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Oxford University Press Inc Managing Social Anxiety, Therapist Guide: A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Approach
Social anxiety is a common and potentially disabling problem that can occur in situations ranging from dating to conversations to job interviews. Fortunately, three decades of research have shown that most people struggling with social anxiety can benefit from the cognitive-behavioral intervention described in Managing Social Anxiety. The third edition of this Therapist Guide represents the latest update of the gold-standard psychosocial intervention for social anxiety. The guide provides foundational information on the nature of social anxiety and the empirically supported cognitive-behavioral techniques used to treat it, how best to implement these techniques, and how to deal with challenges that arise during treatment. New to this edition are updated procedures and background reflecting current science and clinical findings, a greater emphasis on a multicultural approach to practice, and more attention to client goals. The step-by-step approach detailed in Managing Social Anxiety is easy for beginning therapists to implement, and offers many practical recommendations to help clients successfully engage with the treatment. More experienced therapists will find useful strategies for challenging cases and expert guidance on fine-tuning their approach.
Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg GmbH & Co. KG Handbook of Financial Time Series
The Handbook of Financial Time Series, edited by Andersen, Davis, Kreiss and Mikosch, is an impressive collection of survey articles by many of the leading contributors to the ?eld. These articles are mostly very clearly wr- ten and present a sweep of the literature in a coherent pedagogical manner. The level of most of the contributions is mathematically sophisticated, and I imagine many of these chapters will ?nd their way onto graduate reading lists in courses in ?nancial economics and ?nancial econometrics. In reading through these papers, I found many new insights and presentations even in areas that I know well. The book is divided into ?ve broad sections: GARCH-Modeling, Stoch- tic Volatility Modeling, Continuous Time Processes, Cointegration and Unit Roots, and Special Topics. These correspond generally to classes of stoch- tic processes that are applied in various ?nance contexts. However, there are otherthemesthatcutacrosstheseclasses.Thereareseveralpapersthatca- fully articulate the probabilistic structure of these classes, while others are morefocusedonestimation.Stillothersderivepropertiesofextremesforeach class of processes, and evaluate persistence and the extent of long memory. Papers in many cases examine the stability of the process with tools to check for breaks and jumps. Finally there are applications to options, term str- ture, credit derivatives, risk management, microstructure models and other forecasting settings.
De Gruyter Morphology and Systematics (Elateroidea, Bostrichiformia, Cucujiformia partim)
This book is the second of four volumes in the Handbook of Zoology series which treat the systematics and biology of Coleoptera. With approximately 350,000 described species, Coleoptera are by far the most species-rich order of insects and the largest group of animals of comparable geological age. The beetle volumes will meet the demand of modern biologists seeking to answer questions about Coleoptera phylogeny, evolution, and ecology. This second Coleoptera volume covers the remaining polyphagan taxa (apart from Phytophaga) and recently described groups not included in the first volume (covering the suborders Archostemata, Myxophaga and Adephaga, and the basal series of Polyphaga), with information on world distribution, biology, morphology of all life stages (including anatomy), phylogeny and comments on taxonomy.
American Society for Microbiology Emerging Infections 10
John Wiley & Sons Inc Empowered Teams: Creating Self-Directed Work Groups That Improve Quality, Productivity, and Participation
Provides the frank answers to questions about how teams work, what makes them effective, when they are useful, how to get them going, and how to maintain their vigor and productivity over the long haul. Draws on a survey of over five hundred organizations and an in-depth study of twenty-eight companies (conducted jointly by Industry Week and the Association for Quality and Participation).
Taylor & Francis Inc Ecology and Management of Blackbirds (Icteridae) in North America
Shortlisted for the 2018 TWS Wildlife Publication Awards in the edited book categoryThe various species of new world blackbirds, often intermingled in large foraging flocks and nighttime roosts, collectively number in the hundreds of millions and are a dominant component of the natural and agricultural avifauna in North America today. Because of their abundance, conspicuous flocking behavior, and feeding habits, these species have often been in conflict with human endeavors. The pioneering publications on blackbirds were by F. E. L. Beal in 1900 and A. A. Allen in 1914. These seminal treatises laid the foundation for more than 1,000 descriptive and experimental studies on the life histories of blackbirds as well as their ecology and management in relation to agricultural damage and other conflicts such as caused by large winter roosting congregations. The wealth of information generated in over a century of research is found in disparate outlets that include government reports, conference proceedings, peer-reviewed journals, monographs, and books. For the first time, Ecology and Management of Blackbirds (Icteridae) in North America summarizes and synthesizes this vast body of information on the biology and life histories of blackbirds and their conflicts with humans into a single volume for researchers, wildlife managers, agriculturists, disease biologists, ornithologists, policy makers, and the public. The book reviews the life histories of red-winged blackbirds, yellow-headed blackbirds, common grackles, and brown-headed cowbirds. It provides in-depth coverage of the functional roles of blackbirds in natural and agricultural ecosystems. In doing so, this authoritative reference promotes the development of improved science-based, integrated management strategies to address conflicts when resolutions are needed.
