Search results for ""Vertical""
Inner Traditions Bear and Company Awakening the Chakras: The Seven Energy Centers in Your Daily Life
By understanding the chakras, you can better understand the ways you interact with the world around you and the energetic roots of your inner being. Offering an in-depth guide to this powerful ancient yogic science, authors Victor Daniels, Kooch N. Daniels, and Pieter Weltevrede--all longtime students of the late tantric scholar, philosopher, and temple artist Sri Harish Johari--explain the essence of each of the 7 chakras and provide practical tools to work with these energetic “wheels of light.” Revealing how each chakra is connected with specific patterns of thinking, feeling, sensing, and acting, the authors explore how the chakras offer a vertical map of consciousness beginning with the root chakra at the base of the spine and ascending to the crown chakra on top of the head. They provide dynamic meditations, mantras, and other methods to work with the chakras. You will learn how to enhance each chakra’s positive features and transform the difficult ones. You will discover the complementary ways they affect each other, the gifts and strengths each can bestow, and the psychological causes of potential imbalances within them.
Princeton University Press Ecology of Climate Change: The Importance of Biotic Interactions
Rising temperatures are affecting organisms in all of Earth's biomes, but the complexity of ecological responses to climate change has hampered the development of a conceptually unified treatment of them. In a remarkably comprehensive synthesis, this book presents past, ongoing, and future ecological responses to climate change in the context of two simplifying hypotheses, facilitation and interference, arguing that biotic interactions may be the primary driver of ecological responses to climate change across all levels of biological organization. Eric Post's synthesis and analyses of ecological consequences of climate change extend from the Late Pleistocene to the present, and through the next century of projected warming. His investigation is grounded in classic themes of enduring interest in ecology, but developed around novel conceptual and mathematical models of observed and predicted dynamics. Using stability theory as a recurring theme, Post argues that the magnitude of climatic variability may be just as important as the magnitude and direction of change in determining whether populations, communities, and species persist. He urges a more refined consideration of species interactions, emphasizing important distinctions between lateral and vertical interactions and their disparate roles in shaping responses of populations, communities, and ecosystems to climate change.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Evolution of Electricity Markets in Europe
Bridging theory and practice, this book offers insights into how Europe has experienced the evolution of modern electricity markets from the end of the 1990s to the present day. It explores defining moments in the process, including the four waves of European legislative packages, landmark court cases, and the impact of climate strikes and marches.Leonardo Meeus explains the sequence of electricity markets in Europe from wholesale to balancing markets, forward transmission markets, capacity mechanisms, redispatching and flexibility markets. Chapters explore current issues including the new paradigm that places the citizen at the centre of the energy transition. Concluding that most of the market integration process in Europe so far has required horizontal coordination between transmission system operators in different countries, the book looks ahead to the importance of vertical coordination between the transmission and distribution.An invaluable book for energy policymakers and practitioners working in Europe, the solutions offered for contemporary issues will also be helpful for those working in international or multi-region electricity markets more widely. Academics involved in the world of electricity regulation will also find this an invigorating read.
Figure 1 Publishing Resurrecting Retail: The Future of Business in a Post-Pandemic World
Few crises in modern history have so completely disrupted every aspect of daily life as has the COVID-19 pandemic. What began as a small medical ripple in Wuhan, China, a city many of us had never heard of, quickly erupted into a tsunami of epic proportions. Every market, industry, vertical, profession, service, and category of product was in some way rocked by its impact. And, for the first time in recorded history, every wheel, cog and gear in the global retail industry ground to a virtual halt. From two-time, international best-selling author and futurist Doug Stephens, Resurrecting Retail is not just a riveting story of the unprecedented crash of an industry during this time of crisis but a roadmap for its rebirth. Meticulously researched in real time from inside the crisis, Resurrecting Retail provides a comprehensive and surprising vision of how COVID-19 will reshape every aspect of consumer life, including the very essence of why we shop. Above all, Resurrecting Retail provides an inspirational and actionable future vision for any business leader looking not only to survive but to thrive in a very different looking post-pandemic retail world.
Schiffer Publishing Ltd The Quilting Power Grid: A Design Skillbook for Beginning Modern Quilters, with 50 Example Projects
"Kudos to Sandra Sider, for bringing simple tools to guide quilters to the playful side of design! Understanding 'the grid' can turn a simple square into a personal expression!" —designer Victoria Findlay Wolfe Your resource for a lifetime of planning and designing template-free geometric modern quilts. This compact guide is like many of the best things in life: simple. Designing a successful geometric quilt can be easy if a proportional sense of design is used, and in these pages, you'll hone that sense and use it for years to come. Tap into the power of grids and color for modern quilts so you can take basic design principles into your own hands. With clear and concise guidance, you'll learn how to build various types of grids and how to subvert them for dynamic compositions. Take on one or more of the 50 quilt-top projects, which serve as learning examples and are very easy to cut and sew. They're constructed by piecing squares and rectangles in horizontal or vertical rows. Thanks to the grid's power, all you need are the required yardages and piecing instructions. Take the grid out to play!
Indiana University Press The Regional Roots of Developmental Politics in India: A Divided Leviathan
India is widely regarded as the most celebrated case of a "failed" developmental state, seemingly the exception that belies the prediction of a triumphant Asian century. Its central political and economic institutions have been variously characterized as both "soft" and "strong"—at once weak, predatory, and interventionist. Aseema Sinha presents an innovative model that questions conventional views of economic development by showing that the Indian state is a divided leviathan: its developmental failure is the combined product of central-local interactions and political choices by regional elites. To develop this disaggregated model, she examines three regional states with sharply divergent development trajectories: Gujarat, West Bengal, and Tamil Nadu. Drawing on recent work in comparative political economy, the theory of nested games, incentive theory, and an ethnographic analysis of business actors, this study directs analytical attention at the creation of micro-institutions at the subnational level, explores the role of provinces in shaping investment flows, and considers the role of federalism as a mediating institution shaping the vertical strategies of provinces. A comparative chapter applies the model to data from China, Brazil, Russia, and the former Soviet Union.
