Search results for ""SPCK Publishing""
SPCK Publishing Spirit Stationery Striped A5 Notebook: Dusty Pink
With soft-touch covers, rounded corners and a striped coloured design, these notebooks are ready to be filled with your creative ideas. Further features include: Gold foiling 90 gsm white paper Open-flat binding Lined pages Sustainably sourced
SPCK Publishing The Lost Message of Paul: Has the Church misunderstood the Apostle Paul?
We have misunderstood Paul, badly. We have read his words through our own set of assumptions. We need to begin with Paul's world view, to see things the way he saw them. - What if 'original sin' was never part of Paul's thinking? - What if the idea that we are saved by faith in Christ, as Luther argued, was based on a mistranslation of Paul's words and a misunderstanding of Paul's thinking? 'Over the centuries,' writes Steve Chalke, 'the Church has repeatedly failed to communicate, or even understand, the core of Paul's message. Although Paul has often been presented as the champion of exclusion, he was the very opposite. He was the great includer.' Steve Chalke MBE is a Baptist minister, founder and leader of the Oasis Charitable Trust, and author of more than 50 books.
SPCK Publishing In All Seasons, For All Reasons: Praying Throughout the Year
Inspired by Jesus’ prayer, his disciples asked him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray’ (Luke 11.1). This book gives many time-honoured answers to that request. James Martin offers a wealth of fresh ways to pray, such as using nature as inspiration, tapping into one’s emotions and finding God in all things. He also shows how the Church’s tradition, from the Our Father to the Eucharist, the saints and pilgrimages, provides a timeless resource for prayer and spiritual growth. ‘God meets you where you are. And the fact that you are holding this book in your hand means you are already open to that encounter.’ From the Introduction
SPCK Publishing Hope Rising 365: Thoughts And Reflections For The Whole Year
A lot can happen in a year. There may be highlights, lowlights or massive life changes. Sometimes things are incredibly exciting and sometimes they're really scary. Hope Rising 365 offers encouragement and advice for whatever each day holds. Filled with personal stories, Bible wisdom and inspirational thoughts, this daily devotional brings together reflections from Meg Cannon and a whole host of women to cheer you on during the year ahead. This collection includes contributions from Naomi Aidoo, Jessie Faerber, Rachel Gardner, Ruth Jackson, Ali Martin and Rachael Newham.
SPCK Publishing In Touch With God: Advent Meditations On Biblical Prayers
‘This thought-provoking book will help each of us to deepen our knowledge of God and our relationship with him during our Advent journey.’ Archbishop John Sentamu Make this Advent a time to refresh and enhance your spiritual life by reflecting on some of the greatest prayers in the Bible and the people who prayed them. Abraham, Moses, Hannah, David, Isaiah, Mary . . . This sequence of twenty-five inspiring meditations looks at how our forebears in faith turned to God, both in times of trouble and times of joy and celebration. Written by two popular Christian authors, these deeply prayerful reflections on Scripture will help you get in closer touch with God throughout this Advent season and beyond into the year ahead.
SPCK Publishing More Than Just Pretty: Discover Your True Value, Beauty and Purpose
In today's world, youth are growing up in a society where social media is an integral part of their sense of self. But what are the repercussions of this, and how can we teach young girls where their true worth and identity is found? Jessie sets out to put the record straight and redefine how girls see themselves. Highlighting the pervasiveness of selfies, the distortion of beauty on social media, and the chase after perfectionism, she offers hope amidst the pressures of internet perfection and reaffirms our identity as God's masterpiece: original, exquisite, and of infinite value.