Johns Hopkins University Press The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes: For Patients and Families
Living with diabetes is a balancing act of monitoring blood glucose, food intake, and medication. It makes sense that individuals who have diabetes do best when they understand their condition and how to control it. The Johns Hopkins Guide to Diabetes is a comprehensive and easy-to-read guide to this complex condition, answering questions such as: What are the differences between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes? How are the different forms of this disease treated? Can gestational diabetes become a permanent condition? Can diabetes ever be managed successfully with diet and exercise alone? The second edition of this valued resource includes up-to-date information on: how diabetes is diagnosed; the two types of diabetes; the role of genetics; improvements in blood glucose measurement; good nutrition and regular exercise; insulin and non-insulin medications; insulin pumps; the emotional side of diabetes; how families are affected and how they can help; what to do if diabetes affects your work; and complications from head to toe. Written by a team of Johns Hopkins diabetes specialists, this authoritative guide will help people who have diabetes work effectively with their care team to control their diabetes and maintain good health.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Systemic Family Therapy, The Profession of Systemic Family Therapy
This first volume of the The Handbook of Systemic Family Therapy includes extensive work on the theory, practice, research, and policy foundations of the profession of CMFT and its roles in an integrated health care system. Developed in partnership with the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT), it will appeal to clinicians, such as couple, marital, and family therapists, counselors, psychologists, social workers, and psychiatrists. It will also benefit researchers, educators, and graduate students involved in CMFT.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Portable Spectroscopy and Spectrometry, Applications
The most comprehensive resource available on the many applications of portable spectrometers, including material not found in any other published work Portable Spectroscopy and Spectrometry: Volume Two is an authoritative and up-to-date compendium of the diverse applications for portable spectrometers across numerous disciplines. Whereas Volume One focuses on the specific technologies of the portable spectrometers themselves, Volume Two explores the use of portable instruments in wide range of fields, including pharmaceutical development, clinical research, food analysis, forensic science, geology, astrobiology, cultural heritage and archaeology. Volume Two features contributions by a multidisciplinary team of experts with hands-on experience using portable instruments in their respective areas of expertise. Organized both by instrumentation type and by scientific or technical discipline, 21 detailed chapters cover various applications of portable ion mobility spectrometry (IMS), infrared and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, Raman and x-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy, smartphone spectroscopy, and many others. Filling a significant gap in literature on the subject, the second volume of Portable Spectroscopy and Spectrometry: Features a significant amount of content published for the first time, or not available in existing literature Brings together work by authors with assorted backgrounds and fields of study Discusses the central role of applications in portable instrument development Covers the algorithms, calibrations, and libraries that are of critical importance to successful applications of portable instruments Includes chapters on portable spectroscopy applications in areas such as the military, agriculture and feed, hazardous materials (HazMat), art conservation, and environmental science Portable Spectroscopy and Spectrometry: Volume Two is an indispensable resource for developers of portable instruments in universities, research institutes, instrument companies, civilian and government purchasers, trainers, operators of portable instruments, and educators and students in portable spectroscopy courses.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Hazardous Wastes: Assessment and Remediation
Hazardous Wastes An illuminating, problem-solving approach to source area analysis, environmental chemodynamics, risk assessment, and remediation In the newly revised second edition of Hazardous Wastes: Assessment and Remediation, a team of distinguished researchers delivers a foundational and comprehensive treatment of all aspects of hazardous waste problems. The book offers two sections—one on assessment and the following on remediation—while exploring topics crucial to the study of environmental science and engineering at the senior or master’s level. This latest edition includes a new emphasis on the chemistry of emerging contaminants, including perfluorinated compounds, 1,4-dioxane, methyl tert-butyl ether, and personal care products. It also offers updated data on contaminant Threshold Limit Value, Reference Dose, Slope Factor, Reference Concentration, and Inhalation Unit Risk. New remediation chapters also provide many design problems, incorporating economic analyses and the selection of various design alternatives. Approximately 200 new end-of-chapter problems—with solutions—have been added as well. Readers will also find: A thorough introduction to hazardous wastes, including discussion of pre-regulatory disposal and hazardous waste legislation Comprehensive discussions of common hazardous wastes, including their nomenclature, industrial uses, and disposal histories In-depth explorations of partitioning, sorption, and exchange at surfaces, as well as volatilization Extensive descriptions of the concepts of hazardous waste toxicology and quantitative toxicology Perfect for senior- and masters-level college courses in hazardous wastes in Environmental Science, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, or Chemical Engineering programs, Hazardous Wastes: Assessment and Remediation will also earn a place in the libraries of professional environmental scientists and engineers.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Handbook of Systemic Family Therapy, Set
This 4-volume set redefines the profession and practice of systemic therapy, organizing material by presenting issue rather than intervention. A first of its kind resource for clinicians, researchers, educators, graduate students, and policymakers, this authoritative four-volume Handbook is a ground-breaking reference work on both the profession and the practice of systemic family therapy. The Handbook integrates the scholarly literature on systemic interventions focused on children, couples, and families into a single resource. Volume 1 includes critical information on the theoretical, practice, research, and policy foundations of the profession of systemic family therapy and its roles in an integrated health care system. Topics in Volume 2 (children and adolescents), Volume 3 (couples), and Volume 4 (family over the lifespan) reflect established and emerging interventions for the core difficulties in relationships that impact the mental and physical health of individuals, couples, and families. Contributors provide a balanced, integrative, and forward-looking analysis of the research, theory and interventions related to their topic illustrated with clinical examples. Particular attention is paid to cultural and family diversity throughout the work.