McGraw-Hill Education Cross-Laminated Timber Design: Structural Properties, Standards, and Safety
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Master the practice of designing structures with cross-laminated timberThis comprehensive guide explains the design standards, code provisions, and safety requirements engineers need to know to use cross-laminated timber as a structural building material. The book covers all applicable design considerations, including the relevant structural load requirements and fire safety requirements.Written by a collection of experts in the field, Cross-Laminated Timber Design: Structural Properties, Standards, and Safety introduces the material properties of CLT and goes on to cover the recommended lateral and vertical design standards. Design examples and case studies are featured throughout. You will get design recommendations for connections, building envelopes, acoustics for CLT projects, and much more. Sustainability and environmental issues are discussed in full detail.• Covers the latest methods and design techniques being used for CLT• Explains the code provisions in the NDS, ASCE 7, and IBC that apply to CLT• Include contributions from some of the leading experts in the field
Chicago Review Press The Hoop and the Tree: A Compass for Finding a Deeper Relationship with All Life
This is a book for seekers of personal development and planetary healing. Imagine a vertical axis running through the center of your being, from your deepest roots up to your highest aspirations. This is the Tree, which anchors and centers you. Now imagine this Tree encircled by concentric rings of family, friends, all of humanity, and the encompassing beauty of nature. This is the Hoop of relationship. This simple yet life-changing volume fully explains for the first time the power of these two ubiquitous symbols to bring us a whole new understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. Through explorations of their deep meaning in psychology, Native American and other spiritual traditions, myth and fairy tale, author Chris Hoffman shows how we can use the Hoop and the Tree to be happier in our relationships, increase our connection with nature, create a more functional society, and live lives of balance and fulfillment. This twentieth anniversary edition, revised and expanded, offers additional insights into practical applications, describes the initiations needed for a fully lived life, and gives simple exercises for visualizing and integrating one’s own deep structure of wholeness.
Amberley Publishing The Harrier: The World's First V/STOL Fighter
The iconic Hawker-Siddeley Harrier was designed to fight the Cold War from the fields of West Germany but won its battle spurs in the Falklands, Belize and Afghanistan. It was controversially scrapped by the British Government fifty years after entering service with the RAF and its loss raised serious questions over Royal Navy fleet protection. This book not only describes the aircraft and its operations but includes quotes from the pilots who flew and fought in it. Author David Oliver describes the development and production of the Harrier from the original Kestrel project, which was the only successful attempt at a vertical take-off and landing aircraft at the time. He follows the Harrier into service with the RAF and also covers the development of the Sea Harrier, with its special characteristics and its extraordinarily successful performance in the Falklands War where its unique engine made it an agile fighter. He also describes the use of the Harrier in other deployments such as Belize and Afghanistan, covers Anglo-US developments and examines the legacy of the Harrier in the shape of the F-35B Lightning II multi-role fighter.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd The Challenge of Local Government Size: Theoretical Perspectives, International Experience and Policy Reform
In the efficient delivery of local public services, size matters. Many countries around the world have vertical government structures that are perceived as inefficient because of their high levels of jurisdictional fragmentation. This timely volume examines the different strategies used to address local government fragmentation and their observed results and consequences.Expert contributors in economics and political science offer a comprehensive breakdown of the issue of local jurisdiction fragmentation and provide recommendations for successful policy reform. Topics discussed include economies of scale, the costs and benefits of voluntary and forced amalgamation programs, the correlation between government size and corruption, privatization, and inter-municipal cooperation. A combination of theory and empirical evidence provides depth and makes this book an invaluable addition to the literature.Economists, public administrators and political scientists will find much of interest in this innovative volume, as will professors, students and international institutions with an interest in local government structure and reform.Contributors: R. Andrews, G. Bel, N. Charron, B. Dafflon, L. de Mello, B. Dollery, J. Fernández-Albertos, N. Fiorino, E. Galli, J.L. Gómez-Reino, B. Grant, M. Kortt, S. Lago-Peñas, V. Lapuente, J. Martinez-Vazquez, M.A. Nelson, F. Padovano, M.E. Warner
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Economics of Antitrust Law
One might mistakenly think that the long tradition of economic analysis in antitrust law would mean there is little new to say. Yet the field is surprisingly dynamic and changing. The specially commissioned chapters in this landmark volume offer a rigorous analysis of the field's most current and contentious issues. Focusing on those areas of antitrust economics that are most in flux, leading scholars discuss topics such as: mergers that create unilateral effects or eliminate potential competition; whether market definition is necessary; tying, bundled discounts, and loyalty discounts; a new theory of predatory pricing; assessing vertical price-fixing after Leegin; proving horizontal agreements after Twombly; modern analysis of monopsony power; the economics of antitrust enforcement; international antitrust issues; antitrust in regulated industries; the antitrust-patent intersection; and modern methods for measuring antitrust damages. Students and scholars of law and economics, law practitioners, regulators, and economists with an interest in industrial organization and consulting will find this seminal Handbook an essential and informative resource. Contributors: J.B. Baker, R.D. Blair, A. Bradford, N. Economides, A. Edlin, E. Elhauge, D.S. Evans, J.S. Haynes, B. Klein, A.K. Klevorick, I.B. Kohler-Hausmann, J. Kwoka, D. Reitman, D.L. Rubinfeld, H.A. Shelanski, C.J. Sprigman, A.L. Wickelgren
Weldon Owen, Incorporated Small Space Style: Because You Don't Have to Live Large to Live Beautifully
Interior design maven Whitney Leigh Morris makes living in under 400 square feet look elegant and effortless—even with a husband, baby, and two Beagles in the mix. In her debut book, Whitney shares her ideas and practices for making any tiny space efficient and stylish—whether it’s a rustic A-frame in the woods or a chic microapartment in the city. Featuring more than 200 tips for making the most of your little home, Small Space Style is the must-have, incredibly inspirational guide for living large in compact quarters. Join small space lifestyle expert Whitney Leigh Morris as she demonstrates how to keep clutter to a minimum, craft double duty layouts, personalize chic storage, go vertical when surfaces are limited, DIY clever custom built-ins, and even entertain a crowd within confined square footage. With chapters centered around the essentials—living, sleeping, eating, and bathing—Small Space Style features real-life examples from Whitney’s own delightful and sophisticated cottage in Venice Beach, California, as well as home tours of some of her favorite tiny houses, micro apartments, and beautiful, efficient small spaces.
