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Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Economic Valuation with Stated Preference Techniques: A Manual
This manual offers a detailed, up-to-date explanation of how to carry out economic valuation using stated preference techniques. It is relevant for the application of these techniques to all non-market goods and services including air and water quality; provision of public open space; health care that is not sold through private markets; risk reduction policies and investments not provided privately; provision of information as with the recorded heritage, the protection of cultural assets and so on. The resulting valuations can be used for a number of purposes including, but not limited to, demonstrating the importance of a good or service; cost-benefit analysis; setting priorities for environmental policy; design of economic instruments; green national/corporate accounting, and natural resource damage assessment. Compiled by the leading experts in the field, this manual starts by explaining the concepts. It shows how to choose the most appropriate technique and how to design the questionnaires. Detailed advice on econometric analysis is provided, as well as explanation of the pitfalls that need to be avoided.
Emerald Publishing Limited Honing Self-Awareness of Faculty and Future Business Leaders: Emotions Connected with Teaching and Learning
Addressing the topic of emotions in the classroom is largely done by education and psychology scholars, not those in management fields. Occupying this gap, the chapter authors emphasize self-awareness and management of emotions to strengthen student engagement, well-being and performance in complex and ambiguous societal and economic VUCA environments. Honing Self-Awareness of Faculty and Future Business Leaders prepares 21st century managers and teachers in business schools and other higher education institutions – not only be able to deal with emotions that arise in the classroom, but to emanate heightened emotional intelligence themselves – aiding personal and interpersonal development and forming the foundation of leader self-awareness.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Handbook on Whistleblowing Research
This Handbook is testament to the value of whistleblowing for democracy, with new research and existing knowledge probed with fresh and urgent questions. What is the impact of global technology on public accountability, journalism and whistleblower protection? If indifference is what really matters, is focus on retaliation misplaced? What stops those in authority from heeding whistleblowers? A vital resource for anyone fighting to protect whistleblowers anywhere to better articulate whose interests are really at stake and what needs to be done.- Anna Myers, lawyer and Expert Coordinator of the Whistleblowing International Network (WIN)'The International Handbook on Whistleblowing Research offers a thorough and thoughtful examination of current approaches to research regarding this important topic. The editors have included the viewpoints of highly regarded researchers from a number of different fields, including the social sciences, business, and law. Unlike some collections of comments by experts in diverse fields, the editors have created a coherent and useful structure for an analysis of the status of whistleblowing research, the appropriate design for such research and its practical applications. The book casts new light on many topics crucial to the success or failure of whistleblower laws. Researchers, activists, policy makers and anyone interested in understanding whistleblowing and improving laws that encourage and protect it should read this indispensable work. A 'who's who' of the field and a depository of insights and ideas.- Robert Vaughn, American University Washington College of Law, USWhistleblowing the disclosure of wrongdoing by organizational insiders is vital to modern public accountability and integrity across all organizations and societies. This important Handbook offers original, cutting-edge analyzes of the conceptual and practical challenges that researchers face in order to better inform the way whistleblowing is understood and confronted by organizations, regulatory authorities and governments.Featuring contributions from scholars and policy practitioners in a number of diverse fields - including sociology, political science, psychology, information systems, media studies, business, management, criminology, public policy and several branches of law - the book provides a comprehensive guide to existing research and blueprints for how new research should be conducted in the future. It covers conceptual and definitional fundamentals of whistleblowing and strategies for researching whistleblowing in an organizational context, as well as law reform, regulation, management practicalities and research ethics. It also charts the lessons of 30 years of empirical research and maps out new questions and projects for future decades.This Handbook, with its unique perspective on the complex, multi-faceted and often controversial nature of whistleblowing research, will be a vital resource for researchers, policymakers and organizations around the world.Contributors: B. Bjørkelo, R. Bosua, A.J. Brown, H.H. Bye, K. Crow, T. Devine, S. Dreyfus, T. Morehead Dworkin, B. Edwards, B. Fasterling, T. Faunce, P. Harpur, R. Lederman, D. Lewis, J. Leys, K. Loyens, J. Maesschalck, B. Martin, D.P. Meyer, M.P. Miceli, S. Milton, R. Moberly, F.M. Morgan Jr, J.P. Near, T. Nikolic, J. Olsen, M.T. Rehg, P. Roberts, M. Skivenes, R. Smith, J. Spencer, M. Spencer, S.C. Trygstad, E. Tsahuridu, T. Uys, W. Vandekerckhove, S. Walden, C. Wheeler, J. Zuckerman
Apple Academic Press Inc. Technological Interventions in Management of Irrigated Agriculture
With a roster of international contributors, this volume offers an abundance of solutions to address agricultural water management challenges in today’s water-scarce areas of the world. The authors present studies on farmer-friendly irrigation scheduling methods, model-based analysis of crop water requirements, ways to optimize surface irrigation systems, and hydraulic design and management of surface water systems. The book goes on to highlight ways to improve soil properties by taking into account spatial, temporal, and spectral variability in soil properties. The volume also covers various innovative research studies on soil and water productivity of vegetable cultivation under water-stressed areas, application of coir geotextiles, and the role of biofertilizers in controlling soil degradation and maintaining fertile topsoil. Crop management strategies to enhance the efficient use of marginal and saline lands for nonconventional crops are also discussed.The book is divided into four sections, covering: engineering interventions in irrigation management technological interventions in management of soil properties technological inventions for soil and water conservation crop management for non-conventional use This volume will serve as an invaluable resource for academicians, researchers, engineers, agronomists, extension officers, students, and farmers in the broad discipline of agricultural and biological engineering.