John Wiley & Sons Inc The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, with DSM-5 Updates
This timesaving resource features: Treatment plan components for 35 behaviorally based presenting problems Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventionsplus space to record your own treatment plan options A step-by-step guide to writing treatment plans that meet the requirements of most accrediting bodies, insurance companies, and third-party payors Includes new Evidence-Based Practice Interventions as required by many public funding sources and private insurers PracticePlanners® THE BESTSELLING TREATMENT PLANNING SYSTEM FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONALS The Couples Psychotherapy Treatment Planner, Second Edition provides all the elements necessary to quickly and easily develop formal treatment plans that satisfy the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. New edition features empirically supported, evidence-based treatment interventions New chapters on Internet sexual use, retirement, and parenthood strain Organized around 35 behaviorally based presenting problems including jealousy, midlife crisis, parenting conflicts, and sexual dysfunction Over 1,000 prewritten treatment goals, objectives, and interventionsplus space to record your own treatment plan options Easy-to-use reference format helps locate treatment plan components by behavioral problem Designed to correspond with The Couples Psychotherapy Progress Notes Planner, Second Edition and Couples Therapy Homework Planner, Second Edition Includes a sample treatment plan that conforms to the requirements of most third-party payors and accrediting agencies including CARF, The Joint Commission (TJC), COA, and the NCQA Additional resources in the PracticePlanners® series: Progress Notes Planners contain complete, prewritten progress notes for each presenting problem in the companion Treatment Planners. Homework Planners feature behaviorally based, ready-to-use assignments to speed treatment and keep clients engaged between sessions. For more information on our PracticePlanners®, including our full line of Treatment Planners, visit us on the Web at:
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach
Through eight successful editions, and over nearly 40 years, Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach has provided a thorough and comprehensive exploration of the varied scientific disciplines and research that are essential to understanding the subject. The text has been praised for its solid background in historical biogeography and basic biology, that is enhanced and illuminated by discussions of current research. This new edition incorporates the exciting changes of the recent years, and presents a thoughtful exploration of the research and controversies that have transformed our understanding of the biogeography of the world. It also clearly identifies the three quite different arenas of biogeographical research: continental biogeography, island biogeography and marine biogeography. It is the only current textbook with full coverage of marine biogeography. It reveals how the patterns of life that we see today have been created by the two great Engines of the Planet - the Geological Engine, plate tectonics, which alters the conditions of life on the planet, and the Biological Engine, evolution, which responds to these changes by creating new forms and patterns of life.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Getting Published in the Life Sciences
The goal of this book is to make it easier for scientists, especially those new to scientific writing, to write about their results and to get their manuscripts accepted in peer-reviewed journals. The book covers each step throughout the submission process, from organizing and outlining the manuscript, presenting statistical data and results, to what happens during the in-house manuscript review process and what to do if an article is initially rejected. In addition to providing practical exercises on these topics, the book focuses on helping writers distil their research into concise take-home messages for readers, in order to convey information as clearly as possible to the target audience.
New Directions Publishing Corporation Three Tragedies: Blood Wedding, Yerma, Bernarda Alba
Blood Wedding. Concerned with love that cannot become marriage among the primitive hill people of Castile, this is a play of the workings of tremendous passions and tribal ritual toward an inescapable tragic end. Yerma. “The whole tragic burden of Yerma is measured by the deepening of her struggle with the problem of frustrated motherhood.” —From García Lorca, by Edwin Honig. The House of Bernarda Alba. Again about “women whom love moves to tragedy,” Bernarda Alba tells of the repression of five daughters by a domineering mother, of how their natural spirits circumvent her but bring violence and death.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Measuring Team Performance: A Practical Guide to Tracking Team Success
Teams members will use this handy reference to set team objectives and track and evaluate team performance.
Edinburgh University Press My Quest for the Middle Ages
In this fascinating book, which takes the form of a series of edited interviews with noted journalist Jean-Maurice de Montremy, Jacques Le Goff offers us a synthesis of his work. In the course of these conversations he explains how he came to write his books and how an overall view of the civilisation of the Middle Ages gradually emerged; a civilisation which shaped 'western' culture both for better and for worse. Each conversation touches upon one of the major themes of his work and the book as a whole presents the reader with a fascinating attempt to recover, define, and understand the Middle Ages.