SPCK Publishing A Good Year
How can we enter fruitfully into the seasons of the Church’s year? Why have the seasons become shaped as they have and what can we do to make them good? As Mark Oakley explains in the hugely enjoyable, earthy and wide-ranging introduction to this exceptional volume, we can experience them in stimulating company! Here are reflections by the most senior pastors and teachers in the Church today: SARAH MULLALLY, Bishop of Crediton, on A Good Advent, a season ‘pregnant with hope’, when our waiting is anything but inactive. ROWAN WILLIAMS, Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge, on A Good Christmas, and the overwhelming surprise of ‘a God who values our humanity beyond all imagining’. LIBBY LANE, Bishop of Stockport, on A Good Epiphany, when through discomfort ‘we begin to discover at first hand the hospitality of God’. JUSTIN WELBY, Archbishop of Canterbury, on A Good Lent, ‘which takes hold of human sinfulness and, in an extraordinary way, makes space for the hope of Christ’. STEPHEN COTTRELL, Bishop of Chelmsford, on A Good Holy Week, when we ‘revel in the sensuous and very hands-on re-enactment of liturgical drama’. STEPHEN CONWAY, Bishop of Ely, on A Good Easter, which is ‘life lived shot through with grace and glory’. KAREN GORHAM, Bishop of Sherborne, on A Good Pentecost, when our life’s journey ‘brings us encounters, challenges and opportunities we can rise to, equipped by the Spirit of God’.
SPCK Publishing A Captive in Rome
A Captive in Rome is the first book in the enthralling Tales of Rome series of adventures for younger readers. The books are set at the time of the early church and follow the adventures of Bryn, a young Briton of the Iceni tribe. In this first book, Bryn and his brother are taken captive by the Romans after the Boudiccan revolt. They find themselves in Rome where Bryn is sold as a slave to a rich man; Bryn's brother, Conan, is forced into gladiatorial combat. Bryn is befriended by Tiro, a Christian and fellow slave, and they both try to free his brother from the deadly battles before it is too late.
SPCK Publishing Cancer: A Pilgrim Companion
A cancer diagnosis is a seismic event. It divides life into before and after, and propels the diagnosed into places of suffering, pain and isolation; life is turned upside down in the present while the future horizon clouds with uncertainty and fear. Despite someone getting diagnosed with cancer in the UK every two minutes, cancer is a disease that is often described as lonely as the sufferer sets out on a tough journey through waiting, treatment and recovery. In this wise and compassionate book, cancer survivor Gillian Straine proposes that this journey through illness, pain and anxiety be reconceptualised as a pilgrimage of discovery. The Christian faith is that we are never abandoned by God, and this promise holds wherever we might find ourselves, whether that is in the doctor's waiting room, in a chair receiving chemotherapy or lying on the surgeons table. Following the journey of Jesus through the darkness of Gethsemane, to the cross and into the silent waiting of Holy Saturday, this book invites the reader to seek God in their experience of cancer and, by pointing to the glimmers of resurrection hope in remission and beyond, to find healing in their own story of illness.
SPCK Publishing Joseph and the Hidden Cup
Joseph waits for his brothers to return to Egypt with his younger brother, Benjamin. Will they finally recognise the brother they had left for dead? And will Joseph ever be reconciled with his long-lost family?
SPCK Publishing Holy Bible: NRSV Celebrating Christian marriage
Acclaimed by both biblical scholars and general readers as the most reliable English Bible available, the New Revised Standard Version follows in the great tradition of the King James Version in being true to the original meaning of the text, while presenting it in a style that speaks powerfully to contemporary readers of all religious backgrounds. The unique combination of accuracy and elegance makes the NRSV the ideal Bible for personal use, for reading aloud in groups or for buying as a special gift. This Wedding Gift Edition contains a presentation plate and an introduction on the meaning of Christian marriage by Martyn Percy, Dean of Christ Church, Oxford, and his wife, Emma, Chaplain and Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford, plus a selection of poems, prayers and reflections on love and the marriage bond by writers such as David Adam, Louis de Bernières, D. H. Lawrence, C. S. Lewis and Richard Rohr.