Monacelli Press Edith Wharton at Home: Life at the Mount
The Mount, Edith Wharton’s country place in the Berkshires, is truly an autobiographical house. There Wharton wrote some of her best-known and successful novels, including Ethan Frome and House of Mirth. The house itself, completed in 1902, embodies principles set forth in Wharton's famous book The Decoration of Houses, and the surrounding landscape displays her deep knowledge of Italian gardens. Wandering the grounds of this historic home, one can see the influence of Wharton’s inimitable spirit in its architecture and design, just as one can sense the Mount’s impact on the extraordinary life of Edith Wharton herself. The Mount sits in the rolling landscape of the Berkshire Hills, with views overlooking Laurel Lake and all the way out to the mountains. At the turn of the century, Lenox and Stockbridge were thriving summer resort communities, home to Vanderbilts, Sloanes, and other prominent families of the Gilded Age. At once a leader and a recorder of this glamorous society, Edith Wharton stands at the pinnacle of turn of the twentieth-century American literature and social history. The Mount was crucial to her success, and the story of her life there is filled with gatherings of literary figures and artists. Edith Wharton at Home presents Wharton’s life at The Mount in vivid detail with authoritative text by Richard Guy Wilson and archival images, as well as new color photography of the restoration of The Mount and its spectacular gardens. "The Mount was to give me country cares and joys, long happy rides and drives through the wooded lanes of that loveliest region, the companionship of dear friends, and the freedom from trivial obligations, which was necessary if I was to go on with my writing. The Mount was my first real home . . . its blessed influence still lives in me." - Edith Wharton, 1934
John Wiley & Sons Inc Bioceramics: Materials and Applications IV
The content from these proceedings comes from a symposium honoring Larry Hench, a pioneer in the field of bioceramics. Prof. Hench has condensed his Sosman Lecture into the keynote paper of this volume. In addition, this proceedings draws together research in the different aspects of bioceramics and illustrates its unifying themes. Apatites and active bone substitute materials are well represented, with extended analyses of processing effects and variations in making these materials more functional. Included in this volume are a series of papers on interactions between ceramics and biological environments with some much needed analysis of why ceramics succeed or don't in vivo. Proceedings of a symposium to honor Larry Hench at the 105th annual meeting of The American Ceramic Society, April 27-30, 2003, in Nashville, Tennessee; Ceramic Transactions, Volume 147.
Johns Hopkins University Press Building Healthy Communities through Medical-Religious Partnerships
How can religious and health care organizations work together to create community-based health care programs?Because health care works best when patients assume greater responsibility for their own health, community outreach and patient education are essential. But where can health care organizations find the resources to educate large numbers of people about chronic diseases? How can they tailor programs to meet the needs of increasingly diverse communities? And how can they reach people who have no ties to the health care system? Building Healthy Communities through Medical-Religious Partnerships presents an innovative approach to community-based health education and patient advocacy programs targeted at the prevention and management of disease. Offering valuable guidance for religious and medical leaders interested in developing programs in their congregations and communities, the book includes practical and accessible information for establishing health education programs, identifies additional resources that can be obtained from local and national organizations, and discusses a range of medical topics. It also outlines how to train volunteers to assist others in navigating our complex health system. This latest edition, which has been thoroughly revised and updated, incorporates• new chapters on medical topics across the lifespan, including lung disease, kidney disease, and child and adolescent health issues;• a thorough assessment of medical-religious partnerships that have emerged over the past twenty-five years; and• a user-friendly website with downloadable resources—including an instructor's guide, PowerPoint slides, and ready-made handouts.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Climate Change Impacts on Freshwater Ecosystems
This text examines the impact of climate change on freshwater ecosystems, past, present and future. It especially considers the interactions between climate change and other drivers of change including hydromorphological modification, nutrient loading, acid deposition and contamination by toxic substances using evidence from palaeolimnology, time-series analysis, space-for-time substitution, laboratory and field experiments and process modelling. The book evaluates these processes in relation to extreme events, seasonal changes in ecosystems, trends over decadal-scale time periods, mitigation strategies and ecosystem recovery. The book is also concerned with how aspects of hydrophysical, hydrochemical and ecological change can be used as early indicators of climate change in aquatic ecosystems and it addresses the implications of future climate change for freshwater ecosystem management at the catchment scale. This is an ideal book for the scientific research community, but is also accessible to Masters and senior undergraduate students.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd The Wiley Blackwell Handbook of the Psychology of the Internet at Work
This authoritative Wiley Blackwell Handbook in Organizational Psychology focuses on individual and organizational applications of Internet-enabled technologies within the workplace. The editors have drawn on their collective experience in collating thematically structured material from leading writers based in the US, Europe, and Asia Pacific. Coinciding with the growing international interest in the application of psychology to organizations, the work offers a unique depth of analysis from an explicitly psychological perspective. Each chapter includes a detailed literature review that offers academics, researchers, scientist-practitioners, and students an invaluable frame of reference. Coverage is built around competencies set forth by regulatory agencies including the APA and BPS, and includes E-Recruiting, E-Leadership, and E-Learning; virtual teams; cyberloafing; ergonomics of human-computer interaction at work; permanent accessibility and work-life balance; and trust in online environments.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Novel Ecosystems: Intervening in the New Ecological World Order
