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O'Reilly Media Practical Natural Language Processing: A Comprehensive Guide to Building Real-World NLP Systems
Many books and courses tackle natural language processing (NLP) problems with toy use cases and well-defined datasets. But if you want to build, iterate, and scale NLP systems in a business setting and tailor them for particular industry verticals, this is your guide. Software engineers and data scientists will learn how to navigate the maze of options available at each step of the journey. Through the course of the book, authors Sowmya Vajjala, Bodhisattwa Majumder, Anuj Gupta, and Harshit Surana will guide you through the process of building real-world NLP solutions embedded in larger product setups. You’ll learn how to adapt your solutions for different industry verticals such as healthcare, social media, and retail. With this book, you’ll: Understand the wide spectrum of problem statements, tasks, and solution approaches within NLP Implement and evaluate different NLP applications using machine learning and deep learning methods Fine-tune your NLP solution based on your business problem and industry vertical Evaluate various algorithms and approaches for NLP product tasks, datasets, and stages Produce software solutions following best practices around release, deployment, and DevOps for NLP systems Understand best practices, opportunities, and the roadmap for NLP from a business and product leader’s perspective
Cornell University Press National Reckonings: The Last Judgment and Literature in Milton’s England
During the tumultuous years of the English Revolution and Restoration, national crises like civil wars and the execution of the king convinced Englishmen that the end of the world was not only inevitable but imminent. National Reckonings shows how this widespread eschatological expectation shaped nationalist thinking in the seventeenth century. Imagining what Christ's return would mean for England's body politic, a wide range of poets, philosophers, and other writers—including Milton, Hobbes, Winstanley, and Thomas and Henry Vaughan,—used anticipation of the Last Judgment to both disrupt existing ideas of the nation and generate new ones. Ryan Hackenbracht contends that nationalism, consequently, was not merely a horizontal relationship between citizens and their sovereign but a vertical one that pitted the nation against the shortly expected kingdom of God. The Last Judgment was the site at which these two imagined communities, England and ecclesia (the universal church), would collide. Harnessing the imaginative space afforded by literature, writers measured the shortcomings of an imperfect and finite nation against the divine standard of a perfect and universal community. In writing the nation into end-times prophecies, such works as Paradise Lost and Leviathan offered contemporary readers an opportunity to participate in the cosmic drama of the world's end and experience reckoning while there was still time to alter its outcome.
Cornell University Press Too Few Women at the Top: The Persistence of Inequality in Japan
The number of women in positions of power and authority in Japanese companies has remained small despite the increase in the number of educated women and the passage of legislation on gender equality. In Too Few Women at the Top, Kumiko Nemoto draws on theoretical insights regarding Japan's coordinated capitalism and institutional stasis to challenge claims that the surge in women’s education and employment will logically lead to the decline of gender inequality and eventually improve women’s status in the Japanese workplace.Nemoto’s interviews with diverse groups of workers at three Japanese financial companies and two cosmetics companies in Tokyo reveal the persistence of vertical sex segregation as a cost-saving measure by Japanese companies. Women’s advancement is impeded by customs including seniority pay and promotion, track-based hiring of women, long working hours, and the absence of women leaders. Nemoto contends that an improvement in gender equality in the corporate system will require that Japan fundamentally depart from its postwar methods of business management. Only when the static labor market is revitalized through adoption of new systems of cost savings, employee hiring, and rewards will Japanese women advance in their chosen professions. Comparison with the situation in the United States makes the author’s analysis of the Japanese case relevant for understanding the dynamics of the glass ceiling in U.S. workplaces as well.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves: Numerical Simulations
A timely and authoritative guide to the state of the art of wave scattering Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves offers in three volumes a complete and up-to-date treatment of wave scattering by random discrete scatterers and rough surfaces. Written by leading scientists who have made important contributions to wave scattering over three decades, this new work explains the principles, methods, and applications of this rapidly expanding, interdisciplinary field. It covers both introductory and advanced material and provides students and researchers in remote sensing as well as imaging, optics, and electromagnetic theory with a one-stop reference to a wealth of current research results. Plus, Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves contains detailed discussions of both analytical and numerical methods, including cutting-edge techniques for the recovery of earth/land parametric information. The three volumes are entitled respectively Theories and Applications, Numerical Simulation, and Advanced Topics. In the second volume, Numerical Simulations, Leung Tsang (University of Washington) Jin Au Kong (MIT), Kung-Hau Ding (Air Force Research Lab), and Chi On Ao (MIT) cover: * Layered media simulations * Rough surface and volume scattering simulations * Dense media models and simulations * Electromagnetic scattering by discrete scatterers and a buried object * Scattering by vertical cylinders above a surface * Electromagnetic waves scattering by vegetation * Computational methods and programs used for performing various simulations
De Gruyter Lean CX: How to Differentiate at Low Cost and Least Risk
In recent years, many companies have realised customer experience (CX) is the new marketing battle ground. Substantial investments have been made to map customer journeys, identify pain points and improve CX to try and create cut-through. Using real world applications to introduce next generation design tools based on proven concepts from strategy, marketing, psychology and creative problem solving, Lean CX: How to Differentiate at Low Cost and Least Risk discusses how to use Lean Management approaches to innovate your customer experience. This practical book describes how the tools from Lean Management can be applied to the CX innovation problem. The authors draw on hundreds of CX design and strategic innovation projects across a range of industries, both B2B and B2C, from primary research through client work and secondary case studies available in the public domain. The examples include many different vertical industry sectors, including those involving hybrid business models. The cases included share what worked really well and where CX failed. The content goes beyond what actually happened to present an idea of what might be possible with the right design approach and committed resources. Presents the swarm algorithm which highlights what the next generation of successful organisations might become.Shows how to overcome the CX change risk and reduce the biggest waste in CX management.Includes numerous international case examples.
Wave Books Poems (1962-1997)
"One of the great original voices of our times--a pilgrim in search of beautiful innocence."--Jack Kerouac "Robert Lax's poems [prove] yet again that the gift to be simple is the gift to be free, that less is more, and that least may sometimes be most."--John Ashbery Poems (1962--1997) gathers thirty-five years of Robert Lax's work, rarely published and largely composed in solitude on the island of Patmos. Compiled and edited by the poet's former assistant John Beer, this selection reflects--through meditative sequences in striking vertical columns--Lax's rigorous attention to the world around him and his relentless aspiration to new ways of writing. love & death are blood & bone love & death are bread & stone love & death are rose & thorn (love & death are sheep & shorn) Robert Lax (1915--2000) published dozens of volumes of poetry and prose with small presses and worked as an editor for the New Yorker, Jubilee, and PAX. From 1962 to the end of his life, he made his home in the Greek islands. John Beer is the author of The Waste Land and Other Poems (Canarium, 2010), which won the Norma Farber First Book Award from the Poetry Society of America. For two years in the late 1990s, he served as literary assistant to Robert Lax. He currently lives and teaches in Oregon.