O'Reilly Media Basic Visual Formatting in CSS
Some aspects of the CSS formatting model may seem counterintuitive at first, but as you'll learn in this practical guide, the more you work with these features, the more they make sense. Author Eric Meyer gives you a good grounding in CSS visual rendering, from element box rules and concepts to the specifics of managing tricky layouts for block-level and inline elements. Short and sweet, this book is an excerpt from the upcoming fourth edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide. When you purchase either the print or the ebook edition of Basic Visual Formatting in CSS, you'll receive a discount on the entire Definitive Guide once it's released. Why wait? Learn how to bring life to your web pages now. Learn the details of element box types, including block, inline, inline-block, list-item, and run-in boxes Change the type of box an element generates, from inline to block, or list-item to inline Dive into the complexities of horizontal and vertical block-box formatting Explore key concepts of inline layout: anonymous text, em box, content area, leading, inline box, and line box Understand formatting differences between nonreplaced and replaced inline elements
Rutgers University Press Empires of Entertainment: Media Industries and the Politics of Deregulation, 1980-1996
Empires of Entertainment integrates legal, regulatory, industrial, and political histories to chronicle the dramatic transformation within the media between 1980 and 1996. As film, broadcast, and cable grew from fundamentally separate industries to interconnected, synergistic components of global media conglomerates, the concepts of vertical and horizontal integration were redesigned. The parameters and boundaries of market concentration, consolidation, and government scrutiny began to shift as America's politics changed under the Reagan administration. Through the use of case studies that highlight key moments in this transformation, Jennifer Holt explores the politics of deregulation, the reinterpretation of antitrust law, and lasting modifications in the media landscape. Holt skillfully expands the conventional models and boundaries of media history. A fundamental part of her argument is that these media industries have been intertwined for decades and, as such, cannot be considered separately. Instead, film, cable and broadcast must be understood in relation to one another, as critical components of a common history. Empires of Entertainment is a unique account of deregulation and its impact on political economy, industrial strategies, and media culture at the end of the twentieth century.
Harvard University, Asia Center Science and Technology in Post-Mao China
Along with the political and economic reforms that have characterized the post-Mao era in China there has been a potentially revolutionary change in Chinese science and technology. Here sixteen scholars examine various facets of the current science and technology scene, comparing it with the past and speculating about future trends.Two chapters dealing with science under the Nationalists and under Mao are followed by a section of extensive analysis of reforms under Deng Xiaoping, focusing on the organizational system, the use of human resources, and the emerging response to market forces. Chapters dealing with changes in medical care, agriculture, and military research and development demonstrate how these reforms have affected specific areas during the Chinese shift away from Party orthodoxy and Maoist populism toward professional expertise as the guiding principle in science and technology. Three further chapters deal with China’s interface with the world at large in the process of technology transfer.Both the introductory and concluding chapters describe the tension between the Chinese Communist Party structure, with its inclinations toward strict vertical control, and the scientific and technological community’s need for a free flow of information across organizational, disciplinary, and national boundaries.
David & Charles Nifty™ Clean & Organized: Money-Saving Hacks and Easy Diys for a Clean and Clutter-Free Home!
Discover NIFTY™ tips and tricks for keeping every inch of your home neat and tidy. These innovative hacks will transform your space-and your life-in no time. Brought to you by BuzzFeed's insanely popular NIFTY™. It's time to get organized! From straightening out your kitchen drawers and maximizing closet space to keeping your home clean and tidy, the tips, tricks, and hacks in NIFTY™: Clean & Organized will take your space to the next level in no time. From the popular BuzzFeed lifestyle destination NIFTY™, this home organization guide is perfect for anyone who wants to bring a little order to whatever space they call home. It includes helpful advice on how to clean and organize every room in the house, making life easier, more organized, and less stressful than ever before. With money-saving tips, fun DIYs, and inventive ideas for maximizing space, this book is the ultimate cleaning resource. Whether it's tackling the chaos of the bedroom closet or making the most out of the limited space in your tiny bathroom, NIFTY™: Clean & Organized makes tidying up and staying organized easier than ever. NIFTY™ is the popular vertical of BuzzFeed.
Luster Publishing 100 Belgian Icons
This affectionate cultural guide celebrates 100 icons that make Belgium different from any other country. In 100 short, informative texts, the author talks about food, people, places, traditions, inventions, buildings, and even expressions, that have shaped what he calls ‘the strangest country in the world’. The author examines themes that are famously Belgian, like comic books, mussels served with fries, cycle racing, art nouveau architecture and rain. But he also looks at some of the off surprises of Belgian life, including vertical archery, grandmothers’ cooking, pigeon racing and the everyday expression ‘non peut-étre’ (no maybe). You will find out about the monks who brew the best beer in the world, the largest dinosaur collection ever found, the longest tram ride in the world, the curious charm of ugly Belgian houses, and how a country can survive without a government for more than 500 days. This book is not meant to be an exhaustive guide to Belgium, but a personal pick of the icons that make Belgium unique, along with a selection of useful addresses to visit. The texts are accompanied by 100 original illustrations by Antwerp illustrator Emma Verhagen that capture the unique sprit of Belgium.
Headline Publishing Group The Little Book of Skiing: Wonder, Wit & Wisdom for the Slopes
A huge number of people ski, and this fun little book looks at all aspects of what makes it so appealing. For some, it's a serene communication with nature as they glide down a gentle slope in silence, for others it's a 100-miles-an-hour descent down an almost vertical piste with an evening of beer, cheese and singing as a follow-up.The Little Book of Skiing delves into this fascinating sport, starting with the history and encompassing pretty much everything that draws us to beautiful white slopes across the world. So whether you're a once-a-year wobble-down-a-nursery-slope type or a skiing superstar in lycra, this book will inform, amaze and amuse, and hopefully make your next epic power day that little bit better.SAMPLE QUOTE: 'There are really only three things to learn in skiing: how to put on your skis, how to slide downhill, and how to walk along the hospital corridor.' - From A Chinaman in My Bath and other pieces by Lord Mancroft, 1974SAMPLE FACT: The word 'ski' comes from the ancient Norse word 'skio', which means a split piece of wood.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Intergovernmental Transfers in Federations
In a multi-level government system institutional legacy and the assignment of roles and responsibilities between the federal and the subnational governments create imbalances. These imbalances in economic terms are a result of a mismatch between revenue-raising capacity and the spending responsibilities of the different levels of the government. Intergovernmental Transfers in Federations presents a synthesis of recent international experience of large federations in addressing the most fundamental issues of horizontal and vertical imbalances through the prism of intergovernmental transfers. It compares mature federal systems and the maturing federations of the world. Contributors delve into the various aspects of policymaking as well as policy choices in selecting an efficiency path for a meaningful fiscal devolution aimed at integrating performance and incentives to reach an expenditure mix that facilitates better service delivery. Chapters include empirical, theoretical and methodological contributions as well as case studies that illustrate important policy or methodological lessons for future work. This collection is essential reading for researchers, practitioners, policy makers and students wishing to understand the choices made by different countries in response to the overarching principles of needs, equity and efficiency for sharing of resources.