SPCK Publishing David and the Kingmaker
The prophet Samuel is looking for the next king of Israel. Will he find him on David's farm? David and the Kingmaker examines the vital issue of self-worth, and reminds children that good character is far more important than good looks, brains, talent or popularity. Through his encounter with the prophet Samuel, David catches a glimpse of how God sees him, and of his amazing future as king of Israel. It is a tale which encourages us to read between the lines of what the Bible tells us about David’s early years. The light-hearted and beautifully illustrated pictures will delight parents and children alike, regardless of religious conviction.
SPCK Publishing The SPCK Dictionary of Theology and Hermeneutics
Anthony Thiselton’s major works have been hugely influential in both biblical studies and theology. This dictionary will be the first book of its kind to take full account of key developments in biblical hermeneutics as well as historical and contemporary systematic theology. Each section has its separate bibliography. Hence the work combines some shorter articles, sometimes constituting explanatory teaching tools of 50-100 words, with longer articles which embody reflection and research.
SPCK Publishing The Bible for Everyone
Why another translation of the Bible? As Tom Wright observes: `Translating [the bible] is something that each generation ought to be doing. Just as Jesus taught us to pray for our daily bread, we can never simply live on yesterday's bread, on the interpretations and translations of previous generations.' The Bible for Everyone is the result of a passionate conviction that scripture should be something that everyone can read, understand and enjoy. Two world-renowned Bible scholars and communicators have therefore undertaken a tremendous task: to draw together, revise and supplement the translations that appear in their popular `For Everyone' commentaries, making a rounded, readable and reliable version of the Bible that will prove helpful to people of all religious backgrounds at every stage of their lives. Broken up into easy-to-read, bite-sized chunks, and including helpful introductions to each biblical book plus informative maps and a substantial glossary of key words, here is a compelling new rendering of ancient wisdom that can be read like a novel, studied in sections or used as an aid to daily devotion.
SPCK Publishing Faith Generation: Retaining Young People And Growing The Church
The recent Church Growth Research (see identifies that the successful transmission of faith to children and young people is a key factor in stemming decline and promoting growth. This book explores the cultural and theological reasons as to why this is the case and makes research-based recommendations for the faith formation of children and young people. The central argument is that church communities need to engage in deliberate strategies that help foster ‘intentional Christian Communities’ within which children and young people can form and sustain Christian identity.
SPCK Publishing Finding Mr Goldman
Had he known the hour of his death, the wealthy Harry Goldman might have arranged his day differently. Instead, he finds himself plunged into a nightmare in which his life of violence and ruthless greed is laid bare before him. Accompanied by a disreputable-looking but likeable tramp, who bears a striking resemblance to Jesus, Goldman sets out on a quest to save his soul. But, confronted by the shattering reality of hell, he becomes convinced all is lost . . .
SPCK Publishing What Do We Mean by 'God'?: A Little Book Of Guidance
Language about God is something like the language of poetry - The poetic use of language is not to increase your information about the world. We know facts about the world without having poetry. The use of words in poetry is to evoke in us a certain attitude or way of looking at things or feeling about things...If this is the use of religious language, what sort of view of the world is it trying to convey? I think we might say it is trying to convey that the world is an expression of a reality beyond it...' Keith Ward unpacks the meaning of the word 'God' and explains why we need to get rid of the crude and unhelpful assumptions that still abound. A book for all who are curious about how God, and God's actions, can be understood today. Intended for people looking for answers to life's biggest questions, this little book of guidance will appeal to anyone, whether believer or non-believer, looking for a quick and easy way into the topic.
SPCK Publishing My Father's Tears: The Cross And The Father'S Love
Offers a fresh, compassionate, biblically-based understanding of salvation that will arouse great interest. Will resonate deeply with a postmodern generation, not easily won by a sin-focused, guilt-edged Gospel.
SPCK Publishing Rites of Ordination: Their History And Theology
Paul Bradshaw, one of the world's foremost scholars on the history of Christian liturgy, has shared this expertise in several works that have become standard texts for students of liturgy. In Rites of Ordination, Bradshaw turns his attention to the ways that Christians through the ages have understood what it means to ordain someone as a minister and how that has been expressed in liturgical practice. Bradshaw considers the typological background to ordained ministry some have drawn from the Old Testament and what ministry meant to the earliest Christian communities. He explores the ordination rites and theology of the early church, the Christian East, the medieval West, the churches of the Reformation, and the post-Tridentine Roman Catholic Church.