Park Books The Horizontal Metropolis: A Radical Project
Two contrasting terms are joined to conjugate the traditional idea of metropolis (the centre of a vast territory, hierarchically organised, dense, vertical, produced by polarization) with horizontality (the idea of a more diffuse, isotropic urban condition, where centre and periphery blur). Beyond a simplistic centre vs periphery opposition, the concept of a horizontal metropolis reveals the dispersed condition as a potential asset, rather than a limit, to the construction of a sustainable and innovative urban dimension. Around 1990, Terry McGee, an urban researcher at the University of British Columbia, coined the term "desakota", deriving from Indonesian "desa" (village) and "kota" (city). Desakota areas typically occur in Asia, especially South East Asia. The term describes an area situated outside the periurban zone, often sprawling alongside arterial and communication roads, sometimes from one agglomeration to the next. They are characterised by high population density and intensive agricultural use, but differ from densely populated rural areas by more urban-like characteristics. The new book The Horizontal Meteropolis investigates such areas alongside examples in the US, Italy, and Switzerland. The study highlights the advantages of the concept and its relevance in economical, ecological, and social aspects. The concept reflects a vision of global urbanisation that no longer allows for "outside" areas and that will test the urban ecosystem to its limits.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Option Spread Trading: A Comprehensive Guide to Strategies and Tactics
A practical guide to unlocking the power of option spreads When dealing with option spreads your looking to purchase one option in conjunction with the sale of another option. If managed properly, these spreads can provide experienced investors with the potential for large returns without undertaking a great deal of risk. Option Spread Trading provides a comprehensive, yet easy-to-understand explanation of option spreads, and shows you how to select the best spread strategy for any given market outlook. Along the way, author Russell Rhoads discusses spread strategies that can be used to profit from a strong up or down directional move in a stock, a stagnant market, or a highly volatile market. He also details how you can harness the leverage of options to create a low-risk position that provides the potential for a big profit. All manner of spreads are covered, from calendar and horizontal spreads to vertical and diagonal spreads Highlights how you can monitor and adjust an existing spread position and provides tips on how to exit a spread trade Includes exercises and examples to test and reinforce your knowledge of the concepts presented Option spread trading has become increasingly popular with active traders and investors. Gain a better understanding of this powerful approach with Option Spread Trading as your guide.
Oxford University Press Generations: Age, Ancestry, and Memory in the English Reformations
This book examines England's plural and protracted Reformations through the novel prism of the generations. Approaching generation as a biological unit and a social cohort, it demonstrates that the tumultuous religious developments that stretched across the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries not merely transformed the generations but were also forged by them. It provides compelling new insights into how people experienced and navigated the profound challenges that the Reformations posed in everyday life. Alexandra Walsham investigates how age and ancestry were implicated in the theological and cultural upheavals of the era and how these in turn reconfigured the nexus between memory, history, and time. Generations explores the manifold ways in which the Reformations shaped the horizontal relationships that men, women, and children formed with their siblings, kin, and peers, as well as the vertical ones that tied them to their dead ancestors and their future heirs. It highlights the vital part that families bound by blood and by faith played in the making of current events and in recording the past for posterity. Drawing on previously untapped archival evidence, in tandem with a rich array of printed texts, visual images, and material objects, this study offers poignant glimpses of individual lives and casts fascinating light on how families were both torn apart and brought closer together by the English Reformations.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Regional Climate Change and Variability: Impacts and Responses
Integrated assessments of the impacts of, and adaptation to, climate change and variability at urban and regional scales are presented in this comprehensive volume. Six thematically distinct yet methodologically related projects illustrate 'horizontal' integration, which focuses on impacts and responses across different sectors, and 'vertical' integration, which traces changes from the climate system through to the economy and society. Areas of application include water resource allocation, wildfire management, agriculture, public health and urban infrastructure in the United States. In its development of methodologies and their applications to individual regions, this book presents a rich set of insights and a set of guides for investment and policymaking. Each of the six studies focuses on a finer geographic scale than is customary in integrated assessment research. They introduce innovations for impact analysis and contribute to the knowledge of localized experiences of climate change - how it affects a variety of sectors, how different stakeholders perceive its implications and adapt to it, and how decision support systems can promote dialogues between researchers, stakeholders and policymakers. The contributors' conclusions will be of great interest to urban and regional planners, environmental scientists and engineers, physical and human geographers, ecologists, environmental and natural resource economists, public administrators, public service providers and utility managers, among others.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Competition Law and Economics: Developments, Policies and Enforcement Trends in the US and Korea
Offering a comprehensive overview of the major issues that arise in the enforcement of competition laws, this book takes an interdisciplinary approach to the topic, reviewing the development of Korean competition laws and their enforcement with rigorous economic analysis. Chapters build on the Korean experience, providing guidance to the capacity-building efforts of developing countries that have recently introduced competition laws. In this exciting new book, an international team of experts compares market structures, in both global and Korean contexts, particularly focusing on the impact of foreign competition on market concentration and ways to improve market structure. It thoroughly investigates core competition problems, including international abuses of dominance, mergers and collusion, and vertical restraints. Contributions move beyond explaining the laws and practices of enforcement agencies, offering readers an insight into the trend of ever-increasing interdependence among national economies, complemented by analyses of recent developments in the US and Canada. The exploration of clear trends both in Korea and globally will prove valuable to scholars and students of industrial competition policy, and law and economics. It will also be useful to policy-makers, particularly those in developing countries, looking to better understand the issues surrounding competition law and designing future policies.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Competition Law and Economics
Offering a concise and critical comparison of EU competition law and US antitrust law from an economic perspective, this is the ideal textbook for international and interdisciplinary courses combining law and economic approaches. The book provides thorough coverage including the definition of market power, the use of horizontal and vertical restrictions, mergers and the unilateral conduct of dominant firms. It also includes discussion of problems relating to the enforcement of legal prohibitions, which will be of particular interest to practitioners and regulators. With analysis of leading cases of EU competition law, US antitrust law and insightful case studies of competition laws in BRIC countries, this book succinctly highlights the key information and goes further to discuss the many issues relating to the use of economic analysis. Key Features: uses economic insights to help students understand the context in which the rules of competition law are applied systematically compares EU competition law and US antitrust law, with discussion of leading cases, in order to understand how the underlying principles work in practice clear presentation, including boxes highlighting key case studies, ensures information on the competition laws of various BRIC countries is easily accessible the comparative approach and use of international case studies make this an ideal textbook for students in any jurisdiction.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd European Family Law Volume II: The Changing Concept of ‘Family’ and Challenges for Domestic Family Law