Land conversion, climate change and species invasions are contributing to the widespread emergence of novel ecosystems, which demand a shift in how we think about traditional approaches to conservation, restoration and environmental management. They are novel because they exist without historical precedents and are self-sustaining. Traditional approaches emphasizing native species and historical continuity are challenged by novel ecosystems that deliver critical ecosystems services or are simply immune to practical restorative efforts. Some fear that, by raising the issue of novel ecosystems, we are simply paving the way for a more laissez-faire attitude to conservation and restoration. Regardless of the range of views and perceptions about novel ecosystems, their existence is becoming ever more obvious and prevalent in today’s rapidly changing world. In this first comprehensive volume to look at the ecological, social, cultural, ethical and policy dimensions of novel ecosystems, the authors argue these altered systems are overdue for careful analysis and that we need to figure out how to intervene in them responsibly. This book brings together researchers from a range of disciplines together with practitioners and policy makers to explore the questions surrounding novel ecosystems. It includes chapters on key concepts and methodologies for deciding when and how to intervene in systems, as well as a rich collection of case studies and perspective pieces. It will be a valuable resource for researchers, managers and policy makers interested in the question of how humanity manages and restores ecosystems in a rapidly changing world. A companion website with additional resources is available at
Dumbarton Oaks Research Library & Collection Variations in the Expression of Inka Power
Duke University Press Re/presenting Class: Essays in Postmodern Marxism
Re/presenting Class is a collection of essays that develops a poststructuralist Marxian conception of class in order to theorize the complex contemporary economic terrain. Both building upon and reconsidering a tradition that Stephen Resnick and Richard Wolff—two of this volume’s editors—began in the late 1980s with their groundbreaking work Knowledge and Class, contributors aim to correct previous research that has largely failed to place class as a central theme in economic analysis. Suggesting the possibility of a new politics of the economy, the collection as a whole focuses on the diversity and contingency of economic relations and processes.Investigating a wide range of cases, the essays illuminate, for instance, the organizational and cultural means by which unmeasured surpluses—labor that occurs outside the formal workplace‚ such as domestic work—are distributed and put to use. Editors Resnick and Wolff, along with J. K. Gibson-Graham, bring theoretical essays together with those that apply their vision to topics ranging from the Iranian Revolution to sharecropping in the Mississippi Delta to the struggle over the ownership of teaching materials at a liberal arts college. Rather than understanding class as an element of an overarching capitalist social structure, the contributors—from radical and cultural economists to social scientists—define class in terms of diverse and ongoing processes of producing, appropriating, and distributing surplus labor and view class identities as multiple, changing, and interacting with other aspects of identity in contingent and unpredictable ways. Re/presenting Class will appeal primarily to scholars of Marxism and political economy.Contributors. Carole Biewener, Anjan Chakrabarti, Stephen Cullenberg, Fred Curtis, Satyananda Gabriel, J. K. Gibson-Graham, Serap Kayatekin, Bruce Norton, Phillip O’Neill, Stephen Resnick, David Ruccio, Dean Saitta, Andriana Vlachou, Richard Wolff
Ohio University Press Women’s Perspectives on Human Security: Violence, Environment, and Sustainability
Violent conflict, climate change, and poverty present distinct threats to women worldwide. Importantly, women are leading the way creating and sharing sustainable solutions. Women’s security is a valuable analytical tool as well as a political agenda insofar as it addresses the specific problems affecting women’s ability to live dignified, free, and secure lives. First, this collection focuses on how conflict impacts women’s lives and well-being, including rape and gendered constructions of ethnicity, race, and religion. The book’s second section looks beyond the scope of large-scale violence to examine human security in terms of environmental policy, food, water, health, and economics. Multidisciplinary in scope, these essays from new and established contributors draw from gender studies, international relations, criminology, political science, economics, sociology, biological and ecological sciences, and planning.
Ohio University Press Domestic Violence and the Law in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa
Domestic Violence and the Law in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa reveals the ways in which domestic space and domestic relationships take on different meanings in African contexts that extend the boundaries of family obligation, kinship, and dependency. The term domestic violence encompasses kin-based violence, marriage-based violence, gender-based violence, as well as violence between patrons and clients who shared the same domestic space. As a lived experience and as a social and historical unit of analysis, domestic violence in colonial and postcolonial Africa is complex. Using evidence drawn from Sub-saharan Africa, the chapters explore the range of domestic violence in Africa’s colonial past and its present, including taxation and the insertion of the household into the broader structure of colonial domination. African histories of domestic violence demand that scholars and activists refine the terms and analyses and pay attention to the historical legacies of contemporary problems. This collection brings into conversation historical, anthropological, legal, and activist perspectives on domestic violence in Africa and fosters a deeper understanding of the problem of domestic violence, the limits of international human rights conventions, and local and regional efforts to address the issue.
University of Pennsylvania Press A Knight's Own Book of Chivalry
On the great influence of a valiant lord: "The companions, who see that good warriors are honored by the great lords for their prowess, become more determined to attain this level of prowess." On the lady who sees her knight honored: "All of this makes the noble lady rejoice greatly within herself at the fact that she has set her mind and heart on loving and helping to make such a good knight or good man-at-arms." On the worthiest amusements: "The best pastime of all is to be often in good company, far from unworthy men and from unworthy activities from which no good can come." Enter the real world of knights and their code of ethics and behavior. Read how an aspiring knight of the fourteenth century would conduct himself and learn what he would have needed to know when traveling, fighting, appearing in court, and engaging fellow knights. Composed at the height of the Hundred Years War by Geoffroi de Charny, one of the most respected knights of his age, A Knight's Own Book of Chivalry was designed as a guide for members of the Company of the Star, an order created by Jean II of France in 1352 to rival the English Order of the Garter. This is the most authentic and complete manual on the day-to-day life of the knight that has survived the centuries, and this edition contains a specially commissioned introduction from historian Richard W. Kaeuper that gives the history of both the book and its author, who, among his other achievements, was the original owner of the Shroud of Turin.