SPCK Publishing Journeying with John: Hearing The Voice Of John'S Gospel In Years A, B And C
Readings from the Gospel of John are brought into all the other Common Worship Lectionary years, for major occasions like Christmas or Easter, and to help reflection about the meaning of Jesus life and teaching. There are also several miracles (or sings) which are not mentioned in the other Gospels and can only be found in John, such as the wedding at Cana. A large proportion of the Gospel of John appears in Years A, B and C. The series unique slant is that it asks readers to use their imagination to bring the Gospel to life. It asks them to visualize themselves in the scenes that John describes in order to see the Gospels in a fresh and exciting way.
SPCK Publishing For Everyone Bible Study Guide: 1 And 2 Peter And Judah
The guides in this series by Tom Wright can be used on their own or alongside his New Testament for Everyone commentaries. They are designed to help you understand the Bible in fresh ways under the guidance of one of the world's leading New Testament scholars.
SPCK Publishing Christian Belief for Everyone: The Christian Life and Hope
The fifth and final volume in this highly engaging series of study guides to the basics of Christian belief reflects on how the creeds give us a framework for Christian living, as much as for Christian believing. Full of stories and helpful illustrations, the material has been tested out on congregations to ensure that it is enjoyable, useful, and easy to read! The Christian Life and Hope follows the well-received Faith and the Creeds (February 2013), The Living God (September 2013), Lord and Saviour: Jesus of Nazareth (April 2014), and Spirit of Grace (November 2014).
SPCK Publishing Holy Land?: Challenging Questions From The Biblical Landscape
Holy Land? will benefit those preparing to undertake a physical pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and those seeking a spiritual resource to deepen the life of faith and discipleship.
SPCK Publishing Tom Wright for Everyone: Putting The Theology Of N.T. Wright Into Practice In The Local Church
Tom Wright for Everyone addresses the reticence of many evangelicals to engage with what Tom Wright has been saying for some time. The book looks at key theological questions awaiting an answer and gives an enlightening summary of the theology of Tom Wright, arranged around terms like 'Covenant' 'Heaven' 'Kingdom' 'The resurrection of Jesus' and 'justification' Then, in perhaps the most valuable part of the book, Stephen Kuhrt describes in detail the difference putting Tom Wright's theology into practice has made in his own parish church, pastorally and in terms of mission. The book ends with a clear statement of Tom Wright's challenge to the Church in the second decade of the twenty-first century.
SPCK Publishing Resilient Pastors: The Role Of Adversity In Healing And Growth
Pastors, including clergy, need to be able to provide the right kind of circumstances, teaching and care to enable people to face crisis and come through difficulties stronger as human beings and as Christians. They also need the quality of resilience to be involved in Christian ministry. This book draws on the experience and literature of the desert as well as on resilience studies and on contemporary theology, particularly that of Rowan Williams, and applies theological understanding to the pastoral task.
SPCK Publishing For Everyone Bible Study Guide: Mark
A series of short, question-based study guides based around the New Testament For Everyone series. The series is intended to encourage church (and other) groups to study the Bible using the For Everyone model. Experienced Bible study writers have selected excerpts and written questions that guide users through the thought of Tom Wright on each passage. These have been reviewed, edited and approved by Tom Wright. Creation is in anguish. Paul's letter to the Romans, as well as the merest glance at our world, shows this clearly. The Church shares in the suffering, groaning in the tension between the 'already' of possessing the fruit of the Spirit and the 'not yet' of our present existence. Paul, however, also makes it abundantly clear that God doesn't stand apart from the pain. Rather, he entered it through Jesus and dwells in the middle of it in the Spirit. These studies present the whole picture of a suffering, sinful world and God's deep love, still working today to reconcile that world to himself.