The Changing Concept of 'Family' and Challenges for Domestic Family Law explores the changing concept of 'family', with the current social, political, medical and scientific challenges for domestic family law discussed in over 20 European jurisdictions. National reports describe the current law and legal development for 'horizontal' (the law of relationships between adults such as marriage, divorce, cohabitation, same-sex relationships), 'vertical' (the law governing the relationships between adults and children, such as parentage including artificial reproductive techniques and surrogacy, parental responsibility and adoption) and individual (the law of names and recognition of gender identity) family law. They show that, while considerable legal and societal diversity still exists within Europe, family law, in many areas, is developing along similar lines, with a convergence towards a European family law.This book, and the others in the set, will serve as an invaluable resource for anyone interested in family law. It will be of particular use to students and scholars of comparative and international family law, as well as family law practitioners.Contributors: G. Douglas, L. Francoz Terminal, T. Keller, O. Khazova, G. Kubi ková, A. Lamarca Marquès, D. Martiny, K. McK Norrie, B. Novak, E. Örücü, J.M. Scherpe, I. Schwenzer, B. Sloan, T. Sverdrup, F. Swennen, O. Szeibert, M. Giovanna E. Zervogianni
John Wiley & Sons Inc Large Wind Turbines: Design and Economics
In the light of the extensive debate surrounding the economics of scale of wind turbines, this timely work examines the engineering implications of developing lightweight compliant designs. Through the development of a unique modelling approach, the authors quantify the weight and cost of a diverse range of design solutions, enabling systematic quantitative comparisons to be made for the first time. This innovative reference will provide a valuable guide to engineers and consultants involved in wind energy development as well as academic researchers and postgraduate students of wind turbine technology. FEATURES INCLUDE: * Coherent analysis of the inter-relationship between the economics of wind turbines and engineering design configurations. * Discussion of the main factors driving the weight and cost of large wind turbines eg. rotor design, number of blades, blade materials, flexibility and control strategy. * Accessible overview of the development of large wind turbines and the direction that designs are taking now and into the future. * Examination of the cost implications of specific design issues such as vertical versus horizontal axis, fixed or variable speed-rotor strategy, compact versus modular drive train and direct drive configurations. * Evaluation of the economics of onshore and offshore generation sites and the prospects for the deployment of large wind turbines in offshore wind farms.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Multimedia Ontology: Representation and Applications
The result of more than 15 years of collective research, Multimedia Ontology: Representation and Applications provides a theoretical foundation for understanding the nature of media data and the principles involved in its interpretation. The book presents a unified approach to recent advances in multimedia and explains how a multimedia ontology can fill the semantic gap between concepts and the media world. It relays real-life examples of implementations in different domains to illustrate how this gap can be filled.The book contains information that helps with building semantic, content-based search and retrieval engines and also with developing vertical application-specific search applications. It guides you in designing multimedia tools that aid in logical and conceptual organization of large amounts of multimedia data. As a practical demonstration, it showcases multimedia applications in cultural heritage preservation efforts and the creation of virtual museums.The book describes the limitations of existing ontology techniques in semantic multimedia data processing, as well as some open problems in the representations and applications of multimedia ontology. As an antidote, it introduces new ontology representation and reasoning schemes that overcome these limitations. The long, compiled efforts reflected in Multimedia Ontology: Representation and Applications are a signpost for new achievements and developments in efficiency and accessibility in the field.
Indiana University Press Muthanna / Mirror Writing in Islamic Calligraphy: History, Theory, and Aesthetics
Muthanna, also known as mirror writing, is a compelling style of Islamic calligraphy composed of a source text and its mirror image placed symmetrically on a horizontal or vertical axis. This style elaborates on various scripts such as Kufic, naskh, and muhaqqaq through compositional arrangements, including doubling, superimposing, and stacking. Muthanna is found in diverse media, ranging from architecture, textiles, and tiles to paper, metalwork, and woodwork. Yet despite its centuries-old history and popularity in countries from Iran to Spain, scholarship on the form has remained limited and flawed. Muthanna / Mirror Writing in Islamic Calligraphy provides a comprehensive study of the text and its forms, beginning with an explanation of the visual principles and techniques used in its creation. Author Esra Akın-Kıvanc explores muthanna's relationship to similar forms of writing in Judaic and Christian contexts, as well as the specifically Islamic contexts within which symmetrically mirrored compositions reached full fruition, were assigned new meanings, and transformed into more complex visual forms. Throughout, Akın-Kıvanc imaginatively plays on the implicit relationship between subject and object in muthanna by examining the point of view of the artist, the viewer, and the work of art. In doing so, this study elaborates on the vital links between outward form and inner meaning in Islamic calligraphy.
Oxford University Press Jones & Sufrin's EU Competition Law: Text, Cases & Materials
The complete guide to EU competition law, combining key primary sources with expert author commentary. The most comprehensive resource for students on EU competition law; extracts from key cases, academic works, and legislation are paired with incisive critique and commentary from an expert author team Selling Points-- · Full, definitive coverage of every aspect of EU competition law - the complete guide to the subject · Students are guided through the most important extracts from key cases, articles, and statutory material, all carefully selected and explained by this experienced author team · 'Central Issues' at the start of each chapter clearly identify key themes and principles discussed, to help readers navigate the material effectively · Extensive footnoting and further reading suggestions provide a thorough guide to the literature, giving students a starting point for their own research and reading New to this edition-- · Full analysis of important developments in competition law and policy since 2019, including relevant case-law, new EU legislation and notices and competition law goals; · A comprehensive discussion of the evolving law and policy governing market definition and vertical, horizontal cooperation and sustainability agreements; · A new chapter on competition law in the digital economy, incorporating a discussion of the Digital Markets Act.
McFarland & Co Inc Kafka's Architectures: Doors, Rooms, Stairs and Windows of an Intricate Literary Edifice
Kafka's Architectures is just as much about Kafka as it is about Architecture, on the one hand, adopting Kafka as a lens to examine modern conceptions in architecture, while on the other, using architecture to pry open new interpretations in Kafka scholarship. The book is composed of eight chapters, each taking up an architectural condition to explore meanings central to both literature and architecture, during and after Kafka's time. We learn, for instance, that while the stairs continues to function as vertical circulation, in Kafka's hands it becomes an instrument of science, testing the merit of natural selection. Doors similarly open and close less to allow access but to find the right alchemy of air between one psychological interior and the next. Notions of plumbing and hygiene, while already part and parcel of modern living, now begin to acquire a new meaning that wasn't there before. An architect like Mies van der Rohe suddenly begins to make more sense, especially his tabula rasa approach to design, signifying less a harsh disdain for site and more a response to a reality in which the ceremony of the stairs had died and was replaced by the pervasive flatness of the modern floor.
Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc Terrariums - Gardens Under Glass: Designing, Creating, and Planting Modern Indoor Gardens
Terrariums are the ultimate way to bring the natural world indoors! The art of terrarium making is back in vogue and better than ever. Growing collections of adorable miniature plants in glass vessels is a great way to bring the indoors out and get back in touch with nature—no matter where you live and what time of year it is. Whether you reside in a tiny apartment, spend the bulk of your hours at an office desk, or just want to be better connected to green, living things, terrariums are the ticket. A wondrous combination of nature, gardening, and home decor, terrarium building and tending is both therapeutic and inspirational. Terrarium expert and teacher Maria Colletti makes designing your very own interior gardens easy with step-by-step photos of over twenty of her own terrarium designs. Plus, you'll get all the information you need about popular terrarium plants, such as tillandsias (air plants), orchids, mosses, cacti, succulents, and ferns. Transform basic glass containers, including vases, jars, vertical planters, hanging globes, tabletop greenhouses, and more, into miniature worlds of green. Once you know the basics (the plants, the vessels, and a basic understanding of soil, water, and humidity), you can mix and match for an endless exploration of your own creativity!