Taylor & Francis Inc Foundations for the Future in Mathematics Education
The central question addressed in Foundations for the Future in Mathematics Education is this:What kind of understandings and abilities should be emphasized to decrease mismatches between the narrow band of mathematical understandings and abilities that are emphasized in mathematics classrooms and tests, and those that are needed for success beyond school in the 21st century? This is an urgent question. In fields ranging from aeronautical engineering to agriculture, and from biotechnologies to business administration, outside advisors to future-oriented university programs increasingly emphasize the fact that, beyond school, the nature of problem-solving activities has changed dramatically during the past twenty years, as powerful tools for computation, conceptualization, and communication have led to fundamental changes in the levels and types of mathematical understandings and abilities that are needed for success in such fields. For K-12 students and teachers, questions about the changing nature of mathematics (and mathematical thinking beyond school) might be rephrased to ask: If the goal is to create a mathematics curriculum that will be adequate to prepare students for informed citizenship—as well as preparing them for career opportunities in learning organizations, in knowledge economies, in an age of increasing globalization—how should traditional conceptions of the 3Rs be extended or reconceived? Overall, this book suggests that it is not enough to simply make incremental changes in the existing curriculum whose traditions developed out of the needs of industrial societies. The authors, beyond simply stating conclusions from their research, use results from it to describe promising directions for a research agenda related to this question.The volume is organized in three sections: *Part I focuses on naturalistic observations aimed at clarifying what kind of “mathematical thinking” people really do when they are engaged in “real life” problem solving or decision making situations beyond school. *Part II shifts attention toward changes that have occurred in kinds of elementary-but-powerful mathematical concepts, topics, and tools that have evolved recently—and that could replace past notions of “basics” by providing new foundations for the future. This section also initiates discussions about what it means to “understand” the preceding ideas and abilities. *Part III extends these discussions about meaning and understanding—and emphasizes teaching experiments aimed at investigating how instructional activities can be designed to facilitate the development of the preceding ideas and abilities.Foundations for the Future in Mathematics Education is an essential reference for researchers, curriculum developers, assessment experts, and teacher educators across the fields of mathematics and science education.
Stanford University Press From Silicon Valley to Singapore: Location and Competitive Advantage in the Hard Disk Drive Industry
Momentous developments in the global economy over the last two decades have dramatically increased the availability of industrial investment sites and lowered the cost of relocating core activities to new countries. But how should these developments be exploited for competitive advantage? Firms face competing pressures: scale economies and the advantages of proximity push them to concentrate activities in one or only a few locations, while low wages and new markets invite dispersal across several countries. This book examines how location decisions have contributed to the global dominance of U.S. firms in the hard disk drive industry. In analyzing the industry since its beginnings some forty years ago, the book explains how American leadership in disk drives has rested on the formation of two complementary industrial clusters. Fundamental research and product development has been located almost entirely in the United States, principally California. Manufacturing has been concentrated in Southeast Asia (initially in Singapore and later in Thailand and Malaysia as well). This duality has proven key to the successful competitive position of the U.S. disk drive industry. Beyond the particulars of the disk drive industry, the authors present new perspectives on the sources of industrial leadership, the strategic behavior of multinational corporations, the geographic evolution of industry, and the creation and endurance of industrial clusters. Managers will gain insight into how location decisions can contribute to organizational effectiveness, and will learn that globalizing production, while keeping innovative activities at home, can contribute to their firms’ competitive advantage. Policy makers will find that first mover advantages may be as important for countries as for companies, since early and systematic efforts to attract a specific industry can generate a critical mass of investments that, over time, will make a location resistant to inducements offered by other countries.
Emerald Publishing Limited Deviance in the Workplace
This volume is about deviance in the workplace. It defines deviance as departures from laws or organizational rules by workers, managers, or an organization as an entity. It brings together contributions by scholars in the sociology of work and of crime and deviance, and identifies workplace deviance as a subject shared by the two. The contributions center around two main topics: deviance-making processes, and the social control of deviance through workplace regulation to detect and correct deviant behavior.
Liverpool University Press Inventory of Diderot's 'Encyclopédie'
Princeton University Press The Princeton Encyclopedia of Classical Sites
Here are over 1,000 pages of authoritative information on the archaeology of Greek and Roman civilization. The sites discussed in the more than 2,800 entries are scattered from Britain to India and from the shores of the Black Sea to the coast of North Africa and up the Nile. They are located on sixteen area maps, keyed to the entries. The entries were written by 375 scholars from sixteen nations, many of whom have worked at the sites they describe. Until now our knowledge of the Classical period has been scattered in hundreds of sources dating from antiquity to our own times. This volume provides essential information on work accomplished, in progress, and still to be undertaken. Originally published in 1976. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Princeton University Press Descent in Buildings (AM-190)
Descent in Buildings begins with the resolution of a major open question about the local structure of Bruhat-Tits buildings. The authors then put their algebraic solution into a geometric context by developing a general fixed point theory for groups acting on buildings of arbitrary type, giving necessary and sufficient conditions for the residues fixed by a group to form a kind of subbuilding or "form" of the original building. At the center of this theory is the notion of a Tits index, a combinatorial version of the notion of an index in the relative theory of algebraic groups. These results are combined at the end to show that every exceptional Bruhat-Tits building arises as a form of a "residually pseudo-split" Bruhat-Tits building. The book concludes with a display of the Tits indices associated with each of these exceptional forms. This is the third and final volume of a trilogy that began with Richard Weiss' The Structure of Spherical Buildings and The Structure of Affine Buildings.
Princeton University Press Collaborative Governance: Private Roles for Public Goals in Turbulent Times
All too often government lacks the skill, the will, and the wallet to meet its missions. Schools fall short of the mark while roads and bridges fall into disrepair. Health care costs too much and delivers too little. Budgets bleed red ink as the cost of services citizens want outstrips the taxes they are willing to pay. Collaborative Governance is the first book to offer solutions by demonstrating how government at every level can engage the private sector to overcome seemingly insurmountable problems and achieve public goals more effectively. John Donahue and Richard Zeckhauser show how the public sector can harness private expertise to bolster productivity, capture information, and augment resources. The authors explain how private engagement in public missions--rightly structured and skillfully managed--is not so much an alternative to government as the way smart government ought to operate. The key is to carefully and strategically grant discretion to private entities, whether for-profit or nonprofit, in ways that simultaneously motivate and empower them to create public value. Drawing on a host of real-world examples-including charter schools, job training, and the resurrection of New York's Central Park--they show how, when, and why collaboration works, and also under what circumstances it doesn't. Collaborative Governance reveals how the collaborative approach can be used to tap the resourcefulness and entrepreneurship of the private sector, and improvise fresh, flexible solutions to today's most pressing public challenges.