Princeton University Press Structural Change in a Developing Economy: Colombia's Problems and Prospects
This book deals with specific problems in Colombia as a means of exploring interrelated theoretical themes in the development process. Demographic and political as well as specifically economic variables arc given consideration in the authors' analysis of the constraints on the growth of Colombia's modern sector. Originally published in 1971. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press Postcommunism and the Theory of Democracy
Why did the wave of democracy that swept the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe starting more than a decade ago develop in ways unexpected by observers who relied on existing theories of democracy? In Postcommunism and the Theory of Democracy, four distinguished scholars conduct the first major assessment of democratization theory in light of the experience of postcommunist states. Richard Anderson, Steven Fish, Stephen Hanson, and Philip Roeder not only apply theory to practice, but using a wealth of empirical evidence, draw together the elements of existing theory into new syntheses. The authors each highlight a development in postcommunist societies that reveals an anomaly or lacuna in existing theory. They explain why authoritarian leaders abandon authoritarianism, why democratization sometimes reverses course, how subjects become citizens by beginning to take sides in politics, how rulers become politicians by beginning to seek popular support, and not least, how democracy becomes consolidated. Rather than converging on a single approach, each author shows how either a rationalist, institutionalist, discursive, or Weberian approach sheds light on this transformation. They conclude that the experience of postcommunist democracy demands a rethinking of existing theory. To that end, they offer rich new insights to scholars, advanced students, policymakers, and anyone interested in postcommunist states or in comparative democratization.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Principles of Engineering Economy
The Eighth Edition of the standard engineering economy text and reference explains the principles and techniques needed for making decisions about the acquisition and retirement of capital goods by industry and government, as well as alternative types of financing and other applications. Arranged in four parts: basic concepts, principles, and mathematics; procedures and methods for evaluating alternatives; techniques for handling special situations; and special applications. Introduces the use of computers and spreadsheets in evaluating engineering alternatives. Includes up-to-date coverage of federal tax legislation, extensive discussions and problems dealing with personal finance, and material on handling multiple alternatives by rate of return and benefit/cost ratio methods. Contains numerous examples and 476 problems, many entirely new. Accompanied by a complete solutions manual for the instructor.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Cellular Aging and Cell Death
Cellular AGING AND CELL DEATH Edited by Nikki J. Holbrook, George R. Martin, and Richard A.Lockshin Cellular Aging and Cell Death provides a thorough understanding ofthe mechanisms responsible for cellular aging, covering the recentresearch on programmed cell death and senescence, and describingtheir role in the control of cell proliferation and the agingprocess. This one-of-a-kind book is the first to combine the twohottest research areas of cell biology into one comprehensivetext. Leading experts contribute to give readers an authoritativeoverview of the distinct fields of cellular aging and programmedcell death, as well as to demonstrate how both fields are criticalto understanding the aging process. They address the large andgrowing interest in apoptosis, especially with regard to themolecular signals that induce and regulate programmed cell death,and the role of apoptosis in a variety of age-associated diseasesand disabilities. Throughout the book, a strong emphasis is placedon the interrelationship of the molecular, cellular, andphysiological aspects of senescence. Individual chapters discuss such topics as the role and regulationof apoptosis in development, the potential impact of cell death onsuch postmitotic tissues as nerve and muscle, and suggest thatprogrammed cell death plays an important role in both pathologicaland nonpathological aspects of aging, including neurodegenerativediseases. One important chapter focuses on the most recent research involvingthe study of telomeres, whose reduction in length with age and celldivision may underlie cellular senescence. The subject of neuronalcell death is also put into the perspective of aging. Cellular Aging and Cell Death bridges the rapidly growing fields ofcellular aging and programmed cell death. This thorough, yetconcise book will be of particular interest to graduate studentsand researchers within the fields of cell and developmentalbiology, neurobiology, immunology, and physiology. Physicians andmedical students involved in the fields of gerontology andpathology will also find this an informative reference.
John Wiley & Sons Inc A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology
This new Edition of A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology has been thoroughly updated and is a practical, highly illustrated, quick reference guide to clinical virology. It brings together the essentials of the subject in a entertaining and informative style, describing in turn the clinical features, the symptoms and signs of each of the viral diseases, as well as summarising the epidemiology, laboratory diagnosis and therapy in each case. This book also includes general chapters such as classification, diagnosis of infection, antiviral drugs, vaccines and different clinical syndromes. Features include: chapter summaries for quick reference Cartoon illustrations New chapters on Human Herpes Virus 6 Hepatitis C Hepatitis E Emerging Viruses Polyoma viruses Comprehensive coverage Clear and concise format Each chapter is easy to read and well organised, ensuring that this is an invaluable textbook for all medical, biomedical, microbiology and applied biology students. In addition, it will provide an excellent reference for nurses, occupational health and infection control departments, public health and diagnostic laboratories.
