¡ y le gusta comer de todo! ¿ Conseguirá acabarse toda la comida? Este fantá stico cuento interactivo es perfecto para jugar con los má s pequeñ os y descubrir que tienen que comer de todo. ¡ Y es que Fanti, despué s de comer, se siente genial!En la colecció n en españ ol Pasito a Pasito me hago grandecito, con nueve cuentos, los má s pequeñ os aprenderá n algunas de las cosas má s importantes que deben conocer a su edad, como la importancia de lavarse los dientes, bañ arse o irse a dormir cuando toca. ¡ Y lo hará n acompañ ados de toda una pandilla de animalitos de lo má s simpá ticos!En cada uno de estos libros de cartoné conoceremos a un bebé de animal distinto, que nos mostrará uno de los primeros grandes retos de la vida de un niñ o. Un koala les explicará lo importante que es irse a la cama, un pingü ino les enseñ ará a vestirse, una elefantita les animará a empezar a comer por sí solos.Algunas caracterí sticas: • Todos los tí tulos han sido supervisados por educadoras infantiles.• Son interactivos y divertidos: los niñ os juegan y ayudan a los animalitos.• Son cuentos de cartó n con un asa para que los pequeñ os los puedan llevar de un lado a otro.• Con ilustraciones divertidas y muy llamativas, que destacan sobre el fondo para captar la atenció n de los bebé s.• Con una solapa en la ú ltima pá gina que se puede abrir para ver el antes y el despué s de aprender a superar el reto en cuestió n.• ¡ Es una colecció n ideal para animar a los pequeñ os a superar los primeros retos, igual que lo hacen los animalitos que los protagonizan!La colecció n está pensada para ser de referencia en niñ os de 0 a 3 añ os.Tí tulos de la colecció n: • Me quiero bañ ar• Vamos a dormir• Es hora de comer• Ya me lavo los dientes• Chupetes fuera• Sin pañ al• Me visto solito• Juego y recojo• Jugar sin pantallas LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL._________________________________________SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Fanti is a very hungry elephant. Luckily she has learned to eat by herself, and she likes to eat everything! Will she be able to finish all the food? This fantastic interactive story in Spanish is perfect to play with the little ones and discover that they have to eat everything. And Fanti, after eating, feels great!In the collection in Spanish Pasito a pasito me hago grandecito, with 9 stories, the little ones will learn some of the most important things they should know at their age, such as the importance of washing teeth, bathe or go to sleep. And they will do it with a whole gang of cute little animals!In each of these cardboard books we meet a different animal baby, who shows us one of the first great challenges in a kid's life. A koala will explain to them how important it is to go to bed, a penguin will teach them to dress… Some features: • All titles have been supervised by early childhood educators.• They are interactive and fun: the children play and help the animals.• They are cardboard stories with a handle so the little ones can carry them from one place to another.• With fun and very striking illustrations, which stand out against the background to capture the attention of babies.• With a flap on the last page that can be opened to see the before and after learning to overcome the current challenge.• It's an ideal collection to encourage the little ones to overcome their first challenges, just like these animals do!The collection is designed to be a reference for children from 0 to 3 years old.O
St Augustine's Press The Silence of Goethe
During the last months of the war, Josef Pieper saw the realization of a long-cherished plan to escape from the “lethal chaos” that was the Germany of that time, “plucked,” he writes, “as was Habakkuk, by the hair of his head . . . to be planted into a realm of the most peaceful seclusion, whose borders and exists were, of course, controlled by armed sentries.” There he made contact with a friend close-by, who possessed an amazing library, and Pieper hit upon the idea of reading the letters of Goethe from that library. Soon, however, he decided to read the entire Weimar edition of fifty volumes, which were brought to him in sequence, two or three at a time.The richness of this life revealing itself over a period of more than sixty years appeared before my gaze in its truly overpowering magnificence, which almost shattered my powers of comprehension – confined, as they had been, to the most immediate and pressing concerns. What a passionate focus on reality in all its forms, what an undying quest to chase down all that is in the world, what strength to affirm life, what ability to take part in it, what vehemence in the way he showed his dedication to it! Of course, too, what ability to limit himself to what was appropriate; what firm control in inhibiting what was purely aimless; what religious respect for the truth of being! I could not overcome my astonishment; and the prisoner entered a world without borders, a world in which the fact of being in prison was of absolutely no significance. But no matter how many astonishing things I saw in these unforgettable weeks of undisturbed inner focus, nothing was more surprising or unexpected than this: to realize how much of what was peculiar to this life occurred in carefully preserved seclusion; how much the seemingly communicative man who carried on a world-wide correspondence still never wanted to expose in words the core of his existence. It was precisely in the seclusion, the limitation, the silence of Goethe that made the strongest impact on Pieper. Here was modern Germany’s quintessential conversationalist intellectual, but the strength of his words came from the restraint behind them, even to the point of purposeful forgetting:The culmination is when the eighty-year-old sees forgetting not as a convulsive refusal to think of things, but as what could almost be termed a physiological process of simple forgetting as a function of life. He praises as “a great gift of the gods” . . . “the ethereal stream of forgetfulness” which he “was always able to value, to use, and to heighten.” However manifold the forms of this silence and of their unconscious roots and conscious motives may have been, is it not always the possibility of hearing, the