Harvard University, Center for Hellenic Studies The Tears of Achilles
Achilles—warrior and hero—by the protocols of Western culture, should never cry. And yet Homeric epic is full of his tears and those of his companions at Troy. This path-blazing study by Hélène Monsacré shows how later ideals of stoically inexpressive manhood run contrary to the poetic vision presented in the Iliad and Odyssey. The epic protagonists, as larger-than-life figures who transcend gender categories, are precisely the men most likely to weep.Monsacré pursues the paradox of the tearful fighter through a series of lucid and detailed close readings, and examines all aspects of the interactions between men and women in the Homeric poems. Her illuminating analysis, first published in French in 1984, remains bold, fresh, and compelling for anyone touched—like Achilles—by a world of grief.
Harvard University Press Audubon: Early Drawings
In 1805, Jean Jacques Audubon was a twenty-year-old itinerant Frenchman of ignoble birth and indifferent education who had fled revolutionary violence in Haiti and then France to take refuge in frontier America. Ten years later, John James Audubon was an American citizen, entrepreneur, and family man whose fervent desire to “become acquainted with nature” had led him to reinvent himself as a naturalist and artist whose study of birds would soon earn him international acclaim. The drawings he made during this crucial decade—sold to Audubon’s friend and patron Edward Harris to help fund his masterwork The Birds of America, and now held by Harvard’s Houghton Library and Museum of Comparative Zoology—are published together here for the first time in large format and full color. In these 116 portraits of species collected in America and in Europe we see Audubon inventing his ingenious methods of posing and depicting his subjects, and we trace his development into a scientist and an artist who could proudly sign his artworks “drawn from Nature.” The drawings also serve as a record of the birds found in Europe and the Eastern United States in the early nineteenth century, some now rare or extinct.The drawings are enhanced by an essay on the sources of Audubon’s art by his biographer, Richard Rhodes; transcription of Audubon’s own annotations to the drawings, including information on when and where the specimens were collected; ornithological commentary by Scott V. Edwards, along with reflections on Audubon as scientist; and an account of the history of the Harris collection by Leslie A. Morris.Splendid in their own right, these drawings also illuminate the self-invention of one of the most important figures in American natural history. They will delight all those interested in American art, nature, birds, and the life and times of John James Audubon.
Harvard University Press Papers of John Adams: Volume 11
In mid-March 1781, John Adams received his commission and instructions as minister to the Netherlands and embarked on the boldest initiative of his diplomatic career. Disappointed by the lack of interest shown by Dutch investors in his efforts to raise a loan for the United States, Adams changed his tactics, and in a memorial made a forthright appeal to the States General of the Netherlands for immediate recognition of the United States. Published in Dutch, English, and French, it offered all of Europe a radical vision of the ordinary citizen’s role in determining political events. In this volume, for the first time, the circumstances and reasoning behind Adams’s bold moves in the spring of 1781 are presented in full.In July the French court summoned Adams, the only American in Europe empowered to negotiate an Anglo–American peace, to Paris for consultations regarding an offer made by Austria and Russia to mediate the Anglo–French war. In his correspondence with France’s foreign minister, the Comte de Vergennes, Adams passionately insisted that the United States was fully and unambiguously independent and sovereign and must be recognized as such by Great Britain before any negotiations took place. This volume shows John Adams to be a determined and resourceful diplomat, unafraid to go beyond the bounds of traditional diplomacy to implement his vision of American foreign policy.
University of California Press The Secular Commedia: Comic Mimesis in Late Eighteenth-Century Music
Wye Jamison Allanbrook's The Secular Commedia is a stimulating and original rethinking of the music of the late eighteenth century. Hearing the symphonies and concertos of Haydn and Mozart with an ear tuned to operatic style, as their earliest listeners did, Allanbrook shows that this familiar music is built on a set of mimetic associations drawn from conventional modes of depicting character and emotion in opera buffa. Allanbrook mines a rich trove of writings by eighteenth-century philosophers and music theorists to show that vocal music was considered aesthetically superior to instrumental music and that listeners easily perceived the theatrical tropes that underpinned the style. Tracing Enlightenment notions of character and expression back to Greek and Latin writings about comedy and drama, she strips away preoccupations with symphonic form and teleology to reveal anew the kaleidoscopic variety and gestural vitality of the musical surface. In prose as graceful and nimble as the music she discusses, Allanbrook elucidates the idiom of this period for contemporary readers. With notes, musical examples, and a foreword by editors Mary Ann Smart and Richard Taruskin.
University of California Press Selected Works of D.T. Suzuki, Volume III: Comparative Religion
Daisetsu Teitaro Suzuki was a key figure in the introduction of Buddhism to the non-Asian world. Many outside Japan encountered Buddhism for the first time through his writings and teaching, and for nearly a century his work and legacy have contributed to the ongoing religious and cultural interchange between Japan and the rest of the world, particularly the United States and Europe. This third volume of Selected Works of D. T. Suzuki brings together a diverse collection of Suzuki's letters, essays, and lectures about non-Buddhist religions and his thoughts on their relation to Buddhism, as well as his reflections on the nature of religion itself. Some of these writings have been translated into English for the first time in this volume. As a long-term resident of the United States, a world traveller, and a voracious consumer of information about all forms of religion, Suzuki was one of the foremost Japanese mediators of Eastern and Western religious cultures for nearly seven decades. An introduction by Jeff Wilson and Tomoe Moriya analyzes Suzuki's frequent encounters with texts and practitioners of many religions, considers how events in Suzuki's lifetime affected his interpretations of Christianity, Shinto, and other traditions, and demonstrates that his legacy as a scholar extends well beyond Buddhism.