WW Norton & Co Hospital and Healthcare Facility Design
A celebrated standard for architects, planners, and hospital administrators, Hospital and Healthcare Facility Design has introduced three generations of students and professionals to the state-of-the-art practice of creating structures that are healing environments for those who are ill, while promoting wellness and comfort for all who use them. The third edition of this comprehensive work includes all new case studies and updated text providing innovative ideas and practical guidelines for planning and designing facilities in the rapidly changing landscape of the healthcare world. Drawing on some fifty years of experience at one of the country’s leading healthcare architecture firms—Earl Swensson Associates (ESa)—authors Richard L. Miller, FAIA, Earl S. Swensson, FAIA, and J. Todd Robinson, AIA, explore the current and emerging trends in medical care, technology, and delivery as practiced in a rich cross section of examples of healthcare facilities from around the country. In this new edition they touch on such topics as Lean and LEED practices, evidence-based design, Planetree design, and other important issues facing contemporary and future designers. They expand coverage of the increasingly important topics covered in previous editions, such as women’s and children’s healthcare and care for the elderly. This new edition also explores the latest thinking on everything from vast new medical campuses to continuous-care retirement communities and from freestanding facilities to template designs for networks of hospitals. In short, the authors take a fresh look at the latest advances in the field and explain how these advances are affecting the design of hospitals and other healthcare facilities and the resulting impact for the future.
University of Washington Press Montana: A History of Two Centuries
Montana: A History of Two Centuries first appeared in 1976 and immediately became the standard work in its field. In this thoroughgoing revision, William L. Lang has joined Michael P. Malone and Richard B. Roeder in carrying forward the narrative to the 1990s. Fully twenty percent of the text is new or revised, incorporating the results of new research and new interpretations dealing with pre-history, Native American studies, ethnic history, women's studies, oral history, and recent political history. In addition, the bibliography has been updated and greatly expanded, new maps have been drawn, and new photographs have been selected.
University of Notre Dame Press The Case for Parental Choice: God, Family, and Educational Liberty
This work makes a richly humanitarian case for parental school choice, seeking to advance social justice and respect the dignity of parents—especially those on the margins. For decades, arguments in favor of school choice have largely been advanced on the basis of utility or outcome rather than social justice and human dignity. The Case for Parental Choice: God, Family, and Educational Liberty offers a compelling and humanitarian alternative. This volume contains an edited collection of essays by John E. Coons, a visionary legal scholar and ardent supporter of what is perhaps best described as a social justice case for parental school choice. Few have written more prodigiously or prophetically about the need to give parents—particularly poor parents—power over their children’s schooling. Coons has been an advocate of school choice for over sixty years, and indeed remains one of the most articulate proponents of a case for school choice that promotes both low-income parents and civic engagement, as opposed to mere efficiency or achievement. His is a distinctively Catholic voice that brings powerful normative arguments to debates that far too often get bogged down in disputes about cost savings and test scores. The essays collected herein treat a wide variety of topics, including the relationship between school choice and individual autonomy; the implications of American educational policy for social justice, equality, and community; the impact of public schooling on low-income families; and the religious implications of school choice. Together, these pieces make for a wide-ranging and morally compelling case for parental choice in children’s schooling.
The University of Chicago Press The Child: An Encyclopedic Companion
Informed parents know there is an abundance of information about children and child development available on the Internet, but can they trust that the content they find is authoritative? Professionals who work with children know where to find research relevant to their specialty, but where can they go to find reliable information on other related disciplines? "The Child" offers both parents and professionals access to the best scholarship from all areas of child studies - and from all regions of the world - in a remarkable one-volume reference. This encyclopedic companion brings together contemporary research on children and childhood from pediatrics, child psychology, childhood studies, education, sociology, history, law, anthropology, and other related areas - in sum, more than five hundred articles, all written by experts in their fields and overseen by noted anthropologist Richard A. Shweder. Each entry begins with a concise and accessible synopsis of the topic at hand. For example, the entry on 'adoption' begins with a general definition, followed by a detailed look at adoption in different cultures and at different times, a summary of the associated mental and developmental issues that can arise, and an overview of applicable legal and public policy both within the United States and elsewhere. Within the scope of a few pages, readers encounter a wide range of information and perspectives on this complex and fascinating topic. Entries also include multiple cross-references to guide readers toward related topics within the volume and suggestions for further reading. While many of the entries address universal, biological facts about children - most fetuses suck their thumbs, for example, and most babies develop musical rhythm by seven months - they also consider the many worlds of childhood within the United States and around the globe. Alongside the topical articles, "The Child" includes more than forty 'Imagining Each Other' essays, which focus on the experiences of particular children in different cultures. In 'Work before Play for Yucatec Mayan Children', for example, readers learn of the work responsibilities of some modern-day Mexican children, while in 'A Hindu Brahman Boy Is Born Again', they witness a coming-of-age ritual in contemporary India. This is the best scholarship from a wide range of disciplines, including: anthropology; child development; childhood studies; education; History; Law; Literature; Pediatrics; Psychology; public policy; religion; and, Sociology. Compiled by some of the most distinguished child development researchers in the world, "The Child" will broaden the current scope of knowledge on children and childhood. It is an unparalleled resource for parents, social workers, researchers, educators, and others who work with children, and will spark a necessary discussion about children and childhood around the world. Offering a unique global perspective - selections from the 'Imagining Each Other' essays include: Growing Up Hearing in a Deaf Family; Formality and Fun in Kinship Relations among the Gusii; Educated at Home in the United States; Children as Family Caregivers in Mexico; On Infants Sleeping Alone; The Luminous Books of Childhood; Trial by Fire: Emotional Socialization among Canadian Inuit; The Parenting Style of a Turkish Reformer; Memories of Childhood on an Israeli Kibbutz; Summer Camp for Diabetic Children: A Stigma-Free Zone; An African American Grandmother Combats Racial Hatred; Early Childhood Education in Japan; and, A Refugee's Childhood in the West Bank.