Princeton University Press Iran Between Two Revolutions
Emphasizing the interaction between political organizations and social forces, Ervand Abrahamian discusses Iranian society and politics during the period between the Constitutional Revolution of 1905-1909 and the Islamic Revolution of 1977-1979. Presented here is a study of the emergence of horizontal divisions, or socio-economic classes, in a country with strong vertical divisions based on ethnicity, religious ideology, and regional particularism. Professor Abrahamian focuses on the class and ethnic roots of the major radical movements in the modem era, particularly the constitutional movement of the 1900s, the communist Tudeh party of the 1940s, the nationalist struggle of the early 1950s, and the Islamic upsurgence of the 1970s. In this examination of the social bases of Iranian politics, Professor Abrahamian draws on archives of the British Foreign Office and India Office that have only recently been opened; newspaper, memoirs, and biographies published in Tehran between 1906 and 1980; proceedings of the Iranian Majles and Senate; interviews with retired and active politicians; and pamphlets, books, and periodicals distributed by exiled groups in Europe and North America in the period between 1953 and 1980. Professor Abrahamian explores the impact of socio-economic change on the political structure, especially under the reigns of Reza Shah and Muhammad Reza Shah, and throws fresh light on the significance of the Tudeh party and the failure of the Shah's regime from 1953 to 1978.
Springer International Publishing AG Next Generation Roadmapping: Establishing Technology and Innovation Pathways Towards Sustainable Value
Roadmapping is a structured visual approach for supporting strategic technology and innovation management, providing strategic navigational support (hence the “roadmap” metaphor) for technologists, designers, entrepreneurs, programme managers, executives, policy makers, other stakeholders involved in the formulation and implementation of strategy. This book brings together the latest developments in roadmapping, covering a range of practical issues and conceptual aspects. First, the book delves into the critical topic of strategic alignment within organizations, encompassing the interdependencies and synchronization of horizontal and vertical systems, connecting innovation priorities to strategic objectives, and the integration of key performance indicators. Then, the book concentrates on practical techniques and tools for roadmapping, including a template-based approach for technology venture funding. Social and digital aspects of roadmapping are explored, including workshop methods, considering how quantitative (analysis) and qualitative (expert) knowledge can be combined for improved strategic planning. Finally, a series of new case studies focusing on energy systems in Sub-Saharan Africa and Turkey illustrate the practical application of technology roadmapping and also provide useful insights. Roadmapping continues to evolve, as it is adapted to apply to new domains and strategic challenges, propagates to new sectors, and as new digital technologies such as AI emerge that radically affect strategy and innovation processes. The need for structured and engaging approaches such as roadmapping for navigating towards the future is essential.
Skyhorse Publishing The Guardian of Mercy: How an Extraordinary Painting by Caravaggio Changed an Ordinary Life Today
A Profound New Look at the Italian Master and His Lasting Legacy Now celebrated as one of the great painters of the Renaissance, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio fled Rome in 1606 to escape retribution for killing a man in a brawl. Three years later he was in Naples, where he painted The Seven Acts of Mercy. A year later he died at the age of thirty-eight under mysterious circumstances. Exploring Caravaggio's singular masterwork, in The Guardian of Mercy Terence Ward offers an incredible narrative journey into the heart of his artistry and his metamorphosis from fugitive to visionary.Ward's guide in this journey is a contemporary artist whose own life was transformed by the painting, a simple man named Angelo who shows him where it still hangs in a small church in Naples and whose story helps him see its many layers. As Ward unfolds the structure of the painting, he explains each of the seven mercies and its influence on Caravaggio's troubled existence. Caravaggio encountered the whole range of Naples's vertical social layers, from the lowest ranks of poverty to lofty gilded aristocratic circles, and Ward reveals the old city behind today's metropolis. Fusing elements of history, biography, memoir, travelogue, and journalism, his narrative maps the movement from estrangement to grace, as we witness Caravaggio's bruised life was gradually redeemed by art.
John Wiley & Sons Inc Wireless Connectivity: An Intuitive and Fundamental Guide
Wireless Connectivity: An Intuitive and Fundamental Guide Wireless connectivity has become an indispensable part, a commodity associated with the way we work and play. The latest developments, the 5G, next-generation Wi-Fi and Internet of Things connectivity, are the key enablers for widespread digitalization of practically all industries and public sector segments. This immense development within the last three decades have been accompanied by a large number of ideas, articles, patents, and even myths. This book introduces the most important ideas and concepts in wireless connectivity and discusses how these are interconnected, whilst the mathematical content is kept minimal. The book does not follow the established, linear structure in which one starts from the propagation and channels and then climbs up the protocol layers. The structure is, rather, nonlinear, in an attempt to follow the intuition used when one creates a new technology to solve a certain problem. The target audience is: Students in electronics, communication, and networking Wireless engineers that are specialized in one area, but want to know how the whole system works, without going through all the details and math Computer scientists that want to understand the fundamentals of wireless connectivity, the requirements and, most importantly, the limitations Engineers in energy systems, logistics, transport and other vertical sectors that are increasingly reliant on wireless technology
Emerald Publishing Limited Corporate Governance and Finance
Papers in this volume focus upon corporate governance, broadly defined as the system of controls that helps the corporation effectively manage, administer and direct economic resources. Questions of what and how to produce become equally important as organizations strive to better serve demanding customers. As a result, the design and control of effective organizations structure has been described by the vertical and horizontal relationships among the firm, its customers and suppliers. More recently, researchers have come to understand that the efficiency of firms depends upon the ability of participants to find effective means to minimize the transaction costs of coordinating productive activity. As financial economists have learned, resource allocation will be efficient so long as transaction costs remain low and property rights can be freely assigned and exchanged. An important problem that must be addressed is the so-called agency problem resulting from the natural conflict between owners and managers. Agency costs are the explicit and implicit transaction costs necessary to overcome the natural divergence of interest between agent managers and principal stockholders. The value-maximizing organization design minimizes unproductive conflict within the firm. Papers in this volume show how corporate control mechanisms inside and outside the firm have evolved to allocate decision authority to that person or organization best able to perform a given task.
Scottish Mountaineering Club Harold Raeburn: The Steps of a Giant
Harold Raeburn was one of Scotland's greatest ever mountaineers, with a legacy of prized lines scattered far and wide across the Highlands. In feats of extraordinary vitality, he made winter ascents of Tower Ridge, North-East Buttress and Crowberry Gully in four days, cycling from Fort William to Glencoe in between. His breathtaking ascent of Green Gully, cutting steps up near-vertical ice with a single axe, was doubtless the hardest ice climb anywhere at the time and was unsurpassed in difficulty in Scotland for nearly three decades. But perhaps Raeburn's finest achievement was the first winter ascent in 1920 of Observatory Ridge, which remains one of Ben Nevis's longest and most serious winter climbs. These routes, amongst so many others, were visionary, while beyond Scotland, he pioneered climbs in the Alps, Norway and the Caucasus, attempted Kangchenjunga and was Climbing Leader on the calamitous 1921 British Mount Everest Reconnaissance Expedition. Tragically, the latter was to be his undoing, precipitating a 'melancholia' that had perhaps, to some degree, dogged him all his life. With extracts from Raeburn's own elegant writings and accounts from his friends and climbing companions, The Steps of a Giant is an intimate portrait of a master craftsman, chronicling his outstanding mountaineering record while digging beneath the surface of his modest reserve to reveal a complex, driven character upon whose shoulders subsequent generations of climbing luminaries stand.