SPCK Publishing Justification: God's Plan And Paul's Vision
In what has become known as the 'new perspective' on Paul, Tom Wright has proposed a vision of the apostle's central message that does full justice to all Paul's letters. In particular, he focuses on the God-centred nature of Paul's gospel, arguing that 'traditional' readings of Paul can suggest that the apostle's message is simply about us: our sin, our justification, our salvation. Ambitious in scope, yet closely argued, Justification: God's Plan and Paul's Vision suggests that this crucial understanding of the theology of St Paul, and thus of the gospel of Christ, is urgently needed as the Church faces the tasks of mission in a dangerous world. "This is definitely one of the most exciting and significant books that I have read this year. Like all of the author's work, I found it hard to set down once I had started to read it. Strongly commended!" Professor I. Howard Marshall, Honorary Research Professor of New Testament, University of Aberdeen
SPCK Publishing Fire of the North: The Life Of St Cuthbert
St Cuthbert, monk and bishop of Lindisfarne, was a man of extraordinary charm and ability. A preacher, teacher and pastor, he was also reputed to have gifts of prophecy and healing. David Adam, one of the most prolific and best-loved writers in the Celtic tradition, vividly relates the story of this central figure in Celtic Christianity. Drawing out the qualities which make Cuthbert so important in our own time, Fire of the North celebrates the saint's ready sense of God's presence and eager response to nature. The narrative is complemented throughout by prayers specially composed to help us experience the direct force of Celtic spirituality for ourselves.
SPCK Publishing Journeying with Matthew: Lectionary Year A
Christians who want to see Matthew's Gospel in a fresh and exciting way. Are you looking for a study to help you understand and use Matthew's Gospel? Will help individuals and groups to understand and use Matthew's Gospel in a small study or devotional setting. Journeying with Matthew' is a book to accompany the readings in year A of the Common Worship Lectionary. It aims to help individuals and groups to understand and use Matthew's Gospel.James Woodward is a Canon of Windsor, and the general editor of the book. He has written extensively in the area of pastoral and practical theology. His recent publications include Valuing Age (SPCK 2008).
SPCK Publishing Journeying with Luke: Lectionary Year C
This is a book to accompany the readings in year C of the Common Worship Lectionary. It aims to help individuals and groups to understand and use Luke's Gospel.
SPCK Publishing Befriending Death, Facing Loss
Although most of us desire a life of peace and commitment, sometimes we are required to look death in face – be it through bereavement, serious illness or even the end of a relationship. This book is addressed to the Christian reader who wants to reflect.
SPCK Publishing Exploring the Old Testament Vol 3: Psalms And Wisdom (Vol. 3)
The Psalms and Wisdom Literature is one of six textbooks covering the Old and New Testaments, all written by authors who have extensive experience of teaching students in their first two years of university-level study. This book offers an exploratory approach that enables students to engage with the text for themselves, and not simply to be passive learners. It provides activities and challenges at introductory and intermediate levels, the key background information needed to work at the required level, and ideas for further theological thought and reading. Students will discover: the kind of literature they are dealing with; the major questions in the scholarly study of these books; the structure and purpose of the books; the major themes and theology of each book; issues for today arising from each area of study. 'A study of the prophets that will serve admirably as a textbook for a class or a resource for individual study. I recommend this book highly to all who want to learn more about this important part of Hebrew Scriptures'. Tremper Longman III, Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies, Westmont College 'I have found the range of topics treated by Lucas enormously impressive. From all the usual introductory topics through to detailed guidelines for interpretation, students will find here admirable summaries of the main scholarly views together with sensible comments to help evaluate them. I know of no other textbook on the Psalms and Writings that will service its intended readership so helpfully'. Professor H.G.M. Williamson, Regius Professor of Hebrew, University of Oxford Comments on Exploring the Old Testament: The Prophets: 'It fulfils superbly its aim of making the prophets accessible to the student reader' Professor Robert P. Gordon, University of Cambridge.