possibility of a purer perception of reality that is aimed at? And so, is not Goethe’s type of silence above all the silence of one who listens? . . . This listening silence is much deeper than the mere refraining from words and speech in human intercourse. It means a stillness, which, like a breath, has penetrated into the inmost chamber of one’s own soul. It is meant, in the Goethean “maxim,” to “deny myself as much as possible and to take up the object into myself as purely as it is possible to do.” . . . The meaning of being silent is hearing – a hearing in which the simplicity of the receptive gaze at things is like the naturalness, simplicity, and purity of one receiving a confidence, the reality of which is creatura, God’s creation. And insofar as Goethe’s silence is in this sense a hearing silence, to that extent it has the status of the model and paradigm – however much, in individual instances, reservations and criticism are justified. One could remain circumspectly silent about this exemplariness after the heroic nihilism of our age has proclaimed the attitude of the knower to be by no means that of a silent listener but rather as that of self-affirmation over against being: insight and knowledge are naked defiance, the severest endangering of existence in the midst of the superior strength of concrete being. The resistance of knowledge opposes the oppressive superior power. However, that the knower is not a defiant rebel against concrete being, but above all else a listener who stays silent and, on the basis of his silence, a hearer – it is here that Goethe represents what, since Pythagoras, may be considered the silence tradition of the West.Pieper concludes his remarkable find with this summation:When such talk, which one encounters absolutely everywhere in workshops and in the marketplace – and as a constant temptation – , when such deafening talk, literally out to thwart listening, is linked to hopelessness, we have to ask is there not in silence – listening silence – necessarily a shred of hope? For who could listen in silence to the language of things if he did not expect something to come of such awareness of the truth? And, in a newly founded discipline of silence, is there not a chance not merely to overcome the sterility of everyday talk but also to overcome its brother, hopelessness – possibly if only to the extent that we know the true face of this relationship? I know that here quite different forces come into play which are beyond human control, and perhaps the circulus has to be broken through in a different place. However, one may ask: could not the “quick, strict resolution” to remain silent at the same time serve as a kind of training in hope?
Editorial el Pirata Sin pañal
SUMMARY IN SPANISH: Nono, un tierno mono bebé , ¡ tiene un nuevo orinal! Y es que los pañ ales… ¡ Puaj!, ¡ qué mal huelen! ¿ Ayudará s a Nono a conseguir dejar los pañ ales y a utilizar el orinal?Este fantá stico cuento interactivo en españ ol es perfecto para jugar con los má s pequeñ os y ayudarlos a dejar el pañ al.En la colecció n en españ ol Pasito a Pasito me hago grandecito, con nueve cuentos, los má s pequeñ os aprenderá n algunas de las cosas má s importantes que deben conocer a su edad, como la importancia de lavarse los dientes, bañ arse o irse a dormir cuando toca. ¡ Y lo hará n acompañ ados de toda una pandilla de animalitos de lo má s simpá ticos!En cada uno de estos libros de cartoné conoceremos a un bebé de animal distinto, que nos mostrará uno de los primeros grandes retos de la vida de un niñ o. Un koala les explicará lo importante que es irse a la cama, un pingü ino les enseñ ará a vestirse, una elefantita les animará a empezar a comer por sí solos.Algunas caracterí sticas: • Todos los tí tulos han sido supervisados por educadoras infantiles.• Son interactivos y divertidos: los niñ os juegan y ayudan a los animalitos.• Son cuentos de cartó n con un asa para que los pequeñ os los puedan llevar de un lado a otro.• Con ilustraciones divertidas y muy llamativas, que destacan sobre el fondo para captar la atenció n de los bebé s.• Con una solapa en la ú ltima pá gina que se puede abrir para ver el antes y el despué s de aprender a superar el reto en cuestió n.• ¡ Es una colecció n ideal para animar a los pequeñ os a superar los primeros retos, igual que lo hacen los animalitos que los protagonizan!La colecció n está pensada para ser de referencia en niñ os de 0 a 3 añ os.Tí tulos de la colecció n: • Me quiero bañ ar• Vamos a dormir• Es hora de comer• Ya me lavo los dientes• Chupetes fuera• Sin pañ al• Me visto solito• Juego y recojo• Jugar sin pantallas LIBRO ESCRITO ORIGINALMENTE EN ESPAñ OL._________________________________________SUMMARY IN ENGLISH: Nono, a cute baby monkey, has a new potty! After all, diapers... Yuck, they stink! Will you help Nono stop using diapers and use the potty?This fantastic interactive story in Spanish is perfect for playing with your little ones and helping them leave their diapers behind.In the collection in Spanish Pasito a pasito me hago grandecito, with 9 stories, the little ones will learn some of the most important things they should know at their age, such as the importance of washing teeth, bathe or go to sleep. And they will do it with a whole gang of cute little animals!In each of these cardboard books we meet a different animal baby, who shows us one of the first great challenges in a kid's life. A koala will explain to them how important it is to go to bed, a penguin will teach them to dress… Some features: • All titles have been supervised by early childhood educators.• They are interactive and fun: the children play and help the animals.• They are cardboard stories with a handle so the little ones can carry them from one place to another.• With fun and very striking illustrations, which stand out against the background to capture the attention of babies.• With a flap on the last page that can be opened to see the before and after learning to overcome the current challenge.• It's an ideal collection to encourage the little ones to overcome their first challenges, just like these animals do!The collection is designed to be a reference for children from 0 to 3 years old.ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH.