University of California Press Rethinking Home: A Case for Writing Local History
Joseph A. Amato proposes a bold and innovative approach to writing local history in this imaginative, wide-ranging, and deeply engaging exploration of the meaning of place and home. Arguing that people of every place and time deserve a history, Amato draws on his background as a European cultural historian and a prolific writer of local history to explore such topics as the history of cleanliness, sound, anger, madness, the clandestine, and the environment in southwestern Minnesota. While dedicated to the unique experiences of a place, his lively work demonstrates that contemporary local history provides a vital link for understanding the relation between immediate experience and the metamorphosis of the world at large. In an era of encompassing forces and global sensibilities, Rethinking Home advocates the power of local history to revivify the individual, the concrete, and the particular. This singular book offers fresh perspectives, themes, and approaches for energizing local history at a time when the very notion of place is in jeopardy. Amato explains how local historians shape their work around objects we can touch and institutions we have directly experienced. For them, theory always gives way to facts. His vivid portraits of individual people, places, situations, and cases (which include murders, crop scams, and taking custody of the law) are joined to local illustrations of the use of environmental and ecological history. This book also puts local history in the service of contemporary history with the examination of recent demographic, social, and cultural transformations. Critical concluding chapters on politics and literature--especially Sinclair Lewis's Main Street and Longfellow's Hiawatha--show how metaphor and myth invent, distort, and hold captive local towns, peoples, and places.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Low-Dimensional Solids
With physical properties that often may not be described by the transposition of physical laws from 3D space across to 2D or even 1D space, low-dimensional solids exhibit a high degree of anisotropy in the spatial distribution of their chemical bonds. This means that they can demonstrate new phenomena such as charge-density waves and can display nanoparticulate (0D), fibrous (1D) and lamellar (2D) morphologies. This text presents some of the most recent research into the synthesis and properties of these solids and covers: Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Inorganic Nanotubes and Nanowires Biomedical Applications of Layered Double Hydroxides Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures Superconducting Borides Introducing topics such as novel layered superconductors, inorganic-DNA delivery systems and the chemistry and physics of inorganic nanotubes and nanosheets, this book discusses some of the most exciting concepts in this developing field. Additional volumes in the Inorganic Materials Book Series: Molecular Materials Functional Oxides Porous Materials Energy Materials All volumes are sold individually or as comprehensive 5 Volume Set.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Energy Materials
In an age of global industrialisation and population growth, the area of energy is one that is very much in the public consciousness. Fundamental scientific research is recognised as being crucial to delivering solutions to these issues, particularly to yield novel means of providing efficient, ideally recyclable, ways of converting, transporting and delivering energy. This volume considers a selection of the state-of-the-art materials that are being designed to meet some of the energy challenges we face today. Topics are carefully chosen that show how the skill of the synthetic chemist can be applied to allow the targeted preparation of inorganic materials with properties optimised for a specific application. Four chapters explore the key areas of: Polymer Electrolytes Advanced Inorganic Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells Solar Energy Materials Hydrogen Adsorption on Metal Organic Framework Materials for Storage Applications Energy Materials provides both a summary of the current status of research, and an eye to how future research may develop materials properties further. Additional volumes in the Inorganic Materials Series: Molecular Materials Functional Oxides Porous Materials Low-Dimensional Solids
John Wiley & Sons Inc Molecular Materials
“… the book does an excellent job of putting together several different classes of materials. Many common points emerge, and the book may facilitate the development of hybrids in which the qualities of the “parents” are enhanced.” –Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2011 With applications in optoelectronics and photonics, quantum information processing, nanotechnology and data storage, molecular materials enrich our daily lives in countless ways. These materials have properties that depend on their exact structure, the degree of order in the way the molecules are aligned and their crystalline nature. Small, delicate changes in molecular structure can totally alter the properties of the material in bulk. There has been increasing emphasis on functional metal complexes that demonstrate a wide range of physical phenomena. Molecular Materials represents the diversity of the area, encapsulating magnetic, optical and electrical properties, with chapters on: Metal-Based Quadratic Nonlinear Optical Materials Physical Properties of Metallomesogens Molecular Magnetic Materials Molecular Inorganic Conductors and Superconductors Molecular Nanomagnets Structured to include a clear introduction, a discussion of the basic concepts and up-to-date coverage of key aspects, each chapter provides a detailed review which conveys the excitement of work in that field. Additional volumes in the Inorganic Materials Series: Low-Dimensional Solids | Molecular Materials | Porous Materials | Energy Materials
John Wiley & Sons Inc Adolescent Health: Understanding and Preventing Risk Behaviors
This book covers the developmental and health problems unique to the adolescent period of life. It focuses on special needs and public health programs for adolescents. It offers deep insight into smoking, violence, teen pregnancy, HIV/AIDS, and other problems, along with intervention and prevention strategies. "Anyone serious about improving adolescent health should read this book. It spans theoretical and developmental constructs, summaries of evidence-based interventions for adolescent risk behaviors, metrics, and policy recommendations." —S. Jean Emans, MD, chief, Division of Adolescent Medicine, and Robert Masland Jr., chair, Adolescent Medicine, Children's Hospital Boston, and professor of pediatrics, Harvard Medical School "This is the one single text that students can use to study adolescent health. It includes contributions from many of the world's most accomplished researchers to provide learners with cutting edge information to make the study of adolescence understandable and applicable in practical settings." —Gary L. Hopkins, MD, DrPH, associate research professor and director, Center for Prevention Research, and director, Center for Media Impact Research, Andrews University "This textbook presents an excellent balance in weighing the evidence from the risk and the resilience literature, incorporating research in racially and ethnically diverse populations." —Renée R. Jenkins, MD, FAAP, professor, Department of Pediatrics and Child Health, Howard University College of Medicine "This is an engaging, thorough, and thought-provoking statement of our knowledge about adolescence. " —Wendy Baldwin, PhD, director, Poverty, Gender, and Youth Program, Population Council