The University of Chicago Press Apology for the Woman Writing and Other Works
During her lifetime, the gifted writer Marie le Jars de Gournay (1565-1645) was celebrated as one of the "seventy most famous women of all time" in Jean de la Forge's Circle of Learned Women (1663). The adopted daughter of Montaigne, as well as his editor, Gournay was a major literary force and a pioneering feminist voice during a tumultuous period in France. This volume presents translations of four of Gournay's works that address feminist issues. Two of these appear here in English for the first time - The Promenade of Monsieur de Montaigne and The Apology for the Woman Writing. One of the first modern psychological novels, the best-selling Promenade was also the first to explore female sexual feeling. With the autobiographical Apology, Gournay defended every aspect of her life, from her moral conduct to her household management. The book also includes Gournay's last revisions (1641) of her two best-known feminist treatises, The Equality of Men and Women and The Ladies' Complaint. The editors provide a general overview of Gournay's career, as well as individual introductions and extensive annotations for each work.
World Scientific Publishing Co Pte Ltd Handbook Of Instrumentation And Techniques For Semiconductor Nanostructure Characterization (In 2 Volumes)
'... These volumes provide the very latest in this critical technology and are an invaluable resource for scientists in both academia and industry concerned with the semiconductor future and all of science.'Foreword by Leonard C Feldman (Director Institute for Advanced Materials, Devices and Nanotechnology, Rutgers University, USA)HighlightsAs we delve more deeply into the physics and chemistry of functional materials and processes, we are inexorably driven to the nanoscale. And nowhere is the development of instrumentation and associated techniques more important to scientific progress than in the area of nanoscience. The dramatic expansion of efforts to peer into nanoscale materials and processes has made it critical to capture and summarize the cutting-edge instrumentation and techniques that have become indispensable for scientific investigation in this arena. This Handbook is a key resource developed for scientists, engineers and advanced graduate students in which eminent scientists present the forefront of instrumentation and techniques for the study of structural, optical and electronic properties of semiconductor nanostructures.
Pace Publishing Richard Pousette-Dart: 1950s: Spirit and Substance
An immersive window into the artistic world of a founding member of the New York School Abstract Expressionist Richard Pousette-Dart (1916–92) forged a unique artistic path through a lexicon of biomorphic and totemic forms. This volume provides a detailed look at his influential career, featuring extensive archival material alongside a selection of work since the 1950s spanning painting, drawing, sculpture and photography.
Nova Science Publishers Inc Crisis Decision Making
Nova Science Publishers Inc Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): Background & Issues
SAGE Publications Inc Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences
Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Irwin & Rippe's Manual of Intensive Care Medicine
Irwin & Rippe’s Manual of Intensive Care Medicine has established itself as an invaluable reference for students, interns, residents, fellows, nurse practitioners and physician assistants, nurses, and respiratory care practitioners working in the critical care medicine environment.Known for its reader-friendly outline format and compact portable size, this handy manual builds upon its tradition of excellence in its Sixth Edition. Available both in print and electronic formats, the Sixth Edition parallels the text, Irwin & Rippe’s Intensive Care Medicine, Seventh Edition , and features fully updated and revised content with a focus on patient safety. Key Features:" Fully revised content addresses recent developments, including the larger role for ultrasound, in critical care medicine. Annotated references are provided at the close of each chapter to guide the interested reader through key articles in the relevant literature. Video clips have been added where appropriate to reinforce key points and findings. Logical organization begins with an extensive section on Procedures and Techniques, followed by 15 sections covering organ system problems as well as palliative care, legal and ethical issues, and transplantation. Thorough coverage of pharmacology, poisonings, and overdoses presented in a tabular format. New section editors share a wealth of experience and expertise targeted to broaden readers’ skills.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures Nippur II: The North Temple and Sounding E
A report on the excavation during the 1950s of an Early Dynastic Temple discovered in the northwestern part of the Religious Quarter of Nippur. The volume includes reports on the structural remains, the burials and the finds, such as pottery, tablets, seals, ornaments and figurines.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Introduction to Radiologic & Imaging Sciences & Patient Care
Using a clear and concise format, Introduction to Radiologic and Imaging Sciences and Patient Care, 8th Edition familiarizes you with the imaging sciences and covers the patient care skills necessary for clinical practice. It offers current, comprehensive content that meets the relevant standards set by the American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Curriculum Guide and the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) Task List for certification examinations. This edition includes updates on current digital imaging and instrumentation, providing the essential information and tools you need to master any introduction to radiologic sciences or patient care class. Chapter review questions and lab activities, available online and on tear sheets in the text, give you easy access to study materials for on-the-go learning. In addition to helping you prepare for certification, the content provides useful and practical information that is essential for professional practice and clinical competency. Expanded and updated career content addresses professional development and advancement. Patient care content includes information on biomechanics and ergonomics of the radiologic and imaging sciences professional. Information management coverage provides an overview of health informatics for the radiologic and imaging sciences professional. Step-by-step procedures presented in boxed lists throughout the text supply you with easy-to-follow steps for clinical success. Back-of-book review questions and questions to ponder provide opportunities for further review and greater challenge. More than 300 photos and line drawings help you understand and visualize patient-care procedures. Strong pedagogy, including chapter objectives, key terms, outlines, and summaries organize information and ensure you understand what is most important in every chapter. NEW! Comprehensive coverage encompasses the greater breadth and depth of all primary modalities of the radiologic and imaging sciences as they relate to patient care.