St Augustine's Press The Silence of Goethe
During the last months of the war, Josef Pieper saw the realization of a long-cherished plan to escape from the “lethal chaos” that was the Germany of that time, “plucked,” he writes, “as was Habakkuk, by the hair of his head . . . to be planted into a realm of the most peaceful seclusion, whose borders and exists were, of course, controlled by armed sentries.” There he made contact with a friend close-by, who possessed an amazing library, and Pieper hit upon the idea of reading the letters of Goethe from that library. Soon, however, he decided to read the entire Weimar edition of fifty volumes, which were brought to him in sequence, two or three at a time.The richness of this life revealing itself over a period of more than sixty years appeared before my gaze in its truly overpowering magnificence, which almost shattered my powers of comprehension – confined, as they had been, to the most immediate and pressing concerns. What a passionate focus on reality in all its forms, what an undying quest to chase down all that is in the world, what strength to affirm life, what ability to take part in it, what vehemence in the way he showed his dedication to it! Of course, too, what ability to limit himself to what was appropriate; what firm control in inhibiting what was purely aimless; what religious respect for the truth of being! I could not overcome my astonishment; and the prisoner entered a world without borders, a world in which the fact of being in prison was of absolutely no significance. But no matter how many astonishing things I saw in these unforgettable weeks of undisturbed inner focus, nothing was more surprising or unexpected than this: to realize how much of what was peculiar to this life occurred in carefully preserved seclusion; how much the seemingly communicative man who carried on a world-wide correspondence still never wanted to expose in words the core of his existence. It was precisely in the seclusion, the limitation, the silence of Goethe that made the strongest impact on Pieper. Here was modern Germany’s quintessential conversationalist intellectual, but the strength of his words came from the restraint behind them, even to the point of purposeful forgetting:The culmination is when the eighty-year-old sees forgetting not as a convulsive refusal to think of things, but as what could almost be termed a physiological process of simple forgetting as a function of life. He praises as “a great gift of the gods” . . . “the ethereal stream of forgetfulness” which he “was always able to value, to use, and to heighten.” However manifold the forms of this silence and of their unconscious roots and conscious motives may have been, is it not always the possibility of hearing, the possibility of a purer perception of reality that is aimed at? And so, is not Goethe’s type of silence above all the silence of one who listens? . . . This listening silence is much deeper than the mere refraining from words and speech in human intercourse. It means a stillness, which, like a breath, has penetrated into the inmost chamber of one’s own soul. It is meant, in the Goethean “maxim,” to “deny myself as much as possible and to take up the object into myself as purely as it is possible to do.” . . . The meaning of being silent is hearing – a hearing in which the simplicity of the receptive gaze at things is like the naturalness, simplicity, and purity of one receiving a confidence, the reality of which is creatura, God’s creation. And insofar as Goethe’s silence is in this sense a hearing silence, to that extent it has the status of the model and paradigm – however much, in individual instances, reservations and criticism are justified. One could remain circumspectly silent about this exemplariness after the heroic nihilism of our age has proclaimed the attitude of the knower to be by no means that of a silent listener but rather as that of self-affirmation over against being: insight and knowledge are naked defiance, the severest endangering of existence in the midst of the superior strength of concrete being. The resistance of knowledge opposes the oppressive superior power. However, that the knower is not a defiant rebel against concrete being, but above all else a listener who stays silent and, on the basis of his silence, a hearer – it is here that Goethe represents what, since Pythagoras, may be considered the silence tradition of the West.Pieper concludes his remarkable find with this summation:When such talk, which one encounters absolutely everywhere in workshops and in the marketplace – and as a constant temptation – , when such deafening talk, literally out to thwart listening, is linked to hopelessness, we have to ask is there not in silence – listening silence – necessarily a shred of hope? For who could listen in silence to the language of things if he did not expect something to come of such awareness of the truth? And, in a newly founded discipline of silence, is there not a chance not merely to overcome the sterility of everyday talk but also to overcome its brother, hopelessness – possibly if only to the extent that we know the true face of this relationship? I know that here quite different forces come into play which are beyond human control, and perhaps the circulus has to be broken through in a different place. However, one may ask: could not the “quick, strict resolution” to remain silent at the same time serve as a kind of training in hope?