Advantage Media Group Winning Adaptive Sales: Accelerate Your Success by Leading With Insights
Accelerate Your Success By Leading With Insights You’re a sales professional reaching for the next level in your career—striving for great client relationships and strategic partnerships. And by beginning your journey with Lee Hicks in WINNING ADAPTIVE SALES, you are taking that first step in transforming your career in sales. It is just that drive that will transform your career in sales as you adapt to the rapidly changing environment bearing down on today’s market. Adapting is not simply a choice—it’s critical to your success. In WINNING ADAPTIVE SALES, Lee Hicks, natural-born coach, leader, and teacher, conveys tactics to take control in transforming your career in sales in order to live a “Yes You Can” life. You can lift your expectations higher: when you expect more from your organization and yourself, you make true transformation possible. You can reinvent yourself and your organization and achieve more than ever in your career. You can change your world. It all starts here, where you will learn to: ** Target strategic accounts within prioritized vertical markets. ** Leverage social-selling assets to “teach” online customers and prospects. ** Lead your customer’s buying journey. ** Close larger deals faster. ** Exceed your quota . . . and make more money.
Birkhauser Dense + Green: Innovative Building Types for Sustainable Urban Architecture
The integration of nature in architecture is a key concern of sustainability. However, all too often sustainable design is reduced to improving the energetic performance of buildings and the ornamental application of natural green. Dense + Green explores new architectural typologies that emerge from the integration of green components such as sky terraces, vertical parks and green facades, in high-density buildings. The book describes green strategies in a comparison across different design tasks and climate conditions. In-depth case studies on the most relevant building types, consistently presented with analytical drawings made exclusively for this book, are complemented by expert essays that demonstrate the current paradigm shift in the sustainable urban environment. From the Contents: • Dense + Green Building Types, by Thomas Schröpfer, architect, Singapore University of Technology and Design • Dense + Green Building Technology, by Atelier Ten, environmental design consultants and building services engineers, New York, NY • Dense + Green Landscape Design, by Herbert Dreiseitl, landscape architect, Atelier Dreiseitl/Rambøll Liveable Cities Lab, Überlingen/Singapore/Portland, OR • Dense + Green Botanical Design, by Jean Yong, plant eco-physiologist, Singapore University of Technology and Design • Dense + Green Urbanism, by Kees Christiaanse, urban planner, ETH Zurich • 25 in-depth case studies from Europe, Asia and the USA • Practice Reports by Foster + Partners, WOHA, Ken Yeang, MVRDV and others
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Social Mobilisation in Post-Industrial China: The Case of Rural Urbanisation
In recent years China has experienced intense economic development. Previously a rapidly urbanising industrial economy, the country has become a post-industrial economy with a service sector that accounts for almost half the nation's GDP. This transformation has created many socio-political changes, but key among them is social mobilisation. This book provides a full and systematic analysis of social mobilisation in China, and how its use as part of state capacity has evolved.The first book on the topic written in English in recent decades, Social Mobilisation in Post-Industrial China provides readers with a thorough analysis covering all vertical administrative levels, as well as considering new participants. Bringing together interdisciplinary analyses of the current uses of social mobilisation in China, this book draws on empirically rich original research. It presents a clear picture of how boyi ('strategic game-playing') is acted out at different levels of society and within different sectors, and the social dynamics at work.This book is a unique resource, and will be invaluable for researchers and students of Asian and Chinese studies, Political Science, Public Policy and Management studies. Policy analysts, activists, strategists and educators will also find this book a useful tool for learning more about how social mobilisation mechanisms are utilised in China today.
Princeton University Press Walking Four Ways in the Wind
Describing this collection of his poems, John Allman writes, "It is a book about the inner and outer worlds, a collection of multiple voices and relationships. In one sense it is about suffering, family, and survival. However, it is also about a world beyond such things, where identity burns by itself, where the self-changes but never dies. The book says that only change happens, but that survival without will and compassion is meaningless. The title, taken from a line in one of the book's ritual lyrics, suggests the four dimensions of human consciousness and effort, and the book strives to name or embody as many landscapes as possible--though it is the 'vertical' one given to religion and death that remains an abiding puzzle." Originally published in 1979. The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Anness Publishing Illustrated Practical Guide to Gardening for Seniors
Tending our gardens is a lifelong pleasure. As we age, our energy and physical abilities become more limited. But gardens are magical, evolving places, with the potential to keep us young at heart, physically fit, out in the fresh air and full to the brim with joy and expectation. This ground-breaking book shows how easy it is for older people to carry on gardening. The different kinds of garden set-up are considered first, along with planning decisions and how best to keep safe and comfortable. An informative chapter looks at the main gardening activities and appropriate equipment, especially those that answer physical limitations. Different styles of garden are then presented: flower, vegetable, fruit, raised, herb, patio, vertical and indoor gardens, each one including projects and techniques, from building a raised bed to growing potatoes in containers. The final chapter is a directory that profiles the many planting choices available. Packed with projects, garden plans and step-by-step sequences designed for older gardeners who may not be able to exert themselves in the same way as they once could, this will appeal to active gardeners in their early retirement through to seniors with more limited abilities, and show how gardening can be a lifelong pleasure.
Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures The Origins of State Organisations in Prehistoric Highland Fars, Southern Iran: Excavations at Tall-e Bakun
The late prehistoric Bakun A culture in Fars is a major source of information on the initial development of the evolutionary path which vertical mobile pastoralists of highland Iran may have taken to develop state organisations. Long before the appearance of administrative technology and physical segregation of administration, production, storage, and residential units in urban centers of the second half of the fourth millennium BC, Tall-e Bakun A, near Persepolis in the Marv Dasht region of Fars, stands as one of the precursors to the complex societies of the fourth millennium BC early urban centres. The present publication presents the final report of the last season's excavations at Tall-e Bakun A. The archaeological materials from this season are combined with the results of other pertinent data from surveys and excavations in the Near East to provide a foundation upon which pre-state social evolution in late prehistoric highland Fars has been reconstructed and interpreted. Based on the analysis of the available archaeological data as well as historical and ethnographic sources, Alizadeh argues that the specialised manufacture and administrative aspects at Tall-e Bakun A indicate the existence of differential status at the site, where a few families or ranking individuals controlled the manufacture and flow of goods.
Ebury Publishing Violence. Speed. Momentum: The Incredibly (Un)true and Undeniably Dominant Story
Too much power. Wow. Too much energy. Wow. Too much anticipation. WOW. It's the new memoir from the biggest star in gaming: Dr Disrespect.Dr Disrespect is a 6-foot-8 freak of nature with a 37-inch vertical, the two-time, back-to-back 1993-94 Blockbuster Video Game Champion, and in his factual opinion, the most dominant international gaming superstar in the history of the world.It was just a matter of time before Western civilization came begging Doc to save literature by writing a memoir that reads like a vicious, muscular lion clawing his way through the rocks, roaring in anger and dominance. Here you will find his deepest, most intimate secrets. The untold history of his mysterious, legendary origins and his rise to unparalleled dominance. And most of all, you will find out what, exactly, Doc's a doctor of.Are you ready for a book with the rhythm of a sleazy '70s muscleman and the ruthlessness of a '90s serial killer? A journey that stares down the long, dark alley of your fears and never looks back? Does your warrior's heart yearn to reach the tippity top of the mountain just to realize you're still only halfway up? If so, firm handshakes, Champion: Welcome to the salvation of literature.