John Wiley & Sons Inc Building Type Basics for Healthcare Facilities
Essential information for the design of healthcare facilities Building Type Basics for Healthcare Facilities, Second Edition is your one-stop reference for the essential information you need to confidently begin the design process and successfully complete a healthcare project, large or small, on time and within budget. Leading architects from across the United States share their firsthand knowledge in order to guide you through all aspects of healthcare facility design, with an emphasis on what you need to do to get started quickly. This edition is revised with multiple new healthcare project examples completed this century, more information on engineering requirements, and background on evolving sustainability and technology issues. It begins with an assessment of the healthcare industry's current and future needs, focusing on how those needs affect architecture. Next you get critical information and guidelines that enable you to create successful designs for inpatient, outpatient, and long-term care facilities. Coverage includes clinics, emergency departments, ambulatory care units, specialty centers, as well as facilities designed for adaptive reuse or the assimilation of future technologies. This quick reference: Addresses twenty key questions that arise when launching a healthcare facility design project Offers insight from leaders in the industry based on their own design experience Provides hundreds of project photographs, diagrams, floor plans, sections, and details Not only does this book offer current, authoritative information, its comprehensive coverage and logical organization also save you countless hours of research. Building Type Basics books provide architects with the essentials needed to jump-start specialized facilities design. Each volume features leading experts in the field who address the issues that shape the early phases of a project in a convenient, easy-to-use format.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Plastic Surgery: Volume 3: Craniofacial, Head and Neck Surgery and Pediatric Plastic Surgery
Comprehensive and fully up to date, the six-volume Plastic Surgery remains the gold standard text in this complex area of surgery. Completely revised to meet the demands of both the trainee and experienced surgeon, Craniofacial, Head and Neck Surgery and Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Volume 3 of Plastic Surgery, 5th Edition, features new, full-color clinical photos, procedural videos, lectures, and authoritative coverage of hot topics in the field. Editor-narrated video presentations offer a step-by-step audio-visual walkthrough of techniques and procedures. New chapters cover surgical management of facial pain, facial feminization, idiopathic progressive hemifacial atrophy, and cleft palate; coverage throughout includes new, pioneering translational work shaping the future of craniofacial, head and neck, and pediatric plastic surgery. New digital video preface by Dr. Peter C. Neligan addresses the changes across all six volumes. New treatment and decision-making algorithms added to chapters where applicable. New video lectures and editor-narrated slide presentations offer a step-by-step audiovisual walkthrough of techniques and procedures. Evidence-based advice from an expanded roster of international experts allows you to apply the very latest advances in hand and upper extremity plastic surgery and ensure optimal outcomes. Purchase this volume individually or own the entire set, with the ability to search across all six volumes online! An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division Pathology of Melanocytic Tumors
Constituting a large percentage of everyday diagnostic practice, melanocytic pathology is a complex and challenging area with many difficult-to-diagnose lesions. This highly illustrated reference, written by three of the world's leading dermatopathologists, provides authoritative guidance in the accurate diagnosis of even the most challenging pigmented skin tumors, helping you avoid pitfalls and recognize mimics. Covers nearly every variant of melanocytic tumors you're likely to see. Emphasizes how to arrive at an efficient, accurate diagnosis, and includes dermoscopic findings for optimal diagnostic precision. Discusses modern analytic techniques (cytogenetics, molecular studies) and how to use them for diagnosis. Includes numerous case examples to illustrate the differential diagnoses and work-up; how to use ancillary techniques, along with their pros, cons, and limitations; and clinical follow-up. Presents the knowledge and experience of Klaus Busam, Pedram Gerami, and Richard Scolyer, - three dermatopathologists who are globally renowned for their expertise in melanoma pathology and analysis of melanocytic tumors by modern ancillary diagnostic techniques. Expert ConsultT eBook version included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
The University of Chicago Press An Invitation to Laughter: A Lebanese Anthropologist in the Arab World
For the late Fuad I. Khuri, a distinguished career as an anthropologist began not because of typical concerns like accessibility, money, or status, but because the very idea of an occupation that baffled his countrymen made them - and him - laugh. "When I tell them that 'anthropology' is my profession...they think I am either speaking a strange language or referring to a new medicine." This profound appreciation for humor, especially in the contradictions inherent in the study of cultures, is a distinctive theme of "An Invitation to Laughter", Khuri's astute memoir of life as an anthropologist in the Middle East. A Christian Lebanese, Khuri offers up in this unusual autobiography both an insider's and an outsider's perspective on life in Lebanon, elsewhere in the Middle East, and in West Africa. Khuri entertains and informs with clever insights into such issues as the mentality of Arabs toward women, eating habits of the Arab world, the impact of Islam on West Africa, and the extravagant lifestyles of wealthy Arabs, and even offers a vision for a type of democracy that could succeed in the Middle East. In his life and work, as these astonishing essays make evident, Khuri demonstrated how the discipline of anthropology continues to make a difference in bridging dangerous divides.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc Linear Algebra: Algorithms, Applications, and Techniques
Linear Algebra: Algorithms, Applications, and Techniques, Fourth Edition offers a modern and algorithmic approach to computation while providing clear and straightforward theoretical background information. The book guides readers through the major applications, with chapters on properties of real numbers, proof techniques, matrices, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigen values, and Euclidean inner products. Appendices on Jordan canonical forms and Markov chains are included for further study. This useful textbook presents broad and balanced views of theory, with key material highlighted and summarized in each chapter. To further support student practice, the book also includes ample exercises with answers and hints.