SPCK Publishing The Fire and the Clay: Priest In Today'S Church
Discusses fundamental questions about what it means to be a priest in a changing church.
SPCK Publishing Transforming Priesthood: A New Theology Of Mission And Ministry
A theological reappraisal of the present and future role of the parish priest in Britain. Although written primarily with Anglicans in mind, the book is also full of insights for partner churches.
SPCK Publishing The Moral Maze: Way Of Exploring Christian Ethics
Moral decisions present the individual with a maze of possibilities which can be overwhelming. The increasing complexity of modern life makes it difficult for Christians to know what is ethically right and how to make the right choices.
SPCK Publishing Guess Who? Christmas: A Flip-the-Flap Book
Learn about the story of Christmas and guess who is hiding in this bright board book, ideal for toddlers who love a game of peek-a-boo! Includes twelve flaps with a different character under each, depicted in bright collage artwork. Bright collage-style artwork gives this interactive book a modern and exciting look that encourages children to get involved and stay with story to very last page as they discover just who is hiding under the flap.
SPCK Publishing The Sinister Student
It’s a Thursday evening in 1936. Clive Staples Lewis (known to all his friends as "Jack") is hosting a gathering of that well-known literary group, The Inklings. Among the regulars are his brother Warnie, J. R. R. Tolkien, Neville Coghill, Hugo Dyson and Adam Fox. Two visitors are also attending – Jack’s old pupil Tom Morris and an undergraduate named Auberon Willesden. The following morning Willesden is found murdered in his room in Magdalen, though both the door and the windows were locked from the inside. And not only has he been murdered: he has been beheaded – and the head is missing! Who killed the student? And why? And, more baffling still – how was it done? It’s a puzzle that will tax the brilliant ingenuity of Jack and his fellow Inklings to the limit. Praise for The Corpse in the Cellar: ‘A satisfying, many-faceted piece of holiday reading.’ Methodist Recorder ‘Charming.’ The Tablet
SPCK Publishing My First Bible Stories
My First Bible Stories is an ideal introduction to the Bible for the very young. Marie Allen's charming illustrative style creates a warmth throughout the book as children have a continuous introduction to the Bible. Karen Williamson worked as a London primary school teacher and publisher's editor before launching a successful career as full-time writer. With three children of her own, she specializes in Bible stories for young readers. As a child, Marie continually drew characters and illustrated fun books for friends and family. After studying graphic design and illustration at college she has worked on stationery, puzzles, greetings-cards, maps and posters as well as numerous children's books.
SPCK Publishing Oswiu: King of Kings
Oswald's head is on a spike. Can Oswiu avoid the same fate? The great pagan king Penda set a trap, and when the brothers Oswiu and Oswald walked in, only one came back alive. Rumours abound that the place where Oswald's body is strung up has become sacred ground - a site of healing for those who seek it. Oswald's mother believes he will protect those he loves, even beyond the grave. So she asks the impossible of Oswiu: to journey to the heart of Penda's kingdom and rescue the body that was stolen from them. Will this fateful task allow Oswiu to prove himself worthy of uniting the kingdoms under him as the King of Kings, or will it set him on a path to destruction? Oswiu: King of Kings is the masterful conclusion to The Northumbrian Thrones trilogy.
SPCK Publishing Alabaster
Maryam is stuck in an abusive marriage, living with her in-laws in a conservative, toxically religious village. A few years back, her father was given a jar of priceless perfume by a dying leper and it seemed as if their fortunes would improve, but then Maryam's father contracted leprosy and was exiled from the village. Maryam and her siblings, Eleazar and Marta, experience the shame and ostracism this brings. The precious jar that was meant to bring them freedom has only brought destruction. But rumors abound concerning a new doctor; perhaps hope is on the horizon. . . .Alabaster brings a first-century Middle Eastern village and its culture to life for modern-day readers.