Oxford University Press Inc Balanced Leadership: Making the Best Use of Personal and Team Leadership in Projects
A new theory of balanced leadership in projects Leadership is not static. Instead, authority in projects shifts dynamically between project managers, individual team members, and sub-teams, depending on the situation. Leadership may be exercised through a vertical, horizontal, shared, or distributed leadership approach. However, balanced leadership ensures the best suitable approach is used in any given situation. Based on an award-winning global program of research studies, Balanced Leadership is a thorough investigation of balanced leadership in projects. Ralf Müller, Nathalie Drouin, and Shankar Sankaran present a project-specific leadership approach as well as a theory of balanced leadership, and the situations in which different strategies are required. They also outline the five building blocks that enable balanced leadership: nomination of team members, identification of potential leaders, selection and empowerment of leaders, empowered leadership and its governance, and leadership transition. The book explains the coordination of these building blocks through the socio-cognitive space shared by project manager and team. Using real-life case studies and clear examples, this book offers a new way of considering and utilizing dynamic leadership in project settings.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Research Handbook on the Economics of Antitrust Law
One might mistakenly think that the long tradition of economic analysis in antitrust law would mean there is little new to say. Yet the field is surprisingly dynamic and changing. The specially commissioned chapters in this landmark volume offer a rigorous analysis of the field's most current and contentious issues. Focusing on those areas of antitrust economics that are most in flux, leading scholars discuss topics such as: mergers that create unilateral effects or eliminate potential competition; whether market definition is necessary; tying, bundled discounts, and loyalty discounts; a new theory of predatory pricing; assessing vertical price-fixing after Leegin; proving horizontal agreements after Twombly; modern analysis of monopsony power; the economics of antitrust enforcement; international antitrust issues; antitrust in regulated industries; the antitrust-patent intersection; and modern methods for measuring antitrust damages. Students and scholars of law and economics, law practitioners, regulators, and economists with an interest in industrial organization and consulting will find this seminal Handbook an essential and informative resource. Contributors: J.B. Baker, R.D. Blair, A. Bradford, N. Economides, A. Edlin, E. Elhauge, D.S. Evans, J.S. Haynes, B. Klein, A.K. Klevorick, I.B. Kohler-Hausmann, J. Kwoka, D. Reitman, D.L. Rubinfeld, H.A. Shelanski, C.J. Sprigman, A.L. Wickelgren
Princeton University Press Introduction to Modeling Convection in Planets and Stars: Magnetic Field, Density Stratification, Rotation
This book provides readers with the skills they need to write computer codes that simulate convection, internal gravity waves, and magnetic field generation in the interiors and atmospheres of rotating planets and stars. Using a teaching method perfected in the classroom, Gary Glatzmaier begins by offering a step-by-step guide on how to design codes for simulating nonlinear time-dependent thermal convection in a two-dimensional box using Fourier expansions in the horizontal direction and finite differences in the vertical direction. He then describes how to implement more efficient and accurate numerical methods and more realistic geometries in two and three dimensions. In the third part of the book, Glatzmaier demonstrates how to incorporate more sophisticated physics, including the effects of magnetic field, density stratification, and rotation. Featuring numerous exercises throughout, this is an ideal textbook for students and an essential resource for researchers. * Describes how to create codes that simulate the internal dynamics of planets and stars * Builds on basic concepts and simple methods * Shows how to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the numerical methods * Describes more relevant geometries and boundary conditions * Demonstrates how to incorporate more sophisticated physics
Entrepreneur Press Main Street Entrepreneur: Build Your Dream Company Doing What You Love Where You Live
100 Cities. 100 Entrepreneurs. 9 Keys for Success. Main Street Entrepreneur offers a unique look at what it takes to create a successful and thriving business. Lifelong entrepreneur, business consultant and university professor Michael Glauser rode 4,005 miles in 45 days, spent 246 hours on a bike seat, climbed 165,748 vertical feet, and interviewed more than 100 entrepreneurs in 100 cities along the way to discover the secrets to entrepreneurial success. Glauser has distilled hours of interviews and research to present the nine keys for: * Building a purpose-driven business * Meeting important community needs * Developing a supporting cast * Working with a zealous tenacity * Giving mind-boggling customer service * Diversifying revenue streams * Giving back to the broader community * And ultimately, creating the lifestyle of your dreams Readers will learn how to achieve their own dreams and won't need a 30-page business plan, venture capital, or an exit strategy. All they need to do is implement nine keys for success. Not everyone can build a Facebook, Google or eBay, but anyone with passion and tenacity can do what these entrepreneurs all across America are doing.
The Crowood Press Ltd Ceramic Burners for Model Steam Boilers
This book covers the materials needed to make ceramic burners and explains how to silver solder them. It discusses LPG and holding tanks, as well as connecting pipework and electronic and mechanical automatic gas-control systems to monitor the boiler pressure. In addition, there is advice on how to set up, install and operate each burner to provide optimum heating to the boiler. A summary of the Boiler Test Code Volume 3 that applies to home-made gas tanks is included, together with a list of useful suppliers with their contact details. This book provides all the information you need to build and operate: three burners, with one variant, for boilers with 42mm, 35mm and 28mm horizontal flues; two round burners for vertical boilers with fire boxes; two different sizes of rectangular burner, with one variant, for use in horizontal water-tube or pot boilers and finally, one small round and one tiny oblong burner for use in Mamod and Wilesco boilers. The burners described are straightforward to make and simple to use to heat the water in boilers that meet the 3 bar litre limit in the UK Boiler Test Code.
Bloomsbury Publishing PLC Food from your Forest Garden: How to harvest, cook and preserve your forest garden produce
How do you cook heartnuts, hawthorn fruits or hostas? What’s the best way to preserve autumn olives or to dry chestnuts? Forest gardening – a novel way of growing edible crops in different vertical layers – is attracting increasing interest, for gardens large or small. But when it comes to harvest time, how do you make the most of the produce? From bamboo shoots and beech leaves to medlars and mashua, Food from your Forest Garden offers creative and imaginative ways to enjoy the crops from your forest garden. It provides cooking advice and recipe suggestions, with notes on every species in the bestselling Creating a Forest Garden by Martin Crawford. The book includes more than 100 recipes for over 50 different species, presented by season, plus raw food options. It also provides information on the plants’ nutritional value, with advice on harvesting and processing, as well as detailed instructions on preserving methods, from traditional preserves such as jams to ferments and fruit leathers. With beautiful colour photographs of plants and recipes, this book is an invaluable resource for making the most of your forest garden – and an inspiration for anyone thinking of growing and using forest garden crops.