Grove Press / Atlantic Monthly Press Cleopatra Dismounts: A Novel
Carmen Boullosa’s Cleopatra Dismounts tells three versions of the life of Cleopatra. In the first sequence, Marc Antony had just disemboweled himself, knowing they had lost the war against Octavian and believing that Cleopatra was dead. Hugging his corpse, Cleopatra castigates Octavian and history for its betrayal of her, recalling variously how she had herself delivered to Caesar in a roll of carpet, and bore his child (Caesarion); the twins and third child she bore to Marc Antony; the bitterness of the recent military defeat. At this point Diomedes, variously described as an informer and her official chronicler, intercedes, admitting that this version of the story is not true to the brilliant, accomplished woman who was the true Cleopatra really was. Telling of how he betrayed Cleopatra, by altering the histories of her reign and allowing Caesar and others to destroy or change her scrolls, he begins again with the story of Cleopatra’s flight from Pompey (the Roman leader who was placed in charge of Cleopatra and her brothers and sisters after Ptolemy Auletes, her father and ruler of Egypt, died). The girl queen (Cleopatra inherited the throne as a teenager) sneaks with several faithful servants out of the palace into a wagon, accompanied by a group of brightly costumed gladiators, on her way to Ascalon. She and her supporters carve the words Queen of Kings” (Cleopatra’s motto in real history) into the boards of the wagon in which she is traveling, and leave it behind when they reach Rome. When they are beset by pirates, Cleopatra stages an elaborate show using some costumes the young gladiator Apollodorus, who has become part of her retinue, helped her buy. She convinces the pirates that she is Isis (a myth which was in reality part of her statecraft). She makes an alliance with them and is taken in peace to Cilicia. The third and longest version of the Cleopatra story is a delightful interlude in which Cleopatra goes live with the Amazons. Cleopatra is at war with the Ruling Council of her husband and brother Ptolemy (she was, historically, forced to marry her brother because she could not rule alone as a woman). The Ruling Council has sent an envoy to summon her to Alexandria to make peace, but when she realizes it is a trap, she flees with her retinue. She arrives in Pelusium, a trade center on the Mediterranean, where many merchants have been stranded by bad weather, and where, as if by magic, she sees a replica of the cart, carved with the words Queen of Kings,” she left behind in Rome. Chased by the reception committee” of the Ruling Council, she escapes on the back of a magical bull. He carries her across the Mediterranean to the land of the Amazons, who take her in. The Amazons welcome her into their society of women, eschewing marriage and traditional female roles to live as warriors and hunters. They sing her the stories of their joining the Amazons and of the many myths that surround them. She meets a group of aged poets, kidnapped by the Amazons to write verses for them, because they love poetry and music. She learns that one Amazon, Orthea, is in love with a god who has the power of extreme heat and cold, and who caused an earthquake that day. The Amazons go to bed, falling into each other’s arms and making love. Though initially disgusted, eventually Cleopatra falls asleep in the protective (and erotic) embrace of Hippolyta, the Amazons’ queen. The next day, the Amazons go to battle a group of rebellious male warriors who charge the Amazons and seek, ultimately, to follow the Sirens. Charging them on their horses, driving cattle at them, the Amazons battle the men. One of their prized poets, however, in an act of suicide, surrenders himself to the Sirens, who devour him before everyone. This breaks the spell and the men cease their clamoring to get to the Sirens. Cleopatra sees Orthea consummating her passion for the god, which kills her. The Cyrene male warriors, who withstood the Sirens’ onslaught in their fort by plugging the windows with rocks and mud, invite Cleopatra and the Amazons to their court to celebrate their successful protection of so many men. Hippolyta declines but sends Cleopatra with her blessing. Once there, she is joyfully reunited with the gladiator Apollodorus and her faithful maidservant and right hand Charmian. The Cyrenes offer to ally with her against her enemies in Ptolemy’s Ruling Council. The alliance between Cleopatra and Caesar (wherein she was smuggled to him rolled up in a carpet, and he assisted her in defeating her enemies in Egypt, part of history) is presaged. At the close of the piece, Cleopatra returns to bid goodbye to the Amazons. She finds them naked, covered in blood, having just sacrificed a horse. Hippolyta is holding the horse’s castrated penis. She repudiates her earlier alliance with the Amazons and returns to Cyrene alone, to her military campaign to become the queen history knows.