Cengage Learning, Inc Functional Assessment and Program Development for Problem Behavior: A Practical Handbook
This guide to functional assessment procedures includes a variety of strategies for assessing problem behavior situations, and presents a systematic approach for designing behavioral support programs based on those assessments. Professionals and other readers learn to conduct functional assessments and develop their own intervention programs.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, International Adaptation
Boyce’s Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems is written from the viewpoint of the applied mathematician, with diverse interest in differential equations, ranging from quite theoretical to intensely practical–and usually a combination of both. The intended audience for the text is undergraduate STEM students taking an introductory course in differential equations. The main prerequisite for engaging with the program is a working knowledge of calculus, gained from a normal two or three semester course sequence or its equivalent, while a basic familiarity with matrices is helpful. This new edition of the book aims to preserve, and to enhance the qualities that have made previous editions so successful. It offers a sound and accurate exposition of the elementary theory of differential equations with considerable material on methods of solution, analysis, and approximation that have proved useful in a wide variety of applications.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Inside Teams: How 20 World-Class Organizations Are Winning Through Teamwork
Team power revealed through real-world examples of success This book gives you a real-world perspective on using teams to reengineer your organization. You'll discover what it takes to achieve aggressive and challenging goals for quality, productivity, and cost-effectiveness. Inside Teams covers: * Using teamwork to redesign core processes * Making teams work in union and non-union facilities * Building teams from the ground up * And more! Go behind the scenes with Colgate-Palmolive, Miller Brewing, Company, Wilson Sporting Goods, and others and prepare your organization for reengineering through teamwork.
Oxford University Press The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories
`To love him was not enough for me after the happiness I had felt in falling in love. I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love.' Leo Tolstoy, known to the world for his famous novels, also created throughout his sixty-year career as a writer a significant body of works of shorter ficiton. These fictions, like his novels, tend toward a uniqueness in form, even as they explore a set of themes common in the longer works. The four novellas selected here stand closest to the novels, and represent Tolstoy at his creative best, exploring in a specific and focused way his characteristic themes: life understood as a journey of the discovery of identity and vocation, the meaning of one's life in the face of death, and the redemptive role of suffering and compassion. Family Happiness (1859) traces the psychology of failed married love yet is written against the tradition of the novel of romance, marriage and adultery. The Kreutzer Sonata (1889) recounts a husband's addictions, jealousy, sinister guilt and subsequent isolation, while The Cossacks (1863) focuses on the experiences of a young Russian on in the Caucusus whose quest for romantic love becomes one for the love of 'the whole of God's world'. Finally, the superbly crafted Hadji Murád (1905) juxtaposes the military and civilian worlds, and relates a tale of the human violation of the natural through a series of parallel episodes. Written over a period of almost fifty years, these works display Tolstoy's changing views on art and sexuality, women and marriage, nationalism and ethnicity, war and empire. All four novellas develop, each in its own unique way, the central Tolystoyan theme of love. This edition, which updates a classic translation, has explanatory notes and a substantial introduction based on the most recent scholarship in the field. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World's Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford's commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Oxford University Press Inc Cyber Persistence Theory: Redefining National Security in Cyberspace
A bold re-conceptualization of the fundamentals driving behavior and dynamics in cyberspace. Most cyber operations and campaigns fall short of activities that states would regard as armed conflict. In Cyber Persistence Theory, Michael P. Fischerkeller, Emily O. Goldman, and Richard J. Harknett argue that a failure to understand this strategic competitive space has led many states to misapply the logic and strategies of coercion and conflict to this environment and, thus, suffer strategic loss as a result. The authors show how the paradigm of deterrence theory can neither explain nor manage the preponderance of state cyber activity. They present a new theory that illuminates the exploitive, rather than coercive, dynamics of cyber competition and an analytical framework that can serve as the basis for new strategies of persistence. Drawing on their policy experience, they offer a new set of prescriptions to guide policymakers toward a more stable, secure cyberspace.