Artech House Publishers 5G and Satellite RF and Optical Integration
5G and Satellite RF and Optical Integration, the latest ‘hot off the shelf’ groundbreaking book from Artech House authored by subject specialist Geoff Varrall is packed with essential time critical information. This updated edition has everything needed to know in order to understand the new world of terrestrial and non-terrestrial telecom technology. It analyzes the radio spectrum/band and technical specifications under consideration for 5G, along with the related performance, cost, and vertical market expectations. In addition, the book studies the cost of coexistence between 5G operators and other user communities' co-sharing spectrum, including GNSS; radio astronomers; radar; GSO, MEO, and LEO satellites in the Ku, K, and Ka bands and above; and satellite TV. Also covered is the role of free-space optical technology in 5G and satellite networks and what interference issues will arise from new band allocations. This includes co-shared allocations and how interference will be mitigated in and between next generation terrestrial and satellite 5G networks. The publication coincides with an inflection point where terrestrial, nonterrestrial, and RF and optical networks could be integrated in a financially useful way.
Penguin Books Ltd The Push: A Climber's Journey of Endurance, Risk and Going Beyond Limits to Climb the Dawn Wall
THE STORY BEHIND THE HARDEST CLIMB IN HISTORY & ACCLAIMED DOCUMENTARY 'DAWN WALL' 'Heart-stopping, absorbing' Daily Mail 'The most daring free climber on the planet' The Times__________ In 2015, climber Tommy Caldwell took on the hardest challenge of his life, spending 19 days freeclimbing Yosemite's vertical, 3000-foot Dawn Wall - regarded as the most difficult climb in history and a route nobody had ever done before. This odds-defying feat was the culmination of seven years planning and a lifetime of determination. Here, he recounts how he got there, the falls and setbacks - being held hostage, losing his index finger, the break-up of his marriage - the summits conquered and the fears overcome. Fans of Free Solo and Dawn Wall, and climbers and non-climbers alike, will be gripped by this story of drive, focus and achieving the impossible. __________ 'The Push is not simply a book about rock climbing' Guardian 'Probably the greatest living athlete most people have never heard of' Telegraph 'Arguably the best all-round rock climber on the planet' National Geographic 'A real page-turner . . . captivating and deeply moving' Climb magazine 'Captivating and unfailingly honest' Jon Krakauer, author of Into the Wild and Into Thin Air
Sounds True Inc Enlightened Relationships: The Ultimate Training Ground for Practicing Presence
If you really want to know how spiritually awake you are, spend time around other people. For each of our relationships—from the brief interaction with the barista to our bonds with lifelong partners or family members—reflect back to us our predominant state of consciousness. With Enlightened Relationships, Eckhart Tolle offers a two-session program on bringing the transformational power of presence into this often challenging yet deeply rewarding area of our lives. Session one explores the arising of a new consciousness on the planet, and how more and more of us are beginning to experience a shift from an egoic, thought-based identity to the realization of what Eckhart calls our essential "Being" nature. Session two offers a practical look at how this emerging awareness impacts our relationships, as well as the steps we can take to welcome "the vertical dimension" of space and stillness as the source of true connection and harmonious relationships. "It’s easy to fool yourself as to your state of consciousness if you avoid other people," remarks Eckhart Tolle. "For presence to become deeply rooted, it must be tested in the fire of relationships." Enlightened Relationships brings you Eckhart’s practical guidance in opening to the full potential of our interpersonal engagements.
CABI Publishing Linking Urban and Rural Tourism: Strategies in Sustainability
Destinations rely on regional strategies to support and enhance the tourism product through regional partnerships and integration. Integrated tourism is defined as tourism that is explicitly linked to the economic, social, cultural, natural and human structures of the region in which it occurs. Integrated tourism has evolved to include numerous meanings and definitions, but generally includes a vertical business or industry approach. The first of its kind, this book applies a more inclusive approach to integration by providing insight into inclusive regional development strategies that support both the needs of urban and rural areas whilst enhancing the tourist experience, supporting the positive impacts of tourism and mitigating the negative. Regional studies tend to portray either an urban or rural focus without acknowledging that often these spaces constitute joint governance structures, similar historical and cultural roots, and economic dependencies. Sustainable tourism promotes sourcing locally, such as using rural agricultural products in urban tourism experiences. Furthermore, innovative rural marketing strategies linking tourism heritage, attractions, food and drink trails, and artisans with urban visitors are emerging. Including theoretical and applied research and international case studies, this will be a valuable resource to academics, students and practitioners working in tourism development and regional policy.
Stanford University Press Police Reform in Mexico: Informal Politics and the Challenge of Institutional Change
The urgent need to professionalize Mexican police has been recognized since the early 1990s, but despite even the most well-intentioned promises from elected officials and police chiefs, few gains have been made in improving police integrity. Why have reform efforts in Mexico been largely unsuccessful? This book seeks to answer the question by focusing on Mexico's municipal police, which make up the largest percentage of the country's police forces. Indeed, organized crime presents a major obstacle to institutional change, with criminal groups killing hundreds of local police in recent years. Nonetheless, Daniel Sabet argues that the problems of Mexican policing are really problems of governance. He finds that reform has suffered from a number of policy design and implementation challenges. More importantly, the informal rules of Mexican politics have prevented the continuity of reform efforts across administrations, allowed patronage appointments to persist, and undermined anti-corruption efforts. Although many advances have been made in Mexican policing, weak horizontal and vertical accountability mechanisms have failed to create sufficient incentives for institutional change. Citizens may represent the best hope for counterbalancing the toxic effects of organized crime and poor governance, but the ambivalent relationship between citizens and their police must be overcome to break the vicious cycle of corruption and ineffectiveness.