John Wiley and Sons Ltd Timber Designers' Manual
This major reference manual covers both overall and detail design of structural timber, including aspects such as shear deflection, creep, dynamic and lateral stability considerations for flexural members. It has been substantially revised to take account of changes since the last edition, nearly 20 years ago, and to include the latest revision of British Standard BS 5268-2 : 2002, which has brought design concepts closer to European practice and Eurocode 5. New features of the Third Edition include: revised information on bolt values including a consideration of improved performance using 8.8 grade bolts new chapters on composite sections and Eurocode 5 on structural timber new developments in materials and products horizontal roof and floor diaphragms vertical shear walls The manual continues to provide extensive tables and coefficients that will save the practising engineer many design hours. It will also be of interest as a reference for civil engineering undergraduates and to timber manufacturers. Whilst the design examples in the book are based on BS 5268, a large part of the content will have international appeal, whatever code or standard is being used. From reviews of the last edition "the complete design manual ... a 'must'" –Timber Trades Journal "the manual continues its established position as an authoritative reference and in providing numerous time saving design aids." –Institute of Wood Science Journal
Taylor & Francis Inc Handbook of Optical Interconnects
As we reach the data transmission limits of copper wire and communications experts seek to bring the speed of long-haul fiber optics networks closer to access points, optical interconnects promise to provide efficient, high-speed data transmission for the next generation of networks and systems. They offer higher bit-rates, virtually no crosstalk, lower demands on power requirements and thermal management, and the possibility of two-dimensional channel arrays for chip-to-chip communication.The Handbook of Optical Interconnects introduces the systems and devices that will bring the speed and quality of optical transmission closer to the circuit board. Contributed by active experts, most from leading technology companies in the US and Japan, this outstanding handbook details various low-cost and small-size configurations, illustrates the discussion with more than 300 figures, and offers a look at the applications and future of this exciting and rapidly growing field. The book includes a detailed introduction to vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs); the use of optical interconnects in metropolitan, local-area, and access networks through FTTP (FTTH); and Jisso technologies, which are critical for developing low-cost, small-size modules.Driving down the size and cost of optical interconnects is vital for integrating these technologies into the network and onto microprocessors, and the Handbook of Optical Interconnects provides the knowledge and tools necessary to accomplish these goals.
Cornell University Press Impious Fidelity: Anna Freud, Psychoanalysis, Politics
In Impious Fidelity, Suzanne Stewart-Steinberg investigates the legacy of Anna Freud at the intersection between psychoanalysis as a mode of thinking and theorizing and its existence as a political entity. Stewart-Steinberg argues that because Anna Freud inherited and guided her father's psychoanalytic project as an institution, analysis of her thought is critical to our understanding of the relationship between the psychoanalytic and the political. This is particularly the case given that many psychoanalysts and historians of psychiatry charge that Anna Freud’s emphasis on defending the supremacy of the ego against unconscious drives betrayed her father’s work. Are the unconscious and the psychoanalytic project itself at odds with the stable ego deemed necessary to a democratic politics? Hannah Arendt famously (and influentially) argued that they are. But Stewart-Steinberg maintains that Anna Freud’s critics (particularly disciples of Melanie Klein) have simplified her thought and misconstrued her legacy. Stewart-Steinberg looks at Anna Freud's work with wartime orphans, seeing that they developed subjectivity not by vertical (through the father) but by lateral, social ties. This led Anna Freud to revise her father's emphasis on Oedipal sexuality and to posit a revision of psychoanalysis that renders it compatible with democratic theory and practice. Stewart-Steinberg gives us an Anna Freud who "betrays" the father even as she protects his legacy and continues his work in a new key.
FUEL Publishing Soviet Asia: Soviet Modernist Architecture in Central Asia
A fantastic collection of Soviet Asian architecture, many photographed here for the first time Soviet Asia explores the Soviet modernist architecture of Central Asia. Italian photographers Roberto Conte and Stefano Perego crossed the former Soviet republics of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, documenting buildings constructed from the 1950s until the fall of the USSR. The resulting images showcase the majestic, largely unknown, modernist buildings of the region. Museums, housing complexes, universities, circuses, ritual palaces – all were constructed using a composite aesthetic. Influenced by Persian and Islamic architecture, pattern and mosaic motifs articulated a connection with Central Asia. Grey concrete slabs were juxtaposed with colourful tiling and rectilinear shapes broken by ornate curved forms: the brutal designs normally associated with Soviet-era architecture were reconstructed with Eastern characteristics. Many of the buildings shown in Soviet Asia are recorded here for the first time, making this book an important document, as despite the recent revival of interest in Brutalist and Modernist architecture, a number of them remain under threat of demolition. The publication includes two contextual essays, one by Alessandro De Magistris (architect and History of Architecture professor, University of Milan, contributor to the book Vertical Moscow) and the other by Marco Buttino (Modern and Urban History professor, University of Turin, specializing in the history of social change in the USSR).
The University of Chicago Press Willem de Kooning Nonstop: Cherchez la femme
In the early 1950s, Willem de Kooning's Woman I and subsequent paintings established him as a leading member of the abstract expressionist movement. His wildly impacted brushstrokes and heavily encrusted surfaces baffled most critics, who saw de Kooning's monstrous female image as violent, aggressive, and ultimately the product of a misogynistic mind. In the image-rich Willem de Kooning Nonstop, Rosalind E. Krauss counters this view with a radical rethinking of de Kooning's bold canvases and reveals his true artistic practices. Krauss demonstrates that contrary to popular conceptions of de Kooning as an artist who painted chaotically only to end a piece abruptly, he was in fact constantly reworking the same subject based on a compositional template. This template informed all of his art and included a three-part vertical structure; the projection of his male point of view into the painting or sculpture; and the near-universal inclusion of the female form, which was paired with her re-doubled projection onto his work. Krauss identifies these elements throughout de Kooning's oeuvre, even in his paintings of highways, boats, and landscapes: Woman is always there. A thought-provoking study by one of America's greatest art critics, Willem de Kooning Nonstop revolutionizes our understanding of de Kooning and shows us what has always been hiding in plain sight in his work.
Pen & Sword Books Ltd Colours in the Sky: The History of Autair and Court Line Aviation
It's impossible to tell the story of Court Line without telling that of Autair, founded by helicopter pioneer William 'Bill' Armstrong. Autair itself was an offshoot of his global helicopter operation, but Bill also had his finger in many aviation 'pies' including a multitude of operations in Africa, where so many aircraft and airlines were created, bought and sold with such prolificacy that even he could not remember the names and how many there were! There is also the background to Court Line's shipping concerns and the Caribbean operations of the hotel chains and regional airline Leeward Islands Air Transport which Court owned for a while. Covered in detail is the introduction, demonstration and use of the Lockheed TriStar wide-bodied airliner, the first of the type used in the Inclusive Tour business. Court Line Aviation and Tom Gullick's Clarksons Holidays brought to the forefront the concept of value-for-money Inclusive Tour holidays following the 'vertical integration' business model whereby owning and controlling each step of the holiday allowed the company to make a small profit at every stage. The orange, pink, turquoise and yellow jets brought flashes of colour to dreary British airports, and quickly streamed a multi-coloured rainbow across European skies to Mediterranean destinations and even further afield. Truly they did indeed put Colours in the Sky!