The University of Chicago Press Living on the Edge: An American Generation's Journey Through the Twentieth Century
History carves its imprint on human lives for generations after. When we think of the radical changes that transformed America during the twentieth century, our minds most often snap to the fifties and sixties: the Civil Rights Movement, changing gender roles, and new economic opportunities all point to a decisive turning point. But these were not the only changes that shaped our world, and in Living on the Edge, we learn that rapid social change and uncertainty also defined the lives of Americans born at the turn of the twentieth century. The changes they cultivated and witnessed affect our world as we understand it today. Drawing from the iconic longitudinal Berkeley Guidance Study, Living on the Edge reveals the hopes, struggles, and daily lives of the 1900 generation. Most surprising is how relevant and relatable the lives and experiences of this generation are today, despite the gap of a century. From the reorganization of marriage and family roles and relationships to strategies for adapting to a dramatically changing economy, the challenges faced by this earlier generation echo our own time. Living on the Edge offers an intimate glimpse into not just the history of our country, but the feelings, dreams, and fears of a generation remarkably kindred to the present day.
Management Books 2000 Ltd Great or Poor: A Simple System to Deliver Excellent Customer Experiences
Great or Poor is a powerful and proven system to deliver excellent customer experiences in any organisation. Based around four key principles, the book shows readers how to (1) establish a genuine customer-focused mission which is embraced throughout the organisation (2) identify and understand customers' REAL needs (3) get their teams always to go "the extra inch" and (4) establish a true measure of the results. The system has already been tried and tested in a number of organisations with great results. In the words of Guy Insull, founder and MD of The Champions Club, it is is "an amazingly simple yet powerful system"; Neil Robertson, CEO of The British Institute of Innkeeping, describes it as "a real breakthrough"; and author Richard Denny says it is "the best material on customer care that I have ever come across".
University of South Carolina Press A Guide to the Wildflowers of South Carolina
From its summits to its shores, South Carolina brims with life and unparalleled beauty thanks to its abundant array of native and naturalized flora, all carefully documented in this revised and expanded edition of A Guide to the Wildflowers of South Carolina. Dramatic advances in plant taxonomy and ecology have occurred since the guide's publication 20 years ago; new species have been discovered while others struggle to survive in the face of vanishing habitats and climate change.The authors, all experienced botanists, offer essays on carnivorous plants, native orchids, Carolina bays, the roles and effects of fire and agriculture on the landscape, and detailed descriptions of the plant communities throughout the state's major natural regions. This expanded edition catalogs nearly 1,000 species organized by habitat, with descriptions, color photographs, range maps, and comments on pharmacological uses, suitability for garden cultivation, origin of common and scientific names, and conservation status.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology
A core text from the renowned Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Atlas of Procedures in Gynecologic Oncology, Third Edition covers the latest developments in both open and minimally invasive surgery. Supplemented with full-color photographs, practical explanations, and video clips, the book provides a detailed overview of the major gynecologic oncology procedures. With expanded topics to include more areas of interest, the book continues its tradition of emphasizing technique and surgical approach.Topics include: Conization, surgical staging, vulvar surgery, and radical hysterectomy Paracentesis, chest tube placement, and central venous access Sentinel node mapping and minimally invasive lymph node dissection Intraoperative radiation therapy, inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy, and myocutaneous flap reconstruction Nerve-sparing approaches, laterally extended parametrectomy, and urinary diversion Peritoneal surface malignancy surgery, including heated intraperitoneal chemotherapy application In addition to the commonly performed procedures, the book also illustrates many advanced techniques currently in use only at specialized centers throughout the world. This comprehensive atlas presents the insight of national and international leaders in gynecologic oncology, making it an essential resource for a broad-based audience, including medical students, those beginning their surgical training, and senior practitioners.
Goodheart-Wilcox Publisher Electricity & Electronics
Oxford University Press Mapping the World: A Mapping and Coloring Book of World History, Volume Two: Since 1300
Emerald Publishing Limited Research in Organizational Change and Development
For 25 years Research in Organizational Change and Development has provided a special platform for scholars and practitioners to share new research-based insights. Volume 20 continues the tradition of providing insightful and thought-provoking chapters. Some papers bring new perspectives to classic issues in the field such as survey feedback, learning and change leadership. Others explore new territories, such as the role of computer mediated communication and its impact on organizational change and development, action learning and the role that it can play in the development of scholar-practitioners, the creation of actionable knowledge about organization development and change, and the role that ODC knowledge can play in assisting organizations to succeed within the new paradigm of sustainable value creation. Together, these chapters make an especially timely and intriguing collection. It represents a unique blend of theory and practice, intervention and research, revisiting traditional practices and introducing emerging new ones, providing multidisciplinary perspectives on current issues in the field and even a proposed new paradigm for organization development and change.