Running Press,U.S. BuzzFeed: Bring Me!: The Travel-Lover’s Guide to the World’s Most Unlikely Destinations, Remarkable Experiences, and Spectacular Sights
Have you ever wanted to soak in a bath of beer? What about climb a rainbow mountain? Can you imagine yourself discovering a garden oasis, or finding an underground city? For years, Buzzfeed's popular travel vertical Bring Me! has supplied wanderers with the best and most reliable travel content. Now for the first time, BuzzFeed brings together all their tips, tricks, advice, and knowledge on hundreds of unlikely destinations and unique experiences in this officially licensed travel guide meets bucket list, where travelers are encouraged to seek out new adventures or simply daydream right from their couch. Get ready to see, taste, and explore hundreds of interesting places around the world, from weird museums and underwater adventures, to food festivals and extraordinary art. BuzzFeed's Bring Me! offers thrill chasers the chance to see the world around them in exciting new ways.Featured adventures include:* Driving go-karts through the streets of Tokyo (Japan)* Kayaking across a glow-in-the-dark bay (Puerto Rico)* Standing over a sea of clouds (France)* Visiting the world's largest piece of pottery (Colombia)* Riding above the forest on a pedal-powered zip line (Philippines)* Taking a chocolate- and cheese-filled train ride (Switzerland)* Embracing your inner feline at a cat museum (Netherlands)And more!
Kagero Oficyna Wydawnicza The Mikoyan-Gurevich Mig-3 Vol. II
The I-200 fighter project was a compromise between design office’s capabilities, realities of the Soviet aviation industry, with its available technologies, and military requirements.According to the brief description of the MiG-3 from 1941, it was, in terms of its purpose, an interceptor, but, interestingly, it could also be used as… an attack aircraft, or a light, fast dive bomber.Both the I-200 prototypes and the later MiG-1 and MiG-3 were single-seat, single-engine, mixed-design low-wing aircraft. Front part of the fuselage, together with the centre wing, up to the rear wall of the pilot’s cockpit, was made of metal. Only the tail part of the fuselage and wing consoles were wooden. Vertical stabilizer, which was an integral part of the fuselage, was made of wood, too, but horizontal stabilizer was all-metal. Rudders and ailerons had a metal construction and canvas cover. Undercarriage was made of chromansil steel.In front part of the fuselage there was a pilot’s cabin with a seat, instrument panel and controls, front fuel tank, main offensive armament, water cooler and other componentry. Centre wing was attached to the front part of the fuselage at seven points, the rear part at four points, while the engine mount was supported by two.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Comparative Competition Law and Economics
Offering a concise and critical comparison of EU competition law and US antitrust law from an economic perspective, this is the ideal textbook for international and interdisciplinary courses combining law and economic approaches. The book provides thorough coverage including the definition of market power, the use of horizontal and vertical restrictions, mergers and the unilateral conduct of dominant firms. It also includes discussion of problems relating to the enforcement of legal prohibitions, which will be of particular interest to practitioners and regulators. With analysis of leading cases of EU competition law, US antitrust law and insightful case studies of competition laws in BRIC countries, this book succinctly highlights the key information and goes further to discuss the many issues relating to the use of economic analysis. Key Features: uses economic insights to help students understand the context in which the rules of competition law are applied systematically compares EU competition law and US antitrust law, with discussion of leading cases, in order to understand how the underlying principles work in practice clear presentation, including boxes highlighting key case studies, ensures information on the competition laws of various BRIC countries is easily accessible the comparative approach and use of international case studies make this an ideal textbook for students in any jurisdiction.
Edition Axel Menges Greenwards / Grünwärts: The New Delight in Urban Nature / Die neue Lust an urbaner Natur
Text in English & German. The inhabitants of our cities have undoubtedly come down with a gardening virus. Gardening is being propagated as the new sex. Wherever one looks, a gardening euphoria is in bloom. We only have to think of the riverbanks restored to their natural state, the urban gardening and urban farming projects springing up all over the world, the green skyscrapers (prospective and actually built) such as, for instance, the utopian farmscrapers of Vincent Callebout, the conversion of former high rail lines into green recreation spaces, the meditation gardens of Piet Oudolf, and the vertical gardens of Patrick Blanc. We dwell on the growing and sprouting, on the sowing and harvesting, with a kind of covert pleasure and sublimated erotic desire. These days, we feel close to greenery, just as we feel close to our pets. We tend and nurture the seeds and stalks, the leaves and flowers, the shrubs and grasses, the bushes and trees, with a matchless solicitude. These culturally coded natural phenomena also have therapeutic qualities, because they offer us self-determination and the possibility to share in social development. This is nothing less than the reintegration of the first, primal nature into the context of the conditions that have become ubiquitous today into the context of what has, today, become 'second nature'. For some people, such as the campaigners of 'Guerilla Gardening', these plants, wild and domestic, provide a way of criticizing the system; others, such as vertical planners of wall gardens like Ken Yeang, utopia-infatuated and bitten by the green bug, presumably see themselves as an avant-garde working in harmony with the system. All of those coming down the garden virus, however, have in common that they see themselves as reformers, as campaigners and as voices arguing for a reconciliation the first and the second, ubiquitous urban, nature, but also between the ecology and the economy. Volker Fischer was deputy director of the Deutsches Architekturmuseum in Frankfurt am Main for over ten years. From 1994 to 2012 he has built up a new design department at the Museum for Applied Arts in Frankfurt. At the same time, he taught on the history of architecture and design at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach. Fischer is already represented in Edition Axel Menges by books on Stefan Heiliger, Richard Meier, Stefan Wewerka, the Commerzbank in Frankfurt am Main by Norman Foster, Hall 3 of Messe Frankfurt by Nicholas Grimshaw, on 'beauty design' as well as on the design activities of Lufthansa and Apple.
Boydell & Brewer Ltd Writing Power in Anglo-Saxon England: Texts, Hierarchies, Economies
New study of the complexities of how power operates in a number of Anglo-Saxon texts. A work of fine and nuanced intelligence... Skilled and learned readings of a number of important texts. Fluent, polished, and beautifully written. Dr Katy Cubitt, University of York. The formation and operation of systems of power and patronage in Anglo-Saxon England are currently the focus of concerted scholarly attention. This book explores how power is shaped and negotiated in later Anglo-Saxon texts, focusing in particular on how hierarchical, vertical structures are presented alongside patterns of reciprocity and economies of mutual obligation, especially within the context of patronage relationships (whether secular, spiritual, literal or symbolic). Through closeanalysis of a wide selection of sources in the vernacular and Latin (including the Guthlac poems of the Exeter Book, Old English verse epitaphs, the acrostic poetry of Abbo of Fleury, the Encomium Emmae Reginae and Libellus Æthelwoldi Episcopi), the study examines how texts sustain dual ways of seeing and understanding power, generating a range of imaginative possibilities along with tensions, ambiguities and instances of disguise or euphemism. It also advances new arguments about the ideology and rhetoric of power in the early medieval period. Catherine A.M. Clarke is Professor in English, University of Southampton.