DK My First Bilingual Body
¡La serie de libros para niños más exitosa de la editorial DK disponible ahora en formato bilingüe!Un entrañable libro ideal para las primeras lecturas de los más pequeños de la casa. Se trata de un libro para enseñar las partes del cuerpo a nuestros hijos que se encuentran en edad preescolar. Fomenta su aprendizaje mientras leen y se divierten con su primer libro del cuerpo humano. Este cuento para bebés es ideal para que aprendan a nombrar las partes del cuerpo, ¡de la nariz a los pies! Y no solo esto, también aprenderán sobre las emociones, las prendas de ropa en cada estación del año y los verbos para describir lo que más les gusta hacer: jugar, gatear, construir con los bloques, tocar las sonajas, o abrazar sus juguetes.My First Bilingual Body, es un libro resistente ya que está diseñado con páginas de cartón. ¡Será el favorito de los "peques"! Promueve el interés de tus hijos por el cuerpo humano y su día a día con este divertido libro con entrañables imágenes de bebés y niños. Descubre las partes del cuerpo humano en inglés y españolAcompáñalos a nombrar a cada parte del cuerpo humano para ayudarles a desarrollar sus habilidades lingüísticas y a adquirir el conocimiento sobre el pequeño mundo que van descubriendo a su alrededor. La serie My First es una colección ideal para los pequeños ya que les introduce a una gran variedad de temas como las emociones, la ropa, los animales, los colores, las letras, y los números.Leed el libro juntos, ayúdale a pasar las páginas, y practicad nombrando las partes del cuerpo con la ayuda de las graciosas fotografías que incluye, o bien deja que tu hijo experimente con él, ya que está diseñado para que lo pueda sostener en sus manos y aprenda a pasar las páginas.Este libro infantil My First Bilingual Body, enseña a los niños a:Expandir su vocabulario, adquiriendo habilidades lingüísticas.Identificar sus emociones y las de los demás.Nombrar las prendas de ropa de cada estación del año.Aprender verbos sobre lo que pueden hacer, como jugar, correr, saltar.Aprender dos idiomas con el texto bilingüe, familiarizándose con las palabras en ambos.Nombrar las partes del cuerpo que muestran las fotografías y luego identificarlas en su propio cuerpo o en el de los demás.My first bilingual Body, pertenece a la serie My First (primeras lecturas) de libros infantiles de 0 a 9 años, la colección de libros ideal para niños en edad preescolar. Incluye fotografías, ilustraciones encantadoras, rótulos fáciles de entender, y una amplia variedad de temas. Estos primeros libros de aprendizaje animan a los niños a desarrollar el vocabulario y las habilidades lingüísticas que forman la base de la educación temprana. Además, ahora están disponibles en la edición bilingüe, en inglés y español. Ideal para el aprendizaje simultáneo de dos lenguas.English descriptionDK's most successful board book series is now bilingualChildren can learn about their body in My First Body, an informational board book featuring images illustrating parts of the body. The bold, visual images are labeled clearly and promote early learning and language skills. The books are a sturdy format that is ideal for small hands to hold and carry, and the pages are filled with a distinctive, iconic design. The books can be read either alone or with an adult, and encourage learning on your own. Explore the amazing human body in My First Body.About the series: DK's most successful board book series for babies includes fresh photography, contemporary design, and an insightful approach to engaging preschoolers. With charming, bold design, clear labels, and a wide variety of topics, these first learning books encourage children to build the vocabulary and language skills that form the foundation of early education, and are now available in bilingual editions.
DK My First Bilingual Animals
¡La serie de libros para niños más exitosa de la editorial DK disponible ahora en formato bilingüe!Un libro cautivador ideal para las primeras lecturas de los más pequeños de la casa. Se trata de un libro para enseñar los nombres de los animales a nuestros hijos que se encuentran en edad preescolar. Fomenta su aprendizaje mientras leen y se divierten con su primer libro de animales. Este cuento para bebés muestra a los animales en varios contextos ambientales, como el desierto, el jardín, la selva, el campo, la jungla, el mar, el aire, la montaña, el río, la granja y en la nieve. Además incluye una sección de animales prehistóricos, animales de compañía que viven en el hogar, ¡e incluso bebés!My First Bilingual Animals, es un libro para bebés en español e inglés, diseñado de forma resistente gracias a las páginas de cartón. ¡Será el favorito de los “peques”! Promueve el interés de tus hijos por los animales con este divertido libro con entrañables imágenes. Del gato al rinoceronte, de la casa a la junglaAcompáñalos a nombrar a cada animal para ayudarles a desarrollar sus habilidades lingüísticas y a adquirir el conocimiento sobre el pequeño mundo que van descubriendo a su alrededor. La serie My First es una colección ideal para los pequeños ya que les introduce a una gran variedad de temas como animales, colores, letras, números, primeras palabras.Leed el libro juntos, ayúdale a pasar las páginas, y practicad nombrando los animales de las imágenes y fotografías.Este libro infantil My First Bilingual Animals, enseña a los niños a: • Expandir su vocabulario sobre el mundo animal, adquiriendo habilidades lingüísticas. • Aprender dos idiomas con el texto bilingüe, familiarizándose con las palabras en ambos. • Nombrar los animales que ven, ayudándoles a desarrollar las habilidades de la observación. My first bilingual Animals, pertenece a la serie My First (primeras lecturas) de libros infantiles, la colección de libros ideal para niños en edad preescolar. Incluye fotografías, ilustraciones encantadoras, rótulos fáciles de entender, y una amplia variedad de temas. Estos primeros libros de aprendizaje animan a los niños a desarrollar el vocabulario y las habilidades lingüísticas que forman la base de la educación temprana. Además, ahora están disponibles en la edición bilingüe, en inglés y español. Ideal para el aprendizaje simultáneo de dos lenguas.English descriptionDK’s most successful board book series is now bilingualTeach your preschool child numbers and encourage learning while reading and having fun together with your My First Bilingual Animals board book, designed to be a toddler