Robert Rose Inc The Complete Bariatric Surgery Guide and Diet Program: Includes 150 Recipes for Lifelong Weight-Loss Success
Find post-surgery confidence, creativity and satisfaction in good food. Bariatric surgery is a procedure designed to help people decrease their food intake and change the way their body handles food – the result being significant weight loss. This new edition of The Complete Bariatric Surgery Guide and Diet Program provides up-to-date information on the many procedures that are currently available, including vertical sleeve gastrectomy, duodenal switch and the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. As important, it looks at the causes of obesity, obesity-related problems and standard treatments. All the potential risks and benefits associated with each type of bariatric surgery are examined, as well as measures of success, and preparation and recovery instructions. Because diet and lifestyle are integral to ensuring a successful bariatric surgical outcome, the second component of the book provides the resources for healthy eating, nutrition, supplements and making positive changes in lifestyle. To further ensure success, 150 recipes have been included that have been specially created with weight-loss patients in mind. Not only are they delicious, but they are nutritionally sound and designed to accommodate the techniques and diet stages required after surgery. This book is ideal for anyone considering bariatric weight loss surgery and those who have had the surgery and are looking for a programme of active living and healthy mindful eating created specifically to meet these unique requirements.
Liverpool University Press The Hangover after the Handover: Places, Things and Cultural Icons in Hong Kong
As a former British colony (1842–1997) and then a Special Administrative Region, Hong Kong has witnessed at all times how relations are formed, dissolved and refashioned amidst changing powers, identities and narratives, given the many names it possessed over the course of history, from ‘Barren Rock’, ‘Fragrant Harbour’, ‘Port of Incense’, ‘Pearl of the Orient’, ‘Asia’s World City’, ‘Vertical City’, ‘Floating City’ to ‘City at the End of Time’ among others. In the post-handover, post-hangover years, the circulation, reverberation and reception of cultural symbols, old and new, such as the King of Kowloon, Song Emperor’s Terrace, and Lion Rock have revealed the multifaceted appearances and connotations of Hong Kong’s ‘local’. At the intersections between real-life events, cultural production and consumption and multiple voices, the book extracts and examines the local relations between the inhabitants of the territory and the human and nonhuman agencies that stand or that have once stood for Hong Kong across time and through space. Via the lens of places, things and cultural icons, the book offers lessons to learn from Hong Kong by opening up manifold postcolonial, translocal and planetary perspectives to confront and interrogate the volatile experiences in the new millennia—unprecedented since the Cold War period of the twentieth century—shared by Hong Kong and other regions. After all, what does it mean, or take, to live in the contemporary world when the local, global and national are constantly given new meanings?
Columbia University Press The New City: How to Build Our Sustainable Urban Future
Cities are at once among humanity’s crowning achievements and core drivers of the climate crisis. Their dependence on the outside world for vital resources is causing global temperatures to rise and wildlife habitats to shrink. But we have the opportunity to make cities more sustainable by transforming the built environment.Dickson D. Despommier proposes a visionary yet achievable plan for creating a new, self-sustaining urban landscape. He argues that we can find solutions through the concept of biomimicry: emulating successful strategies found in nature. A better city is possible if we heed the lessons that forests and trees teach about how to store carbon, grow food, collect rainwater, and convert sunlight into energy. Touring established and leading-edge technologies, The New City provides a blueprint for tomorrow’s urban environment. Cities built from wood will be more resilient and less destructive than concrete and steel construction; they will also encourage reforestation, boosting carbon sequestration. Vertical farms inside city limits will supply residents with a reliable, healthy food supply. Buildings will harvest moisture from the rain and air to secure a clean water supply. Renewable energy, including not only wind, solar, and geothermal but also clear photovoltaic window glass and nonpolluting hydrogen fuel cells, will power a cleaner city.The New City delivers both a passionate call to action for halting climate change and a bold vision of the sustainable future within our grasp.
Archaeopress L’oblique dans le monde grec: Concept et imagerie
What could be more evident than the concepts of oblique, horizontal or vertical? In the modern world, these concepts form the basis of our thought system, both from a mathematical and artistic point of view. Everything would suggest that these principles were known to the Greek civilization. However, the study of the surviving texts casts a different light on the matter. Homer did not know the concept of oblique - no word could translate it into the language of his time. Even later, the Greeks had five adjectives approximately meaning oblique: λοξός, πλάγιος, λέχριος, σκολιός and δόχμιος. Each discipline (cosmology, optic, geography, art, etc.) had its own way of looking at these five words. Paradoxically, what the written language had not yet synthesized was abundant in imagery. Even more surprising, the oblique in images, which we consider as a sign of movement in our own iconographic language, is found to signify both movement and rest. Two monuments of Greek art draw attention to this new paradox: the frieze of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus and the Mourning Athena. In each of them, the oblique line is present, and carries two distinct meanings. These two forms of language, written and figurative, bring a different and complementary perspective on the ancient Greeks' apprehension (or lack thereof) of the concept of oblique.