Bradt Travel Guides Tanked Up
'From a young age, I was flirting with the sea and its power.' says Ben Thompson. This is the colourful and moving story of a boy who realised at an early age that the sea was his calling and followed his dream. By the age of twenty-five, Ben Thompson was being paid to dive the world's most exquisite coral reefs. Few people have worked as dive instructors in such varied locations around the world as he has. From exploring the far reaches of South East Asia by local yacht to off-roading through sub-Saharan Africa looking for new dives, Ben sees the world through a diver's mask. Along the way, he dives one of the world's only vertical wrecks (at a top-secret location) just as it ruptures its gas tanks and causes an international incident, is held up at gunpoint by a militia group in the Philippines, rescued by pirates in Indonesia, and visits the Caicos with America's largest naked diving group. His story will fascinate divers, travellers, seafarers, and adventurers of all stripes. It's an exhilarating tale of escaping the humdrum, and also a cheering love story as his ever-patient partner and dive buddy, Vic, accompanies Ben on his escapades around the world.
Archaeopress Les mégalithes du département du Morbihan: Structures funéraires et pierres dresses / Analyses architecturales et spatiales
Les mégalithes du département du Morbihan aims at a better understanding of megalithism, or more precisely megalithisms, and presents a new approach to the relationship between standing stones (menhirs) and tombs (dolmens). The architectural analyses developed raise questions about their complementarity. They are based on a corpus of architectural plans comprising 1413 megalithic monuments from the Department of Morbihan, including 13,200 vertical slabs, the result of thirty years of research and field observations, and including more than 250 unpublished monuments. Two main approaches are discussed: descriptive architectural analysis of the plans on the one hand, and analysis of landscape and environmental elements on the other. The parallels between the stones erected in the open air and those, sometimes identical in their dimensions, their morphology and their geology, which constitute the rooms, the corridors, and the facings of the funerary monuments, consolidate and develop observations already made by other archaeologists on the reuse of these Neolithic standing stones. The observation that these parallels extend to the symmetry and aestheticism of the structures is quite new. These unprecedented and convincing results brought by this analysis of the alignments of standing stones and funerary architectures demonstrate how a subject that has been explored since the nineteenth century by many researchers can still reveal hidden truths.
Editions Didier Millet Pte Ltd A Chance of a Lifetime: Lee Kuan Yew and the Physical Transformation of Singapore
Lee Kuan Yew once described the opportunity to remake Singapore as 'a chance of a lifetime'. This book explores Lee's pivotal role in Singapore's urban development during his years as prime minister from 1959 to 1990. A Chance of a Lifetime recognizes Lee's achievements from the standpoint of Singapore's 50th anniversary of independence and looks forward to challenges that the city-state might encounter over the next 50 years. The book is broken up into the four main components of Singapore's urban development: planning, housing, greening and water management. Each of these factors has been key in helping create modern Singapore. There is also a chapter that discusses the transformational challenges for Singapore, and the world, over the next 50 years. Singapore's small land size and lack of hinterland meant that it had to strategize to solve issues that other countries are only starting to face now, making Singapore a leader in areas such as vertical greenery and water reclamation. Featuring the Centre for Liveable Cities 2012 interview with Lee and rarely seen archival images of Singapore's transformation from mudflat to metropolis, A Chance of a Lifetime opens with an introduction by former president S R Nathan and closes with an epilogue by Ambassador Tommy Koh.
Simon & Schuster The Future of Us: The Science of What We'll Eat, Where We'll Live, and Who We'll Be
A fascinating look at the cutting-edge science and technologies that are on the cusp of changing everything from where we’ll live, how we’ll look, and who we’ll be, by the popular science broadcaster and bestselling author Jay Ingram. Where will we live? How will we get around? What will we look like? These are just some of the questions bestselling author and popular science broadcaster Jay Ingram answers in this exciting examination of the science and technologies that will affect every aspect of human life. In these pages, Ingram explores the future of our technological civilization. He reports on cutting-edge research in organ and limb regeneration, advances in prosthetics, the merging of the human and the synthetic, and gene editing. Vertical farming and lab-grown food might help feed millions and alleviate pressure on the planet. Cities could accommodate green space and the long-awaited flying car. Finally, he speculates on the future of artificial general intelligence, even artificial superintelligence, as well as our place on Earth and in the universe. The potential impact of these developments in science and technology will be powerful and wide-ranging, complicated by ethics and social equity. And they will inevitably revolutionize every aspect of life and even who we are. This is The Future of Us.
Pan Stanford Publishing Pte Ltd Gallium Nitride Power Devices
GaN is considered the most promising material candidate in next-generation power device applications, owing to its unique material properties, for example, bandgap, high breakdown field, and high electron mobility. Therefore, GaN power device technologies are listed as the top priority to be developed in many countries, including the United States, the European Union, Japan, and China.This book presents a comprehensive overview of GaN power device technologies, for example, material growth, property analysis, device structure design, fabrication process, reliability, failure analysis, and packaging. It provides useful information to both students and researchers in academic and related industries working on GaN power devices. GaN wafer growth technology is from Enkris Semiconductor, currently one of the leading players in commercial GaN wafers. Chapters 3 and 7, on the GaN transistor fabrication process and GaN vertical power devices, are edited by Dr. Zhihong Liu, who has been working on GaN devices for more than ten years. Chapters 2 and 5, on the characteristics of polarization effects and the original demonstration of AlGaN/GaN heterojunction field-effect transistors, are written by researchers from Southwest Jiaotong University. Chapters 6, 8, and 9, on surface passivation, reliability, and package technologies, are edited by a group of researchers from the Southern University of Science and Technology of China.
Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd Environmental Governance: The Challenge of Legitimacy and Effectiveness
Environmental policymaking has become an experimental field for new modes of governance. This timely book focuses on three prominent characteristics of new governance arrangements: the broad participation of non-state actors, the attempt to improve vertical and horizontal coordination, and the effort to integrate different types of expertise in an effective and democratically accountable way. Building on the analytical perspectives of legitimacy and effectiveness, which are seen as genuine acid test criteria for new governance, this book provides a critical assessment of current practices of participation, coordination and evidence-based policymaking in various case studies of environmental governance, in particular in the fields of biodiversity, climate and forest policy. The book provides insights from selected governance processes that go beyond consultancy-style best-practice examples but are embedded in a solid conceptual and theoretical discussion that will be invaluable to policymakers. It will also prove essential for scholars interested in environmental politics; policy studies; public policy; public administration; European politics; as well as science and technology studies. Contributors: S. Beck, M. Bocher, T.E. Boon, L. Giessen, K. Hogl, K. Kassioumis, M. Krott, E. Kvarda, D.H. Lund, I. Nathan, J. Newig, R. Nordbeck, K. Papageorgiou, M. Pregernig, S. Storch, M. Vakkas, S. Weiland