SPCK Publishing Friends and Heroes: Bible: Stories from the Old and New Testament
Timeless, powerful Bible stories from the Old and New Testament are faithfully retold in this Children's Bible from the Friends and Heroes collection. Bible stories are full of truths about God's relationship with people, and how lives are changed by showing courage, faith, and hope as they trust and are guided by God. Discover the great stories of faithful followers such as Abraham, Moses, David, Daniel and Esther, and the prophets Elijah and Elisha, the life and teachings of Jesus, and the further adventures of his apostles, such as Peter and Paul. With Bible references, the significant details are retold so that children can engage and be inspired with the powerful message of God's plans and promises fulfilled. Illustrations of the Bible stories are taken from the epic animated Friends and Heroes videos for 6-10 year olds that brings the inspiring stories of the Old and New Testament to a new, worldwide generation of children in the twenty-first century, whatever their faith or background.
SPCK Publishing The Atheist Who Didn't Exist: Or the dreadful consequences of bad arguments
"A breath, a gust, a positive whoosh of fresh air. Made me laugh, made me think, made me cry." Adrian Plass In the last decade, atheism has leapt from obscurity to the front pages: producing best-selling books, making movies, and plastering adverts on the side of buses. There's an energy and a confidence to contemporary atheism: many people now assume that a godless scepticism is the default position, indeed the only position for anybody wishing to appear educated, contemporary, and urbane. Atheism is hip, religion is boring. Yet when one pokes at popular atheism, many of the arguments used to prop it up quickly unravel. The Atheist Who Didn't Exist is designed to expose some of the loose threads on the cardigan of atheism, tug a little, and see what happens. Blending humour with serious thought, Andy Bannister helps the reader question everything, assume nothing and, above all, recognise lazy scepticism and bad arguments. Be an atheist by all means: but do be a thought-through one.
SPCK Publishing Common Worship Lectionary 2025
SPCK Publishing The Hopeful Activist
SPCK Publishing Common Worship Lectionary 2019
The SPCK Lectionary provides a completely redesigned and clearly laid-out presentation of the Common Worship calendar and lectionary, with BCP readings on the same page. Sundays and major festivals are covered, as well as weekday
SPCK Publishing Christus Victor: An Historical Study Of The Three Main Types Of The Idea Of The Atonement
First published in 1931, Aulén's historical study of the doctrine of the Atonement continues to be essential reading for those studying theology. His survey of the three main Atonement theories 'Ransom Theory' 'Satisfaction' or 'Penal Substitution Theory' and the 'Moral Influence' theory as well as his own unique contribution to the debate means that this book has become an enduring classic.
SPCK Publishing David
What happens next?
SPCK Publishing Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 Soft-tone Purple
The Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 is the perfect church diary for anyone looking for a compact sized diary that follows the Common Worship calendar and includes lectionary readings. This 14 month diary has a clear, spacious week to view layout, beginning with Sunday, that offers plenty of room for keeping track of appointments while still being a convenient pocket size that’s easy to carry around. It also features two ribbon markers to keep your place throughout the year. Beginning in December 2021 and running to January 2023, it covers the entirety of the approaching Advent season. It also has all of the titles for the Sundays throughout the church calendar and the dates of festivals to correspond with the Common Worship calendar and lectionary and the Book of Common Prayer, making it an essential purchase for clergy and churchgoers wanting a Christian diary. Your important contact details and to-do lists will be at your fingertips as well with this little pocket diary – it includes pages at the back for personal memos, addresses and telephone numbers alongside the complete Common Worship Calendar and Lectionary readings for Advent 2021 - Advent 2022 and includes the BCP scheme. With information on every UK Anglican Diocese and those in the Republic of Ireland plus the names and addresses of all major Christian societies, charities and organisations covering all mainstream denominations, the Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 is ideal for ministers and congregations needing to stay organised on to go. This edition of the Church Pocket Book and Diary 2022 features a beautiful soft-tone cover in royal purple, inlaid with gold foil, and matching purple and gold ribbon markers.