The University Press of Kentucky Washington's Iron Butterfly: Bess Clements Abell, An Oral History
Had Elizabeth 'Bess' Clements Abell (1933-2020) been a boy, she would likely have become a politician like her father, Earle Clements. Effectively barred from that career because of her gender, she forged her own path by helping family friends Lyndon and Lady Bird Johnson. As President Johnson's Social Secretary, Abell earned the nickname 'Iron Butterfly' for her graceful but firm leadership of social life in the White House. Afterward, she maintained her importance in Washington D.C., serving as chief of staff to Joan Mondale and co-founding a public relations company.Donald A. Ritchie and Terry L. Birdwhistell draw on Abell's own words and those of others close to her to tell her remarkable story. Focusing on her years working for the Johnson campaign and her time in the White House, this engaging oral history provides a window into Abell's life as well as an insider's view of social life in the nation's capital during the tumultuous 1960s.
INSTAP Academic Press Pseira VIII: The Archaeological Survey of Pseira Island Part 1
Richard B. Seager excavated the Minoan town and cemetery at Pseira in 1906-1907, but the work was not fully published. The Temple University excavations (1985-1994) under the direction of Philip P. Betancourt and Costis Davaras conducted an intensive surface survey of the island. The results of the survey on the small island off the northeast coast of Crete are published in two volumes. Pseira VIII presents the results from the corollary studies that accompany the surface survey. Pseira IX presents the results from the intensive surface survey.
Portage & Main Press As I Enfold You in Petals
Newly sober, Curtis searches for healing in the ancient cultural practices of his Tłıcho Dene grandfather. But will the Little People answer his call?Curtis has returned to Fort Smith, six weeks sober. He doesn’t have any sober friends, his mom’s still drinking, and his best friend (and secret crush) Lacey probably is too. Still, he’s determined to abstain from alcohol and help his people. Along the way, he might just be able to help himself.Louis, Curtis’s late grandfather, was a healer. Legend has it, Louis made a deal with the Little People that gave him the power to heal. No one has heard from the Little People since Louis’s death, but his cabin may hold the key for them to return. There’s only one problem: Benny the Bank stands in the way.An infamous bootlegger, Benny has profited off Fort Smith’s pain for decades. After being critically wounded in an attempt on his life, Benny knows he doesn’t have much time before the poison in his blood takes him. He also happens to own Louis’s cabin.Can Curtis convince Benny to return the home that once belonged to Louis? Will the Little People answer Curtis’s call? And can Benny find a way to make amends and leave a legacy he can be proud of?A stunning, fast-paced graphic novel, As I Enfold You in Petals will keep readers riveted until the last page.
Island Press Assembly Rules and Restoration Ecology: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice
Assembly rules refer to the ecological principles that guide the 'assembly' of ecosystems. They offer guidance on planning which species should be restored first, and then which should be added in which order. This work explores the concepts and theories relating to assembly rules.
Tsehai Publishers Ethiopia in Wartime: 1941-1942: A Memoir Written by Brian Fraser Macdona with Supplemental Documents
Royal Society of Chemistry Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry: IUPAC Recommendations 2005
The Rules of Inorganic Nomenclature (the 'Red Book'), first published in 1958 by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), was most recently updated as Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry 1990. This new edition of the Red Book clarifies and updates recommendations concerning the names and formulae of inorganic compounds and reflects major recent developments in inorganic chemistry. Moreover, it presents recommendations fully consistent with the principles of the nomenclature of organic chemistry. In order to choose the most appropriate of the various nomenclature systems described, a flowchart is provided to guide the reader to a section or chapter where rules can be found for a particular type of compound or species. Copious examples are supplemented by an extensive subject index. Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry: Recommendations 2005 is the definitive guide for scientists working in academia or industry, for scientific publishers of books, journals and databases, and for organisations requiring internationally approved nomenclature in a legal or regulatory environment.
Chelsea Green Publishing Co The Safari Companion: A Guide to Watching African Mammals Including Hoofed Mammals, Carnivores, and Primates
The best field guide to observing and understanding the behavior of African mammals and an indispensable tool for naturalists traveling to Africa! The Second Edition has been fully revised and includes a new preface. The Safari Companion enables readers to recognize and interpret visible behavioral activities, such as courtship rituals, territorial marking, aggression, and care of young. Each account of over 80 species includes a behavioral table in which the unique actions of the hoofed mammals, carnivores, and primates are described for easy reference. Other features include: Expert Illustrations Useful maps showing major national boundaries, vegetation zones, and game parks An extensive glossary Tips on wildlife photography A list of organizations working to protect African wildlife "The best behavioral field guide ever."—Sy Montgomery, author of Tamed and Untamed "The book is more than a field guide; it is a valuable tool for conservation."—Kathryn S. Fuller, President, World Wildlife Fund (U.S.A.)
Jessica Kingsley Publishers Art Therapy and Clinical Neuroscience
Art Therapy and Clinical Neuroscience offers an authoritative introductory account of recent developments in clinical neuroscience and its impact on art therapy theory and practice.Contributors explore the complex relationship between art and creativity and neurological functions such as those that occur during stress response, immune functioning, child developmental phases, gender difference, the processing of imagery, attachment, and trauma. It deciphers neuroscientific language and theory and contributes innovative concrete applications and interventions useful in art therapy.This book is essential reading for art therapists, expressive arts therapists, counselors, mental health practitioners, and students.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Art of Weaving a Life: A Framework to Expand and Strengthen Your Personal Vision
With more than 120 beautiful color photos, this guide introduces how the simple art of weaving can help each of us—whether we are weavers or not—to build our inner life. The goal is to recognize, receive, and live in harmony with your own deepest truths. Using a system of seven "keyforms" that span cultures, ranging from an amulet to a mask to a belt of power, the growth process is explored in depth. Instructions for seven symbolic keyform projects help beginners to use tapestry weaving techniques, and help seasoned weavers to find new dimensions in their work. To put it in weaving terms, the inner life is like the vertical warp on a loom. The weft of our daily activities weaves through our inner values and beliefs with each moment. The Weaving a Life process has been used successfully by weavers and spinners, psychotherapists, nurses, hospice workers, educators, artists, and youth leaders, as well as by countless individuals who seek a deeper vision for their lives.