favorite and withstand wear and tear from a preschooler. My First Bilingual Animals uses pictures of animals with clear word labels to encourage learning. My First: Animals includes animals in various environmental contexts, including: desert, garden, rainforest, grassland, underground, jungle, sea, air, mountain, forest, river, farm, and snow. It even includes sections on prehistoric animals, pets that live in the home, and babies!Develop your child's early learning with My First books, specially designed to captivate a preschooler's attention while laying a foundation for learning. My First books feature bold, bright photographs on white backgrounds - ideal for catching a young child's eye and acting as an introduction to early-learning topics. The collectible My First board books make a great early-learning library and include a wide variety of topics including trucks, animals, colors, letters, numbers, and first words.My First board books feature a simple point-and-say layout that builds confidence in children through repeatability and encourages preschool vocabulary and language skills. The board book format is durable and easy for young children to hold and carry on their own, and they're designed to hold up to the rough handling that comes with being a toddler's favorite book to "read" alone or with a parent.
RIBA Publishing RIBA Domestic Building Contract 2018
Fully revised and updated, the RIBA Domestic Building Contract is specifically designed to be a simple, clear and easy to understand and use contract between a client and a contractor. Endorsed and supported by the HomeOwners Alliance, the RIBA Domestic Building Contract can be used on all domestic (non-commercial) projects, including renovations extensions, maintenance and new buildings. Key benefits Written in plain English that is simple to understand Guidance notes to help complete the contract Provides an effective way of managing payments to the contractor Gives you control over the timely completion of the project Provisions for collaborating with the contractor over events that may delay completion or add costs to the project Other features Collaboration provisions: advance warnings, joint resolution of delay, proposals for improvements and cost savings Flexible payment options Provision for contractor design, with ‘fit for purpose’ liability option Optional provisions for a contractor programme Optional provisions for client-selected suppliers and sub-contractors Mechanisms for dealing with changes to the project which allow for agreement and include specified timescales Option for commencement and completion in stages Terms compliant with the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 Guidance notes on use and completion are included. Key changes in the 2018 edition: The contract has been fully updated to comply with the CDM Regulations 2015. The Guidance Notes include detailed advice for clients with regards to their particular duties under the Regulations. The guidance on Insurance and Insuring the Works has been expanded and is clearer and easier to understand. Further explanation is given on the process for ensuring that adequate insurance is obtained and the importance of notifying the property’s building and contents insurer if the work is to an existing building. Emphasis is given to the need for whoever takes out the insurance to provide written confirmation of the extent of cover provided in respect of the works. The Consents, Fees and Charges item has been expanded so that it now clearly states what regulatory and statutory consents, fees and charges need to be obtained and who is taking on the ether the responsibility for obtaining and paying for them, either the client or the contractor. The guidance on Dispute Resolution has been expanded but also simplified. Mediation and adjudication are now highlighted as the initial/preferred forms of settling any dispute in the contract, but the client retains the right to refer any dispute to the courts, as the courts will often make it a precondition to hearing a case that the parties have attempted an alternative dispute resolution method. The Programme optional item has been simplified. The contract have retained the requirement for a contractor to indicate the activities they will carry out to complete the works, including the start and finish times of each activity and the relationship of each activity to the others. However, the obligation on the contractor to submit a Programme prior to the commencement of the works, and any financial penalties for not doing so (perceived as too confrontational), have been removed. The Contractor Design optional item has been retained, so that, if it is agreed that the contractor is to design part of the Works, a detailed and accurate description can be provided of the parts that the contractor will design. However, this optional item now also allows a level of professional indemnity insurance to be specified. The Required Specialists optional item has been amended so that while clients can still request that specific subcontractors and suppliers be used for parts of the Works, details of those parts of the works are now to be identified at the tender stage and listed in the Contract Documents. The contract now includes a Contract Checklist which both parties should review and answer ‘yes’ to the questions provided before signing the contract. This is to ensure that the client is fully aware of what they are agreeing to, that all of the appropriate documents and information has been provided and that all of the provisions – such as: scope of the works; start and completion dates of the works; contract price; payment of fees; access to the site and working hours; insurance; and the process for dispute resolution – have been adequately completed. Easy to understand The RIBA Domestic Building Contract is written in plain English, which provides three key benefits: the language used in the contract is simple and easy to understand, compared to other standard forms of contracts; the clause structure used in the contract avoids the use of large numbers of sub-sub clauses and too much cross-referencing between provisions; and Where common construction terminology is used, it has been simplified so that less-experienced users can understand it. Copies required for each Party It is legally advisable that both parties to the contract each have an original signed version. Therefore you should purchase two copies of the contract, so that both the client and contractor has an original signed copy. Alternatively prepare your contract online enabling you to issue final copies of the contract to each party at no extra cost. Integration with other RIBA documents The RIBA Building Contracts have been specifically written to integrate with the RIBA suite of professional services contracts (RIBA Agreements) and the RIBA Plan of Work 2013. Create your RIBA Building Contract online – it is quick, simple and straightforward Generating your building contract online allows you to create, alter, manage and view all of your contracts in one secure location before printing the final contract. For further details, go to:
RIBA Publishing RIBA Concise Building Contract 2018
Fully revised and updated, the RIBA Concise Building Contract is specifically designed to be a simple, clear and easy to understand and use contract between a client and a contractor, and can be used on all types of simple commercial building work. It can be used in both the private and public sectors, as it includes optional provisions dealing with official secrets, transparency, discrimination and bribery as normally required by public sector clients. Key benefits Written in plain English that is succinct and easy to understand Fair and equitable terms for all parties Facilitates good management of the project from start to completion Allows effective collaboration between the employer and contractor Gives control over the timely completion of the building project Allows the contractor to design parts of the building project Other features Collaboration provisions: advance warnings, joint resolution of delay, proposals for improvements and cost savings Management provisions: pre-start meeting and progress meetings Flexible payment options Provision for contractor design, with ‘fit for purpose’ liability option Optional provisions for a contractor programme Optional provisions for client-selected suppliers and sub-contractors Mechanisms for dealing with changes to the project which allow for agreement and include specified timescales Option for commencement and completion in stages Guidance notes on use and completion are included. Key changes in the 2018 edition: The contract has been fully updated to comply with the CDM Regulations 2015. The Guidance Notes include detailed advice for clients with regards to their particular duties under the Regulations. The guidance on Insurance and Insuring the Works has been expanded and is clearer and easier to understand. Further explanation is given on the process for ensuring that adequate insurance is obtained and the importance of notifying the property’s building and contents insurer if the work is to an existing building. Emphasis is given to the need for whoever takes out the insurance to provide written confirmation of the extent of cover provided in respect of the works. The Consents, Fees and Charges item has been expanded so that it now clearly states what regulatory and statutory consents, fees and charges need to be obtained and who is taking on the ether the responsibility for obtaining and paying for them, either the client or the contractor. The guidance on Dispute Resolution has been expanded but also simplified. Adjudication is still the default option, as the parties to the contract are legally obliged to have access to this method for resolving their dispute, however, the contract advocates that the parties to the contract choose mediation as an initial step in the process, as mediation can be less expensive than other methods, and is therefore encouraged by the courts. The Programme optional item has been simplified. The contract have retained the requirement for a contractor to indicate the activities they will carry out to complete the works, including the start and finish times of each activity and the relationship of each activity to the others. However, the obligation on the contractor to submit a Programme prior to the commencement of the works, and any financial penalties for not doing so (perceived as too confrontational), have been removed. The Contractor Design optional item has been retained, so that, if it is agreed that the contractor is to design part of the Works, a detailed and accurate description can be provided of the parts that the contractor will design. However, this optional item now also allows a level of professional indemnity insurance to be specified. The Required Specialists optional item has been amended so that while clients can still request that specific subcontractors and suppliers be used for parts of the Works, details of those parts of the works are now to be identified at the tender stage and listed in the Contract Documents. The contract now includes a Contract Checklist which both parties should review and answer ‘yes’ to the questions provided before signing the contract. This is to ensure that the client is fully aware of what they are agreeing to, that all of the appropriate documents and information has been provided and that all of the provisions – such as: scope of the works; start and completion dates of the works; contract price; payment of fees; access to the site and working hours; insurance; and the process for dispute resolution – have been adequately completed. Easy to understand The RIBA Concise Building Contract is written in plain English, which provides three key benefits: the language used in the contract is simple and easy to understand, compared to other standard forms of contracts; the clause structure used in the contract avoids the use of large numbers of sub-sub clauses and too much cross-referencing between provisions; and Where common construction terminology is used, it has been simplified so that less-experienced users can understand it. Copies required for each Party It is legally advisable that both parties to the contract each have an original signed version. Therefore you should purchase two copies of the contract, so that both the client and contractor has an original signed copy. Alternatively prepare your contract online enabling you to issue final copies of the contract to each party at no extra cost. Integration with other RIBA documents The RIBA Concise Building Contract have been specifically written to integrate with the RIBA suite of professional services contracts (RIBA Agreements) and the RIBA Plan of Work 2013. Create your RIBA Building Contract online – it is quick, simple and straightforward Generating your building contract online allows you to create, alter, manage and view all of your contracts in one secure location before printing the final contract. For further details, go to:
Dorling Kindersley Ltd How to Raise a Global Citizen: For the Parents of the Children Who Will Save the World
A cheerful, optimistic handbook for parents and carers shaping the next generation of responsible global citizens - ready to change the world for the better!Our children have the energy, capacity, and passion to create and nurture a global culture in which inclusion, acceptance, respect, and participation are the core values that underpin a human being's every interaction. As parents and carers, our job is to help our children take their first steps along that path.Raising truly globally minded, and socially conscious children happens at home and in the community. Children can be inspired, equipped, and mobilized to make a difference in the world. By encouraging values such as responsible and kind use of social media, respect, open mindedness, empathy, a sense of community, parents can help to shape a new generation of emotionally intelligent, outward-looking, politically ethical world citizens.Relevant to parents of children of all ages - from toddlers to teens - the book gives practical advice on how to talk to your children, the vocabulary to use, and activities and projects you can undertake with your children, from planting a tree to keeping a gratitude diary to cooking themed cuisines. And you'll find out how to model global citizenship through your own day-to-day actions.Marvyn Harrison is a father of two and founder of Dope Black CIC as well as co-founder of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) consultancy BELOVD. He coined the term Dope Black Dads on Father's Day 2018. Challenged by his feelings towards parenthood, Marvyn created a WhatsApp group with fathers he knew, hoping to share and learn from the experiences of those going on a similar journey to him. Now the Dope Black Dads network engages over 12,000 dads across the UK, US, and Africa. Marvyn regularly leads podcasts for parents and contributes to panels, webinars, Q&As, and documentaries on the subjects of male parenting, masculinity, mental health, the Black experience, and business. @DopeBlackDadsDr Annabelle Humanes wants to live in a world where diversity is celebrated and valued. A linguist, she worked in academia for over a decade before starting a family, teaching languages and carrying out research in language acquisition in young children. Evidence-based decision-making and multilingualism are her passions, and her own family lives with four languages (and cultures) on a daily basis. When she is not travelling or eating her way around the world with her little European citizens, she runs language enrichment classes and playgroups for French-speaking families. She blogs about being the mother of two cross-cultural children and blending cultures and languages. Insta: @ThePiriPiriLexiconDr Melernie Meheux is a senior Educational Psychologist passionate about using psychology to support children and their families. As a certified Play Therapist, she believes in the power of play to give children a voice to make sense of their experiences, and strongly advocates the rights of all children to play. Melernie is co-chair of the British Psychological Society's Division of Educational and Child Psychology (DECP), and chair of the board of trustees for Solidarity Sports, a charity that supports disadvantaged children and those who have experienced trauma to access play opportunities. She loves writing, hates inequality, and wants to contribute towards saving the planet in any way that she can! @DrMelsieJames Murray is an environmental journalist and founding editor of the award-winning website BusinessGreen. He has spent the past 15 years reporting on the climate crisis, the green economy, and clean technologies, and is a regular commentator on a wide range of environmental issues on ?TV and radio. In 2020 he also helped launch the world's first Net Zero Festival, bringing together business leaders, policymakers, and campaigners to explore how to accelerate the green industrial revolution. An English graduate from the University of Exeter, James lives in South London with his wife and two sons. @James_BGJen Panaro is a self-proclaimed composting nerd and an advocate for eco-friendly living for modern families. As a mum to two boys, she is passionate about helping families find ways to be more responsible stewards to our communities and the planet. She regularly writes for her blog, Honestly Modern, and other publications about exploring climate action, zero waste living, regenerative gardening, and intersectional environmentalism, all through the lens of modern family life. Jen is also the founder of WasteWell, a company she runs that provides composting services and related educational resources. In her spare time, she's a messy gardener and a serial library book borrower. Insta: @HonestlyModernJess Purcell is a science educator who is dedicated to making the science of sustainability accessible to all learners. She creates sustainability science experiments and nature activities ?for students of all ages, which can be done in the classroom or at home, and are designed to foster critical-thinking skills and a love of the natural world. Jess lives in central Pennsylvania with her husband, two kids, and two cats, and can usually be found outside, working out the kinks of an experiment, upcycling trash into "treasure", hiking with her family, or attempting to read a book while being cajoled into a game of hide and seek. Insta: @ThoughtfullySustainable Fariba Soetan is a blogger and mother of three multiracial daughters living in London. Her passion for raising citizens of the world grew from her own experience being raised in a mixed heritage family (Iranian/British) and immigrating from Tehran, Iran to Edmonton, Canada at a very young age. After meeting her Nigerian husband in Wales, Fariba moved to Nigeria for a few years with her two young children, before settling down in London. Her blog for parents of mixed race children, Mixed.up.Mama, aims to help bridge parents' understanding about raising multiracial families, and encourage them to be intentional about talking about race and identity to children. Insta: @Mixed.Up.Mama
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