Springer Verlag, Singapore Sharing Behavior of Brand Crisis Information on Social Media: A Case Study of Chinese Weibo
This book adopted 66 brand crisis events as research samples taking place from 2010 to 2016 on social media (Chinese Weibo), performs research on influence mechanism of brand-crisis information-sharing behavior on social media from contextual perspective. The book explores into the fluctuation characteristics of information-sharing behavior, the contextual influence factors, both the static and dynamic mechanism of information-sharing behavior, and regulation measures of crisis information sharing behavior. The important features of the book are reflected in accurate analysis of the autocorrelation, trend characteristics, periodic characteristics and cluster characteristics of the fluctuation of crisis information sharing behavior, and deep exploration of dynamic mechanism and static mechanism of the time lag characteristics, impulsive disturbance, and marginal influence of the impact of information sharing behavior from perspective of situational factors. The book mainly focuses on the field of brand crisis management, and construct the formation and evolution mechanism of brand crisis information sharing behavior from both vertical and horizontal dimensions through a combination of theoretical exposition and case analysis, so that readers can got a clear understanding of brand crisis information communication and management through dimension reduction. The book can be used as a textbook for undergraduates and postgraduates in economics and management in colleges and universities, can also be a reference for business managers, scientific researchers and others interested in the field of crisis management.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Judicial Cooperation in European Private Law
Notwithstanding increases in the scope for interaction between European and national courts, little research has been undertaken into the potential impact of institutional cooperation and dialogue in European private law making. This coherent collection of original chapters provides unique insights into these developments - with a particular focus on consumer law, and changes in national civil procedure via substantive law enforcement - from a broad range of stakeholders, including academics and judges from the EU and the US. Dialogue of both a vertical (between national and European courts) and horizontal (between national courts) nature is visible in the growing number of preliminary references to the CJEU in European private law. Combined with activism on the part of national courts and the growing importance of regulators, this dialogue brings about new forms of development of European private law. This book offers a case-based analysis of these processes, highlighting the need to focus on the instruments of dialogue and cooperation, and pressing beyond the prevailing focus on constitutional dialogue to reveal a new perspective on the private law sphere. Judicial Cooperation in European Private Law will appeal to scholars, students, practising lawyers and judges interested in the creation and development of European private law at both national and EU levels.Contributors include: F. Cafaggi, A.C. Ciacchi, F. Gómez Pomar, M. Józon, S. Law, K. Lyczkowska, M. Safjan, A.J. Scirica, C. Timmermans
Taylor & Francis Ltd Unlicensed Mobile Access Technology: Protocols, Architectures, Security, Standards and Applications
The goal of Unlicensed Mobile Access (UMA) is to provide seamless access to GSM and GPRS mobile service networks via unlicensed spectrum technologies, including Bluetooth, WiMAX, and Wi-Fi. Expanding on the level of knowledge in this growing field, Unlicensed Mobile Access Technology: Protocols, Architectures, Security, Standards, and Applications presents the first complete cross-referenced resource exploring UMA and UMA-relevant technologies. When operating successfully, the technology supporting dual-mode enabled mobile terminals allows subscribers to roam freely and seamlessly between cellular networks. However, various technical challenges still occasionally impede clear communication. This book explores the complex issue of mobility management and emphasizes the need for intelligently designed vertical and horizontal handoff algorithms that will improve adaptability in heterogeneous wireless environments. In addition, it reviews the various strategies to guarantee Quality-of-Service (QoS) during movement and handoff. The first chapters introduce the basic technology of these systems and discuss QoS, resource management, mobility management, and security issues in UMA technology. The middle section concentrates on protocols and security challenges in UMA-related technologies, which include Bluetooth, WirelessPAN, Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11) and WiMAX (IEEE 802.16). The final chapters present standard specifications and various applications. Comprised of contributions from world-wide experts, this book is a complete reference, offering guidance on all aspects of the technical and practical issues in UMA technology.
HAU Reciprocity and Redistribution in Andean Civiliz – The 1969 Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures Lectures
John V. Murra's Lewis Henry Morgan Lectures, originally given in 1969, are the only major study of the Andean "avenue towards civilization." Collected and published for the first time here, they offer a powerful and insistent perspective on the Andean region as one of the few places in which a so-called "pristine civilization" developed. Murra sheds light not only on the way civilization was achieved here which followed a fundamentally different process than that of Mesopotamia and Mesoamerica he uses that study to shed new light on the general problems of achieving civilization in any world region. Murra intermixes a study of Andean ecology with an exploration of the ideal of economic self-sufficiency, stressing two foundational socioeconomic forces: reciprocity and redistribution. He shows how both enabled Andean communities to realize direct control of a maximum number of vertically ordered ecological floors and the resources they offered. He famously called this arrangement a "vertical archipelago," a revolutionary model that is still examined and debated almost fifty years after it was first presented in these lecture. Written in a crisp and elegant style and inspired by decades of ethnographic fieldwork, this set of lectures is nothing less than a lost classic, and it will be sure to inspire new generations of anthropologists and historians working in South America and beyond.
Taylor & Francis Ltd Cartels and Anti-Competitive Agreements: Volume I
Antitrust is fast becoming a ’trending topic’, with over 120 countries having already adopted some form of competition legislation. This volume brings together carefully selected articles which reflect the evolution and progression of the regulation of joint conduct under competition law on both sides of the Atlantic, and which discuss principles of fundamental importance for antitrust law. The articles focus on various kinds of joint conduct between companies which might bear negative effects on competition, in particular on horizontal cartels and collusion between competitors. Attention is also paid to the debate surrounding the most adequate approach for vertical agreements, which take place between firms operating at different levels of production. Their effects on competition have traditionally been one of the most disputed issues in modern antitrust, and tend to divide the principal schools of thought that have influenced the evolution of competition policy around the world. The articles look primarily at two of the most established antitrust jurisdictions, namely the United States and the European Union. They discuss the general theoretical framework that has influenced the evolution of the law and policy; cover the most relevant practical developments; provide contrasting doctrinal views and pay particular attention to the main schools of thought that have influenced antitrust in the US and the EU; and are representative of the leading discussions in the course of antitrust history.
Vitra Design Museum Garden Futures: Designing with Nature
Gardens have always been places of leisure, pleasure, and production – they reflect identities, dreams, and visions. Deeply rooted in their culture, gardens have immense symbolic potential. The recent revival of horticulture has focused less on the garden as a romantic refuge than as a place where we imagine the future and develop solutions. Urban farms, vertical gardens, and other innovative projects in art, architecture, and urban planning demonstrate that the present return to the garden is no timid retreat, but a pioneering quest for a world in which social and ecological justice count for something. Garden Futures examines what gardens and their design reveal about our relationship to nature. In exploring the history of ideas behind the genesis of the modern garden, the book takes a close look at the present, goes in search of origins in the past, and builds bridges into the future. Stunning photographs illustrate ground-breaking gardens by such designers as Derek Jarman and Piet Oudolf while critical articles by well-known authors question conventional garden ideals. Authors and gardeners including Gilles Clement and Jamaica Kincaid present the garden as a place of learning where abstract concepts like ecology, climate change, and food insecurity are translated into things you can smell, touch, and taste. Daisy Ginsberg, Salmon Creek Farm, and EcoLogic Studio create experimental and speculative projects generating new attitudes and approaches.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC US Air Cavalry Trooper vs North Vietnamese Soldier: Vietnam 1965–68
The tactics and technologies of modern air assault – vertical deployment of troops by helicopter or similar means – emerged properly during the 1950s in Korea and Algeria. Yet it was during the Vietnam War that helicopter air assault truly came of age and by 1965 the United States had established fully airmobile battalions, brigades, and divisions, including the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile).This division brought to Vietnam a revolutionary new speed and dexterity in battlefield tactics, using massed helicopters to liberate its soldiers from traditional overland methods of combat manoeuvre. However, the communist troops adjusted their own thinking to handle airmobile assaults. Specializing in ambush, harassment, infiltration attacks, and small-scale attrition, the North Vietnamese operated with light logistics and a deep familiarity with the terrain. They optimized their defensive tactics to make landing zones as hostile as possible for assaulting US troops, and from 1966 worked to draw them into ‘Hill Traps’, extensive kill zones specially prepared for defence-in-depth. By the time the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) withdrew from Vietnam in 1972, it had suffered more casualties than any other US Army division. Featuring specially commissioned artwork, archive photographs, and full-colour battle maps, this study charts the evolution of US airmobile tactics pitted against North Vietnamese countermeasures. The two sides are analysed in detail, including training, logistics, weaponry, and organization.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG Democracy without Parties in Peru: The Politics of Uncertainty and Decay
This book provides an in-depth look into key political dynamics that obtain in a democracy without parties, offering a window into political undercurrents increasingly in evidence throughout the Latin American region, where political parties are withering. For the past three decades, Peru has showcased a political universe populated by amateur politicians and the dominance of personalism as the main party–voter linkage form. The study peruses the post-2000 evolution of some of the key Peruvian electoral vehicles and classifies the partisan universe as a party non-system. There are several elements endogenous to personalist electoral vehicles that perpetuate partylessness, contributing to the absence of party building. The book also examines electoral dynamics in partyless settings, centrally shaped by effective electoral supply, personal brands, contingency, and iterated rounds of strategic voting calculi. Given the scarcity of information electoral vehicles provide, as well as the enormously complex political environment Peruvian citizens inhabit, personal brands provide readymade informational shortcuts that simplify the political world. The concept of “negative legitimacy environments” is furnished to capture political settings comprised of supermajorities of floating voters, pervasive negative political identities, and a generic citizen preference for newcomers and political outsiders. Such environments, increasingly present throughout Latin America, produce several deleterious effects, including high political uncertainty, incumbency disadvantage, and political time compression. Peru’s “democracy without parties” fails to deliver essential democratic functions including governability, responsiveness, horizontal and vertical accountability, or democratic representation, among others.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd International Competition Policy: Maintaining Open Markets in the Global Economy
The opening up of world markets, rapid growth of trade and foreign direct investment create manifold problems for competition policy. Thus, international mergers may have adverse effects on many countries, international cartels may carve up world markets and dominant firms may seek to maintain their global position by exclusionary conduct. These problems have been recognised for more than half a century and some attempts have been made internationally to address them, so far with limited success. This progressive book seeks to explore the problems and concerns that globalisation has created for competition policy. The book begins by setting out the principles of competition and trade policies, and then goes on to address the impact of market globalisation on what are usually thought of as traditional antitrust concerns. These include the analysis of the difficulties arising from collusion and other restrictive practices, government sponsored 'voluntary co-operation', vertical restrictions and market access, pricing strategies of dominant firms and international mergers, all illustrated with a number of prominent case studies. The author concludes with an illuminating discussion on the feasibility of international co-operation on competition policy, the faltering progress that has been made so far and the prospects for future advances.This comprehensive volume will prove to be an invaluable resource to students and scholars of law and economics. It will also find wide appeal amongst researchers, policy makers and practitioners with an interest in industrial organisation, antitrust policy and globalisation.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Merger and Acquisition Strategies: How to Create Value
The decision to carry out a merger or acquisition is certainly a risky one, not least because of the number of variables influencing the final outcome. It is also a decision frequently based on the wrong objectives and an incorrect evaluation process. With this in mind, this important new book offers solutions for reducing the high percentage of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) that fail. It adopts a normative approach, using theoretical analysis to show what managers could and should do to increase shareholders' value through successful M&A strategies. It also explores the conditions that are suitable for favouring a certain type of M&A (horizontal, vertical or diversified) over the others.The author presents various analytical models combined with a selection of case studies to demonstrate the relevant conditions under which each type of strategy can create value. The book analyses different types of M&As, the specific sources of synergy and the way value can be calculated. An integrated analysis of potential synergies, their evaluation and the modifications to the organizational structure necessary for implementation is also included. In conclusion, the book presents some case studies of successful M&A strategies providing a link between theory and practice. Building upon traditional theories and providing original and innovative analysis, this is an essential book for students and scholars in economics, business and strategic management, as well as managers and consultants seeking an analytical and practical understanding of M&A strategies.
Monacelli Press Private Gardens of the Bay Area
Seasoned garden writers Susan Lowry and Nancy Berner, along with leading landscape photographer Marion Brenner, tour more than thirty-five private gardens in the San Francisco Bay Area, illuminating the unrivalled beauty of Northern California - the breadth of the sky, the quality of the light, the sparkle of the Bay, the shapes of the hills - that has beckoned landscape designers and gardeners for generations. Organized geographically - starting with the San Francisco Peninsula, moving north into San Francisco itself, crossing the Bay into Berkeley and Oakland, and finishing in Napa, Sonoma, and Marin - Private Gardens of the Bay Area encompasses an extraordinary range of micro-climates that foster the cultivation of an equally extraordinary range of plants. The kaleidoscope of vigorous plants from five continents bursting out of an Oakland front yard is one kind of garden, the clean-lined contemporary composition of drought-tolerant natives and gravel is another, and the garden tucked into the mountain landscape of oaks, manzanitas, and ceanothus is yet another. This fascinating tour includes gardens such as Green Gables, where the 1911 terraced design by Greene & Greene is meticulously preserved; Big Swing, with a world-renowned collection of salvias; a vertical garden on a vertiginous site in San Francisco by Surfacedesign; and a romantic landscape of lawns, perennial beds, and stately oaks owned by noted collectors and gallerists Gretchen and John Berggruen. Lowry and Berner describe the goals of each garden owner and the principles behind the designs.
Workman Publishing Go: A Kidd’s Guide to Graphic Design
Now in paperback! A curious kid's guide to graphic design, covering form, function, color, typography, and much more, plus 10 hands-on design projects. Written by Chip Kidd, "the closest thing to a rock star" in the design world (USA Today). ?Design is all around you. And whether you realize it or not, you are already a designer. In Go, renowned graphic designer Chip Kidd explains not just the elements of design, including form, line, color, scale, typography, and more, but most important, how to use those elements in creative ways. Like putting the word “go” on a stop sign, Go is all about shaking things up—and kids love its playful spirit and belief that the world looks better when you look at it differently. Kidd writes about scale: When a picture looks good small, don’t stop there—see how it looks when it’s really small. Or really big. He explains the difference between vertical lines and horizontal lines. The effect of cropping a picture to make it beautiful—or, cropping it even more to make it mysterious and compelling. How different colors signify different moods. The art of typography, including serifs and sans serifs, kerning and leading. The book ends with ten hands-on design projects for kids.“An excellent introduction to graphic design through [the author’s] own excellent work. Anyone interested in the subject, including most practitioners, will find it delightful.”—Milton Glaser
O'Reilly Media Juniper MX Series 2e
Discover why routers in the Juniper MX Series-with their advanced feature sets and record-breaking scale-are so popular among enterprises and network service providers. This revised and expanded edition shows you step-by-step how to implement high-density, high-speed Layer 2 and Layer 3 Ethernet services, using advanced firewall filters, redundant inline services, powerful CoS tool sets, and many other Juniper MX features. This second edition was written by a Senior NOC Engineer, whose vast experience with the MX Series is well documented. Each chapter covers a specific Juniper MX vertical and includes review questions to help you test what you've learned. This edition includes new chapters on load balancing and vMX-Juniper MX's virtual instance. Discover Junos architecture, MX chassis, and Trio Linecards Work with Juniper MX's bridging, VLAN VXLAN, and virtual switches Create a firewall filter framework and discover the latest flexible filtering options Secure your router and add an extra layer of security with Junos DDOS protection and SCFD feature Discover the advantages of hierarchical scheduling, ingress queuing, and flexible remarking Combine Juniper MX routers, using a virtual chassis or MC-LAG Understand and use classical and advanced Trio Chipset's load balancing features Dive into Trio inline services such as inline NAT, redundant logical tunnel, or filter-based GRE tunnel Discover vMX internal architecture and explore the benefits and typical use case of a virtual router